Instructions ITR3 AY2020 21 V1
Instructions ITR3 AY2020 21 V1
Instructions ITR3 AY2020 21 V1
Y 2020-21)
These instructions are guidelines for filling the particulars in Income-tax Return
Form-3 for the Assessment Year 2020-21 relating to the Financial Year 2019-20. In
case of any doubt, please refer to relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and
the Income-tax Rules, 1962.
This Return Form is applicable for assessment year 2020-21 only, i.e., it relates
to income earned in Financial Year 2019-20.
This Return Form can be filed with the Income-tax Department electronically on
the e-filing web portal of Income-tax Department (
and verified in any one of the following manner –
(i) digitally signing the verification part, or
(ii) authenticating by way of electronic verification code (EVC), or
(iii) Aadhaar OTP, or
(iv) by sending duly signed paper Form ITR-V – Income Tax Return Verification
Form by post to CPC at the following address –
“Centralized Processing Centre,
Income Tax Department,
Bengaluru— 560500,
The Form ITR-V-Income Tax Return Verification Form should reach within 120
days from the date of e-filing the return.
Where the Return Form is furnished in the manner mentioned at 3(iv), the
assessee should print out Form ITR-V-Income Tax Return Verification Form. ITR-V-
Income Tax Return Verification Form, duly signed by the assessee, has to be sent by
ordinary post or speed post only to Centralized Processing Centre, Income Tax
Department, Bengaluru–560500 (Karnataka).
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Every individual or HUF whose total income before allowing deductions under
Chapter VI-A of the Income-tax Act, exceeds the maximum amount which is not
chargeable to income tax is obligated to furnish his return of income. The claim of
deduction(s) under Chapter VI-A is to be mentioned in Part C of this Return Form. The
maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax for Assessment Year 2020-
21, in case of different categories, is as under:
If a person whose total income before allowing deductions under Chapter VI-A of the
Income-tax Act or deduction for capital gains (section 54 to 54GB), does not exceeds
the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax but fulfils one or more
conditions mentioned below is obligated to furnish his return of income. In case of any
doubt, please refer to relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act.
a) Deposit of amount or aggregates of amount exceeding Rs 1 crore in one or more
current accounts;
b) Incurred expenditure of an amount or aggregate of amount exceeding Rs. 2
lakhs for travel to a foreign country for yourself or any other person;
c) Incurred expenditure of amount or aggregate of amount exceeding Rs. 1 lakh on
consumption of electricity.
(a) Individual
(b) Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
Road/ Street/Post Office Enter the name of the Post office or Road or Street in
which the house is situated
Date of Birth Enter the Date of Birth as per the PAN card
Area/ Locality Enter the name of area or locality in which the house
is situated
Aadhaar Number (12 Enter the Aadhaar Number (12 digits) as mentioned
digits) / Aadhaar in Aadhaar Card. In case Aadhaar number has been
Enrolment Id (28 digits) applied for but not yet allotted, please enter the
Aadhaar Enrolment number (28 digits).
Town/ City/ District Enter the name of town or City or District in which the
house is situated
State Select the name of State from the dropdown
Select the name of country from the dropdown
PIN Code/ Zip Code Enter the PIN Code/ Zip Code of the Post Office
Residential/ Office P hone Enter the residential or office landline number with
Number with STD code STD code, or enter PAN holder’s mobile number. This
Mobile No.1 will be used for official communication with the PAN
Mobile No.2 Enter the mobile number of of any other person, as an
alternative number for communication.
Email Address (Self) Enter the PAN holder’s email address. This will be
used for official communication with the PAN holder.
Email Address-2 Enter the Email Address of PAN holder or any other
person, as an alternative email address for
Filed u/s Please tick the applicable check box, indicating the
section under which the return is being filed –
(a) If filed voluntarily on or before the due date, tick
(b) If filed voluntarily after the due date, tick ‘139(4)’
(c) If this is a revised return, tick ‘139(5)’
(d) If this is a modified return, filed in accordance with
an Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA), tick ‘92CD’
(e) If filed in pursuance to an order u/s 119(2)(b)
condoning the delay, tick ‘119(2)(b)’
Are you filing return of In case the return is being filed if any one or all of the
income under seventh below conditions are applicable although the total
proviso to Section 139(1) income before allowing deductions under Chapter VI-
A of the Income-tax Act or deduction for capital gains
but otherwise not
(section 54 to 54GB) or exempt long term capital gains
required to furnish return (section 10(38)), does not exceeds the maximum
of income? (Tick) Yes amount which is not chargeable to income-tax, tick
No ‘Yes’:
Deposit of amount or aggregates of amount exceeding
Rs 1 crore in one or more current accounts;
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Residential Status in India If you are a HUF, please specify your residential status
(for HUF) by ticking the applicable checkbox:
(Tick applicable option)
Resident but not Ordinarily resident (RNOR)
Non Resident
Do you want to claim the If you were NRI in earlier years, but are a resident in
benefit u/s 115H India for this year, please specify whether you want to
(Applicable in case of claim benefit of special provisions under Chapter XII-
Resident) A in respect of investment income from any foreign
exchange asset, by ticking the applicable checkbox:
Are you governed by If you are governed by the system of community of
Portuguese Civil Code as property under the Portuguese Civil Code 1860,
per section 5A? please tick ‘Yes’ and fill up the information necessary
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Whether you have held If you have held investment in any unlisted equity
unlisted equity shares at shares at any time during the previous year, please
any time during the tick ‘Yes’ and furnish information about name, type &
previous year? PAN of company, opening balance, shares acquired/
transferred during the year and closing balance, in the
given table.
Else, tick ‘No’.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
2. 10AA
3. 33AB
4. 33ABA
5. 44DA
6. 50B
7. 80-IA
8. 80-IB
9. 80-IC
10. 80-ID
11. 80-IE
12. 80JJAA
13. 80LA
14. 115JC
If liable to audit under any In case your accounts are required to be audited under
Act other than the Income- any other law (other than Income-tax Act), please
tax act, mention the Act, specify the relevant provision mandating the audit, and
section and date of mention the date of furnishing such audit report.
furnishing the audit
report? List of other laws mandating audit:-
Nature of Business
Please enter the name of business, business Code and description of business.
The applicable business code can be selected from the list provided at the end of this
instruction. If you were engaged in more than one business or profession during the
previous year, indicate the three main activities or products.
In this part, please fill up the details of the Balance Sheet items as on 31st March,
2020, as per the given format, in respect of the proprietary business or profession
carried out during the financial year 2019-2019.
The reported figures of the balance sheet should match with the audited balance
sheet, in case the accounts were required to be audited. Any other activity not being
accounted in the books of proprietary business or profession, need not be included in
this balance sheet.
However, in case you were not required to maintain regular books of account of
the business or profession, please fill up only the summary details sought at item No. 6
of this part and leave out other parts.
In this part, please fill up the details of Manufacturing Account for the financial
year 2019-20 such as the opening inventory, purchases, direct wages, direct expenses,
factory overheads and closing stock. At item No. 3 of this part, the cost of goods
produced is computed on the basis of figures reported for debits to manufacturing
account and closing stock. which is then transferred to item No. 11 of trading account.
However, in case you were not required to maintain regular books of account of
the business or profession, please fill up only the details sought at item No. 61(income
taxable u/s. 44AD) or 62(income taxable u/s. 44ADA) or 63(income taxable u/s. 44AE)
or 64 (if regular books of accounts are not maintained for business or profession) or 65
(if regular books of accounts are not maintained for speculative business) of Part A –
P&L, whichever is applicable, and leave out this part.
In this part, please fill up the details of Trading Account for the financial year
2019-20 such as Sales/Gross receipts of business/profession, duties, taxes and cess
etc. in respect of supplies, closing stock and opening stock of finished goods,
purchases, direct expenses, duties/taxes etc. in respect of purchases. At item No. 12
of this part, the gross profit from business/profession is computed on the basis of figures
reported for sales etc. which is then transferred to item No. 13 of profit and loss account.
However, in case you were not required to maintain regular books of account of
the business or profession, please fill up only the details sought at item No. 61(income
taxable u/s. 44AD) or 62(income taxable u/s. 44ADA) or 63(income taxable u/s. 44AE)
or 64 (if regular books of accounts are not maintained for business or profession) or 65
(if regular books of accounts are not maintained for speculative business) of Part A –
P&L, whichever is applicable, and leave out this part.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In this part, please fill up the details of the profit and loss account for the financial
year 2019-20 as per the given format, in respect of the proprietary business or
profession carried out during the financial year 2019-20.
In case you were required to maintain regular books of accounts for the
proprietary business or profession, please fill up details at item No. 13 to 60.
In case you are not required to maintain regular books of accounts, please fill up
details at item No. 61(income taxable u/s. 44AD) or 62(income taxable u/s. 44ADA) or
63(income taxable u/s. 44AE) or 64 (if regular books of accounts are not maintained for
business or profession) or 65 (if regular books of accounts are not maintained for
speculative business) of this part, whichever is applicable, and leave out other items.
The reported figures of the profit and loss account should match with the audited
profit and loss account, in case the accounts were required to be audited. Any other
activity not being accounted in the books of proprietary business or profession need not
be included in this profit and loss account.
Please fill up item No. 61 only in case you are declaring income from any
business activity on presumptive basis as per section 44AD. Please also ensure that
the receipts/income from such business activity should not be included in the
proprietary business or profession being reported at item Nos. 1 to 60.
In the table, please enter the name of business, business code and description
of business. The applicable business code can be selected from the list provided at the
end of this instruction.
The gross turnover or receipts from the business during the financial year should
be reported at column 61(i). The break-up of total turnover in terms of turnover realised
through digital modes and turnover realised through other modes (cash etc.) should
also be furnished at columns 61(ia) and 61(ib) respectively.
The presumptive income from the business should be reported at column 61(ii),
which is required to be computed @ 6% in respect of turnover realised through digital
modes and @ 8% in respect of turnover realised through other modes (cash etc.).
In case you have actually earned income at the rates higher than the specified
percentage of turnover (i.e. 8% or 6%, as applicable), please note that you have to
declare income at such higher rate.
However, if the income being declared is less than the specified percentage of
turnover, it is mandatory to maintain books of accounts and get the same audited under
section 44AB. In such case, the details of tax audit have to be mentioned in Part-A
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
(General) - Audit information and the details of income etc. have to be reported in the
regular columns i.e. item No. 1 to 60.
Please fill up item No. 62 only in case you are declaring income from any
professional activity on presumptive basis as per section 44ADA. Please also ensure
that the receipts/income from such profession activity should not be included in the
proprietary business or profession being reported at item Nos. 1 to 60.
In the table, please enter the name of profession, business code and description
of profession. The applicable business code can be selected from the list provided at
the end of this instruction.
The gross receipts from the professional activity during the financial year should
be reported at column 62(i).
In case you have actually earned income at the rates higher than the specified
percentage of gross receipts (i.e. 50%), please note that you have to declare income at
such higher rate.
However, if the income being declared is less than the specified percentage of
gross receipts, it is mandatory to maintain books of accounts and get the same audited
under section 44AB. In such case, the details of tax audit have to be mentioned in Part-
A (General) - Audit information and the details of income etc. have to be reported in the
regular columns i.e. item No. 1 to 60.
Please fill up item No. 63 only in case you are declaring income from business
of plying, hiring or leasing of goods carriages on presumptive basis as per section 44AE.
Please also ensure that the receipts/income from such business activity should not be
included in the proprietary business or profession being reported at item Nos. 1 to 60.
In the first table, please enter the name of business, business code and
description of business. The applicable business code can be selected from the list
provided at the end of this instruction.
In the second table at S. No. 63(i), please enter the details of registration No.,
ownership, tonnage capacity, period of ownership and presumptive income in respect
of each goods carriage in the respective column. These details are to be furnished
separately for each goods carriage owned during the year, in separate rows,
In the column on ownership [column No. (2)], please indicate whether the goods
carriage was engaged for plying, hiring or leasing by the assessee. In the column on
period of ownership [column No. (4)], please mention the number of months for which
the goods carriage was engaged in plying, hiring or leasing by the assessee.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
The total presumptive income from the business of goods carriages should be
reported at S. No. 63(ii), which is the aggregate amount of presumptive incomes from
each goods carriage reported at column (5) of the second table. These details are to
be furnished separately for each goods carriage owned during the year, in separate
rows. Please note at any time during the year the number of vehicles should not exceed,
ten vehicles
In case you have actually earned income at the rates higher than the specified
rate per vehicle per month, please note that you have to declare income at such higher
However, if the income being declared is less than the specified rates per
vehicle, or number of vehicles exceeds ten at any time during the year, it is mandatory
to maintain books of accounts and get the same audited under section 44AB. In such
case, the details of tax audit have to be mentioned in Part-A (General) - Audit
information and the details of income etc. have to be reported in the regular columns
i.e. item No. 1 to 60.
In case you are not required to maintain regular books of accounts in respect of
the business or profession carried on during the year, please fill up the summary details
in respect of such activity at column 64 viz. gross receipts, gross profit, expenses and
net profit.
In case you are engaged in any speculative activity during the year, please fill
up the summary details in respect of such activity at column 65 viz. turnover, gross
profit, expenses and net income.
Part A-OI, contains details of allowances & disallowances under Income tax act.
In case the books of accounts of the proprietory business or profession were required
to be audited under section 44AB, it is mandatory to fill up the information sought at
various items (item No. 1 to 17) of this part. Otherwise, please fill up the information at
items which are applicable. Blank numeric fields will be treated as zeroes
Further, the figures mentioned against those items which are also required to be
reported in the tax audit u/s 44AB should match with the information given in the tax
audit report.
In Part A-QD, the quantitative details of trading and manufacturing account are
required to be furnished in respect of principal items.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Please indicate ownership of the house property, income from which is being reported
in this Schedule, by selecting from the list in the drop down menu –
Field Name Instruction
Address of property
Please enter the complete address of the property
Town/City including name of town or city, State and Pin code/Zip
State code. The name of State and Country has to be
Pin code/ Zip code selected from the drop down list.
Is the property co-owned Please state whether the property is co-owned by you
along with other owners by ticking the applicable
checkbox -
Your percentage of share If yes, please specify your percentage share in the
in the Property property in the given box.
Name of other(s) Co- If yes, please specify the name, PAN, Aadhaar and
owners respective percentage shares of other co-owners of
PAN of Co-owner(s) the property. Please add rows as necessary.
Aadhaar No. of co-owner
Percentage share of the
in property%
Type of House property Please tick the applicable check box, indicating the
usage of the house property during the previous year-
(a) If the house property consist of a house, or part of
a house, which is self-occupied, or treated as self-
occupied u/s 23(2), tick ‘Self-Occupied’
(b) If the house property, or part thereof, was actually
let out during whole or part of the year, tick ‘Let Out’
(c) If the house property, or part thereof, is deemed to
be let out u/s 23(4), tick ‘Deemed Let Out’.
Name(s) of Tenant If the property was actually let out during the year or
PAN of Tenant(s) part of the year, please mention name, PAN,Aadhaar
Aadhaar No. of Tenant(s) No. and TAN of the tenant(s). Furnishing of PAN of
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In this Schedule, income chargeable under the head ‘Profits and gains of
business or profession’ is computed starting from the net profit before taxes arrived at
in the profit and loss account which is appearing at item No. 53 or item No. 61(ii) or item
No. 62(ii) or item No. 63(ii) or item No. 64(iii) or item No. 65(iv).
Note: In case, the income includes income from royalty and FTS and if you want to
claim benefit of lower tax rate of DTAA, then this income shall be reported in Schedule
OS. If the same is included in Part A- P&L you may reduce the same from income
chargeable under the head business & profession at Sr. No. 3c and report the income
under Schedule Other Sources.
In case any amount is reduced from credit side of profit and loss account to be
shown under any other head of income, please ensure that the same is correctly
reported in the corresponding head of income.
In case any amount is reduced from credit side of profit and loss account being
exempt income, please ensure that the same is correctly reported in the schedule of
exempt income.
Thereafter, profits or incomes of the following nature, which are included in the
above net profit are deducted therefrom for separate consideration:-
Expenses debited to the P&L account relating to the above categories of income
are added back along with book depreciation and amortization. The depreciation
admissible as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act is deducted to arrive at profit
after adjustment of depreciation at item No. 13.
Item No.14 to item No. 19, list various disallowances of expenses debited to the
P&L account whereas item No. 20 to 25 provide for additions of deemed incomes under
various provisions of the Act. Out of these, item No. 23 is the residual column for
entering any other type of income to be added. Any other income which is not included
in the P&L account such as salary, commission, bonus or interest earned by the
individual/HUF from any firm as a partner, should be separately reported at item No.
24. The aggregate amount of additions and disallowances are captured as an auto-
filled figure at item No. 26.
Further, item No. 27 to item No. 33 provide for deductions allowable under
various provisions of the Act. Out of these, item No. 32 is a residual column for entering
any other amount allowable as deduction. The aggregate amount of deductions
allowable are captured as an auto-filled figure at item No. 34.
The net business income is computed at item No. 35, after adding the aggregate
amount of additions and disallowances (item No. 26) to the adjusted profit and loss
(item No. 13) and reducing the permissible deductions therefrom (item No. 34).
The profits and gains from business and profession computed as per special
provisions on presumptive basis are reported separately at item No. 36. Profits in
respect of each such activity should be reported as a separate line item.
The total net profit from business or profession is computed at item No. 37 as
aggregate of net business income (item No. 35) and profits computed on presumptive
basis (item No. 36).
In a case where income from activities covered under Rule 7, 7A, 7B and 8 is
included in the P&L account, the break-up of deemed business income chargeable
under these rules and business income chargeable other than these rules is required
to be mentioned at item No. 38. In such a case, balance of income deemed as
agricultural income should be reported at item No. 38.
In any other case, only the figure of net profit from business or profession
computed at item No. 37 should be reported at item No. 38.
Note: In case you are reporting loss at Sr. No. 38 of Schedule Business or Profession
or in at Sr. No. 64(i)(b), 64(i)(d),64(ii)(b) and 64(ii)(d), 65ii, 65iv in P&L (No account
case) then you are required to maintain books of accounts and get them audited.
Alternatively, you should report minimum 8% of turnover as your income else your
return may be treated as defective.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Please ensure that following audit report have been filed on or before one month prior
to due date of filing of return u/s 139(1) in the following cases: -
The total income chargeable under the head ‘profits and gains from business
and profession’ is computed at Part D of this Schedule, as aggregate of net profit from
business or profession other than specified business or speculative business (item No.
A38), income from speculative business (item No. B43) and income from specified
business (item No. C49).
Part E of this Schedule provides for intra-head set off of normal business losses
with incomes from specified business or speculative business during the current year.
Losses from specified businesses or speculative businesses, if any, are not allowed to
be set off against normal business income.
