753 Code of The Professional: General Metrics

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

753 Code of the Professional

by Dexter van Avondale

General metrics
12,431 2,253 170 9 min 0 sec 17 min 19 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

71 171 50 121
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 71%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
8 Clarity
8 Wordy sentences

50 Correctness
23 Comma misuse within clauses
12 Confused words
8 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
4 Misspelled words
1 Faulty subject-verb agreement

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

1 Incorrect verb forms

1 Pronoun use

Unique Words 28%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 32%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.3

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 13.3

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

753 Code of the Professional

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On a daily basis, we are inundated with motivational quotes, and speakers and
people making us feel bad that we are not super achievers. Reminding us that
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we are unhappy with what our lives are. As veteran of the hospitality trade I can
tell you that its all madness. There is no magic cure for ful llment. And there
are no short cuts to achievement. One thing that has become abundantly clear
to me is that there are fewer and fewer professionals out there. Everywhere in
every industry the art of professionalism is being supplanted by nihilism. We
are all being made into clogs in the machinery and we have lost that feeling
that comes from putting in a good days honest work.

There are of course a few bright sparks out there, that by their very nature act
professionally, but they are now so rare as to be ridiculed for the good attitudes
they have. Have we not also seen a decline in common sense? So much so that
those that have it are sometimes akin to superheros. So where have all the
professionals gone? I will tell you. They've been brow beaten and pushed aside
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in pursuit of the the all mighty dollar. The bottom line is all anyone cares about,
how much pro t did the company post, and no one cares about how it was

But here's the question... why is it necessary to sacri ce professionalism on

the altar of pro t? Is it not also true that we can do both? In fact is that not a
desirable outcome? These questions and the answers to them is what led me to
this concept. The truth is that no one is taught the principles of
professionalism. Moreover no one is being taught the value of being

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

professional. The true professional is a bad ass. A warrior with no Master. A
Ronin. A true professional has become a myth, a unicorn in the modern world.
But they exist, they are out there doing great things, things that we can only
dream about.

To be a professional you have to master your craft and to do this you rst have
to master yourself. More to the point you must develop yourself. You are the
teacher and the student. You are the leader and the follower.

The Concept of being a professional person stems from the understanding that
you are not your job. Rather your job is a part of who you are. Essentially you
have to start from the understanding that if you are unhappy at work, the
problem is not with the work but rather with your perception of what the work
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means to you. In order to be successful in your work you have to be successful
in your development.

The rst step is to become be a holistic person. Forget all this peace, love
happiness, nonsense. The point of life is not happiness... happiness is the
bonus you get when you live your life well. If you are looking for something to
motivate you, then you already missed the point. No one can motivate you. You
need to motivate yourself. You need to get out there and just start. The point of
life is the pursuit of a goal. It is in the pursuit of something great and often
dif cult that we nd nobility and meaning.

The key is to nd balance. There must be a balance between all aspects of your
life. To put things bluntly, if you are unhappy in your personal life, it will affect

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

your work life. Reciprocally if you are unhappy in your work life, it will affect
your personal life.
It has been said; that if you love your job you will never work a day in your life.
Unfortunately it is not always by choice that we do the work we do. The 753
Code of the Professional looks at this problem from a different perspective. The
Code is a breakdown or rather a set of behaviors that will orient your life in a
way that will generate more meaning out of your daily activities. At the same
time it is a code of conduct that will ensure that you reach your highest
potential in any task that you choose to engage in,

The fact that you desire a different life will not change your reality. You have to
put in the work. You have to make the effort. In this way you will become the
best version of yourself. The goal is to help you nd ful llment and balance. The
result is that you will give your best and this will result in a positive energy,
creating a positive and energized environment where ever you are. The idea is to
get you to take control of every environment you enter and create there a
positive energy that sets you up to enjoy every aspect of your life. The result will
be a professional that operates and moves through life in the correct way.

The 753 Code of the professional derives from the traditional Samurai code of
honor, discipline and morality known as Bushido “the way of the warrior”. It
speaks of Discipline and Mental Fortitude. Aside from the martial aspects of
Bushido it is an excellent guide to the core concepts that make a professional
person. It further helps to set the stage for excellence in every thing we can
hope to achieve by focusing on mastery of any task undertaken.

