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WEEK 14 – 15 (NOVEMBER 23- DECEMBER 5, 2020) legislation. Some packages and labels also are used for track and trace purposes.
LESSON 11: INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCT PACKAGING Most items include their serial and lot numbers on the packaging, and in the case of
TOPICS: Graphic Design Styles food products, medicine, and some chemicals the packaging often contains an
At the end of this session, you will be able to: expiry/best-before date, usually in a shorthand form. Packages may indicate their
Understand the different types of product packaging and its importance and construction material with a symbol.
relevant. Marketing – Packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential
Familiar on incorporating actual product to packaging design layout buyers to purchase a product. Package graphic design and physical design have been
Apply incorporating actual product to packaging design layout base on type important and constantly evolving phenomena for several decades. Marketing
of product packaging communications and graphic design are applied to the surface of the package and
often to the point of sale display. Most packaging is designed to reflect the brand's
Product Packaging. message and identity on the one hand while highlighting the respective product
concept on the other hand.
Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for Security – Packaging can play an important role in reducing the security risks of
distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of designing, shipment. Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter
evaluating, and producing packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of manipulation and they can also have tamper-evident features indicating that
preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, tampering has taken place. Packages can be engineered to help reduce the risks of
protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells. package pilferage or the theft and resale of products: Some package constructions are
more resistant to pilferage than other types, and some have pilfer-indicating seals.
Package labeling Counterfeit consumer goods, unauthorized sales (diversion), material substitution and
tampering can all be minimized or prevented with such anti-counterfeiting
It is any written, electronic, or graphic communication on the package or on a technologies. Packages may include authentication seals and use security printing to
separate but associated label. help indicate that the package and contents are not counterfeit. Packages also can
include anti-theft devices such as dye-packs, RFID tags, or electronic article
The purpose of Product Packaging and Labeling. surveillance tags that can be activated or detected by devices at exit points and
The wrapping material around a consumer item is serves to: require specialized tools to deactivate. Using packaging in this way is a means of
retail loss prevention.
Physical protection – The objects enclosed in the package may require protection Convenience – Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution,
from, among other things, mechanical shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, using, dispensing, reusing,
compression, temperature, etc. recycling, and ease of disposal
Barrier protection – A barrier to oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc., is often required. Portion control – Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise amount of
Permeation is a critical factor in design. Some packages contain desiccants or oxygen contents to control usage. Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into
absorbers to help extend shelf life. Modified atmospheres or controlled atmospheres packages that are a more suitable size for individual households. It also aids the
are also maintained in some food packages. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile control of inventory: selling sealed one-liter bottles of milk, rather than having people
and safe for the duration of the intended shelf life is a primary function. A barrier is bring their own bottles to fill themselves.
also implemented in cases where segregation of two materials prior to end use is Branding/Positioning – Packaging and labels are increasingly used to go beyond
required, as in the case of special paints, glues, medical fluids, etc. marketing to brand positioning, with the materials used and design chosen key to the
Containment or agglomeration – Small objects are typically grouped together in storytelling element of brand development. Due to the increasingly fragmented media
one package for reasons of storage and selling efficiency. For example, a single box landscape in the digital age this aspect of packaging is of growing importance.
of 1000 marbles require less physical handling than 1000 single marbles. Liquids,
powders, and granular materials need containment. Packaging types
Information transmission – Packages and labels communicate how to use, Packaging may be of several different types. For example, a transport
transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. With pharmaceuticals, food, package or distribution package can be the shipping container used to ship, store, and handle
medical, and chemical products, some types of information are required by
government 2
1 the product or inner packages. Some identify a consumer package as one which is directed
toward a consumer or household.
Packaging may be described in relation to the type of product being packaged: Other regions and countries have their own regulatory requirements. For example, the
medical device packaging, bulk chemical packaging, over-the-counter drug packaging, UK has its Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations as well as several other
retail food packaging, military materiel packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, etc. regulations. In the EEA, products with hazardous formulas need to have a UFI.
