The Information Content of Trading Volume and Short Sales: March 13, 2008

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The Information Content of Trading Volume and Short Sales∗

Michael McKenzie#
Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF), Cambridge University and
School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, RMIT University

Ólan T. Henry
Department of Economics, The University of Melbourne

March 13, 2008

This paper examines the link between stock prices and trading volume for the Hong Kong
stock market. The results suggest that the information content of volume is strongest in
trades initiated by short sellers. Based on the analysis of a proprietary database from
Dataexplorers, shifts in the demand curve for the Hong Kong securities lending market
provide the most information about future prices, although shifts in supply are also found
to be important. This information however, is short lived. In general, this paper finds
strong evidence that short interest is a major channel for the transmission of information
about prices.

JEL Classification: G12

Keywords: Short Selling, Demand and Supply, Costs, Private Information.

Acknowledgements : The authors would like to thank Data Explorers for providing the securities lending
data. Financial support for this research was provided by the Australian Research Council Discovery grant
DP0451719 and the Melbourne Centre for Financial Studies grant 7/2006/2. This research was completed
while the second author visited Clare Hall and the Centre for Financial Analysis and Policy at the
University of Cambridge. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors alone
Corresponding author: Ph. +613 9925 5858 Fax: +613 9925 5986 Email:
1. Introduction

A substantial literature has evolved that clearly identifies trading volume as an

important component of the price discovery process. For example, theoretical models
such as Campbell, Grossman and Wang (1993), Blume, Easley and O'Hara (1994) He and
Wang (1995), Chordia and Swaminathan (2000) and Suominen (2001) show how trading
volume can signal the information content of returns. Empirical research has also
emphasised the significance of volume in understanding asset price dynamics (see
Karpoff, 1988, and Gallant, Rossi, and Tauchen, 1993 inter alia and Brunnermeier, 1997
for a survey).

The possibility that both price and volume may reveal information to the market is
an interesting prospect and the purpose of this study is to provide further insights into this
issue. The existing literature has considered the role of aggregate trading volume in price
discovery. Yet, trading volume may originate from any of a number of agents, each of
whom may have a different information set. For example, some trades are initiated by
noise traders who follow (and exacerbate) market trends. Other trades may be based on
the need for liquidity, the desire to rebalance a portfolio and other such reasons. Finally,
and most importantly in the current context, some trades are based purely on information.
It is the trading activity of this latter group that reveals information to the market and the
literature suggests that short sellers may possess superior information relative to other
traders (see Angel, Christophe and Ferri, 2003, Boehmer, Jones and Zhang, 2008, Cohen,
Diether and Malloy, 2007, and Francis, Venkatachalam and Zhang, 2005, inter alia) and
that short sales signify bad news (see Senchack and Starks, 1993, Choie and Hwang,
1994, Asquith and Meulbroek, 1996, Aitken, Frino, McCorry and Swan, 1998, Desai,
Ramesh, Thiagarajan and Balachandran, 2002, Angel, Christophe and Ferri, 2003, Cohen,
Diether and Malloy, 2007, and Diether, Lee and Werner, 2006).

It is an interesting empirical issue to consider the extent to which the different

types of trading volume reveal information to the market as the available evidence
suggests that short sales may have greater information content compared to other forms

of trading volume. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between
trading volume, short sales and price dynamics. While the bulk of the previous short
selling literature has focussed on monthly data sampled from the US market, in this paper
daily short sales information for Hong Kong stocks is considered.1 Using data from the
Hong Kong market offers a number of other distinct advantages in the current context.
The first such advantage relates to the quality and quantity of short sales information.
Daily data are available from 1994 onwards on a range of stocks approved for short
selling, unlike the USA where market-wide short sales data is limited to monthly
frequency. The second advantage of the Hong Kong data is that many of the stocks that
are eligible for short selling in Hong Kong also have options traded. Option trading is
closely linked to short sales trading and the Hong Kong market provides the opportunity
to explicitly control for the level of short selling linked to option trading (see Senchack
and Starks, 1993). Thirdly, there is extensive short selling of equity in Hong Kong (see
Henry and McKenzie, 2006, for details). Fourthly, the continuous, order driven nature of
the market is a very simple, with no clearing transactions at open or close, and no

The results of this paper suggest that, while past returns have significant
predictive power, past trading volume does not. When volume is decomposed into short
selling and all other transactions however, the former is highly significant and an increase
in short sales leads to lower excess returns in the following period. Thus, this evidence
clearly finds support in favour of short volume as an important source of information that
is monitored by the market.

To investigate this result further, we draw on a unique proprietary database that

captures detailed information on the state of the Hong Kong securities lending market.
This data is provided by Data Explorers and captures information on both the demand
and the supply side of the market.2 This data is used to identify shifts in the supply and

Similar data has previously been the focus of research in Chang and Yu (2007) and Henry and McKenzie
Data Explorers data has also been used by Saffi and Sigurdsson (2007), who undertook a multicountry
study and concluded that short sales constraints lower the pricing efficiency of a market.

demand for shorting and it is the latter that is found to be more important in predicting
future returns. The use of securities lending market data is a fairly new innovation in the
literature and only a handful of papers have had access to this type of data, including
D’Avolio (2002), Diether, Lee and Werner (2005), Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2007)
and Saffi and Sigurdsson (2007).

In particular, Cohen et al (2007) employ proprietary data on loan prices and

quantities to identify shifts in the demand and supply curves for borrowing stock. Cohen
et al. (2007) argue that the existence of an active market to borrow and lend stock can
have an impact on the equilibrium price of the stock. However, the opaque nature of the
market for borrowing stock ensures that identifying any link between this market and the
stock price is a difficult task. Despite this, Cohen et al (2007) find that shorting demand is
an important determinant of stock prices. Furthermore, they argue that as their results are
stronger in markets with less private information flow, the evidence is consistent with the
view that the market for borrowing and lending stock acts as a conduit for the revelation
of private information.

A limitation of the Cohen et al (2007) study is that data used in the sourced from a
single instituational investor that specialises in small capitalisation stocks. Thus, their
shift measures may be capturing substituation across lenders rather than actual shifts in
the supply or demand for the market. Further, their market maker specialises in small
capitalisation stocks, and it is not clear how generalisable these results are to other
equities. The Dataexplorers data used in this paper suffers neither of these problems as
the market coverage of the data is quite substantial and the sample of stocks are more
representative of mainstream listed companies (see Section 2 for details of these data).
Moreover, a major limitation of Cohen et al (2007) arises from its use of monthly data on
open short interest. Since the majority of short selling volume may be attributed to short term
trading strategies, the use of monthly data has obvious implications for the ability of their
study to capture the effect of daily or even intra-monthly short sales trading strategies. The
data in this paper is sampled at a weekly frequency.

