MBA Program: July 2019-21 Batch Subject Outline: Nurturing and Managing Brand Equity
MBA Program: July 2019-21 Batch Subject Outline: Nurturing and Managing Brand Equity
MBA Program: July 2019-21 Batch Subject Outline: Nurturing and Managing Brand Equity
Subject Outline
Subject Credits 3
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Modify branding strategies over time and across Understand global branding and timely strategies -
6 geographic boundaries to maximize brand equity evidenced in class discussion
The basic teaching philosophy for this course is to blend the theory and
practice of brand equity management in a comfortable, supportive
classroom environment that promotes active learning. The teaching
methods will consist of formal lectures, case study analysis, exercises
Approach to Learning
and discussion groups.
Assessment Strategy To earn this subject credits, students will need to demonstrate critical
understanding of all parts of the syllabus, as the assessment will draw
on all the six learning outcomes. Because of the nature of the subject
matter, creativity and good quality of thought and expression will be
Learning Outcomes Submission day/week
Assessment Description of Assessment Weight*
No Assessed (assignments) or
Method* Method %
1 2 3 4 5 6 length (exam)
CS Case Study (preparation and 5 X X X Throughout the course
DSA During Semester Test 20 X X X X X X
PF Performance for 10 X X X X X X As per the module
GR Preparation of a sustained 10 X X X X X X 75% into course
brand management strategy completion
for a firm
*Additional 5% weight age for attendance that totals to 50%. Remaining 50% assessed through the Semester End Examination
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Outline of Teaching Schedule
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Managing Brands over time:, Brand Reinforcement (Awareness and Image) and
Revitalization (new opportunities and repositioning), Adjusting the Brand Portfolio Chapter 13, 14
(migrating, acquiring, retiring); Managing brands over geographic boundaries: Advantages
and disadvantages of global marketing, Standardization versus Customization
Summarizing the Strategic Brand Equity Framework
Recommended Resources
Essential Textbook
Reference Books
Recommended Journals
• Afaqs contains news on Indian brands, media and advertising, complete with guest articles,
case studies and creative showcases. The Storyboard section outlines the latest TV advertisements on air,
frame by frame. The website also releases a fortnightly print magazine.
• Brandchannel, a part of the brand consulting firm Interbrand, is a free online
exchange about global brands and branding. The site contains options for online debates and white paper
submissions, global listings for conferences, courses and careers and links to other valuable industry resources.
• Landor is a strategic brand and marketing consultancy firm based in co-chaired by David
Aaker. The website contains interesting case studies on the clients that the firm has worked with.
• Advertising Age magazine’s online version containing news on media, brands and marketing
including strategies discussed by Chief Marketing Officers of reputed brands. A valuable section is the Ad Age
Insights section that features Customized reports from Ad Age's Data Center. Most articles in the site are free
to browse and download.
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