It is sometimes convenient to categorize packages by layer or
function: primary, secondary, etc.
Shipping container labeling
Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product and holds it. Technologies related to shipping containers are identification codes, bar codes, and
This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is electronic data interchange (EDI). These three core technologies serve to enable the business
in direct contact with the contents. functions in the process of shipping containers throughout the distribution channel. Each has
Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging, and may be used to an essential function: identification codes either relate product information or serve as keys to
prevent pilferage or to group primary packages together. other data, bar codes allow for the automated input of identification codes and other data, and
Tertiary or transit packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage EDI moves data between trading partners within the distribution channel.
and transport shipping. The most common form is a palletized unit load that Elements of these core technologies include UPC and EAN item identification codes,
packs tightly into containers. the SCC-14 (UPC shipping container code), the SSCC-18 (Serial Shipping Container Codes),
Packaging can also have categories based on the package form. For example, Interleaved 2-of-5 and UCC/EAN-128 (newly designated GS1-128) bar code symbologies,
thermoform packaging and flexible packaging describe broad usage areas. and ANSI ASC X12 and UN/EDIFACT EDI standards.
Labels and symbols used on packages Small parcel carriers often have their own formats. For example, United Parcel
Service has a MaxiCode 2-D code for parcel tracking.
Many types of symbols for package labeling are nationally and internationally
standardized. For consumer packaging, symbols exist for product certifications (such as RFID labels for shipping containers are also increasingly used. A Wal-
the FCC and TÜV marks), trademarks, proof of purchase, etc. Some requirements and Mart division, Sam's Club, has also moved in this direction and is putting pressure on its
symbols exist to communicate aspects of consumer rights and safety, for example the CE suppliers to comply.
marking or the estimated sign that notes conformance to EU weights and measures accuracy Shipments of hazardous materials or dangerous goods have special information and
regulations. Examples of environmental and recycling symbols include the recycling symbol, symbols (labels, placards, etc.) as required by UN, country, and specific carrier requirements.
the recycling code (which could be a resin identification code), and the "Green Dot". Food On transport packages, standardized symbols are also used to communicate handling needs.
packaging may show food contact material symbols. In the European Union, products of Some are defined in the ASTM D5445 "Standard Practice for Pictorial Markings for
animal origin which are intended to be consumed by humans have to carry standard, oval- Handling of Goods" and ISO 780 "Pictorial marking for handling of goods".
shaped EC identification and health marks for food safety and quality insurance reasons.
Bar codes, Universal Product Codes, and RFID labels are common to allow
automated information management in logistics and retailing. Country-of-origin labeling is
often used. Some products might use QR codes or similar matrix barcodes. Packaging may
have visible registration marks and other printing calibration and troubleshooting cues.
Consumer package contents
Several aspects of consumer package labeling are subject to regulation. One of the
most important is to accurately state the quantity (weight, volume, count) of the package
contents. Consumers expect that the label accurately reflects the actual contents.
Manufacturers and packagers must have effective quality assurance procedures and accurate 4
equipment; even so, there is inherent variability in all processes. KNOWLEDGE ON INCORPORATING ACTUAL PRODUCT TO PACKAGING
Regulations attempt to handle both sides of this. In the USA, the Fair Packaging and
Labeling Act provides requirements for many types of products. Also, NIST has Handbook 9 Things You Should Know Before Starting Packaging Design and Development
133, Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods. This is a procedural guide for 1. Project Brief
compliance testing of net contents and is referenced by several other regulatory agencies.
As obvious as it may sound, one of the most important facets of the packaging design
and development process is the brief. Getting the brief wrong is like starting to cook with the
wrong ingredients.
Any new product development involves gathering accurate requirements which are
later translated into the end product through progressive transformation. However, as George
Bernard Shaw rightly put it, “the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that
it has taken place.” If the brief given doesn’t match the actual requirement the overall
experience becomes unpleasant and the final product is way off base.
To avoid this kind of a situation one must be geared with the right set of requirements
before starting the packaging design & development process.