The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides a summary of
the securities lending market data that form the basis of this study. Section 3 discusses
the empirical design employed in this study and presents a baseline model of returns.
This section then proceeds to augment the model to include information on the short side
of the market. The final section presents some concluding comments.

2. Hong Kong Stock and Securities Lending Market Data

Information on the Hong Kong securities lending market is provided by Data

Explorers Ltd., a commercial data provider.3 Data Explorers collects information from a
significant number of the largest custodians in the industry and, by their own estimates,
capture approximately 80% of the market for lending equity at the end of the sample
period. This data is sampled at a weekly frequency over the period September 14, 2005
to June 27, 2007. From the Data Explorers database, information is sampled on the total
value of lendable assets (LA, a measure of the value of the securities that their custodians
currently have available for lending), the percentage utilisation (UTL, the fraction of total
lendable assets that is currently on loan), the securities lending fee (SLFEE, the weighted
average loan fee expressed in basis points), and loan tenure (SLTEN, average number of
days outstanding).
-Figure 1 about here-

Data Explorers securities lending data is available for 815 stocks listed on the
Hong Kong stock exchange. The focus of this study is on a subset of 95 stocks, which
have continuous securities lending activity across the entire 94 week sample period.4 To
provide some understanding of this data, Figure 1 presents time series plots of the cross
sectional medians of the Utilisation, Fee, Tenure and Short Volume variables for the
entire sample. For the sample as a whole, the average and mean utilisation are 18.30%

The Hong Kong stock exchange code for these 95 stocks is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 23, 35, 41, 44, 48, 54, 66, 69, 83, 100, 101, 123, 129, 142, 144, 148, 165, 173, 178, 179, 183, 203,
242, 267, 270, 291, 293, 302, 303, 308, 315, 316, 321, 330, 341, 363, 388, 392, 420, 440, 480, 493, 494,
506, 511, 522, 551, 583, 604, 635, 659, 669, 682, 683, 688, 709, 716, 737, 762, 809, 836, 883, 906, 917,
941, 966, 1038, 1070, 1093, 1109, 1114, 1199, 1200, 1212, 2319, 2332, 2356, 2388, 2878.

and 10.97%, respectively. However, there are times when all the stock available is on
loan and also periods where none of the stock available is on loan. Panel (a) of figure 1
displays the time series evolution of median utilisation and the first half of the sample is
characterised by increasing utilisation which peaks in the middle of 2006. Utilisation then
declines in the second half of the sample and finishes at approximately the sample
median of 11% of lendable assets.

The loan fee is the measure of the price of short selling used throughout this
paper. This loan fee is calculated as the interest rate on cash deposits net of the rebate rate
(the interest rate the short seller receives on the securities offered as collateral). The loan
fee generally lies in the range of 22 to 99 basis points, but exhibits a substantial degree of
variation over the sample period. The cost of short selling is an average of 86.68 basis
points (bp) per week. This cost figure however, is highly skewed and the median fee is
only 31.25 bp per week. For some stocks, the fee is very low at certain times (the
minimum is 0.12bp), while for others it is extremely high (8,700 bp). Panel (b) of figure
1 displays a time series plot of the median fee, which highlights this variation.

Panel (c) of figure 1 displays the time series evolution of the cross sectional
median tenure. The median loan tenure is over 110 days at the start of the sample,
declines by approximately 30 days by June 2006 and then increases to approximately 130
days by the end of the sample period. While the average length of a loan is 128 days,
some stocks have a loan life that goes on for years. The longest tenure in the sample is
1,352 days. Finally, panel (d) of figure 1 displays median short volume across the sample
measured in millions of shares. This figure shows a general increase in short selling
across the sample period.
-Figure 2 about here-

To explore this apparent increase in short selling, figure 2 displays the median of
relative short sales, that is short volume scaled by total volume. The cross sectional
median of short selling as a proportion of total volume increased from 2% to 7% in the
first half of the sample. In the latter half of the sample the cross sectional median declines

to a level of approximately 4%, but displays a high degree of variation. To summarise,
panel (d) of figure 1 and figure 2 suggest that short selling represents an increasingly
important component of total volume in the Hong Kong market for equity.

- Table 1 about here-

The sample of 95 stocks listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange may be used to
assess the information content of short sales. To this end, a matched weekly database of
price and volume information is sampled from Datastream. The returns for each stock
are calculated as the log price relative and a summary of these returns data as well as
trading volume is also included in Table 1. Across all stocks in the database, the mean
weekly return is positive (0.46%), although the data is highly positively skewed. There
are some large price changes observed in the sample: the maximum observed fall in price
is 50.19% for Hutchinson Telecom in the first week of June, 2007. The largest weekly
gain in price is 47.21% for China Foods Ltd. in the third week of 2007. Most stocks
however, generally experienced price changes in the order of between 2.80% and -2.00%.
An average of 39 million shares is traded per stock in a weekly period. Not all of this
volume however, is initiated by traders taking long positions. Some of it is associated
with short selling activity. The Hong Kong stock exchange provides daily short sales
volume information for each stock.5 The total short sales each week is sampled for all 95
stocks and a summary of this information is included in the final column of Table 1. The
average weekly short sales volume is 2.09m shares, which is around 5% of total traded
volume across the sample period.

3. The Information Content of Trading Volume

Following Diether, Lee and Werner (2005) inter alia, a pooled regression
approach is taken to estimating the information content of trading volume. As such, a
generic model of the determinants of stock returns may be specified as:

Henry and McKenzie (2007) provide a discussion of the institutional arrangements for short selling in
Hong Kong.

n 11
erit = α 0 + ∑ α j X j + ∑ β k Dk + ε t (1)
j =1 k =1

where erit is the excess return of stock i on day t, X is a vector of j independent variables
that may influence the change in price of a stock, D are monthly dummy variables, α and
β are parameters to be estimated and εt are the errors which are assumed ~N(0,σ2). All
standard errors are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and there is no evidence of residual
autocorrelation in any of the models estimated. To control for the effects of size (see
Banz, 1981) and book-to-market (see Fama and French, 1992), excess returns are
calculated as erit = rit – rPt, where ri is the actual stock return and rP is the return to a
portfolio. The portfolio return is estimated by grouping all stocks into quintiles according
to their market value and book to market ratio. An overall portfolio return is estimated as
the average return across all stocks in each size and book to market ratio combination.

