Wednesday, 25 February 2015 (10:00 - 18:00) DG Environment, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160 Brussels (Meeting Room BU-05, 0/C)
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 (10:00 - 18:00) DG Environment, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160 Brussels (Meeting Room BU-05, 0/C)
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 (10:00 - 18:00) DG Environment, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160 Brussels (Meeting Room BU-05, 0/C)
Directorate A - Green Economy
ENV.A.1 - Eco-Innovation & Circular Economy
The EC and Germany, as member of the 10YFP Board, debriefed the group on recent
and planned 10YFP activities. A meeting of the 10YFP National Focal Points (NFP)
both from states and stakeholders within WEOG (Western Europe and Others Group)
took place in Rome on 10 November 2014. This event was co organised with the Italian
EU presidency. The emphasis was on the discussion of the state of play of the
implementation of the programme in the WEOG "region" and to identity possible
activities in support of implementation. Romania has debriefed on the First Eastern
Europe Regional Meeting on the 10YFP that was held in Geneva on 27 October 2014. At
the event the 10YFP Secretariat provided overview on the programme to representatives
from the region and also they shared information on progress on regional and national
initiatives and discussed possible cooperation.
The 10YFO Secretariat is planning to launch a survey of national SCP policies: It will be
done in two stages. Stage one will short 40 minutes survey to be filled up by focal points
based on their existing information without consultation. Stage two is planned to be a
longer survey that requires consultation with other ministries. Another planned
deliverables will be the country profiles on SCP policies: UNEP will provide a template
for this. Once work starts on these profiles, it would be useful to have consultations
between Commission and EU MS. A major meeting on 10YFP is planned for 14th May
and Friday 15th May 2015, in New York. This meeting will bring governmental and non-
There was a consensus on the usefulness of national and stakeholder focal points from
the EU keeping each other informed about their 10YFP related activities. An annual
meeting in this format and communication through a mailing list could serve this goal.
Germany has put forward the idea of producing a Commission "communication" on the
10YFP and also to hold a conference on SCP in the near future.
The European Commission debriefed participants about the work of the Open Working
Group on the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are to have a chapter
specifically dedicated to SCP but also other chapters are relevant, such as waste, cities,
innovation, etc. A related work for identifying the appropriate indicators for the SDGs is
also ongoing. In the discussion, it was emphasized that the relationship between the SDG
and the 10YFP should be strengthened and the 10YFP could serve as an implementation
mechanism in this respect. The stakeholder focal point present at the meeting found
SDGs short concrete elements, and overtly focusing on resource efficiency and business.
FR/ sylvain – we should push away the possibility of a new instrument for consumer
communication. Current instruments (Ecolabel, energy label) are good. They cover a
limited share of the market – gap with the huge majority of consumer products that are
left without any information. It’s not necessarily thorugh a new EU label, it wouldn’t
have to be mandatory – agrees with the progressive approach ideas.
Options – it could be voluntary to communicate, but then if you do so, it would be
checked against the official method to check green credentials.
Potentially powerful to fight greenwashing in the Single Market
Communication phase – we can communicate only for those that are sufficiently robust,
and where the data is reliable enough. We do need reliable verification.
Cautious on the behaviour – don’t expect too much on this side. Unless some pilots
would like to conduct lab-like experiments – but if it’s online communication on a few
products for 6 months.
Sweden – March – online survey to consumers, hosted by the consumer agency – testing
also environmental information for organic goods –
i. please send any input for existing experience and info
FI – support pilots – worry about who is setting the rules. Mostly it is the big companies
who rule and who have the resources. Be cautious to sell this idea to SMEs.
Progressive approach presented by BE – quite nice idea to have a baseline on certain
hotspots on each product – fulfilling these requirements in order to be sold and made in
EU countries.
Communication phase – evaluation communication phase? Consumer panels or groups
that are going to be followed?
EEB – at a certain point we need more information on what are the limits of the
The most probable - assessment tool for companies
We hope in methodological terms we’ll get to defining benchmark – could be integrated
into other policies as a tool
Don’t see it as a tool for minimum requirements or Ecolabels – don’t see it now
Communication – helpful to get a more comprehensive picture of the env performance of
products, but this doesn’t seem very relevant for consumers, rather B2B or to
Doesn’t seem very helpful to create another instrument for consumer communication
based on LCA – is the information generated based on the PEFCRs fit for that?
Opportunity once we identify key environmental information, communication on
How much to we go behind quantified LCA results? Will the PEFCR lead to freeze the
situation? No further improvement, or complementary approaches in additional
environmental information?
Let’s clarify constraints and then go into the discussion
DK – concerned by all the methods for Ecolabel, Ecodesign, how to make requirements.
When are we going to align?
Want to compare apples to apples pears to pears
BE – same concerns about the SMEs as others – we have an internal PEF project,
helping SMEs to participate in the exercise. The SMEs we are following are able to
participate in the debate, but not ready to provide an input. By big companies for big
Is it necessary to go to a label with specific information, or rather have the Ecolabel as a
“universal” label .
Green claims – will we be able to improve the rules on green claims?
Disappointed about the position of the Commission – general consumer protection rules,
that the rules are valid for green claims as well – in BE we have a legal framework for
the EPD of construction products – if they want to make a green claim, they have to be
registered; they cannot focus only on one element of the life cycle.
Different approach in the two regions – in the S of the country green claims are a big
EEB – can we aask during the communication pilot phase if companies testing the green
claim aspects
E.g. sustainability marketing in companies participating – can we use the communication
pilots to ask companies to refrain from green claims unless they are supported by the
methodology – they could explore within their marketing department (not necessarily
Energy label – testing different layouts – appreciated that run a consumer understanding
and consumer willingness to pay test – comparison on the success to drive consumers
towards the best products – so that outputs can provide this kind of information.
Methodology of the – which product performs better then the others. Which one would
you actually buy?
FR – we shouldn’t get stuck with the idea that PEf-based information is necessarily in
separate indicators. We can get to a single score and relative scales.
We continue to work on this aspect – had different labels and formats tested – not to
introduce new labels on the market . Most companies only want to disclose complicated
(4) (17:00-18:00) Brief reports from the European Commission, Member States
and stakeholders about recent SCP related developments