Schedule DPM
Schedule DOA
Schedule DEP
Schedule DCG
Schedule ESR
Capital gains arising from sale/transfer of different types of capital assets have
been segregated. In a case where capital gains arises from sale or transfer of more
than one capital asset, which are of same type, please make a consolidated
computation of capital gains in respect of all such capital assets of same type except
for following:-
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
a) If you have sold land and building. Quoting of PAN of buyer is mandatory only if
tax is deducted under section 194-IA or is mentioned in the documents.
b) If you are a resident and have sold land and building situated outside India. The
details of property and name of buyer should invariably be mentioned. However,
quoting of PAN of buyer is mandatory only if tax is deducted under section 194-
IA or is mentioned in the documents.
The details of pass through income/loss from business trust or investment fund
as per section 115UA or 115UB are required to be reported separately in Schedule PTI.
In case any amount of pass through income/loss reported therein is of the nature of
short-term capital gain, the same has to be reported at item No. A8 of this Schedule.
Further, in case any amount of pass through income/loss reported therein is of the
nature of long-term capital gain, the same has to be reported at item No. B12 of this
In the given table, please report the amount of income at column (2) and furnish
other relevant details sought in the table such as relevant article of DTAA at column (5),
treaty rate at Column (6), rate as per Income Tax Act at Column (9) and the applicable
rate, which is lower of the two rates, at Column (10). Please report whether Tax
Residency Certificate (TRC) is obtained from the country of residence in Column (7).
This column is applicable only in case of Non-Residents. Please note, if TRC Flag is
‘No’, income will be chargeable as per the applicable rates specified in Part A/B.
Part C of this Schedule computes the total of short-term capital gain (item No.
A10) and long-term capital gain (item No. B14). In case the total amount of long-term
capital gain at item No. B14 is a loss figure, the same shall not be allowed to be set off
against short-term capital gains. In such a case, the figure at item No. B14 should be
taken as Nil and only the figure of item No. A10 should be taken as item C. Deductions
can be claimed in respect of capital gains subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions
under sections 54 or 54B or 54D or 54EC or 54F or 54G or 54GA or 54GB or 115F.
Deductions u/s. 54, 54EC, 54F, 54GB and 115F are available only against long-term
capital gains. In case any deduction is claimed against any type of capital gains, the
details of such claim have to be furnished as per part D of this Schedule.
Part E of this Schedule provides for intra-head set off of current year capital
losses with current year capital gains. The Schedule separates different category of
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
capital gains (long-term and short-term) into different baskets according to rate at which
the same is chargeable to tax:-
- The applicable rate implies the rate of tax at which the normal income of the
assessee is otherwise taxable.
The DTAA rate refers to the special rate at which the short-term capital gains or
long-term capital gains is chargeable to tax in accordance with the relevant
article of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) of India with
another country.
The figures in column 1 list out the categories of capital gains against which
capital losses of the current year can be set off. Similarly figures in row ‘i' provides for
different categories of capital losses of the current year which can be set off against
capital gains in column 1. The figures in row ‘i’ and column ‘1’ are derived from addition
of figures computed at relevant items of Schedule CG as indicated. Thus,
(A3e*+A4a*+A8a*) is addition of short-term capital gains reported at items Nos. A3e,
A4a and A8a as reduced by the amount of short-term capital gains not chargeable to
tax or chargeable to tax at DTAA rates which is included therein. Further, if (A3e* +
A4a* + A8a*) represents a negative figure it should be filled in cell ‘2i’ and if it is a
positive figure it should be filled in cell ‘1ii’. The assessee may set off the capital loss of
row ‘i’ with any category of capital gains in column ‘1’ except that the long-term capital
loss can only be adjusted with any long-term capital gains only. The amount of capital
loss set off has to be entered into in the relevant rows of columns 2 to 8. The capital
gains of current year remaining after intra-head set off is computed in column 9, which
is then taken to Schedule CYLA for computing inter-head set off of current year losses.
The remaining capital loss of current year is computed in row (x) which is taken to
Schedule CFL for reporting of losses to be carried forward to future years.
If capital gain is arising from the slump sale u/s 50B i.e. figures are reported in A2/B2
of schedule CG, please ensure that form 3CEB is filed at e-filing portal on or before
one month prior to due date of filing of return u/s 139(1)
In Schedule 112-A - please enter the scrip wise/unit wise detail of sale of equity shares
of a company, an equity-oriented fund, or a unit of a business trust on which STT is
paid under section 112A.This schedule is applicable for both residents & Non Residents
In Schedule 115AD(1)(b)(iii) proviso - please enter the scrip wise/unit wise detail of sale
of equity shares of a company, an equity-oriented fund, or a unit of a business trust on
which STT is paid under section 112A read with section 115AD(1)(b)(iii)-proviso. This
schedule is applicable for Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)
Field No. Field Name Instruction
1 S. No Please enter the serial no.
The row can be added was required
2 ISIN Code Enter the International Securities
Identification Number (ISIN code) in
the text box.
Note: In case the security or share
does not have an ISIN Code, then use
3 Name of the Share/Unit Please enter the name of share/unit in
the given box
4 No. of Shares/Units Enter the number of shares/units sold
in the given box.
5 Sale-price per Share/Unit Please enter the sale price per
share/unit in the given box.
6 Full value consideration This field will be auto populated as No
(Total Sale Value 4*5) of shares/units (4) multiply with sale
price per unit (5)
7 Cost of acquisition without The Cost of acquisition without
indexation indexation will be auto populated as
higher of Column 8 or Column 9
8 Cost of acquisition Enter the amount in the text box.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
9 If the long-term capital asset This field will be auto populated as the
was acquired before lower of Column 11 & Column 6
01.02.2018, lower of 11 & 6
10 Fair Market Value per Enter the fair Market Value per
share/unit as on 31st share/unit as on 31st January,2018 in
January,2018 the text box.
If shares/units are acquired after 31
January 2018 then please mention
11 Total Fair Market Value of This field will be auto-populated as the
capital asset as per Section value of Column 4 multiplied with
55(2) (ac)- (4*10) Column 10.
12 Expenditure wholly and Enter the amount of expenditure wholly
exclusively in connection and exclusively in connection with
with transfer transfer in the given box.
13 Total deductions (7+12) This field will be auto populated as the
sum of Column7+ Column 12
14 Long term capital Gain This field will be auto-populated as the
Balance (6–13) value at column 6- Value at Column
Item 5 of LTCG Schedule of 13.
Item 8 of LTCG Schedule
Total of each column These fields should auto populate as
sum of columns 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13
and 14
Field Name Instruction
1 Gross income chargeable to tax at Please enter the gross amount of income
normal applicable rates from other sources which are chargeable to
tax at normal applicable rates. This is an
auto-populated field representing the
aggregate of figures reported at column 1a,
1b, 1c, 1d and 1e below.
1a Dividends, Gross (not exempt u/s. Please enter the amount of gross dividend
10(34) and u/s. 10(35)) income which is chargeable to tax at normal
applicable rates.
1b Interest, Gross Please enter the gross amount of interest
income which is chargeable to tax at normal
applicable rates. Please indicate break-up of
interest income from separate sources such
as interest from savings bank account,
interest on deposits with banks, post office
or co-operative society, interest on income-
tax refund, any pass through income/loss in
the nature of interest or any other interest
1c Rental income from machinery, Please enter the gross amount of rental
plants, buildings etc., Gross income from letting of machinery, plants,
furniture or buildings belonging to assessee
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2e Pass through income in the nature The details of pass through income from
of income from other sources business trust or investment fund as per
chargeable at special rates section 115UA or 115UB are required to
be reported separately in Schedule PTI.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
If the net result of computation under the head ‘income from house property’,
‘profits and gains from business or profession’ and ‘income from other sources’ is a
loss figure, please fill up the figure of loss in the first row under the respective head.
Please note that loss from speculative business or specified business cannot be set off
against income under other heads for the current year. Similarly, loss from activity of
owning and maintaining horse races cannot be set off against income under other
heads for the current year.
The positive income computed under various heads of income for the current
year should be mentioned in column (1) in the relevant row for the respective head.
Short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains chargeable to tax at various rates
should be mentioned in separate rows as indicated in the Schedule.
The losses mentioned in row (i) can be set off against positive incomes
mentioned under other heads in column (1) in accordance with the provisions of section
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In a case where loss is computed under the head “income from house property”,
such loss can be set off against income under any other head only to the extent it does
not exceed rupees two lakh.
The amount of current year loss which is set off against the income computed
under other heads should be entered into in columns 2, 3 and 4, in the relevant rows.
In column (5), please mention the net income remaining after set off of current
year losses, under the respective heads of income, in the relevant rows.
In row (xvii), please mention the total of current year losses set off out of the
columns (2), (3) and (4).
In row (xviii), please mention the remaining loss under various heads i.e. house
property loss at column (2), business loss at column (3) and loss from other sources at
column (4).
The unabsorbed losses allowed to be carried forward out of this should be taken
to at row xiii of Schedule CFL for carry forward to future years.
The positive income remaining after set off of current year losses, as per
Schedule CYLA, under various heads of income for the current year should be
mentioned in column (1) in the relevant row for the respective head. The net positive
short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains chargeable to tax at various rates
should be mentioned in separate rows as indicated in the Schedule.
In column (2), the amount of loss brought forward from earlier years which can
be set off against various heads of income should be entered in the relevant row.
Brought forward short-term capital loss can be set off against any item of short-
term or long-term capital gains. However, brought forward long-term capital loss
can only be set off against an item of long-term capital gains.
Brought forward loss from activity of owning and maintaining horse races can
be set off only against positive income from the same activity during the current
Brought forward loss from speculation business can be set off only against
positive income from speculation business during the current year.
Brought forward loss from specified business can be set off only against positive
income from specified business during the current year.
In column (5), please mention the net positive income of current year remaining
after set off of brought forward losses under various heads of income in the relevant
rows. The head-wise total of column (5) should be captured in row (xvii) thereof which
should be the figure of Gross Total Income (GTI) of the year.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Please enter the assessment year-wise details of losses brought forward from
earlier years in the first ten rows [row (i) to row (x)] under various heads of income at
respective columns [column (4) to column (10)].
The column no 4, 8 & 9 are further divided into 3 columns “a’, “b” & “c”. In column
“a” please enter the amount of brought forward loss of earlier years, in column “b”
please enter the amount of loss distributed by investment fund as per section 115UB
(2A) & in column “c” enter sum total of loss of column a & column b
The aggregate amount of brought forward losses under various heads of income
should be mentioned in row (xi).
In row (xii), please enter the amount of brought forward losses under various
heads set off against income of current year in the respective columns. The head-wise
figures of set off of brought forward loss should be taken from column (2) of Schedule
In row (xiii), please enter the amount of remaining losses of current year under
various heads in the respective column. The head-wise figures of remaining current
year losses should be taken from the relevant cell of Schedule CYLA, Schedule BP,
Schedule CG and Schedule OS as indicated below:-.
Sr. The fields in row no. xiii “2020-21(Current year Source of Auto-population
No. losses to be carried forward)”
1 House property loss (4c) (2xviii of schedule CYLA)
2 Loss from business other than loss from 3xviii of schedule CYLA
speculative business and specified business (5)
3 Loss from speculative business (6) B43 of schedule BP, if –ve
4 Loss from specified business (7) C49 of schedule BP, if –ve
5 Short-term capital loss (8c) (2x+3x+4x+5x) of item E of
schedule CG
6 Long-term capital loss (9c) (6x+7x+8x) of item E of
schedule CG
7 Loss from owning and maintaining race horses (8e of schedule OS, if –ve)
In row (xiv), please enter the amount of aggregate loss under various heads to
be carried forward to future years in the respective column.
The losses under the head “house property”, ‘profit and gains of business or
profession (other than speculative & specified business)”, or ‘capital gains’, are allowed
to be carried forward for 8 assessment years. However, loss from the activity of owning
and maintaining race horses and speculative income can be carried forward only for 4
assessment years and there is no time limit to carry forward the losses from the
specified business under 35AD.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Income Computation Disclosure Standards (ICDS) have come into force from
financial year 2016-17 and onwards. Deviation from each ICDS as notified under
section 145(2) of the Income-tax Act that has an effect on profit is to be filled in column
(iii) of the said Schedule. If the total effect of ICDS adjustments on profit is positive, the
same should be mentioned at serial No. 11(a) and should be taken to item No. 3(a) of
Part A-OI (Other Information). If the total effect of ICDS adjustments on profit is
negative, the same should be mentioned at serial No. 11(b) and should be taken to
item No. 3(b) of Part A-OI (Other Information).
If there are more than one undertaking entitled for deduction under this section,
please enter the details of deduction for each undertaking separately as reported in
Form No. 56F being the report of audit u/s 10AA.
In case details are filled in schedule 10AA, providing details in S. No. "B" of schedule
DI is mandatory
Please note that the total amount of deduction claimed u/s 80G should also be
separately mentioned in table 1 of the Schedule VI-A.
Note: No deduction will be allowed u/s 80G in case Donation in cash exceeds ₹ 2,000/-
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
(i) Health Insurance Please enter the amount paid during the year
towards Health Insurance.
(ii) Preventive Health Please enter the amount paid during the year
Checkup towards Preventive Health Checkup.
1b Self & Family Including This field will be available if ‘Yes’ is ticked in
senior citizen S. No. 1. This is an auto-populated field
representing aggregate of the amounts
entered at fields (i), (ii) and (iii) below. The
amount eligible for deduction is subject to
maximum limit of Rs.50000 paid during the
(i) Health Insurance Please enter the amount paid during the year
towards Health Insurance.
(ii) Preventive Health Please enter the amount paid during the year
Checkup towards Preventive Health Checkup.
(iii) Medical Expenditure Please enter the amount paid during the year
(This deduction can be towards Medical Expenditure. This deduction
claimed on which health can be claimed only if no amount is paid
insurance is not claimed towards health insurance of such person.
at (i) above)
2 Whether any one of your Tick ‘Yes’ if any one of the parents is senior
parents is a senior citizen Citizen, else tick ‘No’
(i) Health Insurance Please enter the amount paid during the year
towards Health Insurance.
(ii) Preventive Health Please enter the amount paid during the year
Checkup towards Preventive Health Checkup.
(i) Health Insurance Please enter the amount paid during the year
towards Health Insurance.
(ii) Preventive Health Please enter the amount paid during the year
Checkup towards Preventive Health Checkup.
(iii) Medical Expenditure Please enter the amount paid during the year
(This deduction can be towards Medical Expenditure. This deduction
claimed on which health can be claimed only if no amount is paid
insurance is not claimed towards health insurance of such person.
at (i) above)
If there are more than one undertaking entitled for deduction under any of these
sections, please enter the details of deduction in relevant Schedule for each
undertaking separately.
Please note that the total amount of deduction claimed u/s 80IA, 80IB, 80IC, & 80IE
should also be separately mentioned in table 2 of the Schedule VI-A.
Also ensure that the above forms are filed at e-filing portal on or before one month prior
to due date of filing of return u/s 139(1), if deduction is claimed in any of the section
specified above
In this part, please provide the details of deduction claimed under various provisions
of Chapter VI-A during the year.
Table 1. Part B- Deduction in respect of certain payments
Column Section Nature of Instruction
No. deduction
Whether, you have made any Please indicate whether, you have made any
investment/ deposit/ payments investment/ deposit/ payments between
between 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020# 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020# for the purpose of
for the purpose of claiming any
claiming any deduction under Part B of Chapter
deduction under Part B of Chapter
VIA? VIA by ticking the applicable checkbox
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
1. Self or Dependent
2. Senior Citizen – Self or Dependent
1l 80EEB Deduction in Please enter the amount paid during the year by
respect of way of interest on loan taken for purchase of
purchase of electric vehicle from any financial institution during
the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2023 which is
eligible for deduction u/s 80EEB The amount
eligible for deduction is subject to maximum limit of
₹150,000 paid during the year.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
should be based on the audit report in Form No.29C, which has to be filed electronically
before the due date for furnishing the return of income u/s 139(1).
However, the amount of credit is restricted to the extent of normal tax liability exceeding
the AMT liability for the current assessment year.
Schedule SPI - Income of specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) includable
in income of the assessee as per section 64
Please note that the income of specified persons reported in this Schedule
should also be mentioned in the relevant Schedule so that the same is included in the
head-wise computation of income.
In this Schedule, please report income forming part of total income which is
chargeable to tax at special rates at column (i) and tax chargeable thereon at such
special rates at column (ii). The amount under various types of incomes has to be taken
from the amounts mentioned in the relevant Schedules i.e. Schedule CG, Schedule
OS, Schedule BP or Schedule BFLA, as indicated against each type of income
This Schedule has to be filled for each firm in which you are partner.
In column 2 of the Schedule, furnish the name of the firm and in column 3 furnish
the PAN No. of the firm in which you are a partner.
In column 6 and 7, please mention the percentage share and amount of share
in the profit of the firm as computed in accordance with the provisions of the Income-
tax Act, which is exempt from tax in hands of the partner.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In column 8, please furnish the amount of capital balance (including the capital
on which you are entitled for an interest) in the firm in which you are partner.
In this Schedule, please furnish the details of income which are claimed as exempt from
tax such as interest, dividend, agricultural income, any other exempt income, income not
chargeable to tax as per DTAA and pass through income which is not chargeable to tax.
Field Field Name Instruction
1 Interest income Please enter the amount of any interest income
which is not liable to be included in total income
or not chargeable to tax.
2 Dividend income from Please enter the amount of dividend income
domestic company received during the year from any domestic
(amount not exceeding Rs. company for an amount not exceeding Rs. 10
10 lakh) Lakhs for residents or resident but not ordinarily
resident. For Non- Residents amount can be
entered exceeding Rs. 10 Lakhs..
3i Gross Agricultural receipts In case you have income from agricultural
(other than income to be activities, please enter the amount of gross
excluded under rule 7A, 7B agricultural receipts in this column. Please note
or 8 of I.T. Rules) that the receipts in respect of which income has
to be computed as per the rule 7A (income from
manufacture of rubber), rule 7B (income from
manufacture from coffee) or rule 8 (income from
manufacture from tea) of the Income-tax Rules
should not be included in the gross agricultural
receipts here.
3ii Expenditure incurred on Please enter the claim of expenditure and
agriculture brought forward losses in these columns, in the
manner provided as per Part IV of First Schedule
of the relevant Finance Act from gross
3iii Unabsorbed agricultural
agricultural income.
loss of previous eight
assessment years
Please note that the unabsorbed agricultural loss
upto previous eight assessment years can be
3iv Agricultural income Please enter the amount of Agricultural income
portion relating to Rule 7, portion relating to Rule 7, 7A, 7B(1), 7B(1A) and
7A, 7B(1), 7B(1A) and 8 8, which is an auto-populated figure from
(from S. No. 40 of Sch. BP) schedule BP item no 40
3v Net Agricultural income for Please enter the amount of net agricultural
the year (i – ii – iii+iv) (enter income for the year, which is an auto-populated
nil if loss) figure computed as gross agricultural receipts [3i]
as increased by Agricultural income portion
related to Rule 7,7A,7B(1) ,7B(1A) & 8 [3iv] and
as reduced by expenditure [3ii] and unabsorbed
agricultural losses [3iii].
