958101tender PDF

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CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO 01

Srl Description Page Nos
From To
01 01

2. Forwarding letter including instructions to tenderers 02 05

3. Item Rate Tender and contract for works required IAFW 06 32

1779-A(Revised-1955) including BOQ (Quotation Bid)

4. *General Conditions of contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 Print) 33 93

including Errata and Amendments to IAFW-2249 (1989 Print)

5. *Schedule of minimum wages 94 94

6. Special conditions including Appx „A‟ & Appx „B‟ 95 120

7. Particular specifications including, Appx „A‟ and „B‟ 121 182

8. List of drawings 183 183

9. Notice of tender (IAFW 2162) including Appx „A‟ to Notice of 184 189

10. Integrity Pact (IP) 190 195

11. Errata/Amendments to tender documents

12. Relevant correspondence

13 Acceptance letter

Total pages

Drawing - 07 Sheets

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

For Accepting Officer

*These documents are not attached with the tender and can be seen in the office of CE (AF) Allahabad /
CWE (AF) Bareilly / GE (AF) Bareilly during working hours.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/ 25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO 02

Civ- Tele: 2580371 Headquarters

Chief Engineer (AF)
Military Engineer Services

958101/ /E8 July 2020






Dear Sir,

1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site www.defproc.gov.in. The
tender is on single stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II are specified

2. Bids will be received online by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in the
NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender / bid will be received in physical form and any tender /
bid received in such manner will be treated as non bonafide tender / bid.

3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers / bidders
or their authorised representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wished to be
present at the time of opening the bids.

4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached herewith.
You may forward your points on tender documents and / or depute you technical representative for
discussion on tender / drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, on or before ---July 2020 . You are
requested not to write piece meal points and forward your points duly consolidated before due date viz
---- July 2020.

5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in pdf file) of documents
required as per eligibility criteria mentioned in ins tructions for filling the tender documents and
Appendix „A‟ to NIT alongwith EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender fee on e-procurement
portal and submit the physical documents in the office of Chief Engineer (Air Force) Allahabad within
time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy / deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for rejection
resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.

6. MES enlisted contractors having not executed standing security bond and standing security
deposit in any MES formation shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD)
mentioned in Notice of Tender and shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of tender
issuing authority before date and time fixed for this purpose. In case of failure to abide by any of these
two requirements, the finance bid will not be opened

7. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf file) of enlistment letter, tender
fee and such other documents as mentioned in Appx „A‟ to NIT on e-procurement portal and submit
physical documents in the office of Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad before date & time fixed for this

8. The contractor must ensure that the tender / bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as
the Accepting Officer will take no cognizance of any quotations / offer received in any other
electronic or physical form like email / fax / by hand / through post from tenderer / bidder even
if they are received in time.

9. In view of delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is

suggested that the tender / bid be uploaded, if necessary , sufficiently in advance of the last
due date and time fixed.

10. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments
thereto, Schedule of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part-I and Part-II) are not
enclosed with these documents. These are available for perusal in the Office of GE
concerned and this office.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO 03




12. Contractor/firm to whom work is awarded within 28 days from the receipt of letter of Acceptance
(AOC) shall deposit/render Performance security amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum in any
one of the form viz BGB/FDR or any other Government instruments stipulated by the Accepting officer.

13. The tenderer shall evaluate their rate(s) for each item & schedule of the BoQ ( Schedule „A‟)
based on market rates for materials, labour wages as per market and accounting overheads and profits
including all taxes / duties, labour welfare cess and Goods and Services Tax applicable as per
Government / competent authority orders on the matter and other factors insert the figures in BOQ
after satisfying himself the provisions stipulated in the tender documents..

Yours faithfully,

Signature of Contractor
Asst.Dir (Contracts)
For Accepting Officer

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO 04


Contractor(s) who are not enlisted with MES / who are enlisted but have not executed the Standing
Security Bond shall submit Earnest Money Deposit as detailed in Notice of Tender in one of the
following forms, alongwith their tender /bid:-
(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer concerned
i.e. GE (AF) Bareilly.

(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of GE (AF)

It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an approved
Schedule Bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer / bidder wants to lodge „EARNEST MONEY
DEPOSIT‟ in any other form allowed by MES, a confirmation about its acceptability will be obtained
from the Accepting Officer well in advance of the bid submission end date and time. Earnest Money
Deposit shall be submitted in the name of concerned GE.
NOTES: - Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque / Bank Guarantee etc will not be
accepted. NON-SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (scanned copy alongwith
Technical Bid & hard copy before the date and time fixed for opening of BOQ) WILL RENDER THE BID


Within 28 days of receipt of letter of acceptance, the successful contractor shall deliver to Accepting
Officer a PERFORMANCE SECURITY in any of the forms given below for an amount equivalent to 5%
of the contract sum.

(a) A Bank guarantee in the prescribed form.

(b) FDR
(c ) Any other approved form of Govt. securities .


3.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on
„defproc.gov.in‟ portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in „pdf‟ form and „xls‟ form as

3.2 Bids shall be uploaded on „defproc.gov.in‟ portal on or before the bid closing date mentioned in
the tender. No tender /bid in any other electronic or physical form like email /fax / by hand /through post
will be considered.
3.3 Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents,
corrections/alterations shall be signed / initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance.

3.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialed by the tenderer/bidder in
separate envelope indicating his name and address.

3.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents
after acceptance. All corrections shall be initialed. The Contractor shall initial every page of tender and
shall sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender /bid, which proposes alterations to any of
the conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.

3.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading the
bid using his / her DSC shall be uploaded. In case, the digital signatory himself is the sole proprietor,
scanned copy of an affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating that he has
authority to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the Arbitration Clause, shall be
attached in „pdf‟ form. In case of partnership concern or a limited company, digital signatory of the bid /
tender shall ensure that he is competent to bind the contractor (through partnership deed, general
power of attorney or Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company) in all the matters
pertaining to the contracts with Union of India including arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the
documents confirming of such authority shall be attached with the tender /bid in „pdf‟ form, if not
submitted earlier. The person uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or
company using his DSC shall upload with the tender / bid a scanned copy (in „pdf‟ form) of Power of
Attorney duly executed in his favour by such other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with
constitution of the company in case of company, stating that he has authority to bind such other person
for the firm or the Company, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the
Arbitration Clause.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO 05


3.7 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an
individual authorizing him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person
as a routine, fresh Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that the said person
has authority to bind such pertners of the Firm, or the Company as the case may be, including the
condition relating to Arbitration Clause, should be uploaded in „pdf‟ form with the tender /bid; unless
such authority has already been given to him by the firm or the company. It shall be ensured that power
of attorney shall be executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its
Memorandum & Article of Association.

3.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing
authority well in advance to be received before the date and time fixed for the same.

3.9 Bid (Cover 1&2) shall be uploaded online well in time.

3.10 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty.
Attention is also drawn to special condition 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW
2249 (General Condiotns of contract).

3.11 Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tenders / bids are desirous of being present at the
time of opening of the tenders / bids, may do so at the appointed time.

3.12 The tenderer / bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be
accepted, else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.

3.13 In case the tenderer / bidder has to revise / modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he
can do so only in the BOQ, through defproc.gov.in site only before the bid closing time and date.

3.14 In case the BOQ is revised by the department and the bidder has failed to quote in revised
BOQ( i.e. he has quoted in previous BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder
and his quotation shall be considered non-bonafide


In the event of lowest tenderer / bidder revoking his offer or revising his rates upward / offering
voluntary reduction, after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and
the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted Contractors, amount
equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/bidder for
depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors / bidders shall not be opened till the
aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt Treasury. In addition, bids of
such tenderer / bidder and his related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent calls.
Reduction offered by the tenderer /bidder on the freak high rates offered for review shall not be treated
as voluntary reduction.


5.1 The project planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.

5.2 The tenderer / bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ
technical staff who can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on
the subject are widely available in the market which the tenderer / bidder may make use of.

5.3 The tenderer‟s / bidder‟s attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding
preparation of the detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for
employing sufficient resources to adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer /
bidder in using the technique will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of
enlistment and future prospect / invitation to tenders for future works.

5.4 Department may issue amendments / errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender / revised
BOQ to the tender documents. The tender / bidder is requested to read the tender documents in
conjunction with all the errata / amendments / corrigendum, if any issued by the department.

6. These instructions shall form part of the contract documents.

Asst.Dir (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO .06


(To be read in conjunction with General Conditions of contracts IAFW 2249,1989 Print incl
Errata and Amendments to IAFW 2249,1989 Print)


Tele AF:2580371 Headquarters
Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad
Military Engineer Services
Bamrauli Allahabad (UP)
Pin -211012

958101/ /E8 July 2020


1. M/s__________________________________________of___________________is/are here
by authorized to tender for the above work. The tender is to be uploaded in the “defproc.gov.in”
site before 1800 hours on July 2020.

2. Any correspondence concerning this tender should be addressed quoting the reference as given
to HQ Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad, 211012 and marked as “CA NO:CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF


Signature of Officer
Issuing the documents

Signature of Contractor Asst.Dir(Contracts)

For Accepting Officer

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO. 07



1. Schedule „A‟ (BOQ) consists of items related to Internal electrification, external electrification, Lightning
protection and Pre Engineering Building(PEB) .

2.1 The entire work under this contract shall be completed within 548 (Five Hundered fourty eight days)
from the date of commencement as per work order No.1 .
(i) Contractor should reconfirm the dimensions of PEB structure on ground before commencement of
(ii) Type of loads, specifications, finishes etc of PEB be referred from Design Paraemters as mentioned
Sr.No. 12 of particular specifications on Page No 152
3. Description of buildings works and services enumerated in various parts of Schedule „A‟(BOQ) is in
brief. It is deemed to be amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particular
specifications, specification for materials and workmanship and conditions in relevant trade sections of
MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 Part-I and MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2010 Part II and
contract drawings.

4. Any Drawing mentioned in reference on various drawings or anywhere on any drawing forming part of
the tender document or anywhere in the tender documents but inadvertently not included in the list of
drawings, shall be deemed to form part of the tender.

5. Probable distribution of various items of internal/external services are indicated on drawings. These are
tentative and may be varied where necessary at the discretion of GE. The contractor shall not be
entitled for any claim on account of such varied alignment or change in quantities.
6. Layout of building work and services indicated in the site plan is tentative. No adjustment in price shall
be done on account of final approved layout within the site plan area
7. In case any variation in out to out, centre to centre and internal dimension of the rooms as mentioned
on drawings is observed during execution, centre to centre dimensions shall be followed without any
financial effect.
8. The lump sum quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to include for all minor extra and
constructional details which may not have been specifically shown on drawings or given in particular
specification but are essential for the execution of work and services in the workman like manner,
sound construction and established engineering practice. The details of such items not specifically
shown on drawings/specified shall be furnished by GE during execution of the work. In case of
difference of opinion between the contractor and the GE as to whether or not certain items of work
constitute minor extras/minor constructional details which are deemed to have been included in the
contractor‟s lump sum, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.

9. The lump sum quoted by the contractor shall also be deemed to include for all items of work specifically
shown on drawings but inadvertently not specified in the specifications. The specifications for such
items shall be followed as per codal provisions, technical & functional requirement and as decided by
CWE. In case of any dispute, the decision of Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.

10. For structural details like location, size of members structural drawings shall be referred. For all
structural members like RCC and steel viz beams, columns, bands, lintels etc including their dimension,
details and locations shall be provided as per structural drawings including TD drawings showing
structural details, notes etc irrespective of whether they have been indicated in Arch Drawings or
erroneously not shown, similarly in Architectural details, including provisioning of built in furniture and
all other details (except structural details) shall be followed from Architectural Drawings including TD
drawings. The contractor should keep above stipulations in mind while quoting his rates and nothing
extra shall be admissible on this account.

11. Blank

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO. 08



12.1. The Scope of work covered under this contract is as under:-

Design, fabrication and erecting, Pre-engineered building (PEB) structure for provision of Hanger
of size 30.00 m X 25.00 m X 8.0 M (clear height) etc. all as specified and vetted design and
drawing by any IIT and approved by Accepting officer complete all as mentioned in BOQ/Sch ‘A’

12.2. From the date of commencement of work. A period of 30 (thirty) calendar days will be given to the
contractor within which drawings and details of Sch `A‘ duly vetted and certified by any of the IIT,
shall be submitted to the Accepting Officer for approval. Please note that incase there is any delay in
submission of vetted design/drawings beyond the said period recovery will be made @ of Rs 10,000/-
per day. Any discrepancy or observation raised by Accepting Officer shall be got modified by the
vetting agency within a week‘s time. The commencement of physical execution of work shall start after
approval of vetted design/drawing by the Accepting Officer only. It will not be delayed beyond 46th day
of commencement of design / drawing work. However during the period of 30 days mentioned above,
the contractor can start mobilization on site his preparatory arrangements for the work like making site
offices, bringing tools, plants, machineries etc. No extension of time or request to re-fix the
commencement date of the work for any ground(s) whatsoever shall be entertained, in case the
approval takes more time for vetting and certification from IIT. The work order shall be placed by GE
after the acceptance of tender catering above activities.

12.2.1 After acceptance of contract and before commencement of physical execution of work on provision of
shelter & other allied works catered in Sch ‗A‘/BOQ, it is mandatory requirement of this contract that
the design calculations and detailed drawings of Sch ‗A‘ which will eventually form part of the contract
are vetted by one of the IITs within a period of 30 days from the date of commencement of work
mentioned in work order issued by the GE. In case Vetting Agency suggests modifications/changes/
alterations/ additions, they will have to be complied with by the contractor in his design and drawings
by way of dated revisions. Vetted/certified design & drawings along with correspondence exchanged
between contractor & Vetting Agency shall be submitted to Accepting Officer along with 7 (seven)
sets of drgs and original tracings who will approve the same & circulate them officially to contractor &
executives of the Deptt which shall only be used for execution. In case owing to site/technical reasons,
any further clarification/modification in design/drawing is necessitated, the contractor shall approach
the vetting agency for revised design/drawing at his own cost and the work shall be executed as per
revised design/drawing without any extra cost to the Government The cost effect towards vetting &
certification fees payable/paid to Vetting Agency & submission of 7 (seven) sets of design & drawings
including original tracings are deemed included in the quoted rate/offer. All the expenditure towards
these elements shall be on contractor‘s account and nothing extra shall be payable on account of any
misunderstanding in respect of this clause.

12.3 The following details aspects should be cover in the structural drawings :-
(i) Cross section and details of main structural members showing joint details and specifying the
(ii) Marking plan showing the column and rafters (showing different segments of rafters with different
(iii) Details of different segments of rafters including outer/inner flange, web plate and stiffeners.
Shapes and sizes of stiffener plates should be clearly mentioned. Sections of purlins as well as sag
rods be clearly indicated.
(iv) Roof framing plan and details showing all the purlins running from rafter to rafter (different
section of purlin should be named differently)
(v) Foundation plan and its details.
(vi) Anchor bolt layout plan and details.
(vii) General arrangement drawings for floor & roof plan, elevation and other details.
12.4 Tenderers are required to consider all the cost elements associated with the work as catered in Sch ‗A‘,
special conditions, particular specifications and quote their lump sum amount inclusive of all terms,
extra duty, octroi, service tax, sales tax on work contracts, construction works welfare cess etc. and
other duties against sch ‗A‘.
12.5 Tenderers are required to design and provide all items of work including supply of all equipments and
accessories required for the full and entire completion of work including erecting. Tenderer‘s
attention is invited to the fact that no foreign exchange or import license facility will be arranged by
the department in case any imported items are included in his offer.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO .09
12.6 The details of works given in the tender documents shall be applicable only to the extent as required
for design calculations etc of the scheme. However, if details of any other items not given in the
tender documents but which are considered essential for any purpose, whatsoever, by the tenderer for
the purpose of designing and installation of scheme to be installed by the tenderer, shall be ascertained
from the site after having prior appointment with GE(AF) Bareilly. Further it is presumed by Deptt
that tenderers before submission of their tenders shall visit the site after having prior appointment with
GE to understand the detailed requirements and other site conditions affecting the designing of the
scheme including equipments and only after ascertaining all these factors, shall quote their rates. No
claims, whatsoever, due to not visiting the site or misunderstanding on any account, shall be
acceptable at a later date and decision of Accepting Officer in this regard shall be final and binding.
12.7 The unit lump sum quoted by tenderer‘s under column 13 of Schedule ‗A‘ Item No. 1.00 shall be
deemed to include for submission of following :-
(i) All structural drawings including the details of joints, bolts, welding etc. alongwith foundation
details in original tracings.
(ii) Design calculations and drawings duly vetted by one of the IITs.

(iii) Certificate from vetting agency that the design is meeting all the relevant codal requirements
(IS/ American standards)

(iv) Details of quantities of Steel (Section wise) and Sheeting (location wise).

(v) Final design folder completely checked by any IIT along with 7 sets of detailed drawings
endorsed by them and original tracings.
12.8 Inspite of the fact that the design calculations / drawings have been got approved from Vetting
Agency, the contractor is wholly /solely responsible for the satisfactory erection and structural
stability of items covered under Sch ‗A‘ to the entire satisfaction of the GE. Further he will be fully
responsible for any defects noticed with regard to erection and stability and defects if any noticed
during 24 months from the certified date of completion shall be made good by him without any extra
cost to the Govt.
12.9 Tenderer shall note that checking of design calculations and approval of scheme by Deptt shall not
absolve tenderer‘s responsibility from ensuring satisfactory erection and structural stability.
(a) Rates for all items are to be quoted by the tenderer in figures under appropriate Column of
(b) The total amount of Schedule 'A' in General Summary/BOQ will be treated as the
―LUMP SUM‖ referred to in IAFW-2249.

(c) (i) The unit rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor details
of construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have been
specifically mentioned in tender documents but which are essential for the execution and completion
of the work.
(ii) Whether a particular item falls under the category of minor details of construction or not
shall be decided by Accepting Officer and his decision in this regard be final conclusive and
12.10 The weight of steel section shall be as per weights given in relevant IS. Standard weights will be
considered for calculation of weight of steel. No extra payment shall be made for steel having more
weight relevant to IS codes. In case of steel section having variations less than limits specified in IS,
the steel section shall be rejected and removed by the Contractor without any extra cost to department.

12.11 The description of items in Sch ‗A‘ shall be deemed to be amplified and read in conjunction with
Special Conditions, Particular Specifications, Specifications for materials and workmanship and
conditions in relevant trade section of MES Standard Schedule of Rates Part -I (Specifications) of
2009 and Part -II (Rates) of 2010 (Rates) and Contract drawings.
12.12 The tenderer shall work out his own unit rates from the specification and other information furnished
to him in the tender documents and arrive at a lum sum price for item of Schedule ‗A‘. It is an
express condition of the contract that the tendered amount shall be deemed to include for the full and
entire completion of all items of work.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.10


12.13 The unit lump sum rates quoted by the tenderer against Schedule „A‟ shall be deemed to include for
all items of work shown on drawings and as specified in particular specifications .

12.14 The cost of building shall be priced based on soil bearing as mentioned in the drawings. Change in
SBC at site, if found at later date, shall be regularized through deviation order.

12.15 However, some of the items which are essential for execution of work in workmanlike manner and
entire completion of work even if not shown on drgs and as detailed below shall be deemed to be
included in cost of buildings :-
(i) Reinforcement for any RCC member where not indicated on Drgs. The reinforcement details for such
items shall be as directed by CWE.
(ii) Lintels over doors, windows, ventilators & openings even if not indicated on drgs.
(iii) Plinth band, lintel band, floor band & roof band for all walls.
(iv) Fittings to doors, windows, cupboards and such other built in furniture items.
(v) Dwarf wall in situations like verandah, passage, etc.
(vi) Concealing of all GI water tubing running inside faces of walls & floors including the locations where
tiling work is to be carried out unless otherwise shown on drawings.
In all the above and similar cases the details indicated elsewhere in the drawings, which are similar or
near to the missed out items of works shall be followed. Essential/ minimum requirement for completion
of work from structural and utility point of view shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted.
In the case of difference of opinion between the contractor and GE, decision of the Accepting Officer
shall be final, conclusive and binding.

12.16 The cost of the following items, where ever so required are also included in the rates inserted against
each item of Schedule „A‟ . The lump sum quoted by the contractor in Schedule „A‟ shall be deemed to
include provisions of these items also.
(I) Fan hooks fixtures and fittings, niches for boxes to house MCB‟s /DB‟s /main switch boxes etc.

(ii) Any other work specifically mentioned in notes to other parts of Schedule „A‟ and particular
(iii)Concealing of conduit and conduit fittings for wiring in roof slab up to the junction of roof and wall.
(iv)Cutting chases for concealed conduit wiring and GI (Water supply) tubing where tiles are in involved
and making good with cement mortar (1:3).
(v)Anti termite treatment to the structures/buildings at mentioned in Sl.NO. 1.00 of BOQ of Schedule
„A‟ .
(vi)Numbering of building all as directed by GE/Engineer-in-Charge.
(vii)Format made in plaster of CM (1:4) on all buildings all as specified.
(viii)All other items, which are not covered in notes but shown on drgs shall be deemed to be included
in unit rate inserted against Schedule „A‟ .

13. APPLICABLE FOR SCHEDULE „A‟ BOQ(Item No 2.00 to 53.00)

13.1 The quantities mentioned under quantity column are provisional.

13.2 Specifications in MES Schedule Part-I (2009) and preamble to items given in MES Schedule Part II
rates (2010) under respective trade section shall also be applicable. If any provision in the description
of items of Schedule „A‟ and particular specifications is at variance with the provisions given in
specification in MES Schedule Part I (2009) and preambles to MES Schedule Part II rates (2010),
provision in Schedule “A” and particular specifications shall take precedence thereof.

14. Only TMT bars shall be used in this project all as specified in PS even though CTD bars are shown in
drgs and specified in various part of Schedule „A‟. Diameter and spacing of TMT bars shall be same as
shown in structural drgs, for other types of reinforcement in structural drgs without any extra cost to the
Govt. Where 6 mm dia CTD/MS bars are shown in drgs, 8 mm dia TMT bars shall be used in lieu
thereof without changing the spacing and without any extra cost to the Govt.

15. Mode of payment of RCC reinforcement bars under measurable/provisional schedules shall be net
length of bars provided on site multiplied by the unit weight of respective dia of reinforcement bar(s).
Lap length provided using offcuts more than 1.5m length shall not be measured for payment but only
net length of bar( without lap) shall be measured to arrive weight of steel utilized in the item. Offcuts of
reinforcement bars less than 1.5 m in length shall not be allowed to use with lap and are to be
discarded / removed from the site.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.11


16. The following abbreviations wherever occur in tender documents shall have the meaning as indicated
against each:-
(a) RM,M,m,mtr. - Running Metre
(b) CM,cm - Cement mortar/Centimeter
(c) MM,mm - Millimeter
(d) CUM,cum,cuM - Cubic Metre
(e) SQM,Sqm - Square Metre
(f) M/L, M&L - Material and Labour
(g) S/F, S&F - Supplying and fixing
(h) C/O, CO - Carried over
(j) B/F, BF -Brought forward
(k) Kg - Kilogram
(l) X Sqm/X SQM - 10 Sqm
(m) X RM/X Rm - Ten RM
(n) N.B. - Nominal Bore
(o) Drg/Drgs/drg/drgs- Drawing/Drawings/drawing/drawings

17. For the purpose of pricing deviation involved in use of alternate variety of cement in part/full, the rates
contained in the MES Schedule will be the same for any type of cement.

18. Bricks and stone aggregates (Coarse & fine) shall be of type & grade as specified in tender and shall
conform to the requirement of relevant IS. These materials shall be procured from the source as
approved by the GE in writing irrespective of any distance from site of work. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.

19. In case of any variation in out to out dimensions, centre to centre dimensions and internal dimensions,
centre line dimensions shall be followed without any price adjustment.

20. The coarse aggregate and fine aggregate (sand) to be incorporated in the work shall be of type and
source as indicated here under irrespective of what is indicated elsewhere in tender document:-

(i) For PQC/RCC/PCC/DLC/WMM/Premix carpet-Crushed stone aggregate conforming IS 383

from Haldwani.

(ii) For WBM/Soling-Aggregates conforming to IS 383.Haldwani

(iii) For fine aggregate (sand) for RCC/PCC/PQC/DLC/Brick work/WMM From Haldwani.
21. In case of any variation provision shown in size of steel members for similar location/item in different
details, higher size shall be provided.

22. Whatever is mentioned elsewhere, the type of coarse aggregates shall be crushed/ broken stone
aggregates conforming to IS: 383 (Properties of the aggregates shall conform to IS: 383 unless
mentioned otherwise in particular specifications) and shall be obtained from source as approved by the

23. The plinth height of the buildings shall be considered as shown in drawing. In case, the plinth height for
any building is not shown in drawing, the same shall be considered as 450 mm above existing average
ground level. Any increase/decrease in plinth height during execution of work shall be regularized
through a DO.


24.1 The tenderer shall submit yard stick for building / structure mentioned in schedule ‟A‟ Part-I in duplicate
to GE within one month of acceptance of tender, indicating percentage Payments to be made for each
stage along with supporting details i.e detailed estimate. Yard stick will be approved by the CWE Office.
The tenderer shall take cognizance of this aspect while quoting the tender. No claim whatsoever arising
due to any misinterpretation / misunderstanding on this account shall be admissible. The decision of
Accepting Officer, in this regard shall be FINAL AND BINDING.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.12


24.2 There may be certain changes in the yard stick percentages as submitted by the contractor while
approving the yard stick by CWE due to market rates of various materials and due to policy of the
Dept of withholding sufficient amount for later stages of the building. Contractor shall not have
any claim on this account and percentage payment made for each stage as per approved
yardstick shall be final and binding.

24.3 Payment against lump sum buildings shall be made as per the approved yard stick.Payment against
lump sum buildings shall be allowed in III RAR and onwards to Contractor only after yard stick
for the buildings is finalized and approved by CWE. Any delay in the payment of III RAR on account of
late submission of yard stick by the Contractor to the GE shall be Contractors responsibility and no
claim on this account shall be entertained.

24.4 Makes of various materials/items have been mentioned in Appendix „A& B‟ to particular
specifications. However makes specified in Sch „A‟ shall only be provided when makes are mentioned
in Sch „A‟. Makes specified in Schedule „A‟ items shall take precedence over makes given in
Appendix „A & B‟ to particular specifications. However in case no make is specified for a particular
item in the tender document, the same shall be BIS marked /approved items from BIS approved

24.5 NOTE for Sch „A‟ Part I : Wherever shown in drawings, Saucer drain along the plinth protection of the
building and/or along the Apron shall be included in the quoted Lumpsum of that item of Sch „A‟ Part I.
Rest portion of Saucer drain shall be measured and paid separately.

25. Note for LED lights:- Contractor shall submit the manufacturer‟s Guarantee/warranty Card for the LED
lights supplied by him under this contract. The manufacturer‟s Guarantee/ Warranty shall specifically
mention the Guarantee/warranty period.

26. Completion Drawing :- After the work is completed to the entire satisfaction of GE, completion drawing
06 shall be submitted by the contractor on tracing cloth to GE. These drawing shall be got approved by
the contractor from GE. The cost of the same shall be borne by the contractor and the lump sum
quoted by contractor shall deem to include for this provision.


(a) Within 28 days of receipt of letter of acceptance, the successful contractor shall deliver to
Accepting Officer a PERFORMANCE SECURITY in any of the forms given below for an amount
equivalent to 5% of the contract sum.
(i) A Bank guarantee in the prescribed form to be issued by any nationalized / Scheduled Bank.
(ii) Government securities, FDR

(b) Performance security deposite mentioned above shall be refunded to contractor after expiration
of 24 months of defect liability period by GE provided that contractor shall first have been paid the final
bill and have rendered No demand certificate (IAFW-451).

(c) All other terms and condtions regarding performance security are given in condition 19 of
IAFW – 2249 newly inserted under amendment No. 47 of IAFW-2249.

28. DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD for the subject work shall be 24 (TWENTY FOUR) calendar months after
the work have been handed over to the Government. (Refer condition 46 of IAFW-2249 (amended vide
amendment No 48 of IAFW-2249).

29. Integrity Pact (IP) enclosed here-in-after is an integral part of the contract & both the paerties are
bound by its provision.

30. All the works pertaining to this contract shall be supervised by GE (AF) BAREILLY.

Signature of Contractor Asst.Dir(Contracts)

For Accepting Officer

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.13


CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.30


Ser Particulars Rates at which Place of issue Remarks

No materials will be by name
issued to the
Unit Rate in Rs
1. 2 3 4 5 6



for Chief Engineer (AF)



(SEE CONDITION 15, 34 AND 35 OF IAFW-2249)

Srl Quantity Particulars Details of Hire Stand by Place of Remarks

No MES charges charges issue by
crew per unit per unit name
supplied per per off
working day
day (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



for Chief Engineer (AF)



(SEE CONDITION 16 & 35 OF IAFW-2249)

Srl Quantity Particulars Rates per unit Place of issue Remarks

No per working day by name



for Chief Engineer (AF)
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.31


The President of India.

Having examined and perused the following documents: -

1. Particular specifications signed by Dir (Contracts) / Asst Dir (Contracts) / Addl Asst Dir

2. Drawings detailed in the list of drawings.

3. Schedule „A‟, „B‟, „C‟ and „D‟ attached herewith.

4. MES Standard Schedule of rates 2009 (Part-I) specifications together with amendment No. 1 to
3 and Part-II 2010 (rates) (hereinafter referred to as the MES Schedule) together with
amendment No 1 to 59 of SSR-2010 Part II as applicable.

5. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249 - (1989 Print) together with Errata No 1 to 20 and
amendments No 1 to 48

6. Water condition 31 of IAFW-2249, General Condition of Contracts. Water will not be supplied
by the MES.

7. Should this tender be accepted I/We agree:-

(a) ***That the sum of Rs. 6,89,000.00 (Six lakh Eighty Nine thousands rupees only)
forwarded as earnest money shall either be retained as a part of security deposit or refunded by the
Govt on receipt of the appropriate amount of security deposit all as per condition 22 of IAFW-2249.

(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to therein and as detailed in the General Summary hereinafter and to carry out
such deviations as may be ordered vide condition 7 of IAFW-2249 upto maximum of 10% (Ten
percent). Further agree to refer all disputes, as required by condition 70 to the sole arbitrator of a
serving officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final
examination in Subdivision-II of Indian Institution of Surveyors (India) recognised by Govt. of India to be
appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief or officiating E-in-C or Director General of Works if specifically
delegated in writing by Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi whose decision shall be
final, conclusive and binding.

(c) Further agree to refer all the disputes to the extent restricted vide special condition No. 48 of
tender documents to the sole conciliator viz., serving officer not below the rank of Superintending
Engineer/ Superintending Engineer (Q S & C) having Degree in Engineering or equivalent or having
passed final / direct final examination of Sub division-II of Institution of Surveyors (India) to be
appointed by Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi or in his absence the Officer officiating
as Engineer-in-chief or Director General of works specifically delegated by Engineer-in-chief in writing
whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.

(d) Further agree to refer all disputes, as required by condition 70 to the sole arbitrator of a serving
officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final examination in
Subdivision-II of Indian Institution of Surveyors (India) recognised by Govt. of India to be appointed by
the Engineer-in-Chief or officiating E-in-C or Director General of Works if specifically delegated in
writing by Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi whose decision shall be final, conclusive
and binding.

*** To be deleted where not applicable.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.32

Brought forward for the lump sum Rs.


Signature Name (in block/capital letters)

in the capacity of duly

authorised to sign the tender for and behalf of (in block capital).

Witness Date

Address Postal:




Telephone No.:

alterations have been made in these

documents and as evidence that these alterations were made before the execution of the contract

agreement; they have been initiated by the contractor and Shri

. The said officer is hereby authorized to sign and initial on my behalf the documents forming part of

this contract.

The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of the President of India for the Lump-sum of Rs.
) on the day of Dated this day of

Chief Engineer
(AF) Allahabad
Accepting Officer
(For and Behalf of the President of India)
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.33



It is hereby agreed by * me/us that the General Conditions of contracts including condition 70
pertaining to settlement of disputes by Arbitration (IAFW-2249-1989 Print) containing 33 pages (Serial
Page No 34 to 66 with errata No 1 to 20 containing two Pages (Serial Page No 67 to 68) and
amendment Nos 1 to 17 containing five pages (Serial Page Nos 69 to 73) and amendment No 18 to 40
issued by MOD vide letter No PC-1 to 33487/IAFW 2249/R/01/2011/D(Works-II) dated 24th March 2015
containing thirteen pages (Serial Page Nos 74 to 86) and amendment Serial No 41 to 48 issued by
MOD vide letter No PC-1 to 33487/IAFW 2249/R/858/2018/D(Works-II) dated 14th January 2019
containing seven pages (Serial Page Nos 87 to 93) for English version only forms part of the
contract, though not enclosed with the tender documents.

This tender submitted by * me/us is subject to the aforesaid General Conditions of

Contracts in IAFW-2249, a copy of which has been supplied to * me/us and is in * my/our
possession and which * I/We have read and understood before submission of the tender.

*My/our signature hereunder is deemed to be * my/our having signed the aforesaid General
Conditions of Contracts together with errata and amendments (IAFW-2249-1989 Print) forming part of
this tender.

*To be deleted whichever is not applicable.


Dated: for Chief Engineer (AF)
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.94


It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum Wages” as published by Government

of India or provincial Government‟s Notification whichever is higher issued upto date of
submission of tender shall form part of these tender documents.

My/our signature hereunder amounts to my/our having signed the aforesaid documents
forming part of the tender.

Note :- “Schedule for minimum wages” referred to above is available for reference, in
the office of Chief Engineer (Air Force) Allahabad-211012.

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

Dated: for Chief Engineer (AF)
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.95


1. (a) General specifications mentioned any where in the contract including those in General Conditions
of Contracts, viz IAFW-2249, shall mean the specifications given in the MES Standard Schedule of Rates
2009(Part-I). Particulars specifications given here-in - after are in brief and only to particularize/amend
and emphasis the specification given in the MES Standard Schedule of Rates. Specifications general
rules, Preambles and special conditions contained in MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 Part-I &
Part-II 2010 shall, unless specifically described otherwise, be applicable to this contract.

(b) Any work shown on drawing(s) but not described in particular specifications shall, unless
specifically described to be excluded from the contract, be deemed to be included in the lumpsum quoted
by contractor for Schedule „A‟. In case of doubt with regard to the manner of detail for executing the
work, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding. This shall not be
applicable to the items of work pertaining to services for which separate parts of Schedule „A‟ setting out
the requirements have been given. Should there be item(s) or parts as shown on drawings but not
included in the relevant sections of Sch „A‟ these shall, unless otherwise described or stated in the
contract, constitute an additional work.

(c) All heading and marginal notes to these special conditions or to any other documents of this
contract are solely for the purpose of giving a concise indication and not a summary of the contents
thereof, and they shall never be deemed to supersede the contents of the clauses.

(d) The tenderer is advised to point out in writing discrepancy(s) if any of the tender documents, at
least 10 days before the due date of receipt back of tender. In case discrepancy(s), in contract
documents is/are noticed by the contractor during execution of the works, it shall be brought out to the
notice of the Accepting Officer of contract and others concerned in writing before commencement of the
particular work where discrepancy(s) is/are noticed failing which the contractor shall forfeit his right to
claim on account of such discrepancy(s).

(e) Also where there are obvious mistakes in any of the contract provisions, the Accepting Officer
shall be sole deciding authority with regard to the intention of the contract documents and his decision in
this respect shall be final, binding and conclusive.

