Akuntansi International
Akuntansi International
Akuntansi International
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NPM :180810209
This research is aimed to get to know the management performance Budget revenue
and expence local (APBD) which involves revenue, spending and expenses
Tanjungpinang Government. There are several data used in order to analyze this
issue such as, revenue budget and realization budget; spending and realization
spending; expence and realization spending Tanjungpinang Government on 2009 up
to 2010. The technical analysis used is by using qualitative approach in which apply
financial ratio including the variant analysis, revenue growth, government spending,
decentralization degree, state independency, effectiveness and efficiency, spending
efficiency, SILPA growth. Based on this research may result in the effectiveness and
efficiency of PAD in 2009 up to 2011, and the revenue growth shows the positive
flutuations in the growth. In 2009 until 2011 Tanjungpinang Government was still
dependent on the central government therefore it resulted on the low decentralization
process. In order to realize the spending budget we may see there is an efficient
element regarding with the spending growth itself. In funding, SILPA's growth
intentionally shows the positive fiscal health.
Regional Autonomy is an effort to empower the region in making regional decisions more freely
and responsibly to manage the resources owned in accordance with the interests, priorities and
potential of the region itself. The purpose of regional autonomy is to accelerate economic growth
and regional development, reduce disparities between regions and improve the quality of public
services to be more efficient and responsive to the needs, potential and characteristics of each
performance is very important to be seen and measured. The success of a government in the era
of regional autonomy can be seen from various performance measures that have been achieved.
This performance-based budget management provides a more specific picture related to the
ability of a region to always explore the potential of the region in order to increase the revenue
budget, which will have an impact on the ability of financing the implementation of government
In a performance-based budget structurally includes the revenue budget, expenditure budget and
financing. The emphasis on regional spending becomes a focal point, especially on the shopping
Tanjungpinang City as one of the cities in Riau Islands has a lot of potential that can be explored
to be used as a source of income from various sectors. Tanjungpinang City's economy is driven
by the dominant tertiary and secondary sectors, namely the trade / hotel / restaurant sector, and
transportation that can increase PAD. But in reality the biggest source of revenue / income of
Tanjungpinang City is the Balancing Fund from the Central Government and its PAD is still very
Based on the description above, the writer is interested in making a scientific paper in the form
of a thesis with the title "Analysis of Financial Management Performance of Regional Revenue
and Expenditure Budget (Case Study in the Regional Government of Tanjungpinang City)".
A. Definition and Scope of Regional Finance In a narrow sense, regional finance is limited
to matters relating to the Regional Budget. Therefore regional finance is identical to the
Regional Budget. According to Addina (2010: 7), Regional Finance can be interpreted as
"All government rights and obligations that can be valued in money, as well as
everything in the form of money or goods that can be used as higher regional wealth and
other parties in accordance with laws and regulations. applicable". Based on Government
Regulation Number 58 of 2005, "Regional Finance is all regional rights and obligations
money including all forms of wealth related to these rights and obligations". According to
Halim (2004: 7), "The scope of regional finances consists of directly managed regional
finances and separated regional assets. Included in direct managed finances are the
Regional Budget and inventory items belonging to the region. Whereas the separated
regional finances include the Agency Regionally Owned Enterprises (BUMD) ".
reporting and accountability, regional supervision". Regional financial management in this case
contains several management in which the general management or often called administrative
and special management or also often called the treasurer management. In managing regional
budget / finance, it must follow the main principles of the public sector budget.
In Permendagri No. 59/2007, "APBD is the basis for regional financial management within 1
(one) fiscal year from 1 January to 31 December". Meanwhile, according to Bastian (2006: 189),
"APBD is a manifestation of the Regional Government work plan in the form of units of money
for a period of one year and is oriented towards the goal of public welfare".
According to Freeman in Nordiawan (2006: 48), "Budget is a process carried out by public
sector organizations to allocate their resources to unlimited needs". This understanding reveals
the strategic role of the budget in the management of the wealth of a public organization.