3vi In case the net agricultural In this column please fill up the following details
income for the year of agricultural land from which the agricultural
exceeds Rs.5 lakh, please income is being derived, in case your net
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
furnish the following agricultural income for the year exceeds Rs. 5
details lakh:-
(a) Name of district along with pin code in which
agricultural land is located
(b) Measurement of agricultural land in Acre
(c) Whether the agricultural land is owned or held
on lease
(d) Whether the agricultural land is irrigated or
4 Other exempt income, In this column please fill up details of any other
(including exempt income type of exempt income. Please specify nature of
of minor child) income and enter amount.
5 Income not chargeable to Please report in this column any income which is
tax as per DTAA not chargeable to tax in accordance with the
relevant article of the Double Taxation Avoidance
Agreement (DTAA) of India with another country.
Schedule PTI - Pass Through Income details from business trust or investment
fund as per section 115UA, 115UB
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In this Schedule, please report the details of pass through income/loss as per
form 64B or 64C received from business trust or investment fund as referred to in
section 115UA or 115UB.
The details of pass through income received from each business trust or
investment fund should be reported in separate rows.
Head of Income & Current Please enter the amount of current year of income
year income under the relevant head of income in column no 7:
(i) House property
(ii) Capital Gains
(iii) Other Source
(iv) Income claimed to be exempt (please
specify the section)
Share of current year loss Enter the amount of current year loss distributed by
distributed by Investment the investment fund in Column no 8.
Net Income/ Loss Please enter the aggregate amount of net
(7-8) income/loss. This is an auto-populated figure
representing the sum of figures computed as
current year income at column [7] as reduced by
Share of Current year loss distributed by
Investment fund [8]
Please enter the amount of primary adjustment on which option u/s 92CE(2A) is
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
exercised on such excess money or part thereof . The adjustment should be in respect
of amount which has not been repatriated in India as per section 92CE of the Act.
The Additional Tax & surcharge will be computed at the rate of 18% and 12%
respectively on the such excess money or part thereof.
Please note that the taxes paid under section 92CE(2A) will be treated as final payment
and no further credit shall be claimed.
Schedule FSI - Details of Income from outside India and tax relief
In this Schedule, please report the details of income, which is accruing or arising
from any source outside India. Please note that such income should also be separately
reported in the head-wise computation of total income. The relevant head of income
under which such foreign source income has been reported should also be duly
mentioned in the relevant column here.
For country code use the International Subscriber Dialing (ISD) code of the
The Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) of the assessee in the country where
tax has been paid is to be filled up. In case TIN has not been allotted in that country,
then, passport number should be mentioned.
In case any tax has been paid outside India on such foreign source income and
tax relief, as admissible, is being claimed in India, the relevant article of applicable
DTAA should also be mentioned.
Please ensure that the details of foreign tax credit and income reported in
schedule FSI should tallied with form 67 filed by you
Schedule TR - Summary of tax relief claimed for taxes paid outside India
In this Schedule, please provide a summary of tax relief which is being claimed
in India for taxes paid outside India in respect of each country. This Schedule captures
a summary of detailed information furnished in the Schedule FSI.
In column (a) and (b), please specify the relevant country code and Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN) respectively.
For country code use the International Subscriber Dialing (ISD) code of the
The Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) of the assessee in the country where
tax has been paid is to be filled up. In case TIN has not been allotted in that country,
then, passport number should be mentioned.
In column (c) mention the tax paid outside India on the income declared in
Schedule FSI which will be the total tax paid under column (c) of Schedule FSI in
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In column (d) mention the tax relief available that will be the total tax relief
available under column (e) of Schedule FSI in respect of each country.
In column (e), please specify the provision of the Income-tax Act under which tax
relief is being claimed i.e. section 90, section 90A or section 91.
Schedule FA - Details of Foreign Assets and Income from any source outside
If you are a resident in India, you are required to furnish details of any foreign
asset etc. in this Schedule. This Schedule need not be filled up if you are ‘not ordinarily
resident’ or a ‘non-resident’.
In case you are a resident in India, the details of all foreign assets or accounts
in respect of which you are a beneficial owner, a beneficiary or the legal owner, is
required to be mandatorily disclosed in the Schedule FA. For this purpose,-
In case you are both a legal owner and a beneficial owner, please mention legal
owner in the column of ownership.
In table A1, the peak balance in the account during the accounting period,
closing balance as at the end of accounting period and gross interest paid or credited
to the account during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In table A2, the peak balance in the account during the accounting period,
closing balance as at the end of accounting period and gross amount paid or credited
to the account during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting
the same into Indian currency. The nature of gross amount paid should be specified
from the drop-down list viz. interest, dividend, proceeds from sale or redemption of
financial assets or other income, and the respective amount should be mentioned.
In table A3, the initial value of investment, peak value of investment during the
accounting period, closing value of investment as at the end of accounting period, gross
interest paid, total gross amount paid or credited to the account during the accounting
period, and total gross proceeds from sale or redemption of investment during the
accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian
In table A4, the cash value or surrender value of the insurance contract or
annuity contract as at the end of accounting period and total gross amount paid or
credited with respect to the contract is required to be disclosed after converting the
same into Indian currency.
In table B, the value of total investment at cost held at any time during the
accounting period and nature and amount of income accrued therefrom during the
accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian
currency. Further, amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India, out of the
foreign source income, should also be specified at column (10). The relevant Schedule
of the ITR where income has been offered to tax should be mentioned at column (11)
and (12).
For the purposes of disclosure in table B, financial interest would include, but
would not be limited to, any of the following cases:-
(1) the resident assessee is the owner of record or holder of legal title of any
financial account, irrespective of whether he is the beneficiary or not; or
(v) any other entity in which the resident assessee owns, directly or indirectly,
any voting power or equity interest or assets or interest in profits.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
In table C, the value of total investment at cost in the immovable property held
at any time during the accounting period and nature and amount of income derived
from the property during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after
converting the same into Indian currency. Further amount of income which is
chargeable to tax in India, out of the foreign source income, should also be specified at
column (9). The relevant Schedule of the ITR where income has been offered to tax
should be mentioned at column (10) and (11).
In table D, the value of total investment at cost of any other capital asset held at
any time during the accounting period and nature and amount of income derived from
the capital asset during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after
converting the same into Indian currency. Further amount of income which is
chargeable to tax in India, out of the foreign source income, should also be specified at
column (9). The relevant Schedule of the ITR where income has been offered to tax
should be mentioned at column (10) and (11).
For the purposes of disclosure in table D, capital assets shall include any other
financial asset which is not reported in table B, but shall not include stock-in-trade and
business assets which are included in the Balance Sheet.
In table E, the value of peak balance or total investment at cost, in respect of the
accounts in which you have a signing authority, during the accounting period is required
to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. Please note that only
those foreign accounts which have not been reported in table A1 to table D above
should be reported in this table. In case the income accrued in such foreign account is
taxable in India, please specify the amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India
after converting the same into Indian currency at column (9) and the relevant Schedule
of the ITR at column (10) and (11).
In table F, the details of trusts set up under the laws of a country outside India
in which you are a trustee, beneficiary or settlor is required to be disclosed. In case any
income derived from such trust is taxable in your hands in India, please specify the
amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India at column (10) and the relevant
Schedule of the ITR at column (11) and (12).
In table G, the details of any other income, derived from any foreign source,
which is not included in the tables A1 to F above is required to be disclosed. In case
any income out of the income derived from foreign source is taxable in your hands in
India, please specify the amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India after
converting the same into Indian currency at column (7) and the relevant Schedule of
the ITR at column (8) and (9).
For the purpose of this Schedule, the accounting period means the period
(a) from 1st January, 2019 to 31st December, 2019 in respect of foreign assets
or accounts etc. held in those jurisdictions where calendar year is adopted
as basis for the purpose of closing of accounts and tax filings;
(b) from 1st April, 2019 to 31st March, 2020 in respect of foreign assets or
accounts etc. held in those jurisdictions where financial year is adopted as
basis for the purpose of closing of accounts and tax filings; or
(c) that period of 12 months, which ends on any day succeeding 1st April, 2019,
in respect of foreign assets or accounts held in those jurisdictions where any
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
For the purpose of this Schedule, the rate of exchange for conversion of the
peak balance or value of investment or the amount of foreign sourced income in Indian
currency shall be the “telegraphic transfer buying rate” of the foreign currency as on the
date of peak balance in the account or on the date of investment or the closing date of
the accounting period.
For the purposes of this Schedule, "telegraphic transfer buying rate", in relation
to a foreign currency, means the rate or rates of exchange adopted by the State Bank
of India constituted under the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955), for buying
such currency, having regard to the guidelines specified from time to time by the
Reserve Bank of India for buying such currency, where such currency is made available
to that bank through a telegraphic transfer.
If you have held foreign assets during the previous year which have been duly
reported in the Schedule FA. Even then you are required to report such foreign asset
again in the Schedule AL (if applicable)
In case you are governed by the system of community of property under the
Portuguese Civil Code 1860, please furnish the information necessary for
apportionment of income between husband and wife in this Schedule.
In columns (ii) and (iv), please provide head-wise break-up of amount of income
received and TDS deducted on such income.
In columns (iii) and (iv), please specify the head-wise break-up of amount of
income, and TDS thereon, to be apportioned in the hands of spouse.
Please provide name and PAN/Aadhaar No. of spouse in whose hands income
has to be apportioned. The income so apportioned should be reflected in the return of
income of the spouse.
In case your total income exceeds Rs. 50 lakh, it is mandatory to disclose the
details of movable and immovable assets etc. in this Schedule along with liabilities
incurred in relation to such assets.
Please note that the assets and liabilities disclosed in the balance sheet of the
proprietory business in part A- BS is not required to be reported again in this Schedule.
If you are a non-resident or ‘resident but not ordinarily resident’, only the details
of assets located in India are to be mentioned.
(a) ornaments made of gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal or
any alloy containing one or more of such precious metals, whether or
not containing any precious or semi-precious stone, and whether or not
worked or sewn into any wearing apparel;
(b) precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not set in any furniture,
utensil or other article or worked or sewn into any wearing apparel.
For the purposes of this Schedule, the amount in respect of assets to be reported
will be:-
(a) the cost price of such asset to the assessee; or
(b) where wealth-tax return was filed by the assessee and the asset was
forming part of the wealth-tax return, the value of such asset as per the
latest wealth-tax return in which it was disclosed as increased by the cost
of improvement incurred after such date, if any.
In case the asset became the property of the assessee under a gift, will or any
mode specified in section 49(1) and not covered by (v) above:-
(a) the cost of such asset to be reported will be the cost for which the previous
owner of the asset acquired it, as increased by the cost of any
improvement of the asset incurred by the previous owner or the assessee,
as the case may be; or.
(b) in case where the cost at which the asset was acquired by the previous
owner is not ascertainable and no wealth-tax return was filed in respect
of such asset, the value may be estimated at the circle rate or bullion rate,
as the case may be, on the date of acquisition by the assessee as
increased by cost of improvement, if any, or 31st day of March, 2019:
# - Time-limit relaxed to
31.07.2020 as per The
Taxation and Other Laws
(Relaxation and Amendment
of Certain Provisions) Act,
^ - Time-limit relaxed to
31.03.2021 as per The
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
* - Time-limit relaxed to
30.09.2020 as per The
Taxation and Other Laws
(Relaxation and Amendment
of Certain Provisions) Act,
In this Schedule, please provide the details of all GSTIN No. registered and
respective amounts of annual value of outward supplies reported against each GSTIN
No., in column (2) and (3) respectively, based on the figures reported in monthly GST
Total income for the previous year is required to be computed head-wise as per
scheme of the Income-tax Act. Income from all sources should be classified under
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
any one of the heads of income – ‘Salary’, ‘Income from house property’, ‘Capital
gains’ and ‘Income from other sources’. Income under each head should be computed
separately as per the respective Schedules given in the ITR. Loss from any source
should first be set off against income from any other source, under the same head of
income, for the current year (intra-head set-off). Thereafter, remaining loss under
various heads of income can be set off against income computed under other heads,
for the current year as provided for in the Schedule CYLA (inter-head set-off). Losses
brought forward from earlier years under certain heads can also be set off from
remaining income for the current year under other heads, as provided for in the
Schedule BFLA. The remaining income under various heads for the current year, after
set off of current year and brought forward losses, should be aggregated to arrive at
the figure of gross total income. The deductions claimed under Chapter VI-A etc.
should be reduced therefrom to compute total income for the previous year which is
chargeable to tax.
Field No. Field Name Instruction
1 Salaries Please enter net income chargeable under
the head ‘salaries’ as computed at item
No. 6 of Schedule S.
2 Income from house Please enter net income chargeable under
property the head ‘income from house property’ as
computed at item No. 4 of Schedule HP.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
This return can be prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) also in accordance
with the Tax Return Preparer Scheme. If the return has been prepared by TRP, the
relevant details have to be filled by him and the return has to be countersigned by him
in the space provided in the said item.
Please enter the relevant details of payment of advance tax or self-assessment tax.
Field Name Instruction
2 BSR Code Please enter the seven digit BSR code of
Bank at which tax was deposited.
3 Date of Deposit Please enter date on which tax was
deposited in DD/MM/YYYY format.
4 Serial Number of Challan Please enter the Serial Number of Challan.
5 Amount Please enter the tax amount deposited.
Please enter the relevant details of taxes deducted at source from salary as appearing
in Form 16 issued by the employer
Field Name Instruction
2 TAN of the Employer Please enter the Tax Deduction Account
Number (TAN) of the Employer.
3 Name of the Employer Please enter the name of the Employer.
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Please enter the relevant details of taxes deducted at source on income other than
salary as appearing in Form 16A or Form 16B or Form 16C issued by the tax deductor
Field Name Instruction
2 TDS credit relating to self Please specify in this column whether the
/other person [Spouse as TDS for which credit is being claimed was
per section 5A/Other deducted in the hands of self or in the hands
person as per Rule of other person. Please choose applicable
37BA(2)] option from the drop down list.
a. Self
b. Other Person
3 PAN or Aadhaar No. of In case TDS credit relates to other person [as
other person (If TDS credit specified in column (2)], please enter
related to other person) PAN/Aadhaar No. of the other person.
4 TAN of the Deductor/PAN Please enter the TAN of the Deductor. In
of Tenant/Aadhaar No. of case tax has been deducted at source by the
Buyer tenant or buyer of immovable property,
please provide the PAN/Aadhaar No. of the
tenant or the buyer.
5&6 Unclaimed TDS brought Please enter details of TDS brought forward
forward (b/f) for which no credit has been claimed in
earlier years.
Enter the financial year in which TDS was
deducted and amount of TDS in column 5
and column 6 respectively.
Note: Details of unclaimed TDS brought
forward (col 5 & 6) , TDS deducted in own
hands (col. 7) , TDS deducted in the hands of
spouse as per section 5A or any other person
as per rule 37BA(2) (if applicable) (col 8)
should be reported in different rows
7&8 TDS of the current Please enter the amount of total tax deducted
financial year (TDS deducted at source for the current financial year.
during FY 2019-20
Please provide break-up of TDS deducted in
this year in own hands and in hands of
spouse as per section 5A or any other person
as per rule 37BA(2).
9 & 10 TDS credit being claimed Please enter the amount of TDS deducted for
this year (only if which credit is being claimed in this year.
corresponding income is Please ensure that the corresponding
being offered for tax this income has also been offered in this year in
year) the relevant head.
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13 TDS credit being carried Please enter the amount of remaining TDS
forward credit which is being carried forward to
subsequent years.
Please enter the relevant details of taxes collected at source during the year as
appearing in Form 27D issued by the collector.
Field Name Instruction
2 Tax deduction and Tax Please enter the TAN of the Collector.
Collection Account
Number of the Collector
3 Name of the Collector Please enter the name of the Collector.
4&5 Unclaimed TCS brought Please enter details of TCS brought forward
forward (b/f) for which no credit has been claimed in
earlier years.
Enter the financial year in which TCS was
collected and amount of TCS in column 4
and column 5 respectively.
Note: Details of unclaimed TCS brought
forward (col 4 & 5) and TCS of the current
financial year (col. 6) should be reported in
different rows
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In verification part, please enter the name, father’s name and PAN of the person
who is filing the return.
In case of HUF, return of income can be verified by the Karta of HUF. In case
Karta is absent from India, or is mentally incapacitated, the return can be verified by
any other adult member of the family.
Before signing the verification, please ensure that the information given in the
return and the schedules and the amount of total income, deductions, claims and other
particulars shown are true and correct and are in accordance with the provisions of the
Income-tax Act, 1961 and the Income Tax Rules, 1962. Please note that making a false
statement in the return or in the accompanying schedules is liable for prosecution under
section 277 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
o 10% of income tax where total income exceeds ₹50,00,000 but up to
o 15% of income tax where total income exceeds ₹1,00,00,000 but up to
o 25% of income tax where total income exceeds ₹2,00,00,000 but up to
o 37% of income tax where total income exceeds ₹5,00,00,000
The Tax liability computed as per the above table should be further increased by
the applicable surcharge and health & education cess @ 4%.
Note: The Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 has been amended to withdraw the enhanced
surcharge, i.e., 25% or 37%, as the case may be, from income chargeable to tax under
section 111A, 112A and 115AD(1)(b) (only in case of individual). Hence, the maximum
rate of surcharge on tax payable on such incomes shall be 15%. However, where other
income of a person does not exceed Rs. 2 crores but after including the incomes as
referred to in above sections, the total income exceeds Rs. 2 crores then irrespective
of the amount of other income, surcharge shall be levied at the rate of 15% on the
amount of tax payable on both normal income as well as income referred to in above
Please Note: The withdrawal of enhanced surcharge on the income of the nature
referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 115AD of the Income-tax Act shall
not be available to HUF
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Renting of other machinery n.e.c. 08009
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Important points to remember while filing return of income in ITR utility (online
or offline)
Validation Rules:
The validation process at e-Filing/CPC end is to be carried out for ITRs based on the
category of defect. Category A defect are the defects, wherein return will not be allowed
to be uploaded and error message will be displayed to the tax payer.