“The first step towards this is to define the primary goal clearly.”
For example, when a renowned oil manufacturer approached us to redesign their
existing PET bottles they had a specific problem to solve. They wanted to increase the load-
bearing capacity of the bottle to avoid damage during transportation. ‘Customer is king’ may be a cliche but is also a stark truth. The target group is one of the
Having said that, however, putting together information on secondary variables like most dominant pieces while putting together the packaging puzzle.
pack sizes, timelines, budget, target audience, deliverables etc. should not be neglected at this “There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and
stage. direct a superior offering to that target market.”
2. Get to Know the Product Knowing your target group helps you know who they are, their interests, their
By this time you’re starting to warm up for the task ahead of you. At the core of any aspirations, their needs etc. In the case of Kinder Joy, the packaging is designed to appeal to
packaging design and development process is the product that will be contained inside. it’s younger target audience. With its usability and visual communication, the packaging is
Getting to know that product well will hold you in good stead in the long run. seamlessly blended as part of the product experience.
Where does the product come from?
Additionally, factors like pack size, material, and budget can all be derived by
What is the need for the product? knowing the target audience. Louis Vuitton would never have packaging made from a flimsy
What is the USP of the product? material that may wear out easily. For a similar reason, making bulky shampoo packs for
Answering all these questions would help identify the soul of the product which in turn people who travel often would be a disaster.
would be reflected in the design of the final packaging. Having an in-depth understanding of the target group can go a long way while
designing any packaging.
For example, when Liso Chocolatier came to us 4. Channel Chosen to Sell the Product
with a packaging design problem, we answered The packaging of a product is dictated by the channel on which it will be sold on.
all these questions in detail. What this resulted Packaging meant for a mom and pop store is different from packaging for a supermarket or
into was packaging that brought out the artisan an online store. Therefore it is imperative that you must have clarity on the channel and the
character of the spreads on to the label so the lifecycle of the product till the time it reaches the hands of the customer.
packaging could convey the vision of the For example, when we started to design a festive pack for Cadbury meant for the e-
founders. With this approach, Liso was able to commerce channel, the dynamics of the project were drastically different from that of retail
differentiate its product from other chocolate packaging. Here, apart from the usual dynamics, we had to take into consideration aspects of
spreads on the retail shelf. last mile delivery. This was critical for a perishable product like chocolate where the integrity
of the actual product may be compromised.
5 Elements that enabled this design were the gel packs, the material of the box, and the
3. Know Your Target Group chocolate moulds.
The Kinder Joy packaging obviously isn’t a coincidence. It was designed keeping in 6
mind the target audience in question – children of a specific age-group. On the other hand of the spectrum, the space available on the label of a package is
crucial in the case of retail packaging. Therefore introducing design ideas that help leverage
the label space is always a welcome change. An example of this is IML tubs used by Amul to
package their butter. Some advantages of adopting in-mold labeling are – more branding
space on the label with high print quality, shorter production time, lower production cost, and the other in their taste. This goes on to reflect the absence of product character while
higher resistance to external wear and tear. designing the packaging.
Therefore, competitive analysis adds value to the process and gives you a great
starting point to start weaving your thoughts around and prepare for the shelf impact you’re
6. Packaging Design vs Packaging Redesign
There’s always that one new person on the team who comes and moves everything
around while in the new job fervor. While the hustle may be well-meant this usually ends up
in the team resenting the new person in question.
Why does this happen?
Well, it is pretty straightforward. The human brain is wired to resist change. Hence
any new change is usually dealt with negative emotions resulting in resistance.
Packaging is no different. Conditioning your customer to the packaging of a new
product is simple if you’ve got the basics correct. However, conditioning them to a
redesigned package is a different ball game altogether. Hence, the golden rule is to approach
packaging redesign projects differently.
A fitting example of packaging redesign gone wrong is Tropicana. PepsiCo invested
35 million dollars in an advertising campaign to promote new packaging for the fruit juice
5. What is the
brand. While the sales initially saw a significant uplift, the buzz, as well as the sales,
Competition Doing
eventually saw a dip.
