Malaysia Custom Course
Malaysia Custom Course
Malaysia Custom Course
15-16 August , 2019 NU HOTEL ,
This program shall enlighten participants particularly those involved in importation or exportation as to the relevant
customs procedures and documentation. The two days program shall highlight the relevant procedures related to
importation and exportation of goods under the Custom Act and Customs Regulations and not the least the
requirement as to import/export permits. The program will also summarize the various facilities and exemptions
available to importers and Exporters
Understand the latest customs import & export procedures and documentation
Understand the various Customs Forms /composite Forms and its usages
How to deal with Classification& valuation issues
Overcome the common problems associated with Imports & Exports
Understanding the basic facilities and incentives to importers and exporters
Determining the Tariff code
Nadaraja A/L Patchaimuthu formerly served with the Royal Malaysia Customs (1980-1997) as a Senior Officer and
attached to various units and his key roles includes customs administration, import and export procedures,
classification, valuation, and licensing and customs compliance. He possess an in-dept knowledge of various customs
legislations including Custom Act, Sales Tax Act, Service Tax Act, Excise Act, GST Act and many other subsidiary
legislations. He has vast experience in Customs matters and has been a guest lecturer at the Royal Malaysia Customs
Academy in Malacca on various occasions to deliver lectures on various aspects of Customs Laws and procedures.
He is now involved in legal practice and at the same time is actively involved in conducting seminars and workshops on
customs matters. He has also conducts in house training for various companies including statutory bodies and has
advised and consulted upon by companies on issues such as customs and sales tax valuation, classification, service tax
matters, drawback, refunds, exemptions and others. He was officially appointed by the Customs Department to
conduct Basic Customs Course for forwarding agents during 2005 – 2007
He is also an Associate of the Malaysia Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and an Associate Member
of Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (ACTIM) and is currently involved in customs litigation and offering consultancy
services on Customs matters
The Organizer has to right to change its trainer , venue for the best interest of its participants
A proxy is allowed to replace the actual participant, however please inform us earlier
All of our training program are HRDF claimable (Terms & Conditions Applied)
No. 16, 2nd floor, Pusat Pedada off Jalan Pedada, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel: 084-353313 Mr Jet Lim: 013-8092191 Email:
Fax: 084-342313 Ms Cynthia: 013-5692191 Email: