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2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany*
Pharmaceutical Sector – Current Scenario
 API and Generics turnover in 2014 US $ 15 BILLION

 Projected Turnover By 2020 US $ 55 Billion

 India holds 20% of world wide generic market

 Approximate number of manufacturing units : 20000

 API Manufacturing Units : 4600

 Geographic Spread : Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, West Bengal,

 Contribution to turnover from Telangana State : 20%

 Approximate number of manufacturing units : 670

 Geographical spread in Telangana : 75% of units located in 6 Clusters

 Number of Small and Medium Scale API units : 490

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany
Cluster of API Manufacturing Units - Hyderabad

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Environmental Concerns
 Larsons report -2007, presence of traces of antibiotics in surface and
ground water
 Prevalence of anti microbial resistance (AMR)

 Genetic changes in species

 Nordia Report - 2016, Government intends to pursue vigorous

industrialization regardless of Human Social and Environmental Costs

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

API Manufacturing Process – Schematic Diagram
Raw Material
Solvent Reactor Energy

Mother Liquors
Water Filtration Washings

Solvent Crystallization Solvent for recovery




2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Types of Effluent
S.No Type of Effluent Source Concentration
1 High TDS a. Process COD: 20000 to 40000 mg/l
b. Washings TDS: 50000 to 100000 mg/l
c. Scrubbers Salts: 5.0 to 10.0 %
d. RO Rejects
2 Low TDS a. Utility Blow downs TDS: 3000 to 8000 mg/l
b. Condensate from
MEE Multiple Effect Evaporator
ATFD Agitated Thin Film Dryer

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Evolution of Treatment Systems – API Units
 Solar Evaporation
Release of VOC’s, Ground Water and Soil Contamination

 Conventional Biological Treatment followed by on Land Disposal

Ineffective, release VOC’s, Soil Contamination, Contamination of Surface
Water Courses

 Forced Evaporation
Release of VOC’s, High Moisture containing bottom salts – not acceptable
for Secured Land Fill, Contamination of Surface Water Courses

 Forced Evaporation, RO, Spray Dryer

Release of VPC’s, Odour from Spray Dryer, Contamination of Ground Water
due to disposal of Semi Treated Wastewater.

 Zero Liquid Discharge Based Treatment System

Effluent Segregation, Effective Treatment, Complete Reuse, Transformation
of COD into Incinerable Organics, and TDS Into Dry Salts for Disposal in
World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany
Zero Liquid Discharge Based Treatment System
LTDS Effluent
HTDS Effluent

Biological Treatment
Stripper Condensate
Equalization & to Cement
Neutralization Industries/TSDF MEE + ATFD Capacity: 50 Kl/hr
Scrubber & RO
Rejects Permeate for
Primary RO Plant
Settling tank reuse by Cluster
Capacity: 50 Kl/hr Units
Steam Stripper
Capacity: 60 Kl/hr
Capacity: 50 Kl/hr RO Rejects

Steam requirement for 20 Hours Operation

Steam Stripper 7.6 TPH
Capacity: 15 Kl/hr
Multiple Effect Evaporator 16.2 TPH
Agitated Thin Film Dryer 2.7 TPH
HTDS High Total Dissolved Solids Salts to TSDF
LTDS Low Total Dissolved Solids
MEE Multiple Effect Evaporator HTDS 1000 KLD

ATFD Agitated Thin Film Dryer LTDS 63 KLD

RO Reverse Osmosis Steam requirement 22.1 TPH

TSDF Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility Power requirement 415 HP

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Treatment System

Stripper Column Multiple Effect Evaporator Agitated Thin Film Dryer

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Treatment System

RO Plant

Biological Treatment Plant RO Plant

Hood System with Scrubber for Effluent Storage tanks Stage Wise Effluent Physical Appearance

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Stage Wise Reduction of Pollutant Concentration
LTDS Effluent
Effluent: 63 KLD
TDS: 3000 mg/l