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

The 753 code of the professional has been adapted from the Warrior Code of
the Samurai. The goal is to live a balanced life of meaning in service of an ideal.
The word Samurai means “To Serve”. Serving others is one of the greatest
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virtues one can aspire to. To serve, it is the corner stone of work and in order to
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excel at service we must embrace the concept. In the modern world we sell our
services and this makes us Ronin. We are warriors that sell our service and by
following the principles of Bushido we will attain the greatest success

The 753 code is broken down as the 7 virtues, the 5 keys to health and the 3
states of mind. By understanding and applying these principles to our daily
activities we will be professional and successful and as a result we may even
attain happiness.

7 – Virtues of a professional Person:

· 1) Rectitude; morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness.

In its simplest form this means to act well. We all know the difference between
good and bad behavior even though we often pretend we don't. The truth is
that, every time we engage in behavior that we know is wrong, we make the
world a little worse. Moreover, we can achieve the same results by doing things
in the right way. Being good doesn't cost you more, but doing wrong can cost
you everything.
'The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching’. –
John Wooden

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· 2) Courage; the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.

Step into the world and see what happens. This is the start of motivation. This
is how we get the best out of the world. At the end of the day the best version of
yourself is the one that takes on the challenge knowing you could fail. The real
failure is not trying.
‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it’ -
Nelson Mandela

· 3) Benevolence; the quality of being well meaning; Kindness.

It is harder than you might think to be kind if you are not a generous person. The
idea is to do for others without any thought of the bene t you may gain. If you
act from this principle people will surprise you every time. Give more that you
expect to receive.
‘A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of
money’ – John Ruskin

· 4) Propriety; the details or rules of behavior conventionally considered to be

correct; politeness.

Follow the rules of good manners. Say "Please" and "Thank you". This is
something that we seem to have forgotten. Manners are more important that
you realize. And it takes the same amount of time to rude as its does to be
‘Politeness is a sign of dignity, not subservience.’ -Theodore Roosevelt

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· 5) Honesty; when you speak the truth and act truthfully.

This one cannot be over stated. Our society is predicated on the basic principle
of honesty. This is the cornerstone of trust. In all aspects of life try to be
truthful, start with yourself, far too many people lie to themselves. The truth is
the most powerful weapon you have.
‘Honesty is the rst chapter in the book of wisdom.’ -Thomas Jefferson

· 6) Honor; to have high respect and great esteem, to know and do what is
morally right, to regard others with respect.

It is dif cult to de ne honor, but it has something to do with honesty. Deal with
people in an honorable way and they will reward you with trust. Honor is
something that builds a better world, the more honorable your actions are the
more people will trust you and this will lead them to regard you with honor and
‘Act well your part, there all honor lies.’ -Alexander Pope

· 7) Loyalty; the state of being loyal and having faithfulness in commitments or


If you practice the 6 virtues above you will reap loyalty. This is a guarantee. Be
Loyal in return, there is no greater reward. Like respect, loyalty is reciprocal
when offered freely. This is what lies at the base of professionalism.
‘Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than
-Bryant H. McGill

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5- Keys to Health:

· 1) Rational Nutrition; this implies food intake balanced with energy

expenditure. In other words you have to eat enough healthy food at regular
intervals to fuel your energy needs for day. The key is to ensure that you are
never burning more energy than you are taking in. It is further important to get a
healthy balance of nutrients needed for all the body functions. Always keep in
mind, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

· 2) Sensible Exercise; You have to maintain a good balance of exercise and rest.
Again, it’s all about balance. Too much exercise will cause damage to your
muscle bers and lead to problems. The idea is to be active and healthy. Do not
overdo it.

· 3) Ef cient Rest; Rest is one of the most important things to a healthy

balanced life. The average human needs to sleep between 6 and 8 hours in a 24
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hour cycle. Too little sleep can cause your physical and mental Health to suffer.
The same is true for too much sleep.

· 4) Proper Hygiene; This is one of the most important aspects of a healthy

lifestyle. Personal Hygiene is the corner stone of a healthy lifestyle. Being
Healthy starts with having and maintaining good personal hygiene.

