38 Corporate-Security-2014
38 Corporate-Security-2014
38 Corporate-Security-2014
How does this service contribute to the results identified in the City of London Strategic Plan?
A strong economy A vibrant and diverse A green and growing A sustainable A caring community
community City infrastructure
The Corporate Security Division serves the Corporation of the City of London and all citizens within the City by contributing to a safe and secure
environment through a commitment to prevention, preparedness and response. Corporate Security provides services to all Service Areas and
Boards and Commissions on a request for service basis. Services provided include: the protection of assets (people and property), the
Downtown Camera Program, fire/life safety programs, training and investigative/threat assessment responses. Our mission is to deliver these
services with the overall goal of creating a safer environment for our staff and community.
What is the current state of this service?
The Corporate Security Division delivers five program areas; Asset Protection, Downtown Camera Program, Fire/Life Safety, Training, and
Investigation/Threat Assessments.
Asset Protection includes the protection of corporate assets, staff and the public who access our facilities and programs. These responsibilities
are carried out using a combination of both technology and staff resources. All corporate facilities are monitored for intrusion, fire and other
facility alarms through the centralized Security Operations Centre at City Hall. This approach is the most cost efficient way to monitor corporate
assets. Contracted guard services are provided at major corporate facilities and mobile guard response is available city wide. Guards routinely
respond to manage disruptive individuals, crowd monitoring and provide control for meetings and protests. CCTV enhancements that have been
made at several facilities in the last year assist in asset protection. Further enhancements at major facilities such as City Hall will continue. In
2013, emergency response procedures were created or updated at a number of corporate facilities and staff was trained on various procedures.
This work will continue into 2014.
The Downtown Camera Program consists of 17 cameras in the core area of London and is an integral part of the overall downtown safety
strategy. This program is run in conjunction with the Downtown Camera Program Steering Committee with representatives from London Police
Service, the public and the London Downtown Business Association. We are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the camera
system and monitoring the cameras. Security staff routinely report observed incidents and provide video evidence to the London Police Service
to assist in maintaining a safe core area. In 2013 Council approval was granted to enhance CCTV coverage by adding additional cameras at the
corner of Richmond and Dundas Street. Work is underway to install the cameras that will provide a continuous 360 degree view of the area.
The Fire Safety Program is responsible for ensuring our facilities, staff and the public using our facilities have appropriate fire safety systems and
procedures as defined in the Fire Code and Building Code. We currently monitor over 40 corporate facilities for fire detection and ensure all
facility systems are functional. We manage multiple fire related contracts related to fire detection system inspection, testing and maintenance,
fire extinguisher inspection and recharging and fire suppression system inspection, testing and maintenance. We also ensure an approved fire
safety plan is in place where required by legislation. Recent legislative changes have resulted in the need to upgrade existing fire systems with
additional alarm notification backup systems. We have implemented a plan to upgrade our existing facilities to meet the ULC standard. We
continue to hold fire safety sessions for staff including extinguisher training to enhance staff awareness and best practices related to fire safety.
Investigations both security related and those assisting corporate human resources are conducted to resolve policy violations, workplace
violence situations and an assortment of other issues. Safety tips, personal safety planning and personal safety training are routinely provided
to corporate staff through individual sessions and non-violent crisis intervention workshops. There has been an increase in both service requests
and incidents over the last few years creating a challenge to respond to these issues based on limited resources. We are reliant on the assistance
of London Police Service to assist in managing significant events such as large protests, criminal offences and trespass order enforcement. To
assist with a growing demand for service, proven technology based approaches continue to be utilized in an effort to streamline costs while
protecting corporate assets.
Corporate Security will continue to investigate and implement new programs and technology to enhance the protection of corporate assets,
staff and the general public. As the city expands delivering new or expanded services or managing new facilities, the demand for services in the
security area also expands.
Safety and security continue to be a concern to staff and the general public. Staff training and enhanced response procedures will play an
important role in the future to address these concerns. There continues to be increased reporting of incidents and the historical pattern of
incidents suggests this trend will continue. Requests for service will continue to grow and present workload challenges. New and innovative
strategies will have to be developed to address workload issues with limited resources. Should trends continue further resources may be
necessary to appropriately manage the escalating workload.
Corporate Security has developed a standardized assessment process for corporate facilities to ensure consistent adequate security measures
are in place based on the results of the assessment. This ensures defined standards for physical security at our facilities and ensures the
Corporation is investing in proven innovative industry technologies and practices. We are one of the first municipalities to undertake this
process. In addition facility audits are being undertaken starting in 2014 to ensure protective devices are adequate and all potential risks are
being addressed at facilities. This will include environmental risks that may be present at a facility. New software has recently been purchased to
assist in tracking keys across the Corporation. The software will form part of an overall Key Management Program that will be developed over
the next year. Included with this will be defined access level protocols to ensure appropriate security locks will be used in the appropriate
Corporate Security continues to build a system with a centralized security operations centre as the focal point to monitor and initiate responses
to a variety of situations. As noted this plan is reliant on using emerging technology coupled with staff resources. At present there is not
dedicated staff resources assigned to the operations centre. As requests for service and incident responses grow the appropriate staff allocation
will be necessary to ensure the centre is functional. The centre provides enhanced service and safety to our staff and the public.
Corporate Security is currently developing the scope for a new project that will begin in late 2014 and be completed over the next several years.
This project involves electronically mapping all existing physical security features for all corporate facilities and combining them with site specific
security protocols, safety procedures, access protocols and other relevant information. The Security Documentation Program will provide for
expedited access to all relevant security information in an electronic format. This will assist in quicker decision making and problem solving. In
addition it is expected that we will be enhancing many of our existing security technologies as new innovations are created and new protection
methods are introduced.
2015 – 2018
Integration of Physical Security Systems
Facility Security Documentation Program
Technology Enhancements