Effluent: 1000 KLD HTDS Effluent

COD: 20000 to 40000 mg/l
TDS: 50000 to 100000 mg/l Stripper Condensate
Quantity 10 KLD
Effluent: 1053KLD Biological Treatment
TDS: 2374 mg/l Plant
Equalization & COD: 380000 mg/l
Neutralization Caloric Value: 3000 to 6000 MEE + ATFD Capacity: 50 Kl/hr
Effluent: 1100 KLD
TDS: 2445 mg/l
Effluent: 10 KLD
Primary Settling TDS: 30000 mg/l
RO Plant Permeate for reuse by
tank Capacity: 50 Kl/hr Cluster Units
Quantity: 941.8 KLD
Effluent: 1000 KLD Effluent: 990 KLD TDS: 50 mg/l
COD: 20000 to 40000 mg/l TDS: 97000 mg/l
Steam Stripper
TDS: 47500 to 99500 mg/l Capacity: 60 Kl/hr RO Rejects
Capacity: 50 Kl/hr
Effluent: 158.2 KLD
Effluent: 250 KLD TDS: 16687 mg/l
TDS: 100000 mg/l

Capacity: 15 Kl/hr

Salts to TSDF
105 TPD

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Captive Power Plant with ZLD System

High Pressure Steam

High Pressure Gross Power
Coal Fired Boiler
35 TPH @ 67 Kg/cm2(g)
29.75 TPH @
67 Kg/cm2(g
~ 5 MW

Fuel Details
Coal Cal. Value: 4800
Boiler Efficiency: 85%

Stripper MEE ATFD

7.6 TPH @ 3 Kg/cm2(g) 16.2 TPH @ 5 Kg/cm2(g) 2.7 TPH @ 5 Kg/cm2(g)

Biological Treatment

RO Plants

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Cost Estimate INR 100 = 1.35 €
S.No Description Cost
INR Million Million €
1 Land 15 0.20
2 Civil Structures and Others 50 0.65
3 Boiler 35 0.46
4 Turbine 30 0.39
5 Stripper 18 0.23
6 Multiple Effect Evaporator 72.5 0.94
7 Agitated Thin Film Dryer 26 0.34
8 Cooling Towers 17.5 0.23
9 Biological Treatment Plant 40 0.52
10 RO System 21 0.27
11 Storage Tanks 25 0.33
Total 350 4.55
Annual Operating Cost
1 Boiler 127.96 1.66
2 Stripper, MEE and ATFD 0.38 0.005
3 Biological Treatment Plant and RO Systems 10.91 0.14
Total 139.24 1.81
Annual Maintenance Cost
1 Boiler 12.80 0.17
2 Stripper, MEE and ATFD 53.66 0.70
3 Biological Treatment Plant and RO Systems 4.51 0.06
2 World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany
Total 71 0.92 13
Cost Benefit INR 100 = 1.35 €

S.No Description Cost

INR Million Million €
Annual Income
1 Power exported to Grid 218.6 2.84
2 Income from Cluster Units for 1000 KLD wastewater 187.8 2.44
Total - I 406.4 5.3
Annual Expenditure
1 Power Usage 1.11 0.01
2 Operating Cost 139.2 1.81
3 Maintenance Cost 71 0.92
4 Depreciation 4.65 0.06
Total - II 215.97 2.81
Gross Profit (Total I - Total II) before Tax 190.44 2.48

Return of Investment INR 100 = 1.35 €

S.No Description Cost per Annum S.No Description Cost per Annum
INR Million Million € INR Million Million €
1 1st Year 350 4.55 3 Balance for 3rd Year 53.4 0.69
Interest on Above 52.5 0.68 Interest on Above 8.0 0.10
Total - I 402.5 5.23 Total - III 61.5 0.80
2 Balance for 2nd Year 212.1 2.76 4 Balance for 4th Year -129.0 -1.68
Interest on Above 31.8 0.41 Total - IV -129.0 -1.68
Total - II 243.9 3.17 5 Balance for 5th Year -319.4 -4.15
Rate of Interest @ 15 % 6 Balance for 5th Year -509.9 -6.63
2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany
Environmental Benefits
 Encourages small and medium industries to send effluent for treatment
and reuse
 Small and medium industry will be more profitable and may spend the
savings on treatment costs on other environmental management and
mitigation measures

 No further contamination of ground and surface water streams ensured

 Can be adopted by other sectors which have High TDS effluents

 Alternative to incineration of mother liquors and High COD/TDS wastes –

reduced CO2 emissions.