(f) Where the drawings show finishes to wooden members, such finishes shall be applied to wooden
members as well as wood based members. However, surfaces covered with laminates shall not be given
any finish such as painting, polishing etc.

(g) Where reinforcement details/thickness of RCC members such as slab, beams, lintels etc are not
shown on the drawings, the same shall be supplied by the GE on the basis of provisions in IS-456- 2000
and the same shall be provided and incorporated in the works by the contractor and no extra payment
will be admissible on this account.

(h) Where ever nomenclatures of structural slabs ( e.g S-I, S-2 etc) is given in the RCC Plans, the
details of reinforcement for such slabs shall be as given for slabs of the same nomenclatures else-where,
if not given in the same drawing.

(j) Dwarf wall in situations like verandah, passage etc even if not shown on drawings, shall be
deemed to be included in the scope and shall be provided at no extra cost to the department.


divisions of the tender documents shall be deemed to be supplementary/ complementary to each other.


(i) The tenderer is advised to contact the GE for the purpose of inspection of site(s) and relevant
document other than those sent herewith, who will give reasonable facilities for the purpose. The
tenderer shall also make themselves familiar with the working conditions accessibility of site, availability
of materials and other cogent conditions which may effect the entire completion of work under this
(ii) The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected the site(s) and made themselves familiar with the
working conditions, whether they have actually inspected the site(s) or not.

contract lies in “RESTRICTED AREA”.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.96


5. SECURITY OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS :- Contractor‟s special attention is drawn to

condition 2-A & 3 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249). The contractor shall not communicate
any classified information regarding the works either to Sub-contractors or others without prior approval
of the Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor shall also not make copies of the design/drawings and other
documents furnished to him in respect of the work and he shall return all documents on completion of the
work or earlier or termination of contract. The contractor shall alongwith final bill attach a receipt from the
Engineer-in-Charge in respect of his having returned the classified documents as per condition 3 of
General Conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249).

6. OFFICIAL SECRET ACT :- The contractor shall be bound by the Indian Official secret Act 1923,
particularly section 5 thereof, all as per condition 2A of IAFW-2249

(a) Contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals as his representatives, servants and workmen after
verifying their antecedents and loyalty. He shall ensure that no person of doubtful antecedents and
nationality is, in any way, associated with the work. If for the reasons of technical collaboration or other
considerations the employment of foreign national(s) is unavoidable, the contractor shall furnish full
particulars to this effect to the Accepting Officer at the time of submission of the tender. As a proof that
the contractor has employed only Indian Nationals, he shall render a certificate to GE within one month
from the date of acceptance of tender to this effect. In case the GE desires, contractor will have the
police verification done of personnel employed by him.

(b) The GE shall have full powers, and without giving any reason to order the contractor immediately to
cease to employ in connection with this contract, any agent, servant or employee whose continued
employment is, in his opinion, undesirable, The contractor shall not be allowed any compensation on this

(c) The contractor‟s attention is also drawn to condition 25 of IAFW-2249 in this connection.




WORKSHOP AND OFFICE: -Refer condition 24 of IAFW-2249. The contractor shall be permitted to
store his materials including erecting temporary sheds at the area of land marked on site plan and he
shall pay a license fee of Rs 1/- per year or part thereof in respect of each and every separate area of
land allotted to him.

2249. The contractor shall be permitted to erect his temporary workshops and the like at the area of land
marked for the purpose on the site plan and he shall pay a licence fee of Rs. 1/- (Rupees one only) per
year or part thereof in respect of each and every separate area of land allotted to him.
Note: The Site Plan is available with GE . The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected the site plan
and made themselves familiar with the availability of land from concerned GE, whether they have actually
inspected or not.

9. DAMAGE TO EXISTING STRUCTURES:- Any damage to the existing structures, any existing
road, etc during the execution of work shall be made good by the contractor at his own expense.
Rectification, replacement, making good and touching up etc, shall be carried out to conform to the
materials and workmanship originally provided and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case
of any dispute on this account, the decision of the GE shall be final conclusive and binding.

10. QUARRIES AND ROYALTIES :- Quarries are not available on land which is in the charge of
MES authorities, Condition 14 of IAFW-2249 shall be treated as not applicable.

11. APPROACHES: - The contractors shall make arrangements for and provide at his own cost all
temporary approaches, if required to the site(s), after obtaining approval in writing of the GE to the layout
of such approaches.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO .97


12. LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND WORKS:- There may be some changes in location/sitting of
building shown in site (layout) plan (s) to suit local conditions and /or departmental requirements. The
contractor shall have no claim what-so-ever consequent to such change in the location/sitting of works.


(a) In case any class of work for which there is no such specifications in the tender documents including
SSR, such work shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Standard Specifications and where Indian
Standard Specifications do not cover the same, the work shall be carried out as per standard engineering
practice subject to the approval of the GE.

(b) No claim what-so-ever will be tenable for any misunderstanding or for not having ascertaining
requisite information /knowledge to muster the resources required in satisfactory completion of the entire
work to requirements as per contract agreement.

14. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: - Measurement of all measurable work executed under this
contract shall be taken in accordance with the rules of measurements as laid down in SSR 2009 Part-I
and SSR 2010 Part-II pertaining to various items of work as applicable, unless otherwise indicated in the
respective sections of schedule “A”. In case the method of measurements for a particular item of work is
not given in the SSR, a reference will be made to the relevant provision contained in the latest edition of
(a)The time and progress chart, to be prepared as per condition 11 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of
contracts), shall consist of detailed net work analysis and a time schedule. The critical path net work will
be drawn by the contractor and approved by GE soon after acceptance of the tender.
(b) (i) The time scheduling of the activities will be done by the contractor so as to finish the work
within the stipulated time. The contractor is advised to use the facilities of computerization available with
any Organization which affords such facility in doing the same. On completion of the time-schedule, a firm
calendar date schedule will be prepared and submitted by the contractor to GE, who will approve it after
scrutiny. No financial liability shall accrue to the Govt in connection with computerization.

(ii) The schedule will be submitted in quadruplicate within two weeks from the date of handing over
the sites. In case the contractor fails to submit the CPM net work diagram, the net work prepared by the
GE will be binding on him and he will be bound to employ resources of men and materials in the manner
directed by the GE.

(c) During currency of the work, the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule and this
adherence will be part of the contractor‟s performance under the contract. During the execution of the
work, the contractor is expected to participate in the reviews and updating of the net work undertaken by
GE. These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion of the GE either as a periodic appraisal
measure or when the quantum of work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed through
deviation order (s)/or amendment. Any revision of the schedule as a result of the review will be
submitted by the contractor to the GE within a week, who will approve it after due scrutiny. The
contractor will adhere to the revised schedule thereafter.
(d) In case of Contractor not agreeing to the revised Schedule, the same will be referred to the
Accepting Officer whose decisions will be the final, conclusive and binding. GE‟s approval to the revised
Schedule resulting in completion date beyond the stipulated date of completion shall not automatically
amount to grant of extension of time, Extension of time shall be considered and decided by the
appropriate authority in terms of condition 11 of IAFW-2249 and separately regulated.

(e) Contractor is expected to mobilise and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed
schedule within the broad frame work of the accepted methods of working and safety.

(f) No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive
methods contemplated by him in this work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the

16. CO-ORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES: - The contractor shall permit free access and afford
normal facilities and usual convenience to other agencies or departmental workmen to carryout
connected works or service under separate arrangements. The contractor will not be allowed any extra
payment on this account.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.98



(a) Contractor‟s plants/equipments at site. The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-Charge every
morning a distribution return of his plants/equipments on the site of the work, stating the following
(i) Particulars of plants/equipments, its make, manufacturer No, Model No if any,
Registration No if any, capacity year of manufacture and year of purchase etc.
(ii) Total No (Qty) on site of work.
(iii) Location and indication of No (Qty) at each location of the site of work.
(iv) Purchase value on the date of purchase .For the purpose of this condition, plant/equipment shall
include vehicles i.e. trucks and lorries but neither the workman‟s tools nor any manually operated
tools/equipment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record the particulars supplied by the contractor in the
works dairy and send monthly return to the GE for record in his office.
(b) Loss on account of Enemy Action: - If as a result of enemy action the contractor suffers any loss or
damage, the Govt shall reimburse to the contractor such loss or damage to the extent and in the manner
provided here-in-after.
(i) The loss suffered by him on account of any damage or destruction of his plant / equipment (as
defined in special condition (a) above), material or any part or parts thereof the amount of loss assessed
by the Accepting Officer of the contract on this account shall be final, binding and conclusive.
(ii) The compensation paid by him under any law for the time being in force, to any workmen
employed by him for any injury caused to workmen or workman‟s legal successor for loss of the
workmen‟s life.
(iii) Payment of compensation for loss or damage to any work of part of work carried out. The amount
of compensation shall be determined in accordance with condition 48 of General Conditions of Contracts
(iv) No reimbursement shall be made nor shall any compensation be payable under the above
provision unless the contractor had taken Air Defence precautions ordered by the GE/or concerned, or in
the absence of such order, reasonable precautions taken by the contractor. No reimbursement shall be
made nor shall any compensation be payable for any plants/equipment or materials not lying at site of
work at the time enemy action.
Should any force majeure circumstances arise, each of the contracting party shall be executed
for the no fulfillment or for the delayed fulfillment of any of its contractual obligations, if the
affected part within 15 days of its occurrences informs the other party in writing.
Force majeure shall mean fires, floods, natural calamities or other acts such as war, turmoil,
strikes (as no limited to be establishment of the selled), sabotage, explosions, quarantine restrictions
beyond the control of either party.
It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the rights and obligations of the
parties shall be deemed to be in suspension during the continuance of the force majeure event as
aforesaid and the said rights and obligations shall automatically revive upon the cessation of intervening
force majeure event. The period within which the rights & obligations of the parties shall be in suspension
due to the force majeure event shall not be considered as a delay with respect to the period of delivery
and /or acceptance of delivery under the contract or otherwise the detriment of either party.
Not withstanding the provisions of the immediately foregoing clauses it is further understood and
agreed between the parties hereto that in the event of any force majeure persisting for an uninterrupted
period exceeding 6 (Six) months, either party hereto reserves the right to terminate this contact upon
giving prior written notice of 30 (Thirty) days to the other party of the intention to terminate without any
liability other than reimbursement on the terms provided in this agreement of the goods received.

19 WATER (Refer to condition 31 of IAFW-2249)

19.1 Refer condition 31 of General Condition of Contract IAFW-2249, clause 1.13 of MES
Schedule, Part-I

19.2 Water will not be supplied by the MES. The tenderers are advised to visit the site of works to
ascertain availability of water from civil sources or from nearby natural sources outside ministry of
Defence land. The contractor shall be allowed, if he so desires, to install hand pumps, tube wells at site of
work at places as approved by Engineer-in-Charge and nothing shall be charged from the contractor. The
contractor shall remove the hand pumps, tube wells as and when asked to do so by Engineer–in-
Charge/GE and in any case on completion of the work and before issue of completion certificate, unless
GE desires that these hand pumps, tubes wells be left in position and the contractor agrees to do so
without claiming cost thereof from department. No compensation
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.99


Whats so ever shall be admissible to the contractor, if he is required to remove the pump (s) tube wells
before completion of work. Use of water from such sources shall only be permitted if, found after testing,
potable and fit for use in the work. The water from such sources shall be got tested by the contractor from
laboratory approves by the GE, who shall after satisfying himself permit the contractor to use the water
from such sources. Testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

19.3 The contractor, if he so desires, will be allowed to augment the departmental water supply by boring
wells at his own cost at site(s) approved by the GE. On completion of the work the contractor shall
remove pipes etc. installed and make good the site as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge without any
extra cost to Govt. The contractor shall be given no rebate for augmentation of water supply and
charges for water shall be recovered at the rate mentioned


20.1 In case the contractor desires to buy electricity from MES, it will be supplied at point up to 03 km
away from site of work shown on site plan./or as decided by the GE .

20.2 Electric supply shall be 415/230 volts, 50 cycles, three phase AC supply at upto 05 KW.

20.3 The contractor shall be charged for the electric energy consumed at Rupees 7.41 per unit (KWH)
for lighting and power.

20.4 The above rate is all in cost rate. Duties and/or taxes if any, levied by State Govt. and/or any
Electricity Undertaking and the like on the electricity charges will be borne by the Department.

20.5 . Main switches and KWH meter to register the power supplied shall be provided and installed by
MES. All other fittings, cable switch, connection etc. for distribution and supply of electricity from main
switch to work site shall be arranged by the contractor at his own according to Indian Electricity Rules
and along with the routes approved by the GE) . The GE) shall have free access to inspect all
installations, connections, devices for consuming the electricity and if these are not found satisfactory the
GE) shall have the power to get these disconnected.

20.6 Supply of electricity shall be during the hours as decided by the GE . However MES does not
constitute any guarantee for the continuity of supply and no compensation shall accrue to the contractor
for the supply becoming intermittent or if there is any breakdown for any reason. Contractor shall have
provision of sufficient stand by supply under their own arrangement to ensure that no delay occurs on
account of no or intermittent supply from the MES.

20.7 It is the responsibility of contractor to maintain the unit power factor of electric supply. For this
contractor shall provide capacitor of appropriate capacity for each connection for installation of his
construction equipments.


21.1 Add the following in continuation of para 8 of Condition 64 of IAFW-2249:-
Provided further, the contractor may be paid advance on account to the full value of the under mentioned
materials only, brought on the site, on his furnishing Guarantee Bond(s), from a Scheduled Bank for the
amount of the retention money which should otherwise be recoverable from him under the contract. The
contractor shall produce genuine purchase Vrs for the materials so procured when demanded by the
Engineer in Charge:-
(a) Factory made doors and windows
(b) Sanitary fittings
(c) Electrical fittings
(d) Water supply fittings/fixtures
(e) Iron mongery
(f) AC soil waste/vent pipes
(g) Any other fittings, fixtures & other manufactured items which do not loose their identity as approved
by GE .
21.2 The Bank Guarantee Bond(s) shall be executed for a period of six months and on a form as
directed by the Accepting Officer. The contractor shall further arrange to extend the period of Guarantee
Bond(s) if and when necessary, as directed by the Accepting Officer or shall furnish fresh Guarantee
Bond(s) of similar value in lieu.
21.3 It shall be noted that, advance on account to the full value against Bank Guarantee is permissible
only in respect of fittings and fixtures and other manufactured items which do not loose their identity.
Delete the existing description of condition 14 of IAFW-2249 and insert the following: - “No
quarries on defence land are available “.
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23.1 The Contractor alongwith his labour return shall furnish to the Engineer-in-Charge every morning
distribution return of his plants/equipments on the site of work stating following particulars:-
(i) Particular of plants/equipments, their make, manufacturer‟s model No. if any, Registration
No., if any, capacity, year of manufacture and year of purchase etc.
(ii) Total No. of (Quantity) on site of work.
(iii) Location indication No. (quantity) at each location on the site of work.
(iv) For the purpose of this condition, purchase value on the date of purchase for
plant/equipment and vehicle No. of trucks and lorries shall be furnished. However neither the
workman‟s tools nor manually operated tools/equipment shall be given. The Engineer-in Charge
shall record the particulars supplied by the contractor in the works diary and sent the return to the
GE for record in his office.


24.1 No out of pocket expenses incurred by the tenderer in submitting his tender shall be reimbursed
whether his tender is accepted or not.


Any damage to the existing structures, any existing road etc., during the execution of work shall be made
good by the contractor at his own expense. Rectification, replacement, making good and touching up
etc. shall be carried out, conforming to the materials and workmanship originally provided and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case of any dispute on this account, the decision of the GE
shall be final, binding and conclusive


26.1 Unit rates offered by the Contractor in Sch „A‟ shall be deemed to include for all minor details of
construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have been referred to in these
documents but these are essential for the execution of work and services in workmen like manner and
sound construction.

26.2 In case of difference of opinion as to whether or not a certain item of work constitutes minor details
of construction included in the contractor‟s quoted rates, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be
final, conclusive and binding.

27. VALIDITY OF TENDER: - Tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 75 (Seventy
Five) days from the next date subsequent to last date of bid submission.


(a) Materials/Articles provided by the contractor for in-corporation in the works shall unless otherwise
specified in the particular specifications, comply with the requirements of the relevant Indian standards
(IS) of the year of publication/ edition specified in the MES Schedule Part-I and shall have IS certification
marking, in particular, the following items as applicable:-
1) Fly ash bricks 2) Aggregates 3) Sand 4) Paver Block
5) Floor tiles 6) Baroda Green Marble 7) Granite 8) Aluminium Section
9) Articles of Builder‟s hardware, eg sliding/ locking/tower bolts, butt/ spring hinges, hasp and staple, rim,
10) PVC board for cabinet.
11) GI tubing, CI pipes, GI/Cast iron fittings.
12) Sanitary fittings viz WC pan Wash Hand basin, stopcocks, bib cocks/ Pillar cocks, valves, float
valves/ ball valves etc.
13) APP membrane and water proofing chemical
14) Factory made Paneled/wire gauged door shutter, Steel door frame and windows
15) Electrical switches & Fittings, MCCBs, MCB, DBs, conductors and cables
(b) Sample of all materials shall be got approved by the contractor from GE before incorporation in
the work.
(c) In case of material/ articles for which Indian standards are not finalised/ issued and therefore not
include in the MES schedule contractor shall produce the samples and get them approved by the GE in
writing before incorporation in the works.

(d) The contractor is advised to inspect the samples of local building materials, e.g bricks, stone
aggregate, sand etc and other materials maintained by the CWE/GE before submitting his tender. The
contractor will be deemed to have inspected those samples and have full knowledge thereof, whether he
inspects them or not. The materials to be provided by the contractor shall conform to or be superior to the
(e) The selection and use of sources for materials shall be subject to the compliance of these
specifications read in conjunction with MES schedule and relevant Indian Standard Specifications.
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(a) The proprietary articles such as anti-termite chemical, bitumen, APP membrane, water
proofing compound, paint, etc when brought to site shall be inspected and approved by the GE.
(b) The quantity of proprietary articles brought to site shall be recorded in measurement book
(IAFW-2261) and signed by the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that
required quantity has been brought to site for incorporation in the works.

(b) The proprietary materials shall be stored as directed. Those already recorded in the
measurement book shall be marked suitably for identification.

(d) The contractor, shall on demand, produce to the GE, original receipt vouchers/ invoices in
respect of the supplies, to ensure that the contractor has actually brought the articles of required
quality and quantity from the authorised agent/manufacturer/ supplier and also to find out the
rates thereof.

(e) Bitumen for road, roof treatment and mastic filling to be used in the work shall be purchased
directly from manufactures stockiest or their authorised dealers only. These vouchers/invoices
shall be defaced by the GE/Engineer-in-Charge, indicating reference to the contract number,
under his dated signature, and CTC thereof shall be kept on record so as to avoid their being
used again. Test certificate from the manufacturer shall also be produced by the contractor
alongwith purchase voucher of materials.

(f) The chemical required for anti-termite treatment shall be purchased from manufactures /
authorised dealers only and contractor shall produce the cash voucher etc to prove the
genuineness of the same. GE will also ensure that proper quality/ quantity of chemicals are
brought and incorporated in the works.
(g) Purchase voucher of following proprietary and branded materials from manufacturer/dealer
shall be produced by the contractor to Engineer-in-Charge. Defaced copies of voucher shall be
held on record by the Engineer-in-Charge. Details of vouchers of proprietary material shall be
entered in MB.
(i) Water proofing compound/ APPmembrane
(ii) Synthetic Enamel Paint, Cement base paint, OBD and Primer
(iii) GI tubing and fittings, CI pipes & Fittings.
(iv) ATT Chemical
(v) All types of light fittings / fixtures
(vi) Electric cables
(vii) Feeder Panel
(viii) MCB/MCCB,Flame brust fittings
(ix) LT Cable
(x) Cement
(xi) Steel.

The Vouchers/ Invoices will clearly indicate the contract number and the IS No specific
alternative to which the material conforms in case of various alternatives given in IS.


(a) For the purpose of keeping record of cement issued and consumed in works one properly
bound register serially numbered and all pages initiated against the numbering by the Engineer-
in-Charge and in the form approved by Engineer-in-Charge showing daily receipt quantity used in
the work, balance in hand, shall be maintained.

(b) The register shall be kept at site in the safe custody of the contractor‟s representative during
the progress of the work and shall be produced for verification of the Inspecting officer on
(c) The entries in the aforesaid register will be signed daily by the contractor or his authorised
representative and the JE (Civil) for supervision and once in a week by Engineer-in-charge.

(d) On completion of the work, the contractor shall deposit the cement register with Engineer-
in-Charge for record.
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31. WATCH/LIGHTING ; - The contractor shall at his own cost take all possible precautions to ensure
safety of life and property by providing necessary fencing, barrier, light, watchmen etc, during the
progress of work and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge .

32. MAKING GOOD ; -The contractor shall leave or form holes of concrete (Plain or RCC), brick work ,
stone masonry and in any other situation as required for the work or as directed by Engineer-in-charge
and make good all the holes in the same mortar and mix as specified for that portion of work.

33. CLEANING DOWN :-Refer condition 49 of IAFW-2249. The contractor shall clean all floors,
remove cement, lime or paint drops, clean joinery, glass panes etc. touch up all painter‟s work and carry
out all other necessary items of work in connection there with and leave the whole premises clean and
tidy to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge before handing over the items/works. No extra
payment shall be admissible to the contractor for this operation.

34. CONSTRUCTION LABOUR WELFARE CESS/TAX :- Consequent upon promulgation of

ordinance by the President of India, the contractor is liable to pay element for construction labour welfare
CESS/Tax. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of this CESS/TAX.

35 PRICING OF DEVIATIONS :-The principle enumerated in condition 62 of IAFW-2249 shall apply

to various sections of schedule “A” of this contract. The contractor‟s percentage applicable for pricing
deviation as per condition 62 of IAFW-2249 shall be the contractor ‟s percentage for the respective
sections of schedule “A”.


(a) Refer condition 58 of IAFW-2249. Govt. of India Min of Labour (Deptt of labour and Employment)
vide notification dated have fixed minimum rates of wages as up to dated from time to time for various
categories of employees under the Minimum Wages Act 1948. The contractor shall not pay wages lower
than minimum wages including allowances as fixed under said notification as updated till the date of
receipt of tender. Where in any area the minimum rates of wages are also fixed by state Government for
employees in employment in the construction/maintenance of buildings/roads/runways, the labour wages
as fixed vide above said updated notification of Ministry of labour or respective state Government
whichever is higher in respect of these areas shall be deemed minimum rates of wages payable under
this contract and the contractor shall not pay lower than this minimum rates of wages.

(b) Contractor‟s attention is also drawn, amongst other things to the “explanations” to the schedule of
minimum wages referred to above.

(c) The fair wages referred to in condition 58 of IAFW-2249 will be deemed to be the same as the
minimum wages, referred to above as up to dated from time to time.

(d) Sch. of minimum wages has not been enclosed along with tender documents. However,
contractor shall be deemed to have verified the minimum wages payable as on the last due date of
receipt of tender.

(e) The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever, if on account of local factor and/or regulations, he
is required to pay the wages in excess of minimum wages as described above during the execution of

(f) Wages/salary of employed labourers and supervisor/deployed staff shall be paid by the contractor
through Aadhar Linked bank account of individual labour and deployed staff. Relevant details of payment
made by the contractor through bank shall be produced for verification of principal employer (Garrison
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Tendered rates are inclusive of (i) Goods & Services Tax (GST) made applicable from 01 July 2017
(ii) Laobur welfare cess & (iii) Other levies, royalties & duties in force and enforced during currency of
contract & up till payment of Final Bill and other dues.
38. Re-imbursement/Refund on variation in Taxes directly related to contract value
(a) The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes including GST,
Labour welfare cess/Tax, duties, royalties and other levies.
(b) (i) The taxes which are levied by Govt at certain percentage rates of contract Sum/Amount shall
be termed as “taxes directly related to contract Value” such as GST on works contracts, Labour Welfare
cess/tax and like but excluding Income Tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all “
taxes directly related to contract value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on last due date for
receipt of tenders. Any increase in percentage rate of “taxes directly related to contract value” with
reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the contractor
and any decrease in percentage rate of “taxes directly related to contract value” with reference to
prevailing rates on last due date of receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the contractor to the
Govt/deducted by the Govt from any payments due to the contractor. Similarly imposition of any new
“taxes directly related to contract value” after the last due date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed
to the contractor and abolition of any taxes directly related to contract value” prevailing on last due date
for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from the
payments due to the contractor.
(ii) The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of this becoming aware of variation in percentage
rates and/or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to contract value”, give written notice thereof
to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this special condition, together with all information
relating there to which he may be in a position to supply. The contractors shall submit the other
documentary proof/informations as the GE may require.
(iii) The contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative
of Govt, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as the GE may
require, any documents so kept and such other informations as the GE may require.
(iv) Re-imbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “taxes directly related to contract
value ”shall be made only if the contractor necessarily and properly pays additional “taxes directly related
to contract value” to the Govt, without getting the same adjusted against any other tax liability or without
getting the same refunded from the concerned Govt authority and submits documentary proof for the
same as the GE may require.
39 Goods & Services Tax (GST) & Labour Welfare Tax shall be deducted by the disbursing officer
at the prevailing rates from gross amount payable to the contractor. Contractors quoted rates shall
include taxes to be paid/ deducted at source by the disbursing officer. Rate of recovery of taxes shall be
all as per Govt notification /SRO as applicable on last date of receipt of tender. Nothing extra is payable
on this account.

39.1 Rate of Tax to be paid/recovered at the source under Goods & Services Tax (GST) shall be the
percentage on gross value of contract as prescribed by the Central Board of Excise & Custom

39.2 Contractor shall get registered with the Central Board of Excise & Custom for allotment of ARIN /
ID / GSTIN. Contractor shall file monthly returns for GST as per instructions in the matter from the

40. WORK ON HOLIDAYS :- The contractor shall not carry out any work on gazetted holidays, weekly
holidays and other non-working days except when he is specially authorised in writing to do so by the
GE. The GE may at his sole discretion declare any day as holiday or non-working day without assigning
any reason for such declaration.

41. Contractor‟s Jhugies : Final payment will not be made to the contractor till the jhugies put up by
the labouerer‟s are removed to the best satisfaction of GE.


(a) The contractor shall be responsible for various tests to be carried out as listed in Appx „A‟ in the
site laboratory which will be set up by the contractor for testing of material at his own cost and
arrangement and for that, they shall employ a competent technical representative as approved by GE.
All such tests shall be carried out in presence of Engineer-in-Charge. The cost of labour & materials for
testing shall be borne by contractor.
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(b) The rates of testing given in Col 7 of Appx „B‟ shall be per lot of samples. No charges for tests
carried out in site laboratory shall be recovered from the contractor. However, in case, a test which was
specified to be carried out in site lab, and which could not be carried out in the site lab due to some
reason, such test will be carried out in Zonal lab/any other approved lab and recovery for the same shall
be effected from the contractor at the rates indicated in Appx „A‟.

(c) The tests which are specified to be carried out in Zonal lab and any other approved lab, charges
for the same shall be borne by contractor at the rates indicated in Appx „A‟, only if the test results disclose
that materials are not in conformity with provisions of the contract. However, if the tests disclose that
materials are in conformity with the provisions of the contract no recovery shall be effected from the
(d) For the test to be carried out in laboratories other than site laboratory, the facility & cost for
conveyance of samples shall be provided by the contractor. The charges for testing shall however be
borne by the department if test results are in conformity with contract provisions, otherwise the recovery
for such test shall be made from the contractor as per the rates indicated in Appx „A‟ or the actual
charges whichever is higher.


(EPF & MP) ACT 1952
(a) Contractor shall get registered with employees provident fund organization. PF organization will
allot Provident Fund Code Number to the contracting firm. Scanned copy of letter of allotment of
Provident Fund Code number, (showing allotted code number) issued by the EPF organization shall be
uploaded by the contractor in cover 1 (T bid) along with scanned copy of DD towards tender cost and
application letter. Those bidder not registered with PF organization and not upload above scanned copy
of letter of allotment of PF code number in cover 1 (T bid), they shall be disqualified during evaluation of
T bid and consequently their financial bid (cover2) shall not be opened.

(b) All workers/tradesmen deployed by the contractor under subject contract shall be enrolled as
members of Provident Fund and shall be given Universal Account Number (UAN).

(c) While submitting payment under RAR and final bill contractor shall render relevant certificate duly
supported with challans to Engineer-in-Charge/Garrison Engineer giving confirmation that all workers
employed directly/indirectly by him under subject contract are enrolled for EPF and contribution toward
EPF credited till date into their respective accounts (UAN).

(d) Failure by the contractor of compliance of EPF and MP Act shall be an offence and attract penalty
from the competent authorities in the matter.


44.1 The materials to be incorporated in the work shall be tested at a frequency as laid down in Indian
standard/IRC Standard/ Standard as specified in the contract. The materials listed in Appendix „B‟ shall
be tested as per the frequency indicated therein.
44.2 If facility for testing of building materials for any particular test in not available in the
site/ Zonal Laboratory/Command Test Lab (CTL), the same will be got tested in National Test
House/SEMT WING/Engineering collage at discretion of Garrison Engineer, All expenses for testing shall
be borne by the contractor.

44.3 Level of testing shown in legend as A,B & C are defined as under :-

44.3.1 LEVEL „A‟ : SITE LAB:

(i) “Site Lab” means own site lab established by contractor at the work site for such tests. This
lab shall house all the facilities including T & P, machinery, equipment, and manpower etc, required for
conducting tests. A list of suggested essential equipments required for site lab is enclosed as per
appendix „C‟. Competent technical representative as approved by the GE shall be employed by the
contractor to man the laboratory. This lab shall be operative for the entire duration of the contract till it‟s
completion. Tests shall be carried out in the presence of Engineer-in-Charge to be nominated by GE or
any other departmental official to be nominated by the GE. Random check of compliance of frequency of
testing shall be done by GE. Setting up site laboratory is mandatory for all works costing Rs.1 crore
(Rupees one crore) and above.

(ii) Record shall be maintained at work site. These test result shall be signed by contractor
or his authorized representative and aforesaid departmental official.
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(iii) Within 15 days of placement of work order No.1, site lab shall be established and facts
reported by the contractor to GE in writing who will verify the fact and satisfy himself of the facilities
provided. Thereafter, GE shall issue a certificate to this effect in writing listing out equipment
particulars etc, of each material test. Only after issue of this certificate by GE, the tests shall be carried
out and materials so approved shall be incorporated in the work.

(iv) Manpower, material and infrastructure like electricity, water etc, required for conducting these tests
shall be provided by the contractor.

(v) Tenderer is deemed to cater for above provisions in his quoted lump sum.

(vi) Remedial measures, if any, required to achieve/obtain desired results for each tests shall
be taken promptly by contractor. Lump sum is deemed to included for this eventuality and nothing
extra shall be payable to the contractor. No extension of time shall be admissible on this account.

(vii) No recovery shall be made for the tests carried out in Site Lab.
(viii) However rates per test given are applicable for recovery in case of unavoidable circumstances
where some tests and laid down could not be done and in the opinion of the GE non performances
of tests do not affect quality control. However, in case GE in his opinion considers that contractor is
purposely not adhering to laid down requencies of tests, he shall reserve the right to get it tested in
Zonal lab or any other lab as deemed fit and make penal recovery form RAR which shall be double the
rate of testing charges indicated or testing charges actually paid to lab whichever is higher. GE‟s
decision, in this regard, shall be final and binding.


(i) Zonal lab/Command Test Lab means any lab of MES department.
(ii) The tests shall be conducted as per frequencies laid down for these tests in these labs for which
contractor shall provide all requisite facilities like samples, cubes, material etc, transportation to these
labs for testing purpose. It will be contractor‟s responsibility to adhere to the laid down frequency of
testing. Test results shall be sent by lab to the GE whose copies can be made by contractor at his own
expense. Testing charges for the tests so conducted shall be recovered at the rates indicated from the
running payments. The contractor‟s quoted lump
sum is deemed to included for above provisions.
(iii) Provision of para 33.1.1(viii) of level „A‟ shall be applicable to level „B‟ also.
38.3.3 Level „C‟ : National Test House / SEMT Wing Pune / Govt Engg Colleges

(i) Level „C‟ lab stands for National Test House / SEMT Wing Pune located in CME Pune/ Govt Engg
Colleges where such facilities exist.
(ii) Test provision contained in para 33.1.2(ii) of level „B‟ above shall be applicable here except that
contractor shall make necessary arrangement for transportation etc, to hand over the samples to these
labs. Test results shall be forwarded to GE by these labs directly. The testing charges payable to these
labs for conducting these tests shall be borne by the contractor and his quoted lump sum is deemed to
include this provision.

44.4 In case the contractor has not set up the site laboratory and the tests are carried out in Zonal or
any other laboratory, the recovery shall be made at the applicable rates indicated Appendix „B‟.

44.5 In case non availability of testing facilities in MES lab. The tests shall be conducted in any
outside Govt. approved labs. Testing charges of materials/cubes carried out in approved laboratory shall
be as per actual and shall be directly borne by the contractor.


Site for execution of work will be available as soon as the work is awarded. In case it is not possible to
make the entire site available on the award of work, the contractor will have to arrange his working
programme accordingly. No claim whatsoever, for not giving entire site on award of work and for giving
site gradually, will be tenable

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In compliance with the condition 26 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts), the contractor shall
employ skilled/semi skilled tradesmen who are qualified and possessing certificate in particular trade
from Industrial Training Institute/(ITI)/ National Institute of Construction Management and Research
(NICMAR)/ similar reputed and recognized Institutes by State/Central Government, to execute the works
of their respective trade. The number of such qualified tradesmen shall not less than 25% of total
skilled/semi skilled tradesmen required in each trade. The contractor shall submit the list of such
tradesmen alongwith requisite certificates to Garrison Engineer for verification and approval.
Notwithstanding the approval of such tradesmen by GE, if the tradesmen are found to have inadequate
skill to execute the work of their trades, leading to un-satisfactory workmanship, the contractor shall
remove such tradesmen within a week after written notice to this effect by the GE and shall engage other
qualified tradesmen after prior approval of GE. GE‟s decision whether a particular tradesmen processes
requisite qualification, skill and expertise commensurate with nature of work, shall be final and binding.
No compensation whatsoever on this account shall be admissible.


47.1 The following disputes between the parties to the contract shall after written notice by either party
to the contract be referred to the “Sole conciliator”. This is an serving officer not below the rank of
superintending Engineer / Superintending Engineer (QS&C) having degree in Engineering or equivalent
or having passed final /direct final Examination of sub division II of Institution of Surveyor (India)
recognized by Govt of India to be appointed by the Engineer in Chief, Army Head Quarters, New Delhi or
in his absence the officer officiating as Engineer in chief or Director General of works specifically
delegated by the Engineer in chief.


47.2.1 The scope of conciliation shall be restricted to the following types of disputes with financial limits
as Rs. 2.00 lacs (Rupees two lacs only) for each claim in dispute:-:-
(a) Disputes relating to levy of compensation for delay in completion actual amount of compensation.

(b) Disputes relating to technical examination of works.

(c) Disputes relating to interpretation of the provisions of the contract with reference to their application
to parties.

(d) Disputes relating to non return of Schedule „B‟ stores over issued to contractor.

(e) Any other dispute having fair chance of being resolved by conciliation and considered fit to be referred
to conciliation by the parties.

For item (b), (c), (d) and (e) each as stated above the financial limit shall be Rupees two lakh or one
percent of the contract amount whichever is less.