1 Amount of deduction claimed u/s If the value at field (2o) of Part C- Deduction in
80-IA in schedule VIA is higher respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
than the total amount at schedule higher than the amount at S. No. (e) of
80IA schedule 80IA
2 Deduction u/s 80-IA claimed in If the value at field (2o) of Part C- Deduction in
"Schedule VI-A" but "Schedule respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
80-IA" is not filled! more than ZERO then Schedule 80IA must be
3 In "Schedule 80-IA" Total If value at field e is not equal to the sum of S.
deductions under section 80-IA No. (a+b+c+d)
should be equal to the value
entered in (a + b + c + d )
4 Deduction claimed u/s 80-IB in If the value at field (q) of Part C- Deduction in
"Schedule VI-A" is higher than respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
the amount in "Schedule 80-IB" higher than the amount in S. No. (m) of
Schedule 80-IB
5 Deduction u/s 80-IB cannot be If the value at field (q)of Part C- Deduction in
claimed in schedule VI-A unless respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
schedule 80-IB is filled more than ZERO then Schedule 80-IB must
be filled.
6 In "Schedule 80-IB" Total If value at field m is not equal to the sum of S.
deduction under section 80-IB No. a to l
should be equal to the value
entered in (Total of a to l)
7 Deduction u/s 80-IC/IE claimed in If the value at field (s) of Part C- Deduction in
"Schedule VI-A" is higher than respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
the amount in S. No. (e) of higher than the amount in S. No. (e) of
"Schedule 80-IC/IE" Schedule 80-IC/IE must be filled.
8 Deduction u/s 80-IC/IE cannot be If the value at field (s) of Part C- Deduction in
claimed in schedule VI-A unless respect of certain incomes of Schedule VI-A is
"Schedule 80-IC/IE" is filled more than ZERO than Schedule 80-IC/IE must
be filled.
9 In "Schedule 80-IC or IE" Total If value at field e is not equal to the sum of S.
deduction under section 80-IC or No. a+b+c+dh
80 IE should be equal to the sum
of (a+b+c+dh))
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10 In"Schedule 80-IC or IE" d(h) : if value at field dh is not equal to the sum of S.
Total of deduction for No. (da+db+dc+dd+de+df+dg)
undertakings located in North-
east should be equal to the sum
of (Total of d(a) to d(g))
11 In "Schedule IF" the Total of col Total of Amount of share
"Amount of share in the profit" in the profit is not equal to sum of all entries
should be equal to sum of value
entered in individual columns.
12 If assessee is Resident then In "Schedule EI" if value at field Dividend
Dividend Income u/s 10(34) income from domestic company is more than
shown as exempt cannot be Rs.10,00,000 and residential status is resident
more than Rs.10,00,000. or not ordinarily resident
13 In Schedule EI S. No. 6 Pass If in Schedule EI S. No. 6 is not equal to the
through income not chargeable to sum of amount of net income/loss col. of S.
tax should be equal to the No. 1(iv)(a+b+c) of Sch PTI against all the
amount of exempt income Names of business trust / investment fund
mentioned in Schedule PTI
14 In Schedule EI S. No. 7 should Schedule EI S. No. 7 is not equal to sum of S.
be equal to sum of S. No. No. 1+2+3(v)+4+5+6
15 In Schedule EI S. No. 3v should Schedule EI S. No. 3v is not equal to S. No.
be equal to sum of S. No. i-ii-iii+iv i-ii-ii+iv
18 Tax payable under section 115JC S. No. 4 is not equal to 18.5% of S. No. 3
is not equal to 18.5% of S. No. 3 and IFSC flag is 'N'
for assessees not falling within Note: This rule is applicable if S. No. 3 is
the IFSC area. greater than 20 lacs and field 2d is more than
Zero. Round-off -+5.
19 Tax Payable on deemed total The value in pt. 1a -Tax payable on deemed
Income u/s 115JC in Part B TTI is total income under section 115JC of part BTTI
not equal to the tax ascertained is not equal to 4 of Sch AMT
at Schedule AMT
20 In Schedule AMT, S. No. 1 is not In Schedule AMT, S. No. 1 is not equal to S.
equal to S. No. 14 of Part BTI No. 14 of Part BTI
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49 Sum of income u/s 112 proviso Total of income u/s 112 proviso (LTCG on
(LTCG on listed securities/ units listed securities/ units without indexation),
without indexation), 112(1)(c)(iii) 112(1)(c)(iii) (LTCG for non-resident on
(LTCG for non-resident on unlisted securities),115AC (LTCG for non-
unlisted securities), 115AC resident on bonds/GDR), 115ACA (LTCG for
(LTCG for non-resident on an employee of specified company on GDR),
bonds/GDR), 115AD (LTCG for 115AD (LTCG for FII on securities), 115E
FII on securities), 112A or section (LTCG for non-resident Indian on specified
115AD(1)(iii)-Proviso (LTCG on asset), 112A or section 115AD(1)(iii)-Proviso
sale of shares or units on which (LTCG on sale of shares or units on which
STT is paid), Pass Through STT is paid), Pass Through Income in the
Income in the nature of Long nature of Long Term Capital Gain chargeable
Term Capital Gain chargeable @ @ 10%-u/s 112A, Pass Through Income in the
10%-u/s 112A, Pass Through nature of Long Term Capital Gain chargeable
Income in the nature of Long @ 10% - u/s other than 112A is not equal to S.
Term Capital Gain chargeable @ No. 5x of schedule BFLA
10% - u/s other than 112A in
schedule SI is not equal to
corresponding income as per
schedule BFLA
50 Total of Income (i) of schedule SI Total of all special incomes at (i) should match
should match with sum of with total income in schedule SI
individual line items
51 Total of all tax on special Total of all tax on special incomes at (ii)
incomes at "Tax Thereon" (ii) should match with total tax in schedule SI
should be consistent with total tax
in schedule SI
52 Kindly restrict the total deduction Assessee has selected status as "Individual"
claimed u/s 80C, 80CCC & or "HUF" in schedule Part A General
80CCD (1) to Rs. 1,50,000 information
sum of field 80C -(a) + 80CCC (b) +
80CCD(1)(c) in schedule VIA is more than
53 For any of the employer category In schedule Income details value mentioned at
as 'Pensioners', Deduction u/s field (c) of schedule VIA is more than 20% of
80CCD(1) should not be more value mentioned in the field sr. no 10 of part
than 20% of Gross total Income. BTI
any of the "Nature of Employment " is
"Pensioners" in schedule S.
Round-off +2.
54 Assessee not being an individual If Status is other than "individual" and value at
cannot claim deduction u/s field 80CCD(1)-Field (c) of schedule VIA is
80CCD(1) more than "Zero"
55 Since your status is other than If Status is other than "individual" and value at
individual, you cannot claim field 80ccd(1b) - Field (d) of schedule VIA is
deduction u/s 80CCD(1B) more than "Zero"
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56 Deduction u/s 80CCD(2) should Value mentioned in the field Sr. no (e) of
not be more than 10% of salary schedule VIA is more than zero and Nature of
and cannot be claimed if Employer is any of following:
employer is Central Government State Government
Public Sector Undertaking
Others. And In schedule Part A general value
mentioned at field S. No. (e) of schedule VIA
is more than 10% of value mentioned in the
field Basic+DA of dropdowns of (ia) of
schedule S. Round-off +2.
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deduction claimed is/are not Note : Restrict to GTI if GTI is positive. If GTI
consistent with the amount is negative, then restrict to zero.
claimed in Total Deduction under
Part CA and D.
99 In Schedule PTI Col. 9 is not In schedule PTI Col. 9 is not equal to ouput of
equal to output of Col 7-8 Col. 7-8
100 In Schedule PTI, S. No. iia Short In schedule PTI, S. No. iia Short Term should
Term is not equal to sum of ai+aii be equal to sum of ai+aii
101 In Schedule PTI, S. No. iia Long In schedule PTI, S. No. iib Long Term should
Term is not equal to sum of bi+bii be equal to sum of bi+bii
102 In Schedule PTI, S. No. iii Other In schedule PTI, S. No. iii Other Sources
Sources is not equal to sum of should be equal to sum of a+b
103 In Schedule PTI, S. No. iv In schedule PTI, S. No. iv Income claimed to
Income claimed to be exempt is be exempt should be equal to sum of a+b+c
not equal to sum of a+b+c
104 In schedule FSI, tax relief In schedule FSI, column e is not lower of
available is not lower of tax paid column c or column d
outside India or Tax payable on
such income under normal
provisions in India
105 Schedule FSI is not applicable if In Part A General, residential status is Non
residential status is non resident Resident and details are filled in Schedule FSI
106 In Schedule FSI, Total should be In Schedule FSI, Total should be equal to sum
equal to sum of S. No. of S. No. (i+ii+iii+iv+v) for b,c,d,e column.
(i+ii+iii+iv+v) for b,c,d,e column.
107 In schedule TR field 2 "Total Tax In Schedule TR, S. No. 2 is not equal to sum
relief available in respect of of col no 1d if col no e is 90/90A
country where DTAA is
applicable (section 90/90A) (Part
of total of 1(d))" should match
with the sum of items in 1(d),
wherever the corresponding 1(e )
field is selected as Section
108 In schedule TR, Total Tax relief In Schedule TR, S. No. 3 is not equal to sum
available in respect of country of col no 1d if col no e is 91
where DTAA is not applicable
should be equal to total of column
d wherever section 91 is selected
in column e
109 In schedule TR, S. No. 2+3 In schedule TR, S. No. 2+3 is not equal to
should be equal to total of column total of column 1d
110 Schedule TR is not applicable if In Part A General, residential status is Non
residential status is non resident Resident and details are filled in Schedule TR
111 In Schedule TR, Col c Total taxes In Schedule TR, Col c Total taxes paid outside
paid outside India is not equal to India should be equal to total of Col. c of
total of Col. C of Schedule FSI in Schedule FSI in respect of each country
respect of each country
112 In schudule TR field "Total tax In Schedule TR, Col e d Total tax relief
relief available(total of (e) of available should be equal to total of Col. e of
Schedule FSI in respect of each Schedule FSI in respect of each country
country" should match with total
of column "Tax relief available in
India(e)= (c) or (d) whichever is
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113 Total Income is greater than when Total Income (Pt No. 14 in Part B TI) is
50,00,000 but Schedule AL is not greater than 50,00,000 and any/all ( Amount
filled (cost related fields )of the fields in Schedule
There may be a case where the assessee who
fills all zero's in Schedule AL will be allowed to
upload in the existing validation. Since there
may be a case where all the assets & liabilities
have been covered in Part A-BS, and the
assessee may not have any value to disclose
in Schedule AL.
In such a case, he may fill all zero's in Sch AL.
114 If "GSTIN No." is filled then If "GSTIN No." is filled and "Annual Value of
"Annual Value of Outward Outward Supplies as per the GST Return
Supplies as per the GST Return Filed" is blank. Note
Filed" is to be mandatorily filled. (Previous year) : if filled with "0", then rule
should pass.
115 If "Annual Value of Outward If "Annual Value of Outward Supplies as per
Supplies as per the GST Return the GST Return Filed" is filled and "GSTIN
Filed" is filled then "GSTIN No." is No." is not filled.
to be mandatorily filled.
116 In Schedule TCS, “The Amount If in "Schedule TCS" S. No. 7 is more than
of TCS claimed this year” cannot TOTAL OF S. No. 5 & 6
be more than “Tax collected”.
117 In Schedule IT total of col 5 Tax Total is not equal to sum of individual values
Paid/Amount should be equal to mentioned in column 5
sum of individual values
118 In Schedule TCS, Total TCS In schedule TCS -Total of column TCS
claimed should be equal to sum claimed is not equal to Sum of individual
of individual values values of column
119 In Schedule TDS (Other than If in Schedule TDS 2 (Other than salary) S.
salary), “The Amount of TDS No. "9" is more than S. No. "7" + S. No. "6"+
claimed this year” TDS of 8.
is more than “Tax deducted”.
120 In Schedule TDS Details of Tax If in Schedule TDS as per Form 26QC S. No.
Deducted at Source [As per "9" is more than (S. No. "7" + S. No. "6"+
Form 26QC furnished by the TDS of 8.)
Deductor(s)], TDS credit claimed
is more than tax deducted.
121 In Schedule TDS (Other than In Schedule TDS (Other than salary), TDS (As
salary), TDS (As per Form per Form 26QC)/TCS, TDS b/f is greater than
26QC)/TCS, is claimed but year zero, then "Financial Year in which deducted"
of tax deduction is not selected. cannot be Zero or null
122 In Schedule TDS from salary total In schedule TDS from salary, Total Tax
of col 'Total Tax deducted" Deducted is not equal to sum of values
should be equal to sum of mentioned
individual values
123 In Schedule TDS other than In schedule TDS other than salary -Total TDS
salary total of 'TDS Credit credit claimed this year is not equal to sum of
individual values mentioned
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134 Assessee is "HUF" and amount Assessee is "HUF" and amount in schedule of
in details of salary is more than salary is more than zero
135 In Schedule TDS Other than In Schedule TDS Other than Salary and TDS
Salary and TDS as per Form as per Form 16C, If TDS in Col 8/ Col 10 is
16C, TDS credit relating to other more than 0 and Col 3 is 0 or Null
person is selected but the PAN of
other person is not provided
136 In Schedule TDS Other than If in Schedule TDS Other than Salary and TDS
Salary and TDS as per Form as per Form 16C, TDS in Col. No.8 and / or 10
16C, if TDS credit relating to of Schedule TDS (2)/(3) is more than zero and
other person is selected then value at field Col. No. 4 is null.
TAN of the Deductor/ PAN of
Tenant/ Buyer should be filled
137 In Schedule TDS from salary, In Schedule TDS from salary, “Total tax
“Total tax deducted" cannot be deducted" cannot be more than " Income
more than " Income chargeable chargeable under the head Salary".
under the head Salary".
138 In Schedule TDS Other than In Col No.9 "Claimed in own hands" amount
Salary and TDS as per Form entered is more than sum of amount filled in
16C, In Col No.9 "Claimed in own 6 "TDS b/f" and Col no. 7 "TDS
hands" amount entered is more Deducted".
than sum of amount filled in 6 "TDS b/f" and Col no. 7
"TDS Deducted".
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139 Tax computed but Gross Total In Schedule “Salaries” SUM of row nos. (1a ,
Income is Zero 1b , 1c) of all employers is EQUAL TO ZERO
or Null
In Schedule “House Property (HP)” SUM of(
row no. 1(a) + Arrears/unrealized rent i S.
No. 1(j) of properties) + S. No. 2 is EQUAL
TO ZERO or Null
Schedule CG- SUM of row no. Total of all S.
No. A(1)(a)(i)} , A(2)(a),A(3)(a), A(4)(a) (only if
positive),A(4)(b)(only if
positive),A(5)(ai),A(5)(aii),A(6)(i)A(6)(ii), A8,
{Total of all S. No. B(1)(a)(i)},
B(2)(a),B(3)(i)(a),B(3)(a), B(4)(i)(a), B(4)(ii),
B7(i)a(ia), B7(i)a(aii), B7(ii)(a)(ia),
B7(ii)(aii),B7(iii)(a)(ia), B7(iii)(aii), ,B9a,B9d,
B10a(ia), B10(aii),
Schedule 112A-Col. No 6 +Schedule 115AD
col no. 6 is equal to zero or null
In Schedule “Other Source” SUM of row no.
1(a),1(b),1(c),1(d),1(e),2(a),2(c),2(d) ,2(e) and
8(a) is EQUAL TO ZERO or Null
In Schedule “Exempt income” SUM of row no.
1,2,3(i),4 and 6 is EQUAL TO ZERO or Null
S. No. 4D of schedule "Trading Account" + S.
No. 14(xii) of schedule Profit and Loss + 61 (i)
+ 62(i)+ 63(ii)+ 64(i)(a)+64(ii)(a) +65(i) of Part
A P&L-(Sum of 3a+3b+3c+3d+5d of
schedule BP) is EQUAL TO ZERO or Null
In "Part B TTI" schedule, all fields from "Tax
Payable on Deemed Total Income u/s 115JC"
to "Gross Tax Liability" ( Field reference 1 to
7) is ZERO or NULL
In "Part B TTI" schedule, ANY of the fields
from "Advance tax paid" to
"Total Taxes Paid" is greater than ZERO (
Field reference 10a, 10b, 10c, 10e)
Note : The field reference 10d "Self-
Assessment Tax" is excluded from above rule
[Because individual having beneficiary interest
outside India have to mandatorily file return
before due date even if taxable income is <
Basic exemption limit and 234F is levied if filed
after due date.]
140 The amount at "Total Profits and In schedule -Part B TI the value in pt. 3v -
Gains from Business or "Total (3i + 3ii + 3iii+3iv)" IS NOT EQUAL TO
Profession" is different from sum total of pt. (3i + 3ii + 3iii+3iv)
of "Individual profits and Gains
from Business and Profession"
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141 The amount at "Total Short term In schedule -Part B TI the value in pt. 4av -
Capital Gains" is not equal to the "Total Short term " IS NOT EQUAL TO total of
sum of "Individual Short Term pt. (4ai+4aii+4aiii+4aiv)
Capital Gain amounts"
142 The amount at "Total Long term In schedule -Part BTI the value in pt. 4biv -
Capital Gains" is not equal to the "Total Long term " in Part B TI IS NOT EQUAL
sum of "Individual Long Term TO total of pt. (4bi+4bii+4biii)
Capital Gain amounts".
143 The amount at "Total Capital In schedule -Part B TI the value in pt. 4c -
Gains" is not equal to the sum of "Total Capital gains" IS NOT EQUAL TO total
"Short Term and Long Term of pt. (4av + 4biv)
Capital Gains".
144 Total Income from other sources In schedule -Part B TI the value in pt. 5d -
at Schedule BTI is not equal to "Total (5a + 5b + 5c)" IS NOT EQUAL TO total
the sum of "Individual incomes of pt.(5a + 5b + 5c)
from Other Sources head"
145 In schedule -Part B TI the value In schedule -Part B TI the value in pt. 6 IS
in pt. 6 is not equal to total of NOT EQUAL TO total of pt.(1 + 2 + 3v + 4c+
pt.(1 + 2 + 3v + 4c+ 5d) 5d)
146 Tax Payments claimed in "Part B- If Total of pt. 10a (Advance Tax ) & 10d (Self-
TTI" are not equal to the claims Assessment Tax ) i.e. pt10a+pt10d is NOT
made in TDS/TCS/Tax EQUAL TO the amount total field (5) in "pt.
Payments. 17A-Details of payments of Advance Tax and
Self-Assessment Tax in "Schedule IT "
Page 99 of 152
Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
149 Income claimed under Profit and In Part B TI ,the value in Pt 3(i) -"Profits and
gains from business other than Gains of Business & Profession" is greater
speculative business and than zero
specified business in Part B TI, AND
but Sch BP is not filled this value is NOT EQUAL TO "A38 Net Profit
or Loss from Business or Profession" field of
Schedule BP.
