Milno Et Al
Milno Et Al
Milno Et Al
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) are rare
Key Points
histiocytic disorders induced by somatic mutation of MAPK pathway genes. BRAFV600E
• Bone marrow progenitors, mutation is the most common mutation in both conditions and also occurs in the
monocytes, and myeloid DCs hematopoietic neoplasm hairy cell leukemia (HCL). It is not known if adult LCH or ECD
contain BRAFV600E alleles in arises from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), nor which potential blood borne precursors
adults with LCH and ECD. lead to the formation of histiocytic lesions. In this study, BRAFV600E allele–specific
polymerase chain reaction was used to map the neoplastic clone in 20 adults with LCH,
• Mutant allele distribution is
ECD, and HCL. BRAFV600E was tracked to classical monocytes, nonclassical monocytes,
not disease specific, but
and CD1c1 myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) in the blood, and mutations were observed
precursors have distinct in HSCs and myeloid progenitors in the bone marrow of 4 patients. The pattern of
LCH-like and macrophage involvement of peripheral blood myeloid cells was indistinguishable between LCH and
differentiation capacities. ECD, although the histiocytic disorders were distinct to HCL. As reported in children,
detection of BRAFV600E in peripheral blood of adults was a marker of active multisystem
LCH. The healthy counterparts of myeloid cells affected by BRAF mutation had a range of differentiation potentials depending on
exogenous signals. CD1c1 DCs acquired high langerin and CD1a with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and
transforming growth factor b alone, whereas CD141 classical monocytes required additional notch ligation. Both classical and
nonclassical monocytes, but not CD1c1 DCs, made foamy macrophages easily in vitro with macrophage colony-stimulating factor
and human serum. These studies are consistent with a hematopoietic origin and >1 immediate cellular precursor in both LCH and ECD.
(Blood. 2017;130(2):167-175)
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and Erdheim-Chester disease alleles in CD141 and CD11c1 peripheral blood populations.5 A
(ECD) are rare inflammatory myeloid neoplasms principally caused by hematopoietic origin was corroborated in 2 cases of MS-LCH through
mutations in the MEK–extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) expansion of hematopoietic clones in vitro.5 These studies support a
signaling pathway, most commonly involving BRAF.1-5 LCH has a model in which MS-LCH arises in the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
peak of incidence in childhood, but an increasing number of adults are and is disseminated to the periphery by myeloid cells carrying somatic
now also diagnosed, including some with a poor outcome because of mutation.13 However, the identity of blood-borne cells that give rise
multisystem LCH (MS-LCH).6-8 ECD, once considered a form of to peripheral tissue histiocytes remains open to further investigation,
“non-Langerhans” histiocytosis, appears to be a related condition by because .1 cell type carries BRAFV600E and myeloid lineages may
virtue of a common genetic landscape and the histological evidence have overlapping differentiation potentials.
of coexistent LCH and ECD in a proportion of adult patients.9,10 In Human peripheral blood contains several subsets of myeloid
contrast with LCH, ECD is rarely seen in children and predominantly mononuclear cells. Monocytes comprise ;10% of mononuclear cells
affects older males.11,12 and may be divided into classical, nonclassical, and intermediate on the
In children with MS-LCH caused by BRAFV600E allele–specific basis of CD14 and CD16 expression.14 All human monocytes express
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to demonstrate mutant CD11c. CD141 classical monocytes are the most numerous and can be
Submitted 16 December 2016; accepted 24 April 2017. Prepublished online as The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
Blood First Edition paper, 16 May 2017; DOI 10.1182/blood-2016-12-757823. payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section 1734.
The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
© 2017 by The American Society of Hematology
differentiated into macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) in vitro. Flow cytometry
Blood DCs comprise 1% to 2% of mononuclear cells and are sub- Absolute quantitation was performed using TruCount tubes on whole blood with
divided into CD1231 plasmacytoid DCs and 2 subsets of CD11c1 a single-step lyse no-wash protocol. For more detailed analysis, whole blood was
myeloid DCs expressing CD1c1 and CD1411.15 CD1c1 DCs are separated by density centrifugation into mononuclear and red cell/neutrophil
the major population of myeloid DCs in blood and tissues. They may fractions. The red cell pellet was subsequently used for extraction of neutrophil
express langerin in vivo16 and readily acquire a Langerhans cell–like DNA. Flow cytometry was performed on an LSRII or LSR Fortessa X20
phenotype in vitro.17,18 cytometer from Becton Dickinson (BD;, and data were
The differentiation potentials of monocytes and blood DCs overlap, analyzed with FlowJo (Treestar). Fluorescence-activated cell sorting was
and monocyte-derived DCs bear many markers in common with performed using a BD FACS Aria. Sorted cells were collected into microfuge
CD1c1 myeloid DCs.19 Monocytes have plasticity in many directions tubes containing RPMI with 10% fetal calf serum.