47.2.1 Commencement of Conciliation Proceedings The party initiating conciliation shall send to the other party a written invitation to conciliate,
briefly identifying the subject of the dispute. Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other
party accepts in writing the invitation to conciliate. If the other party rejects the invitation, there will be no
conciliation proceedings. If the party initiating conciliation does not receive a reply within 30 days from the
date on which he sends or within such other periods of time as specified in the invitation, he may elect to
treat this as a rejection of the invitation to conciliate and if he so elects, he shall inform in writing the other
party accordingly.

47.2.3 Number of conciliator: - There shall be a Sole conciliator.

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47.2.4 Appointment of conciliator :-

All disputes brought out in para 44.2.1 (a) to (e) above shall be referred to the sole Conciliator viz Serving
Officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer/Superintending Engineer (QS & C) having degree
in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final examination of Sub division II of institution
of Surveyors (India) to be appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi or in his
absence the Officer officiating as Engineer- in- Chief or Director General of Works specifically delegated
by the Engineer- in -Chief in writing.

47.2.5 STATUS OF EFFECT OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: - The settlement agreement signed by

the parties as a result of conciliation proceedings shall have the same status and effect as it is an arbitral
award on agreed terms.


48.1 In terms of Condition 71 of GCC during execution of the work or after determination/ cancellation/
termination of the contract all disputes between the parties to the contract arising out of the contract
except /excluding those for which decision of the Accepting Officer / CWE/ AGE (I) is final & binding as
stipulated in the subject Contract Agreement & In the GCC . However including any disagreement by
either party with any action/inaction/opinion/instructions/certificate or valuation by the Accepting Officer
or his Nominee shall in the first place be referred to the DISPUTE RESOLUTION BOARD ( DRB) .

48.2 DRB shall be a three member body. Chairman of DRB will be Joint DG (Contracts) of the HQ Chief
Engineer Central Command Lucknow OR Any other Chief Engineer/ Brig Level Engineer Officer posted
in CECC will be nominated by the CE Central Command Lucknow at his sole discretion .Two members of
the DRB will be Director/Col rank Engineer Officers of the CECC or any other Zonal CE nominated by the
Chief Engineer Central Command Lucknow. Name of the Chairman & Members of the DRB will be
notified by the Accepting Officer in due course after acceptance of the contract.

48.3 The name of chairman and members will be notified by the Accepting Officer within one month of
the date of acceptance of the contract.

48..4 Once the DRB is constituted the member and Chairman shall disclose in writing their neutrality and
impartiality about any personal interest in the work.

48.5 The dispute shall be referred to the chairman of the DRB by the concerned party after giving notice
to the other party for invoking of this clause.

48.6 The DRB shall decide the dispute in accordance with the terms of the contract, principle of natural
justice, equity and fair play.

48..7 The DRB may fix oral hearing at a place, date and time as decided by the Chairman.

48 .8 The requisite administrative support to the DRB will be provided by the Accepting Officer.

48 .9 All the contract documents pertaing to the case shall be provided by the Accepting Officer for
reference by the DRB.

49.10 DRB shall given its decision on the disputes within three months of notice from any party invoking
the DRB clause. This period can be extended by one month with the consent of the parties.

48.11 All the decisions given by the DRB shall be by majority and such decisions shall be communicated
in writing by Chairman to the parties .

48.12 If the decision of the DRB is not to the satisfaction of either party or if the DRB fails to give
decision within the laid down time either party shall indicate his reservations on the decision to Accepting
officer within 30 days of such decision and to refer that dispute for arbitration within the provision of
Condition 70 of IAFW 2249 Gentral Conditions of Contract.

48.13 It shall be mandatory for the party invoking arbitration on any particular dispute to have first
exhausted the remedy provided under the DRB clause for that particular dispute.
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48.14 The mandate of the DRB shall be terminate on completion of one year from the date of
completion/determination/concellation/termination of the contract.

48.15 Any dispute referred to the DRB and having been decided by the DRB and not objected to by
either party within 30 days shall attain finality and shall not be referable to arbitration.

48.16 Accepting officer shall ensure implementation of the decisions of the DRB which attain finality, i.e.
except those which are objected by him or by contractor within 30 days as per Para 41.12 above.

48 .17 Findings and decision of DRB shall be admissible as evidence, to the extent permissioble as per
law, in the subsequent Arbitration and/or litigation.

48 .18 DRB Chairman/members shall not, in any case, be liable to be called as witness or to produce any
evidence in any Arbitration or departmental proceedings of any kind.

48 .19 During execution of work the disputes may be referred to the DRB as per the requirement of each
party after having exhausted the decision making process provided in the contracts. In case of
completion of work or after determination/concellation/termination of the contract all the disputes
including payment/nonpament/delay in final bill shall be simultaneously referred to the DRB within six
months of completion/determination/concellation/termination of the contract.

48 .20 In case of disaggrement with the decision of the DISPUTE RESOLUTION BOARD (DRB ) either
party may invoke Arbitration Clause .

49. BLASTING : Blasting in any form is prohibited.


In addition to the site documents which are normally maintained for works , the following additional
documents (as applicable for this work) shall be maintained at site and signed by GE / his authorised
representative and the Contractor :-
Mix design RCC
Sieve analysis for coarse / fine aggregate
Water absorption test for aggregates of different sizes
Impact value of stone aggregates of different sizes
Crushing value of stone aggregates of different sizes
Flakiness index of stone aggregates of different sizes.
Steel testing register
Daily works diary register
Register of materials daily arrived at site
Materials approved register
Cement consumption register
Register for clay, silt and impurities in aggregate test.
Cube testing register
Beam testing register

51.1 The contractor shall employ only Indian National as his representative, servants
and workmen and verify their antecedents and loyalty before employing them for work. He shall ensure
that no person of doubtful antecedents and nationality is in any way associated with the works. If for
reasons of technical collaboration or other consideration the employment of foreign national is
unavoidable, the contractor shall furnish the particulars to this effect to the Accepting Officer at the time
of submission of the tender. As proof that the contractor has employed only Indian Nationals he shall
render a certificate to the GE within one month from the date of acceptance of the tender to this effect. In
case the GE desires, contactor will have the police verification done of the personnel employed by him.
Contractor‟s attention is also drawn to condition 25 of IAFW-2249 in this connection.

51.2 The GE shall have full powers and without giving any reason, to require the contractor
immediately to cease to employ in connection with this contract, any Agent or servant or employee
whose continued employment is, in his opinion, undesirable. The contactor shall not be allowed any
compensation on this account.
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51.3 Contractor‟s Supervision : Refer Condition 25 of IAFW-2249 along with latest amendments.
Contractor shall employ Engineering staff to supervise the execution of work/contract for the value of
contract up to 10 crore as mentioned in amendment No. 27 of IAFW-2249.

52.1 The contractor shall not be provided any storage accommodation at the site by MES. The contractor
shall make his own arrangement as per condition 10 of IAFW-2249 and as directed by the Engineer-in-

53. ROAD ROLLERS (Reference condition 15 of IAFW-2249)

53.1 Road Rollers required for the execution of this work shall be arranged by the contractor under his
own arrangements without any extra cost to the department.

53.2 A log book for each road roller shall be maintained by him for recording hours of working of the
road roller. Entries in the log book shall be signed by the contractor or his authorised representative and
Engineer-in-Charge at site of work.

53.3 To ensure proper consolidation, roller must work for at least the number of days assessed on the
basis of output given here in after. If the roller has not worked for the number of days so assessed
recovery shall be effected from the contractor for the number of days falling short of the days assessed
on the basis of output stipulated. The recovery shall be affected as under :-
(a) Where road roller is hired out only by the department to contractor, at rates given in Sch „C‟.
(b) Where road roller is hired by the contractor from sources other than department, Rs 1800 per
working day of 8 hours for 8 to 12 tonne roller.
(c) Where road roller is hired by the contractor from department and also from sources other than the
department at higher of two rates given in schedule `C` of contract and Para 28.3 (b) above.

53.4 The above provision shall not, however, absolve the contractor of his responsibility of properly
consolidating surface as required under the provisions of the contract.

53.5 Out put of Road Roller per day of Eight Hours working of power roller (8 to 12 Tonne) :-
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(a) Consolidation of formation surfaces/ sub grade 1850 Sqm

(b) Consolidation of stone, soling 20 cm thick (spread thickness) with 590 Sqm
8 to 12 tone roller.

(c) Consolidation of stone, soling 15 cm thick (spread thickness) with 800 Sqm
8 to 12 tone roller .

(d) Consolidation of water bound macadam (stone metal) 10cm 248 Sqm
compacted thickness including spreading and consolidation with
blinding material.

(e) Consolidation of water bound macadam (stone metal) 7.5 cm 372 Sqm
thickness (compacted thickness) including spreading and
consolidation with blinding material.
(f) Consolidation of single coat surface dressing.
774 Sqm
(g) Consolidation of two coat surface dressing
558 Sqm
(h) Consolidation of 2.50 cm thick premixed carpet including seal
coat. 600 Sqm

(j) Consolidation of 2 cm thick premixed carpet including seal coat. 744 Sqm

(k) Consolidation of bituminous mixture 2 parts of broken stone 372 Sqm

metal and one part of sand and bitumen (consolidated thickness 4

Note:- (i) Wherever tandom vibratory roller and pneumatic tyred rollers & vibratiory earth compactor is
specified, the output of the same shall be as per manufacturer‟s instructions for the respective
items so as to achieve proper compaction.
(ii) Any other Sch „A‟ item for which output not covered above shall be determined on actual
site basis as ordered by CWE through BOO.


For the purpose of calculating retention money under condition 64 of IAFW-2249 and compensation for
delay in completion of work under condition 50 of IAFW-2249, income tax (at source) and like, the value
of contract as revised by price variation under condition 63 of IAFW-2249 shall be taken into account.


In case the contractor desires to furnish Bank Guarantee in lieu of retention money/security deposit, the
guarantee bond shall be executed as per specimen prescribed by the Govt. of India, Min. of Defence on
non-judicial stamp papers of appropriate value from schedule Bank. In case of the BGB is executed from
a non-scheduled Bank the same shall be supported with cover from Reserve Bank of India. Guarantee
Bond shall come into force after the same is accepted by the Accepting Officer.


If the materials (other than those issued under Sch. `B`) are not available in metric sizes as shown on
drawings, the contractor shall provide materials in equivalent inch sizes which should not be less than the
metric size dimensions under any circumstances, at no extra cost to the Govt.


Site for execution of work will be available as soon as the work is awarded. In case it is not possible to
make the entire site available on the award of work, the contractor will have to arrange his working
programme accordingly. No claim whatsoever, for not giving entire site on award of work and for giving
site gradually, will be tenable.
58.1 The Contractor shall be responsible at his own expense in taking precaution to prevent any
damage from what so ever cause arising, other than out of accepted risks and to minimise the amount of
any such loss or damage and for adoption of necessary protective measures required for the purpose in
compliance with Condition 38 of IAFW-2249 and Rule 5 of the MES SAFETY CODE code vide (Annexure
`B‟) of IAFW-2249 until the works have been handed over duly completed to the Engineer-in-charge.
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59.1 The Contractor shall make arrangements for and provide at his own cost all temporary
approaches, if required to the site(s), after obtaining approval in writing of the GE to the layout of such


60.1 Additional security deposit when deposited by the Contractor as per Condition 22 of the IAFW-2249
shall be released in two stages as under :-

a) 50% of the additional security deposit shall be released on payment of final bill provided
there are no claims outstanding against the contractor in respect of the contract in which the
additional security is lodged and the final bill is not minus. In the event of departments claims
against the contractor becoming and / or the final bills under Condition 66 of IAFW-2249
becoming minus the amount of the security deposit shall be adjusted against the claim due to
Government and the balance if any will be released to the contractor.
b) Balance 50% of the additional security deposit will be released to the contractor after
expiry of defects liability period as per Condition 68 of IAFW-2249 Provided the contractor shall
first have to render a No Demand Certificate (IAFA-451).
c) In order to implement the above procedure, the contractor is advised to deposit the
additional security in two equal parts so as to facilitate its release.
d) The above clause is not applicable to release of earnest money/ security deposit by a
contractor who has not executed the security bond with the department.

61.1 The main contractor shall stand, guarantee to the Govt for a period of ten years from the certified
date of completion of the work for the effectiveness of the treatment for a period of TEN years and said
guarantee shall be furnished in favour of GE in writing.

61.2 In case the GE at any time during construction or reconstruction or prior to the expiry of the
Guarantee period, finds that the buildings have been infected with termites, the contractor shall , on
demand in writing from the GE specifying the building (s) complied of , not withstanding that the same
may have been inadvertently passed certified and paid for , undertake to carryout forth with such
treatment as may be necessary to render the building (s) free from termite infestation at his own
expense, till expiry of the guarantee period. In the event of his failure to do so, within the specified
period to be specified by the GE in his demand aforesaid, the GE may undertake such treatment at
the risk and expense in all respect , of the Contractor. The liability of the Contractor under this condition,
however shall not extend beyond the period of TEN Years from the certified date of completion, unless
the GE had previously given notice to the contractor to rectify the defects.

61.3 The amount of security deposit to be held back from the Contractor‟s bill against the guarantee
period for antitermite treatment shall be calculated on the amount of antitermite treatment at contract
rates as per the scales given below enhanced by 1.25 times of the amount so calculated. This shall be
worked out by GE and intimated to the Contractor. This amount shall be refunded to him after the
expiry of the guarantee period. Alternatively, the Contractor may give a separate interest bearing
security deposit to GE valid for 10 Years for this amount. The scales of calculating such security deposit
shall be as per table given below.

Cost at contract rates Amount of Security Deposit

(i) Upto Rs 50 lakhs 2% of the amount subject to a minimum of Rs. 5000/-

(ii) Over Rs 50 lakhs and Rs 1,00,000/- + 1.5% of amount exceeding Rs 50 lakh
upto Rs 100 lakhs

(iii) Over Rs 100 lakhs and 1,75,000/- + 1% of amount exceeding Rs 100 lakh
upto Rs 500 lakhs

(iv) Over Rs 500 lakhs and 5,75,000/- + 0.50% of amount exceeding Rs 500 lakh

upto Rs 1500 lakhs

(v) Over Rs 1500 lakhs 10,75,000/- + 0.50% of amount exceeding

Rs 1500 lakh subject to maximum of Rs 18.75lakh
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61.4 For the purpose of working out amount of security deposit, the cost of antitermite treatment at
contract rate shall be at applicable rates in SSR with addition of contract percentage for valuation of
deviation for the relevant schedule of the contract.
61.5 The `Security Deposit‟ referred to in Condition 22 of General Conditions of contract (IAFW-2249)
is independent of this Guarantee amount, referred to under Condition 40.3 here in before. Condition
10,46 and 63 of the General Conditions of contract (IAFW- 2249) shall be deemed to be amended to the
extent as mentioned above.
61.6 The contractor shall provide a plate/band of adequate dimensions but not less than 45 cm x 30
cm x 2 cm in CM (1:4) on all the buildings as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and indicate there on the
CA number name of the agency executing the antitermite treatment and the date

62. Record of materials and purchase Vouchers :

62.1 (a) The quantity of material such as cement, steel paints, water proofing compound, chemicals for
antitermite treatment and the like, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (the quantity of which cannot be
checked after incorporation in the works), shall be recorded in measurement books and singed by the
contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required quantity has been brought
to site for incorporation in the work.
(b) Material brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and those already
recorded in measurement book shall be suitably marked for identification.
(c) Contractor shall produce vouchers/invoice from the manufacturers and/or their authorised agents for
the full quantity of the following materials, as applicable as a pre requisite before submitting claims for
payment for advances on account of the work done and / or materials collected in accordance with
condition 64 of General condition of contracts-IAFW-2249.
(i) Water proofing compound.
(ii) Chemicals for Anti-termite treatment.
(iii) Paints Distemper, cement base paints & like.
(iv) Cast iron pipes and fittings.
(v) Sanitary fittings.
(vi) steel windows/ventilator
(vii) Factory made door shutters.
(viii) Floor/wall tiles.
(ix) Iron mongery
(x) Tarfelt/bituminous products.
(xi) Salt glazed stoneware pipes.
(xii) Electrical and water supply fittings / fixtures where names of manufacturers / brands are specified or
approved (xiii) Cables
(xiv) Cement.
(xv) Steel
(d) The contractor shall on demand, produce to the GE , original receipted vouchers/invoice in respect of
the materials other than as stated in sub para (c). vouchers/invoices so produced and verified shall be
stamped by Engineer-in-Charge indicating contract number. The contractor shall ensure that the material
are brought to site, in original sealed containers/packing, bearing manufacturer‟s marking except in the
case of the requirement of materials (s) being less than smallest packing.

(c) Bitumen shall be purchased directly form manufacture‟s stockiest or their authorised dealers only.
These vouchers/invoices shall be defaced by the GE /Engineer-in-Charge, indicating reference to the
contract number, under his dated signature and CTC thereof shall be kept on record so as to avoid their
being used again.
(f) The vouchers/invoices will clearly indicated the contract number and the IS No., specific alternative to
which the material conforms in case of various alternative in IS.
63.1 To determine the acceptable standard of materials and work man ship, the GE will order to the
contractor to execute sample works and shall select a portion of building as sample building in which all
the works as per contract agreement will be carried out before in corporate in the whole building. The
comments / suggestion received from users / visitors will be implemented firstly on sample quarter and
then may be implemented in the whole building based on approval of competent authority. The
workmanship of the sample quarters / works shall serve as guiding sample for the remaining works.
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64.1 The performance Security shall be in favour of Accepting Officer and shall be in any of forms
given in condition 19 of IAFW-2249 (Amended vide amendment No 47 of IAFW-2249). Work Order No 01
shall be placed only after submission of Performance Security of adequate value by the contractor. In
case a fixed deposit receipt of any Bank is furnished by the contractor to the Government as part of the
Performance Guarantee and the Bank is unable to make payment against the said fixed deposit receipt,
the loss caused thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor shall forthwith on demand furnish
additional security to the Government to make good the deficit.

64.2 The period of validity of the Bank Guarantee Bond against Performance Security shall be initially
valid upto the stipulated date of expiry of Defects Liability Period plus minimum 60 days beyond that. In
case final bill is not paid during this period, the contractor shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee
extended to cover such enlarged time required for payment of final bill

64.3 Bank Guarantee Bond in lieu of Performance Security is due for discharge on expiry of Defect
Liability period provided always that the contractor has been paid the final bill and contractor has
rendered the No Demand Certificate (IAFW-451). Immediately after expiry of Defects Liability period, GE
concerned shall check and ascertain the position of final bill

64.4 In case final bill has been paid, contractor shall be asked to submit the No Demand Certificate
(IAFW-451), if not already submitted by him. After submission of No Demand Certificate (IAFW-451), GE
will intimate this fact to the Accepting Officer within a week who shall release the Bond duly discharged to
the contractor. Accepting Officer will ensure that no delay occurs in releasing the Bank Guarantee Bond.

64.5 In case final bill has not been paid, the status thereof shall be ascertained by Accepting Officer
and efforts will be made to get it cleared within one month of expiry of Defects Liability period. After
clearance and payment of final bill contractor shall be asked to submit the No Demand Certificate (IAFW-
451), if not already submitted by him. After submission of No Demand Certificate (IAFW-451) to GE and
on receipt of the same, Accepting Officer shall release the Bond duly discharged to the contractor without
any delay. If any recovery is outstanding against the contractor, release of Bank Guarantee will be
subject to compliance of the procedure for effecting the recovery/withholding the due amount as
stipulated on Condition 67 (as amended) of GCC (IAFW-2249) of Condition 34 (as amended) of GCC
(IAFW-1815z), as applicable

( Signature of Contractor ) AD (Contracts)

For Accepting Officer
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Sl Material
1. Concrete
(a) Internal water proofing compounds (IS : 2645)
(b) Plywood for concrete shuttering work (IS-4990)
2. Joinery
Wooden Flush Door Shutters, solid core type (IS-2202)
3. Builders Hardware
(a) Steel shutter hinges (IS:1341)
(b) Non-ferrous Butt Hinges (IS : 205)
(c) Ferrous Tower Bolts (IS:204)
(d) Non-ferrous Tower Bolts (IS: 204 )
(e) Door Handles (non-ferrous) (IS:208)
(f) Parliament Hinges(Ferrous) (IS:362)
(g) Hydraulically Operated Door Closures (IS:3564)
h) Continuous Piano Hinges(IS:3818)
(j) Non-ferrous Metal sliding door Bolts (IS:2681)
(k) Tee and Strap Hinges (IS:206)
(l) Mild steel sliding door Bolts (IS:281)
4. Steel And Iron Work
(a) Steel doors, windows and ventilators (IS: 1038)
5. Roof Covering
Bitumen Felts for water proofing and damp proofing (IS:1322)
6. Ceiling and Lining
(a) Plywood for General Purposes (IS: 303) (Second revision)
(b) Block boards (IS: 1659)
(c)Veneered decorative plywood (IS: 1328) (Second revision )
(d) Marine plywood (IS : 710)
(e) Fiber Hard board (IS : 1658)
7 Flooring
(a) White Portland cement (IS : 8042)
(b) Cement concrete flooring (IS : 1237)
(a) Concrete pipes with or without reinforcement (IS: 458)
(b) Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (IS: 651)
(c) Flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals other than plastic (IS: 774)
(d) Cast copper alloys screw down bib taps and stop valves (IS: 781)
(e) Galvanised mild steel tubes (IS: 1239)
(f) Galvanised mild steel tube fittings (IS: 1239)
(g) Sand cast irons spigot and socket soil waste and ventilating pipes and fittings (IS: 1729)
(h) Ball valves (Horizontal plunger type ) including floats for water supply purposes (IS:
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Sl Material
Con (j) Cast iron manhole covers and frames (IS: 1726)
(k) AC presser pipes (IS: 1592)
(l) Automatic flushing cisterns (IS: 2326)
(m) Vitreous china sanitary appliances
(i) Wash down water closets (IS: 2556 Part II)
(ii) Squatting pans (IS: 2556 Part III)
(iii) Wash basins (IS: 2556 Part IV)
(iv) Laboratory Sinks (IS: 2556 Part V)
(v) Urinals Bowl type (IS: 2556 Part VI Section I)
(vi) Half Round Channels (IS: 2556 Part VII)
(vii) Symphonic wash down water closets (IS: 2556 Part VIII)
(viii) Foot rests (IS: 2556 Part X)
(n) Plastic WC seats and covers (IS: 2546)
(o) Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water and sewage (IS: 1531)
(p) Pillar tap (IS: 1793)
(q) Centrifugally cast (Spun) iron pressure pipes for water gas and sewage (IS: 1536)
(r) Centrifugally cast (CI spigot and socket soil waste and vent pipes, fittings & accessories)
(IS: 3989)
(s) Rubber sealing rings for gas main water mains and sewers (IS: 5382)
(t) Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water mains and sewers (IS: 1538)
9. Electrical Works
(a)Ceiling Rose (IS:371)
(b)Tumbler switches (IS:3854)
(c)Socket outlet 3 pin plug and socket (IS:1293)
(d)Switch fuses (main & switch) (IS:1064 Part-I&II)
(e)Rigid steel conduit (IS:1063)
(f)Rigid Non-Metallic conduit (IS:2509)
(g)Single core cable polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed cable (IS:1596)
(h)Starter for tube light (IS:2215)
(i)Fluorescent lamps (IS: 2418 Part I&II)
(j)Aluminium stranded conductor (IS: 398 Part I & II)
(k)Switchgears (IS:2208)
(l)HRC cartridge fuse links upto 650 volts (IS:9224 Part II)
(m)Porcelain Insulators for overhead power lines (IS:731)
(n)MCB (IS:8828)

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

For Accepting Officer
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.116

Srl Material Tests Method of Frequency of tests Le Rate Remarks

No testing vel per
of test
tes Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Brick 1) Compressive IS-3495 As per IS-5454 as given under:- A 180/- Checks for visual and Dimensional
strength (Part-II) characteristics shall also be carried
2) Water Absorption --Do-- Lot Size. sample permissible A 150/- as per IS:5454
3) Efflorescence ---Do… Size Nos of Legend
defective A-Site Lab
(Part-I) 1001 to bricks B-Zonal Lab/Govt Engg college.
10000 5 0 A 180/- C-National test house/SEMT
10001 to WING/Engg. College.
35000 10 0
35001 to
50000 15 1
2. Coarse Aggregate 1) Sieve Analysis IS:2386(Part-I) One test for every 15 cum of A 120/-
aggregates or part there of brought
to site.
2) Flakiness Index ---do-- A 90/-

3) Estimation of ---do-- One test for every 100 cum of A 120/-

deleterious materials aggregate or part thereof.

4) Organic impurities ---do-- One test per source of supply C 120/-

5) Moisture content IS:2386(Part-II) Regularly as Reqd. A 120/-

6) Specific gravity --do-- One test for each source of supply. B 120/-
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.117
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. Fine aggregate 1) Sieve Analysis (IS:2386Pt-I) One test for every 15 cum of FA or A 180/-
part thereof when brought to site.
2) Test for clay, silt --do-- --do-- A 90/-
and impurities.
3) Specific gravity --do. but (Part-II) One for each source of supply B 180/-
4) Test for organic --do-- One test for each source of supply. C 180/-
5) Moisture content -do- Regularly as required subject to 2 A 180/-
tests/ per day when being used.
4. Cement 1) Setting time IS-4031-63 Once for each consignment or as and B 180/-
Reaffirmed 1980 when Reqd.
2) Soundness --do-- --do-- C 120/-

3) Compressive --do-- --do-- B 360/-

4) Fineness --do-- --do-- C 120/-
5. Structural/ RCC 1) Slump test or IS-1199 The Min frequency of sampling of A 180/- (1) Random sample shall be
concrete compacting factor concrete of each grade shall be as carried out to cover all mix units.
time or VEE-BEE under :-
2) Compressive IS-516 Qty of Conc. No of A 120/- (2) Refer IS-456-2000 Clause.
strength IN THE work(M ) samples per 15.2 for frequency of sampling.
1-5 1 sample
6 - 15 2
16 - 30 3
31 - 50 4
51 and above 4+1 for each Addl
50 cum or part thereof
6. Water for constn 1) Test for acidity IS:456 & 3025 Once at the stage of approval of B 240/- Refer relevant clause of IS-
purpose source of water 456:2000
2) Test for alkalinity -do- B 240/-

3) Test for solid -do- C 300/-

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7. (a) PCC block for 1) Compressive IS:2156-1984 8 Blocks out of 14 A 60/- Samples :- 14
walling (Hollow strength. (Appx „B‟) blocks from consignment of every
Block) 5000 blocks or part thereof.
2) Water Absorption. -do- (Appx „B‟) 3 Blocks out of 14 B 120/-
3) Density. -do- (Appx „A‟) 5 Blocks out of 14 B 90/-
(b) PCC solid block 1) Compressive IS-2185 12 Blocks out of 18 A 60/- Samples: - 18 Blocks from
for walling. strength consignment of every 1000 or part
2) Water -do- 3 Blocks out of 18 B 120/- These Blocks shall be checked for
absorption. dimensions and weight
3) Density -do- 3 Blocks out of 18 B 120/-
8. Chequred Flooring 1) Water absorption IS:1237- 6 Tiles out of 18 B 180/- Samples: 18 Tiles from each source
tiles 1980(Appx „D‟) of supply selected at Random.

2) Wet Transverse -do-(Appx “E”) -do- B 144/-

3) Resistance to -do- (Appx „F‟) -do- C 540/-
9. Burnt clay roofing 1) Water absorption IS : 3495 (Part- 6 Tiles out of 12 B 216/- Samples
Tiles (Hand Made) II) 12 tiles from each source of supply
IS:2690(Pt-II) 2) Compressive -do- (Part-I) -do- A 180/- selected at Random.
LENGTH 150 MM to strength
250MM, WIDTH 100
MM to 200MM,
TO 50 MM
10. Manglore Pattern 1) Water absorption IS : 654 6 Tiles out of 32 B 180/- SAMPLES: 32 tiles from each
Roofing Tiles (Appx „A‟) consignment of 3000 tiles or part
2) Breaking load -do- (Appx „C‟) -do- B 120/- thereof. These tiles shall be
checked for dimensions and weight.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11. Timber 1) Specific gravity IS:1708-1960 Minimum 3 samples from a lot of 4 B 120/-
and weight Cum or 250 pieces of seasoned
2) Moisture content -do- A 120/-

12. Welding of steel Visual inspection IS:822-1970 100% by visual inspection Work 360/- Specialised tests, their method and
work Test. Clause-7.1 site frequency to be decided on
consideration of their importance by
the Accepting Officer.
13. Timber paneled and a) Dimensions, sizes IS:1003-1977 Frequency of sampling from each A 180/-
glazed door/ window workmanship and (Pt-I) lot shall be as under :-
shutters (including finish Lot size Sample Size
factory made 26 to 50 5
shutter) 51 to 100 8
101 to 150 13
151 to 300 20
301 to 500 32
-do- b) STRENGTH 501 to 1000 50
TEST 1001 and above 80
-do- 1) Slamming IS:1303-1990
From each lot 5% of the factory
2) Impact -do- made shutter shall be tested for Man-
Indentation strength tests. ufac-
3) Shock Resistance -do- turer
4) Edge Loading -do-

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.120


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14. Ply Wood a) Moisture content IS:1734-1983 Six test pieces cut from each of B 240/- Sampling shall be as per IS-7835-
(IS:303-1989) (Pt-I) the boards selected shall be 1975 Tables
b) Water Resistance -do- subjected to tests.

15. Veneered Wood a) Density IS:635 Three test specimen from each C 60/- Sampling shall be done as per IS:
Particle Board (Part-1) sample(Size 150mm x 75mm) 3087-83 clause 2 with moisture
(Medium Density) meter.
IS:3097-1985 b) Moisture content --do-- --do-- A&B 60/-
c) Water absorption --do-- --do-- A 60/-
(Part-16) (Size 300mm x 300mm)
d) Swelling due to --do--(Part-17) --do-- A 60/-
surface absorption (Size 125mm x 100mm)

e) Swelling in water --do-- -do- A 60/-

(Size 200mm x 100mm)
f) Modules of rupture --do-- (Part-4) Three test specimens as per IS : B 90/-
g) Screw withdrawal 2380-1977
strength --do-- (Part-14) --do-- as per IS:2385 C 120/-

Signature of contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

For accepting officer
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.121

1.1 Work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule „A‟, Special
Conditions, Particular Specifications, drawings including notes thereon (unless specified
otherwise) and general rules and specifications given in MES SSR Part l –(2009) as well as
general rules, Special Conditions and preambles to the various rates given in MES SSR Part II–
(2010) (MES SSR Part I & Part II hereinafter called MES Schedule) and these shall be read in
conjunction with each other.
1.2 The term „General Specification‟ referred to hereinbefore as well as referred to in IAFW-
2249 (General Conditions of Contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES
Schedule Part I & IS.
1.3 General Rules, Specifications, Special Conditions, method of measurements, preambles
in the MES Schedule shall be deemed to be applicable to the work under this contract, unless
specifically mentioned otherwise in these documents.

1.4 The term “as specified”, wherever appears in tender documents and drawings, relates to
relevant particular specifications and in its absence general specifications.
1.5 Particular specifications in this section given hereinafter shall be generally applicable to
all works covered under Schedule “A". The particular specifications are brief and are only to
particularize, amend and emphasize the specifications given in MES Schedule, which are not

1.6 Where specifications/provisions given in these particular specifications are at Variance

with the provisions/specifications given in MES Schedule, specifications /provisions given in
these particular specifications, hereinafter, shall be followed.

1.7 Where specifications for any item of work are not given in MES Schedule or in these
particular specifications, specifications as given in relevant Indian Standard or Code of practice
shall be followed.
1.8 Reference to any drawings which is mentioned on the drawing forming part of the tender
but not specifically mentioned in the list of drawings shall be deemed to be forming part of the
tender. The tenderer shall see such drawings/details in the office of Accepting Officer/concerned
CWE/GE before quoting his tender.

1.9 The contractor shall not take cognizance of Note (s) appearing on drawings regarding the
bearing capacity of soil taken into consideration while designing the foundation, as it is for
departmental purpose only.

2.1 In laying out buildings center line dimensions mentioned in the drawings or derived there
from shall be strictly followed.

3.1 Materials such as water proofing compound, paint, chemicals for anti termite treatment,
cement, steel for reinforcement & steel sections procured for fencing, gate & security wall etc.
the quantity of which cannot be checked after incorporation in the work shall, when collected at
site be recorded in the Measurement Book and signed by both the MES representative and the
contractor so as to check and ensure that the required quantity has been brought to site for
incorporation in the work. Reference to Purchase Vouchers/invoice No, Name of the
manufacturer/dealer from whom materials have been purchased shall be recorded in the
Measurement Book (s)
3.2 Unless otherwise specified, the contractor shall obtain/procure materials directly from
manufacturers or their authorised dealers/stockists where such authorised stockists have been
appointed. The contractor shall produce original voucher/ invoice of supplier to the GE to ensure
that the contractor has actually brought all the required quantity and the quality of the materials
from the authorised dealer/manufacturers and also to find out the rate. The vouchers/invoice
shall be endorsed date and verified and signed by Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor and
kept with the Engineer-in-Charge who shall forward these to the GE soon after completion of
3.3 Materials brought at site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and those
already recorded in Measurement Book shall be suitably marked for identification.

3.4 The contractor shall ensure that the materials are brought to the site in original sealed
container or packing, bearing manufacturer‟s marking.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.122

3.5 A register showing the daily consumption of the chemical for anti termite treatment shall
be maintained, which shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor in token of
correctness of the entries therein. The register shall also indicate the following:-
(a) Name and address of the manufacturer and supplier.
(b) Requirement of chemical in the work as per specifications.
(c) The quantity actually used in the work.
(d) Batch number of chemical received and it‟s date of expiry.
4.1 It will be mandatory for the contractor to produce genuine receipted bills/cash memos,
invoices from the manufacturer and/or their authorized agents for the full quantity of the following
materials as applicable, as pre-requisite before submitting claim for payment of advances on
account of work done and/or materials collected in accordance with condition 64 of General
Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249.
(a) Cement
(b) Polythene film, paint
(c) Compressible bituminous boards, sealing compounds & primer etc.
(d) Electric cables, fittings and water supply fittings & fixtures.
(e) Steel sections (structural steel sections/ reinforcement)
(f) Curing compound
(g) All types of bitumen.
(h) Recron 3 S.CT-2012
(j) Any other proprietary items.
4.2 When the cost of each category of materials for entire contract is less than Rs 10000/-
of bills may not be insisted upon, if the GE is otherwise satisfied with the quality and quantity of

5.1.1 Surface dressing shall be carried out to a depth not exceeding 30 cm and 15 cm
(average) in soft/loose soil to the extent required for the area covered all around the building
works viz (i) Watch tower with Guard rest Room & (ii) Scooter shed of Sch „A‟ Part-I in order to
remove vegetation and/or small inequalities to a width of 3 m beyond the outer edge of plinth
protection. The site shall be dressed to slope away from the structure. Cost of surface dressing is
deemed to be included in unit rates of buildings of Schedule „A‟ Part I.
5.1.2 All spoils obtained from surface dressing shall be disposed off to a distance exceeding 50
m and not exceeding 100 m all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Cost of removal of spoil
from surface dressing included in unit rate of buildings of Sch‟A‟ Part-I.
5.1.3 Surface dressing shall be carried out before the excavation for foundation is started.
5.1.4 Depth of foundation shown in drawings for the buildings is the depth after surface
dressing. GL marked on drawings shall be average GL as fixed by GE after surface dressing.
5.2.1 GENERAL:
5.2.2 The lump sum price quoted by the Contractor for Schedule “A” Part-I shall be deemed
to include for all excavation and earthwork in any type of soil (Soft/ loose or hard) & in
soft/ disintegrated rock .
5.2.3 The depth of foundation below ground level shown in drawing giving detail of foundation
to wall, columns, and footings shall form the basis of lump sum quoted. The depth
indicated shall be as obtained after surface dressing/ excavation.
5.2.4 On commencement of work as well as after carrying out the works under site
clearance/surface dressing, levels will be taken jointly by the contractor and Engineer-
in-Charge at suitable intervals in the grid system as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
These shall be noted down on graph sheet and noted down in level book/register and
these shall be signed by both the contractor and Engineer-in-Charge and shall be used
to arrive at average ground level after getting the same approved by GE in writing.
5.2.5 Decision of the Garrison Engineer shall be final, conclusive & binding as regards to
classification of soils & rocks.
No extra payment over the lump sum amount quoted for buildings and services shall be
admissible for dewatering, if water is met with or accumulated in the foundations or any
other excavations due to any cause, whatsoever, and for excavation in mud, bailing and
pumping of water if required, shall be done as described in Para 3.17 of MES Schedule
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.123


The contractor‟s lump sum shall not include the cost of timbering, if any,
required to uphold the sides of excavation. If any timbering as specifically
ordered to be provided in writing by the Garrison Engineer, consequent upon
necessity arising as per site conditions, the same will be paid for under a
deviation order.