It rarely ever
happens that there isn’t
a competitor in the
market selling products
which are similar to
yours. Hence you can
almost be sure that
there’ll be others like
you on the shelf and
you’ll have to compete
for shelf impact.
In a situation
like this, I’ve sometimes seen brands do one of these two things. First – they invest all their
expectations in the poor designer hoping to get something different. Second – they mimic “Pro Tip – Know exactly why you are redesigning
their competition so literally that the target group cannot make out the difference between the your packaging and if you can help it, introduce
two brands. design changes gradually.”
7 7. Do You Want the Packaging to be Functional?
Here, taking the middle path is more strategic.
While you should leave the innovation for the designers, you should also learn from By now you are deep into the process of
your competitors. They are the only ones whose knowledge of your business might be on par conceptualizing your packaging design and
with you. A thorough competitive analysis will help you understand what is likely to work in development process. So before the actual design
the market. More so, what does not and may not work. process starts you might want to agree on the
You don’t have to make the same mistakes your competitors made. functionality of the packaging. A question to
When we did the competitive analysis for Liso Chocolatier the most important answer in this regard is – to what extent is
insight we got is that all the packaging on the shelf reflected the “me too” personality. What
functionality essential in my packaging?
was even more surprising was each of these individual products was evidently different from
An Amazon box, which is usually a secondary or tertiary packaging, only fulfills the Yes, I know. These are just the things you need to know before you start the
function it is meant for, protecting the product inside it while it is being transported from one packaging development process.
place to another. Some may find this level of detail futile, some may find it overwhelming,
However, it doesn’t have to be like that. and then again some will consider reading it and then forget all about it.
Heinz, for example, innovated its ketchup bottle design to make it more convenient However, after managing multiple projects for clients in various industries I
for the end user. Hence came the upside down bottle that drove the sales up by 6% in one can say one thing with certainty, do not disregard the value of planning
year. ahead.
8. Types of Tests Possible
“Make time for planning. Wars are won in the general’s tent”
Before starting the design process, you may also want to identify the tests that you
would need to conduct to measure the integrity of the packaging. This is important as along
with identifying the tests you can also determine the most cost-effective ways to fulfilling Outline Pattern for Packaging and Labeling
these tests. Visualizing the packaging look like will give as idea on how it will be layout from
six dimensional to two dimensional outline pattern of the product packaging. This outline
Testing that may be required at various stages. pattern is a flat layout of all sides of the actual package.
Material Testing – Here you must test if the material in question is suitable for the Basic Outline pattern for Product Packaging
packaging or not. For example in the case of acidic food products the material of choice There are 3 basic outline patterns for product packaging those are shoe box, match
would be one that does not corrode. This will have to be verified through testing. box and crayon box.
Machine Trials – At this stage, you’ll want to test whether the available machinery for the
packaging products is fulfilling the manufacturing requirement as per the specifications. 1.Detach Cover type Box - This box had two part the container box where holds the product
Usually, this testing involves manufacturing of a sample batch of products and then and the box cover to cover the opening of the box. Example of this is a classic shoe box
qualifying it as per the given specifications.
Transit Trials – Lastly, you will want to consider how the packaging is performing during
transit by conducting actual trials along the expected route of the package. Some of the 10
tests involved here are
Drop Test Cover Box
Vibration Test
Inclined Impact Test
2.Drawer type Box - The same with detach Cover type Box it is compose of two parts the
only different is how the box cover enclose the container box. Match box is an example of
this type.
Container box
2.Drawer type Box
This is an example on how the given dimension is apply in making packaging box using the
2nd basic type. Part with the shade of gray indicates all part to be hidden when you assemble
the box. Then it is ideal to put all label on the unshaded part.
3.Attach Cover type Box - This box is different with the first two in a reason of its cover is
direct attach on the container box. Great example is the classic crayon box.