-Table 2 about here-

To begin the analysis, a series of baseline regressions is undertaken in which

adjusted returns are the dependent variable. In the first instance, the independent variable
vector is specified solely to include lagged trading volume and the results are presented in
the first column of Table 2. The results suggest that past trading volume is statistically
insignificantly different from zero and so, exerts no influence on the current periods
return. To test the veracity of this finding, the equation may be augmented to capture the
influence of other exogenous variables. To begin, a one period lagged return is added to
the model and the estimation results generate a negative and highly significant
coefficient. This is consistent with short-term contrarianism in equity returns, and is well
documented in the literature, see Antoniou, Galariotis and Spyrou (2006), inter alia. The
lagged volume term however, remains insignificant at the 5% level. To capture
momentum effects, price movements over the previous month and year are included in
the model. Where a four period lagged (one month) term is included, it is significant and
the R2 value increases from 0.0041 to 0.2269. Adding a 52 period lagged (one year)
return term, the previously tested variables retain their sign and significance levels and

the new term is also significant. To summarise, momentum is found to be an important
determinant of stock returns over the longer term, which is consistent with the evidence
of Conrad and Kaul (1988), and Swinkels (2004), inter alia. However, there is no
evidence that trading volume contains information about future returns, as lagged volume
remains insignificant.

The level of institutional ownership has been linked to returns in the previous
literature (see inter alia Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1997, Wermers, 1999,
Gompers and Metrick, 2001). To test this proposition, the level of institutional ownership for
each of the 95 stocks is sourced from the Thompson One Banker database as at the end of the
sample period. Each stock is then sorted into terciles and a series of dummy variables created
to indicate whether a stock is in the highest institutional ownership tercile, the mid
institutional ownership tercile or the lowest tercile. The top (OI1) and mid-institutional
ownership (OI2) tercile dummy variables are included in the baseline regression equation and
the results are presented in column 5 in Table 2. Neither term is found to be significantly
different from zero and so, the level of institutional ownership is excluded from the
remaining baseline regressions. These results contrast to the previous literature as Asquith,
Pathak and Ritter (2005) found that US stocks with high levels of short selling and low levels
of institutional ownership tend to underperform by up to 215 basis points. Cohen et al (2007)
found that institutional ownership has a positive but statistically insignificant effect on return.

To the extent that risk and return are related, the volatility of a stock’s price may
exert a significant influence on the current period’s returns. The choice of volatility
proxy however, is not obvious and although a number of choices exist, in this paper
trading range is specified. Where the contemporaneous stock volatility (σ) is included,
the results in column 6 of Table 2 reveal that all of the previous terms retain their sign
and significance and the volatility variable is positive and significant. When an
additional lagged volatility term (σ(-1)) is included the results, presented in the
penultimate column of Table 2, reveal that it is significant and the adjusted R2 value of
0.2372 is the highest of any model tested so far.

Of the 95 stocks in our sample, 27 stocks have actively traded options. Typically,
stocks that have exchange traded options tend to the largest and most well known.
Options increase the ability of traders to engage in speculative trading and are used by
many hedge funds. Investors with negative sentiments about the future performance of a
stock may sell that stock short, and/or buy put options, and/or sell call options in the
stock. This may mean that the returns for stocks with options are statistically different to
those stocks that do not have options. The eighth column of Table 2 presents the results
of a regression equation that includes all previously significant variables and also
includes an options trading dummy (O_Dum). The estimated coefficient is significant
and positive, indicating that stocks with options traded have generally higher returns.

To summarise the baseline regression results in Table 2 thus far, returns adjusted for size
and book to market effects, are found to be a function of past returns, current and lagged
volatility and the presence of options trading. It is interesting to note that in each of these
regression equations, past trading volume is insignificant.6

Trading volume is composed of transactions initiated by short sellers taking or

closing out short positions in the market and transactions opening and closing long
positions. Brent, Morse and Stice (1990) argue that short selling may be motivated by
speculation, arbitrage and taxation issues. Brent et al (1990), Cohen et al (2007) and
Henry and McKenzie (2007) inter alia, present evidence that short sellers are more likely
to trade on superior information. To that extent, new short positions may reveal
information about the future performance of a firm. By way of contrast, all other
transaction types are motivated by a different information set. Once the short seller has
exploited their information advantage, they will close out their position. Thus, the
decision to close a short position does not necessarily reveal any new information.
Similarly, the opening or closing of a long position are motivated by a different set of
information compared to that which motivates a short sale. These observations motivate
our first and second hypotheses about the information content of short selling

Unreported results confirm that the insignificance of trading volume is robust to the length of lag in

H1: New short sales contain information about future returns

H2: The information content about future stock returns in newly initiated short
positions differs from that contained in all other transactions.

Daily information on newly initiated short positions is published by the HKSE

with a 24 hour lag. Using these data, it is therefore possible to decompose daily volumes
into newly initiated short positions and all other transactions.

The ninth column in Table 2 presents the results of a regression designed to test
H1 and H2. In this regression total volume is replaced with its components, newly
initiated short positions and all other transactions. The results reveal that short volume
produces a negative and highly significant coefficient. The negative coefficient suggests
that higher short sales in the previous period are associated with lower excess returns in
the current period. This result is consistent with short selling possessing predictive power
over share prices and suggests that short sales are informationally based. This result
therefore, provides empirical support for H1.

The model presented in the final column of table 2 also suggests that the trading
volume associated with all other transactions types is not a significant determinant of
future equity returns. It appears that the information content of short volume may be lost
in the process of aggregation, obscuring any potential relationship and resulting in
insignificant estimated coefficients such as those reported for models 1-8 in Table 2. A
Wald test of coefficient equality between short volume and all other transactions is
rejected at the 5% level of significance (p-value = 0.0271). This rejection of the null of
coefficient equality implies that the information content about future stock returns in
newly initiated short positions differs from that contained in all other transactions,
providing support for H2. Furthermore, given the insignificance of all other transactions
as a predictor of future stock returns, it appears that newly initiated short positions

convey important information about future returns. There is no evidence that the
remaining components of volume are similarly informative.