In case timbering to excavation is required and specifically ordered by GE in writing this

shall be paid as a deviation.

5.5.1 (a) Earth obtained from surface dressing shall not be used for filling purposes for
works under this contract and shall be removed from the site and filled in low lying
area or at location directed by GE.

(b) The approved earth free from roots and other vegetations obtained from
excavation shall be used in filling trenches, under floors and in other location
as approved by Garrison Engineer.

(c) Expansive or other unsuitable soil obtained from excavation shall not be used in
filling. The decision of Garrison Engineer as to whether the soil obtained from
excavation is suitable or not for filling, either partly or fully shall be final and
binding. If the quantity of suitable soil obtained from excavation falls short of the
filling required, the contractor shall bring the requisite quantity of approved earth
from the places out side Ministry of Defence land, without any extra cost to
Government. Lumpsum price quoted by the contractor for building work shall deem
to include this aspect. Nothing extra is admissible on this account.


Contractor‟s tendered lump sum against Schedule „A‟ shall include for the following: -

(a)Contractor shall quote his lump sum taking into consideration that entire quantity of
earth obtained from excavation (except that from surface dressing) shall be utilised for
filling purposes like, returning, filling in foundation, filling under floors to obtain plinth
height as shown on drawing etc and removal of surplus soil, if any, and bringing in
approved earth to achieve all filling under the contract.

(b) In such an event where soil obtained from excavation is found unsuitable for filling like
black cotton soil etc, the soil as declared unsuitable by the GE, shall be removed and
equivalent quantity of approved earth shall be brought by the Contractor.

(c) In case of earth obtained from excavation under this contract is insufficient for filling
purposes, the contractor shall bring approved earth required to meet the quantity of filling
from quarries situated outside MD land without any extra cost to Government.

(d) The thickness of filling shown in drawings is after consolidation.

(e) All filling shall be spread in layers not exceeding 25 cm thickness, watered and
All surplus spoil obtained from excavation for building work (Schedule ‟A‟ Part-I) shall be
disposed off to a distance not exceeding 250 m at the location (s) as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge, deposited, spread and levelled as specified in MES Schedule. Quoted lumpsum
for building works include this aspect.


Moorum shall be as specified in clause No 3.21 and shall be spread and leveled as specified
in clause No 3.21.4 of SSR Part I 1991.
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5.8.1 The pre-construction anti termite treatment shall be carried out in
buildings as catered under item No 1.00 (Provision of Hangar for Air Craft
of size 30.0 m X 25.0 m X 8.0 m with permanent specification complete
) of schedule „A BOQ with the proportions and with specifications as speciefied in
clauses 3.26.1 of MES Schedule Part-I of 2009 except that no mound
treatment shall be provided. Wherever 5 litres or 7.5 litres is mentioned in these
clauses of MES Schedule Part-I it shall mean 5 litres or 7.5 litres of emulsion of
concentration as indicated in MES Schedule.
Antitermite treatment shall be carried out with emulsion of the chemical “chemical
Chlorpyrifos 20% EC (IS-8944) or Imidacloprid 30.5% SC (IS-16131)” as per IS
6313 parts I and II- 2001. Concentration by weight percent (Active Ingredients)
shall be 1% in both cases of chemicals.

5.8.2 The work of anti termite treatment shall be got done from a specialist pest
controller and exterminator agency and shall be a member of Indian Pest Control
Association, and holding license as per Clause 13 of the Insecticides Act, 1968 .
5.8.3 The Lump sum quoted for the building mentioned in clause 5.8.1 here- in-
before in above shall include the following pre-construction Anti termite-treatment:-
(a) Treatment to Masonry & column foundations, trenches/pits/ basements and
treatment of RCC foundations and basements and back fill using chemical all as
specified in Para 3.26.6 of MES Schedules Part I.
(b) Treatment to top surface of plinth filling and plinth protection all as specified in
para 3.26.7 of MES Schedule Part I.
(c) Treatment at junction of walls and the floor all as specified in para 3.26.8 of
MES Schedule part I
(d) Treatment along external perimeter of building all as specified in para 3.26.9 of
MES Schedule Part I.
5.8.4 Chemicals brought to site in sealed container bearing ISI certification marks
shall only be permitted to be used in the work.

5.8.5 (a) Chemicals shall be stored carefully at site. Seals of containers shall be
broken only in the presence of Engineer-in-charge. Empty containers shall be removed
off the site promptly. On any particular day, if the contents of the full container
could not be used in the work, the container shall be sealed at the end of the day in
the presence of Engineer-in-Charge.

(b) Total quantity of chemical required for the work as per specification shall be
worked out in order to ensure that full quantity is brought to site and used in the
work. For this purpose, entries shall be made in measurement book (Not for
payment/Not to be abstracted) indicating the brand, name, batch number, date of
manufacturing, date of expiry, quantity brought etc, and signed by Engineer-in-
Charge as well as the representative of the agency executing the work and
contractor‟s representative.

5.8.7 The contractor shall stand a guarantee of 10 (TEN) years to the Government
for the work against recurrence of termite infestation (viz. effectiveness of the
treatment carried out). For giving guarantee, if any additional treatment over
and above that is specified is required, the same shall be carried out by the contractor
without any extra cost to the Government. The contractor shall furnish a written
guarantee for the effectiveness of the treatment for a period of TEN YEARS in favour
of Garrison Engineer.

5.8.8 The amount of security deposit for anti-termite-treatment to be carried out for
the building included in Schedule „A‟ against guarantee period for Anti-termite
treatment shall Rs 2,0000/-(Rupees Twenty Thousand) shall be retained by
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.125


the Government from the contractor‟s dues. This amount shall only be released after
successful expiry of the guarantee period. The contractor may however, furnish a fixed
deposit receipt in lieu from a Schedule bank, pledged in favour of Garrison Engineer for
the period of Guarantee in which case the amount if any, deducted from the dues/final
bill shall be refunded. Should the GE at any time during construction or reconstruction or prior to the
expiry of the guarantee period, finds that the buildings have been infested with
termites, the contractor shall on demand in writing from the GE specifying the building(s)
complained of, notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed,
certified and paid for, undertake to carryout such treatment as may be necessary
forthwith to render the building(s) free from termite infestation at his own expense till
expiry of the guarantee period. In the event of his failure to do so within the specified
period to be specified by the GE in his demand aforesaid, the GE may undertake such
treatment at the risk and expense in all respects of the contractor. The liability of the
contractor under this condition shall not extend beyond the period of ten years from the
date of completion, unless the GE had previously given notice to the contractor to rectify
the defects. The contractor shall provide a plate/board of adequate dimension but
not less than 90cm x 45 cm x 2 cm thick in cement mortar (1:4) on one side of each
building and indicated thereon the Contract No, Name of contractor and Name of the
agency executing the antitermite and water proofing treatment and the date of expiry of
the guarantee period.


Refer Clause 3.27 of MES Schedule Part- I. Hard core shall be of broken stone of gauge not
exceeding 63 mm, well graded to provide dense and compact sub base. Unless otherwise
indicated or shown in drawings/specifications, the thickness of hard core shall be 100 mm
consolidated. Hard core filling where indicated on drawings shall be spread, levelled in layers not
exceeding 15 cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated. Moorum may be used to fill
interstices in hard core. Thickness wherever shown on drawings/schedule of finishes shall be
treated as consolidated thickness



6.1.1 CEMENT Refer clause 4.3 on page 51 of MES Schedule Part -I. PROCUREMENT AND TESTING OF CEMENT :

[a]. All cement required for completion of this contract shall be ordinary Portland cement 43
grade conforming to IS: 8112-1989 or Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to IS:
1489 Part–I 1991 and each bag shall be ISI certification mark and manufacture date.

[b]. However the OPC and PPC cement both will not be used in one building. Before
commencement of building the contractor will intimate type of cement to be used and
get the same approved by GE for each building separately. Thereafter only one type of
cement will be used in one building. In case of hard standing/ PQC to runway etc, one
continuous length will be treated as one building for the purpose of cement.

[c]. All cement required for completion of this contract shall be procured by the contractor,
under his own arrangement directly from the manufacturers. The cement shall be
procured from the following manufacturers.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.126


1 2 3 4 5
1 The ACC 414/421, Splendor Forum (4th All
Associated Floor), 3, Distt Centre, Jasola,New
Cement Delhi-110044 Ph-011-46583600

2 M/s Ultra ULTRATECH „B‟ Wing, 2nd Floor, Mahakali All

Tech Cement Caves Road Andheri (East),

3 The India Dhun Building, 827, Anna Salai, All

Cement Chennai-600002

4 M/s Dalmia DALMIA Dalmiapuram, Disttiruchirappalli, All

Cement KONARK Tamil Nadu – 621651
(Bharat) Ltd

5 Century CENTURY Industry House, 159 Chruch gate All

cements Reclamation, Mumbai-400020 Ph-
6 M/s SAURASHTRA Gala No A-1, Ground Floor, All
Saurashtra Udhyog Sadan No 3 MIDC, Central
Cement Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai-
Ph 022 32955557/67
MO 9320290081
7 The Ramco RAMCO Auras Corporate Centre, 98-A, Dr. All
Cements Ltd. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore,
(Formerly Chennai-600004 Ph-044 24878666
8 Mangalam MANGALAM PO dityanagar,Morak,Dist-Kota, All
Cement Ltd Rajasthan-326520 Mob-
9 Birla BIRLA Birla Building (3rd & 4th Floor) 9/1 All
Corporation R.N Mukherjee Road Kolkata-
Ltd 700001 Ph-033-30573700
10 Orient ORIENT 5-9-22/57/D, 2nd and 3rd Floor, GP All
Cement Birla Centre, Adarsh Nagar,
Hyderabad-500063 Ph-
11 M/s Nuvoco NUVOCO Equinox Business Park Tower-3, All
Vistas East Wing , 4th loor , LBS Marg ,
Corporation Kurla (West), Kurla Mumbai,
Ltd (Formerly Maharastra-400070
12 Shree Cement SHREE Bangur Nagar, Beawar, Distt- All
Ajmer, Rajasthan-305901 Ph-
13 JK Cement JK Kamla Tower Kanpur-208001 All

14 JK Lakshmi JK LAKSHMI Jaykaypuram, Dist-Sirohi, All

Cement Ltd Rajashthan Ph-02971 244409/10
15 Jaypee Rewa JAYPEE Japee Nagar All
Cement P.O. Japee nagar, Rewa-486450
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.127

1 2 3 4 5

16 Ambuja AMBUJA Kodinar, PO-Ambujanagar, Taluka- All

Cement Ltd Kodinar, Distt-Junagadh,Gujrat-
362715 Ph-02795237000
17 M/S Shree SARTAJ 4/4 Trikuta Nagar Jammu (a) OPC 43
Guru Kripa Ph- 0191-2472043 (b) PPC
Cement (Pvt)
18 M/S Prasakti PRASAKTI 123/3RT, Plot #8-3-214/21 (a) OPC 43
Cements Ltd. cements Srinivasa Nagar Colony (west) (b) PPC
Tel- 040-44119100/200, Fax: 040-
19 M/S My Home MAHA 9th Floor,Block-3,My Home (a) OPC 43
Industries Ltd CEMENT Hub,Madhapur,Hydrabad-500081 (b) PPC
(c) PSC

20 M/S Chettinad CHETTINAD 4th Floor, Rani Seethai Hall, Anna (a) OPC 43
Cement Cement Salai Hall, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (b) PPC
Corporation 600006
Limited Tel- 044-42951800
Fax- 044-28291558
21 M/S Sanghi Sanghi 10th Floor,kataria Arcade Off SG (a) OPC 53
Industries Highway,PO-Makarba,Dist- (b) PPC
22 M/s Wonder WONDER 17, Old Fatehpura Sevamandir (a) OPC 43
Cement Ltd Cement Road, Udaipur-313004, (b) OPC 53
Rajasthan(India) (c) PPC
Tele +91-294-33991133
23 M/S Kerosam Birla Shakti Cement Division, Office No. 613 to (a) OPC 43
Industries Ltd 616, Block-3, White House, VI (b) OPC 53
Floor, (c) PPC
6-3-1192/1/2, Kundanbagh,
Hyderabad - 500016, Telangana
Phone : 040-4334 4555
Fax- +91-40-4334-4534
Note: Contractor can procure Cement from those makes/ brands approved by the AHQ E- in-Cs
Branch even during currency of the contract work.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.128 The cement so brought shall be fresh and in no case older than 60 days from the
date of manufacture. The GE accordingly in consultation with the contractor will work
out the Schedule of procurement and ensure that the same is adhered to. This
Schedule should be vetted by CWE from time to time. The document in support of
the purchases of cement shall be verified by the Garrison Engineer. Before placing
the order for supply of cement by the contractor, he shall obtain written approval from
the GE regarding name of manufacturer, quantity of cement etc. Cement shall be
procured for minimum requirement of one month and not exceeding the requirement
of more than two months at a time and should match with the physical progress of
the work. The cement shall be consumed in the work within three months after
receipt. Cement shall conform to the requirement of Indian Standard Specification
and each bag of cement shall bear relevant ISI mark. The weight of each
consignment shall be verified by the GE and recorded. The content of cement shall
be checked at random to verify the actual weight of cement per bag. However, the
content of cement per bag shall be 50 Kg only subject to tolerance given in relevant
IS code. TESTING OF CEMENT The contractor shall submit the manufacturer‟s test certificate in original or attested
true copy alongwith test sheets giving the results of each physical test as applicable
in accordance with relevant IS provision and the chemical composition of cement or
authenticated copy there of duly signed by the manufacture with each consignment,
as per the following IS provision :-

(a) Method of sampling hydraulic cement as per IS-3535.

(b) Methods of physical test for hydraulic cements as per IS-4031.
(c) Methods of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement as per IS-4032.

The test certificate and test sheet shall be furnished with each batch of manufacture.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in cement acceptance register to
be maintained by him which will be signed by Junior Engineer (Civil), Engineer-in-
Charge, Garrison Engineer and the contractor as given in the format hereinafter for
verification. The contractor shall however organize, setting time and a compressive strength test
of cement through designated approved laboratory on samples collected from the lot
brought at site before incorporation in work. The contractor will be allowed to use the
cement only after satisfactory compressive strength test results of three days &
seven days. To meet this requirement contractor is required to keep minimum 10
days stock before any new lot brought at site which can be used in the work. The
contractor shall be required to remove the cement not meeting the requirement from
site within 24 hours. Seven day strength test will be relied upon to accept the lot of
cement to commence the work. 28 days compressive strength test will be the final
criteria to accept/reject the lot.

The manufacturer is required to carry out inspections and testing of cement in

accordance with the relevant BIS provisions. The contractor shall submit the
Manufacturer‟s Test Certificate in original along with the test sheet giving the result of
each physical test as applicable and chemical composition of the cement or
authenticated copy thereof duly signed by the manufacturer, with each consignment.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the cement
Acceptance/Rejection Register as appended here in below after due verification.
The GE may organise independent testing as per IS: 3635 (method of sampling
hydraulic cement) and IS: 4001-1995 (Method of Physical test for hydraulic cement)
and IS: 4030-1985 (Methods of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement) of random
sample of cement drawn from each lot of the consignment from the National Test
House, SEMT Wing, CME, Regional Research Laboratories, Govt Engineering
collage, IS approved laboratories and Zonal lab etc.
The contractor shall make available required quantity of cement and other facilities
for testing of cement by GE as specified here-in-before and shall bear the cost of
cement and testing thereto irrespective of whether sample passes or fails. GE shall
make payment to the testing house lab and direct the contractor to deposit the
amount in Govt. treasury in favour of GE concerned and submit the treasury
challan to the GE within 10 days of the letter issued by the GE for payment of cost
of testing of cement. If contractor fails to do so, the testing charges shall be
recovered from the dues of the contractor.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.129

The required quantity of samples of the cement shall be taken in two polyethylene bags
and sealed by the Engineer-in-Charge in the presence of representative of the
contractor. The seal shall be authenticated both by the Engineer-in-Charge and
representative of the contractor. Out of two samples, one sample shall be sent for
testing and other retained by GE in his office. Record of these samples shall be kept by
Engineer-in-Charge in the register and copy of the same shall be sent to GE/CWE/CE
by him for record.

Cement brought by the contractor shall be allowed to be incorporated in the work after
satisfactory test results of sample sent for testing. GE shall inform the contractor, about
the test results and permission to incorporate in the work, in writing. GE shall ensure
that word “pass” is embossed on both sides of the cement bags of lot, which has been
found as per specification as per test result. The cost of embossing as indicated herein
above shall be borne by contractor.
In case the sample got tested by the GE from the institutions/ laboratories, mentioned
here in before, fails, the concerned lot of cement shall stand rejected. The GE shall
emboss a mark „X‟ on both sides of each bag of the rejected lot. The GE will inform the
contractor in writing about the test result and direct him to remove the rejected cement
from the site of works within two days of the order by the Engineer-in-charge. Contractor
shall have no claim whatsoever on account of rejection and removal of cement.

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to arrange cement well in advance, to

facilitate it‟s testing before use in the work. The contractor shall submit the program of
procurement of cement to the GE before the date of commencement of the work
indicating date of procurement and quantity. INDEPENDENT TESTING OF CEMENT BY GE The GE shall carry out independent testing as per the tests mentioned in the „CEMENT
SUPPLY/ACCEPTANCE FORM‟ (Physical and Chemical requirement) of random
samples of cement drawn from various lots. The testing shall be carried out through
National Test House, SEMT Wing (CME, Pune), Regional Research Laboratories, Govt
approved Laboratories, Zonal Laboratories as per IS-3535 (method of sampling
hydraulic cement), IS-4031 (method of physical test for hydraulic cement) and IS-4032
(Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement) referred to above. The decision as
to where the testing of cement is to be done shall be taken by GE. In case the cement
is not of requisite standard despite manufacturer‟s test certificate, the contractor shall
remove the total consignment from the site within 24 hours at his own cost after written
rejection order of the consignment by the GE. The cost of testing, transportation and of
material used in testing etc. shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of the results
of testing and no extra claim whatsoever shall be admissible. Sample of cement from each lot should be collected by the Engineer-in-Charge and
GE in accordance with IS 3535-1986, for independent or additional tests. The cement
shall be tested within 1-3 weeks on supply but before incorporation of the same in
works. The cost of testing, transportation and of material used in testing etc. shall be
borne by the contractor irrespective of the results of testing and no extra claim
whatsoever shall be admissible. The record of such samples selected by the GE for
testing shall be properly maintained in the „Cement Testing Register‟ giving cross
reference to relevant consignment of cement and quantity received etc. Cost of transportation of samples to the approved laboratory/test house and all testing
charges including cost of sample shall be borne by the contractor. DOCUMENTATION The following documents will be maintained by the Engineer-in-Charge/GE for cement
supplied by the contractor in addition to the documents specified here-in-before :-
(a) Photo copies vouchers of cement shall be kept in the concerned file
of the contract in GE‟s office, serially numbered on each page.
(a) Photo copies Test Certificate and Test Sheet should also be kept in the
concerned file of the contract in the GE‟s office duly numbered.

(b) Cement Acceptance Register as per Appendix „A‟ & „B‟.

(c) In/Out Register for Cement as per Appendix „C‟.

(d) Register containing results of independent and additional testing by GE.

(f) Register containing records of surprise checks by Board of Officers.

(g) Inspection Register.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.130 The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers for the total quantity of cement
supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All consignments
received at the work site shall be inspected by the GE alongwith the relevant
documents to ensure the requirements as mentioned hereinbefore, before acceptance.
The original purchase vouchers and the test certificates shall be verified for subject
contract and defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and photo copies of same shall be
kept on record in the office of the Garrison Engineer duly authenticated and with cross
reference to the consignment/control number recorded in the Cement Acceptance
Register. The cement acceptance register shall be signed by the Junior Engineer
(Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and the contractor. The CWE will personally check the
documents concerned with cement periodically at least once in a month and record of
these checks will be kept in the cement Acceptance Registers. The contractor shall
maintain schedule of supply of cement for each consignment.
Record of cement brought by the contractor shall be maintained on the following


CA No & Name of Work ______________________ Control No* _______

Name of Manufacture/Brand Name/Gde of Cement

(A) Manufacture____________ (b) Brand ___________ (c) Grade__________

Qty of cement & lot No/Week No (in Bags): (Qty _____ (b) Lot No/Week No _______

Manufacturer‟s test certificates No __________ Random Test Details

(a) Physical test report from ____ vide their letter No ______

(Name of approved Lab/Engg College)

(b) Chemical test report from ___ vide their letter No _____

(Name of approved Lab/Engg College)

Details of Physical & Chemical properties

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.131

Physical Requirements (As per IS: 4031) Chemical Requirements (As per IS:
Surface Area (M2/kg)

Specific Surface (M2/Kg)

Soundness by Le Chateliar

Soundness by Auto Clave

Initial Setting time (Minutes)

Final Setting Time (Minutes)

Temp during testing °C

Standard Consistency (%)

Lime Saturation Factor (Ratio)

Alumina iron Ratio (Ratio)

Insoluble Residue (%)

Magnesium (%)

Sulphuric Anhydride (%)

Loss on ignition %
Alkailes (%)

Chlorides (%)
03 Days
07 Days
28 Days
As per
relevant IS

As per
rer‟s test

As per

Remarks with Signature Accepted/Rejected

Contractor Junior Engineer Engineer-in-Charge Garrison Engineer

Remarks of BOO/Inspecting Officer/CWE

*To be allotted serially by GE consignment wise.

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.132


Sl Date Cement IN Cement OUT Qty Signature Rema

No Balance rks
Qty Control Qty Reasons Age of Contr- AGE
(In No. (In Bags) * cement actor /GE
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l)

*NOTE : The following reasons may be mentioned for taking out cement from store : -
(a) For testing purpose
(b) For use in work
(c) Rejected cement taken out of site TEST BY BOARD OF OFFICERS AND CHECK OF DOCUMENTS

The CWE may order a Board of Officers at following different stages of work for
conducting random check of cement or verification of connected documents : -

(a) Beginning of the project i.e on receipt of first lot.

(b) As and when make/source of cement is changed.

The GE will intimate to the CWE when the above quantity of the cement is received at
site of work for ordering the requisite Board of Officers. Due to administrative reasons
if there is a delay in ordering BOO the same will not affect the progress of work at any

(Note:- Contractor can procure cement even from those makes/ brand approved by the AHQ E-
in-C‟s Branch during currency of work.) The contactor shall furnish the particulars of the manufacturer of cement alongwith the date of
manufacturing of cement to the Garrison Engineer for every lot of cement separately. For each lot of cement brought by the contractor, before acceptance of the cement the
following actions will be taken by the GE and Engineer-in- Charge :-
(a) Inspect the lot and verify the general conditions of the cement.

(b) Obtain the vouchers (IN ORIGINAL) of the manufacture of cement for each lot containing
the date of manufacturing, from the contractor.

(c) Obtain the manufacturer‟s test certificate (in original) from the contractor for each lot of
cement alongwith Test Sheets giving the result of each physical test and chemical composition
of cement or authenticated copy thereof duly signed by manufacturer. The Test Sheet should
include the results of the following mandatory test :-
(i) Specific surface by Blains air Permeability method.

(ii) (ii) Soundness Test by Le” Chatlier method.

(iii) Initial setting time.

(iii) (iv) Final Setting time.

(iv) (v) Compressive strength test at 3,7 & 28 days as specified in the
relevant IS code.

(v) (vi) The test report should also show the chemical properties of the
cement as per relevant IS Codes.

(d) Verify the documents listed at Clause Nos & (c) here-in-before
given by the contractor from the manufacturer.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.133 STORAGE/ACCOUNTING/PRESERVATION OF CEMENT Cement shall be stored in bulk silos or in covered go-down over dry platform at least 20cm
high in such a manner as to prevent deterioration due to moisture or intrusion of foreign
matter. In case of store room, the stack should be at-least 60cm away from floors and
walls. Different lots of cement received will be stacked separately displaying the control
number and date of receipt of cement. It will be ensured that the tested and untested
cement are segregated and stored with distinct identification. For proper accounting and
control of cement brought by contractor a double lock system in the contractor‟s cement go-
down will be followed. The stacking of cement shall be done as specified in relevant IS.
The storage, accounting and preservation of cement supplied by the contractor shall be
done as per standard engineer practice till the same is incorporated in the work and the cost
of the same shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate/amount quoted by the tenderer.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall inspect once a day to verify that cement lying at site is stored,
accounted, preserved and maintained as per the norms. The cement shall be stored so as
to differentiate each tested and untested consignment separately with distinct identification.
If the GE is not satisfied with the storage/preservation of cement, he may order for any
test(s) of cement as applicable for that consignment to ensure its conformity to the quality
mentioned in the manufacturer‟s test certificate. The contractor shall bear the cost of
necessary testing(s) in this regard and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained. Stacking of cement shall be done as per relevant IS and as under :-

(a) Each cement consignment shall be stacked separately and shall be issued to work on
the basis of „First come First go”.

(b) Adequate top cover will be provided.

(c) Stacks in no case shall be higher than 12 bags. The maximum width of each stack
shall be 3.00 m. If the stack is to be more than 7 or 8 bags high, the bags shall be arranged
in header and stretcher fashion, i.e, alternatively lengthwise and crosswise so as to tie the
piles together and avoid danger of toppling over.

(d) Adequate space shall be kept between two stacks. Cement go-down shall be provided with two locks on each door. The key of one lock at
each door shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative and that of the
other lock with the contractor‟s authorised agent at site of works so that cement is removed
from the go-down only according to daily requirement with the knowledge of both the
parties. During the period of storage, if any cement bag(s) found to be in damaged
condition due to whatsoever reasons, the same shall be removed from the cement go-down
on written orders of the GE and suitable replacement for the cement bag(s) so removed
shall be made and no claims whatsoever shall be admissible on this account. Cement shall be taken out from the store only according to daily requirement with the
knowledge of both parties and daily consumption of cement shall be recorded in cement
consumption register which shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor.
The cement consumption for the work shall be worked out based on actual requirement at
site through a Board convened for the purpose including a representative from the
contractor. The design mix approved shall not be changed unless a fresh design mix is
made due to change of source and quality of material. In case the consumption of cement as per cement consumption register is found to be more
than the estimated quantity of cement due to whatsoever reason, the contractor shall not
have any claim, whatsoever, for such excess consumption of cement. The contractor shall furnish the particulars of the manufacturer of cement along with the
date of manufacture to the Garrison Engineer for every lot of cement separately. The
cement so brought shall be fresh and in no case older than 90 days from the date of
manufacture. The GE shall verify the document in support of the purchases of cement.
Before placing order for supply of cement by the contractor, he shall obtain written approval
from the GE regarding name of manufacturer, quantity of cement etc. Cement shall be
procured for minimum requirement of one month and not exceeding the requirements of the
same for more than two months at a time. The cement shall be consumed in the work within
three months after receipt. Cement shall conform to the requirement of IS Specification and
each bag of cement shall bear relevant ISI mark. The weight of each consignment shall be
verified by the GE and recorded. The content of cement shall be checked at random to
verify the actual weight of cement per bag. However, the content of cement per bag shall be
50 Kg only subject to tolerance given in Clause and Annexure „B‟ of IS -8112 and
Clause and Annexure „B‟ of IS -1489 for OPC and PPC respectively.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.134 SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY The contractor shall procure the cement timely as required in accordance with CPM chart
agreed between GE and the contractor. The contractor will forfeit his right to demand
extension of time if the supply of cement got delayed due to his failure in placing order in
time to the manufacturer. MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENT OF CEMENT The entire quantity of cement shall also be suitably recorded in the Measurement Book for
record purposes as „Not to be abstracted‟ before incorporation in the work and shall be
signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor.
(b) The payment shall only be allowed after production of original purchase
voucher, certified copies of test certificates from manufacturer for each
consignment and results of testing carried out in laboratory on receipt of cement (7
days compressive test) are found satisfactory after testing at site as per condition
64 of IAFW-2249. Rate of payment given in SSR shall be applicable for cement
irrespective of type of grade of cement specified for use in the work. RELEASE OF PAYMENT

The payment shall only be allowed after production of original purchase vouchers, certified
copies of test certificates from manufacturer for each consignment and results of testing
carried out in laboratory on receipt of cement (7 days compressive test) are found
satisfactory after testing as specified hereinbefore and taking action on points enumerated
in here-in-before and completing the documents in this regard as required. Cement shall be
paid as material lying at site as per condition 64 of IAFW-2249.

6.2 Lime shall be conforming to approved samples kept in GE‟s office.

Fine aggregate (sand) for concrete work shall conform to materials specifications and
grading within the limits of grading Zone I to III as specified in Clause 4.4.1 to 4.4.6 and
4.4.7(2) of MES Schedule Part-I and shall conform to approved sample kept in the office of
GE. Mixing of sand for obtaining specified grading from two different sources shall not be

Coarse aggregate (stone aggregate) for all cement concrete work such as PCC/RCC shall
be of approved quality all as specified in clause 4.4.1 to 4.4.7 (1) of MES Schedule Part-I.
Mixture of two types of stones shall not be permitted

(b) Coarse aggregate (stone aggregate) 20 mm and below shall be machine crushed
and above 20mm may be hand broken.

(c) Grading of coarse aggregate (stone aggregate) unless specified otherwise in the
specifications hereinafter in various locations/work i.e. PCC/RCC shall be as specified in
MES Schedule Part I.

(d) Coarse aggregate for lime concrete shall however be brick aggregate as specified in
clause 4.5 of MES Schedule Part I.

(e) Stone for lean concrete in foundation shall be sand stone conforming to IS: 383
from approved source. Unless otherwise specified in Schedule „A‟ stone for all RCC/
PCC/PQC/WMM work shall be crushed Granite/Trap/ Basalt or any other igneous rocks
stone from approved source irrespective of any distance from site of work. WATER
Water to be used in this work shall be all specified in IS : 456 of 2000 and in
clause 4.9 of SSR Part I (specification). When the water is not issued by the
department, the water shall be got tested in Govt. approved laboratory and test
certificate shall be submitted to GE. The water shall be used in the work only after
receipt of satisfactory test results as per IS.
Lime for mortar in concrete shall be hydraulic lime (Class „A‟) conforming to IS :712
-1984 in the form of quick lime.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.135
Surkhi shall be as specified in clause 4.7 of MES schedule Part I. CEMENT CONCRETE MIX : Grade of concrete shall be as shown in drawings. At situations where grade of cement
concrete is not indicated in drawings the same shall be as under:-
Srl No Situation Mix of concrete Nominal size of
graded stone
1 2 3 4
(a) All RCC work including column, M-30 20 mm
beams, slabs and footings and (Ready Mix Concrete)
foundation work below column.

(b) Lean concrete, filling in sunken floor (1:5:10) 40 mm

etc. (Volumetric mix)
(c) PCC in foundation of walls of (1:4:8) 40 mm
build-ings lean concrete (Volumetric mix)
under plinth/grid/toe beam, in
gaps be-tween plinth
beam/Column footing
and foundation of brick steps
under column footings, Sub base for
flooring/ platform.
(d) PCC filling in frames/chowkhat (1:3:6) 12.5 mm
(Volumetric mix)
(e) PCC floor topping, DPC, shelves etc (1:2:4) 12.5mm
having thickness less than 40mm. (Volumetric mix)
(f) PCC floor topping 40 mm thick and (1:2:4) 20mm
above but not exc. 100 mm thick. (Volumetric mix)
(g) All PCC works for which no mix is (1:2:4) 20 mm for works above
specified else where (Volumetric mix) 40 mm thick and 12.5
mm for work below 40
mm thick.
(h) PCC coping, padding under bearing of (1:3:6) 20 mm
RCC beams/lintels/slabs, splash (Volumetric mix)
stones PCC blocks for fixing
clamps,bed blocks. Cills, plugging for
scaffolding holes etc.


6.4.2 Controlled concrete materials shall be batched by weight only. Combined
batching with digital weighing system and mixing plant with auto cut off and
computer print out facility shall be used for concreting. The capacity of mini
batching plant provided at site shall be adequate enough to execute the work as
per the CPM, or otherwise the contractor shall provide single batching plant of
higher capacity or more number of batching plants of adequate ca-pacities as
required at site, as asked by the GE. No claim what so ever arising out on this
account is admissible. The decision of GE in this regard shall be final and
binding. The plant/plants shall have the digital system of adding specified
quantity of water into concrete mix as per the designmixrequirement.
6.4.3 Water shall be measured either by volume in calibrated tanks or
weighed. All measuring equipments shall be kept in a clean serviceable condition
and their accuracy checked periodically.
6.4.4 Provisions as in clause to of MES Schedule Part-I
shall be followed. All batching of concrete and accuracy of batching shall be as
per Clause 10.2 of IS-456: 2000.
6.4.5 The mixing shall be done for at least 2 minutes and until a uniform
colour and consistency is achieved.
6.4.6 Quantity of concrete mixed in any one batch shall not exceed the rated
capacity of the mixer. The whole of the mixed batch shall be removed before mate-
rials for fresh batch enter the drum. Concrete mix as approved shall not be
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.136
modified by addition of water or otherwise in order to facilitate handling for any
other purpose. On ceasing of work and other stoppage exceeding 20 mi-nutes, the
mixer and other plants used for handling wet mix shall be tho-roughly washed
with clean water. Pickup and throw over blades in the drum of the mixer which are
worn down 20mm or more in depth shall be replaced with new blades.