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany


2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Technical Specifications of Effluent Treatment System
S.No Description Unit Capacity S.No Description Unit Capacity
Stripper for Process and Washings Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE)
1 Design Capacity KLD 1000 11 Cooling Water Circulation Rate m3/hr 5.0-7.0
2 Feed Rate Kl/hr 45-50 at 30 – 32OC
3 Specific Gravity of Feed ≈ 1.03 12 Cooling Water Inlet OC 30 – 32
4 Initial Feed COD PPM 20000-40000 Temperature
5 Feed Total Solid % 2.0-5.0 13 Cooling Water Outlet OC 38 – 40
6 High Heating Temperature O
C 95 – 100 Temperature
7 High COD Condensate recovery Kl/hr 8.0-10.0 Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD)
8 2
Dry Saturated Steam at 3.0Kg/cm (g) Pr 7.6 1 Design Capacity KLD 300
9 Cooling Water circulation rate 3
2.5-4.0. 2 Feed Rate Kl/hr 12.0-14.0
m /hr
OC 30 – 32 3 Initial Feed Solid Content % 35.0-40.0
10 Cooling Water Inlet Temperature
O 38 – 40 4 Final Moisture in Dry Bag-gable % 3.0-5.0
11 Cooling Water Outlet Temperature C
12 Operating Condition Atmospheric Product
Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE) 5 Water Evaporation Rate Kl/hr 10.0-14.0
1200 6 Designed Water Evaporation Kl/hr 12.5
1 Design Capacity KLD
50-55 7 Solid Output in Bag-gable at 5% Kl/hr 4.0-5.0
2 Feed Rate Kl/hr
3 Feed Concentration mg/l 50000-100000 moisture
OC 35 8 Dry Saturated Steam at TPH 2.7
4 Feed Temperature
5 Initial Solids % 5.0-10.0. 5.0Kg/cm2 (g) Pr
6 Solids in Concentrate % 35.0-40.0 9 Cooling Water Circulation Rate m3/hr 1.0-2.0
7 Concentrate Output Kl/hr 10.0-14.0 at 30 – 32OC
10 Cooling Water Inlet Temp OC 30 – 32
8 Water Evaporation Rate Kl/hr 35.0-45.0
11 Cooling Water Outlet Temp O C 38 – 40
9 Designed Water Evaporation Rate Kl/hr 37.5
10 Dry Saturated Steam at 5.0Kg/cm2 (g) Pr TPH 16.2

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Technical Specifications of Effluent Treatment System
S.No Description Unit Capacity S.No Description Unit Capacity
Biological Treatment Plant RO Plant - I
1 Design Capacity KLD 1200 1 Design Capacity KLD 1200
2 Equalization Tanks KL 1200 (2no.s) 2 Operating Capacity KLD 989
3 Bio Aeration Tank –I KL 1200 3 Feed pH 6.5 (max)
4 Clarification Tank - I KL 1200 4 Permeate KLD 593
5 IInd Stage Bio Aeration KL 1200 5 Plant Efficiency % 60
6 Clarification Tank –II KL 1200 6 Rejects KLD 395
7 Holding Tank KL 800 (2no.s) RO Plant – II
1 Design Capacity KLD 500
2 Operating Capacity KLD 395
3 Feed pH 6.5 (max)
4 Permeate KLD 237.3
5 Plant Efficiency % 60
6 Rejects KLD 158.2

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

List of Facilities at ZLD System
Collection Tanks  Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE)

Neutralization Tanks  Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD)

Setting Tanks  Biological Treatment Plant
Stripper  RO System
 Step Down Turbine

CETP - JETL, Jeedimetla - Inlet Effluent Characteristics

Low TDS Effluent: TDS<5000 & COD<15000

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Stripper and Multiple Effect Evaporator P&ID


2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

Stage Wise Load reduction
LTDS Effluent
Effluent: 63 KLD
TDS: 0.19 TPD

Effluent: 1000 KLD HTDS Effluent

TDS: 100 TPD Stripper Condensate
Quantity 10 KLD
Effluent: 1053 KLD Biological Treatment
TDS: 2.5 TPD Plant
Equalization & COD: 38 TPD
Neutralization Caloric Value: 3000 to 6000 MEE + ATFD Capacity: 50 Kl/hr
Pre treatment RO Rejects Effluent: 1100 KLD
Effluent: 1000 KLD Effluent: 10 KLD TDS: 2.69 TPD
Primary Settling RO Plant
TDS: 99.5 TPD Permeate for reuse by
tank Capacity: 50 Kl/hr Cluster Units
Quantity: 941.8 KLD
Effluent: 990 KLD TDS: 0.05 TPD
TDS: 99.5 TPD
Steam Stripper
Capacity: 60 Kl/hr
Capacity: 50 Kl/hr RO Rejects
Effluent: 250 KLD Effluent: 158.2 KLD
TDS: 105TPD TDS: 2.64 PD

Capacity: 15 Kl/hr

Salts to TSDF
105 TPD

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling, Berlin, Germany

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