including DC and macrophage axes20,21 and may also express langerin Antibodies were from BD unless stated otherwise and are denoted as
follows: antigen fluorochrome (clone) CD1a BV421 (HI149; Biolegend; http://
in vitro under certain conditions.22 Thus multiple blood-derived; CD1c APC (AD5-8E7; Miltenyi Biotec; http://www.
populations have the potential to contribute to histiocytic lesions.; CD3 FITC (SK7); CD3 V500 (UCHT1); CD7 FITC
The precursor populations of adults with LCH, ECD, or LCH/ECD (4H9); CD10 PE-TR (B-Ly6; Beckman Coulter; http://www.beckmancoulter.
crossover disease remain undefined. It is not known whether MS-LCH
Lesion Lesion
32 20
A 30
p = 0.027
% BRAF V600E
dCT (CTmut - CTref)
Positive 0.01
5 0
% BRAF V600E
0.01 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Plasma PBMC No CD14+ CD16+ CD1c+
Cells Mono Mono mDC
Cell DNA % BRAF V600E
Figure 2. Detection of BRAFV600E alleles. (A) A standard curve constructed using DNA purified from a dilution series of BRAFV600E-positive melanoma cell line A375 into WT
Epstein-Barr virus–transformed lymphoblastoid cell line. The quantitative limit of detection was 0.1%; the absolute limit of detection was 0.01% (positive outside of quantitative
range [POQR]). (B) BRAFV600E allele frequency in bulk PBMCs in cases of lesion BRAFV600E 1 LCH, LCH/ECD, and ECD. Contingency of positive PBMCs upon MS-LCH
tested by Fisher’s exact test. (C) Correlation between mutated allele burden in cell-free plasma and PBMC DNA in LCH, ECD, and HCL. (Di) Test of exogenous free DNA
uptake by PBMCs. BRAF-mutated DNA (derived from melanoma cell line A375) was spiked into whole blood for 24 hours at room temperature. Plasma and PBMCs were
isolated by density centrifugation. DNA was extracted from both fractions and subjected to allele-specific PCR. (Dii) Test of exogenous free DNA uptake by sorted cells
incubated at 37°C for 24 hours in medium supplemented with 20% human serum from a patient with HCL. DNA from supernatants and cell pellets, as indicated, was subjected
to allele-specific PCR. mDC, myeloid dendritic cell.
in the CMP fraction. Mature histiocytes arising from the mutated clone cells with high langerin and CD1a contain Birbeck granules.17,18,22,28,29
were rigorously excluded in this analysis (supplemental Figure 5). A Previous reports are discordant and have not examined monocytes and
pediatric patient included for comparison showed a similar distribution DCs from peripheral blood and compared their differentiation capacity
of alleles. The NRAS-mutated patient was quantified by peak height in the same platform. We therefore tested the development of a
on Sanger sequencing at 21% to 63% in myeloid precursor fractions. Langerhans cell (LC)–like phenotype by blood monocytes and CD1c1
Progenitor cells from this patient were demonstrated to engraft in DCs using conditions that had been previously described in either
immunodeficient mice, in the accompanying paper.27 monocytes or DCs17,18,22,28,29: soluble factors GM-CSF and TGF-b
These results suggest that LCH and ECD arise in the HSCs and and the notch ligands d-like protein 1 (DLL1) and DLL4, expressed
are transmitted to peripheral tissues by blood-borne myeloid cells. on mouse OP9 cells. In order to study the potential to develop foamy
However, there was no obvious disease-specific bias in the distribution macrophage morphology, we used M-CSF with 5% human serum.