6.4.7 All cement concrete, both plain and reinforced shall be mixed in mechanical
mixer as specified in para 4.11.5 and of MES Schedule Part-I. However for
small quantity of concreting (other than RCC works) i.e., the quantity of concrete
required being less than one batch of mix, the contractor may after obtaining written
approval of Engineer in charge which shall be exceptional, adopt hand mix
subject to addition of 10% extra cement without price adjustment where hand
mixing permitted, it shall be carried out on a concrete platform and care shall be
taken to ensure that mixing is continued until the concrete is uniform in colour and

6.4.8 All cement concrete both plain and reinforced concrete, shall be deposited and
compacted all as specified in Clause 4.11.10 and 4.11.11 of MES Schedule Part-I.
However, RCC work in columns, foundation, beams walls, chajjas and slabs etc.,
shall be compacted using mechanical vibrator, compaction of lean concrete shall
be carried out by ramming and consolidated by tamping and rodding as specified.
In the event of break down of mechanical mixer and vi-brator, the contractor must
have arrangements for standby mechanical mix-er and vibrator.
6.4.10 Grade of design mix concrete shall be as specified here-in-before and shall be
as referred to in IS-456-2000 and as specified hereinafter. Design mix concrete
may also be referred to as controlled concrete. Mix design shall be done as per IS-
10262 of 1982 (Recommended guidelines for design mix concrete) and as
described in SP-23 of 1982 (an IS publication).
6.4.11 The requirement of cement per cubic meter of controlled concrete
of grade M-30 shall be as per IS-456 of 2000. The actual requirement of cement
for the controlled concrete shall be ascertained by the tests as specified he-
reinafter. Design mix for M30 concrete shall be carried out for SEVERE
environment con-ditions and good quality control. The tenderer shall ascertain the
quantity of cement required and quote the lump sum accordingly. No claim
whatsoever arising on account of quantity of actual cement incorporate in the
work on ac- count of design mix is admissible.
6.4.12 (a) Contractor shall use liquid admixtures (Super plasticizers) to
achieve the workability and to reduce the water content in design mix.
Admixtures shall confirm to IS 9103: 1999 shall be from approved manufacturers
as given below: -
(i) FOSROC Chemicals (India) Ltd.
(ii) Roff Construction Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
(iii) STP Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
(iv) CICO Technologies Ltd
(b) Para 5.5 of IS 456: 2000 be also referred for quality of admixtures.
(c) For maximum dose of admixtures, please refer para 10.3.3 of IS 456: 2000. (d)
Various tests as specified in IS 9103: 1999 shall be carried out for each batch
of Admixtures at contractor‟s cost.
(e) Contractor shall submit original purchase voucher and test certificate of
manufacturer for complete quantity of admixtures used in the work before claiming
payment for the same.

(f) Complete quantity of admixtures including name of manufacturer, its brand

name, date of manufacturing, date of expiry, voucher No. and details of test
certificates shall be entered in MB as “ Not to be abstracted “ duly signed by JE,
Engineer-in-Charge, GE and representative of contractor before making payment
in RAR.”
6.4.13 As soon as possible after receiving the work order to commence the work,
the contractor shall submit samples of the materials required for preparing
design mix concrete viz cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
admixtures for approval of GE and intimate the place out of the following where
they propose to carryout the design mix and preliminary tests RCC M-25 & M-30
grade concrete:-
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.137
(i) Any Indian Instityte of Technology (IIT)
(ii) Any National Institute of technology (NIT)
(iii) Any Govt Engineering college
(iv) Command Test Lab (CTL), Lucknow
(v) National Test House
6.4.14 The cement used in the work shall be as specified here in before. Coarse
aggregate shall be crushed stone aggregate. The gradation shall be followed as per
clause 4.2 table 2 of IS 383 to obtain maximum density.

6.4.15 After the samples of all the materials are approved by GE in writing
sufficient quantities of these materials shall be forwarded by GE at contractor‟s
expense for carrying out design mixes.
6.4.16 Preliminary tests are tests conducted on the trial mixes of concrete
produced in the laboratory with the object of:-
(i) Designing concrete mixes before the actual concreting operation starts.
(ii) Determining the adjustments required in the design, when there is change in the
materials used during execution of work.
(iii)Verifying the strength of concrete mix at 28 day
6.4.17 The preliminary tests shall consist of 3 separate sets of tests covering
possible variation of gradation of aggregates and each set of test using a
minimum 7 cubes of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm and one slump test. Three
cubes shall be tested at 7 days to get indication of minimum strength of
28days. Other 03 cubes shall be tested at 28 days and 01 cube shall be pre served
for Government use for subsequent testing. The compressive strength tests of
cubes shall be performed as per IS-516. Casting of cubes and testing of these
cubes shall be carried out in the presence of contractor‟s representative, GE / GE`s
representative. It will be contractor‟s responsibility to ensure that design mix is
carried out at the earliest. Contractor shall ensure that designmix cal-culations,
supporting trail mix (03 Nos) details and test results of trial mixes along with
recommended trial mix are submitted to GE at the earliest for his further action.
Based on test results, the GE shall approve the design mix in writing. Copy of
approved design mix shall be submitted to Accepting Officer within 10 days of
approval by GE. The testing charges for the design mix and the tests conducted
shall be borne by the contractor. The cost of materials, labour and transport shall
also be borne by the contractor.
6.5.1 The work tests shall be carried out at site Lab/Zonal lab of Chief Engineer,
AF Allahabad Zone / Command Test Lab (CTL), Lucknow.

6.5.2 Work test shall be conducted as per clause 15 of IS-456 of 2000. At the
commencement of the concreting, samples of concrete shall be taken on each day
as specified in clause 15 of IS-456 of 2000 and specimens made at the work site
out of the concrete being used in the works, for the purpose of testing
compressive strength.
6.5.3 From each of these samples, 7 test cubes of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm shall be
taken to test 3 specimens at 7 days and 3 specimens at 28 days in MES
laboratory. CA No., date of casting and location where concrete is being used
shall be marked on each concrete cube. One test cube of preliminary and work test
shall be preserved duly marking the date of casting and CA No. for verifica-tion /
subsequent testing, if required. The cube shall be preserved by the GE / Engineer-
in-Charge until the defects liability period of the work is over.
6.5.4 The testing charges for the work tests conducted in the Zonal
Laboratory/Command Test Lab (CTL) shall be at the rate mentioned in Appendix
„B‟ of Particular specifications and the same shall be effected from the payments due
to the contractor in RAR / Final bill whichever is earlier. The cost of materials,
labour and transport shall be borne by the contractor. The lump sum quoted shall
include the cost of testing the concrete cubes both for design mix / volu-metric
6.5.5 In the event of contractor setting up the laboratory at site as specified here
in before in Special Conditions, the contractor shall carry out cube testing in site
lab, in presence of Engineer-in-Charge and as specified here in before. Howev-er,
random testing up to 5 percent of total tests to check the compressive
strength of cube shall be carried out in zonal lab for which testing charges shall
be recovered from the contractor at the rate mentioned in Appx „B‟. Con-tractor
shall include this aspect in his lump sum while quoting his rates.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.138

6.5.6 The Engineer-in-Charge shall maintain the record for all the test carried out in
Site lab /zonal lab /CTL separately. The cost of testing including material, labour
etc., incurred shall be borne by the contractor and the lump sum quoted shall be
deemed to include this.


6.6.1 The mix design and also execution of work shall be carried out by weigh
batching. The quantum of cement for execution of work by weigh batching shall be
as per mix design.

6.6.2 It shall be ensured that the grading characteristics as adopted in the mix
design are followed throughout. Wherever the type and/or batch of
cement/aggregate is changed, a fresh mix design shall be carried out. Nothing
extra is payable on this account.

6.6.3 The contractor during the progress of work shall not change the mix
design without the prior approval of the GE.

6.6.4 Engineer-in-Charge shall maintain a record of actual consumption of cement in

proper register (other than the cement register mentioned in special conditions) and
initial the entry for every day of quantity of materials used by contractor. The
register shall be got checked and signed by GE GE. In case the consumption of
cement as per cement consumption register is found to be more than the estimated
quantity of cement due to what so ever reason, the contractor shall not have any
claim, whatsoever for such excess consumption of cement.


6.7.1 It is most important to maintain the water cement ratio constant and to it‟s
correct value. To this effect determination of moisture content in both fine and
coarse aggregate should be made as frequently as possible. The frequency for a
given job shall be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. According to weather
conditions the amount of water to be added shall be adjusted to compensate any
variations in the aggregate, IS-2386 method of test for aggregate, for con-crete,
Part II specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking of aggre-gates due
to variation in their moisture contents shall apply. The maximum quantity of water
to be added shall be determined by mix design to be carried out as specified herein

6.7.2 Workability of concrete shall be checked at frequent intervals. The slump test
or where facilities exist the compacting factor test in accordance with IS-1199 may
be adopted for this purpose.

6.7.3 The slump for M-25 shall be between 25 to 75 mm and for M30 grades concrete
(except for piles) 50mm to 100mm for medium degree workability as given in
clause 7 of IS-456-2000.

6.7.4 Curing shall be carried out all as specified in MES Schedule Part I.

6.7.5 Acceptance Criteria: As per Clause 16 of IS-456: 2000.


Wherever nominal mix concrete is specified, it shall be as per IS: 456. The periodicity of mix
design and other tests on materials/mix shall be as decided by the GE ..
6.9.1. All concrete shall be mixed in mechanical concrete mixer. Where only small quantity of
plain cement concrete is involved, hand mixing may be adopted if approved by the Garrison
Engineer. The contractor should arrange to wash out and clean the mixing drum on completion
of work and or on stoppage of work if stoppage is for more than 20 minutes.


Transporting depositing and compacting generally shall be carried out as specified in Clause
4.11.9, 4.11.10 and 4.11.11 of SSR Part I 2010.


This shall be carried out in accordance with specifications, given in clause No. 4.11.13 and
4.11.14 of MES Schedule Part I 2010.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.139
6.12.1 Lintels (without chajja) with a span of less than 1.5 m clear and PCC bed blocks, copings
and the like may be precast at the discretion of the contractor all as specified in Clause 4.20 of
SSR Part I as applicable. All precast articles shall be set in CM (1:3) with joint to match.

6.13 STRIPPING TIME FOR FORM WORK: The contractor‟s attention is invited to the
stipulation in Clause of SSR Part I regarding stripping of form work. The periods
stipulated therein are for concrete using ordinary Portland cement. In case PPC cement used in
the work, stripping time of form work applicable as per relevant IS.

6.14 LEAVE/FORM HOLES AND CHASES: The contractor as the work proceeds should
Leave/form holes/chases in concrete/masonry and RCC where and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge and make good in cement and sand mortar (1:3) when ordered to do so.
6.15 FINISH TO CONCRETE SURFACES(refer clause 4.11.16,,,(b).(c ),(d), (e) and of MES Schedule Part-I.)
(a) Exposed surfaces of RCC chajjas, cantilevers and the like (bottom, sides) and soffits
and sides of beams, soffit of RCC roof slab/floor slab/waist slab of stairs, sides of
isolated column, shelves, RCC parapets, fins/fascias and the like RCC walls shall be
plastered not less than 5mm thick with cement mortar (1:3) and finished fair and even
without using extra cementafter removal of form work.

(b) Exposed surfaces of RCC columns, beams, lintels, bands etc. which are
continuous with plastered surfaces of walls shall be plastered & finished in the same
specifications as for adjoining wall surfaces.

(c) Exposed surface of columns, beams, lintels, bands and similar items
which are not covered under clause 9.1 (a) and 9.1(b) above shall be finished with a thin
layer of 5 mm thick plaster in cement mortar (1:3) and finished fair and even without
using extra cement after removal of form work.

(d) If thickness of plaster in cement mortar (1:3) as specified above is required to be

increased in excess of 5 mm to achieve fair and even surfaces, it shall be provided by
the contractor without any extra cost to Government and the same shall be deemed to
have been included in the lump sum amount quoted by the contractor against Schedule
„A‟ Part I.
(e) Surfaces of concrete which are required to be plastered as indicated above after
removal of formwork shall be roughened with wire brush and hacked out closely.


(a)Refer to clause to and relevant clauses of 7.15 of MES Schedule
Part I. Formwork shall be of steel with adjustable telescopic steel vertical props and
other steel accessories confirming to IS 14687:1999 (Guide lines for false work for
concrete structure). Release agents shall be applied so as to provide a thin uniform
coating to the finished flat surface of shuttering before laying RCC
for slabs. Deformed steel sheets shall not be permitted for use as formwork. However
for the purpose of pricing DOs, the rates given in MES Schedule Part II for fair
finished surfaces for concrete using steel formwork
shall be applicable.
(b) Where steel shuttering is not feasible in locations such as soffits and sides of lintels,
beams, chajjas and other locations as decided by GE, the plywood board of adequate
strength may be used after written permission of GE.
(c) Wooden Ballies/ Bamboo & planks shall not be allowed as formwork.


6.17.1 Refer Clause No. 4.11.17 of MES Schedule Part I.

6.17.2 Tests will be carried out on 15 cm cubes all as per IS: 516. Minimum Six cubes per
sample shall be supplied by the contractor for testing.

6.17.3 For relatively small and unimportant works even though testing may be waived off
by the GE, the contractor shall be responsible to achieve the desired strength of concrete.

6.17.4 The contractor shall provide all necessary materials (including moulds etc) and labour for
mixing and casting of cubes, transporting the cubes to the testing laboratory and bringing back
in same and any other assistance that may be required for getting the samples tested in the
laboratory without any extra cost. The charges for testing of cubes shall be borne by the
contractor. The testing charges shall be as indicated in Appendix „B‟ to Special Condition. In
case the tests are concluded in site laboratory set up by contractor, the recovery for testing
charges shall not be effected.
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6.17.5 The concrete which is not upto the desire strength shall be rejected and the same shall
be made good by the contractor without any extra cost to Government.

6.18 PCC COVING : PCC coving with PCC (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded stone
aggregate mixed with integral water proofing compound shall be provided at junction of RCC
chajja with wall/lintel /beam to the radius of 75 mm irrespective of whether shown or not shown
on drawings. Coving shall be 15 cm high on wall and to the full length of chajja.
6.19.1 Provide triangular filleting to skirting / dado as directed by Engineer-in-Charge with CM
(1:3) finished even and smooth without using extra cement.

6.20 CONCRETE PADDING: Padding under bearing of RCC lintels to make up the height of
opening in wall wherever required shall be done with PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 PCC blocks shall
not be cut to under sized dimension and used to make up the required height in such positions.


6.21.1 Plinth protection shall be of 50 mm thick PCC (1:2:4) type B-1 using 20 mm graded stone
aggregate with surface finished even & fair using extra cement, laid over 75 mm thick
[compacted thickness] hardcore of broken stone aggregate as specified here-in-before, over
rammed earth/finished surface. Construction joints shall be provided at every 3 m Interval and at
every change of direction as specified in SSR and shall be filled with sealing compound grade
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.141
Irrespective of type / size of bricks shown on drawings contractor shall use old size bricks
(non modular bricks) Fly ash bricks (IS 12894-2002 : Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks)for building
works. (However in case of non availability of non modular bricks , contractor may use modular Fly
ash bricks with price adjustment)subject to following:-
(a)Centre line dimension of walls shown on drawing shall remain unchanged.
(b) No adjustment both „plus‟ or „minus‟ shall be made in the quoted lump sum on
account of changes necessitated in foundations, floor, lintels, cills and the like and any
other items of work effected.

(c) In case of difference of levels due to thickness of brick courses the level-
ling shall be done by providing PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 levelling course and its cost
shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum as offered by the contractor.
7.1 Cement - Cement shall be as specified for concrete work.
7.2 Sand for Mortar - Refer to clause 5.4 of MES Schedule Part I and Ganga sand
shall not be used.


7.3.1 FLY ASH BRICKS WITH CEMENT ADDITIVE. The fly ash bricks shall conform to IS
12894. These bricks shall be machine moulded/pressed and compacted by vibration in
auto/semiautomatic plant using appropriate proportion of fly ash, sand, lime and cement as
7.3.2 Visually the bricks shall be sound, compact and uniform in shape, free from visible cracks,
warpage and organic matters. The brick shall be solid with frog one of its flat side. The brick shall
have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in shape and colour.
7.3.3 The fly ash lime brick shall be 7.5 class designation , having minimum crushing strength of
7.5 N/mm2. The fly ash lime brick shall be non-modular bricks of size 230mm x 110mm x 70mm.
The tolerance in the dimension shall be +/- 10 percent. (Part-II). Sampling and criteria for
conformity of the brick shall be as per IS-5454.


7.3.5 Pulverized Fuel Ash (Fly Ash). Fly Ash shall be Grade-I or Grade-2 conforming to IS-3812.

7.3.6 Sand. Deleterious material such as clay and silt in sand shall be less than 5%.

7.3.7 Lime. Lime shall be class 'C' hydrated lime conforming to IS-712.

7.3.8 Additives. Cement shall be used as additive to enhance durability of the bricks.


7.3.10 Compressive Strength.

The minimum average wet compressive strength shall not be less than 7.5N/mm2 when tested in
accordance with IS-3495 (Part-I). The wet compressive strength of any individual brick shall not fail
below the minimum average wet compressive strength of brick by not more than 20 percent.

7.3.11 Drying Shrinkage.

The average drying shrinkage of the bricks shall not exceed 0.15 percent when tested in
accordance with IS-4139.

7.3.12 Efflorescence test. Rating of Efflorescence shall not be more than moderate

7.3.13 Water Absorption.

Water absorption of bricks shall not exceed 20% when tested in accordance with IS-3495 (Part-II).

7.3.14 Sand.
Sand for mortar shall be as specified in clause 5.4 of MES Schedule Part-I.

7.3.15 The brick shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corner & slight round edges, and
shall be well burnt, uniform in colour, free from cracks, flaws, nodules of lime and emit clear ringing
sound when struck.
7.3.16 Sampling: For carrying out the above tests, the samples of brick shall be taken as
per IS:5454 at random according to the size of lot given in Table 1below.The sample thus
taken shall be stored in a dry place until tests are made.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.142
PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION(contd…) The samples shall be taken as below :-

(i) Sampling from a stack : When it is necessary to take a sample from a stack, the stack
shall be divided into a number of real or imaginary sections and the required number of
real and imaginary sections and the required number of bricks drawn from each section.
Sampling from trucks shall be as per IS: 5454 Scale of sampling and criteria for conformity
for visual and dimensional characteristics:-
Table 1

No of bricks in a lot For characteristics specified for individual For dimensional

bricks characteristics for
20 bricks - No of
bricks to be
No of bricks to be Permissible no of
selected defective in the
1 2 3 4
2001 - 10000 20 1 40
10000-35000 32 2 60
35001-50000 50 3 80

(ii) Visual characteristics : The bricks shall be selected and inspected for ascertaining their
conformity to the requirements specified in subsequent Para .The number of bricks to be
selected from a lot and shall be in accordance of Col1 & 2 of Table-1 for visual
characteristics in all cases and dimensional characteristics if specified for individual bricks.
(g) Dimensional characteristics : The number of bricks to be selected for inspecting the
dimensions and tolerance shall be in accordance with col 1 & 4 of Table 1. These bricks
will be divided into groups of 20 bricks thus formed will be tested as per IS : 1077 for all the
dimensions and tolerance as given below:-
Type of bricks - Non-modular bricks
Nominal size - 230X114x75mm
Actual size - 230x111x70mm
Dimensional for group of 20 bricks
Length 442 to 478 cm (460 + 18 cm )
Width 213 ro 231 cm (222 + 9cm)
Height 134 to 146 cm (140 + 6cm)

A lot shall be considered having found meeting the Requirements of dimensions and
tolerance if none of groups of bricks inspected fails to meet the specified requirements.

(h) Scale of sampling and criteria for physical characteristics shall as per IS 5454.The
Lot, which has been found satisfactory in respect of visual and dimensional requirements,
shall be next tested for physical characteristics like compressive strength, water absorption,
and efflorescence.
(j) The physical requirements of the bricks shall be tested as per IS:3495 (Part I to IV).
(k) The bricks shall have physical characteristics as specified here under:-
(i) Water absorption : 20% Max.
(ii) Compressive strength : 75 Kg/cm2.
(iii) Efflorescence : Nil to Slight sign of efflorescence i.e 0-10% of surface
area of the brick should show a thin deposit of salt.
(l) A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of physical Characteristics if the
condition stipulated here in are all satisfied:-
(i) The average compressive strength shall satisfy the requirements specified in Clause
10.3.1 (a).
(ii) The acceptance criteria shall be as per IS.

(iii) Average water absorption shall be as specified in Para K(i).

(iv) The number of bricks failing to satisfy the requirements of the efflorescence specified in Para
(K) should not be more than the permissible in IS 5454.
(m) Handling and storage of bricks shall be as per Clause 5.6.9 of SSR Part I.
(n) The general quality of brick shall be as per Clause 5.6.5 of SSR Part I.
(o) For pricing deviation if any (both plus or minus) involving brick work with old size brick
pricing shall be made on the basis of rates for old size bricks sub class „B‟ bricks given in
MES Schedule of rates subject to contractor‟s percentage quoted by the tenderer against that
schedule. The preamble (e) and (f) given on page 54 of SSR Part II shall stand deleted. Bricks shall be laid & bonded all as specified in clause 5.23 & 5.24 of SSR Part I.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.143


Irrespective of what is shown on drawings, two layers of indigenous bituminous craft
paper shall be provided to the full width of brick wall under bearing of lintels, beams,
slabs resting on load bearing walls, PCC bed blocks and floor/roof band where casted
monolithic with RCC slab on 20mm thick bearing plaster in CM (1:4) finished even and
smooth and given one coat of white wash. Each layer of indigenous bituminous craft
paper shall weigh not less than 1.20 Kg per 10 Sqm. This provision, however, shall not
be made where RCC slabs rest on a levelling course of PCC and in RCC framed
7.5 Size of PCC bed blocks for beam where not shown in the drawings shall be twice the
width of beams in length, covering the entire thickness of wall and 200 mm thick
(depending upon type of brick) below the RCC beams resting on masonry.

8.1 (a) All articles of builder‟s hardware shall comply with the relevant IS specifications
and the specifications given in the MES Schedule for the relevant item. Builders‟
hardware shall be provided all as specified in Schedule of fittings and as specified in
relevant drawings and shall be ISI marked.
(b) In case the size of particular fittings is not shown in the drawings, it shall
be of size as directed by the GE.

(c) Screws used for fixing items of Builders hardware shall be as specified in
clause 9.2.6 of MES Schedule Part-I. Unless specified otherwise elsewhere,
screws shall be dipped in adhesive before fixing on particle board.
(d) Irrespective of what is shown on drawings, all articles of builder‟s hardware
(other than for steel windows, butt hinges and rising door springs with magnetic
catches) shall be extruded sections, aluminium anodized white.
(e) Butt hinges shall be of SS, IS marked.
(f) The contractor shall produce samples of each article of builder‟s Hardware (fittings) which he
proposes to use and get it approved. The sample shall be labelled as such, signed by the GE
and the contractor. These shall be kept in the custody of the GE till the completion of work. In
case rat-tail spring door closers are mentioned on drawings these shall be changed to helical door
springs, 150 mm long of an approved make.

(a) Butt hinges for doors shall be SS conforming to IS and all as specified in clause 9.7.2 of
MES Schedule Part I. Butt hinges shall be run welded to machine pressed steel sheet frame/angle
frame and screwed to timber shutters.

b) Size of sliding bolts unless otherwise specified shall be 300 mm with 16 mm dia shoot.

(c) MS tower/ Barrel Bolts shall be with bolt shoot 10 mm dia up to size 125 mm and 12mm dia for
size 150mm and above. For steel window, the dia of bolt shall be 10 mm.

(d) All other articles of builders hardware shall comply with the requirement of relevant IS and as
specified in MES Schedule Part I.

(e) Stainless steel wire cloth/gauge for mosquito/fly proofing shall be as specified in clause9.25.3 of
MES Schedule Part I. It shall have 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and 1.40 mm average with of
aperture for mosquito/fly proofing and as approved by GE.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.144
9.1 All steel and iron work shall be as per details shown on drawings & BOQ items . Steel work shall
be carried out as described in MES Schedule Part I and as specified here-in-after.



All steel for reinforcement to be used in the work shall be contractor's supply. The
contractor shall procure steel for reinforcement (TMT bars) directly from the following main
producers of steel :-

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Rashtriya RINL Visakhapatnam Steel Plant All
Ispat Nigam Visakapatnam-530031, India
Limited Tel: (91891) 518226, 518376
(RINL), Fax: (91891) 518316
E-mail: cmdvsp@itpvis.ap.nic.in
2. Tata Iron & TATA Bombay House,2, 4, Homi modi Street All
Steel Mumbai-400001, India
Company Tel: (9122) 2049131
(TISCO, or Fax: (9122) 2049522, 2770840
Tata Steel), E-mail: corpcomm@jsr.tatasteel.com
(Br office for North: Jeevan Tara Bldg, Patel
Chowk, New Delhi)

3. Steel Authority SAIL Central Marketing Organization, Northern All

of India Region 17th Floor, scope Minar, Laxmi
Limited, (SAIL) Nagar Distt Centre, Delhi-110092

4. Balaji 5 Bentek Street, Kolkata – 700001 TMT Bars of

M/S Jai Balaji Shakti Delhi Office 510, Block-B, Navraung House, Gde Fe 500
Industries Ltd., 21 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- Fe 500D
Tel: (011) 43620219, 43620220
Mob: 7838272772, 9958936103
E-mail: info@jaibalajigroup.com
5. M/S Shyam SHYAM Shyam Towers EN-32, Sector-V, Salt Lake, TMT Bars of
Steel Kolkata-700091 Gde Fe 500
Industries Ltd Tel: (033) 40074007 Fe 500D
Fax: (033) 40074010 CRS
E-mail: marketing@shyamsteel.com
6. M/S Steel SIMHADRI My Home Laxminivas Apartments, TMT Bars of
Exchange TMT Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500016, A.P. Gde Fe 500
India Ltd., Tel: (040) 23403725 Fe 500D
Fax: (040) 23413267, HSCRM
E-mail: info@seil.co.in
7. M/S Jindal JINDAL OP Jindal Road, TMT Bars of
Steel and PANTHER Hissar , Haryana -125005, Gde Fe 500/
Power Ltd. Tel: +91 166 2222471-84 Fe 500D
Fax: +91 166 220476 Fe 550/ Fe
550D & *CRS
with sizes (8-
40 mm)
8. M/S SRMB SRMB SRMB House, 7, Khetra das lane TMT Bars of
Srijan Ltd., Kolkata-700012 Gde Fe 500/
Tel: 033-6600 6600 Fe 500D
Fax: 033- 22110483 Fe 550/Fe
550D (Size 8-
32 mm)
9. M/S Shri GOEL TMT Vill- Borjhara, Urla Industrial Area, TMT Bars of
Bajrang Power Raipur-493 221, Chhattisgarh Gde Fe 500
& Ispat Ltd., Tel: 0771 4288019/29/39 Fe 500D
(Size 8-32
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.145

10. M/S JSW NEOSTEEL JSW Centre,Bandra Kurla Complex, TMT Bars of
Steel Ltd., Bandra (Eat) Mumbai- 400051, Gde Fe 500
Maharashtra Fe 500D
Phone :022-42861000 CRS (Size 8-
Fax: 022-42863000 40 mm)
11 M/S Shyam SEL Viswakarma, 1st Floor, 86 C, TMT Bars of
Metalics & Tapsia Roas, Kolkata - 700046 Gde Fe 500,
Energy Ltd, Ph: 91 33 2285 2212 Fe 500D
Website: www.shyamgroup.com (Size 8-32
12. M/S Kamachi KAMACHI ABC Trade Centre, 3rd Floor TMT Bars of
Industries Ltd. (Inside Devi Theatre Complex) Gde Fe 500,
Old No. 50, New No. 39, Anna Salai, Fe 500D
Chennai- 600002, India Fe550, Fe
Tel: +91-044-42961100 550D HCRM
Fax: +91-044-42961122 (Size 8-40
E-mail: sales@kamachitmt.com mm)
Website: www.kamachitmt.com
13. M/S Real Ispat G K TMT Vrindavan, Near IDBI Bnk Civil Lines TMT Bars of
& Power ltd Raipur - 492001, C.G. Gde Fe 500
Tel: +91-771-4224000 Fe 500D
Fax: +91-771-4224010 (Size 8-
E-mail: real@realispat.com 36mm)
Website: www.realispat.com
14 M/S Super SUPER Premlata, 39, TMT Bars of
Smelters Ltd. SHAKTI Shakespeare Sarani, Gde Fe 500
Kolkata 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700017 Fe 500D, Fe
Tel/Fax: + 91-33-2289-2734/36 550 (Size 8-
E-mail: info@supershakti.in 32mm)
Website: www.supershakti.in

15 M/S ET TMT Survey No. 72, Village : Palodia, Taluka : TMT Bars of
Electrotherm Kalol, Dist. : Gandhinagar - 382115 Gde Fe 500
(India) Ltd Gujarat, India. Fe 500D, Fe
Tel +91-2717-660550/+91-2717-660649 550 & CRS
(Size 8-
16. M/S Adhunik ADHUNIK Lansdowne Towers, 2/1A, Sarat Bose Road TMT Bars of
Industries Ltd. Fe 500 SD 6th Floor Kolkata 700020, West Bengal, Gde Fe
INDIA 500D (Size
Tel 033 30517100 8-32mm)

17. M/S Gallantt GALLANTT Ward 10BC, Plot No. 123, TMT Bars of
Metal Ltd TMX Ground Floor, Gandhi Dham Gde Fe 500
Kutch, Gujarat - 370201 Fe 500D
Tel: +91-2836-228164 CRS (Size 8-
Fax: +91-2836-235787 32mm)
E-mail: gml@gallantt.com
Website: www.gallantt.com
18. M/S Rashmi RASHMI Premlata Building, 39, TMT Bars of
Metaliks Ltd TMT Shakespeare Sarani, Gde Fe 500
6th Floor, Kolkata - 700017 (Size 8-
Tel: 033-22894255/56 32mm)
Fax: 033-22894254 Fe 500D,
E-mail: mkt.domesticdip@rashmigroup.com Fe550D
Website: www.rashmigroup.com (Size 8-
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.146


No NAME NAME Structural RKS

19. M/S Rashtriya RINL Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Structural

Ispat Nigam Visakhapatnam - 530 031, India Steel (Angle,
Limited (RINL) Tel: (91 891) 518226,518376 Beam,
Fax: (91 891) 518316 Column,
E-mail: cmdvsp@itpvis.ap.nic.in Channel,
20. M/S Tata Iron TATA Bombay House, 2, 4 Homi Modi Street Steel (Angle,
& Steel Mumbai - 400 001, India Beam,
Company Tel: (91 22) 204 9131 Column,
(TISCO, or Fax: (91 22) 204 9522, 287 0840 Channel,
Tata Steel) E-mail: corpcomm@jsr.tatasteel.com Plate)
(Br office for North : Jeevan Tara Bldg, Patel
Chowk, New Delhi)
21. M/S Steel SAIL Central Marketing Organization, Steel (Angle,
Authority of Northern Region Beam,
India Limited 17th Floor, scope Minar, Column,
(SAIL) Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Channel,
Delhi - 110092 Plate)
22. M/S Jindal JINDAL Jindal centre, Steel (Angle,
Steels and Plot No 2, Sector- 32, Beam,
Power Ltd. Gurgaon- 122001, Haryana Column,
Tel: 0124 661 2000 Channel,
Fax: 0124 661 2125 Plate)
Website: www.jindalsteelpower.com

Note: Contractor can even procure TMT bars from the primary producer approved by the AHQ E-
in-Cs Branch during currency of the contract work.

(f) The documents in support of purchase of steel shall be furnished to GE for verification. The
particulars of the manufacturers of steel shall be furnished by the contractor for every lot of steel
separately as per the Performa given in Annexure-I.

(b) STRUCTURAL STEEL: : structural rolled and tubular mild steel sections shall be procured
directly from main producers i.e. SAIL/RINL/TISCO/Jindal. In case of non availability with primary
producers ,the structural steel can be procured from secondary steel producers like (i) Kashi
Vishwanath Steels Ltd, A-80, Vivek Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi-110095
(ii) M/S Shyam Steel Ltd, 29, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Ist Floor, Kolkata-13, Tele-03322379444,
22373311. FAX-03322366937, (iii) M/S K L Steel Pvt Ltd, Post Box No 61, Lal Kuan,
Bulandshahar Road, Ghaziabad (UP), Tele :0120-2867911, 2867915, FAX-0120-2867917, (iv)
M/S Shree Parashnath Re-Rolling Mills Ltd, Admin office:- 3511 Part Dr B C Roy
Avenue,Durgapur-713201 Ph:- 0343-2550537/2550538 FAX-0343- 2554457 , (v) M/S SRMB
Srijan Pvt Ltd Kolkatta (vi) M/S Amba Shakti Ispat Ltd Solan(H.P.) & from the any other secondary
producer approved by the EINC Br. even during currency of the contract) however with a reduction
of 5%(five percent) of the accepted rate of structural steel. In case the desired section of structural
steel is not rolled/manufactured by primary producers, there shall be no price adjustment in use of
structural steel procured from approved secondary producers.

(c) Reinforcement steel, structural steel and Galvanised steel sheets & fabric reinforcement
for concrete may be permitted to be procured from authorized dealers of main producers in case
the total requirement of steel is less than 5 tonnes and specifically approved by Accepting Officer
in writing.
(d) Steel sections for railings, gates, fencing, guard bars, grills, steel chowkhat, holdfasts
etc., which do not constitute structural members, can be procured from main producers/
secondary producers/ BIS marked manufacturers or their authorized dealers at the option of
Contractor after written permission from the GE and will be without any minus price adjustment.
(e) Contractor shall submit manufacturers test certificate for the each consignment of Steel
section to be used for fencing /security & compound wall posts/strut .
(f) The documents including manufacturers test results in support of purchase of steel
shall be furnished to GE for verification. The particulars of the manufacturers of steel
shall be furnished by the contractor for every lot of steel separately as per the Performa
given in Annexure-I.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.147


9.3. TESTING OF STEEL :(a) The contractor shall submit the manufacturer‟s Test certificate in
original alongwith the test sheet giving their results of each mechanical test as applicable and the
chemical composition of the steel or authenticated copy thereof duly signed by the manufacturer
with each consignment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in a steel Acceptance
Register after due verification.
(b) It will be mandatory for the GE to carry out simple field test and record the findings before
the contractor is allowed to use steel in the work. CWE may also carry out random checks and
record his remarks in the Steel Test Register. Such simple testing includes sand papering the
cross section of the TMT bar and dipping it in chemical solution to give a clearly defined annular
ring of tempered steel. Cost of all such facilities for test shall be borne by the contractor.

(c) The Accepting Officer/ CWE may order a board of Officers for random check of steel and
verification of connected documents. In case of such check, if it is found that steel brought on
site/incorporated in work does not meet the requirements laid down in the contract, such steel/work
in which such steel has been incorporated shall be rejected or devalued based on the defects. In
this regard decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final and binding. Contractor shall have no
claim whatsoever on account of such rejection.

(d) Independent testing of steel by the GE from random samples of steel drawn from various
lots from National Test House, SEMT, CME, Regional Research Labs, Govt Engineering College,
Zonal Lab or Govt approved Labs etc, as per the recommended frequency given here-in-after shall
be optional at the discretion of the GE in case of procurement of steel from main producers and
testing charges shall be borne in accordance with Condition 10 A of IAFW-2249 i.e. testing
charges shall be borne by the Deptt, if the test results are found in order otherwise these shall be
borne by the Contractor.

(e) Independent testing of steel by the GE from random samples of steel drawn from various
lots from National Test House, SEMT, CME, Regional Research Labs, Govt Engineering College,
Zonal Lab or Govt approved Labs etc as per the recommended frequency given here-in-after shall
be mandatory in case of procurement of steel from secondary producers and testing charges shall
be borne by the contractor irrespective of the outcome of test results.

(f) In both the cases at sub Para 10.3 (d) & (e) above, the Contractor at his cost shall provide
all facilities required for the testing and cost of materials consumed in tests shall also be borne by
the Contractor.

(g) The elongation of reinforcement steel shall not be less than 18%.