Important role of the budget in public sector organizations according to Nordiawan (2006: 47),
"The important role of the budget in the public sector comes from its use in determining the
accountability for managing public funds and implementing programs financed from public
money Public sector budgeting is related in the process of determining the amount of fund
The budget planning process starts with setting goals, targets and policies. Regarding perceptions
between various parties about what will be agreed upon and linking objectives with various
programs to be carried out, it is very important for the success of the budget. At this stage, the
an opening for budget execution. The lengthy process of discussing objectives leading to
discussion through tiring stages, consideration of the past and evaluation is often ignored. This
The regional head based on the RKPD and APBD preparation guidelines that have been
established by the Minister of Home Affairs annually compiles the draft APBD General Policy.
APBD General Policy, hereinafter abbreviated to KUA, is a document that contains financial
statements, expenditure, and reporting as well as the underlying for a period of 1 (one) year . The
budget policy formulation must discuss plans and objectives to be achieved in the coming year
and also, it must refer to the regional financial planning (LPJ) accountability process at the end
of the fiscal year. While in operational budget planning, due to technical coordination, this
process was left to the regional government. APBD General Policy Preparation is included in the
policy formulation is related to budget analysis, while operational budget planning continues to
focus on the allocation of available resources in local governments. Based on the agreement, the
APBD is prepared based on the targets to be achieved in one fiscal year. Therefore, in a
preparing the APBD draft, the regional government together with the DPRD compiled a KUA
containing instructions and general provisions agreed upon as guidelines in the preparation of the
APBD. The preparation of the KUA is part of the effort to achieve the vision, mission, goals and
targets that have been set in the regional strategic plan (Renstra). Meanwhile, the level of
achievement or service performance that has been planned in one budget year is basically a stage
and development of the expected service performance in the medium-term and long-term plans.
Based on the description of the background above, then in this case the writer makes the
1. How was the performance of the Tanjungpinang municipal revenue budget management
2. How was the ability of the performance of the Tanjungpinang City budget and financing
1. To find out and analyze the performance of the Tanjungpinang City revenue budget during the
2009-2011 period.
2. To find out and analyze the performance of the Tanjungpinang City budget and financing
This research was conducted at competent government agencies in the management of regional
finances, among others, the Tanjungpinang Regional Revenue Service. In this research the data
collection method used is Literature Research, this method is carried out by studying the
and books relating to the writing of this thesis. Field Research, this method is carried out by
observing the performance of financial management in the Tanjungpinang City Government and
conducting interviews with relevant officials, such as the Head of Finance and his staff, the Head
of Bappeda and his staff. Data collected and used to support writing are secondary data.
Secondary data in this study are data obtained from official documents and other sources in the
form of time series data, namely the APBD and the Realization Report of the Tanjungpinang
Regional Government in 2009-2011. The method used to analyze this research is a method with
a qualitative approach that is descriptive analysis based on portrayals that support the analysis,
this analysis emphasizes understanding of the problems in social life based on the conditions of
or natural settings that are holistic, complex, and detailed that are explained in a description or in
sentence form.
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the manufacturing industry sector and the
Overall, in 2010 the tertiary sector gave the dominant tertiary and secondary sectors.
largest contribution of 68.70% to the GRDP Based on the comparison of roles and
and the secondary sector contributed 28.31% contributions between business sectors to
to the GRDP and the primary sector only GRDP in the prevailing price conditions in
contributed 2.97%. Business sectors that 2009-2011, in 2009 the tertiary sector
the Tanjungpinang City GRDP during the sector 26.91 percent and the primary sector
period 2009-2010 were the trade / hotel / 3.06 percent. The dominant business sectors,
28.37 percent and primary at 2.93 percent. Income. Analysis of variance (difference) in
The dominant business sectors were trade, the income budget is done by calculating the
hotel and restaurant by 25.98 percent, the difference between revenue realization and
sector by 18.65 percent, the manufacturing been informed in the Budget Realization
services industry by 16.58 percent and Report presented by the local government.