For a trader to initiate a short position on the HKSE they must have established
the right to vest the stock. This is a costly process with involves negotiating a contract to
borrow the security, the provision of collateral, and the payment of a fee to compensate
the lender of the stock. A trader will only open a short position when the expected return
to the position exceeds the cost of establishing the position. Equilibrium in the market for
borrowing stock will determine the costs of establishing the right to vest in the stock and
hence the ability to open a short position. As a consequence, conditions in the market for
borrowing are likely to play a significant role in determining the observed level of
shoring on the HKSE. We explore this in greater detail in the next section of the paper

4. The Information Content of Shifts in the Demand and Supply of Short


While trading volume is not found to be informative on its own right, when long
and short sales volume are distinguished, it is the latter that is found to be an important
source of information to the market. In this section, we consider whether information
about changes in conditions in the market for borrowing stock may provide superior
information about the future returns that short volume alone. Cohen, Dieter and Malloy
(2007, p 2062) argue that “(d)ifferentiating supply and demand is crucial for determining
the channel through which … stock prices respond to activity in the shorting market.” To
this end, the procedure of Cohen et al (2007) is followed, in which shifts in the supply
and demand for short sales are identified using actual market outcomes.

A simple supply and demand based model of a free market shows that where price
falls and quantity rises, an outward shift in supply must have occurred. This need not
suggest that an increase in supply is the only change that took place in the market, but for
prices to fall and quantities rise, we can say that an at least an increase in supply must
have occurred. In the context of short selling, when the securities lending fee decreases

(price) and the utilisation (quantity) increases, an outward shift in supply must have
occurred (referred to as SOUT). This does not suggest however, that the rest of the
market has not changed, ie. the possibility of a shift in the demand curve is not precluded.
Given the observed change in price and quantity however, at least a outward shift in
supply has occurred. Similarly, if the securities lending fee increases and utilisation falls,
an inward shift in the supply curve is known to have happened (SIN). The demand side
of the market may also be characterised using the same approach such that if price and
quantity increase an outward shift of the demand curve is known to have taken place
(DOUT). Finally, if price and quantity decrease an inward shift of the demand curve
must have occurred (DIN). Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2006) identify these shifts in the
market for borrowing stock using data drawn from a single large institutional lender. As
such, they are unable to control for any substitution effects across lenders as opposed to
an industry wide shift in supply or demand. As the data in this study is a drawn from a
cross section of custodians, the same problem does not apply here.

Four hypotheses are proposed with respect to each of the four different shift
regimes. The first two hypothesis relate to the supply side of the market and may be
stated as:

H3: Supply shifting out (SOUT) predicts negative future returns

H4: Supply shifting in (SIN) is a significant predictor of future returns, although

the sign is unclear.

The rationale behind the third hypothesis stems from the relationship between the
supply of shorting and the cost of short selling. Where the supply curve shifts out and the
price of shorting falls, the lower cost represents a loosening of short sales constraints.
This makes it possible for investors who may previously have been excluded from trading
by the transaction costs to enter the market. This should contribute to a more efficient
price discovery process and prices should converge more rapidly to their fundamental
values meaning that any upward bias is mitigated.

Where the supply curve shifts in, a similar logic suggests that short sellers may be
excluded from the market due to increased costs of borrowing stock and/or limited
availability of agents willing to lend stocks. In the event that this contributes to an
upward price bias, a positive relationship is predicted. Chen, Hong and Stein (2002)
however, argue that a tightening of short sales constraints may lead to lower returns as
the overpricing is corrected for. Support for a negative relationship may also be garnered
by considering the underlying cause of the shifts in supply. Recall the securities made
available to custodians for lending typically come from large fund mangers. These fund
managers may reduce the amount of stock they make available for loan where they hold
an increasingly negative view of a stock. Thus, the desire to reduce their holding of that
stock, results in a reduced supply of equity for vesting and the news that motivated this
change in their portfolio holdings results in a negative excess return in the following
period that outweighs any change in the price bias. Thus, it is not clear whether a
decrease in the breadth of ownership will predict higher or lower returns and we may
look to the data to resolve this contradiction. As such, an inward shift of the supply curve
should exert a significant influence on future returns, although the sign in unclear
depending on the dynamics of the price bias process and the underlying cause of the shift
in supply.

A second set of hypothesis that relate to the demand side of the market may also
be defined as:

H5: Demand shifting out (DOUT) predicts negative future returns

H6: Demand shifting in (DIN) predicts negative future returns, albeit lower than
where demand shifts out.

The demand shift hypothesis present a more compelling case for predicting price
changes. In the event that both price and quantity have increased, investors are shorting
increasing amount of stock despite an increase in the loan fee, the price of short selling.

This clearly signals an expectation of adverse private information coming to the market
that will produce price declines sufficient to cover the increased cost of shorting.7
Moreover, as suggested by Diamond and Verrechia (1987), an increase in the demand for
shorting is likely to signal the arrival of large quantities of negative private information,
particularly because few hedgers or liquidity based traders are likely to be active in the
face of the increasing cost of shorting.

Alternatively, where both the loan fee and quantity of shorting falls, fewer
investors are willing to take short positions despite a lower cost of short selling. This
may not necessarily signal an increase in positive sentiment for the stock however, as this
would be correctly expressed through heightened demand for long positions.8 A fall in
demand, may be more appropriately interpreted as a signal that fewer investors expect
bad news for a company. In that sense, an inward shift in demand may be interpreted as a
less compelling signal of negative future returns compared to an equivalent outward shift
of demand. Another reason why D_Out may be a far stronger signal of future returns
than D_In is that for 68 of the 95 stocks in the sample, there are no traded options. This
effectively means that the only way to express negative sentiment in a stock is via short

The final baseline regression model reported in column 9 of Table 2, which

controls for past returns, volatility and the presence of options, provides a framework for
our examination of the information content of movements in the supply and demand
schedules for short selling. The only change to this model is that the lagged long and
short volume variables are replaced with the four dummy variables DIN, DOUT, SIN and
SOUT. DOUT will take the value one in week t if there was an increase in the loan fee
and the quantity of new short positions opened in the preceding week. The remaining
dummy variables are constructed in a similar fashion.

Cohen et al (2007) also discuss the possibility that nondiversifyable risk may be increasing in quantity, in
which case higher expected returns must follow to compensate for the increase risk. If this is the case, the
same price prediction holds.
In this respect we disagree with Cohen et al (2007) who argue that an inward shift of demand is a (weak)
predictor of positive future returns as investors are willing to engage in less shorting despite the cost of
shorting having fallen. Their test equations find that this variable is insignificant.