of mutant alleles among myeloid cells that might correlate phenotypic As shown previously, CD1c1 DCs attained high langerin
differences between LCH and ECD. We therefore evaluated the expression with GM-CSF and TGF-b alone. Soluble factors GM-
potential of each myeloid fraction to give rise to the characteristic cells CSF and TGF-b were not sufficient to induce high langerin in
of LCH and ECD lesions through in vitro differentiation of sorted CD141 monocytes, but this potential was revealed by coculture with
fractions from healthy controls. notch ligands DLL1 and DLL4. CD161 monocytes did not express
It has previously been demonstrated that monocytes and CD1c1 high langerin under any conditions, but notch ligation also further
DCs can express langerin in vitro under different conditions, but only enhanced the expression of langerin by CD1c1 DCs in response to
A2123 A7044 A7073 A7264
1% 23% 11% 32%
99% 77% 88% 68%
A7646 A7908
A2951 A7495 (child) (child)
LCH 22% 3% 6% 29%
2% 1% 2%
Live Cells
10% 6%
78% 85% 93% 93%
6% 12% 14%
CD3,19,20,56 3%
94% 88% 63%
4% 3%
0.5%* 14%
100% 82% 97% 100%
CD14+ CD16+ CD1c+ CD123+
Neuts T B NK HCL
Mono Mono mDC pDC
A2123 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.40 22.85
A7044 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.06 73.65
A7073 0.00 NT NT NT NT 0.01 26.87 0.10 38.21
A7264 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.29 0.01 29.34
A2951 0.00 4.82 45.61 4.96 0.90 0.03 0.16 0.00 N/A
A7495 0.00 17.74 39.48 7.94 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
A7646* 0.00 1.70 2.66 1.15 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
A7908* 0.00 20.07 41.75 13.75 1.88 0.00 0.00 NT N/A
A2712 0.00 0.14 4.07 0.11 0.06 <0.01 0.00 0.00 N/A
LCH/ECD A7502 0.00 0.17 0.20 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
A7791 0.00 0.20 0.71 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
Figure 3. Allele-specific PCR of BRAFV600E in PBMCs. (A) The distribution of BRAFV600E in PBMCs sorted into quadrants as shown according to expression of HLA-DR
and lineage. Pie charts summarize the distribution of mutant alleles in HCL, LCH, and ECD. The area of each quadrant in the pie is proportional to the total number of mutant
alleles in that quadrant (ie, the percentage positivity of the quadrant multiplied by the number of cells in the quadrant). All patients had active disease at the time of sampling.
Two children with LCH included for comparison are indicated. Asterisk indicates the threshold of detection for a negative result where cell numbers were limiting. (B) The
distribution BRAFV600E among peripheral blood cells showing the percentage of mutated alleles detected. Gray shading indicates positive fractions. Asterisk indicates child
with MS-LCH shown for comparison. All patients had active disease at the time of sampling. Italics indicate those who had received prior treatment. B, B cell; Mono, monocyte;
Neuts, neutrophil; NK, natural killer; NT, not tested owing to lack of or insufficient material; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell; T, T cell.
172 MILNE et al BLOOD, 13 JULY 2017 x VOLUME 130, NUMBER 2
HCL A7264 0.57 0.07 0.05 33.37
A2712 0.47 4.56 0.61 0.00 0.00 N/A
LCH A2951 0.61 12.67 1.33 0.20 0.00 N/A
A8086* 0.15 0.29 0.85 0.05 0.03 N/A
A7791 0.10 0.35 0.48 0.01 NT N/A
A7344† 29.00 21.00 63.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
soluble factors (Figure 5; supplemental Figure 6). In macrophage negative). Although we localized most of the BRAFV600E alleles in
differentiation conditions, CD1c1 DCs were unable to form foam peripheral blood to the HLA-DR1lineage2 compartment of both LCH
cells, whereas both monocyte subsets developed this phenotype. A and ECD, some overspill was observed into the HLA-DR2lineage2
summary of the distribution of BRAF alleles and differentiation cells, owing to this strategy. Although a proportion of this signal was
potential of myeloid lineage affected is shown in Table 1. contained in HLA-DRloCD141 monocytes, CD11c1CD1c2 myeloid
progenitors that may generate macrophages are also found in this
region. In particular, ECD patients frequently have expanded
myelopoiesis with an element of left shift that mobilizes these cells into
Discussion the peripheral compartment; thus, we cannot exclude a contribution of
more primitive myeloid precursors to the lesions of ECD. Notably,
Prior to the discovery of BRAFV600E, there was accumulating evidence recent gene expression studies described enrichment for myeloid
that both LCH and ECD were clonal proliferations of histiocytes, progenitor signatures in ECD lesions.25
including a remarkable insight by Chetritt et al that ECD was the There is significant interest in cell-free DNA as a marker of
“macrophage counterpart to LCH.”30,31 Here we have exploited the neoplasia, and this is also detectable in histiocytosis.33 In our hands,
recurrent BRAFV600E mutation to map the neoplastic clones of LCH and plasma cell-free BRAFV600E was approximately half-log lower in
ECD. The results further reinforce the concept that LCH and ECD are abundance than cell-associated alleles. We considered the possibility
closely related hematopoietic neoplasms, regardless of their distinctive that exogenous DNA might account for the mutant alleles found in
pathological features.32 PBMCs, especially as the signal was localized to monocytes with phago-
A high-resolution analysis of myeloid cells demonstrated the cytic activity. However, exposure of healthy control blood to BRAF-
highest frequency of mutant alleles in CD141 classical monocytes, mutated genomic DNA did not result in a cell-associated signal.
CD161 nonclassical monocytes, and CD1c1 myeloid DCs. Un- Furthermore, the lack of mutated alleles in neutrophils, but the localization
expectedly, the nonclassical monocyte is a reservoir of BRAF mutation of mutation to nonphagocytic CD341 progenitor cells, argues against
and accounts for a proportion of the signal previously tracked to phagocytic uptake of exogenous DNA as a significant source of artifact.
