Indirizzi: LI04, EA03 - LICEO LINGUISTICO Tema Di: Lingua E Cultura Straniera 1 (Inglese) Lingua E Cultura Straniera 3 (Francese)
Indirizzi: LI04, EA03 - LICEO LINGUISTICO Tema Di: Lingua E Cultura Straniera 1 (Inglese) Lingua E Cultura Straniera 3 (Francese)
Indirizzi: LI04, EA03 - LICEO LINGUISTICO Tema Di: Lingua E Cultura Straniera 1 (Inglese) Lingua E Cultura Straniera 3 (Francese)
Prove scritte per l’Esame di Stato – INGLESE La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite stampa o fotocopia è autorizzata
Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton © Zanichelli 2020 ai soli fini dell’utilizzo nell’attività didattica
Read the following statements and say whether each one is True (T), False (F) or Not Stated
(NS). Put a cross in the correct box.
1. The narrator’s grandmother didn’t appreciate the importance of reading and writing and
didn’t find delight in writing wonderful stories.
5. The story of the Tai-me’s coming is revered by the Kiowas because it is the oldest story
passed down through the generations.
Answer the questions below. Use complete sentences and your own words.
6. Examine how the author’s choice of the first-person narrator adds interest and authenticity to
the text. Comment on the use of descriptive adjectives and the atmosphere created. Justify
your answer by referring to the text.
7. Explain what the narrator means when he says that ‘She was asking me to go with her
to the confrontation of something that was sacred and eternal. (line 17).
8. Why is the story of Tai-me so important to the Kiowa people? What does it represent?
We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak less.
Diogenes Laërtius (3rd century AD)
Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more
acute than listening to them. I suppose it’s an early form of participation in what goes on.
Listening children know stories are there. When their elders sit and begin, children are just
waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole.
Eudora Welty, One Writer’s Beginnings (1984)
Discuss the quotations in a 300-word essay. Support your ideas by referring to your
readings and/or to your personal experience.