The regression results estimated using these securities market demand and supply
dummy variables are presented in column 1 of Table 3 and the signs and magnitudes of
the control variables are similar to those reported in table 2 and so we omit further
discussion of these variables. The outward demand shift dummy variable (D_Out) is
negative and significant, suggesting that in a week where an outward shift of the demand
for short sales occurs, stock prices fall by 0.47% in the following week. This is
consistent with the results of Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2007), who found that an
outward shift in shorting demand is associated with a 2.98% negative excess return in the
following month. Unlike Cohen et al (2007) however, we find that other observable
shifts in the short sales market also information about future stock returns. For example,
an inward shift in demand (D_In) also produces a negative and significant coefficient.
This contrasts with the Cohen et al (2007) study in which this variable was insignificant.
The estimated coefficient for D-In however, is smaller than the D_Out coefficient and a
Wald test labelled W3 confirms this difference to be statistically significant. These
results are consistent with hypothesis 5 and 6 insomuch as inward shifts in demand mean
that fewer investors hold negative views for a stock and that outward shifts in demand are
a more compelling signal of future returns.

-Table 3 about here-

The results for the supply shift dummy variables reveal that an outward shift in
supply is insignificant, which is consistent with the results of Cohen, Diether and Malloy
(2007). The results differ however, to the extent that the inward shift of the supply curve
dummy variable is negative and significant. These results do not support the cost of
trading/price bias argument, which suggested an inward shift of supply would increase
the cost of short selling and so exacerbate the positive price bias caused by information
asymmetry. Rather, the negative coefficient supports the Chen, Hong and Stein (2002)
contention of a price bias correction or fund managers reducing the amount of stock they
make available for loan based on the expectation of bad news.

Thus, the estimation results presented in column 1 of Table 3 suggest that DIN,
DOUT and SIN are all statistically significant determinants of current period returns
movement in the demand curve for borrowing stock. It is interesting to note that the
adjusted coefficient of determination for this dummy variable augmented model is less
than that of the model which had the actual long and short volume variables specified.
Thus, it appears that there is a loss of information resulting from the use of dummy
variables, which marginally decreases the explanatory power of the model. We return to
consider this point more fully in the next section.

A Wald test of the null hypothesis of coefficient equality across D_In, D_Out,
S_In and S_Out, labelled as W1 was strongly rejected for the data. Similarly, W2 a Wald
test for the exclusion of these variables was rejected for all usual levels of confidence.
Taken together, these results imply that movements in the supply and demand schedules
for short selling are informative about future stock returns ( W1 ), and that the information

content of each of the individual D_In, D_Out, S_In and S_Out variables differs. A third
Wald test, W3 , tests for coefficient equality across D_In, and D_Out, while W4 tests for
coefficient equality across S_In, and S_Out. Again the null hypothesis of both tests was
rejected at all usual levels of confidence.

To provide further insights into the impact of shifts in the supply and demand of
the securities lending market of stock returns, it is possible to augment this dummy
variable model to include variables that capture information on the quality of signal. To
this end, the “specialness” of a loan is captured by a dummy variable that takes on a value
of unity when the loan fee is greater than 3%. A variable capturing changes in the loan
fee is also considered. Recall risk may be proxied using information on the average
length of a loan or changes in the average length of a loan. Finally, a variable capturing
the level of utilisation and changes in the level of utilisation is may also be included in
the model. Consistent with the previous hierarchical regression based approach, each of
these variables is considered in turn and their impact on the overall explanatory power of
the model assessed.

The results of this procedure are presented in columns 2 through 7 of table 3. In
terms of the supply and demand shift dummy variables, each retains their sign and
significance. Thus, the focus of the remaining discussion shall be on each additional
variable as it is introduced into the model. To begin with, column 2 presents the
estimation results where a dummy variable has been included that takes on a value of
unity where large fees (>3%) occur. The prior literature has found that the cost of short
selling is a significant predictor of future returns and the evidence here is consistent with
this notion as the estimated variable is significant at the 10% level. In addition to this
large fee variable, the change in last periods fee is also included in the model (column 3)
and the estimated coefficient is negative and significant. Thus, an increase in the fee last
period is associated with a lower excess return in the current period. This result is
consistent with the notion that the quality of signal improves as the cost of short selling
increases, as a trader will only act on higher quality information the more expensive the
trading costs become. The remaining models retain both of these variables. However,
when lagged utilisation (tenure) and lagged change in utilisation (tenure) are each
considered in turn, none are found to be significant determinants of return.

It is useful to note that the results of the Wald tests for coefficient equality across
D_In, D_Out, S_In and S_Out, W1 , W3 and W4 are robust to the inclusion of the
additional covariates. Furthermore, the Wald test for the exclusion of these variables was
rejected for all usual levels of confidence across all regressions considered.

4.1 Large Shifts in the Market for Short Selling

Cohen et al (2007) argue that the study of large movements in the market may
provide the most information on the link between short selling and future returns. To test
this possibility, the previous analysis may be refined by focussing only on transactions
that produce a large shift in the market. To this end, the base regression specification
may be augmented to allow for interactions between the four short selling market shift
indicators and three additional variables. The first is ΔFee+big, which is a dummy variable
that takes a value of unity if the change in the loan fee in the previous week is in the top

decile. The second is ΔFee-big, which is a dummy variable that takes a value of unity if
the change in the loan fee in the previous week is in the bottom decile. The third is
ΔUtil+big, which is a dummy variable that takes a value of unity if the change in the
utilisation in the previous week is in the top decile. Each of these three terms may be
used to allow an examination of large shifts in the demand and supply for short selling.
To aid in the understanding of these results, the first column of table 4 summarises the
results of the baseline regression equation presented in full in column 1 of table 3. The
sign and significance of each of these variables is generally unaltered from the base case,
and so the discussion shall focus solely on interpreting these additional terms. Increases
in the supply or demand of short selling that are associated with large changes in fees
(column 2) are insignificant. So too are changes in the market that are associated with
large changes in utilisation. These results are in keeping with those of Cohen, Diether
and Malloy (2007). Consistent with these results, we find that where large increases
(decreases) in fees are coupled with large increases in quantity, ie. ΔFee+big* ΔUtil+big
(ΔFee-big * ΔUtil+big), the estimated coefficients are also insignificant (column 4). By way
of contrast, Cohen et al (2007) found large outward shifts in demand to be negative and
significant. Thus, these results suggest that focussing the analysis on large shifts does not
provide any additional insights into the basic relationship provided by the base model that
considers all shifts in the demand and supply of short selling. These results contrast to
those of Desai, Ramesh, Thiagarajan and Balachandran (2002), who find a positive
relationship between the level of short interest and the magnitude of abnormal returns.