Likewise in 2011, the tertiary sector analyzing revenue performance. From the
by the secondary sector by 27.93 percent Tanjungpinang can be said to be good even
and the primary sector by 2.86 percent. Each though the budget target has not exceeded.
dominant business field contributed 25.44 This is indicated by the target budget
percent of the trade / hotel / restaurant income from 2009-2011 which the average
99.20 %.
Regional Original
199,00 383.384,
353,00 369.263,
863,00 119.892,
From the above calculations it can be seen financial independence shows the ability of
that the degree of decentralization of local governments to finance their own
Tanjung Pinang City can be said to be low. government activities, development and
The average degree of decentralization in services to the people who have paid taxes
2009-2011 was 8.6%. This means that the and levies as a source needed by the region.
authority and responsibility given by the The Regional Financial Independence of
central government to the regional Tanjung Pinang can be seen in the following
government of Tanjungpinang City to table:
explore and manage revenue is still low. For
this reason, Tanjungpinang City must make
more efforts to increase its PAD by either
exploring new potential or developing
existing income potentials. 2. Regional
Financial Independence The ratio of regional
Tahun PAD Bantuan ntah Rasio
Pusat/Propinsi +
Pinjaman Kemandirian
2009 41.549.791.199,00 468.639.592.185,00 0.09
Rata-rata 0,30
From the above calculations it can be seen external funding sources and ask for
that the average ratio of independence is only authority to be able to manage other sources
30%. This means that Tanjungpinang City is of income that are still controlled by the
still dependent on funding from both the central or provincial government such as the
central / provincial government and loans. Motorized Vehicle Tax. 3. Effectiveness of
For this reason, there is a need for local Regional Original Revenue (PAD)
government efforts to reduce dependence on
Tahun Anggaran Realisasi rasio
Rata-rata 112,44 %
Rata-rata 0,965 %
From the calculation table above it can be expenditure shows positive growth. The
seen that the growth of Tanjungpinang City fluctuating trend in the expenditure growth
in Tanjungpinang City was seen from 2009 1) Ratio of Operating Expenditures to
to 2011, respectively, growth of 14.4%, 16%, Regional Budget and Ratio of Capital
27.5%. This positive growth is due to a Expenditures to Total Expenditures
balance between expenditure growth and
followed by balanced income growth. Analysis of Operational Expenditures
Harmony with APBD and Capital
3. Analysis of Shopping Harmony Expenditures
The total expenditure of Tanjung Pinang
City can be seen in the following table:
Rasio Belanja Modal
Tahun Rasio Belanja Operasi terhadap % Rasio
Belanja) x 100%
691.361.505.377,00 691.361.505.377,00
632.271.231.272,00 632.271.231.272,00
797.844.461.142,66 797.844.461.142,66
Belanja g / Total Belanja Tidak Langsung / Total
Belanja Daerah) x
100% Belanja Daerah) x 100%
691.361.505.377,00 691.361.505.377,00
2010 293.471.711.174,00 338.799.520.098,00 0,464 % 0,536 %
632.271.231.272,00 632.271.231.272,00
2011 404.279.079.126,00 393.565.382.016,66 0,507 % 0,493 %
797.844.461.142,66 797.844.461.142,66
From the calculation table above it can be indirect expenditure so the ratio of direct
seen that for 2011 most of the funds owned expenditure was relatively small compared to
by the government were allocated for the ratio of indirect expenditure. The ratio for
direct expenditure is 48.3% while the ratio This expenditure efficiency ratio is used to
for indirect spending is 51.7%. measure the level of budget savings made by
the Government. The analysis of the
3) Analysis of Regional Expenditure Regional Spending Efficiency of Tanjung
Efficiency Pinang City can be seen in the following
Tahun Anggaran Belanja Realisasi Belanja % Rasio
Rata-rata 0,885 %
The world of taxation as long as it has a bad image in public because services are bad,
circuitous; and many crimes cases of corruption. In addition there are still many problems of
tax realization was hotel as stipulated in or having a range of issues in taxcollectionhotel inside
of them. Not showing realization or terget true if viewed from the existing potential. The
realization of revenueis still possible to improved with a record need efforts to
the intensification of poll, either through the process trainingtaxpayers,enforcement of rules and
supervision and repair service performance and tax collection the hotel. Efforts--that effort can
be done byimproving existing resources in the city of stone dept. of income tax, as the
management of the hotel both humanresources, and facility a supporter of their activities. This
research in a qualitative, type research descriptive, the research is in office dept. incomein the
city of stone. Informer taken in this research the officer dept. of revenue and penggusaha hotel
city stone. Determination totechnique informer for giver service purposive use sampling and
random sampling. accidental use sampling. Data done by meansof observation, interview deep
and documentation. Then analyze data use reduction data, presentation of data then
withdrawalconclusion or verification.