(a) Bars size less than 10mm. One sample (three specimens) for each test for every
25 tones or part thereof).
(b) Bars size 10mm to 16mm. One sample (Three specimens) for each test for every
35 tones or part thereof).
(c) Bars size over 16mm. One sample (Three specimens) for each test for every
45 tones or part thereof.
(a) Tensile test including One test for every 25 tones of steel or part thereof).
%age elongation
(b) Bend test -One test for every 10 tones of steel or part thereof.
For various tests, acceptance criteria, tolerance etc. refer to steel supply/Acceptance form
given here-in-after and relevant BIS Codes.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.148



1. CA NO & Name of Work

2. Contract No
3. Name of Manufacturer's T.C. No
4. Manufacturer
5. Random Test Details
(a) Physical test report from ______ vide their letter No _________
(Name of approved Lab/Engg College)
(b) Chemical test report from_______ vide their letter No_______
(Name of approved Lab/Engg College)
6. Types of Steel, Dia & Qty (a) Type: TMT/CRS (b) Dia-____mm
(c) Actual Wt___MT (d) Conversion Wt ____MT.

Chemical Test Mechanical Test



Phosphorous %


Silicon %


Wt per meter

0.2% proof

Tensile Strength
less than 18%)
Elengation %

Bend Test

Rebend Test

As per IS-1786
As per
test certificate
As per
independent test

Remarks with Signature Accepted/Rejected

Contractor Junior Engineer Engineer-in-Charge Garrison Engineer

Remarks of BOO/Inspecting Officer/CWE

(a) The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers from the manufacturer for the
total quantity of steel supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All
consignments received at work site shall be inspected by the GE alongwith relevant
documents before acceptance. The original vouchers and the test certificates shall be
defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and photocopy of the same shall be kept on the record
in the office of GE duly authenticated and with cross reference of control number recorded in
the steel Acceptance Register and will be signed by JE (Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and
the contractor duly endorsed CA No & Year.

(b) The entire quantity of all steel items shall be recorded in Measurement Book
indicating size, quantities, voucher numbers, dates brought on site for record purposes as
“not to be abstracted” and signed by Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor before
incorporation in the work.
(c) Irrespective of what is shown in drgs or specified else where, steel reinforcement to
be used in this project shall be Thermo Mechanically Treated steel bars.


(i) High strength deformed steel bars produced by thermo mechanical
treatment process (TMT steel bars of grades Fe-500 /Fe
500D/Fe550/Fe550D) meeting all other requirements of IS-1786.
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Note :- For Swimming pool, Diving pool, Balancing tank , Hazardous tank, RCC
over Head water tank , High strength corrosion resistant deformed steel bars
(from primary producers as approved by E-in-C‟s Branch) produced by Thermo
Mechanical Treatment process (TMT steel bars) of grade Fe-500 /500Dmeeting
all other requirements of IS-1786,shall be used.Minimum elongationshall be

(ii) Mild steel bars shall conform to IS-432 (Part-I) and Grade I.
(i) Structural steel standard quality shall conform to IS-2062-2006
(sixth revi-sion) and Grade Fe-410-W (Gde E-250), quality A. The
above mentioned steel shall be provided in the locationmentioned in
drawings and in clause 10.4.1 of
MES Sch Part I.
(ii) Structural Steel ordinary quality shall be used for structures not
subjected to dynamic loading. This steel shall not be used where
welding is used in fabri-cation and in earth quake zone where severe
damage is expected and design of structure based on plastic theory.
The steel shall conform to IS-2062-2006 (sixth revision) and Fe-290
(Gde E-165). The above mentioned steel shall be provided in the
location specified in drawings and in clause 10.4.2 of MES Sch Part I.

(iii) Structural steel ordinary quality shall be usedfor general

purpose in railing, gates, fencing post, guard bars, grills, holdfasts,
door and window frames etc, and shall conform to IS-2062-2006 (sixth
revision), Fe-290 (Gde E-165). The above mentioned steel shall be
provided in the location specified in drawing and in clause 10.4.3 of
MES Schedule Part I.

(c) Galvanised steel sheets (Plain and corrugated) : Conforming to IS-277.

9.6.1 For pricing of deviation in respect of steel items, the quality of steel shall be
taken as under: -
(a) Structural steel: Standard quality Fe410-W (Gde E-250) quality A
As (other than mentioned in MES Schedule. general purposes)
(b) MS round bars for: IS-432(Part I) reinforcement Gde I mild IS 1786-1985
(d) Steel (general purpose): Ordinary quality Fe 290 (Gde E-165)
(e) Fabric reinforcement for concrete: Conforming to IS -1566.

9.6.2 The steel shall be procured and brought to the site one month before it is required to be
incorporated in the work taking into account the time required for it‟s inspection and acceptance as
specified here-in-before.

9.6.3 Contractor shall be responsible for proper storage, preservation and maintenance of steel at
site till it is consumed in the work. Steel rejected shall be stacked separately, so marked and
removed as directed by GE.

(a) Reinforcement of mild steel and deformed cold twisted bars shall be of TMT
bars in lieu thereof without change of any spacing all as shown on drawings
in accordance with the provisions of IS: 456 of 2000 without any extra cost to
(b) Reinforcement shall be fabricated, placed in position all as shown on
drawings and specified in Clause 10.17 to 10.22 of MES Schedule Part- I.
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(c) Laps and crossing shall be tied with mild steel wire (annealed) (soft drawn)
of diameter not less than 0.90mm. Laps shall be staggered.
(d) Irrespective of whether corner reinforcement is indicated or not in RCC plan
showing reinforcement of slabs, corner reinforcement shall be provided as
shown in TD (typical drawings).
(e) The contractor shall be responsible for accurate fixing of reinforcement shown
on drawings, and shall not pour any concrete until the reinforcement has been
inspected in position and approved in writing by the GE. The contractor shall
take necessary precaution to prevent any displacement of reinforcement bars during
(f) (f) Mode of payment of RCC reinforcement bars under measurable/provisional schedules
shall be net length of bars provided on site multiplied by the unit weight of respective dia
of reinforcement bar(s). Lap length provided to use offcuts more than 1.5m length shall
not be measured for payment. Only net length of bar( without lap) shall be measured to
arrive weight of steel to be paid under respective item. Offcuts of reinforcement bars
less than 1.5 m in length shall not be allowed to use with lap and are to be discarded /
removed from the site.


Structural steel work shall be executed as specified in relevant clauses of section 10 of
MES Schedule Part I.
i. Steel for holdfasts, grills, guard bars, cooler brackets and gate shall be
ordinary quality. Balance structural steel shall be of standard quality. Test
certificate for ordinary quality steel for gate/grill/guardbars/hold fast (Except
fencing posts/struts )is not required.
ii. Each consignment of steel for fencing post/struct shall be accompanied with
manufactrurers Test Certificate.


(a) All MS Black, Bolts and nuts shall conform to IS: 1353 part I to III of 1984
and round washer shall conform to IS: 5370, IS: 5372 or IS: 5374 where ever
specification are not available, the American standard specifications to be
(b) Bolts, heads, nuts, shall be of such length as to project and clear thread
beyond the nuts when fixed in position and these shall fit in the holes
without any shake. The nut shall fit in the threaded ends of bolts properly.
(c) The round washers shall be placed under the heads and nuts of permanent
bolts. Maximum two washers for one nut and one for each bolt head
shall be used. Bolts threads shall be out side limit of jointing members
and un threaded portion of bolt shall not be out side the washer.
(d) Bolts, Nuts & washers shall be thoroughly cleaned and dipped in double boiled
linseed oil before used. The bolts shall be tightened starting from the enter of joints
towards the edge.
MS sheet /plates shall be of thickness as shown on drawings in various locations
conforming to Fe-410-S.

(a) Refer Section 17 of MES Schedule Part I for paints and painting work.
(b) Three coats of paint wherever occurs/specified in these documents /drawings on
wooden or steel surfaces shall consist of one priming coat, one under coat and one
finishing coat and paint for these shall be of the same manufacturer. Tint of paint shall be
as directed by the GE.
(c) Preparation of surfaces of woodwork and steel work for painting shall be carried out as
specified in clause 17.6.1, and and 17.8.1, and of
MES Schedule Part I.
(d) The contractor shall inform the GE within three weeks of the acceptance of the tender,
the brand and names of the manufacturers of paint, which he proposes to incorporate in
the works for his approval.
(e) Wooden or steel surfaces embedded in or in contact with masonry/brick work or
concrete shall be treated with two coats of hot tar. Hold fasts, lugs shall be given two
coats of tar and sanded all as specified in MES Schedule Part I.



(a) All steel and iron work, unless otherwise specified or indicated in drawings, shall be
treated with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide zinc chromate
(b) Reinforcement and galvanized surfaces (except wire gauge) shall not be painted. Wire
gauge (mosquito proofing) shall however be given a coat of French blue paint.
(c) Exposed surfaces of MS/CI brackets and MS fan hook and boxes etc shall be
painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer.
Painting to Runway/Taxi Track and Apron shall be all as specified in schedule „A‟ and
of first quality water based paint shall be procured from any of the following manufacturer
M/s. Asian Paints.
APCOTRAK IS brand or equivalent make of M/s. Jenson and Nicholson,
M/s. Shalimar Paints,
M/s. Berger Paints,
(a)The runway marking paint shall be applied strictly as per manufacturer‟s instructions.
(b)The contractor shall submit samples of the paints proposed for the project along with results
of tests conducted in approved laboratory, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, for
approval. The manufacturer‟s recommendations shall also be submitted for the consideration
and approval of the GE well in advance.
(c)The paint shall be brought to the site of work by the contractor in original sealed containers.
The material shall be brought in one lot in adequate quantity to suffice for the entire work. The
material shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge. The
empties shall not be removed from the site of work, till the work has been completed and
permission obtained from the GE. The paint for Runway marking paint shall be single
component air drying water based acrylic paint confirming to IS 164.


The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted. All dirt, scales, oil and grease shall be
thoroughly removed before painting is started. Wire brushing and water washing shall be carried out
for thorough removal of dust from the road surface. The surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly
before painting. The prepared surface shall be inspected and approved by the GE before painting is
commenced. The weather shall not be foggy/ rainy, dusty or windy. Surface temperature must be
atleast 300C above dew point but not above 500C. The sutability of the weather will be determined
by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Before pouring into smaller containers for use, the paint shall be stirred thoroughly in its original
container. The paint shall be continuously stirred in the smaller container while applying to runway
surface so that its consistency is kept uniform. A time interval as recommended by the manufacturer
or as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge shall elapse, between laying and finishing of the
bituminous and cement concrete surfaces and the time of marking the pavement.

(a)The paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off. The
crossing and laying off consists of covering the area over with paint, brushing the surface hard for
the first time over and then brushing alternatively in opposite direction, two or three times and then
finally brushing lightly in a direction at right angle to the same. In this process, no brush marks
shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and laying off will constitute
one coat. Final coat of painting may be provided with road marking paint machine at the discretion
of the contractor without any extra cost to the department.

(b)Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly before the next coat is applied.

(c)Earlier applied coat shall be cleaned off dust before the next coat is applied.
(d)No left over paint shall be put back into the stock tins. When not in use, the containers shall
be kept properly closed.

(e)No hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles shall be left on work.

(f)The surface shall ordinarily not be painted until it has dried up completely. Trial patches of
paint shall be laid at intervals to check if drying is satisfactory.

(g)The runway marking shall be done as instructed by the Garrison Engineer.

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(a) Frame type : PEB type steel structure open from sides
(b) Width (M) : As given in architectutral drawing
(c) Length (M) : As given in architectutral drawing
(d) Eave height (M) : As given in architectutral drawing
(e) Roof Slope : As per PEB design
(f) Bay spacing (M) : As per structural requirement ref Arch drawing.

(g) Type of end frame : Both main end frame

(h) Wind bracing specifications : As per design
(i) Roof sheeting and bird : Roof sheeting shall consist of sheets of
Proofing following specifications:-
(i) “Permanently color coated high tensile steel
sheet having minimum bare metal thickness off
0.55mm (i.e excluding Aluminium -Zinc/galvanizing
& color coating thickness) & minimum Yield strength
of 550 Mpa, coated with 55% Al-Zn alloy @ 150
g/Sqm as per ASTM A792M; Color coated with total
minimum thickness of 40 microns (nominal)
comprising of Silicon, Modified polyester (SMP with
silicon content of 30% minimum) paint or super
Polyester paint of minimum 20 microns (nominal)
Dry Film Thickness (DFT) on exposed side over 5
microns (nominal) primer coat and 10 microns
(nominal) mill std. gray color Epoxy paint on other
side over 5 microns (nominal) primer coat as per
BMT = 0.55MM
AZ = 0.04mm (0.02mm on top +
0.02mm on bottom)
TOP Paint = 0.025mm (0.02mm DFT+
0.005mm primer)
Bottom paint = 0.015mm (0.0005mm
Epoxy paint+0.01mm primer)
Total = 0.63 mm (approx)
Note : Colour Shade on exposed side shall be
camouflage combination pattern as approved by GE

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(j) Bird proofings requirement : 0.5mm thick pre painted Galvalume plain
and type sheet with openable side wall cladding

(k) Annexure on both sides : N.A.

(l) Left side wall : N.A.
(m) Right side wall : N.A
(n) Back side wall : N.A
(o) Gutters & rain spouts : RWPs alongwith gutter to be provided in
suitable Nos.
(p) Front and rear wall Roof : As given in architectural drawings.(1.3m)

(q) Frame opening for louvers : As per design

and glazing on side walls including

(r) Frames, built up/HR sections : As per design under relevant IS.

(s) Purlins/Girts/Bracing : As per design under relevant IS.

(t) Provision of louvers : N.A
(u) All foundation (RCC) work : M-30 Design Mix
Below columns

(v) Importance factor : As per design requirement.

(w) General specification : As applicable

(x) Miscellaneous requirements : To cater for wind speed and air craft
vibration with full engine power.

(y) Lighting and Electrification : 12 LED lights fittings per shelter in three
layers (at 1.5m from FFL, 4.5m from FFL
and 7.75m from FFL) on side pillars, so as
to maintain 500 Lux at 1m from FFL.

(z) Type and detailed : Nil

specification of the floor

(aa) Ancillary buildings and their : Nil

detailed specification

(ab) Requirements of Ancillary : Nil

building and their detailed specification

(ac) Exact location of adjacent structures : As per site plan

especially those that might be impacted
by the proposed construction marked on
detailed site plan.


(a) Dead load
(b) Roof live load As per IS 875 Part I to V
(c) Wind load (KMPH or KN/M2)
(d) Auxiliary load
(e) Earthquake load : As per IS 1893-2016/ Seismic Zone of Area.
(f) Internal lighting load (ceiling) : 25 Kg/M2 including of bird proofing.

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(g) Thrust : 12000kg generated by Aircraft during taxi in/

out at 85-90% power rating.

(h) Wind Pressure : The design should be able to sustain high wind
speeds upto 50 Knots and to withstand
crack/ breakage from hail storms, etc. The
structural strength of the shelter should be
able to support the thrust of 12000kgf
generated at 85-90% power rating.


(a) Cross-bracing on columns to be as per design requirement. Expansion joints if
provided shall be considered as per IS code using expansion joint details in cold form
members only.
(b) Gap between inner liners lining where ever shown to be flushed.
(c) Roof gutter shall be made out of curved eaves with valley gutter arrangement as
shown in drawing.
(d) The foundation design of stanchions shall be done based on tentative SBC of
10T/M2 at 1.5m depth, same is to be verified by conducting soil investigation on site before
start of the project. Structure will be redesigned if the actual SBC found varying with the
tentative SBC, free of cost.
(e) Back filling in footings of columns: Back filling in column footing including gable end
shall be carried out as per clause 3.21.4 of SSR Part-I (2009) using morrum.
(f) Rod bracing permitted on the roof trusses and purlins.
(g) The vertical columns of shelter shall be so designed that it should have no place for
resting and perching of birds.
(h) Design Code-IS 800-2007 for Built up Design and IS 801-1975 for Secondary
member design shall be used.
(i) The execution of work other than pre engineered structure e.g foundation,
sheeting etc may be done by contractor himself
(j) All Primary, Secondary and Cold Form Members shall have the strength of 345Mpa
(N/mm2) irrespective of anything mentioned in tender documents elsewhere or shown in
The overall responsibility of the design, drawings and BoQ prepared by the
consultant/contractor rests with them. In case of any defect/damage detected in the
designed infrastructure during its design life and the same is attributed to faulty
design/drawings, contractor will be liable for penalty. Also, the consultant/contractor shall
be responsible for third party vetting of design/drawings by any of Indian Institute of
Technology (IITs) and submit the following:-
(a) All structural drawings including the details of joints, bolts, welding, etc.
alongwith foundation details in original tracings duly signed by consultant and vetting
(b) Design calculations and drawings (in A-1 sheet tracings).
(c) Certificate from vetting agency that the design is meeting all the relevant codal
requirements (IS/ American Standards), all details have been thoroughly checked and are
in compliance to Standards, latest codes, regulations in respect of safety, soundness and
economy. This certificate of vetting shall be from the authorized signatory on behalf of the
Institute and not from a professor/individual of the institute in his personal capacity.
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.155

(d) Details of quantities of Steel (Section wise) and Sheeting (location wise).
(e) Final design folder along with RCDC & STAAD foundation advance output files,
both in hard and soft copy (one copy each), completely checked and vetted by any IIT
along with 7 sets of detailed drawings endorsed by them and one set of original tracing
hard copy (A1 Size) on Gateway brand trace paper along with a soft copy of drawings.
(f) The contractor/ consultant shall intimate the details of vetting agency and shall
arrange interaction with SO-1 (Design)/ Director (Design) to ensure that proof checking/
third party vetting is complete in all respect.

(a) The consultant/contractor shall give free of cost clarification, if any, during complete
execution period of the infrastructure.
(b) Any amendments required during execution shall be made by the
consultant/contractor and requisite copies of amended drawings duly vetted by vetting
agencies shall be submitted free of cost.
(c) PEB structure shall be got designed, manufactured and executed/erected through
one of the specialist firm approved PEB firm by E-in-Cs Branch, New Delhi.
12.6 The pre-engineered structure shall be got designed and executed/erected through one of
the following specialist firms(within the validity period) or any other specialist firm approved
by E-in- Br. In addition the design shall be vetted by any of the IIT‟s.


Sr.No. Name of firm Product Description Valid upto

(i) M/s RCC Eco-Build Systems Ltd Designing, 07 Mar 2022
Supply and
Execution of Steel
Structures i.e Pre
Buildings (PEB)
(ii) M/s Pennar Engineered Building Designing 20 Sep 2020
Systems Limited manufacturing and
execution of steel
structure i.e. PEB
incl associated allied
(iii) M/s Supertech India Pvt Ltd Designing, 12 Sep 2020
Manufacturing and
execution of Steel
Structure i.e PEB
(iv) M/s Nipani Infra& Industries Pvt Ltd Light Gauge Steel 12 Dec 2020
Framing (LGSF)
(v) M/s Paramount Building Solutions Designing, 11 Jun 2021
Pvt Ltd Manufacturing and
execution of
Structures i.e Pre-
Engineered Building
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13. PREPARATION OF JOINTS - After preparation of surface as above raking out old all
decayed/ damaged existing sealing compound from the construction/dummy /expansion joints of
any size and any depth cleaning the joints thoroughly by removing dust, dirt, loose and foreign
material by appropriate hand tools such as chiesel, hammer or L hooks, scrapping out the existing
sealing joints, grinding or cutting the inner sides of the joints by Diamond cutter to have perfect
plane sealant free surface without breaking the edges, removing dust by power blower/
compressed air and removing rubbish material outside MOD land.
Note: Any variation in size of joint is deemed to be included in quoted rate.
(i) Making good the existing damaged edges (at joints) cracks, etc on either side of joint in
cement concrete floor by cutting around to true vertical surfaces by using diamond cutter etc. and
removing the debris and other foreign material outside MOD land including necessary preparation
of surfaces by cleaning the sides and bottom stages as specified and directed. to the entire
satisfaction of of GE/Engineer-in-Charge and spalled edges shall be repaired with using epoxy.

13.1. Expansion joints to full depth of slabs primed and filled with compressible filler board (Make:
Silflex Supreme or equivalent as approved by GE) and providing a back up rod / debonding strip
and top 12 mm primed with suitable primer and sealed with polyurethane based sealing compound
complete as per manufacturer‟s recommendations.

13.2. Construction / dummy joints shall be provided a back up rod / debonding strip and top 10 mm
primed with suitable primer and sealed with polyurethane based sealing compound complete as
per manufacturer‟s recommendations.


The work shall be got done by one of the following authorized applicator of the manufacturer (as
per the E-in-C‟s Branch list of approved manufacturers) and the manufacturer shall be got
approved by CWE (AF) Izatanagar: -

(a) M/S Cipy Polyurethanes Pvt Ltd.

(b) M/s Sika India Pvt Ltd
(c) M/s Fosroc Chemicals
(d) M/s STP Limited
(e) M/s Choksey Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
(f) M/s Apurva India Limited, Mumbai
(g) M/s Thermax Ltd


(a) Epoxy screed will be done to bring the level within the tolerance limits. If the actual average
tolerance exceeds the value (to be verified by the applicator by taking level measurements with the
equipments), then Epoxy screed shall be laid for the required thickness to bring the level within the
limits without any extra cost to the Govt.

(b) All material brought at site shall be in pre-weighed packs ready to mix and use. Material for
each layer shall be as under: -
CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.157

Descri M/S Sika M/S Cipy M/S M/S M/S M/s STP M/s M/S Cipy
ption India Pvt FOSROC Bostik Apurva Ltd Choksey
Ltd India Pvt India Ltd Chemicals
Ltd Mumbai Pvt L Ltd
Primer SikaFloor Cipoxy14 Equivale Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cipoxy14
21 nt
Screed SikaFloor Cipoxy- Equivale Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cipoxy-15
bed 21 15 nt
Scratc SikaFloor Cipy Equivale Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cipy
h Coat 21 N Cipothan nt Cipothane
Purcem e Esd Esd
Body SikaFloor Cipy Equivale Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cipy
Coat 21 N Cipothan nt Cipothane
Purcem e Esd Esd
UV SikaFloor Cipy Equivale Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Resist 315 Cipothan nt
ance e Esd

Note: Brand above mentioned is for understanding purpose. Any brand used in this regard must be
approved manufacturers by E-in-C‟s Branch and equivalent material shall be used for the above

(c) The material shall be procured only from manufacturer with BIS license or their authorized
agents / dealers. Test certificate from CQA ME Pune or DMRDE Kanpur or CPRI Banglore with
purchase voucher for each batch of material brought at site as applicable shall be submitted by the

(d) Materials brought to site in sealed containers bearing ISI certification marks shall only be
permitted to be used.

(e) Materials shall be stored carefully at site, of the containers shall be broken only in the presence
of the Engineer-in-Charge. Empty containers should be got removed off the site promptly. If on any
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14.1. SCOPE
The work covers Internal Electrification as described in Schedule „A‟ under respective
parts, Notes to Schedule „A‟, as shown on drgs and as specified here in after.
[a]. The work carried out shall be of the highest standard conforming to latest edition of Indian
Electricity Act and rules framed there under as applicable and Para 19.2 of SSR 1991
(part I) read in conjunction with relevant IS codes for Internal electrification and code of
practice for electric wiring installation as per IS: 2274 with amendments. All cable
connection to the MCBs shall be by using copper lugs/thimbles only.

[b]. Refer condition 25 of General conditions of contracts (IAFW 2249). All electric work shall
be carried out properly by skilled and licensed electrician under the supervision of
qualified electrical supervisor. The contractor shall on demand by Engineer in Charge
produce such evidence of qualifications of his workmen and supervisor during the
currency of contract. This provision shall be complied with even if the contractor himself is
qualified and enlisted for electrical work.

[c]. All the work shall be executed as per the code of practice and as listed in the IS. All
electrical work shall be governed by the requirement as specified under the Indian
electricity Act/Rules with latest amendments. The code of practice for electric wiring
installation as per IS: 2274 with amendment No. 1 will be strictly followed.
[d]. Internal wiring shall conform to IS: 732 code of practice for electrical wiring installation.
Point wiring shall be with 1100 Volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor all as
described in Schedule „A‟ items :-
(i) Screws: All screws shall be of galvanised iron or steel chromium plated.
(ii) Link clips : These shall be of aluminium conforming to IS: 2412
(iii) Sunk cast iron/pressed steel terminal boxes. Terminal boxes shall be of suitable
sizes required to mount switches, regulators and 3 pin sockets.

Wiring shall be carried out all as described in Schedule „A‟ and as specified in MES
Schedule part I.
[a]. The GE in writing before incorporation in the work shall be first approved samples
of all electrical fittings. Utility light fittings shall be of the best quality available and conform
to the samples kept in GE‟s office duly approved by him.Samples of the following shall be
supplied within 30 days of the date of issue of work order :-
(a) All types of cable

(b) Fittings, wires and accessories used for Internal Electrification.

(c) The contractor shall ensure that the materials used in the works are identical with
the approved samples. The materials shall be brought to the site by the contractor in the
makers‟ original packing with the seal intact or with wrapper and shall not be
installed unless approved by Engineer in Charge.
[b]. Height of switch boards, socket outlet, light fittings and fans etc shall be as shown in
drawings or as directed by the GE.

[c]. All electrical fittings & wiring shall run clear of doors, windows & other openings.

[d]. Arrangement for lighting circuit shall be as decided by Engineer in Charge. Permissible
number of points per circuit shall not be more than 8.

[e]. Loop in system of wiring shall be followed throughout the Installations.

[f]. No burrs or twisted joints shall be made at intermediate points in the through run of cable.
If inevitable, such joint shall be made through proper cut out.
[g]. In any condition cables shall not come in contact with metallic pipe or non earthed metal
[h]. Not more than two power socket out let points shall be wired on one circuit.
[j]. Diagonal run of wiring shall not be permitted.
[k]. Suitable inspection boxes shall be provided for periodical inspection or to facilitate
removal of wiring. In concealed wiring these shall be mounted flush with the walls.
[l]. For conduit wiring colour coding and colour of insulation of wires shall be got approved
before the wires/cables are procured.
[m]. Where conduits are concealed, these shall be held in chases with MS hooks except in
RCC work where these can be secured to reinforcement with binding wire.
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(n) Cutting and forming chases in brick work/concrete where directed shall be done while the
building work is in progress prior to the commencement of plastering to brick work.
Gaps/voids of all cut/formed chases including recesses formed for terminal boxes for
housing power plugs, switches, sockets etc shall be filled flush with cement concrete (1:3:6)
type C-1, using 20 mm graded stone aggregate or in cement mortar (1:3) mix after fixation
of pipes/boxes etc prior to the plastering of walls at no extra cost.
(o) Clause 19.101 to 19.111 and 19.114 of SSR Part I will be referred to for workmanship.
Special attention is drawn to clause 19.111 of SSR Part I for method of passing conductors
through walls and floors.
[a]. All materials to be incorporated in the work shall be of the highest standard and unless
specified otherwise, shall strictly comply with the relevant ISS or BSS for which no ISS
has been published.

[b]. Unless otherwise specified point wiring shall be with 1100 volt grade cable conforming to
IS: 694 with stranded copper conductor all as described in different items of Schedule „A‟.
[c]. Wooden battens/blocks/Boards shall be of well seasoned hard wood wrought on all
exposed surfaces and coated with shellac varnish. The finished minimum thickness of
batten shall be 10 mm
PVC conduits shall be of PVC medium grade of 25mm dia ISI marked. Conduit fittings
shall be of un plasticised PVC conforming to IS: 3419.
[a] MS BOXES :-
For housing the various fittings such as switches, sockets, fan regulators etc, shall be
made of pressed steel sheet not less than 1.6 mm thick conforming to IS: 5133. The
boxes shall be painted with two coats of black bituminous paint and shall be embedded in
walls in cement mortar 1:3 and need not be fixed with plugs or screws. The minimum
depth of these boxes shall be 60 mm and each box shall have an earth dolly. Corner of
boxes shall have 3 mm thick MS sheet corners with screwed holes for fixing laminated
sheet, 3 mm uniform thickness. Laminated sheet shall be fixed with brass screws &
washer to MS box. It shall be of the colour as decided by GE.
WIRING:„Hylam / Wood lite / Anchor brand with the make embossed on the sheet.
MATERIALS - The materials shall be as follows:-

Sl No Materials Reference to Para of SSR (Part-I)

(a) Cable cords and earthing leads 19.24
(b) Cable for internal wiring for light power 19.25
(c) Wooden battens, blocks and boards 19.28
(d) Conduit and conduit fittings and accessories 19.29
(e) Plug/Gutties 19.30
(f) Screws and fastenings, link clips 10.31
(g) Ceiling rose 19.32
(h) Shades 19.33
(j) Bulkhead fittings 19.34
(k) Socket outlets 19.40
(l) Lamp holders 19.41
(m) Main switch 19.45
(n) Switch boards 19.105
(o) Distribution fuse board 19.44
(p) Miniature circuit breaker 19.46
14.06 : Blank
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(a) Locations of various light fittings/fans/socket outlet, main switches and DBS
are tentatively shown on drawings.
(b) The layout of equipment, fittings etc and alignment of cables shown on drawings
are tentative. The exact position of these shall however, be approved by
the GE in wiring before the contractor shall take the work in hand without any
price adjustment.
Type of electric supply will be 4 wire, 50 cycles, 415/230 volts, AC.


Flame proof fittings as enumerated in Sch 'A' shall be of approved make.
Flame proof wiring shall be carried out as described in Sch 'A'. Material used shall confirm to the
specification as per relevant IS.
Piano type switches, lamp holder, main switches and socket outlets/switch fuse, cable for internal
wiring, miniature circuit breaker etc shall be of the make as approved by GE. Flexible chord
23/.0076 shall conform to IS: 434. Steel Conduit shall be stove enameled black rigid steel conduit
conforming to IS: 9539 (Part I).

[a] The following tests shall be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer -in-Charge before
the work is finally handed over by the contractor and completion certificate is issued :-

(a) Polarity test Test results shall be lower then the minimum
(b) Insulation resistance test specified in IE rules/ISS.
(c) Continuity test sectional and overall
(d) Earth resistance test This is not to exceed one ohm
[b]. Clause 19.146 of SSR (Part I) is also applicable.

15.1 The earthing shall be strictly in conformity with MES Schedule Part I electrical plate No.3
Earth plate shall be galvanised iron pipe shall light grade, concrete PCC type D-2 (1:4:8), wire
mesh 0.63 mm and funnel of PGI sheet, PCC cover and frame shall be 10mm thickness: -
(a) All metal parts shall be provided with a continuous earth wire stranded PVC insulated copper
conductor of size 1.00 Sqmm conforming to IS-732.
(b) Supply and fixing of switch fuse distribution boards shall include for the earth continuity
conductor as specified above.
(c) No extra payment shall be made if the contractor is required to provide extra depth of pit and
extra quantity of charcoal dust to achieve specified test result.
(d) Necessary tests as per SSR part I/Relevant IS shall also be conducted by the contractor
without any extra cost and test results thereon shall be kept on record.


15.2.1 Electric meter boxes shall be provided as per drgs. Cost of electric meter boxes is included
in the lump sum cost of buildings mentioned in Schedule ‟A‟ Part I.
The contractor shall submit 6 copies of the following drawings duly signed by him to the
Engineer-in-Charge without any extra cost :-
(a) Internal wiring diagram to include :-
(i) Lights, switches, sockets, fans etc and circuit diagram as per symbols adopted in
the extract drawings.
(ii) All outlets marked with circuit number to which they belong.
(iii) Typical section indicating mounting heights adopted.
(b) Drawing for each panel board shall be submitted by the contractor before execution
for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(c) One copy of the above drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-in- Charge
within 15 days of the placing of the work order for his approval and remaining with any
alterations as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge within 15 days of the completion of
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a) Specifications of materials and workmanship shall be all as described in MES
Schedule (Part-1 Except where specifically mentioned otherwise in these documents.
General rules, preambles to various sections, rates, special conditions, methods of
measurements etc given in MES Schedule shall apply to this contract unless
otherwise mentioned in these tender documents. The location and distribution of
various items in the drawings are tentative. Alterations can be made by the GE as per
site requirements and there shall be no price adjustment on this account. The lump
sum quoted by the contractor against Schedule „A‟ shall be deemed to include
expenditure on account of all extras which are not specifically shown on drawings or
given in particular specifications but are essential to the execution of work.

b) In case of difference of opinion in this respect between the contractor and GE/CWE,
the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.

c) On completion of entire work the contractor shall submit in triplicate to the Engineer in
Charge layout plan showing actual position of poles, overhead lines, routes, cable run
and all other information that will be necessary for maintenance and operation.
16.2. LAYOUT
The layout of OH lines/UG cable shown on site plan is tentative. The electric lines and
cables shall be laid by the route as actually directed by the Engineer in Charge. The
contractor shall measure on the ground the actual length along with route and work
out the exact requirement of electric lines and cable before placing order for the


a) Excavation for laying of underground cables/poles/struts and fixing of stay, etc shall
be restricted to dimensions shown in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer in
Charge. The minimum depth and width of the trenches shall be as laid in paras 19.74,
19.74.1 and 19.76 of SSR Part I respectively. In case of excavation of poles/struts
and stays, excavation in excess of required depth shall be made good by the
contractor in cement concrete 1:4:8 type D-2 without any extra cost to the Govt.
b) The trenches for cables shall be excavated to levels/gradients as directed by the
Engineer in Charge.

c) All excavated earth shall be deposited at least one m clear to the edge of the
excavation. When roads have to be crossed, trench up to half the width of road shall
be dug at a time and proper notice, sign boards and lights shall be displayed and
watchman posted to prevent accident.

d) Refilling of earth in trenches shall be done in 25cm thick layers with excavated soil
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge in a manner and to ensure greater compactness
and solidity. Each layer shall be well rammed, surplus soil removed as provided in
Schedule „A‟.


Concrete work shall be carried out all as specified here-in-before. For other general
specifications such as bricks, aggregates, sand etc refer relevant items in Schedule
„A‟ and Particular Specifications given here in before.


(a). Cable shall be protected in trenches by providing sand cushioning and cable covers
all as described in Schedule „A‟ items.

(b). On poles/walls cable shall be protected by GI protection pipes all as specified. The
pipes shall be fixed to pole by means of proper MS clamps.

(c). Pipe for laying of cable and earth wire shall conform to IS: 1239.

(d). Ends of pipe shall be properly sealed with wooden bush and bitumen compound after
drawing the cables through pipe.



Cable end box shall be epoxy cold resin filled type suitable for relay voltage grade as
described and jointed as per relevant IS/manufacturers instruction.

Cable glands shall be of brass chromium plated of appropriate size as per IE Rules.

(a). The clamps shall be made out of MS flat iron of size not less than 50 x 6 mm. All nuts,
bolts, washers used in fixing clamps shall be of galvanised mild steel and of size 19
mm dia.

(b). While calculating the weight of steel, the weight of nuts/bolts/washers etc shall be
included for payment and weight of paint will not be included for payment.