From column 2 of table 3, the cost of shorting, captured by the loan fee, is found
to have significant explanatory power for returns (reproduced in summary form in
column 5 of table 4). The main advantage of distinguishing between the different sources
of changes in the market for short selling rests on the notion that outward shifts in
demand are more informative. If this is the case, then greater information on this
relationship may be garnered by allowing each of the market shift variables to interact
with the large loan fee dummy variable. Column 6 of table 4 presents the results of this
equation and the loan fee dummy variable retains its sign and significance. Of the four
multiplicative dummy terms, only the D_In * Fee>3% coefficient is significant at the

10% level. Thus, these results do not support those of Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2007),
who found the D_Out * Fee>3% coefficient to be significant, which they argue adds
further support to their argument that D_Out provides the most informative market signal.

4.2 Indirect Costs and the Risks of Short Selling

Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2007) investigate the extent to which shifts in the
short selling market can be used to trade profitably, and find evidence to suggest that the
returns exceed the direct costs of trading. To investigate whether the risks of trading
would account for these potential profits Cohen et al (2007) consider recall and arbitrage
risk. D’Avolio (2002) observes that recall risk, while rare, is more likely to occur on
days when trading volume is extremely high. Thus, while it is not possible to directly test
for the effect of recall risk, it is possible to include a dummy variable that takes a value of
unity if the traded volume for a stock is above the 80th percentile. Column 1 of table 5
summarises the baseline market model from table 3. Column 2 presents a regression
equation where this model is augmented with the high volume dummy variable
(Volumehigh) as well as a multiplicative dummy variable that interacts high volume with
D_Out (theoretically, the most informative market shift parameter). The Volumehigh term
is positive and significant and the interactive term is insignificant (Cohen et al, 2007,
finds that both of these terms are insignificant). Thus, to the extent that high volume
proxies for recall risk, no evidence can be found of the significance of this indirect
trading cost.

Cohen et al (2007) also attempt to establish whether arbitrage risk can account for
the profits of trading on information furnished by the shorting market. They argue if
arbitrage risk is relevant, then the signal provided by D_Out should be greatest for larger
stocks. They dismiss this based on the observation that the information signal of D_Out
is actually greatest for small stocks. In this context, small stocks are defined as those
stocks that fall in the bottom 20% of the sample when ranked by market capitalisation.
To test whether this same result holds for the Hong Kong sample of data, a dummy
variable is created that takes a value of unity if lagged market capitalisation falls in the

bottom quintile of all stocks in the sample and is denoted as MEsmall. Column 3 of table 5
presents the estimation results where the base model is augmented to include MEsmall and
an interactive variable MEsmall * D_Out. Consistent with Cohen et al (2007), the MEsmall
variable on its own is insignificant. In contrast to Cohen et al (2007) however, the
MEsmall * D_Out variable in this model is insignificant. Thus, the Hong Kong market
does not provide supportive evidence of outward shifts in the demand for short selling
being more informative for small stocks

Cohen et al (2007) provide further evidence on this issue by drawing on Wurgler

and Zhuravskaya (2002). They argue that stock level arbitrage risk can be proxied in the
following way. Defining IRisk as the standard deviation of the residuals from a
regression equation of the following form, rit = αi + β1i rMt + β2i rMt-1 + εit, where rit is the
return to stock i on day t and rMt is the return to the Hang Seng. This model is estimated
using one years historical data. The dummy variable IRiskhigh may be created, which
takes a value of unity if IRisk falls in the top 20% of all stocks in the regression. Cohen
et al (2007) report that IRiskhigh is insignificant in both its own right as well as in
interaction with D_Out. This procedure applied to the Hong Kong data produces the
regression results presented in column 4 of table 5, and these results concur as both
estimated coefficients are found to be insignificant. Thus, consistent with the results of
Cohen et al (2007), we do not find any evidence of indirect costs to shorting in the form
of recall risk or arbitrage risk, although the results for Hong Kong do not find any
difference between the smallest stocks and the other stocks in the sample.

4.3 The Time Horizon and the Market for Short Selling

The results of this study, clearly provide support for the notion that the short selling
market provides important information for predicting stock returns. It is an interesting
question to consider the time horizon over which this information may be exploited. The
estimation results discussed in Section 4.0 – 4.2 all focus on weekly data. It is
worthwhile considering other sampling intervals to establish whether the superior
information furnished by the securities lending market can be used to predict stock

returns at less frequently sampled intervals. To this end, the final regression equation
specification tested in table 3 (column 7) is specified as the starting point for the analysis.
The only minor modification is the inclusion of two dummy variables that take a value of
unity if a stock is in the top or bottom decile of performing stocks for a given week
(denoted D_Winner and D_Loser respectively). These additional variables are included
to account for any overreaction to news (see Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). In the first
instance, this equation is estimated using weekly data and the results are presented in
column 1 of table 6. All of the estimated coefficients are consistent with the previous
version of the model insomuch as the control equation variables retain their sign and
significance. The demand shift dummy variables are both significant as is the inward
shift supply curve dummy variable. The outward shift supply dummy variable remains
insignificant. Similarly, the quality of signal variables are also consistent with earlier
results. Of the overreaction terms, only past poorly performing stocks are found to
exhibit any evidence of overreaction. The positive and significant coefficient for
D_Loser suggests, that stocks that underperformed in the past week, will generate
relatively higher returns in the current week. The adjusted coefficient of determination
for this equation is 0.2350, which is only marginally higher than the R2 value for the
same equation excluding the overreaction terms presented in the final column of table 3.

To test the robustness of these results to the time horizon, this regression equation
is reestimated using data sampled at a two, three and four weekly horizon. The estimated
results are presented in columns 2, 3 and 4 of table 6 respectively and the following
observations are relevant. For the control variables, they all typically retain their sign,
however their estimated level of significance generally declines as the sampling interval
lengthens. The same can be said for the short selling market demand and supply shift
dummy variables. In particular, the D_In variable quickly loses its significance as the
sampling interval is lengthened to two weeks or more. The t-statistic for the D_Out
variable falls below the critical value once the sampling interval is 3 weeks. On the
supply side, only the S_In variable is consistently significant across all four sampling
intervals, while consistent with previous regression equations, the S_Out variable is never
significant. Of the quality of signal variables, the change in tenure is not significant for

any sampling frequency other than weekly. The Fee>3% dummy variable is weakly
significant across all equations tested, while the lagged change in fee (ΔFee(-1)) is the
only variable in the equations to retain its sign and significance level. The most telling
metric of the impact of using less frequently sampled data is the adjusted R2 value. The
overall explanatory power of the equations falls by over 50% when the frequency of the
data falls from weekly to bi-weekly. When data sampled every three weeks is used, the
coefficient of determination falls again from 0.115 to 0.083, ie. by over a quarter.
Comparing the weekly test equation to the monthly results, and the explanatory power of
the regression equation falls by over 70%. Thus, the data clearly indicates that the
information content of the short selling market is typically very short lived. Once the
data is more than one week old, it is most likely stale. These results form an interesting
contrast to Cohen et al (2007), who based their research findings on monthly data and
report that their estimation results were unchanged where weekly data was used. It is an
interesting research question to consider whether the quality of signal is enhanced using
higher frequency data, and this is an ongoing area of investigation for the authors.