CD11c1 myeloid cells.5 We also mapped BRAF mutation to cells Total RNA profiling reveals a strong DC-related and macrophage-
defined by phenotype as HSCs in LCH, ECD, and HCL. BRAFV600E related signature in LCH and ECD, respectively.25 However, there
has previously been reported in HSCs of children with MS-LCH5 and was no bias in the distribution of mutated alleles to suggest that
patients with HCL,26 and it remains unclear how the same mutation the phenotypic differences of LCH and ECD lesions are determined
present in HSCs generates such unrelated pathologies. Although there by the myeloid lineages harboring BRAF mutation. This may not be
is a documented overlap between LCH and ECD,9,10 HCL is unrelated surprising given the relatively high incidence of overlap cases now
in incidence, and we did not observe HCL leukocytes in any patient documented.9,10 Many alternatives may explain the variation between
with histiocytosis. LCH and ECD, such as genetic background, age-related myeloid
The initial cell-sorting approach adopted apposed gating of the hematopoietic bias,34 additional somatic mutation,35 or extrinsic inflam-
HLA-DR vs lineage plot of total PBMCs in order to account for all the matory signals arising independently in the local tissue environment.
mutated alleles present in PBMC DNA (neutrophils were consistently The difference in median age of onset between LCH and ECD is
controls cultured for 3 days in conditions as shown.
LangerinhighCD1a1 gates depicted contain LCH-like cells
with Birbeck granules. Notch ligands DLL1 And DLL4 CD1a CD14+ CD16+ CD1c+
were presented on transfected mouse OP9 cells. Repre- Monocyte Monocyte DC
sentative data of 5 independent experiments. (B) Sorted 0.36% 0.25% 29.0%
CD141 monocytes, CD161 monocytes, and CD1c1 myeloid GM-CSF
DCs from healthy controls cultured for 7 days with M-CSF TGFβ
and 5% human serum (HS) to reveal potential to differen- (cell-free)
tiate into foamy macrophages. Representative phase
contrast images of 5 independent experiments.
2.10% 0.22% 36.6%
consistent with an influence of age-related myeloid bias or clonal The differentiation of myeloid cells in response to cytokine and
hematopoiesis. From a pathological perspective, the occurrence of LCH notch-mediated signaling showed that .1 precursor has the potential to
and ECD together in a single lesion suggests a cell-intrinsic form cells with characteristic properties of LCH and ECD histiocytes
mechanism.10 However, in cases where an overlap syndrome occurs (Figure 6). The critical role of notch signaling in permitting LC
with distinct and characteristic anatomical distributions of each disease, development from monocytes was first reported in response to
the tissue environment may direct either LCH- or ECD-like pathology, DLL1.22 Without this signal, CD141 classical monocytes only express
through extrinsic signals. In keeping with previous reports of expanded low langerin and are unable to form langerinhighCD1a1 cells containing
myelopoiesis in MS-LCH,36 we observed an increase in blood myeloid Birbeck granules in response to GM-CSF and TGF-b. In contrast,
cells and BM myeloid progenitors in adult LCH and ECD. CD1c1 DCs spontaneously express langerin in vivo16 and rapidly
acquire LC-like properties when exposed to GM-CSF and TGF-b.17,18
In vitro differentiation experiments presented here clearly show that 2
Table 1. Table summarizing BRAFV600E mutant allele frequency
pathways may generate langerinhigh cells and that DLL4 provides a
among blood monocytes and myeloid DCs (data from Figure 3) and
the potential of WT cells to form langerinhigh LCH-like cells or foamy more potent signal for monocytes than DLL1. Recent molecular studies
macrophages in vitro have shown that DLL1 induces LC development in monocytes by
CD14 CD16 CD1c downregulating KLF and depressing RUNX3.29 Elevated GM-CSF,
M-CSF, and FLT3 ligand have been reported in the serum of patients
Median 0.38 1.36 0.2
with LCH, consistent with a pathological role of these cytokines.36,37
Range 0-18 0-45 0-8 Intrinsic notch signaling was previously suggested as a key mechanism
Langerin1 potential promoting LCH pathogenesis, through expression of Jagged 2
GM-CSF 1 TGF-b 2 2 11 by lesional histiocytes. 28 Taken together, these observations do
1DLL1 1 2 111 not support a simple dichotomous model that LCH arises from
1DLL4 111 2 111 the DC pathway and ECD from the monocyte-macrophage
Foamy mac potential 111 111 2 pathway of myeloid cell development. Classical monocytes
Frequency of langerin high
indicated as follows: 2, ,10%; 1, 10%-25%; 11, appear able to contribute to histiocytes of both disorders, depending
26%-35%; 111, .35%. on the signals they receive. CD1c1 DCs, on the other hand, were
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