150 Income claimed in Short term In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4ai -"Short term
chargeable @15% in Part B-TI chargeable @15% >0
,but Table E in Sch CG not filled AND
this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in "Field
9ii of item E of Sch CG
151 Income claimed in Short term In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4aii -"Short term
chargeable @30% in Part B- chargeable @30% >0
TI,but Table E in Sch CG not AND
filled this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in "Field
9iii of item E of Sch CG
152 In Part B-TI - Income claimed in In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4aiii -"Short term
STCG chargeable at applicable chargeable @applicable rate > 0
rate, but "Table E in Schedule AND
CG" is not filled this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in "Field
9iv of item E of Sch CG"
153 Income claimed in STCG In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4aiv -"Short term
chargeable at special rate in India chargeable as per DTAA @special rate > 0
as per DTAA, but "Table E in AND
Schedule CG" is not filled this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in "Field
9v of item E of Sch CG"
154 In Part B-TI Income claimed in In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4bi -"Long term
LTCG chargeable @10%, but chargeable @10% >0
"Table E in Schedule CG" is not AND
filled this value in is NOT EQUAL TO value in
"Field 9vi of item E of Sch CG"
155 In Part B-TI Income claimed in In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4bii -"Long term
LTCG chargeable @20%, but chargeable @20% >0
"Table E in Schedule CG" is not AND
filled this value in is NOT EQUAL TO value in
"Field 9vii of item E of Sch CG"
156 In Part B-TI, income claimed in In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 4biii -"Long term
LTCG chargeable as per DTAA chargeable as per DTAA@special rate >0
at special rate,but Table E in Sch AND
CG not filled this value in is NOT EQUAL TO value in
"Field 9viii of item E of Sch CG"
157 Income from sources other than In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 5a -"Income from
from owning Race Horses & Other Sources" >0
Income chargeable at special AND
rate is claimed at Sch-Part B TI, this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in field "pt.
but Sch-OS is not filled 6" field of Schedule OS
158 Income chargeable to tax at In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 5b -"Income from
special rate is claimed at Other Sources" >0
Schedule Part B TI, but AND
"Schedule OS" is not filled this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in field
"pt.2 " field of Schedule OS
159 Income from the activity of In Part B TI , the value in Pt. 5c -"Income from
owning and maintaining race Other Sources" >0
horses is claimed at Schedule AND
Part B TI, but "Schedule OS" is this value is NOT EQUAL TO value in field
not filled "pt. 8e" field of Schedule OS
160 In Part B-TI Losses of current The value in pt. 7 (Losses of current year set
year set off against income from off against 6 of Part B TI is not equal to total of
all the heads is not equal to the "2xvii", "3xvii " and "4xvii” of Schedule CYLA
"Total losses set off" at Schedule
161 In Part B-TI , Brought forward The value in Pt. 9- Brought forward losses set
losses set off against Balance off against 8 (total of 2xvi, 3xvi and 4xvi of
Income is not equal to "Total of Schedule BFLA) of Part B TI is not equal to
brought forward losses set off" at value total value in field 2xvi, 3xvi and 4xvi of
Schedule BFLA. Schedule BFLA
162 In Part B-TI, Gross Total Income In part B ,TI ,the value of GTI(pt10) is not
is not equal to sum of the equal to pt. 8( Balance after set off current
Incomes individually offered year losses )- pt. 9(Brought forward losses set
off against 8 )
163 Deduction u/s 10AA is claimed in n Part B TI, value in Pt.13 - "Deduction u/s
Part B TI and Schedule 10AA is 10AA" is not equal to S. No. C of Schedule
not filled 10AA or 5(iii) of BFLA whichever is lower.
164 Losses of current year to be The value in pt. 18 Losses of current year to
carried forward at "Part B TI" is be carried forward ) of Part B TI is not equal to
not equal to the "Total of Current total of xiv of Schedule CFL.
year losses" of Schedule CFL.
165 In Part B-TI, Total Income is not In Part B TI, the value in field 14(Total
equal to the "Total of (GTI minus Income) should be value of pt. 6 -7-9-12c-13
Chapter VI-A deductions) after "ROUNDING OFF as per Sec 288 DONE In
considering rounding-off" Total Income field"
166 Tax Payable on deemed total The value in pt. 1a -Tax payable on deemed
Income u/s 115JC in Part B TTI is total income under section 115JC of part BTTI
not equal to the tax ascertained is not equal to 4 of Sch AMT
at Schedule AMT
167 In Part B-TTI, Total Tax Payable In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 1d is not equal
on Deemed Total Income u/s to the total of (1a + 1b + 1c)
115JC is not equal to the sum of
(Tax Payable on Deemed Income
plus Surcharge plus Cess).
168 In Part B-TTI, Tax Payable on In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 2d is not equal
Total Income is not equal to the to the total of (2a + 2b -2c)
sum of (Normal Tax plus Special
Tax minus Rebate on Agricultural
169 In Part B-TTI, The amount at In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 2f is not equal to
"Tax payable" is not equal to the value (2d -2e)
amount of [Tax Payable on Total
Income minus Rebate u/s 87A]
170 In Part B-TTI, The amount at In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 2i is not equal to
"Gross tax liability" is not equal to total of (2f + 2giv +2h)
the sum of (Tax Payable,
Surcharge & Education Cess)
171 AMT Credit u/s 115JD claimed in In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 4-Credit under
Part B TTI is not equal to the section 115JD of tax paid in earlier years is
amount of Credit at Schedule NOT EQUAL TO
AMTC. the value in pt. 5 in Sch AMTC
172 Relief claimed under section In Part B TTI, the value in field pt. 6b is not
90/90A in Part B TTI is not equal equal to value in pt. 2 of Schedule TR
to "Amount entered in Schedule
173 Relief claimed under section 91 In Part B TTI, the value in field pt. 6c is not
in Part B TTI is not equal to equal to value in pt. 3 of Schedule TR
"Amount entered in Schedule TR"
174 "Total Tax Relief" is different with In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 6d is not equal to
the sum of (Relief u/s 89, Relief total of (6a + 6b +6c)
u/s 90/90A and Relief u/s 91).
175 In Part B TTI, Total Interest & fee In Part B TTI , the value in pt. 8e is not equal
Payable is not equal to the sum to total of (8a + 8b + 8c+8d) .
of "Interest & fee u/s 234A +
234B + 234C+234F"
176 In Part B TTI, Aggregate liability In Part B TTI, the value in pt. 9 is not equal to
is not equal to the sum of "Net the total of (7 + 8e)
tax liability plus Total Interest &
fee Payable"
177 In Part B TTI, Total Taxes Paid is In Part B TTI, the value in point 10e is not
not equal to the sum of "Advance equal to (10a+10b+10c+10d).
Tax, TDS, TCS & Self-
Assessment Tax"
178 IFSC under "Bank Details" is not IFSC provided under "BANK ACCOUNT" at S.
matching with the RBI database No. 13 of Part B-TTI is not matching with the
& IFSC entered is not matching RBI database.
with the RBI database for Other &
Bank account details IFSC provided under "BANK ACCOUNT" at S.
No. 13 of Part B-TTI is not matching with the
RBI database.
179 Income claimed u/s 115BBF in Income claimed at S. No. 3(iv) in Part B TI is
Part B TI is not matching with the not equal to the sum of S. No. 3e & 3f
same income disclosed in Schedule BP.
Schedule BP.
180 In Schedule Part B - TTI: S. No. Residential Status selected as "Non Resident"
2e: Rebate u/s. 87A is only but
allowed to Resident or Resident S. No. 2(e ): 87A in Part B - TTI is greater
but not ordinary resident and than ZERO.
cannot be claimed by non-
181 In Schedule Part B - TTI: S. No. Status selected as "HUF" but
2e: Rebate u/s. 87A is only S. No. 2(e ): 87A in Part B - TTI is greater
allowed to Resident or Resident than ZERO.
but not ordinary resident and
cannot be claimed by HUF.
182 Rebate u/s 87A cannot be In Part B TI: S. No.. 14: Total Income is more
claimed by Resident or Non than 5 Lakh but
Ordinarily Resident Individual S. No. 2(e ): 87A in Part B - TTI is greater
having Total income more than than ZERO.
Rs 5 lakhs.
Note: The rule is applicable where the
assessee is 'Resident or Resident but not
Ordinarily Resident 'under Residential Status
in India (for Individual)
183 Deductions claimed at Deduction In Part B TI, value in Pt.12a - Part B , CA and
under Chapter VIA (a) of "Part B D of Chapter VI-A is greater than zero
TI" but "Schedule VIA" is not filled AND
In "Sch VI A ", the field Total deduction under
chapter VI-A Part B + PART CA and D System
Calculated value is" "Zero" or "NULL".
184 Deductions claimed at Deduction In Part B TI, value in Pt.12b - PART C of
under Chapter VIA (b) of "Part B Chapter VI-A is greater than zero
TI" but "Schedule VI-A Part C" is AND
not filled In "Sch VI A ", the field Total deduction under
chapter VI-A Part C System Calculated value
is" "Zero" or "NULL".
185 In Part B TTI, Refund claimed is If in Schedule Part-B TTI, S. No. 12 is not
not matching with the difference equal to the sum of S. No. 10e- 9 (only if the
of “Total Taxes Paid” and “Total difference is positive)
Tax and Interest & fee payable”.
186 In Part B TTI, Tax payable If in Schedule Part-B TTI, S. No. 11 is not
Amount is not matching with the equal to the sum of S. No. 9- 10e (only if the
difference of “Total Tax and difference is positive)
Interest & fee payable” and “Total
Taxes Paid”.
187 In schedule part BTI-Deduction The value of field (13) of Part B- TI can not be
u/s 10AA is not consistent with more than the value in field (C) of schedule-
the deduction mentioned in 10AA
schedule 10AA',
188 In "Schedule Part B-TI" Net If value at field 16 of part B TI is not equal to
agricultural income for rate amount mentioned in sum of S. No. 3 of EI
purpose should be equal to the Note : This rule will be applicable only if value
value entered in (3 of Schedule at 3(v) > 5000.
189 In Schedule part B TI Income In Schedule B TI, S. No. 11 in not equal to
chargeable to tax at special rate total of column (i) of schedule SI
under section 111A, 112, 112A
etc. included in 1o should be
consistent with all the special
incomes of Schedule SI
190 In schedule part B TI, deduction In schedule B TI, S. No. 12a is not equal to S.
under chapter VI-A, Part-B, CA No. 1+3 of schedule VI-A
and D should be equal to 1+3 of Note : Restrict to value of (10-11) in part BTI
schedule VI-A
191 In schedule part B TI, deduction In schedule B TI, S. No. 12b is not equal to S.
under chapter VI-A, Part-C No. 2 of schedule VI-A
should be equal to S. No. 2 of
schedule VI-A
192 In "Schedule Part B-TI" '12( c)' S. No. 12c should be equal to sum of sl
Total income should be equal to 12a+12b
the value entered in (12a + 12b) Note : If 12c > value at (10-11), then 12 should
be equal to 10-11. This will be applicable only
if (10-11) > 0
193 In Part BTI ,Deemed income The value in pt. 8 of Part BTI is not equal to pt.
under section 115JC is not equal 6-7
to S. No. 3 of Schedule AMT
194 In Part BTI, Deemed income The value in pt. 19 of Part BTI is not equal to
under section 115JC is not equal pt.3 of Schedule AMT Note: pt.3 >0 then this
to S. No. 3 of Schedule AMT rule is applicable.
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
Status : Individual
DOB after 01.04.1940 and Dob on or before
01.04.1960, resident status : resident/NOR
maximum amount not chargeable to tax =
Status : Individual
DOB on or before 01.04.1940, resident status
: resident/NOR
maximum amount not chargeable to tax =
Status : HUF
Residential status : Any
DOB : no check required
maximum amount not chargeable to tax =
201 Income claimed under Profit and In Part B TI ,the value in Pt 3(ii) -"Profits and
gains from speculative business gains from speculative business" is greater
in Part B TI is not equal to than zero
amount mentioned in Schedule AND
BP this value is NOT EQUAL TO "Pt. 3ii Income
from Speculative Business" field in Table E of
Schedule BP.
202 Income claimed under the head In Part B TI ,the value in Pt 3(iii) -"Profits and
BP in Part B TI is not equal to gains from specified business" is greater than
schedule BP zero
this value is NOT EQUAL TO "Pt. 3iii Income
from Specified Business" field in Table E of
Schedule BP.
203 Profit before Tax as per Profit & In Such BP Pt A1 "Profit before Tax as per
Loss a/c in Schedule BP is not Profit & Loss A/c" should be equal to sum of
equal to the sum of "[Profit before (item 53, 61(ii), 62(ii), 63(iii), 64(iii) and 65(iv)
Tax] plus [Net Profit (No of P&L )
Accounts Case)]plus
(presumptive income) as per
P&L A/c."
204 Business & Profession loss If 3i of Schedule CYLA is more than Zero,
claimed at Schedule CYLA is not AND
equal to the amount at "Schedule Value in 3i of Schedule CYLA is not equal to
BP". (Pt. 2v of Table E of Schedule BP)].
205 Current year Speculative loss in Value in 6xiii of Schedule CFL is not equal to
CFL is not equal to Schedule BP B43 multiplied by (-1) of Schedule BP.
Speculative loss
Note: This rule is applicable only when return
is filed u/s. 139(1)
206 Current year Specified loss in Value in 7xiii of Schedule CFL is not equal to
CFL is not equal to Such BP C49 multiplied by (-1) of Schedule BP.
specified loss
Note: This rule is applicable only when return
is filed u/s. 139(1)
207 Depreciation allowable under Schedule BP- The value in pt. 12(i)
section 32(1)(ii) and 32(1)(iia) in "Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(ii)
Schedule BP is not equal to Point and 32(1)(iia)" is not equal to value in item 6 of
No. 6 of Schedule DEP Schedule-DEP
208 Amount mentioned at field S. No. S. No. 25 of schedule BP is less than sum of
3s+4d of Part A OI does not S. No. 3a+4d of Part A OI
match with sum of S. No. 25 of
schedule BP
209 In Schedule BP, Income reduced In Schedule BP, Income reduced from Row no
from Row no A3b and claimed to A3b and claimed to be offered under schedule
be offered under schedule HP, HP, but receipts shown in schedule HP
but receipts shown in schedule "Income under the head house property" is
HP is less than amount reduced less than amount reduced from schedule BP
from schedule BP A3b A3b
219 In schedule BP, S. No. A.34. The value at field (A34) of schedule BP should
Total A be equal to sum of si No.
(27+28+29+30+31+32+33)and A(27+28+29+30+31+32+33)
the sum of amount entered in S.
No. A (27+28+29+30+31+32+33)
are inconsistent
220 In Schedule BP, S. No. 14. The value at field (A14) of schedule BP should
amount of expenditure disallowed be equal to the value at SI.No. 6s of schedule
and Total amount disallowable OI.
under section 36 in schedule OI
Are inconsistent
221 In Schedule BP, S. No. 15. In Schedule BP, S. No. 15. Amounts debited
Amounts debited to the profit and to the profit and loss account, to the extent
loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 37(7j of Part-OI)
disallowable under section 37(7j and the sum of amount shown in S. No. 7.j.
of Part-OI) and the sum of Total amount disallowable under section 37
amount shown in S. No. 7.j. Total (total of 7a to 7i) in schedule OI. are
amount disallowable under inconsistent.
section 37 (total of 7a to 7i) in
schedule OI. are inconsistent.
222 In Schedule BP, S. No. 16. The value at field (A16) of schedule BP should
Amounts debited to the profit and be equal to the value at SI.No. 8Aj of schedule
loss account, to the extent OI.
disallowable under section 40(8Aj
of Part-OI) and the sum of
amount shown in S. No. 8Aj are
223 In Schedule BP, S. No. 17. The value at field (A17) of schedule BP should
Amounts debited to the profit and be equal to the value at SI.No. 9F of schedule
loss account, to the extent Part A- OI.
disallowable under section 40A
(9f of Part-OI) and the sum of
amount shown in S. No. 9.f.Total
amount disallowable under
section 40A (total of 9a to 9e) in
schedule OI. are inconsistent
224 In Schedule BP, S. No. 18. Any In Schedule BP, S. No. 18. Any Amounts
Amounts debited to the profit and debited to the profit and loss account, to the
loss account, to the extent extent disallowable under section 43B and the
disallowable under section 43B sum of amount shown in S. No. 11.h.Total
and the sum of amount shown in amount disallowable under section 43B(total
S. No. 11.h.Total amount of 11a to 11g). Are inconsistent
disallowable under section 43B
are inconsistent.