5. Conclusion

The academic literature has clearly established that trading volume is an important
information agent in the price discovery process. Using data sourced from the Hong
Kong stock market, this study suggests that not all volume is created equal insomuch as it
is short sales trading volume that provides the channel for the transmission of sensitive
information about prices. To investigate this result further, this study utilises weekly
Dataexplorers data to create variables that capture demand and supply shift information
for the securities lending market in Hong Kong. This information suggests that it is shifts
in the demand curve that provide the most information about future prices, although
inward shifts in the supply also have a role to play. These results provide an interesting
contrast to those of Cohen, Diether and Malloy (2007), who found that it was only
outward shifts in demand that were relevant. Robustness testing of this result finds that it
is not sensitive to large movements in the market.

The analysis of this study also tends to suggest that the information provided by
short selling tends to be fairly short lived. The main results of this study are derived
assuming a weekly horizon. When the estimation period over which the returns data is
estimated increases however, the explanatory power of the regression equations quickly
diminishes such that information on changes in the demand for securities lending ceases
to exhibit any explanatory power for return horizons of three weeks or longer.
While interesting insights into the nature of the relationship between short selling
and price determination can be garnered by considering the individual supply and
demand curves for the securities lending market, a comparison of the regression results
reported in this study suggest that it is short sales volume that has the most significant
role to play in informing the market.
In general, we find strong evidence that short interest is a major channel for the
transmission of information about prices.

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Table 1
Securities Lending Data summary
Utilisation Fee Tenure Returns Volume Volume
(%) (bp) (Days) (%) (m) (m)
Average 18.30 86.68 128.82 0.46 39.05 2.09
Median 10.97 31.25 111.00 0.26 18.14 0.54
Stdev 19.15 144.61 108.05 4.88 79.12 5.41
Skew 1.48 24.85 5.46 18.55 0.01 0.00
25th Percentile 4.35 22.73 72.00 -2.00 7.26 0.06
75th Percentile 25.90 99.03 159.00 2.80 39.61 2.00
Max 100.00 8,700.00 1,352.00 47.21 3,202.66 225.04
Min 0.00 0.12 0.00 -50.19 0.00 0.00

Table 2
Baseline Regressions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
- - - -
vo(-1) 0.0757* 0.1000* 0.0757* 0.0878* 0.0996* 0.0115* -0.00637 -0.0809
(1.58) (1.80) (1.28) (1.40) (1.42) (1.40) (1.17) (1.44)
ss(-1) -0.0002
lv(-1) -0.0022*
r(-1) -0.0527 -0.2628 -0.263 -0.263 -0.2651 -0.265 -0.265 -0.2645
(5.18) (-26.76) (26.73) (26.73) (24.44) (27.51) (27.53) (27.52)
r(-4) 0.2375 0.2318 0.2318 0.2298 0.2303 0.2305 0.2301
(47.38) (43.78) (43.78) (41.77) (41.91) (42.01) (42.13)
r(-52) 0.0049 0.0048 0.0039 0.0048 0.0047 0.0049
(7.10) (6.84) (5.59) (6.35) (6.14) (6.13)
IO1 0.0004
IO2 0.0003
σ 0.1482 0.1884 0.1945 0.1937
(3.81) (4.36) (4.39) (4.37)
σ(-1) -0.1707 -0.1639 -0.1645
(5.78) (5.52) (5.51)
O_Dum 0.0014 0.0017
(2.96) (3.53)
R2 0.0003 0.0041 0.2269 0.2276 0.2276 0.2319 0.2372 0.2374 0.2377

Adj. R2 0.2361
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses. Standard errors take into account clustering by calendar
week. * figures are x 104

Table 3
Short Selling Supply and Demand Shift Regressions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
r(-1) -0.2667 -0.2667 -0.2672 -0.2672 -0.2672 -0.2672 -0.2676
(27.46) (27.44) (26.78) (26.78) (26.78) (27.07) (27.11)
r(-4) 0.2304 0.2303 0.2296 0.2296 0.2295 0.2296 0.2296
(41.62) (41.81) (41.37) (41.35) (41.32) (41.83) (41.86)
r(-52) 0.0051 0.0051 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052
(5.98) (5.90) (5.99) (5.69) (5.98) (6.26) (6.28)
σ 0.1927 0.1921 0.1911 0.1912 0.1912 0.1911 0.1916
(4.40) (4.38) (4.32) (4.32) (4.33) (4.37) (4.40)
σ(-1) -0.1694 -0.1704 -0.1681 -0.168 -0.1680 -0.1682 -0.1677
(5.74) (5.76) (5.68) (5.66) (5.68) (5.65) (5.64)
O_Dum 0.0016 0.0020 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021
(3.82) (4.01) (4.24) (4.21) (4.24) (4.24) (4.22)
D_In -0.0034 -0.0032 -0.0037 -0.0037 -0.0037 -0.0038 -0.0037
(2.51) (2.42) (2.60) (2.62) (2.60) (2.64) (2.59)
D_Out -0.0047 -0.0045 -0.0049 -0.0049 -0.0048 -0.0049 -0.0047
(3.37) (3.28) (3.33) (3.33) (3.29) (3.41) (3.31)
S_In -0.0047 -0.0046 -0.005 -0.0049 -0.0049 -0.0050 -0.0048
(3.43) (3.32) (3.46) (3.47) (3.45) (3.63) (3.54)
S_Out 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0007
(0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.51) (0.50) (0.53)
Fee>3% 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010
(1.81) (1.80) (1.64) (1.80) (1.71) (1.78)
∆fee(-1) -0.0052 -0.0052 -0.0053 -0.0052 -0.0051
(7.94) (7.91) (7.68) (8.26) (7.83)
utl(-1) -0.0002
∆utl(-1) -0.0085
Tenure(-1) 0.0005*
∆tenure(-1) 0.0001
R2 0.2374 0.2376 0.2368 0.2367 0.2368 0.2368 0.2370
Adj R2 0.2356 0.2357 0.2348 0.2346 0.2347 0.2348 0.2349
Wald Tests of Coefficient Restrictions
W1 16.4434 15.9078 15.9302 16.2768 15.9732 15.8259 16.4465
[0.0009] [0.0012] [0.0012] [0.0010] [0.0011] [0.0012] [0.0009]
W2 16.8271 16.1921 16.2545 16.5715 16.2335 16.1594 16.8994
[0.0021] [0.0028] [0.0027] [0.0023] [0.0027] [0.0028] [0.0020]
W3 1.2459 1.2988 1.1136 1.1170 0.9771 1.1133 0.9653
[0.2643] [0.0012] [0.2913] [0.2906] [0.3229] [0.2914] [0.3258]
W4 9.0768 8.6982 9.3928 9.6876 9.3631 9.4016 9.5262
[0.0026] [0.0032] [0.0022] [0.0019] [0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0020]
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses, Standard errors take into account clustering by calendar
week. * figures are x 104