(a). Earth wire shall be of 4 mm dia galvanised iron and shall be stretched on poles with
clamps or eye body hooks.
(b). The earth wire shall be paid by weight either by calculating from table or actual,
should these differ only lesser shall be paid. No extra allowance for sag and jointing
shall be made while computing the weight of GI wire.
(c). Earthing to metal supports with and accessories shall be done by 2.5 mm dia wire,
connected to main continuous earth wire running on poles. Nothing extra shall be paid
on this account.
(d). The contractor shall furnish the test certificate from the manufacturers of the following
equipments/instruments, material and accessories to GE, in accordance with the
relevant ISS.
16.10. LT CABLES
(a). LT cables shall be of 2/3/3½ or 4 core aluminium conductors, XLPE insulated Heavy
duty and suitable for 1100 volts grade and conforming to IS: 7098 (Part-I). Cross
section area of these cables shall be armoured unless specified otherwise in
Schedule „A‟.
(b). The aluminium conductors used should be stranded, compacted and circular/shaped
and the main insulation should be of cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) with inner
sheathing PVC wrapped or PVC extruded and each core of the cable should have
colour identification all as specified in IS.
(c). Armour over the inner sheath should be either of strip or wire type and outer sheath
should be of extruded PVC conforming to IS: 5831 of 1970.
a) The work of underground cables shall be carried out as specified in IS: 1255-1983 or
latest edition and as described in section 19 (Electrical works section) sub clause
19.74 to 19.82.2 and 19.83 to 19.86.1 of MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009
(Part–I specifications). The cables under road crossing, railway tracks etc (existing or
proposed) shall be enclosed in GI pipes. The sizes of the pipes shall be as decided by
the Engineer-in-Charge or as described in Schedule „A‟. Size of the pipe shall be such
that the suitable space around the cable is available. The pipe shall be provided
through out the width of roads, drains and extended for 1200mm on either side of the
road. The joints of GI pipe shall be as specified in standard schedule of Rates 2009
(Part-I specifications). GI pipes shall be of light grade conforming to IS: 1239. The
both ends of pipes shall be sealed with wooded plug/pegs and bitumen compound
after drawing the cable through pipe.

Where the cables are to be laid in the trenches, 80 mm thick cushion of clean dry
sand shall be provided in the trench before laying the cable. After the cable has been
uncoiled and laid properly into the trenches, it shall be covered with dry sand to a
depth of 150mm. This sand will gently punned down thus providing good bedding for
the protective cable covers. The punning shall be done by hand and mechanical
punners shall not be used. The depth of cable trenches shall be minimum 600 mm
and 800 mm respectively for LT and HT cables and width of the trenching shall not be
less than 450 mm.


The reinforced pre cast concrete cover or bricks for protection of cable for covering
the cables shall be as specified herein before. The pre cast cover shall be laid flat
(width of protection being equal to length of brick). After the layer of pre cast
cover/brick is laid the remaining trenches will be filled with excavated earth all as
described in Schedule „A‟.
b) Care should be taken during laying of cable to avoid sharp bending and twisting. Cable
shall be unwound from the drum by lifting the drum on the center shaft supported both
ends with suitable Jacks/stands. Under no circumstances the cable winding shall be
lifted off a coil or drum lying flat at the flanges to avoid serious twist and damages.
Further the minimum bending radius of 15 x diameter of the cable should be ensured.
c) The cable shall be snaked to provide a 4 m length of cable for further joints at all
straight joints (both side of the joint i.e. 4 m on each side) of cable laid in trenches and a
3 m lengths at terminal cable boxes. The above additional length of cable specified for
snaking shall also be measured and paid for under the respective items of cables in
Schedule „A‟. Laying pre cast cover/brick protection and sand cushion at places where
cables are snaked shall be done as directed by the GE.

d) Cable path indicators shall be provided at distance of every 100 meters and at cable joints
and turning of all cables except for street light cables and 2 core cables. The cost of these
indicators shall be deemed to be included in the unit rates quoted for the respective cables.
Cable path indicators shall be of CI plate of minimum 150 mm dia and 4mm thick indicating
cable size and voltage written on it. The CI path indicator shall be fixed on MS angle iron with
minimum two numbers of nuts and bolts. The nuts shall be tucking welded with bolts after full
tightening. The size of MS angle iron shall be 30 mm x 30 mm x 6 mm and the length of
angle iron should be 900mm adequate to ensure minimum planting depth of 400 mm below
ground and 300 mm above GL. The angle iron, at the location of planting should be splitted
and bent to shape to provide better grip and should be embedded in PCC (1:3:6) type C-1
using 20 mm graded stone aggregate and of size 200 x 200 x 300 mm. MS angle iron shall
be painted with one coat of red oxide primer throughout length and thereafter it will be
painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint and bituminous paint in the portion above
ground and below ground respectively. The cable path indicators shall be erected at the time
of refilling the trenches and the cable path indicator shall be painted as under:-

(i) For HT 11 KV cables - “BROWN”

(ii) For LT cables - “BLUE”

e) While laying cables in ducts, care should be taken to ensure that the cables do not touch
each other and minimum clear gap equivalent to diameter of the bigger cable should be
provided. Further the cables should be fixed with suitable MS Flat iron (Minimum size 20 mm
x 3 mm) clamps in the cable ducts to avoid jumbling. If necessary, cables may be fixed with
clamps on the walls of the duct. Where cables are to be fixed by means of suitable clamps or
bracket or on cable racks fixed along poles/steel structure, they shall be drawn through pipe
as directed. Wherever the cables are embedded in the floor, it should be laid in the GI pipe
all as directed. The cost of clamps etc shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted
for the respective cables.

f) Lay out of cables shown in the drawings is for guidance only. The contractor shall, however,
verify the cable lengths actually required at site before procurement of the same.

g) Joints in cable shall not be at distance less than 300 meters. When large length of cable are
to be laid, exceeding 500 m, which is a standard drum length, the joints will be done at
interval of 500 m. Straight through joints shall be measured and paid separately under the
respective items of Schedule „A‟.


h) The unit rates quoted for respective LT cables, shall be deemed to include the cost of cable
glands, lugs/thimbles, preparation and making cable end joints including crimpling etc all as
specified. The termination of LT cables in to Transformers/Switch gears/Feeder pillar-
boxes/Distribution boxes shall in-variably be done through lugs or thimbles only to avoid
loose connections. No termination of cables without suitable lugs/thimbles will be accepted.
However, cable termination in case of HT cables shall be measured & paid separately under
the respective items of Schedule „A‟.
The metal sheath, metal screen (if any) and armour of all the LT/HT cables should be
effectively earthed at both the ends all as specified in IS: 1255-1983 and SSR part I.
i) The cables should be purchased directly from the manufacturers or their authorized dealers
only. Contractor should also submit the test certificate from the manufacturers besides
carrying out the field tests. All new cables should be tested for insulation resistance using
1000 V, 2.5 KV and 5.0 KV IR Tester for LT, 11 KV and 33 KV grade cables respectively.
Cables should be tested for insulation resistance between all the phase to phase and from
each phase to earth before decoiling the cable from the drum and also after laying the cable
in the trenches. Only after satisfactory results are obtained, cable jointing and termination
work should commence. The test results of completed cable installation should also be
measured and entered into record book for comparison purposes during service life of the
cable installations. Arrangement for carrying out all these tests shall be made by the
contractor without any extra cost to Govt in the presence of Garrison Engineer/ Engineer-in-
Charge. The record of all such tests shall also be signed by Engineer-in-charge and
contractor and countersigned by Garrison Engineer. At the closing of the work on every day,
cable ends should be covered with suitable rubber/plastic caps and sealed effectively by
insulating tap/bitumen to avoid any ingress of moisture into the cable.

j) Unless otherwise specified in Schedule „A‟ the cost of cutting through roads/drains for
laying cable under roads/drains and making good shall be deemed to be included in the
unit rate of cables laid in pipes.

k) Wherever HT/LT cable will be crossing or running parallel to existing telephone cables,
suitable measures will be taken and distance will be observed as per relevant ISS/IE
Rules on the subject.

(a). Cable and termination Indoor/ outdoor type and straight through joints for LT cables shall
be based on cast resin system. The casting resin should be polyurethane based having
compatibility with the cable components. The cast resin should be suitable to provide
adequate electrical insulation, mechanical protection and moisture imperviousness to the
joint. The joint should be suitable for compression connection/ mechanical
connector/soldering of cable conductors to meet the technical requirement as required at
site. The termination kit should be designed for easy installation and have a crutch
sealing arrangement for environmental protection on the core trifurcation.
(b). All the jointing of cables in joint boxes etc and filling in of the compound shall be done
strictly as per the instructions furnished by the manufacturers of the cables and joint
(c). The joints should be suitable to withstand mechanical impact, heat shock tests, load
cycle test and water penetration test (under pressure) without damage to the outer
(d). No separate payment for providing above joints for LT cables shall be admissible. Rates
quoted for cables shall be deemed to include for this provision.


(a). The supply and installation of all electrical equipment and accessories shall strictly
comply with provisions contained in the latest edition of Indian Standard Code of
practice/specifications as applicable to above mentioned works, except where such
regulation and rules are modified by these Specifications.
(b). Refer condition 25 of General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249. All electrical work shall
be carried out by properly skilled and electrical supervisors/ Engineers. The contractor
shall, on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge produce such evidence of Qualifications of
his workmen/ supervisors/ Engineers, either at commencement of work or at any time
thereafter during the currency of the contract. The entire work shall be of high class with
the best workmanship and to the entire satisfaction of GE/Engineer-in-Charge.
(c). The Kiosk, transformer, cables, accessories, etc. incorporated therein shall be capable of
giving satisfactory operation under the climatic conditions.

(d). The design and manufacture of the equipment shall be of highest standard to ensure
continuous and trouble free service.

a) Earthing shall generally conform to the requirement of IS: 3043-1987 (Code of practice for
earthing) and IE Rules Nos 32, 51, 61, 62, 67, 69, 88 (2) and 90 and all as specified in
clause Nos 19.137 to 19.146 of SSR Part I 2009.

b) The neutral conductor of a three phase four wire system shall be earthed by not less than
two separate and distinct connections each having its own electrode both at the
generating station and at the substation. For earthing of neutral of 33/11 KV transformers,
copper plate electrode shall be used.
c) The frame of every stationery motor, metallic parts of transformers, HT/LT switchgear
panels shall be earthed by two separate and distinct connections with earth. This
electrode used shall be galvanised iron or steel plate type.

d) The earth electrode shall not be situated less than 1.5 meter away from any building and its
location should be selected such that the soil has reasonable chance of remaining moist.
Entrance, pavements and roadways shall be avoided for locating the earth electrode. The
distance between any two-earth electrodes shall preferably be not less than 8 m.

e) The type of earthing shall be as described in relevant item of schedule „A‟. The contractor
shall obtain approval of Engineer-in-charge for layout of earthing before commencement
and shall be executed in the presence of his representative. Excavation shall be passed by
Engineer–in-charge before filling.

f) Galvanised steel pipe electrode shall be of medium grade 40 mm dia and 2.5 m in length.
Pipe electrodes shall be cut tapered at the bottom and provided with 12mm holes
(Staggered) at 75mm center to center up to 2 m of length from bottom. The electrode shall
be buried in the ground vertically with its top not less than 1.25 m below ground level all as
specified in Electrical plate No. 2 of SSR part I of 2009 except the modification mentioned in
these particular Specification and Schedule „A‟.

g) Plate electrode shall be of 600 x 600 x 6 mm or 600 x 600 x 3 mm in case it is made of

galvanised iron steel and copper respectively all as specified in schedule „A‟. The plate
electrode shall be surrounded with charcoal dust and common salt mixture to a packed
thickness of 300 mm on two sides perpendicular to the face of the plate and 150 mm below,
above and out ward on remaining sides. The earthing shall be executed as shown in
Electrical plate No. 3 of MES Standard Schedule of Rate 2009 (Part I) except modification
mentioned in these particular Specifications and Schedule „A‟.

h) The charcoal dust and common salt mixture and returning filling shall be done in layers not
exceeding 15 Cm and shall be properly watered and rammed. Surplus soil shall be
disposed off and site left cleared on completion. Common salt and charcoal dust as
available in the market shall be used for earthing.

i) The depth of earth electrode shall be as specified in Schedule „A‟ but the ultimate depth of
earth electrode would depend on the nature of soil and contractor is required to take it to a
depth where sufficient moisture exist and natural conditions are suitable for resistance as
specified below.

j) Main earthing lead shall be of minimum size 4 mm dia GI wire or 32 x 6 mm GI strip or 20 x

3 mm /32 x 6 mm copper strip as described in Schedule „A‟. The cost of earthing quoted in
schedule „A‟ (unless otherwise mentioned in Schedule „A‟) shall be deemed to include the
main earthing lead of 7.5 m from the electrode.

k) The earthing lead and protection pipe from electrode onwards shall be suitably protected
from mechanical injury by a 15 mm dia GI pipe in case of GI wire and by 40 mm dia GI pipe
in case of GI or copper strip from earth electrode to the test point. Protection pipe (unless
otherwise mentioned in Schedule „A‟) shall be measured and paid separately beyond 7.5 m
length from earth electrode. The protection pipe used shall be of light grade.

l) In the case of plate earth electrode, the earthing lead shall be properly levelled and
welded in case of steel plate electrode and brazed in case of copper plate electrode
and thereafter it shall also be securely bolted to the plate with two bolts, nuts, check
nuts, and washers. The length of GI/ Copper earth strip to be welded/ brazed with
earth plate shall not be less than 150mm. In case of pipe electrode, it shall be
connected by means of through bolts, nuts and washers and cable sockets as
indicated in IS: 3043. All material used for connecting the earth lead with electrode
shall be galvanised iron in case of GI pipe or GI plate earth electrode and of tinned
brass in case of copper plate electrode. The welded area shall be properly cleaned by
steel wire brush and emery papers and thereafter it shall be painted with two coats of
bituminous paint to arrest the rusting of the earth plate and electrode.

m) Each earth system shall be so devised that the testing of individual earth is possible.
The earth test point terminal block shall be provided in the circuit of each earth pit at a
suitable location as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Earth test point terminal block
shall be made of gun metal/phosphorous bronze or galvanised iron or steel of size 75 x
75 x 25mm where earth lead is of copper or GI steel plate/GI wire respectively. Test
point terminal block shall be drilled and screwed including 3 Nos of 8 mm dia 25 mm
long hexagonal head screws for fixing of earth strip or wire. These screws shall be
made of tinned copper in case of gun metal/phosphorous bronze terminal block else
where it will be of Galvanised steel. In case of GI wire earth lead, it shall be connected
to test terminal point using hexagonal headed screw and cable socket.
n) Concrete chamber including coping shall be PCC (1:2:4) mix using 20mm graded stone
aggregate. All the internal surfaces of concrete chamber shall be given 12 mm thick
plaster in CM (1:4) finished fair without using extra cement. Funnel in the chamber shall
be with wire gauge of 22 meshes per linear inch. The frame for earth pit shall be of MS
angle iron of size 40 x 40 x 6 mm with RCC cover. The angle iron frame shall be firmly
fixed into the PCC earth pit and RCC cover shall be 40 mm thick (1:2:4) type B-1 using
20mm graded stone aggregate with 8 mm dia TMT bars @ 75 mm C/C both ways with
MS handle 12 mm dia. The other details as described in the schedule „A‟.
o) On completion of the Installations, the earth resistance of each earth electrode shall be
measured as specified in IS: 3043. The earth resistance of the whole system shall be
as near to Zero as possible but shall not exceed one ohm in case of Earthing for
Neutral of transformers/DG sets and HT system. Further in respect of other
installations, value of earth system resistance shall not be more than 5 ohms.
p) Earth resistance test shall be carried out by the contractor using his own measuring
instrument and in the presence of Engineer-in-Charge and the test results shall be
recorded and signed by contractor and the Engineer-in-charge. However, on testing
after completion, if desired earth resistance is not obtained, the additional number of
earthing may be made by the contractor and connected in Parallel with suitable earth
strip all as directed by Garrison Engineer at no extra cost to Govt.

q) The earthing system shall be mechanically robust and joint shall be capable of
retaining low resistance even after many passage of fault current. Inter connections of
earth continuity conductors and main and branch earth wire shall be made in such a
way that reliable and good electrical connections are permanently ensured. All the
joints of earth strip shall be made by welding and brazing with suitable overlap in case
of GI earth strip and copper earth strip respectively. The overlap should not be less
than twice the width of the earth strip. Before welding/brazing, the joints should be
prepared and levelled properly. In case of welding, the welded area, after jointing,
should be cleaned thoroughly by steel wire brush and sand papers, thereafter it shall
be painted with two coats of bituminous paint to arrest the rusting. Further earth strip
where exposed shall be painted with two coats of aluminium paint over one coat of red
oxide paint
Moulded case circuit breakers (MCCBs) shall be suitable for operational voltage of 415
Volt AC, 50 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire system for a rated current and ultimate breaking
capacity as mentioned in Schedule „A‟ and it shall conform to IS: 13947 (Part 2) and
IEC: 60947 (Part 2). All MCCBs shall be of four-pole version unless mentioned other
wise in Schedule „A‟.
a) MCCBs shall be of Compact and elegant design suitable for reversible load and line
terminations without affecting its performance. MCCBs shall be suitable for fixing flush
on the panels and shall be provided with handle operating mechanism including Rotary
Handle vari-depth type.
The insulating case and cover of MCCBs shall be made of high resistant and flame
retardant thermosetting insulating materials. The switching mechanism shall be quick
make, quick break and trip free. The position of the operating knob/handle shall clearly
indicate ON, OFF and TRIP position.

b) Each pole shall be provided with a pair of contacts, which shall open at a high speed
over a large distance under short circuit faults. The special designed arc cut outs of
insulating materials shall be provided to contain the arc by providing effective arc
quenching device.

c) The tripping mechanism shall be thermal release or Electronic release or thermal

magnetic release for protection for over load and short circuit as per the details given
below: -
Capacity Of Ultimate Overload release Short circuit
MCCBs breaking release
1 2 3 4
Upto 125 16 KA Adjustable Thermal Fixed magnetic type
Amps release (range 70% to suitable for 10.0 In
100 % of rated current)
160 to 630 36 KA Adjustable Thermal Adjustable magnetic
Ams release (range 70% to release (3.5 to 10 times
100 % of rated current) of rated current)

800 and 50 KA Adjustable electronic Adjustable electronic

1250 Amps release (over load Zone release(range (5 to 10
range 40% to 100 % of times of rated current)
rated current)
d) Under voltage trip, mechanical interlocks etc shall be provided as per standard practice
and ISS. Under voltage trip shall be designed to operate when the control voltage drops
below a tripping threshold i.e. 20% to 70% of rated voltage and shall be suitable for
operation on 230V/415V AC.
e) The terminals shall be suitable for both copper and aluminium terminations as specified.
The MCCBs shall be one of the makes mentioned herein after in these Particular
a) Distribution boards shall be factory made and conforming to IS: 8623 suitable for
universal mounting copper bus bar, Neutral bar, and Earth bar, Standard DIN bar Rail
and cable ties for cable management. Top and bottom shall have removable gland
plates with knock outs. The copper bus bar shall be suitable for 100 amps unless
specified other wise in Schedule „A‟.
b) SPN Distribution boards shall be suitable for provision for DP/SPN MCBs/ Isolators as
incomer and SP outgoings all as specified and shall be flush mounting type. The degree
of protection shall be IP-43 protection with acrylic door unless specified otherwise in
Schedule "A".
c) TPN distribution boards shall be suitable for FP/TPN MCBs/Isolator as in comer and
TPN/SP outgoings all as specified and shall comply with IP-43 protection with metal door
unless mentioned otherwise in Schedule „A‟.
d) All distribution boards shall be fixed flushed on the wall at locations as directed by
Garrison Engineer.
e) MCBs: - All MCBs shall be conforming to IS: 8828 of 1996 and shall be ISI marked.
These shall be suitable for „C‟ curve and 10KA breaking capacity and shall be provided
with box terminal on top and bottom both suitable for adopting cable size up to 35
Sqmm. The enclosure of MCBs shall be of „Molded Self Extinguishing thermo set plastic
and these shall be suitable for snap fixing on standard Din Rail. The current capacities
and poles shall be all as mentioned in Schedule „A‟.
f) MCBs Isolators – All MCB type isolators shall conform to IS: 13947-3 and shall be
suitable for impulse voltage of 6KV and short time with stand capacity of 1000 Amps for
0.3 seconds.
g) Plug and Socket DBs :- Plug and socket distribution Boards including SP/DP MCBs for
protection of appliances like window type/split type Air conditioners and Geysers shall
only be provided all as specified. Similarly distribution boards with MDS Legrands type
P-17 Tempera plugs and sockets including TPN/FP MCBs shall be provided to make
available 3 phase 415 volts, 50Hz AC electric supply in Technical Buildings. All these
plug and socket DBs shall be of universal mounting type. The makes of Distribution
Boards, Plug and socket DBs and MCBs shall be all as specified here in after and the
models/Type shall be as indicated in the respective Schedule.


(a) The work shall be carried out strictly as specified in IS 2309, 1969 Indian Standard
Code of practice for the protection of building and allied structure against lightening as
shown on the drawings attached hereto.
(b) Each down conductor shall be provided with a point as shown in drawings. Cost of
provisions of test points shall be measured and paid separately. Air termination, roof
conductor, down conductor rings conductor and earthing shall be provided as shown in the
(c) The lightening protection system shall have a few joints a possible. In the down
conductors below ground level, there shall be no joints. Where joints are necessary, they
shall be mechanically effective and shall be so made so as to exclude moisture completely.
In the joints, the length of the overlap should be not less than 20 mm for all type of
conductors, contact surfaces should first be cleared and then to prevent oxidation coated
with suitably non-corrosive compound. Joints of dis-similar metals should be suitably
protected against any metallic action and corrosion. In general joint, strip shall be tinned,
soldered, welded and blazed and at least double clamped or bolted joints shall only be
used on test points or of bends to existing metal butt joints for rod may be clamped or
screwed type.

(d) The joints shall be as shown on drawings.

(e) On completion of the installation following tests shall be carried out for lightening
protection. In the presence of Engineer-in-Charge, installation, shall be tested strictly in
accordance with IS code of practice.

(i) Continuity test:

The ohmic resistance of the complete protection system including air termination
but without the earth connection shall be measured, to check the continuity of the
system and this shall be fraction of one ohm and shall not in any case exceed one
ohm. The testing shall be done in accordance with clause 16.4 of IS 2309.

(ii) Earth resistance test:

Earth resistance should be measured in accordance with IS-3043 and the earth resistance
shall not exceed 1 ohm. The cost of carrying out all the tests shall be borne by the
contractor. He will also provide necessary instrument, material and labour required for
carrying out the test. On completion of tests the results shall be recorded in test sheets
together with the actual layout diagram of lightning protection system and shall be signed
by both parties i.e. contractor and Engineer-in-Charge and submitted to the GE for record
in duplicate.

18.1 The following tests shall be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the engineer –in-charge
before the work is finally handed over by the contactor and completion certificate issued:-

(i) Polarity test The result shall be lower than

(ii) Insulation r4esistance test Minimum specified IE rules/ISS
(iii) Continuity test ( Sectional and overall
(iv) Earth resistance test This is not exceed one ohm
(v) Full load test for transformer
(vi) Any other functional tests that the Engineer-in-charge
may specify before/ after commissioning
(vii) Relay test primary injection
(viii) Protection checking of VCB‟s & Transformers
(ix) High voltage test of all equipements
(x) Pre commissioning test of transformer

Notes:- The functional test are those which are practicable at site and do not involve any special
equipments. The janision of CWE whether these tests are practicable at site and do not involve
use of any special equipments or otherwise shall be final and binding.


Testing and commissioning of switchgears (HT) shall be carriedout as laid down in para 19.98.5 on
page 19.22 of MES standard Schedule of rates 1991 (Part I specifications) duly modified by these
particular specifications.


Testing of HT/LT cables shall be carriedout as specified in Para 19.93.1 and 19.94 on page No.
19.22 & 19.23 of MES standard schedule of rates 1991 (Part specifications) duly modified by these
particular specifications.


19.1 The entire Electrical installations (after satisfactory completion of all test specified in the
contract documents and taking over) shall be deemed to be guaranteed by the contractor for
efficient performance for twelve months from the certified date of complete on of work. In case of
any fault arising during this period, the contractor will do the rectification / replace rhe defective
parts as the case may be at his own expense. A fresh guarantee for further period of 12 months
from the date of rectification/ replacement of such item shall be furnished by the contractor. The
defects liability period referred to in condition 446 of IAFW – 22449 (General condition of contracts)
for purpose of this contract, shall be deemed to be the period covered by ther guarantee given by
the contractor.


20.1 Cable Duct work shall be carried out all as directed at site by the Engineer-in- charge and as
described in Schedule „A‟ and as specified in these particular specifications.

20.2 Materials such as coarse aggregate, fine aggregate shall be all as specified here-in-before.

20.3 The Cable duct shall be constructed as shown in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge to the required size .

21 Site Order Book
The Garrison Engineer shall communicate or confirm their instructions to the Contactor in
respect of the execution of work during their Site inspections in a “Work Site Order Book”
maintained at the site Office of the Engineer. The Contractor or his authorized
representative shall confirm receipt of such instruction by singing against the relevant
orders in the book.

22. Site Records

The Contractor shall keep books, accounts and Site documents and records showing the
number of men employed each day, wage bills, delivery notes, priced invoices for all
materials ordered or delivered, visitors to the Site, weather conditions, temperature and
other events influencing the progress and quality of Works concerned. The Contractor shall
furnish such documents and records to the Engineer-in-Charge, Garrison Engineer, when
23. Rectification of Defects/ Repairs:

Should the GE consider, at any time during the construction or reconstruction or prior to
the expiration of the Guarantee Period, that any work has been executed with unsound or
imperfect materials or unskilled workmanship or is of quality inferior to the constructed for
or not otherwise in accordance with the Contract Documents, in respect where of the
decision of the Owner shall be final, the Contractor shall, on demand in writing from the GE,
specifying the fault, not with standing that the same may have been inadvertently passed,
certified and paid for, rectify forthwith or remove and reconstruct the defective work so
specified, in whole or in part, as the case may require, at his own expense: and in the event
of his filing to do so within the period specified by the GE in his demand: direction, the
Owner may carry out the work by other means at the risk and expense, in all respects, of
the Contractor. In addition to such other remedies available to the Owner, to Owner shall
have the right to deduct from any monies due to the contractor and amount representing
any damages, losses, costs and expenses incurred by the Owner is insufficient, to recover
the balance from the Contractor, together with any additional expenses incurred by the
Owner in connection therewith. In lieu of rectifying such defect, the Owner may cause the
GE to determine an amount equivalent to the cost of rectifying such defect, which
determination of the GE shall be final, and deduct from monies due and otherwise recover
from the Contractor such amount, together with such other damages, losses, costs and
expenses incurred by the Owner.If it becomes necessary for the Contractor to replace or
renew until the expiration six months Guarantee Period.

24.0 Guarantee Certificates:

The Contract shall not be considered as completed until the Guarantee Period shall have
expired. The Guarantee Certificate stating that the Works have been completed and
maintained to his satisfaction and that all the detects notified had been rectified, shall be
given by the Garrison Engineer, subject to the Garrison Engineer being so satisfied, within
there months of the expiry of the Guarantee Period or, if different Guarantee periods shall
become applicable to different parts of the Works, the expiry of the last such period; or as
soon thereafter as any work ordered to be rectified during such period shall have been
completed to the satisfaction of the Garrison Engineer.

25.0 Provided that in the case of fraud, concealment or fraudulent concealment relating to the
works or materials or to any matter dealt with in any certificate, the Guarantee Period or, if
different Guarantee periods shall become applicable to different parts of the Works, the
expiry of the last such period; or as soon thereafter as any work ordered to be rectified
during such period shall have been complete to the satisfaction of the GE.


It is assumed that before tendering the Contractor would have visited the site and familiarized
himself with all the local conditions and means of transportation and communications. No claim of
whatsoever nature would be entertained at a later date on account of the Contractor's ignorance of
the local conditions.
All the work shall be carried out in a workmanship like manner and as per the best practices of the
The rates mentioned in the schedule of quantities / to be quoted for any particular item by the
tenderer are / shall be inclusive of the cost of material, erection, connection, testing, labour,
supervision, tools, plant, transportation, storage, insurance, excise duty, local taxes,
contingencies, breakage, wastage and all other sundries. The rate shall also be inclusive of cutting
holes, making chases in RCC or brick and making good the same. No claim for extra would be
entertained on this account.


All materials to be supplied by the Contractor shall be new. All packed items shall arrive at site in
original packing only. Any items found defective or damaged shall be replaced by the Contractor
at his own expenses.
The Contractor shall provide, free of cost, all equipment, instruments, labour and all other allied
assistance required by the Engineer-in-Charge or their representatives for measurement and
testing of the works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating his work with works of other trades sufficiently
ahead of time to avoid unnecessary hold ups. Hangars, sleeves, recesses etc. shall be left in time
as the work proceeds.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clear away, from time to time all debris and excess
material generated by the activities of his workers.
All work shall be adequately protected, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, so that the
whole work is free from the damage throughout the period of construction up to the time of handing
over.Before handing over the work, the Contractor shall clean all elements of the complete
installation, remove plasters, stickers, rust stains and all other foreign matter and leave every part
in acceptable condition and ready for use to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.


34.1 The work ordered to be demolished/dismantled shall be done with due care to avoid any
damage to adjoining surfaces. Any damage caused due to negligence of workman shall be
made good by the contractor at his own coat.
34.2 Measurements of all works except hidden work shall be taken before commencement of
demolition/dismantling i.e. at the time of preparation of inventories.
34.3 The materials obtained from demolition/dismantling shall be stacked as per direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge for inspection of the the GE for disposal as given below:-
Materials to be taken by the contractor against CREDIT.
Material to be deposited in the MES store Yard.
Materials to be disposed off otherwise to be thrown away.
The decision of the GE in this regard shall be final and binding.
34.4 The demolition statement in respect of all demolished/dismantled items shall be prepared
irrespective of their disposal. The materials to be taken away by the contractor against
credit shall be booked in measurement book (IAFW-2261). The contractor shall be allowed
to remove the materials from site of work only after credit is recovered from running
payment and after written permission of the GE. The permission letters issued by the GE
from time to time will describe the items, quantity, credit rate and the total amount to be
recovered from the contractor.
34.5 During demolition/dismantling every precaution should be taken by the contractor to
prevent damage to any of the structure and also the adjacent structure are to be left intact
any damage caused to the structures shall be made good by him and at his own expense.
34.6 The contractor shall be responsible for the safe custody of serviceable materials until
handed over to the MES representative/incorporated in the work.
All debris/ rubbish obtained from dismantling/ demolition shall be deposited at placed
shown by the Engineer-in-Charge properly spread and levelled and site cleared to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
The contractor shall submit, after the completion of the work, one set of originals and
two sets of prints of the As-Fitted drawings / Completion drawings of all floors giving
followings: -
(a) Run and size of conduits, inspection, and junction and pull boxes
(b) Size and numbers of conductor in each conduit.

(c) Location of all detectors, manual call points, response indicators, hooters etc.

(d) Location and details of all zonal control panels and main control and indicating panels.

(e) A complete wiring diagram as installed and schematic drawings showing all connections in the
complete fire detection and alarm system.
(f) Layout and particulars of all cables.



(To be submitted by contractor within 15 days of commencement of contract)

1 Contract Agreement Reference No

2. CPM Net work prepared and approved by GE
3. Resource scheduling done base on CPM
4. Site Laboratory (with equipments) set up as per
Contract Agreement (CA)
5. Concrete mix design submitted and approved.
6. Preliminary works completed to standard
engineering practice
7. Arrangements for water made (including testing of
8. Arrangement for electric supply made
9. Materials
Sl Item Source as Contractor‟s Refer to Agency for Responsibility
No per CA plan of testing testing for testing
Sourcing clause
10. List of all T & P, make and numbers that the
contractor would deploy at site of work.
11. Name of person nominated by contractor for
exercising quality control.
12. Qualifications / Experience of person at Serial No.
11 above.
13. Names of supervisors with their qualifications /
experience employed by contractor.
14. Confirmation that contract requirements relating to
quality of all materials and quality standards of
workmanship and finishes and acceptance criteria
are explained and understood by all.
15. Confirmation that requirement of tests to be
conducted on materials before approval of
samples and during execution, tests on
workmanship, tests before acceptance including
the testing procedure, sampling techniques,
frequency and agencies responsible for testing are
understood and shall be complied with.
16. Method to be adopted for maintaining records of
test result.
17. Certificate that contractor shall maintain a log of all
materials received at site as per the following
format :-
Sl Date Material Quantity Source Whether as Test Tests to be
No received per carried carried out
approved out by before
sample or supplier incorporation

18 General Remarks by contractor of his

plan of actions to ensure that quality


(To be completed by GE before forwarding for approval by CWE)
1. Verification of Serial No 2 to 8 of Part I.

2. Verification of Serial No 9 to 18 of Part I.

3. Confirmation that Stage Passing Register laying down the

stages and authority responsible for approving the same has
been prepared, shown to contractor and kept at site.

4. Confirmation that all sites as required by contract had been

handed over to contractor on the date fixed in the Work
Order No 01.

5. Confirmation that arrangements for Govt liability in supply of

water electricity have been made and no hold up on this
account is expected.

Date (Signature of GE)

Approved by CWE

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

for Accepting Officer


Note: The make of various items of materials are as under. The contractor shall ensure that the
items of these makes only are incorporated in the work, which conforms to the relevant
specification/requirements/ stipulation in the contract. The make of items which are not covered in
the list of manufacturers/Schedule ‘A‘ shall be as approved by GE
Sl No Name of item List of makes/brands/manufacturers
1. Builders Hardware (a) M/S Ajanta Steel Pvt Ltd
14, Netaji Subash Road, Kolkata- 700001
(b) M/S M C Power & Co
46, Ezra Street, Calcutta-700001
(c) M/S Orissa Aluminium
Product B-34, Industrial Estate
(d) M/S J H Aluminium
A-15 & B-16 Industrial Estate
Kodungalyr, Madras
(e) M/S Elte Enterprises
C/6 Shalimar Hardware
133, Jarg Mahal, Dhobitalao, Bombay
(f) M/S Mohan Metal Industries
178/2-A Bhole Nath Nagar,
Shahadara, Delhi-110032
(g) GLACIAR Brands
M/S Shri Balaji Industies Sarswati
Rund Road, Ajamabad
Mathura (UP)
2. Chemical for antitermite (a) M/S Singhal Pesticides, AGRA
treatment (Chloropyrifos 20% (b) M/S Crop Health Products Ghaziabad
Lindain 20%) (c) M/S Pest Control India Limited
(d) M/S Dursban
(e) M/S Montari Industries Ltd. New Delhi

Sl No Name of item List of makes/brands/manufacturers

3. PAINT (SYNTHETIC (a) Asian Paints (Apcolite Brand)

ENAMEL)/ACRYLIC (b) Shalimar Paints (Superlac Hi Gloss)
EMULSION/ANTICORROSI (c) Jonson & Nicholson Paints Ltd (Brolac Brand)
VE/ POLYURETHANE) (d) Nerolac (Nerolac Full Gloss)
(e) Goodlass Nerolac Paints (Nerolac)
(f) ICI Paint( Dulux Gloss)
4. Galvanised Sheets, Pannelling, Partitions, Huts and Bathrooms
(i) CGI/ PGI Sheets (a) Everest
(b) Charminar
(c) Swastik
(ii) Color Coated Roof Sheets (a) M/S Ispat Industries Ltd
(b) M/S Prestart Infrastructure P Ltd.
(c) M/S TataBluescope
5. GI pipe (a) Tata (b) Zenith (c) Jindal
6. External weather Proof Paint (a) Asian Paints-APEX
(b) Shalimar Paints -XTRA
(c) Berger Paints-Weather Coat Smooth
(d) Nerolac Paint-AXCEL
7. Plastic Emulsion Paint (a) Asian Paints(Royale)
(b) Shalimar Paints –Hussain Collection
(c) Berger Paints- (Luxol silk Splender)
(d) Goodlass Nerolac Paint All Escapes
(e) Jenson & nicholso (SP) effect
8. PVC Pipe SWR pipes 9IS- (a) Finolex
13592 for Pipes & IS 14735 (b) Supreme
for fittings (c) Prince
(d) Kisan Mouldings Pvt Ltd.


