Daf Instructions PDF
Daf Instructions PDF
Daf Instructions PDF
1. The Main Examination in the scheme of the Civil Services Examination, 2020 for
the services and posts mentioned in preamble to the Rules will be held from 8th
January, 2021. The detailed Time Table of Examination will be made available along
with the e-Admit Card.
In the interest of coordinated and secured logistics, the Commission may not
operate Centres where the number of candidates is very low. In such cases, the
Commission may allot nearest Centres to the candidates. THE DECISION OF THE
3. The Centres and the dates of holding the Main Examination as mentioned above
are liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission. While every effort will be
made to allot the candidate to the Centre of his choice, the Commission may, at their
discretion allot a different Centre or a new Centre that may be opened when
circumstances so warrant.
4.1. The qualified candidates seeking admission to the Civil Services (Main)
Examination must apply online through the Commission’s website (www.upsc.gov.in) by
filling the Detailed Application Form - I (DAF – I) and uploading the scanned copies of the
required document within the prescribed time limit so that DAF - I is submitted by the
applicant on time.
4.2. The candidates must carry their Photo ID Proof submitted by them while applying for
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020 to the Examination Venues for Civil Services
(Main) Examination alongwith the e-Admit Card in support of their identity.
5 FEE:
Candidates applying (Except Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidates who are exempted
from payment of fee) for Civil Services (Main) Examination are required to pay a fee of
Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of
SBI by cash, or by using Net Banking facility of SBI or by using
Visa/Master/RuPayCredit/Debit card.
Applicants who opt for "Pay by Cash" mode should print the system generated
Pay-in-slip during filling of payment mode of Detailed Application Form -I and deposit
the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay by Cash" mode
will be deactivated on 10-11-2020 ie. one day before the closing date; however applicants
who have generated their Pay-in-Slip before it is deactivated may pay at the counter
of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date. Such applicants who are
unable to pay by cash on the closing date i.e. during banking hours at SBI Branch,
for reasons, whatsoever, even if holding valid pay-in-slip will have no other offline option
but to opt for available Online Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking payment mode
on the closing date i.e. till 1800 hours of 11-11-2020.
For the applicants in whose case payments details have not been received from the
bank, they will be treated as fictitious payment cases and a list of all such applicants
shall be made available on the Commission's website within two weeks after the last day
of submission of Online Detailed Application Form - I. These applicants shall also be
intimated through e-mail to submit copy of proof of their payment to the Commission at
the address mentioned in the e-mail. The applicant shall be required to submit the proof
within 10 days from the date of such communication either by hand or by speed post to
the Commission. In case, no response is received from the applicants, THEIR
Persons with Benchmark Disability are exempted from the payment of fee,
provided they are otherwise eligible for appointment to the Services/Posts to be filled on
the results of this examination on the basis of the standards of medical fitness for these
Services/Posts (including any concessions specifically extended to the Persons with
Benchmark Disability). A candidate belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability
category claiming age relaxation/fee concession will be required to upload along with
his/her Detailed Application Form scanned Certificate of Disability from a Government
Hospital/Medical Board in support of his/her claim of belonging to Persons with
Benchmark Disability Category as per norms.
Note II: Applications without the prescribed fee (unless remission of fee is claimed)
shall be summarily rejected.
Note III: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee
be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
6. Candidates are advised to read carefully the Rules of Civil Services Examination,
2020 which include the detailed scheme of the examination, as published in Part I –
Section 1 of the Govt. of India Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 1 2 t h Fe b ru a ry ,
2 02 0 . They should note that no correspondence will be entertained by the commission
from candidates to change any of the entries made in DAF–I. They should, therefore,
take special care to fill up the application form correctly. No column of the application
form should be left blank.
8. All the candidates who qualify for Personality Test/Interview on the basis of Result of
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 will be required to submit their Order of Preferences
for Zone(s)/State(s) Cadre (for IAS/IPS) through online Detailed Application Form - II. This
DAF-II will be made available to the qualified candidates of written examination of Civil
Services (Main) Examination, 2020.
9. All the candidates who qualify for Personality Test/Interview on the basis of Result of
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 will be required to submit their Order of
Preferences for Participating Services through an online Detailed Application Form (DAF) -II.
This DAF - II will be made available to the qualified candidates of written examination of Civil
Services (Main) Examination, 2020.