· 5) Positive Attitude; Attitude is everything. A positive attitude is the guide to
leading a positive life. If you're feeling down and having a particularly negative

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outlook on the way things are going, just remember that attitude is everything
and a positive attitude will lead you out of the darkest of times.

3- States of Mind:

· 1) Alertness; be aware of your surroundings, and be mindful of everything and

50 51
everyone. Remain is a state of active attention in order to be ready to act or

· 2) Clear Mind; A mind that is healthy and productive. The idea is to think in a
52 53
clear manner. Without mental clutter the mind is free to function at its highest
rate of pro ciency.

· 3) Emotional Balance; Emotional balance is the ability of the mind and body to
maintain equilibrium and exibility in the face of challenge and change.
Emotional balance promotes physical health, and is a prerequisite for personal
well being and growth.

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In order to be professional your rst task is to avoid being unprofessional. To be
fair, not everyone knows what it means to be professional, but we all know what
it means to be unprofessional. Simply put, treat people the way you want to be
treated. Remain consistent and give credit where credit is due. Treat people
with respect and stay true to your word.

The professional is competent, reliable and honest. Has integrity, respect for
others and is self- motivated. A positive force in the workplace supporting

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colleagues and above all, the professional listens carefully and communicates

The mark of a Professional is how you treat people. Always be respectful.

Remain calm and be consistent. Everything starts and stops with you. Being a
professional can seem unfair and this can be frustrating, but keep in mind you
are doing this for yourself. And no one can take away your feeling of

All this can be daunting, and you will be frustrated but, it is how you handle
that frustration that will ultimately mark your success or failure.

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”
- Stephen McCranie

“Every company, organization or group with the ability to inspire starts with a
person or small group of people who were inspired to do something bigger than
- Simon Sinek

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1. On a daily basis → Daily Wordy sentences Clarity

2. , and Comma misuse within Correctness


3. As → A Confused words Correctness

4. a veteran Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

5. trade, Comma misuse within Correctness


6. industry, Comma misuse within Correctness


7. days → day Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

8. superheros → superheroes, superhero Misspelled words Correctness

9. brow beaten → browbeaten Confused words Correctness

10. the the Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

11. the the all Misspelled words Correctness

12. In fact is Wordy sentences Clarity

13. fact, Comma misuse within Correctness


14. is → are Faulty subject-verb Correctness


15. Moreover, Comma misuse within Correctness


16. bad ass → badass Confused words Correctness

17. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

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18. work, Comma misuse within Correctness


19. to be Incorrect verb forms Correctness

20. Unfortunately, Comma misuse within Correctness


21. time, Comma misuse within Correctness


22. way, Comma misuse within Correctness


23. a positive Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

24. a positive Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

25. correctly moves through life, Wordy sentences Clarity

precisely moves through life,
accurately moves through life

26. , and Comma misuse within Correctness


27. Bushido, Comma misuse within Correctness


28. every thing → everything Confused words Correctness

29. the service Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

30. corner stone → cornerstone Confused words Correctness

31. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

32. service, Comma misuse within Correctness


33. world, Comma misuse within Correctness

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34. , and Comma misuse within Correctness


35. result, Comma misuse within Correctness


36. form, Comma misuse within Correctness


37. that, Comma misuse within Correctness


38. day, Comma misuse within Correctness


39. well meaning → well-meaning Misspelled words Correctness

40. that → than Confused words Correctness

41. that → than Confused words Correctness

42. its → it Pronoun use Correctness

43. over stated → overstated Confused words Correctness

44. words, Comma misuse within Correctness


45. the day Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

46. 24 hour → 24-hour Misspelled words Correctness

47. Health → health Confused words Correctness

48. corner stone → cornerstone Confused words Correctness

49. the guide → a guide Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

50. is → in Confused words Correctness

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Report: 753 Code of the Professional

51. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

52. in a clear manner → clearly, undoubtedly Wordy sentences Clarity

53. clutter, Comma misuse within Correctness


54. health, Comma misuse within Correctness


55. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

56. professional, Comma misuse within Correctness


57. , and Comma misuse within Correctness


58. self- motivated → self-motivated Confused words Correctness

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