225 In Schedule BP, S. No. A25 The value at field (A25) of schedule BP should
Increase in profit or decrease in be equal to sum total of Column 3a + 4d of
loss on account of ICDS Part A- OI .
adjustments and deviation in
method of valuation of stock and
sum total of Column 3a + 4d of
Part A- OI are inconsistent
226 In schedule BP, S. No. A.26. In schedule BP, S. No. A.26. Total ((14 + 15 +
Total ((14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21+22 +23+24+25)
19 + 20 + 21+22 +23+24+25)) and the sum of amount entered in S. No.
and the sum of amount entered in A15+A.16+A.17+A.18+A.19+A.20+A.21+A.22
S. No. +A.23+A.24+A.25are inconsistent
Page 108 of 152
Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
are inconsistent
227 In Schedule BP, 29. In Schedule BP, 29. "Amount of
"Amount of deduction under deduction under section 35 or 35CCC or
section 35 or 35CCC or 35CCD 35CCD or 35ABA or 35ABB or 35CCA or 35D
or 35ABA or 35ABB or 35CCA or or 35DD or 35DDA or 35E in excess of the
35D or 35DD or 35DDA or 35E amount debited to P & L a/c" and the amount
in excess of the amount debited shown in "Schedule ESR" S. No. x4 "column
to P & L a/c" and the amount (4)=(3)-(2)" Are inconsistent
shown in "Schedule ESR" S. No.
x4 "column (4)=(3)-(2)" Are
228 In Schedule BP, S. No. A30 "Any In Schedule BP, S. No. A30 "Any amount
amount disallowed under section disallowed under section 40 in any preceding
40 in any preceding previous previous year but allowable during the
year but allowable during the previous year (8B of Part A-OI)" and amount
previous year(8B of Part A-OI)" shown in S. No. 8B of Such Part-B OI "Any
and amount shown in S. No. 8B amount disallowable under section 40 in any
of Such Part-B OI "Any amount preceding previous year but allowable during
disallowable under section 40 in the previous year" are inconsistent
any preceding previous year but
allowable during the previous
year" are inconsistent
229 In Schedule BP, S. No. 31 "Any In Schedule BP, S. No. 31 "Any amount
amount disallowed under section disallowed under section 43B in any preceding
43B in any preceding year but year but allowable during the previous
allowable during the previous year(10g of Part A-OI)" and the sum of amount
year(10g of Part A-OI)" and the shown in S. No. 10g."Total amount allowable
sum of amount shown in S. No. under section 43B(total of 10a to 10f)" are
19.h."Total amount allowable inconsistent
under section 43B(total of 19a to
19g)" are inconsistent
230 In Schedule BP, S. No. A33 In Schedule BP, S. No. A33 Decrease in profit
Decrease in profit or increase in or increase in loss on account of ICDS
loss on account of ICDS adjustments and deviation in method of
adjustments and deviation in valuation of stock and sum total of Column 3b
method of valuation of stock and + 4e of Part A- OI are inconsistent
sum total of Column 3b + 4e of
Part A- OI are inconsistent
231 In schedule BP, S. No. A.34 In schedule BP, S. No. A.34 "total" and the
"total" and the sum of amount sum of amount entered in S. No.
entered in S. No. A(27+28+29+30+31+32+33)) are inconsistent
A.(27+28+29+30+31+32+33)) are
232 In schedule BP, S. No. A.35. In schedule BP, S. No. A.35. Income and the
Income and the sum of amount sum of amount entered in S. No. A.(13+26-34)
entered in S. No. A.(13+26-34) are inconsistent
are inconsistent
233 In schedule BP, S. No. A.36viii In schedule BP, S. No. A.36viii and the sum
and the sum of individual of individual amounts entered in S. No. A.36i
amounts entered in S. No. A.36i to 36vii. are inconsistent
to 36vii. are inconsistent
234 In schedule BP, S. No. A.37 "Net In schedule BP, S. No. A.40 "Net profit or loss
profit or loss from business or from business or profession other than
profession other than speculative speculative and specified business and the
and specified business and the sum of amount entered in "A.35 + A.36vii" are
sum of amount entered in "S. No. inconsistent
A.35 + A.36vii" are inconsistent
235 In Schedule BP,value mentioned In schedule BP S. No. 38 Net Profit or loss
in the field Balance of income from business or profession other than
deemed to be from agriculture, speculative business and specified
after applying Rule 7, 7A, 7B(1), business after applying rule 7A, 7B or 8, if
7B(1A) and Rule 8 for the applicable should be equal to sum of 38a+
purpose of aggregation of income 38b + 38c + 38d + 38e + 38f)
is not consistent with difference
between amount mentioned at
field" Profit or loss included in 1,
which is referred to in section
BBA/44DA" and sum of fields
38a+ 38b + 38c + 38d + 38e +
236 The value at field (B43) of In schedule BP, S. No. 43 "Income from
schedule BP should be equal to speculative business(if loss,take the figure to
sum of si No. B.40+B41-B42 6xi of Schedule CFL)" is inconsistent with the
value S. No. B.40+B41-B42
237 In schedule BP, S. No. C47 In schedule BP, S. No. C47 "Profit or loss
"Profit or loss from specified from specified business" and the sum of
business" and the sum of amount amount entered in S. No. C44+C45-C46 are
entered in S. No. C44+C45-C46 inconsistent
should not be inconsistent
238 Schedule BP, Income from In schedule BP, S. No. C49 "Income from
Specified Business should be Specified Business" and the sum of amount
equal to Profit or loss from entered in S. No. C47-C48 are inconsistent
specified business minus
Deductions in accordance with
section 35AD(1)
239 In schedule BP, S. No. D. In schedule BP, S. No. D. "Income chargeable
Income chargeable under the under the head 'Profits and gains from
head 'Profits and gains from Business or Profession' and the sum of
Business or Profession' and the amount entered in S. No. (A38 + B43 + C49)
sum of amount entered in S. No. are inconsistent
(A38 + B43 + C49) are
inconsistent Note: This rule shall be applicable only when
individual values of A38+B43+C49 are equal
to or more than ZERO.
240 If the value at field (A)(36(i) to In schedule BP, the values at "S. No. 4(a)"
36vii) is not equal to SI.NO. 4a of and values at " A (36(i) to 36vii) are
Schedule BP. inonsistent.
241 In Schedule BP, S. No. 11 In Schedule BP, S. No. 11 Depreciation and
Depreciation and amortization amortization debited to profit and loss account
debited to profit and loss account is inconsistent with the amount of depreciation
is inconsistent with the amount of shown in Schedule P&L(1Evi of Manufacturing
depreciation shown in Schedule account+ (52)of PART-A-P&L),
P& L',
242 In Schedule BP, A39, Balance of In Schedule BP, A39, Balance of income
income deemed to be from deemed to be from agriculture, after applying
agriculture, after applying Rule 7, Rule 7, 7A, 7B(1), 7B(1A) and Rule 8 for the
7A, 7B(1), 7B(1A) and Rule 8 for purpose of aggregation of income as per
the purpose of aggregation of Finance Act should be equal to 4b-
income as per Finance Act (38a+38b+38c+38d+38e)]
should be equal to 4b-
243 Schedule BP, S. No. 5d should S. No. A5d should be equal to A(5a+5b+5cn)
be equal to 5a+5b+5cn
244 Schedule BP S. No. E(3) S. No. E column 3 should be equal to column
Business income remaining after 1-column 2
set off should be equal to Income
of current year after Business
loss set off
245 Schedule BP, S. No. Eiv should S. No. Eiv should be equal to sum of S. No.
be equal to sum of Income from Eii+Eiii
speculative business and Income
from specified business
246 Schedule BP S. No. Ev should be S. No. Ev should be equal to S. No. Ei-Eiv for
Loss to be set off minus Loss business loss set off column
remaining after set of
247 In schedule BP value mentioned In Such BP Pt 8b "Expenses debited to profit
at the field Expenses debited to and loss account which relate to exempt
profit and loss account which income and disallowed u/s 14A " should be
relate to exempt income and equal to 16 of Part A-OI
disallowed u/s 14A " is not
consistent with value mentioned
at field "Amount of Expenditure
disallowed u/s 14A" of schedule
248 In Schedule BP, “Depreciation (i) The value in pt. 12(ii) of Schedule BP
allowable under section 32(1)(i)”, "Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(i)
depreciation is claimed whereas " is greater than zero and nature of business
''Nature of business'' mentioned code is not 05001 or 06008
by the taxpayer is other than
power sector (Code 05001). Or
251 The Income/receipts, that have 4D of Part A trading account+ 14(xii) of Part A
been reduced at S. No. 3 and/or P&L, is more than the amount shown in
S. No. 5 of schedule BP are Schedule BP 3a+3b+3c+3d+5d
higher than the Income/receipts
that have been credited to the P If 4D of Part A trading account+ 14(xii) is
and L A/c.', negative then comparison will be done as
255 Total value of "S.No 4D of Part A If total value of "S.No 36(i) (Sec 44AD) + S.No
Trading account-Total Revenue 36(iii) (Sec 44AE)" in Schedule BP is greater
from operations + S.No 64(i)(a) - than "ZERO",
Gross receipts" in Profit & Loss AND
account should be greater than or Total value of "S.No 4D of Part A Trading
Equal to Sum of amount entered account -Total Revenue from operations +
in "S.No 36(i) (Sec 44AD) + S.No S.No 64 (i)(a) -Gross receipts" in Profit & Loss
36(iii) (Sec 44AE)" in Schedule account
BP is less than
Total value of "S.No 36(i) (Sec 44AD) + S.No
36(iii) (Sec 44AE)" in Schedule BP.
256 The provisions of 44AD is not S. No. 39 (i) of Sch. BP–“Profits and gains of
applicable for General business or profession deemed to be under
commission agents and persons section 44AD” > 0
carrying on professions as AND
referred in section 44AA (1) If 44AD Table in S. No. 61 of P&L is filled
Nature of Business in S. No. 61
is filled only with following codes:
09005 - General Commission Agents
16001, 16002, 16003,
014,20010,20012, 14001,14002,
269 Short Term Capital Loss at Enter sum of (2x +3x+4x+5x) of item E of
Schedule CFL" is not equal to schedule CG in the field pt. xiii.8c of Short
sum of "Short Term Capital Term Capital Loss in Sch CFL
Losses remaining after set off" at
table E of Schedule CG. Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
filed under section 139(1)
270 Long Term Capital Loss at Enter sum of ((6x+7x +8x) of item E of
Schedule CFL is not equal to schedule CG) in the field pt. 9C(xiii) of Long
sum of "Long Term Capital Term Capital Loss in Sch CFL
Losses remaining after set off" at
table E of Schedule CG.
Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
filed under section 139(1)
271 House Property Loss at Schedule Enter the value mentioned at 2xviii of schedule
CFL is not equal to the amount at CYLA in the field 4c(xiii) of schedule CFL
"House Property Loss remaining
after set-off at Schedule CYLA".
272 Business & Profession Loss Enter sum of 3xviii of schedule CYLA in the
(other than loss from speculative field pt. 5xiii of Sch CFL
business and specified business)
at Schedule CFL is not equal to Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
the amount at "Business & filed under section 139(1)
Profession Loss remaining after
set-off at Schedule CYLA"
273 Speculative Business Loss at Enter value mentioned at B43 of Schedule
Schedule CFL is not equal to the BP(if negative) in the field n 6xiii of Schedule
amount at "Income/Loss from CFL
Speculative Business at
Schedule BP". Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
filed under section 139(1)
274 Specified Business Loss at Enter value mentioned at C49 of Schedule
Schedule CFL is not equal to the BP(if negative) in the field n 7xiii of Schedule
amount at "Income/Loss from CFL
Specified Business at Schedule Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
BP". filed under section 139(1)
275 Other sources loss at Schedule Enter value mentioned at 8e of Schedule
CFL is not equal to the amount at OS(if negative) in the field n 10xiii of Schedule
"Other Sources Loss remaining CFL
after set-off at Schedule CYLA".
Note: This rule will be applicable if return is
filed under section 139(1)
276 In,Schedule BFLA S. No. 2(ii) is Schedule BFLA S. No. 2(ii) should be equal to
not equal to S. No. 4c(xii) of CFL S. No. 4c(xii) of CFL
277 In,Schedule BFLA S. No. 2(xii) is Schedule BFLA S. No. 2(xii) should be equal
not equal to S. No. 10(xii) of CFL to S. No. 10(xii) of CFL
278 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 2xvi is Schedule BFLA S. No. 2xvi should be equal to
not equal to sum of S. No. (2ii + sum of S. No. (2ii + 2iii + 2iv + 2v + 2vi + 2vii
2iii + 2iv + 2v + 2vi + 2vii +2viii + +2viii + 2ix + 2x + 2xii+2xiii+2iv
2ix + 2x + 2xii+2xiii+2iv
279 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. xvii is If value at field xvii is not equal to the sum of
not equal to sum of S. No. (5i + S. No. (5i + 5ii + 5iii + 5iv+ 5v + 5vi + 5vii +
5ii + 5iii + 5iv+ 5v + 5vi + 5vii + 5viii + 5ix + 5x + 5xi +5xii + 5xiii+ 5xiv + 5xv)
5viii + 5ix + 5x + 5xi +5xii + 5xiii+
5xiv + 5xv)
280 Schedule BFLA S. No. 3xvi Schedule BFLA S. No. 3xvi should be equal to
should be equal to sum of S. No. sum of S. No. (3ii + 3iii + 3iv + 3v + 3vi + 3vii
(3ii + 3iii + 3iv + 3v + 3vi + 3vii +3viii + 3ix + 3x + 3xi+3xii+3xiii+3iv+3v )
+3viii + 3ix + 3x +
3xi+3xii+3xiii+3iv+3v )
281 Schedule BFLA S. No. 4xvi Schedule BFLA S. No. 4xvi should be equal to
should be equal to sum of S. No. sum of S. No. (4ii + 4iii + 4iv + 4v + 4vi + 4vii
(4ii + 4iii + 4iv + 4v + 4vi + 4vii +4viii + 4ix + 4x + 4xi+4xii+4xiii+4iv+4v )
+4viii + 4ix + 4x +
4xi+4xii+4xiii+4iv+4v )
282 The value claimed as Brought In Sch BFLA , the total value in Column no
forward allowance under section 4xvi Brought forward allowance under section
35(4) set off in Sch BFLA should 35(4) set off
be same as reflecting in Sch UD is NOT EQUAL TO total of Col. 7 of UD
283 The value claimed as Brought In Sch BFLA , the total value in Column no
forward depreciation set off in 3xvi Brought forward depreciation set off is
Sch BFLA should be same as NOT EQUAL TO total of Col. 4 of UD
reflecting in Sch UD
284 Schedule BFLA S. No. 1i should If value at field 1i is not equal to S. No. (5ii of
be equal to S. No. (5ii of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA)
285 Schedule BFLA S. No. 1ii should If value at field 1ii is not equal to S. No.(5iii of
be equal to S. No.(5iii of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA)
286 Schedule BFLA S. No. 1iii should If value at field 1iii is not equal to S. No.(5iv of
be equal to S. No.(5iv of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA)
287 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1iv is If value at field 1iv is not equal to S. No.(5v of
not equal to S. No. 5v of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
288 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1v is If value at field 1v is not equal to S. No.(5vi of
not equal to S. No. 5vi of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
289 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1vi is If value at field 1vi is not equal to S. No.(5vii
not equal to S. No. 5vii of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
290 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1vii is If value at field 1vii is not equal to S. No.(5viii
not equal to S. No. 5viii of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
291 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1viii is If value at field 1viii is not equal to S. No.(5ix
not equal to S. No. 5ix of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
292 Schedule BFLA S. No. 1ix should If value at field 1ix is not equal to S. No.(5x of
be equal to S. No.(5x of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA)
293 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1x is If value at field 1x is not equal to S. No.(5xi of
not equal to S. No. 5xi of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
294 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1xi is If value at field 1xi is not equal to S. No.(5xii
not equal to S. No. 5xii of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
295 Schedule BFLA S. No. 1xii If value at field 1xii is not equal to S. No.(5xiii
should be equal to S. No.(5xiii of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA)
296 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1xiii is If value at field 1xiii is not equal to S. No.(5xiv
not equal to S. No. 5xiv of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
297 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1xiv is If value at field 1xiv is not equal to S. No.(5xv
not equal to S. No. 5xv of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
298 In Schedule BFLA, S. No. 1xv is If value at field 1xv is not equal to S. No.(5xvi
not equal to S. No. 5xvi of of schedule CYLA)
schedule CYLA
299 In schedule CYLA S. No. 2xvii S. No. 2xvii cannot be more than Rs. 200000
cannot be more than Rs. 200000
300 In Schedule CYLA HP Income is If 2i of Schedule CYLA is more than Zero ,
not equal to S. No. 4 of Schedule
301 Other sources loss at Schedule If 4i of Schedule CYLA is more than Zero,
CYLA is not equal to the amount
at "Schedule OS". AND
302 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 2xvii In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 2xvii i.e Total loss
i.e Total loss set off should be set off should be equal to sum of(2ii + 2iv + 2v
equal to sum of (2ii + 2iv + 2v + + 2vi + 2vii + 2viii + 2ix + 2x+2xii
2vi + 2vii + 2viii + 2ix + 2x+2xii +2xiii+2xiv+2xv+2xvi)
303 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 3xvii In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 3xvii i.e Total loss
i.e Total loss set off should be set off should be equal to sum of ( 3iii+ 3vii +
equal to sum of ( 3iii+ 3vii + 3viii 3viii + 3ix + 3x+3xi+3xii +3xiii+3xiv+3xv+3vi)
+ 3ix + 3x+3xi+3xii
304 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 4xvii In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 4xvii i.e Total loss
i.e Total loss set off should be set off should be equal to sum of ( 4ii+
equal to sum of ( 4ii+ 4iii+4iv++4v+4vi+4vii + 4viii + 4ix +
4iii+4iv++4v+4vi+4vii + 4viii + 4ix 4x+4xi+4xii+4xiii+4xv+4xvi)
+ 4x+4xi+4xii+4xiii+4xv+4xvi)
305 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 2xviii Value in 2xviii of Schedule CYLA is not equal
i.e Loss remaining after set-off is to output of S. No. 2i-2xvii
not equal to the output of S. No.
Note : if result is -ve, restrict to Zero
306 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 3xviii Value in 3xviii of Schedule CYLA is not equal
i.e. Loss remaining after set-off to output of S. No. 3i-3xvii
is not equal to the output of S.
No. 3i-3xvii
Note : if result is -ve, restrict to Zero
307 In Schedule CYLA, S. No. 4xviii Value in 4xviii of Schedule CYLA is not equal
i.e. Loss remaining after set-off is to output of S. No. 4i-4xvii
not equal to the output of S. No.
Note : if result is -ve, restrict to Zero
308 In Schedule CYLA, Col No. 5 In Schedule CYLA, Col No. 5 Current year’s
Current year’s Income remaining Income remaining after set off should be equal
after set off is not equal to the to the output of Col No. 1-2-3-4
output of Col No. 1-2-3-4
320 In Schedule CYLA Profit from Value in 1xv of Schedule CYLA is not equal to
owning and maintaining race S. No. 8e of schedule OS (provided that 8e is
horses should be equal to S. No. positive)
8e of Schedule OS
321 In Schedule CYLA Income from Value in 1xvi of Schedule CYLA is not equal
other sources taxable at special to S. No. 2f of schedule OS
rates in India as per DTAA
should be equal to S. No. 2f of
Schedule OS
322 In Schedule CYLA Salary Income Value in 1ii of Schedule CYLA is not equal to
should be equal to S. No. 6 of 6 of Schedule S
Schedule Salary
323 In Schedule RA, Total donation is If total donation in Schedule RA, is not equal
not equal to donation in cash + to donation in cash + Donation in other mode
Donation in other mode
324 In Schedule RA If total donation If total donation in cash in Schedule RA, is not
in cash , should be equal to the equal to bifurcation of donation in cash
sum of individual value of
donation in cash Total of Cash donation is not equal to sum of
individual rows
325 In Schedule RA If total donation If total donation in other mode in Schedule
in other mode , should be equal RA, is not equal to bifurcation of donation in
to the sum of individual value of other than cash
donation in other than cash
Total of donation Other mode than Cash is not
equal to sum of individual rows
326 In Schedule RA, Total donation is If total donation in Schedule RA, is not equal
not equal to sum of individual to bifurcation of total donation
value of total donation Total of "total donations" is not equal to sum of
individual rows
327 Schedule 10AA value at field Schedule 10AA value at field "Total deduction
"Total deduction under section under section 10AA" in schedule 10AA should
10AA" in schedule 10AA should be equal to sum of "amount of deduction"
be equal to sum of "amount of
328 In Schedule AMT, S. No. 2b is S. No. 2b of Sch AMT is not equal to S. No. c
not equal to sum of Schedule of schedule 10AA
329 In Schedule ICDS, S. No. 11a is If value at field 11a is not equal to the sum of
not equal to the sum of S. No. (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII+IX+X) if
(I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII+IX+X) result is positive
if positive
330 In Schedule ICDS, S. No. 11b is If value at field 11b is not equal to the sum of
not equal to the sum of S. No. (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII+IX+X) if
(I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII+IX+X) result is negative
if negative
331 In Schedule TPSA, Income tax In Schedule TPSA, Sr. No. 2a is less than
payable is less then 18% of 18% of sr. no. 1 "Amount of primary
amount of primary adjustment adjustment on which option u/s 92CE(2A) is
exercised & such excess money has not been
repatriated within the prescribed time"
332 In Schedule TPSA, Surcharge is In Schedule TPSA, Sr. No. 2b is less than
less then 12% of amount of 12% of (2a "Additional Income tax payable )
Additional income tax payable
333 In Schedule TPSA, Health & In Schedule TPSA, Sr. No. 2c is less than 4%
Education cess is less then 4% of of (2a +2b)
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
389 Part A Manufacturing Account, Total Factory overheads as per S. No. 1Evii is
Total Factory overheads should not equal to the total of S. No.
be equal to the sum of break-up (Ei+Eii+Eiii+Eiv+Ev+Evi)
of Factory overheads
390 Part A Manufacturing Account, Total debits to manufacturing account as per
Total debits to manufacturing S. No. 1F is not equal to S. No.
account as per S. No. 1F should 1(Aiii+B+C+D+Evii)
be equal to S. No.