10. The information earlier given by candidates in the application form for the
Preliminary Examination will be cross-checked with the information given by them in
the application form for the Main Examination. If there are any serious discrepancies,
candidates are liable to be refused admission to the Main Examination in such cases.
11. The Roll No. of the candidate for the Main Examination will be the same as the
Roll Number given to him/ her for the Preliminary Examination.
12. A candidate must upload along with DAF - I a scanned copy of the relevant
certificate showing that he has one of the qualifications prescribed in Rule 7 of CSE
Rules, 2020. The certificate uploaded must be one issued by the Competent Authority
(i.e. University or other examining body) awarding the particular qualification.
Attention is invited to Notes I and IV under Rule 7 of the Rules for the Civil Services
Examination 2020. All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for
taking the Civil Services (Main) Examination will be required to upload the proof of
passing the requisite minimum educational qualification along with their
application (i.e. Detailed Application Form-I) for the Main Examination, failing
which such candidates will not be admitted to the Main Examination. Such proof
of passing the requisite examination should be dated earlier than the due date
(closing date) of Detailed Application Form-I of the Civil Services (Main)
Examination. (Please refer Rule 7 of CSE Rules, 2020).
Name: _____________________
Roll No.______________
14. A candidate appearing in the examination should also bring with him/ her
to the examination hall extra copies of the photograph similar to the one
uploaded in the application form.
15.1 A candidate who claims reservation benefit under Economically Weaker Section
(EWS) should upload in support of his/her claim a scanned copy of the Income and
Asset Certificate in the form indicated below.
Note 2: Candidates claiming to belong to OBCs should note that the name of their
caste (including its spellings) as indicated in their certificates, should be exactly
the same as published in the lists notified by the Central Government from time to
time. A certificate containing any variation in the caste name will not be accepted.
Note 3: The OBC claim of a candidate will be determined in relation to the State (or part
of the State) to which his father originally belongs. A candidate who has migrated from
one State (or part of the State) to another should, therefore, produce an OBC certificate
which should have been issued to him based on his father's OBC certificate from the
State to which he (father) originally belongs.
16. A candidate must upload with his/her application a scanned copy of certificate of age
(indicating his date of birth) (Please refer Para regarding proof of Date of Birth below
Note IV under Rule 6 of CSE Rules, 2020).
Note: The date of birth, accepted by the Commission is that entered in the
Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate
recognised by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract
from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University which extract must be
certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or
an equivalent examination certificate. These certificates are required to be
submitted only at the time of applying for the Civil Services (Main) Examination.
No other document relating to age like horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from
Municipal Corporation, Service records and the like will be accepted. The
expression Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination Certificate in this part
of the Instruction include the alternative certificates mentioned above.
(i) A candidate disabled while in the Defence Services claiming age concession should
upload/produce certified copy of the certificate in the form prescribed below from the
Director General Resettlement, Ministry of Defence to certify that he was disabled while
in the Defence Services in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a
disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof.
(a) Has rendered five or more years military service and has been released on completion
of assignment otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct
or inefficiency.
(b) Has been released on account of physical disability attributable to military service or
on invalidment on—————
Name and Designation of the
Competent Authority seal
(Applicable for serving personnel who are due to be released within one year).
I hereby certify that, according to the information available with me (No.) (Rank)
Name is serving in the Army/Navy/Air Force
from and is due to complete the specified
term of his engagement with the Armed Forces on the date____________
Candidates furnishing certificate (B) as above will have to give the following
3. There is no objection to his applying for civil employment and he will be released
on three months’ notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment.
(b) In case of JCO/ORs and equivalent of the Navy and Air Force.
18.1 The paper A on Indian Language will not, however, be compulsory for candidates of
Persons with Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impaired) provided that they have been granted
such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University. The
candidate needs to provide an undertaking/self-declaration in this regard in order to claim such
exemption. The format of declaration/under-taking is given as under:
I seek to avail the exemption from appearing in Indian Language Paper A of Civil Services
(Main) Examination. I have been granted such exemption from 2 nd or 3 rd language courses by the
……….(Education Board)/…….. (University).
I have read the Rules of Civil Services Examination, 2020 and aware of the Rule that Such
exemption from appearing at INDIAN LANGAUGE FOR PAPER A is permissible to those Hard of
Hearing candidates with Benchmark Disability who have been granted such exemption from 2nd
or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University.