Table 4:
Short Selling and High Loan Fees
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
D_In -0.0034 -0.0035 -0.0035 -0.0033 -0.0032 -0.0012
(2.51) (2.56) (2.56) (2.45) (2.42) (0.76)
D_Out -0.0047 -0.0053 -0.0049 -0.0046 -0.0045 -0.0036
(3.37) (3.71) (3.59) (3.42) (3.28) (-2.30)
S_In -0.0047 -0.0048 -0.0047 -0.0047 -0.0046 -0.0031
(3.43) (3.58) (3.59) (3.56) (-3.38) (1.70)
S_Out 0.0006 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0002
(0.50) (0.56) (0.51) (0.52) (0.50) (0.19)
D_OUT∗∆Fee+big 0.0027
S_OUT∗∆Fee-big -0.0002
D_OUT∗∆Utili+big 0.0016
S_OUT∗∆Utili+big -0.0003
∆Fee+big ∗ ∆Utili+big -0.0017
∆Fee-big ∗ ∆Utili+big -0.0051
Fee>3% 0.0010 0.0034
(1.8090) (1.99)
D_In ∗ Fee>3% -0.0045
D_Out ∗ Fee>3% 0.0007
S_In ∗ Fee>3% 0.0028
S_Out ∗ Fee>3% 0.0013

R2 0.2375 0.2376 0.2375 0.2377 0.2375 0.2378

Adj R2 0.2357 0.2356 0.2355 0.2358 0.2357 0.2356
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses. Standard errors take into account clustering by calendar
week. Regressions include controls for r(-1), r(-4), r(-52),σ, σ(-1) and traded options.

Table 5:
Indirect Costs and Risks of Short Selling
[1] [2] [3] [4]
D_In -0.0034 -0.0030 -0.0032 -0.0034
(2.51) (2.07) (2.35) (2.49)
D_Out -0.0047 -0.0041 -0.0045 -0.0047
(3.37) (2.73) (3.20) (3.34)
S_In -0.0047 -0.0045 -0.0046 -0.0047
(3.43) (-3.00) (3.31) (3.42)
S_Out 0.0006 0.0008 0.0006 0.0006
(0.50) (0.67) (0.051) (0.49)
Volumehigh 0.013
Volumehigh*D_OUT -0.0051
MEsmall 0.0009
MEsmall*D_OUT -0.0019
Iriskhigh -0.0002
Iriskhigh*D_OUT -0.0002

R2 0.2375 0.2450 0.2376 0.2375

Adj R2 0.2357 0.2430 0.2356 0.2355
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses. Standard errors take into account clustering by calendar
week. Regressions include controls for r(-1), r(-4), r(-52),σ, σ(-1) and traded options.

Table 6
Short Selling and Long Horizon Returns
Horizon 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
r(-1) -0.2765 -0.2785 -0.2790 -0.2615
(22.68) (14.97) (15.31) (12.07)
r(-4) 0.2302 0.2030 0.1879 0.1747
(41.66) (26.73) (17.96) (14.54)
r(-52) 0.0052 0.0131 0.021 0.02906
(5.85) (6.51) (6.51) (6.62)
σ 0.1933 0.1473 0.1398 0.0171
(4.37) (3.60) (2.68) (2.77)
σ(-1) -0.1613 -0.1522 -0.1080 -0.0115
(5.44) (3.62) (2.27) (2.06)
O_Dum 0.0019 0.0021 0.0028 0.0034
(3.89) (1.50) (1.22) (1.06)
D_In -0.0036 -0.0025 -0.0039 -0.0022
(2.53) (0.96) (1.07) (0.50)
D_Out -0.0046 -0.0068 -0.0061 -0.0069
(3.18) (2.64) (1.70) (1.57)
S_In -0.0048 -0.0071 -0.0088 -0.0096
(3.37) (3.07) (2.56) (2.25)
S_Out 0.0007 0.0021 -0.0022 -0.0021
(0.56) (1.27) (1.13) (0.97)
D_WINNER(-1) -0.0001 -0.8300* -0.0028 -0.0248*
(0.05) (0.03) (0.88) (0.71)
D_LOOSER(-1) 0.0027 -0.0014 -0.0011 -0.0022
(2.06) (0.57) (0.41) (-0.71)
Fee>3% 0.0010 0.0024 0.0040 0.0055
(1.82) (1.80) (1.74) (1.72)
∆fee(-1) -0.0052 -0.0127 -0.0086 -0.0108
(7.63) (11.65) (7.48) (9.24)
∆Tenure(-1) 0.0002 -0.0803* -0.0103* -0.0151*
(1.66) (0.43) (0.04) (0.59)
R2 0.237293 0.117635 0.085817 0.072328
R2 0.235017 0.115002 0.083089 0.069559
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics in parentheses, Standard errors take into account clustering by calendar
week. * figures are x 104

Figure 1
Securities Lending Data

Utilisation Fee
.18 .048

.16 .044

.14 .040

.12 .036

.10 .032

.08 .028

.06 .024

.04 .020
2006M01 2006M07 2007M01 2006M01 2006M07 2007M01

Tenure Short Volume

150 2.0





80 0.0
2006M01 2006M07 2007M01 2006M01 2006M07 2007M01

Figure 2
Median Relative Short Sales









2006M01 2006M07 2007M01


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