Cover 3.Attach Cover type Box
Applying the 3 basics outline pattern with the given dimension
This is an example on how the given dimension is apply in making packaging box using the a. Box cover b. Hidden box opening
basic type. Part
box with the shade of gray indicates all part to be hidden when you assemble c. Glue d. Closing
the box. Then it is ideal to put all label on the unshaded part. 8. Transit trials involved the ff except on.
a. Drop b. Inclined impact
c. Vibration d. Water
9. The process of improving package design is called_____________.
a. Packaging Re layout b. Packaging Evolving
c. Form Factor d. Packaging Re design
10. It serve as item container.
a. Container box b. Product Packaging
c. Product container d. Product box with label
Benefits of a Product Mockup 4.Still image mockups - Still image mockups are a great choice for showcasing the design of
There are two main reasons to use mockups: a physical product, like a t-shirt or a book cover. Rather than producing the item and
spending money on time-intensive photo shoots, a still image mockup is an easy way to give
1.Realistic perspective – You and others will be able to see what your product will look like people an idea of what the product looks like in real life. You can even use still image
before it’s produced. Whether it’s an app, a product, or a huge city banner, a product mockup mockups for
helps visualize the end result. 16
15 billboards and banner mockups.
2.Early revisions - Mockups will give you the opportunity to solicit feedback on your
product before you produce it. Using mockups in this way can often identify issues in the 5.Moving image mockups - Moving image mockups give you the opportunity to showcase
design that need to be corrected before production. Another example would be for print-on- how a product functions and how the intended user will interact with it. They work
demand businesses, allowing sellers to show what the final design will look like on the particularly well for developers to demonstrate an app’s interface, for example — but they
product so changes can be made before printing. can be useful in a number of other situations as well.
Packaging presentation
Presenting a product packaging could be as hard or harder that presenting a new
product idea. This product packaging is the last way of marketing and convincing those
possible buyers to invest on the product. Then making an effective product packaging is one
of the most important part of introducing a new product in the market. In presenting Product
Packaging we need to provide the following:
Packaging Design
Packaging design deals with the following.
QUIZ: Select the letter of the correct answer. Write only the letter of your answer in
a sheet of paper.
1. It is a model of what your final product of packaging will look like.
a. Mockup b. Layout
c. Image d. Box
2. Anatomy of a mockup deals with the color balance.
a. Level b. Contrast
c. Spacing d. B&W
3. It is a physical representation of a product design, to be used in particular situations.
a. Digital b. Apparel
c. Location d. Physical
4. It is a digital representation of a physical mockup.
a. Digital b. Apparel
c. Location d. Physical
5. It can be tedious to prepare product images for every variation of a piece of apparel.
a. Digital b. Apparel
c. Location d. Physical
Performance Objective:
Draw a packaging mockup based on your output drawing of outline box activity in Lesson 11
on a bond paper.
Supplies and Materials: Bond paper
Equipment: Ruler and Pencil with eraser.
Steps and Procedure:
1. Draw an orthographic projection of the packaging outline correctly.
2. Draw an isometric projection of the packaging outline correctly.
3. All sizes are followed correctly.
4. Draw shadow properly. 22
WEEK 17 (DECEMBER 14- 19, 2020)
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
Product Packaging Mockup Trim lines are placed 1/8" from the artwork and text to prevent cutting off any
There are ways of presenting a Mockup. The most important details during printing.
common way in presenting product packaging is by a
Digital Mockup but still it defence on the requirment of the Crease lines are added at least 1/8" from the most crucial artwork portions. This
client. Digital Mockup is a digital presentation of the actual prevents the areas behind the lines from being on the fold line after printing.
looks of the packaging.
A dieline template is a PDF file that shows the flat layout of your box, and helps you
place design elements on different panels of the box.
If you like to design your box offline using your favorite tool like Adobe Illustrator, place
your order first so we can create it and we will send you a PDF dieline template.
Step 1 Create your Product packaging design, mockup and die line or outline template
using photo editing software.
Packaging Mockup
Packaging Design
Die line/Outline template
Step 2 Create your Product packaging slide presentation. It should contain all the following
Approval Signatures