Name: _____________________
Roll No._____________
20A The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor
disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy will be allowed Compensatory Time of
twenty minutes per hour of the examination. In case of other categories of Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities, this facility will be provided on production of a certificate to the
effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write from the Chief Medical
Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution as
per proforma at Appendix – IV of the Notice of CSE, 2020 dated 12th February, 2020. Thus
these candidates will be allowed compensatory time of 60 minutes for each paper which
will be over and above the duration of 3 hours per applicable to all candidates.
20B The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the categories of blindness, locomotor
disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy will be provided the facility of scribe, if
desired by the person. In case of other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as
defined under section 2(r) of the RPWD Act, 2016, the facility of scribe will be allowed to such
candidates on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical
limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on behalf, from the Chief
Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care
institution as per proforma at Appendix – IV of the Notice of CSE, 2020 dated 12th February,
The candidates have discretion of opting for his/her own scribe or request the
Commission for the same. The details of scribe i.e. whether own or the Commission’s and the
details of scribe in case candidates are bringing their own scribe, will be sought at the time of
filling up the application form online. Suitable provisions in Online Application have been
The qualification of the Commission’s scribe as well as own scribe will not be more than
the minimum qualification criteria of the examination. However, the qualification of the
scribe should always be matriculate or above.
21. Detailed Application Form-I submitted online without the uploaded scanned copies of
the required/prescribed documents are liable to be summarily rejected.
22. Candidates must note that they use only international form of Indian numerals
in the filling of the application form and writing the Code Numbers e.g.1,2,3,4, 5,6,
etc.Only the Code Numbers as thus filled in will be taken into account. They should take
special care to see that the entries made in the application form are correct and true. In
case there are any misleading entries, the candidates will responsible for the
consequences thereof.
23. E-Admit Card issued for admission to the Main Examination are liable to be
cancelled, at the discretion of the Commission for valid reasons such as
misrepresentation or serious deficiencies in the candidature of the candidate.
24.(i)Candidates should note that name, roll no., email and mobile number of the
candidate and data of Col: 1(a), 1(b),3, 8(a), 8(f), 8(g), 8(h), 9(a), 9(b), 9(c), 10, 11, 12(a),
12(b),13(a), 13(b), 18(a) and 21 are pre-populated and have been taken from the data filled
up by the candidates at the time of filling up of on-line application form for Civil Services
(Preliminary) Examination, 2020 and no change is permitted in any of these columns in the
Detailed Application Form-I.
(ii)In respect of Sindhi language they have to clearly indicate in words whether they
will write Sindhi in Devanagari script or Arabic script. Similarly for Santhali language
candidates should clearly indicate whether they will write Santhali in Devanagari or
Olchiki script. Candidates may also note that the question papers of Santhali language
will be printed in Devanagari script only.
25. Candidates are required to indicate in the relevant column of Col.12 of the DAF-I
about the language medium in which they would like to be interviewed at the time of
Interview for Personality Test as below (Please refer Rule 15(2) of CSE Rules, 2020) :-
(a) The candidates, opting for Indian Language medium for the written part of the
Civil Services (Main) Examination, may choose either the same Indian Language or
English or Hindi as the medium for the interview.
(b) The candidates, opting to write the Civil Services (Main) Examination in English,
may choose as the medium for interview either English, or Hindi, or any other Indian
Language opted by them for the compulsory Indian Language Paper in the written part of
the Civil Services (Main) Examination. However, the candidates, who are exempted from the
compulsory Indian Language Paper, will have to choose either English or Hindi as medium
of Interview for Personality Test.
26. Candidates should note that instead of separate Question Paper and answer book, a
consolidated Question Paper-cum-Answer book (QCAB), having space below each
part/sub part of a question shall be provided to them for writing the answers.
Candidates shall be required to attempt answer to the part/sub-part of a question
strictly within the pre-defined space. Any attempt outside the pre-defined space shall
not be evaluated. Marks may be deducted as PENALTY for violating any of the
instructions contained in the QCAB.
27. Candidates should note that in no circumstances will they be allowed a change in
the language medium of Interview for Personality Test which they have indicated in
their Detailed Application Form - I for the Main Examination.