1. Polyurethane Joints (a) M/S Cipy Ployurethanes Pvt Ltd.
Sealant(single (b) M/S Sika India Pvt Ltd.
component ) and (c) M/s Fosroc Chemicals.
primer (d) M/S STP Limited
(e) M/s Choksey Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
(f) M/s Thermax Ltd
(g) M/s SNI Infratech Pvt Ltd
(h) M/s Hindcon Chemicals Ltd
(i) M/s Maruti Bitumen Pvt Ltd

2 Backup rod/ de- (i) M/S Supreme Industries

bonding tape (ii) M/s Elcon Products Mumbai

3. Premoulded Joint (i) M/S Supreme Industries

filler HD- 100 (ii) M/S STP Ltd.
(as per IS-1838 Pt III)

4. Polymer modified (i)M/s Ooms Polymer Modified Bitumen Pvt Ltd

Bitumen (PMB- (ii) M/s M/s DRK Infratech Pvt Ltd..
40) (SBS)
(iii) M/s Hindustan Colas Ltd

5. Glass grid/Fibre Glass (i) M/S Saint Gobain Brand Glass Grid.
(ii) M/S Giridhar Tech fab Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad
(iii) M/s Maccaferri Environmental Solution Ltd

6. Admixtures (i)M/S STP Limited, New Delhi.

(ii) M/s Choksey Chemicals Pvt Ltd
(iii)M/S Fosroc Chemicals
(iv) M/S Sika India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
(v) M/s MAPEI Constr Product India Pvt Ltd
(vi) M/s Thermax Ltd
(vii) M/s IWL Limited
(vii) M/s Hindcon Chemical Ltd
(viii) M/s Maruti Bitumen Pvt Ltd

7. Polythene sheet 400 M/S Mono Industries New Delhi,

micron M/S Climax Synthetics Pvt. Ltd, Vadodra

8. Epoxy Mortar Choksey chemicals, STP, BASF, CIPY,Bostic , M/S Sika

India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, M/S Xypex

9. Synthetic enamel paint Asian Paint (Apcolite) ,Shalimar (Superlac), Jenson &
Nicolson (Brolac),Goodless Nerolac (Nerolac Gde I),
Nerolac (Nerolac Full Gloss), ICI Paint( Dulux Gloss)

10. Red oxide primer Asian paints (Structural steel primer)

Jenson & Nicolson (Structural steel primer)
Goodlass Nerolac
(Nerolac Zinc chromate primer)
(British paints)

11. Curing Compound (i)M/S STP Limited,

(ii) M/s Choksey Chemicals Pvt Ltd
(iii)M/S Fosroc chemicals
(iv) M/S Sika India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
(v) M/s Maruti Bitumen Pvt Ltd
(vi)M/s MAPEI Construction Product India Pvt Ltd.
(vii) M/s Thermax Ltd
(viii) M/s Hindcon Chemical Ltd


(ii)M/s MBD Industries
(iii) M/s Hindustan Colas Limited
(iv) M/s Ooms Polymer Modified Bitumen Pvt Ltd
13. FIBRE M/s Reliance Industries Limited New Delhi or as
equivalent as approved by GE

14. M/s Sika India Pvt Ltd

APP MEMBRANE M/s Fosroc Chemicals.
M/s STP Limited
M/s IWL India Limited
M/s Shivam Tar Products
M/s Bengal Bitumen
M/s Delhi Builders Stores
M/s SNI Infratech Pvt Ltd
M/s Carlisle Syntec Middle East
M/s Asian Paints Ltd

Signature of Contractor for Accepting Officer




(a) ABB
(b) Crompton Greaves Ltd.
(c) Siemens
(d) Schneider
(e) GE Power
(f) ITE Gurgaon
(g) Voltman Ltd

2. APFC Panel
(a) L&T (b) Schneider
(c) ABB (d) Siemens
(e) Legrand (f) Havells
(g) C&S


CLASS 33 KV & 11KV
(a) ABB (d) Siemens
(b) Crompton Greaves Ltd. (e) Pactil
(c) Kappa (f) PRAGATI


(a) ABB (d) Rajsthan Transformer
(b) Crompton Greaves Ltd. (e) GE Power
(c) Schneider (f) Indotech
(g) ITE Gurgaon


(a) Alstom Ltd / AREVA (g) MEI

(b) Crompton Greaves Ltd. (h) ABB
(c) Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd (i) Scheinder
(d) Southern switchgears (j) Siemens
(e) EasunReyroll (k) ECE
(f) Havells (l) Yamuna


(a) RPG (Asian) (e) HPL India Ltd.
(b) RR kable (f) Finolex
(c) Universal g) Havells
(d) Grandlay Electricals
7. 33 KV & 11 KV XLPE CABLES
(a) Universal (e) CCI Ltd.
(b) RPG (Asian) (f) Finolex
(c) Torrent (g) Havells
(d) Grandlay Electricals


(a) L&T (c) Control and Switchgear Co. Ltd
(b) Scheinder (d) Legrand

(a) Polycab (d) HPL (May 2012)
(b) Rallison (05/01/2012) (e) Delton (Apr 2012)
(c) PRIMECAB (Aug 2012) (f) KEI (Nov 2011)


(a) RPG (Asian) (d) HPL India Ltd.
(b) RR kable (e) Finolex
(c) Universal

33 KV & 11KV GRADE
(a) 3M (f) PRIMECAB (Aug 2012)
(b) M-Seal
(c) Y K Denson
(d) Reychem
(e) Yamuna


(a) L & T Lexis (b) GE Power
(c) Legrand (d) C&S Electric Ltd.
(e) Scheinder (f) ABB

(Cast Resin Type)
(a) 3M
(b) M-Seal
(c) Y K Denson
(d) Raychem


(a) Crompton Greaves / Scheinder
(b) Havells
(c) L & T.
(d) Control And Switchgear Co. Ltd
(e) Shalabh switchgear


(a) EssarUniversal(pvt) Ltd Kanpur (e) Adhunik / Action (Oct 2011)
(b) Continental Engineers, Lucknow (f) Indo Asian
(c) Asian Switchgears, Kanpur (g) HPL (Jan 2012)
(d) Shalabh switchgear (h) Havells


(a) L&T (b) Havells
(c) Control & Switchgear (d) Standard
(e) Shalabh switchgear


(a) L&T Lexic (g) Legrand
(b) Indo Asian (h) C&S
(c) Havells India (e) GE Power
(f) Scheinder (d) ABB


(a) L&T Lexic (d) Scheinder
(b) GE Power (e) Legrand
(c) ABB (f) C&S


(a) Southern Insulators (d) Reychem
(b) Jaipuria (e) Birla 3M
(c) WS Insulators (f) Jayshree Insulators


(a) L&T (f) Scheinder
(b) Indo Asian (g) Legrand
(c) Havells (h) HPL
(d) Standard (j) Adhunik/Action (05/10/2011)
(e) Shalabh switchgear


(a) Indian Aluminium Co.
(b) Aluminium IND

(d) Bharat Conductors


(a) Southern Insulators (d) BHEL
(b) Schneider (e) GE Power
(c) Oblum (f) WS Insulators


(a) Rishab Industries Pvt Ltd (Marketed by L& T) (d) DIP
(b) AE (e) MECO
(c) IMP (f) Simco
(a) MECO (d) Rishab Industries Pvt
Ltd (Marketed by L& T)
(b) Enerco
(c) HPL (Jan 2012) (e) Scheinder


(a) Havells (d) Indo Asian
(b) L&T (e) Secure
(c) HPL (f) Legrand


(a) HPL India
(b) Finolex
(c) RPG


(a) L&T (e) Schnieder
(b) Legrand (f) GE
(c) Hager (g) C&S Electric Ltd.
(d) ABB


(a) Siemens (d) ABB
(b) L&T (e) Legrand
(c) C&S

28. HPSV/ HPMV/ MH fittings

(a) Philips (e) Havells
(b) Bajaj (f) Wipro
(c) Crompton Greaves (g) GE
(d) C&S

(a) RPG (Asian) (d) L&T
(b) RR kable (e) Finolex
(c) Nicco


(a) Jyoti
(b) Jaipuria Brothers
(c) Insulatica


(a) L&T (b) Schneider
(c) ABB (d) Siemens
(e) Legrand (f) Havells
(g) C&S

32. OIL SWITCH UNIT 250 MVA, 400 AMPS !!/6.6 KV

(a) Biecco

(i) CENO,

1. Cables
(a) National Cables (g) Universal Cable
(b) Finolex (h) Grandlay
(c) Nicco Corporation Ltd (i) Paragon
(d) Plaza (j) Kalinga
(e) Rallison (k) Krishna MPCAB
(f) Havells (l) Ekta Cables

2. LED Fittings & LED Lamps

(a) Bajaj (b) Philips
(c) Crompton Greaves (d) Havells
(e) WIPRO (f) C&S


(a) Kalinga (f) CTI Kanpur
(b) Jindal (g) MK
(c) AKG
(d) Asian
(e) Bharat Steel tubes Kanpur

4. Switches/Socket
(a) Havells (e) Legrand
(b) Anchor (f) MK
(c) Kinjal (g) Indo Asian
(d) Cona

5. Conduits Rigid PVC and accessories

(a) Jindal
(c) Finolex


(a) WIPRO (b) Philips


(a) Sudhir Switchgears Pvt Ltd.
(b) Philips

(a) Anchor (c) Cona
(b) Kinjal (d) Plaza
(e) C & S

(a) Hylam
(b) Anchor
(c) National


(a) Aistoplast (c) Plaza
(b) National (d) Plasto Box


(a) "Insulatica 2000" ( Manufactured by M/s Syntex Enterprises, New Delhi)
(g) Orient


(i) Jindal (iii) SAIL
(ii) Tata
(i) Upadhay (iii) Leader
(ii) Kesoram (iv) Kirloskar
(v) Electrosteel
15. DWC HDPE Pipe
(i) Telerex( Nov 2011)

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

for Accepting Officer



Ser Description of Drgs Drg No Sheet Date of Drg Date of
No No. revision
1 2 3 4 5 6
01 PARKING SHELTER CE/ALD/1034-AR 1/1 12.06.2020
(Plan, Roof Plan, E/M Plan, Elevation, section
and Schedule of finishes)
02 Site Plan CE/ALD/LP-515 1/1 12.06.2020
( External B/R & E/M Services)
03 Typical details for LT distribution pole ,street CEAF/TD/EM/08 1/1 20.07.01 09-08-02
light fittings ,stay assembly , earthing of pole
and various clamp section
04 Earthing Pit CE/ALD/TD/E/M/23 1/1 09.06.03 24.06.03

05 Details of Chemical Earthing CE/ALD/TD/E/M/28 1/1 26.11.07


06 General Notes on Architectural Drawings, CE/ALD/ TD-199 1/1 29.02.2012 28.01.14

General Schedule of Finishes & Standard
Specifications; & List of Common TD

07 Switch Box & Meter box (For single & double TD/595 1/1 16.09.89

Note:- In drawing wherever phrase “as per str drg” has been used, it implies that structural
drawings prepared by one of the specialist agency (PEB Structure) named in tender, duly
vetted by one of the IIT, and approved by the Accepting officer.

Signature of Contractor Asst. Dir (Contracts)

for Accepting Officer
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix „A‟ to this NOTICE INVITING
2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix „A‟. This estimate,
however, is not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide and if the work cost more or
less, a tenderer / bidder will have no claim on that account. The tender shall be based on as
mentioned in aforesaid Appendix „A‟.

3. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix „A‟ in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over of
site, which will be on or about two weeks after the date of Acceptance of tender.

4. Normally contractors whose names are on the MES approved list (for the area in which
the work lies) and enlisted in the appropriate class / category & fulfill requisite eligibility criteria
may submit bid/tender . A contractor who is not enlisted for the area in which the work lies but
whose name is in the MES approved list of any MES formation and who has deposited
standing security and executed standing security Bond may bid without depositing earnest
money alongwith the tender.

5. Under no circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other close relatives who have
business dealing with one another be allowed to tender / bid for the same contract as separate
competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders/bids of both the parties liable for

6. The Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad will be the Accepting Officer herein after referred to
as such for purpose of the contract.

7. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover-1 and Cover-2 respectively) shall be
uploaded by the tenderer/bidder on or before the date and time mentioned in NIT. A scanned
copy of DD with enlistment details / documents & relevant certificates mentioned in Appx A to
the NIT shall be uploaded as packet 1 / cover-1 („T‟ bid) of the tender / bid on e-tendering
portal. DD is refundable in case T bid is not admitted resulting in non-opening of „Q‟ bid‟. The
applicant contractor shall bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashment of the
DD and shall not have any claim from Government whatsoever on this account.

7.1. Tender form and conditions of contract and other necessary documents shall be
available on defproc.gov.in site for download and shall form part of contract agreement in case
the tender / bid is accepted.

7.2 In case the contractor who has not executed the Standing Security Bond, the Cover-I
shall be accompanied with by Earnest Money of amount as mentioned in Appendix „A‟ in the
form of deposit at call receipt in favour of concerned CCE / GE / GE(I) / AGE (I) (see Appendix
„A‟) by a scheduled Bank or in receipted treasury Challan the amount being credited to the
revenue deposit of the concerned CCE / GE / GE(I) / AGE(I) (see Appendix „A‟).

7.3 If the Accepting Officer accepts the tender / bid, the contractor/ firm shall be required
to lodge Performance Security Deposit , five percent (05 %) of accepted contract sum within
28 days of receipt of Acceptance Letter ( AOC ).

7.4 The CCE / GE/ GE(I) / AGE(I) will return the Earnest Money wherever applicable to all
unsuccessful tenderer / bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit-at-call receipt for its
refund, on production by the tenderer , bidder a certificate of the Accepting Officer that a
bonafide tender / bid was received .
7.5 The CCE / GE / GE(I) / AGE(I) will return the Earnest Money to the successful tenderer
/ bidder only after receipt of the Performance Security Deposit as mentioned in para 7.3 above

8 Copies of the drawings and other document pertaining to the work signed for the
purpose of identification by the Accepting Officer or his accredited representatives, sample of
materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will also be available for inspection by
the tenderer / bidder at the office of Accepting Officer and concerned GE / GE(I) /AGE(I)
during working hours.


9. The tenderers / bidders are advised to visit the site of work by making prior
appointment with GE / GE(I)/ AGE(I) / Project Manager who is also the Executing Agency of
the work (see appendix „A‟). The tenderers / bidders are deemed to have full knowledge of all
relevant documents, samples, site etc., whether they have inspected them or not.

10. Any tender / bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or
which proposes any other condition or prescription whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.

11. The uploading of bid implies that bidder has read this notice and the Conditions of
Contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specification of work to be done and of
the conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will be issued to him and local
conditions and other factors having bearing on the execution of the work.

12. Tenderers / bidders must be in possession of a copy of the MES Standard Schedule of
Rates (See appendix „A‟) including amendments and errata thereto.

13. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of „T‟ bid and
subsequent opening of finance bid of any applicant / bidder, even of enlisted contractors of
appropriate class and category merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting Officer reserves
the right to reject the „T‟ bid and not to open the finance bid of any applicant / bidder. „T‟ bid
validation shall be decided by the Accepting Office based on, inter alia, capability of the firm as
per criteria given in Appx „A‟ to this NIT. The applicant contractor / bidder will be informed
regarding non-validation of his „T‟ bid assigning reasons thereof through the defproc website.
The applicant contractor / bidder if he so desires may appeal to the next higher Engineer
authority viz Chief Engineer Central Command, Lucknow on email id ceengrll-mes@nic.in
with a copy to the Accepting Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of
Financial Bid. The decision of the Next Higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) shall be final and
binding. The contractor / bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for
rejection of his bid.

14. The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a Public Under
taking, giving a price preference over other Tender(s) / bids which may be lower, as are
admissible under the Government Policy. No Claim for any compensation or otherwise shall
be admissible from such tenderer / bidder whose tender / bid is rejected.

15. Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender / bid or to
give any reason for not doing so.

16. This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including Appendix „A‟ shall form part of the contract.

Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer



2. Estimated Cost Rs. 728.00 Lakhs
3. Period of completion 548 days

4. Cost of tender documents Rs. 3000.00 in the shape of DD / Bankers cheque from any schedule
Bank in favour of GE (AF) Bareilly and payable at Bareilly.

5. Website / portal address www.defproc.gov.in and www.mes.gov.in

6. Type of Contract Tender shall be item rate based on IAFW-1779 A & IAFW-2249
(Including Errtata/Amendments) with Schedule ―A‖ (BOQ) to be
quoted by the tenderers
7. Information Details
(a) Bid submission start date As per mentioned on portal address : www.defproc.gov.in
(b) Bid submission end date
(c) Date / time for opening of
bid (Cover-1)
8. Eligibility Criteria
(A) For MES enlisted All contractors enlisted with MES in Class ‗A‘ and category a(i) shall
Contractors be considered qualified provided they do not carry adverse remarks in
WLR of competent engineer authority.

(B) For other contractors (a) The firms not enlisted with MES shall meet the enlistment criteria
of ‗A‗ class MES contractors & category a(i) & having satisfactorily
completed requisite value of works, Annual turnover, Solvency,
working capital, immovable property / fixed assets, T&P, Engineering
establishment, no recovery outstanding in any Govt Department,
Police verification / Passport etc. Enlistment criteria may be seen in
Para 1.4 and 1.5 of Section 1 of Part I of MES Manual on Contracts –
2007 (Reprint 2012) as available in all MES formations.
(b) These films shall also submit copy of Police verification from
Police authority of the area where the registered office of the firm is
located / notarized copy of valid passport of proprietor / each partner /
each Director.
(c) They should not carry adverse remarks in WLR / or any other
similar report of any authority.

(C) For all contractors Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or
through power of attorney holder on his behalf to a third party /
another firm except sons / daughters/ spouse of proprietor / partner /
Director and firm‘s own employees, Director, Project Manager. This
shall be subject to certain conditions which will be prescribed in the
NOT forming part of the tender documents.
9. Tender issuing and Accepting Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad
10 Executing agency GE (AF) Bareilly
11 Earnest Money Rs 6,89,000 in the form of DD / Bankers cheque from any scheduled
Bank in favour of GE (AF) Bareilly and payable at Bareilly. BGB not
acceptable. MES enlisted contractor are exempted from submission of
EMD (Scanned copy to be uploaded online and original to be
submitted offline before due date of opening of cover No 1 i.e.
technical bid)

(a) Contractor one class below may also bid for this tender. Their application shall be considered
subject to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria given in NIT when number of applicants of eligible
class qualifying for the tender are less than 7 (seven).

(b) In case number of eligible class contractors satisfying the eligibility criteria given in NIT are 7 or
more than 7, application of one class below the eligibility class shall not be considered except those who
have previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting the criteria of upgradation in
respect of past experience and/or average annual turnover as applicable and financial soundness
(solvency/financial soundness and working capital) provided the value of work is less than twice the
tendering limit of such contractors. Contractors one class below the eligible class may upload necessary
documents wrt works experience and financial soundness in cover 1 of tender (T bid).

(c) (i) Applications not accompanied by scanned copies of requisite DD / Bankers Cheque towards cost
of tender and earnest money (as applicable), shall not be considered for validation of ‗T‘ bid and their
finance bids will not be opened.
(ii) Tenderers /bidders to note that they should ensure that their original DDs and earnest money
(as applicable) are received within 05 (Five) days of bid submission end date.
(iii) In case of applications from enlisted contractors of MES, where scanned copies of requisite
DD / Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender has been uploaded but physical copies are not received by
the stipulated date, finance bids will be opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of
tender shall be considered as willful negligence of the bidder with ulterior motives and such bidder shall
be banned from bidding for a period of six months commencing from the date of opening of finance bid.
(iv) In case of applications from unenlisted contractors, where scanned copies of requisite DD /
Bankers cheque towards cost of tender has been uploaded but physical copies are not received by the
stipulated date, finance bids will not be opened. Name of such contactors alongwith complete address
shall be circulated for not opening of their bids for a period of six months commencing from the date of
opening of finance bid.
(v) In case of applications / bids (enlisted contractor as well as unenlisted contractor) where
scanned copies of requisite Earnest money (as applicable) were uploaded but the same are not received
in physical form within stipulated time, such bids shall not qualify for opening of finance bid.

(d) Contractor may note that they shall not be loaded beyond their tendering limit as under :-

(aa) In case contractor of eligible class are selected for issue of tender : 4 to 5 times the
tendering limit.
(bb) In case of one class below contractors are selected for issue of tender : 6 to 7 times.
(cc) In case of unenlisted contractors: 2 times the upper tendering limit of class for which
contractor meets the criteria for enlistment.

(e) Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following documents for checking eligibility:-

(i) Applications for bid in Firm‘s letter head.

(ii) Enlistment letter.
(iii) Scanned copy of DD of cost of tender.
(iv) Scanned copy of EPF code No
(i) Goods & Service tax registration No
(ii) Bidder shall upload scanned copy of Integrity Pact (IP) in cover 1 (Technical Bid) duly
signed all the pages of pact by the authorized signatory of the firm in token of their
agreement to bound the firm by its provision.Bidder who fail to upload signed copy of
the Integrity Pact (IP) in cover 1 (Technical Bid). Their bid shall not be considered for
validation of T bid and their financial bid (Cover 2) will not be opened. Original Integrity
Pact (IP) shall be forwarded by post within 05 (Five) days of bid submission end date

(f) Contractors not enlisted with MES will upload following documents (scanned copy in pdf
formats) for checking eligibility:-
Contractors not enlisted with MES will upload necessary documents for enlistment in eligible class &
category of work, including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. List of documents required for
enlistment in MES has been given in Para 1.4 and 1.5 of Section 1 of Part I of MES Manual on
Contracts 2007 (reprint 2012). Following documents shall also be uploaded amongst others:-
(i) Details of three highest valued similar nature of works executed during last five years, financial year-
wise in tabular form giving name of work, Accepting Officer‘s tender details, viz, Address, Telephone,
FAX No., E-mail ID etc, date of acceptance of tender and actual date of completion. This shall be
duly signed by proprietor / all partners / authorized director of Pvt / Public Ltd, as applicable. It
should indicate whether extension was granted or compensation was levied. Attested copy of acceptance
letter and completion certificate shall be enclosed of each work. In case performance report has been
given by the client same shall also be submitted duly attested.

(ii) Latest working Capital Certificate from the Nationalized /Scheduled Bank issued within last 6
months (Issued on or after 01May 2019) for the amount not less than Rs. 30 Lakhs in prescribed

(iii) Latest Solvency Certificate from the Nationalized /Scheduled Bank issued within last 6 months
(Issued on or after 01 May 2019) for the amount not less than Rs. 2 crores in prescribed format.

(iv) Minimum reserve in the name of company (Total of Immovable/fixed & Movable assets) shall
not be less than Rs.75 Lakhs supported with Notarized affidavit & valuation reports (80 % of total
asset shall be in the shape of Immovable asset).

(v) Unenlisted Bidder/contractor shall render Notarized affidavit affirming that they have not been
banned by any Govt /Semi Govt / State Govt Dept/Agency /PSU & DSV for participating in tender.

(vi) Affidavits for possession of movable & immovable properties by proprietor / partner owning the
immovable property alongwith Valuation Certificate from Regd Valuer in support of movable &
immovable properties. In case of Limited company, the immovable property is required to be in the
name of the company. In addition of Limited Company, the immovable property is required to be in the
name of the Company.

(vii) In addition, the unenlisted contractors shall also furnish affidavit on non-Judicial stamp paper in
the form of hard copy declaring their turnover for last 2 (Two) years.

(vi) Scanned copy of DD of cost of tender and earnest money.

(vii) Scanned copy of EPF code No
(viii) Goods &Service tax registration No

(ix) Bidder shall upload scanned copy of Integrity Pact (IP) in cover 1 (Technical Bid) duly signed
all the pages of pact by the authorized signatory of the firm in token of their agreement to bound the
firm by its provision.Bidder who fail to upload signed copy of the Integrity Pact (IP) in cover 1
(Technical Bid). Their bid shall not be considered for validation of T bid and their financial bid (Cover
2) will not be opened. Original Integrity Pact (IP) shall be forwarded by post within 05 (Five) days of
bid submission end date

(g) In case of rejection of technical / prequalification bid, contractor may appeal to next higher
Engineer authority i.e. Chief Engineer Central Command on email id ceengrll-mes@nic.in with a copy
to Accepting officer on email id cezafa2-mes@nic.in against rejection within 5 days of uploading of
‗Technical evaluation summary‘. The decision of Chief Engineer Central Command shall be final and
binding. However, contractor / bidder shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever for rejection
of technical / prequalification bid.

(h) Court of the place from where tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any
dispute out of or in respect of this tender. After acceptance of tender ,Condition 72-Jurisdiction of
Courts of IAFW-2249 shall be applicable.‖

(j) Performance security deposit shall be submitted within 28 days of receipt of letter of acceptance,
the successful contractor shall deliver to Accepting Officer a PERFORMANCE SECURITY in any of
the forms given in Condition 19 of IAFW-2249 (Amended vide Amendment No 47 of IAFW-2249) for
an amount equivalent to Five (05%) percent of the contract sum.

Signature of Contractor (Alok Ojha)

For Accepting Officer

Case file: 958101/ /E8

Chief Engineer (AF)

July 2020

To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the relevant contract on
behalf of MES.
1. Whereas the President of India, represented by Chief Engineer (CE) hereinafter referred to as
Principal / Owner and the first part, has floated the Tender (NIT No.958101/ /E8 dated July 2020.)
and intends to award , under laid down organizational procedure, contract for PROVISION OF
referred to as works / Services and M/s __________________________________ represented
by,___________________ (which term unless expressly indicated by the contract, shall be deemed to
include its successors and its assignees), hereinafter referred to as the Bidder/Contractor and the second
part is willing to carryout the works / services.

2. Whereas the Bidder is a Proprietorship Concern / Partnership Firm / Limited Liability Firm / Private
Limited Company / Limited Company / Joint Venture constituted in accordance with the relevant law
in the matter and the Principal / Owner is Chief Engineer (CE) / Chief Construction Engineer (CCE) /
Commander Works Engineer (CWE)/ Garrison Engineer (I) (GE (I)) /Garrison Engineer (GE)
performing its functions on behalf of the President of India.


3. Now, therefore, the Principal / Owner and the Bidder agree to enter into this pre- contract agreement,
referred to as INTEGRITY PACT (IP), to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is
fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the
conclusion of the contract to be entered into with a view to:-

3.1 Enabling the Principal / Owner to get the desired works / services at a competitive price
in conformity with the defined specifications of the Services by avoiding high cost and the
distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement.

3.2 Enabling Bidders to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from bribing and
other corrupt practices and the Principal / Owner will commit to prevent corruption, in any
form, by their officials by following transparent procedures.


4. The Principal / Owner commits itself to the following:-

4.1. The Principal / Owner undertakes that, no official of the Principal / Owner, connected
directly or indirectly with the contract will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through
intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or
any other advantage from the Bidder, either for themselves or for any person, organisation or third
party related to the contract, in exchange for an advantage; in the bidding process, bid evaluation,
contracting or implementation process related to the Contract.
4.2 The Principal / Owner will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike and will
provide to all Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular
Bidder which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in comparison to other Bidders.
4.3 All the officials of the Principal / Owner will report to the appropriate Government office
any attempted or completed breach(s) of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of
such a breach.

5. In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the
Bidder to the Principal / Owner willful and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be
correct by the Principal / Owner, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit,
including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the Principal / Owner and such a person shall be
debarred from further dealing related to the tender / contract process. In such a case while an Inquiry is
being conducted by the Principal / Owner the tender process / proceedings under the contract would
not be stalled.

6. The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair
means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or post- contract
stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commits himself to
the following-:

6.1 Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration,
reward, favour any material or non-material benefit or other advantage, commission, fee, brokerage or
inducement to any official of the Principal / Owner, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding
process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any
advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.

6.2 The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour any material or non-material benefits or other
advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Principal / Owner or
otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing or
forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract or any other Contract
with the Government.

6.3 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.

6.4 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means
and illegal activities.

6.5 The Bidder would not enter into conditional contract with any Agent(s), broker(s) or any
other intermediaries wherein payment is made or penalty is levied, directly or indirectly, on success or
failure of the award of the contract.

6.6 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other
manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. Complaint will be processed as per
Guidelines for Handling of Complaints in vogue. In case the complaint is found to be vexatious,
frivolous or malicious in nature, it would be construed as a violation of Integrity


7.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other company in respect of any corrupt
practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any Government
Department in India.

7.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified from
tender process or the contract and if already awarded, same can be terminated for such reason.


8.1 Bidders are advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of bribes and other
unethical behaviour) and a compliance program for the implementation of the code of conduct
throughout the country.


9.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting on his
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) or the commission of any offence by the
Bidder or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 or any other act enacted for the prevention of
corruption shall entitle the Principal / Owner to take all or any one of the following actions, wherever
(i) Technical bid of the Bidder will not be opened. Bidder will not be entitled to or given
any compensation. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s) would continue.

(ii) Financial bid of the Bidder will not be opened. Bidder will not be entitled to or given
any compensation. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s) would continue.
(iil) The Earnest Money Deposit shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by the
Principal / Owner, in case contract is not awarded to the Bidder and the Principal / Owner shall not be
required to assign any reason therefor. For enlisted contractors an amount less than or equal to Earnest
Money Deposit as decided by the Principal/ Owner shall be deducted from any amount held with the
Department / any payment due.
(iv) To immediately cancel the contract, if already concluded / awarded without any
compensation to the Bidder.
(v)To en cash the Performance Security furnished by the Bidder.
(vi)To cancel all or any other Contract(s) with the Bidder.
(vii)To temporarily suspend or temporarily debar / permanently debar the bidder as per the
extant policy.
(viii)If adequate amount is not available in the present tender / contract, the deficient amount
can be recovered from any outstanding payment due to the Bidder from the Principal / Owner in
connection with any other contract for any other works/services.
(ix )If the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder or any person acting on behalf of the Bidder,
either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the officers of the Principal / Owner, or
alternatively if any close relative of an officer of the Principal / Owner has financial interest/stake in the
Bidder‘s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the Bidder at the time of submission of tender. Any failure
to disclose the interest involved shall entitle the Principal / Owner to debar the Bidder from the bid
process or rescind the contract without payment of any compensation to the Bidder. The term ‗close
relative‘ for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing with the Government servant or not, but
does not include a spouse separated from the Government servant by a decree or order of a competent
Court; son or daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly dependent upon Government servant, but
does not include a child or step child who is no longer in any way dependent upon the Government
servant or of whose custody the Government servant has been deprived of by or under any law; any
other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to the Govt servant or to the Government servant‘s
wife or husband and wholly dependent upon Government servant.
(x)The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings
or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the Principal / Owner and if he does so, the
Principal / Owner shall be entitled forthwith to cancel the contract and all other contracts with the

9.2 The decision of the Principal / Owner to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity
Pact has been committed by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder. However, the Bidder
can approach the Independent External Monitor(s) (IEMs) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.


10.1. MoD has appointed the following Independent External Monitors for this pact in consultation with
the Central Vigilance Commission:-
Sl No. Name of IEM e-mail ID

1. Shri Hem Kumar Pande, IAS (Retd) hemppande@nic.in

2. Shri Anjan Kumar Banerjee, IA&AS (Retd) anjan.banerjee@gov.in

10.2 Details of Nodal officer nominated by E-in-C‘s Branch are as follows:-

Name : Shri Bhavesh Kumar Director (c) , HQ E-in-C‘s Branch, New Delhi
e-mail id : BhaveshK18-cgo@gov.in
Mobile No : 011-23019200/9530252088 Updated details to be filled

10.3. In case of any complaint with regard to violation of Integrity Pact, either party can approach IEMs
with copy to the Nodal Officer and the other party. If any such complaint from bidder is received by the
Principal / Owner, the Principal / Owner shall refer the complaint to the Independent External Monitors
for their recommendations / inquiry report.
10.4 If the IEMs need to peruse the relevant records of the Principal/ Owner and/or of the Bidder /
Contractor in connection with the complaint sent to them, the Principal/ Owner and/ or the Bidder/
Contractor shall make arrangement for such perusal of records by the IEMs as demanded by them
including unrestricted and unconditional access to the project documentation and minutes of meeting.
If records / documents of Sub—Contractor(s) are also required to be perused by the IEMs, the Bidder
shall make arrangement for such perusal of records by the IEMs as demanded by them. IEMs are under
obligation to treat the information and documents of the Principal/Owner and Bidder/
Contractor/Sub—Contractors with confidentiality.

10.5. The task of the IEMs, is to review independently and objectively, any complaint received with
regard to violation Integrity Pact and offer recommendations or carry out inquiry as deemed fit. The
IEMs are not subject to any instructions by the representatives of the parties and shall perform their
functions neutrally and independently. The report of inquiry, if any, made by the IEMs shall be
submitted to either of the following for a final and appropriate decision in the matter keeping in view
the provision of this Pact:-
(a) Engineer-in-Chief in normal cases
(b) CVO(MES & BRO) /MoD in cases involving vigilance angle


In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Integrity Pact or payment of
commission, the Principal / Owner or its agencies shall be entitled to examine the Books of Account of
the Bidder and the Bidder shall provide necessary information of the relevant financial documents in
English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination.


This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the
Principal / Owner.


The actions stipulated in this Integrity pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may
follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal


(a) PROPRIETORSHIP CONCERN — The Integrity Pact must be signed by the proprietor or
by an authorised signatory holding power of attorney signed by the proprietor.
(b) PARTNERSHIP FIRM - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners or by one or more
partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(c) LIMITED LIABILITY FIRM - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners or by one
or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(d) PRIVATE LIMITED / LIMITED COMPANY - The Integrity Pact must be signed by a
representative duly authorized by Board resolution.
(e) JOINT VENTURE - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners and members to Joint
Venture or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and members to the
Joint Venture.


15.1. The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing. It expires for the Contractor
after the final payment under the contract has been made or till the continuation of Defect liability
period, whichever is later and for all other bidders, till the Contract has been awarded.
15.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact
remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions.




SUB-TENDER ID NO____________________________FOR THE WORK PROVISION OF


Dear Sir,

It is hereby declared that MES is committed to follow the principle of transparency, equity and
competitiveness in public procurement.

The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that the
Bidder will sign the Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender/bid documents, failing
which the tender/bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the bid of the
bidder would be summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Pact and signing of the same shall be
deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Pact on behalf of MES.

Yours faithfully,

Chief Engineer (AF) Allahabad

CA NO. CE (AF)/ALD/BLY/25 OF 2020-2021 SERIAL PAGE NO.195


Chief Engineer (AF)


SUB-TENDER ID NO________________________________FOR THE WORK FOR THE WORK

Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that MES is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the Integrity
Pact enclosed with the tender/bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that
MWe will sign the Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender document, failing which I/We will
stand disqualified from the tendering process I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE BID
conditions of the NIT.

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Pact in letter and spirit and further agree
that execution of the said Integrity Pact shall be separate and distinct from the main contract, which will
come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by MES. IWe acknowledge and accept the
validity of the Integrity Pact, which shall be in line with Para 15 of the enclosed Integrity Pact.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Pact, while
submitting the tender/bid, MES shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the
tender/bidder and reject the tender/bid in accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.

Yours faithfully,

( Authorised signatory of the Bidder)

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