391 In Part A Manufacturing Account, In Part A Manufacturing Account the sum of
the total of closing stock should 2i+2ii and S. No..2 are inconsistent
be equal to the sum of break-up
of closing stock
392 Part A Manufacturing Account, S. S. No. 3 Cost of Goods Produced –
No. 3 Cost of Goods Produced – transferred to Trading Account should be
transferred to Trading Account equal to 1F-2
(1F - 2) should be equal to 1F-2
393 Part A Manufacturing Account, Value at field other than S. No. 3 of
Negative signs will not be allowed Manufacturing account is negative
other than in S. No. 3-Cost of
Goods Produced – transferred to
Trading Account
394 In schedule, Part A-Trading In Part A -Trading Account-sum of S. No.
Account the breakup of other 4Aiii(a)+4Aiii(b) is not consistent with value in
operating revenue is not S. No. 4Aiii(c )
consistent with total other
operating revenue (S. No.
395 In Part A-Trading Account, SI.No. In Part A -Trading Account- sum of SI.
4A(iv) "Total A (i + ii + iiic)" is not No.4A(i)+4A(ii)+4A(iiic) and value at S. No.
equal to sum of SI. 4A(iv) are inconsistent
396 In Part A-Trading Account, SI.No. In Part A-Trading account the total of "Duties,
4A(Cix) is not equal to total of S. taxes and cess received or receivable in
No. respect of goods and services sold or
4Ci+4Cii+4Ciii+4Civ+4Cv+4Cvi+ supplied" in S. No. 4Cix is not equal to total of
4Cvii+4Cviii S. No.
397 In Part A-Trading Account, Total Total revenue from operations in S. No. 4D is
revenue from operations in S. No. not equal to (Aiv + B +Cix)
4D is not equal to (Aiv + B +Cix)
398 In Part A Trading Account, Total Direct expenses in S. No. 9 is not equal to
Direct expenses is not equal to sum of 9i+9ii+9iii
sum of carriage Inward, power
and fuel and other direct
399 In Part A Trading Account, Total Duties and taxes, paid or payable, in respect
of Duties and taxes, paid or of goods and services purchased as per S.
payable, in respect of goods and No. 10xii is not equal to sum of 10i + 10ii +
services purchased is not equal 10iii + 10iv + 10v + 10vi + 10vii + 10viii + 10ix
to 10i + 10ii + 10iii + 10iv + 10v + + 10x + 10xi
10vi + 10vii + 10viii + 10ix + 10x
+ 10xi
411 Part A P&L,Total Royalty is not S. No. 31iii Royalty should be equal to S. No.
equal to the sum of Royalty Paid 31i+31ii
outside India, or paid in India to a
non-resident other than a
company or a foreign company
and To others
412 In Part A P&L, S. No. 32iii S. No. 32iii Professional / Consultancy fees /
Professional / Consultancy fees / Fee for technical services should be equal to
Fee for technical services is not S. No. 32i+32ii
equal to the sum of fees Paid
outside India, or paid in India to a
non-resident other than a
company or a foreign company
and To others
413 In Sch P&L , breakup of Rates S. No. 44xTotal rates and taxes paid or
and taxes paid or payable to govt payable (44i + 44ii +44iii +44iv + 44v + 44vi +
or any local body shall be 44vii + 44viii +44ix) should be equal to sum of
consistent with total S. No. 44i + 44ii +44iii +44iv + 44v + 44vi +
44vii + 44viii +44ix
414 In Part A P&L, S. No. 46 Other S. No. 46 Other expenses should be equal to
expenses is not equal to the sum sum of 46i+46ii
of individual fields
415 Part A P&L, S. No. 47 total Bad In schedule Part A-P & L, the sum of Bad
Debt is not equal to the sum of Debts, amount entered in S. No. 47i + 47ii +
Individual fields 47iii shall be consistent with total of S. No.
47.iv. Total Bad Debt (47i (All PAN) + 47ii +
47iii )
416 In Part A P&L, S. No. 50 Profit S. No. 50 Profit before interest, depreciation
before interest, depreciation and and taxes should be equal to sum of S. No. 15
taxes is not equal to the sum of – (16 to 21 + 22xi + 23v + 24 to 29 + 30iii +
(15 – (16 to 21 + 22xi + 23v + 24 31iii + 32iii + 33 to 43 + 44x + 45 + 46iii + 47iv
to 29 + 30iii + 31iii + 32iii + 33 to + 48 + 49
43 + 44x + 45 + 46iii + 47iv + 48
+ 49))
417 In Part A P&L, S. No. 51iii is not S. No. 51iii interest should be equal to S. No.
equal to sum of Interest Paid 51i+51ii
outside India, or paid in India to a
non-resident other than a
company or a foreign company
and To others
418 In Part A P&L, S. No. 53 Net S. No. 53 Net profit before taxes should be
profit before taxes is not equal to equal to S. No. 50 – 51iii – 52
the sum of (Profit before Interest,
depreciation and taxes-Total
Interest-Depreciation and
419 In Part A P&L, S. No. 56 Profit S. No. 56 Profit after tax should be equal to 53
after tax is not equal to the sum - 54 - 55
of (Net Profit before Taxes-
provision for current tax-provision
for deferred tax)
420 In Part A P&L, S. No. 58 is not S. No. 58 Amount available for appropriation,
equal to sum of sr. no. 56 +sr. no. should be equal to 56+57
421 Part A P&L, S. No. 60 Balance S. No. 60 Balance carried to balance sheet in
carried to balance sheet in proprietor’s account should be equal to S. No.
proprietor’s account is not equal 58 –59
to with difference between
Amount available for
appropriation and Transferred to
Reserve and Surplus
422 In Part A P&L, S. No. 61(i)Gross S. No. 61(i) Gross Turnover or Gross Receipts
Turnover or Gross Receipts is not should be equal to sum of S. No. 61ia + 61ib
equal to the sum of Individual
423 In Part A P&L, S. No. S. No. 61(ii) Presumptive Income under
61(ii)Presumptive Income under section 44AD should be equal to sum of S.
section 44AD is not equal to the No. 61iia + 61iib
sum of Individual fields
424 In Profit & Loss A/c field 61(ii)(a) S. No. 61iia cannot be less than 6% of the
cannot be less than 6% of field amount in S. No. 61ia
425 In Profit & Loss A/c field 61(ii)(b) S. No. 61iib cannot be less than 8% of the
cannot be less than 8% of field amount in S. No. 61ib
426 Income claimed u/s 44AD can not Part A P&L - S. No. 61ib is Less than 61iib
be more than gross receipts
427 Income claimed u/s 44AD can not Part A P&L - S. No. 61ia is Less than 61iia
be more than gross Turnover
428 In Profit & Loss A/c., S. No. 62ii if S. No. 62ii is less than 50%of 62i
cannot be less than 50% of the
amount in S. No. 62i
429 In schedule BP if "business code" If In Part A P&L "business code" u/s 44AD is
u/s 44AD is selected then it is selected and income in field 61(i) and/or 61(ii)
mandatory to declare income u/s is zero or null
430 Nature of business must be filled If S. No. 61 nature of business is blank and S.
by the assessee if 61(i) and /or No. 61 (i) and/or 61(ii) is greater than zero
(ii) is greater than zero
431 If "business code" u/s 44ADA is If In Part A P&L "business code" u/s 44ADA is
selected then it is mandatory to selected and income in field 62(i) and/or 62(ii)
declare income u/s 44ADA. is zero or null
432 Nature of profession must be If S. No. 62 nature of Profession is blank and
filled by the assessee if 62(i) and S. No. 62 (i) and/or 62(ii) is greater than zero
/or (ii) is greater than zero
433 If "business code" u/s 44AE is If In Part A P&L "business code" u/s 44AE is
selected then it is mandatory to selected and income in field 63(i) and/or 63(iii)
declare income u/s 44AE. is zero or null
434 Nature of business must be filled If S. No. 63 nature of business is blank and S.
by the assessee if 63(ii) in P&L is No. 63(ii) is greater than zero
greater than zero
435 Part A P&L - S. No. 62ii is more than 62i
436 In schedule BP value mentioned If S. No. 36(i) is not equal to 61(ii) of schedule
in the field "Section 44AD" is not P&L
equal to the amount mentioned at
the field" Presumptive income
under section 44AD" of Schedule
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Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
437 In schedule BP field 36(ii) If S. No. 36(ii) is not equal to 62(ii) of schedule
"Section 44ADA (62(ii) of P&L
schedule P&L)" should match
with field 62(ii) "Presumptive
Income under section 44ADA " of
Schedule Profit & Loss A/c.
438 In schedule BP field 36(iii) If S. No. 36(iii) is not equal to 63(ii) of
"Section 44AE (63(ii) of schedule schedule P&L
P&L)" should match with field
63(ii) "Total presumptive income
from goods carriage u/s 44AE" of
Schedule Profit & Loss A/c.
439 The value at filed "63(ii) Total In schedule P&L, in schedule 44AE, under
presumptive income from goods goods carriage schedule, the value at field
carriage u/s 44AE" is greater 63(ii) (Presumptive Income) is MORE THAN
than zero than table 63(i) of 44AE ZERO but details in table from "registration no.
in schedule Profit & Loss A/c of vehicle" to "Presumptive income" were not
should be filed. filled
440 Total presumptive income from Part A P&L - S. No.. 63(ii) is not equal to
goods carriage u/s. 44AE in field column 5 "Presumptive income u/s 44AE "
63(ii) is not equal to the breakup
of presumptive income u/s. 44AE
in column 5
441 In "Schedule Profit & Loss A/c" in In schedule 44AE, total of all such individual
table 63(i) of 44AE, total of rows is MORE THAN 120.
column 4 "Number of months for
which goods carriage was owned
/ leased / hired by assessee"
shall not exceed 120.
442 In "Schedule Profit & Loss A/c" in In S. No. 63 column 5 is less than :
table 63(i) of 44AE, if the 1.- for Tonnage<=12MT-Rs. 7500 *no. of
Tonnage capacity at column 3 months
"Tonnage Capacity of goods 2.-for Tonnage >12MT-Tonnage *1000*no. of
carriage(in MT)" is less than or months
equal to 12MT then column 5
"Presumptive income u/s 44AE
for the goods carriage" cannot
be less than column 4 "Number
of months for which goods
carriage was owned / leased /
hired by assessee" *7500.
443 Presumptive Business Income status in Part A - General is selected as non
Under Section 44AD cannot be resident and value at field 44AD & 44ADA is
claimed by Non-Resident. greater than Zero
444 Income under business and 44AB Flag = No in Audit information schedule
profession is claimed but gross AND
receipts are not mentioned in In Part B – TI, Total Income > 2,50,000/-
profit and loss account AND
OR Presumptive income u/s 44ADA field in
Profit shown is less than 50% of Schedule BP > Zero
gross receipts but details of AND
maintenance of the books of All other fields in Schedule BP = Zero or Null
accounts and audit report u/s AND
44AB in Part A-General are not 44ADA income in Schedule BP < 50% of (sum
filled up of item 4B (Gross Receipts from profession) of
Trading account, 62(i) of P&L and 64(ii)(a)
(Gross receipts from profession in no accounts
446 In schedule P&L Net profit is not In Schedule P&L, 64(ii)(b)-
equal to difference between 64(ii)(c) should be equal to 64(ii)(d)
Gross profit and Expenses in
point 64(ii)(d)
447 In Schedule P&L, Gross profit In Schedule P&L, 64(i)(b) is more than
can not be more than Gross Si.no64(i)(a)
Turnover/Receipts for assessee
carrying on the business where
books of accounts are not
448 In Schedule P&L, Gross profit In Schedule P&L, 64(ii)(b) is more than
can not be more than Gross 64(ii)(a)
Receipts for assessee carrying
on profession where books of
accounts are not maintained
449 In Schedule P&L, Gross turnover S. No. 64ia should be equal to sum of S. No.
is not equal to sum of turnover 64ia1+64ia2
received Through a/c payee
cheque or a/c payee bank draft or
bank electronic clearing system
received before specified date
and Any other mode in Schedule
Profit and Loss pt(64ia)
450 In Schedule P&L, Gross Receipts S. No. 64iia should be equal to sum of S. No.
does not tally with sum of 64iia1+64iia2
receipts received Through a/c
payee cheque or a/c payee bank
draft or bank electronic clearing
system received before specified
date and Any other mode in
Schedule Profit and Loss
451 Part A P&L, Total profit as per Total profit as per 64iii should be equal to sum
64iii is not equal to sum of net of 64i+64ii
profit from Business and Net
profit from Profession
452 Part A P&L, S. No. 65iv Net S. No. 65iv Net income from speculative
income from speculative activity activity should be equal to Gross profit (65ii)-
is not equal with the difference Expenses 65(iii)
between Gross profit (65ii) and
Expenses 65(iii)
453 Assessee should enter valid If Assessee selects country code as "+91 -
Mobile Number India" at the field provided "Country" in
schedule "Part A General" and gives mobile
no 1 or 2 as less than or more than 10 digits.
455 Taxpayer is an HUF and claiming In Filing status assessee is HUF, S. No. 6a
relief u/s 89 (Relief u/s 89) in Part B-TTI cannot be claimed
456 The name as entered by you in The name as entered by you in the return
the return does not match with does not match with the name as per the PAN
the name as per the PAN date date base.
457 Tax payer claiming benefit of The Date of Birth mentioned in Part A General
senior citizen & super senior Information of Schedule Income Details does
citizen but date of birth is not not match with the Date of Birth as per the
matching with PAN database/ PAN data base/ Aadhaar Database
Aadhaar database Note: This rule is applicable only if staus of
assesse is individual
458 If the original return is filed under If return is being filed u/s 139(5) and if entry is
section 142(1) then tax payer available in e-filing table for original return
cannot file revised return which is filed u/s 142(1)
459 In Part A General, "Whether you In Part-A general if Yes is selected in
have held unlisted equity shares "Whether you have held unlisted equity shares
at any time during the previous at any time during the previous year?"
year?" Flag is selected as "Yes" AND
but the details are not filled at least one row is not filled
460 In Part A General information In In Part-A general S. No. F "status 5A" is
Filing status 5A Flag is Y but Yes -and None of the columns in Schedule
schedule 5A is not filled 5A are filled
461 Return is being filed by Details regarding "Name of the representative,
Representative Assessee but the Capacity of the representative, Address of the
PAN quoted in return is not same representative and Permanent Account
as the PAN who is trying to Number (PAN)" is not filled.
upload the return.
462 If in verification part
representative is selected from If in Part- Verification capacity is selected as
dropdown of capacity then Yes "Representative" from drop down & Details
should be selected in "Whether regarding "Name of the representative,
this return is being filed by a Capacity of the representative, Address of the
representative assessee" & representative and Permanent Account
details of representative Number (PAN)" is not filled.
assessee in part -A general must
be filled
463 In Part A General, Are you filing In Part-A general if Yes is selected in "Are you
return of income under Seventh filing return of income under Seventh proviso
proviso to Section 139(1) Flag is to Section 139(1) "
Y but details are not provided AND
Details are not filled
465 Donee PAN mentioned in If "PAN of the donee" in Sch 80G ( if filled ) is
Schedule 80G cannot be the equal to Assessee PAN mentioned in Part A
same as the assessee PAN or General Information of Schedule Income
the verification PAN! Details or PAN as entered in verification part .
466 In Part A General information, if Audit information, S. No. b and c are selected
Assessee is liable for audit u/s as 'Yes' and S. No. C(1), C(2), C(3) , C(6),
44AB and the flag is Y for C(7) are blank
accounts have been audited by
an accountant, information
relating to auditor and audit
report should be furnished
467 In Part A General information, Audit Information, S. No. a2 cannot be blank
Field Whether assessee is
declaring income only under
BBA/44BBB can not be blank
468 In Part A General information, If Audit Information, S. No. a2i cannot be blank,
Assessee selects field Whether if a2 is selected as no
assessee is declaring income
only under section
BBA/44BBB as no, a2i cannot be
left blank
469 In Part A General information, If Audit Information, S. No. a2ii cannot be blank,
Assessee selects field Whether if a2 (i) is selected as Yes
assessee is declaring income
only under section
BBA/44BBB as Yes, a2ii cannot
be left blank
470 In Part A General information, If Audit Information, S. No. a2iii cannot be
Assessee selects field Whether blank, if a2 (i) is selected as Yes
assessee is declaring income
only under section
BBA/44BBB as no, a2iii cannot
be left blank
471 In Part A General information, If "Date of Audit report" in Part A General : Audit
assessee enters date in Date of Information at C-7 , D(i), D (ii), e(iv) cannot be
audit report as greater than greater than system date
system date
472 Income from Patent u/s 115BBF In Filing status Residential Status is "Non
is claimed by Non resident. Resident" and S. No. 2dxvi (115BBF) of
Schedule OS or 4a 3e (115BBF) in Schedule
BP is greater than Zero
473 In Schedule VIAA- Deduction u/s In Part C- Deductions and Taxable total
80C to 80GGC is claimed then Income, user value in any field from 80C to
drop down for "Whether, you 80GGC is greater than zero and drop down for
have made any investment/ "Whether, you have made any investment/
deposit/ payments between deposit/ payments between 01.04.2020 to
01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020 for the 31.07.2020 for the purpose of claiming any
purpose of claiming any deduction under Part B of Chapter VIA?" is not
deduction under Part B of selected
Chapter VIA?" must be selected
497 in Schedule 80G, Total Donation in Schedule 80G, Total Donation at point A
at point A is not equal to the sum should be equal to the sum of Donation in
of Donation in Cash and Cash and Donation in other mode
Donation in other mode
498 in Schedule 80G, Total Donation in Schedule 80G, Total Donation point B
at point B is not equal to the sum should be equal to the sum of Donation in
of Donation in Cash and Cash and Donation in other mode
Donation in other mode
499 in Schedule 80G, Total Donation in Schedule 80G, Total Donation point C
at point C is not equal to the sum should be equal to the sum of Donation in
of Donation in Cash and Cash and Donation in other mode
Donation in other mode
500 in Schedule 80G, Total Donation in Schedule 80G, Total Donation point D
at point D is not equal to the sum should be equal to the sum of Donation in
of Donation in Cash and Cash and Donation in other mode
Donation in other mode
501 In Sch 80G, Total Donation at In Sch 80G, Total Donation at point E should
point E is not equal to the sum of be equal to the sum of (Aiii+Biii+Ciii+Diii)
502 In Schedule HP Standard Schedule HP - Value at field "1g" is not equals
deduction allowed on House to 30% of Annual value at "1f " in schedule
property should be equal to 30% HP.
of Annual value. This rule shall be implemented for all
properties in HP & value at field "1g" is greater
than zero
503 Ownership of house is selected In schedule HP, the answer to the question "
as co-owned house property but Is the property co-owned" is "YES" and sum of
assessee's share and co- assessee's share in the property plus share
owner(s) share is not equal to of co-owner is less than 100%.