28. Candidates should note that evaluation of the papers, namely, Essay, General
Studies and Optional Subject of all the candidates would be done simultaneously along
with evaluation of their qualifying papers on 'Indian Languages' and 'English' but the
papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subject of only such candidates will be
taken cognizance who attain 25% marks in Indian Language and 25% marks in English
as minimum qualifying standards in these qualifying papers.
29. In all communication with the Commission regarding his/her application the
candidate should mention the name of the Examination, his/her Roll Number, Name and
his/her Date of birth.
A candidate must see that communication sent to him at the address stated in
his application is redirected, if necessary. Any change in address should be
communicated to the Commission at the earliest opportunity. Although the
Commission makes every effort to take account of such changes, they can not accept any
responsibility in the matter.
30. The Candidates should note that their candidature at all the stages of the Civil Services
(Main) Examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed
eligibility conditions. If on verification at any stage before or after the Main (Written)
examination and Interview Test, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility
conditions; their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission.
31. Documents to be scanned and uploaded while submitting the Detailed Application
Form - I on the website of the Commission by the candidate are as follows:
(1) Scanned Copy of proof of date of birth as prescribed in Para below Note IV under Rule 6 of
the rules for the exam. [Col. 1 (a) of DAF-I]
(2) Scanned Copy of certificate in support of claim for age relaxation (where applicable) [Col. 1
(c) of DAF-I]
(3) Scanned Copy of Certificate in support of claim to belong to SC / ST / OBC (Non
(4) Scanned Copy of certificate in support of claim to being PwBD. [Col. 9 of DAF-I]
(5) A scanned copy of Hailing Certificate to show that the candidate hails from Arunachal
Pradesh/ Manipur/ Meghalaya/ Mizoram/ Nagaland or Sikkim (Where applicable)
(6) A scanned copy of an Undertaking ‘B’/self-declaration by those Hard of Hearing candidates
with Benchmark Disability who have been granted such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language
courses by the concerned education Board/University and who are availing the Exemption
from appearing in Indian Language Paper A . [Ref. para 18(1) of the Instructions to candidates
(7) Scanned Copy of the certificate of educational qualifications (including a copy of recognition
letter / equivalence certificate from AIC/UGC, if applicable) [Col. 14 of DAF-I]
(8) Undertaking “A” for Government employees in the prescribed format annexed with
Instructions to Candidates. [Ref. Col. 15(i) of DAF-I and Para 13 of the Instructions to the
Code Description
1 -a citizen of India.
2 -a subject of Nepal.
3 -a subject of Bhutan.
4 a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962, with the
intention of permanently settling in India.
5 -a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East
African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi,
Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
(Please refer Rule 5 of CSE Rules, 2020)
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)(Union Territories) Order, 1951@. [as amended by the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes List(Modification) Order,1956; the Bombay
Reorganization Act, 1960; the Punjab ReorganizationAct,1966;the State of Himachal Pradesh
Act,1970; and the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act,1976, the State of Mizoram Act,1986 the State of
Arunachal Pradesh Act,1986 and the Goa, Daman and Diu(Reorganization)Act,1987.]
the Constitution (ST) Order (Amendment) Act,1991.@
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002.@
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes
certificate* issued to Shri/Shrimati* ...................................... father/mother of
................. Shri / Shrimati /Kumari* .................................................. of village/ town*
....................................................... in District / Division*
..................................................................... of the State / Union Territory*
............................................... who belongs to the ….................................................. caste /
tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* in the State/Union
Territory.......................issued by the………..............................................
%3. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* ...................................................... and /or* his/her* family
ordinarily reside(s) in village/. town* ..................................................................................... of
District / Division* ..................................... of the State/Union Territory* of
(With Seal of Office)
Place: ...................................
State/Union Territory *...............................
Date: ................................
NOTE: The term "Ordinarily reside(s)" used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20
of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
(iv) Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
(B) The form of certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes candidates applying
for appointment to posts under the Government of India.
12015/2/2007-BCC dated 11th October, 2010 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part
I, Section I, No. 274 dated 12th October, 2010.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.
12015/15/2008-BCC dated 16th June, 2011 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part
I, Section I, No. 123 dated 16thJune, 2011.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.
12015/13/2010-BC-II dated 8th December, 2011 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary,
Part I, Section I, No. 257 dated 08th December, 2011.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.