Journal Title :Intensification of Hotel Tax Collection Based on the Potential of Batu City to
Author :Graduates Krida Laksana Putra Students of the State Administration Study
Program, FISIP, Airlangga University
Publication : Journal of Policy and Public Management Volume 1, Number 1, January 2013
Reviewer : Izzatul Yazidah Tanjung (180810209)
Review Date : January 06, 2020
1.1 Background
Urban areas in various regions of the world are currently experiencing a very rapid
increase. This happened from the 1980s to the 2010s (Pawitro, Udjianto: 2013). The
development of urban areas must be in harmony and be able to improve the economic aspects so
that they can improve the welfare of their communities. Therefore, the development of an area
can not be separated from economic aspects. The economic aspects of a region are important to
study because they are related to the welfare of the people and the smooth development of the
area. Understanding of regional economic aspects both in theoretic and empirical perspective is
important to understand, moreover by a planner who is responsible for planning an area with
many considerations. Understanding is not only about the latest economic issues, but also with
alternative solutions to the problem. In order to achieve these objectives, this critical review was
compiled, with the expectation that the drafters, in fact as candidates, will be able to criticize and
take Lessons learned from case studies of economic problems as outlined by the authors in the
form of journals.
1.2 Purpose
The expected objectives of preparing this critical review are as follows:
1. Knowing one case study of issues related to the city's economy
2. Understand the detailed issues related to the city economy and be able to critically study the
selected journals
3. Comparing handling of issues that are reviewed with handling similar issues that develop in
The tax collection process so far is considered to be less than optimal. Therefore,
intensification of local tax is important to be done to increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD)
without having to expand sources or new revenue objects that require study, process and long
time. The intensification can be applied to the subject or object of income.
To deal with various problems related to tax collection, the City of Batutelah has determined
steps to intensify tax collection. The intensification was carried out by providing guidance to the
hotel regarding the timeliness, and the system of billbill, forming a tax supervision committee
that aims to make the hotel able to pay taxes according to local regulations, and establish good
relations with the hotel and improve the quality of Dispenda service. However, in carrying out
the intensification, the City Government of Batu experienced various obstacles, namely:
a. Relatively low Batu City hotel tax base
b. The role of hotel taxes is relatively small in total PAD, with most regional funds still coming
from the center
c. The ability of the administration of hotel tax collection is still low The ability of hotel tax
financial supervision is weak
One source of Local Revenue (PAD) is through taxes. The regional tax consists of 16 types,
namely 5 types of provincial tax and 11 types of district / city tax. Taxes are divided into several
sectors, one of which is the hotel sector. PAD is a big capital for regional government as
development fund and to fulfill regional expenditure. To optimize tax collection, tax
extensification and intensification can be done. Extensification is an effort to increase the
number of taxpayers. Whereas tax intensification is in the form of improved performance from
existing or existing sources. Tax administration is said to be effective when it is able to
overcome the following problems:
1) Unregistered taxpayers.
2) Taxpayers who do not submit a Notice (SPT).
3) Tax evaders
4) delinquent tax pavers.