100 %.
504 In case property is co-owned, If "Type of HP" is Let out/ Deemed let out,
annual value of the property Schedule HP - If the answer to the question "Is
owned should be equal to own the property co-owned?" is "yes" then value at
percentage share *annual value. field 1(f) should be equal to Assessee's
percentage of share in the property *value at
field 1e (applicable for all properties ).
505 In Schedule HP, Assessee If in "Schedule HP", Co-owned Flag is Y and
cannot claim interest on Assessee's share of percentage in property is
borrowed capital if assessee's ZERO and S. No. "1h" is greater than ZERO.
share of co-owned property is
506 In Schedule HP, Gross rent Value at field "1c" in "Schedule HP" is more
received/ receivable/ lettable than zero
value is zero or null and AND
assessee is claiming municipal Value at field "1a" in "Schedule HP" is zero or
tax null
507 In Schedule HP, Type of "House If type of House property is selected as "SOP",
Property" is selected as "Self- and value at field 1h, 2h….n….. of Schedule
occupied" but Interest on HP is greater than 2 lakh.
borrowed capital from HP is more
than 2,00,000
508 In Schedule HP, S. No. 4 should If the value at field 4 is NOT Equal to Sum of
be equal to sum of SI no. 1k+2K+...+3
509 In case of type of property is let In "Schedule HP" If "Type of House Property"
out or deemed let out than Gross is "Deemed Let out" or "Let Out"
rent received/ receivable/ lettable and
value should be more than zero Value at field "1a of all the properties" is null or
510 In Schedule HP, S. No. 1e - In "Schedule HP" if the value at field 1e is
Annual Value should be output of NOT Equal to Sum of SI no. (1a-1d)
S. No. (1a- 1d)
511 In Schedule HP, S. No. 1d -Total In "Schedule HP" if the value at field 1d is
should be output of S. No. NOT Equal to Sum of SI no. (1b+1c)
512 In Schedule HP, S. No. 1i -Total In "Schedule HP" if the value at field 1i is NOT
should be output of S. No. Equal to Sum of SI no. (1g+1h)
513 In Schedule HP - S. No. 1k In "Schedule HP" if the value at field 1k is
Income from House Property (1f NOT Equal to Sum of SI no. (1f-1i+1j)
– 1i + 1j) should be equal to sum
of 1f – 1i + 1j
514 In Schedule HP, S. No. 3 Pass Schedule HP S. No. 3 is not equal to the sum
through income is not equal to of net income col. 9 of S. No. (i) of Sch PTI
the amount of net income/ loss of against all the Names of business trust /
HP mentioned in Schedule PTI investment fund
515 In Schedule HP, more than two In Schedule HP, more than two house is
house is claimed to be self claimed to be self occupied
occupied / annual letable value
for the properties is zero or null or
for more than two house and
interest on borrowed capital has annual letable value for the properties is zero
been claimed as deduction for or null for more than two house and interest
more than two self occupied on borrowed capital has been claimed as
property deduction for more than two self occupied
516 In Schedule 80D, Deduction at S. In Schedule 80D, Deduction at S. No. 1a
No. 1a is not equal to sum of S. should be equal to sum of S. No. (i+ii)
No. (i+ii)
523 80D claimed in Sch VI A but In Schedule VI A , value in field 80D (Pt. f)
details not provided in Schedule System calculated value is greater than zero
In "80D schedule", the field S. No. 3 "Eligible
Amount of Deduction" field is "Zero" or
524 80D claimed in Income Details In schedule Income Details, in S. No. B5(f)
Deduction under Chapter VIA value in field 80D is not equal to the field S.
should be equal to Eligible No. 3 "Eligible Amount of Deduction" of
amount of deduction of Schedule Schedule 80D subject to GTI
80D subject to GTI
525 In Schedule S, S. No. 1 Gross In "Schedule S" if value at S. No. 1 is not
Salary (1a + 1b + 1c) should be equal to sum of S. No. 1a+1b+1c
equal to the sum of S. No.
1a+1b+1c Note : This check also needs to be done when
there are multiple employment details
526 In Schedule S, S. No. 2 Total In "Schedule S", S. No. 2 Total Gross Salary
Gross Salary (from all employers) should be sum of S. No. 1 +…. Of all
should be sum of S. No. 1 +…. employers.
527 In Schedule S, S. No. 3 In Schedule S, S. No. 3 Allowances to the
Allowances to the extent exempt extent exempt u/s 10 should be sum of all the
u/s 10 is not equal to the sum of dropdowns
all the dropdowns
528 In Schedule S , S. No. 4 Net In "Schedule S", if value at S. No. 4 is not
Salary should be output of S. No. equal to difference of S. No. 2-3
2-3 Note: This rule will be applicable if 2 is greater
than 3
If 2 < 3, then 4 should be "Zero"
529 In Schedule S, S. No. 5 In "Schedule S" If value at S. No. 5 is not
Deductions u/s 16 (5a+5b+5c) equal to sum of S. No. 5a+5b+5c
should be sum of 5a+5b+5c
530 In Schedule S, S. No. 6 Income In "Schedule S" If value at 6 is not equal to
chargeable under Salaries should difference of 4-5
be output of S. No. 4-5 Note: This rule will be applicable if 4 is greater
than 5
562 In Schedule OS, Deduction u/s In Schedule OS, Deduction u/s 57iia shall be
57iia shall be allowed only if allowed only if income is offered in Family
income is offered in Family Pension in S. No. 1(e ) 1
Pension in S. No. 1(e ) 1
563 In Schedule OS, S. No. 1b In Schedule OS, S. No. 1b should be equal to
should be equal to sum of sum of (bi+bii+biii+biv+bv)
564 In Schedule OS, S. No. 10 the In Schedule OS, S. No. 10 the quarterly break
quarterly break up of Dividend up of Dividend Income u/s 115BBDA
Income u/s 115BBDA should be (i+ii+iii+iv+v) should be equal to sum of S. No.
equal to S. No. 2d(xv) Income by 2d(xv) 115BBDA - Dividend Income from
way of dividend received by domestic company exceeding 10Lakh and 2e
specified assessee, being PTI-115BBDA - Dividend Income from
resident, from domestic company domestic company exceeding 10 Lakh and
exceeding rupees ten lakh reduced by DTAA Income u/s. 115BBDA (PTI
chargeable u/s 115BBDA + oTher than PTI)
Note: In schedule OS,
For Non residents - DTAA income will be
reduced only if TRC flag is Yes at column
number 7 of S. No. 2f
565 In Schedule OS, S. No. 10 the In Schedule OS, S. No. 10 the quarterly break
quarterly break up of Income by up of Income by way of winnings from
way of winnings from lotteries, lotteries, crossword puzzles, races, games,
crossword puzzles, races, gambling, betting etc. referred to in section
games, gambling, betting etc. 2(24)(ix) (i+ii+iii+iv+v) should be equal to S.
referred to in section 2(24)(ix) No. 2a Winnings from lotteries, crossword
should be equal to S. No. 2a puzzles etc. chargeable u/s 115BB reduced
Winnings from lotteries, by DTAA 115BB .
crossword puzzles etc.
chargeable u/s 115BB
Note: In schedule OS,
For Non residents - DTAA income will be
reduced only if TRC flag is Yes at column
number 7 of S. No. 2f
566 Total of STCG in Schedule CG Value at field "A10 " in "Schedule CG" is not
should be equal to the individual equal to the sum of value A1e of all the
breakup of STCG in Schedule blocks+A2c+ A3e+ A4a+ A4b+ A5e+
CG A6g+A7+A8-A9a of Schedule CG .
567 Total of LTCG in Schedule CG Value at field "B14" in "Schedule CG" is not
should be equal to the individual equal to the sum of value B1e of all the blocks
breakup of LTCG in Schedule CG +B2e +B3e + B4e + B5c +B6c+ B7e+
B8c+B9c+ B9f +B10e+ B11+ B12-B13a of
Schedule CG .
568 In Schedule CG, S. No. C Value at field "C " in "Schedule CG" is not
Income chargeable under the equal to the sum of value A10+B14 of
head "Capital Gain" should be Schedule CG .
equal to the sum of Total Short Note: This rule will applicable only if B14 is
Term Capital Gain and Total positive.
Long Term Capital Gain
569 In Schedule CG, Full Value of If In Schedule CG, Full Value of Consideration
Consideration (si no A1aiii) is (S. No. A1aiii) is zero and expenses (S. No.
zero then expenses(si no A1b(iv) A1b(iv) are more than zero
can not be claimed
570 In Schedule CG, Full Value of If In Schedule CG, Full Value of Consideration
Consideration(si no A3a) is zero (S. No. A3a) is zero and expenses (S. No.
A3b(iv) are more than zero
Page 141 of 152
Instructions to Form ITR-3 (A.Y 2020-21)
585 In schedule CG, S. No. A3c of If in Sch CG A3c is not equal to A(3a-biv)
STCG Balance should be equal
to A(3a-biv)
586 In Schedule CG S. No. A3e of If in Sch CG A3e is not be equal to A(3c+3d)
STCG should be equal to the
sum of A(3c+3d)
587 In Schedule CG S. No. A5(a)(ic) If In Schedule CG S. No. A5(a)(ic) is lower of
should be higher of A5(a)(ia) or A5(a)(ia) or A5(a)(ib)
588 In Schedule CG, S. No. A5(aiii) If in Sch CG S. No. A5(aiii) is not equal to
should be equal to sum of sum of A5[(a)(ic)+(aii)]
589 In schedule CG, S. No. A5 biv If in Sch CG A5(biv) is not equal to Sum of
Total should be equal to sum of A5(bi+bii+biii)
590 In schedule CG, S. No. A5c If in Sch CG A5c Balance is not equal to
Balance should be equal to A5(aiii-biv)
591 In Schedule CG S. No. A5e of If in Sch CG A5e is not equal to A(5c+5d)
STCG should be equal to the
sum of A(5c+5d)
592 In Schedule CG S. No. A6(a)(ic) If In Schedule CG S. No. A6(a)(ic) is lower of
should be higher of A6(a)(ia) or A6(a)(ia) or A6(a)(ib)
593 In Schedule CG, S. No. A6(aiii) If in Sch CG S. No. A6(aiii) is not equal to
should be equal to sum of sum of A6[(a)(ic)+(aii)]
594 In schedule CG, S. No. A6 biv If in Sch CG A6(biv) is not equal to Sum of
Total should be equal to sum of A6(bi+bii+biii)
595 In schedule CG, S. No. A6c If in Sch CG A6c Balance is not equal to
Balance should be equal to A6(aiii-biv)
596 In Schedule CG S. No. A6g of If in Sch CG A6g is not equal to A(6c+6d+6e-
STCG should be equal to the 6f)
sum of A(6c+6d+6e-6f)
597 In Schedule CG S. No. A7 of If in Sch CG A7 is not equal to A(aXi +axii+----
STCG should be equal to the ----+ aXn + b)
sum of A(aXi +aXii+aXn b)
598 In Schedule CG S. No. A8 of If in Sch CG A8 is not equal to (A8a + A8b +
STCG should be equal to the A8c)
sum of (A8a + A8b + A8c)
599 In schedule CG, S. No. B1 biv of If in Sch CG B1(biv) is not equal to Sum of
LTCG Total should be equal to B1(bi+bii+biii)
sum of B1(bi+bii+biii)
600 In schedule CG, S. No. B1c of If in Sch CG B1c is not equal to B1(aiii-biv)
LTCG Balance should be equal
to B1(aiii-biv)
601 In Schedule CG S. No. B1e of If in Sch CG B1e is not equal to B(1c-1d)
LTCG should be the difference of Note: This rule will be applicable when c > d.
602 In Schedule CG S. No. B2e of If in Sch CG B2e is not equal to B(2c-2d)
LTCG should be the difference of Note: This rule shall be applicable when 2e is
B(2c-2d) greater than Zero.
619 In Schedule CG S. No. B8c of If in Sch CG S. No. B8c is not equal to B(8a-
LTCG should be equal to B(8a- 8b)
8b) Note: This rule is applicable if 8a is greater
than 8b
620 In schedule CG, S. No. B9c If in Sch CG S. No. B9c is not equal to B(9a-
LTCG on share or debenture 9b) Note:1) if 9a>0
should be equal to B(9a-9b). If 9a 1(i) if(9a>=9b) then 9c=9a-9b 1(ii)
is negative, no deduction will be if(9a<9b) then 9c =0 2) if 9a<=0
allowed and 9c should be equal then 9c=9a
be 9a
621 In Schedule CG S. No. B9f of If in Sch CG S. No. B9f is not equal to B(9d-
LTCG should be equal to B(9d- 9e)
9e). If 9d is negative, no Note:1) if 9d>0 &
deduction will be allowed and 9d 1(i) if(9d>=9e) then 9f=9d-9e
should be equal be 9f 1(ii) if(9d<9e) then 9f =0
632 Schedule CG S. No. Ei2 should If value at field Ei2 is not equal to the sum of
be equal to sum of S. No. (A3e+ S. No. (A3e+ A4a+ A8a)
A4a+ A8a)
Note: This rule will be applicable only if the
sum of S. No. (A3e+ A4a+ A8a) is negative
636 In Schedule CG S. No. Ei6 If value at field Ei6 is not equal to the sum of
should be equal to S. No. S. No. (B4e+B5c+ B7e +B8c+ B9c +
(B4e+B5c+ B7e +B8c+ B9c + B12a1+b12a2)
Note: This rule will be applicable only if the
sum of S. No. (B4e+B5c+ B7e +B8c+ B9c +
B12a1+b12a2) is negative
640 Schedule CG S. No. Eiii should If value at field Eiii is not equal to the sum of
be equal to sum of S. No. S. No. (A5e+A8b)
Note: This rule will be applicable only if the
(A5e+A8b) is positive
644 Schedule CG S. No. Evii should If value at field Evii is not equal to the sum of
be equal to S. No. (B1e+ S. No. (B4e+B5c+ B7e +B8c+
B2e+B3e+B6c+ B9f+ B10e+ B9c+B12a1+B12a2)
B11+ B12b)
Note: This rule will be applicable only if the
(B4e+B5c+ B7e +B8c+ B9c+B12a1+B12a2) is
666 Amount utilised out of Capital Section & Amount utilised out of Capital Gains
Gains account (column 2) in S. account (column 2) in S. No. C of schedule DI
No. C of schedule DI are not are not matching with the amount utilised out
matching with the amount utilised of Capital Gains account as per S. No. A7a of
out of Capital Gains account as Schedule CG of Short term capital gains of
per S. No. A7a of Schedule CG Schedule CG
of Short term capital gains of
Schedule CG
667 Amount utilised between Amount in column no 3 in S. No. C of
01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020 in S. schedule DI is more than column no 2 of S.
No. C of Schedule DI cannot No. C of schedule DI
exceed column no 2 of S. No. C
of schedule DI
668 Select either of "Sec 10(10B) In Schedule salary value mentioned at S. No.
First proviso “or "Sec 10(10B) 3 if more than one drop down is selected
Second proviso" or "Sec from"Sec 10(10B) First proviso " or "10(10B)
10(10C)" from the dropdown as Second proviso " or "Sec 10(10C)."
only one can be selected for
claiming the exemption
669 Kindly restrict the exemption u/s In income details, S. No. 3 if the value of drop
10(14)(i) to Salary as per section down "Sec 10(14)(i) Prescribed Allowances
17(1) or benefits (not in a nature of perquisite)
specifically granted to meet expenses wholly,
necessarily and exclusively and to the extent
actually incurred, in performance of duties of
office or employment" is more than the value
of Salary as per Section 17(1)
670 Kindly restrict the exemption u/s In income details, S. No. 3 if the value of drop
10(14)(ii) to Salary as per section down "Sec 10(14)(ii) Prescribed Allowances
17(1) or benefits granted to meet personal expenses
in performance of duties of office or
employment or to compensate him for
increased cost of living" is more than the value
of field Salary as per Section 17(1)
671 In Schedule Salary at S. No. 3 In Schedule Salary, at field 3 "Exempt
"exempt allowance" no drop allowance" no dropdown can be selected
down can be selected ore than more than once
672 Relief u/s 89 can be claimed only Relief u/s 89 cannot be greater than zero if
out of Income from salary or Taxable income under the head salary at Sr.
family pension no. 6 in Schedule Salary is "Zero"/"Blank" or in
Schedule OS net income from family pension
(.i.e family pension (at sr. no. ie) as reduced
by deduction u/s. 57(iia) at Sr. no. 3a(ii)) is
673 If exempt allowance u/s 10(13A) In Schedule Salary drop down in field exempt
& deduction u/s 80GG is claimed allowance is selected as 10(13A) and
at Rs. 60000, then no deduction deduction in Schedule VI-A u/s. 80 GG (1n) is
will be allowed u/s 80GG claimed at Rs. 60000 or more
674 Assessee claiming deduction u/s In Schedule S, employer category is other
10(10AA) more than the than "Central or State government" in all
maximum limit of Rs 300000/- for blocks and the deduction u/s. 10(10AA) is
employer category other than more than Rs. 300000
"Central and State Government"
Pr. DGIT(Systems) or DGIT(Systems), as the case may be, is authorized to add or remove any rules above
based on technical feasibility and same may be uploaded in e-filing portal.