12015/05/2011-BC-II dated the 17th February, 2014 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part
I, Section I, No.47 the 17th February, 2014.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/04/2014-BC-II
dated the 14thJanuary, 2015 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.16 dated the 14th
January, 2015.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/07/2014-BC-II
dated the 23rdJanuary, 2015 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.26 dated the 23rd
January, 2015.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/01/2015-BC-II
dated the 27th May, 2015 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.144 dated the 27th
May, 2015.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12015/05/2011-BC-II
dated the 14thJuly, 2015 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.191 dated the 15th
July, 2015.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/06/2014-BC-II
dated the 09thSeptember, 2015 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.234 dated the
09th September, 2015.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/13/2016-BC-II
dated the 25th May, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.160 dated the 26th
May, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/14/2016-BC-II
dated the 13thJune, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.188 dated the 15th
June, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/15/2016-BC-II
dated the 30thJune, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.206 dated the 30th
June, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No. 12011/04/2014-BC-II
dated the 11thAugust, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.266 dated the 11th
August, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/06/2014-BC-II
dated the 06thDecember, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.363 dated the
07th December, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.12011/13/2016-BC-II
dated the 22ndDecember, 2016 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.374 dated the
22nd December, 2016.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution No.20012/01/2017-BC-II
dated the 18thJanuary, 2017 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.18 dated the 19th
January, 2017.
(with seal of office)
Note: The term “ordinarily reside(s)” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of
the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
**List of Authorities empowered to issue Other Backward Classes certificate will be the same
as those empowered to issue Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificates.
“I,……………………………….son/daughter of Shri……………………………………. Resident of
Application for Obtaining Certificate of Disability by Persons with Disabilities
[See rule 17(1)]
(1) Name : ________________ __________________ _________________
(Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name)
(2) Father's Name : ___________________ Mother's Name: ________________
(3) Date of Birth : __________/____________/_____________
(Date) (Month) (Year)
(4) Age at the time of application : ___________________ years
(5) Sex: Male/Female/Transgender__________________
(6) Address:
(a) Permanent address (b) Current Address (i.e. for communication)
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
(c) Period since when residing at current address __________________
(7) Educational Status (please tick as applicable)
(i) Post Graduate
(ii) Graduate
(iii) Diploma
(iv) Higher Secondary
(v) High School
(vi) Middle
(vii) Primary
(viii) Non-literate
(8) Occupation ____________________________________
(9) Identification marks (i) __________________ (ii) __________________
(10) Nature of disability :
(11) Period since when disabled: From Birth//since year ________________
(12) (i) Did you ever apply for issue of a certificate of disability in the past ___ yes/no
(ii) If yes, details:
(a) Authority to whom and district in which applied ________
(b) Result of application ____________________________________
(13) Have you ever been issued a certificate of disability in the past? If yes, please enclose a
true copy.
Declaration: I hereby declare that all particulars stated above are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief, and no material information has been concealed or misstated. I further state that if any
inaccuracy is detected in the application, I shall be liable to forfeiture of any benefits derived and
other action as per law.
(signature or left thumb
impression of person with
disability, or of his/her legal
guardian in case of persons
with intellectual disability,
autism, cerebral palsy and
multiple disabilities, etc)
Date :
1. Proof of residence (Please tick as applicable).
(a) ration card,
(b) voter identity card,
(c) driving license,
(d) bank passbook,
(e) PAN card,
(f) passport,
(g) telephone, electricity, water and any other utility bill indicating the address of
the applicant,
(h) a certificate of residence issued by a Panchayat, municipality, cantonment board,
any gazetted officer, or the concerned Patwari or Head Master of a Government
(i) in case of an inmate of a residential institution for persons with disabilities, destitute, mentally
ill, and other disability, a certificate of residence from head of such institution.
2. Two recent passport size photographs
(For office use only)
Place: Signature of issuing authority
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs or dwarfism and in case of
[See rule 18(1)]
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Recent passport
size attested
(Showing face
only) of the person
with disability.
Certificate No. Date:
This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum.
____________________________son/wife/daughter of Shri __________________ Date of Birth
(DD/MM/YY) ____________ Age ______ years, male/female __________________ registration
No. ______________permanent resident of House No. ___________ Ward/Village/Street
__________________ Post Office _______________ District __________ State -
________________, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:
(A) he/she is a case of:
• locomotor disability
• dwarfism
• blindness
(Please tick as applicable)
(A) he/she has ________ % (in figure) __________________ percent (in words) permanent
locomotor disability/dwarfism/blindness in relation to his/her ______ (part of body) as per
guidelines ( ……………number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified).
2. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
impression of the
person in whose favour
certificate of disability
is issued
Form - VI
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of multiple disabilities)
[See rule 18(1)]
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Recent passport
size attested
(Showing face
only) of the person
with disability.
Certificate No. Date:
This is to certify that we have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum.
_____________________________________son/wife/daughter of Shri
_____________________________________Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) ____________ Age
_____ years, male/female ______________.
Registration No. _______________ permanent resident of House No. ____________
Ward/Village/Street ____________ Post Office ____________ District ____________ State
____________, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:
(A) he/she is a case of Multiple Disability. His/her extent of permanent physical
impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (……………number and date of issue
of the guidelines to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown against the relevant
disability in the table below:
S. No Disability Affected Diagnosis Permanent physical
part of impairment/mental
body disability (in %)
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Dwarfism
5. Cerebral Palsy
6. Acid attack Victim
7. Low vision #
8. Blindness #
9. Deaf £
10. Hard of Hearing £
11. Speech and Language
12. Intellectual Disability
13. Specific Learning
14. Autism Spectrum
15. Mental illness
16. Chronic Neurological
17. Multiple sclerosis
18. Parkinson’s disease
19. Haemophilia
20. Thalassemia
21. Sickle Cell disease
(B) In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines
(……….number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows : -
In figures : - ------------------ percent
In words :- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- percent
Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of the
Signature/thumb impression of
the person in whose favour
certificate of disability is
Form – VII
Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI)
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
(See rule 18(1))
Recent passport
size attested
Certificate No. Date: (Showing face
This is to certify that I have carefully examined only) of the
Shri/Smt/Kum__________________________________________ son/wife/daughter person ofwith
__________________________________________ Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)_____ disability _____
____ Age _______ years, male/female _________ Registration No. __________________
permanent resident of House No. ___________ Ward/Village/Street _____________________
Post Office _________________ District ________________ State ____________________,
whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that he/she is a case of
______________________________ disability. His/her extent of percentage physical
impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (……..number and date of issue of the
guidelines to be specified) and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:-
S. No Disability Affected Diagnosis Permanent physical
part of impairment/mental
body disability (in %)
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Cerebral Palsy
5. Acid attack Victim
6. Low vision #
7. Deaf €
8. Hard of Hearing €
9. Speech and Language
10. Intellectual Disability
11. Specific Learning
12. Autism Spectrum
13. Mental illness
14. Chronic Neurological
15. Multiple sclerosis
16. Parkinson’s disease
17. Haemophilia
18. Thalassemia
19. Sickle Cell disease
{Countersignature and seal of the
Chief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/
Signature/thumb Head of Government Hospital, in case the
impression of the Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is
person in whose not a Government servant (with seal)}
favour certificate
of disability is
Note.- In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant, it
shall be valid only if countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer of the District
[Intimation of rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability]
[See rule 18 (4)]
No. ________________________ Dated :
(Name and address of applicant
for Certificate of Disability)
Sub: Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability
Sir/ Madam,
Please refer to your application dated______ for issue of a Certificate of Disability for the
following disability:
2. Pursuant to the above application, you have been examined by the undersigned/ Medical
Authority on________ , and I regret to inform that, for the reasons mentioned below, it is not
possible to issue a Certificate of Disability in your favour:
3. In case you are aggrieved by the rejection of your application, you may represent
to________________ , requesting for review of this decision.
Yours faithfully,
(Authorised Signatory of the notified Medical Authority)
(Name and Seal)
Shri................................................. Village/Town*..........................................in
Date.................... Signature..............................
Place................... Designation.........................
(Seal of Office)
Name: _____________________
Roll No.______________
appearing at the examination, their applications will be liable to be rejected/candidature
will be liable to be cancelled.
Government of……………..
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)
2. Shri/Smt./Kumari …………………. belongs to the ……………. caste which is not recognized as a Scheduled
Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List).
*Note l: Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
**Note 2: The term 'Family" for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her
parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years
***Note 3: The property held by a "Family' in different locations or different places/cities have been clubbed
while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.