frequency response of an amplifier is the change in
gain or phase shift
over a specified range of input signal frequencies
In amplifiers, the coupling and bypass capacitors appear
to be shorts to
ac at the midband frequencies. At low frequencies the
capacitive reactance,
XC, of these capacitors affect the gain and phase shift of
signals, so they
must be taken into account.
At lower f (10Hz for example) the XC is higher,
and it decreases as f increases more signal voltage
is dropped across C1
and C3 in amplifiers
circuits less
voltage gain
is used to simplify the analysis of inverting amplifiers at
high frequencies, where the internal transistor
capacitances are important
Miller’s theorem states that C
appears as a capacitance from
input to ground, as
shown in Figure (b), that can
be expressed as
The figure below shows the effective input and output capacitance
appears in the actual ac equivalent circuitin parallel with Cbe (or Cgs).
Cin(Miller) formula shows that Cbc (or Cgd) has a much greater
impact on input capacitance than its actual value. For example, if Cbc
6 pF and t
he amplifier gain is 50, then Cin(Miller) = C(Av+1) = 306 pF.
As stated before, The decibel (dB) is a unit of logarithmic gain
measurement and is commonly used to express amplifier response.
The decibel is a measurement of the ratio of one power to another or
one voltage to another.
The power gain in dB is:
Example: for same circuit in the previous example, calculate the lower
critical frequency
At midrange frequency of an amplifier, the effects of the coupling and
transistor internal capacitors are minimal and can be neglected.
If the frequency is increased sufficiently, a point is reached where the
transistor’s internal capacitances begin to have a significant effect on the
BJT Amplifiers
The high frequency ac equivalent circuit of BJT amplifier with
By applying Miller’s theorem to the inverting amplifier
Looking in from the signal source, the capacitance Cbc appears in
the Miller input capacitance from base to ground.
As the frequency goes above fcu (input), the input RC circuit causes the
gain to roll off at a rate of -20 dB/decade just as with the low-frequency
The phase shift angle is
BJT Amplifiers: output RC circuit
Example:Determine the upper critical frequency of the amplifier in
previous Example due to its output RC circuit
Total Low-Frequency Response
If all RC circuits have the same critical frequency, the response curve
has one
break point at that
value of fcl, and
the voltage gain
rolls off
at -60 dB/decade below
that value