Covid Research
Covid Research
Covid Research
The role of physiotherapy while dealing with the current pandemic of COVID 19 is by
using various methods included as an adjuvant therapy such as- Deep breathing exercises,
Bronchial hygiene techniques Permissive hypercapnia Iontophoresis with zinc ion (Zn 2+),
Diaphragmatic pacing, Active movement of extremities (lower and upper) Mechanical airway
clearance and oscillating devices such as positive pressure devices, high-frequency chest
oscillation, oral high-frequency chest oscillation, flutter device and Cornet devices along with
NIV, HNFC, and COT. The benefit of these techniques and devices is to loosen the adhesion
of mucus, reducing the load from mechanical ventilation and facilitate its transport
from smaller to higher airways respectively. So that the mucus gets easily removed,
improves in systemic & peripheral airflow, exchange in oxygen, and for maintaining lung
hygiene in mild, moderate, and severe complications.
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source [1]
Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus from SARS-COV-2 (2) causing the infectious
respiratory disease in humans. People infected with COVID -19 viruses will experience
mild to moderate respiratory illness, while people with underlying medical problems like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely
to develop serious illness. [2] According to ongoing studies the virus affects the type 2
alveolar epithelial cells of respiratory airways causing excess production of mucus and
blockage of airways. The symptoms may appear after exposure and the Reports have
shown that clinical deterioration can occur rapidly, often during the second week of the
disease after intubation and recovery depending on the strength of the immune system.
The preliminary data from EU/EEA shows that around 20-30% of diagnosed COVID-19
cases are hospitalized and 4%have severe illness. Hospitalization rates are higher for
those aged 60 years and above, and for those with other underlying health conditions. [4]
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The physiotherapy has been used since a long time to optimize the functional capacity
and well being of patients dealing with various respiratory disorders in ICU, OPD, or
rehabilitation health centers to help integrate that patient return to their chosen lifestyle
early as possible. Physiotherapy is an effective model that can be used precisely to
provide symptomatic relief in various symptoms of COVID 19 targeting at all age groups.
BACKGROUND- The novel detected in Wuhan city, China in 2019 and is closely
related genetically to the SARS-CoV-1 virus. The SARS emerged at the end of 2002 in
China, and it caused more than 8000 cases in 33 countries over eight months. At the end
of 30 march 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused over 7,00,000 cases worldwide [3]
the first case was reported in China in January 2020. Among these more than 30000 are
known to have died, while the virus that COVID-19 and seasonal influenza transmitted
from person-to-person and may cause similar symptoms. Around more than 16000
people died till March 25th across the world[3] So it is mandatory for specific detection of
symptoms and utilizing the health care workforce for providing symptomatic treatment to
the patients until an effective vaccine is available against the virus.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY- COVID-19 name given by WHO as Beta- Cov of group 2B. The
genetic sequential study shows more than 80% SARS -cov & 50% to MERS-CoV, both
originating in bats. So the phylogenetic statically data indicates that COVID-19 belongs
to genus *beta-coronavirus*, which SARS-Cov, that infects human, bat & wild animals.
COVID-19 represents the 7th member of the coronavirus family that infects humans & is
classified under ortho-coronavirus sub-family. Some underlying genetic factors are also
enlisted -
2. High level of pro-inflammatory cytokines: - IL2, IL7, IL10, GCSF, IP10,MCP1, MIP1α,
and TNFα
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General symptoms – ranges from asymptomatic to mild fever, tiredness, and a dry
cough, muscular pain. [2]
About 80% COVID -19 mild case – experience as a regular cold & recover without
needing any special treatment. According to the National, Health Science has identified
the specific symptoms
Emergency symptoms
● Trouble breathing
● Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
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o Severe pneumonia
o Acute respiratory distress syndrome
o Sepsis
o Septic shock
o Multiple organ failure
o Acute kidney injury
o Cardiac injury
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2. Deep breathing
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Young Zhu et Providing oxygen High flow nasal cannula, They Conducted a study on extubation
al.[11] therapy to avoid Conventional oxygen which removes endotracheal tubes in
mechanically ventilated patients. Due to
post complication therapy the increased duration of using
mechanical ventilators, there are
of extubation in increased chances of hypoxemia,
extubation failure and reduces the function
mechanically mechanical capacity of lungs. It is found
that the conventional oxygen therapy is
ventilated supportive treatment with maximal flow
rate 15L/min, which is far lower than the
patients. demand of post-extubation patients with
acute respiratory failure. While high flow
nasal cannula can supply a mixture of air
and oxygen via a heated and humidified
circuit at very high flow, it can provide
maximum pure oxygen with more than
60L/min flow rate.
al. [12] In vitro study of Iontophoresis using They conducted an independent in-
zinc ion, use of pyrithione in combination vitro study in 2010 which
demonstrated the combination of zn2+
low concentration with zinc ions. and PT at low concentration
(2Umzn2+ and 2umM PT) inhibits the
zinc ion in replication of (SARS CoV) and equine
iontophoresis. arteritis virus (EAV) in cell culture.
They utilize additionally provided
information for the use of zinc ion in
iontophoresis as antiviral therapy.
Zn +2 ions are the commonest ion
in various cellular processes to serve
the role of an enzyme, transcription
factors & co-factor for numerous viral
proteins as well. The intracellular low
level of zn2+ ions affects a common
step in the replication cycle of these
viruses. The effect of zn2+ ion on
positive-strand RNA virus includes
major pathogens found in humans
and livestock which mainly focuses
on SARS-Cov causing severe acute
respiratory syndrome, respiratory
syndrome virus (PRRSV). The zn2+
concentration in PT inhibits certain
proteolysis cleavages in the process
of replication of the coronavirus
replicas’ protein in the infected cell
and cell-free system.
In this study, they reported that the
iontophoresis with pyrithione & zn2+
potentially inhibits the replication of
SARS-coronavirus (SARS CoV) and
equine arterivirus by increasing Zn
ion concentration in cell culture. But
the data on the procedure of using
iontophoresis with Zn2+ is still
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Iris A. Perez Study to increase Diaphragmatic pacingThey ca. In this literature review about
diaphragmatic pacing author suggested
et al[13] the breathing rate to increase the breathing rate by
stimulating the phrenic nerve at the place
by using a of a mechanical ventilator in various
spinal cord injuries & congenital
diaphragmatic hypoventilation syndromes (CCHS) by
using mainstream criteria of application in
pacing technique. patient's, A person is to be considered for
diaphragmatic pacing one must be sure
that:- 1. There is normal diaphragm
muscle functioning, 2. The phrenic nerves
are intact & able to send a signal when
stimulated, 3. The person has some
relatively mild or no lung disease. [The
system doesn't work well if the lungs
functioning is not proper.]
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atelectasis, reduce the need for intubation
Flutter devices in respiratory ill patients.
Cornet devices High-Frequency Chest Oscillation
device:- it is performed with a mechanical
device that consists of the inflatable vest
around the chest and an air pulse
generator which produces positive
pressure air pulses to the chest wall. It,
therefore,e, produces pressure of about
50cm H2O at a frequency of around 525
Hz delivered via a pneumatic vest which
surrounds the thorax. The vibration
causes flow increase in the airways,
loosening mucus, an increase in low lung
volume, and hence, provide
stabilization\improvement of respiratory
According to the study, then these devices
have thannthannandard CPT in small
clinical trials12.
Oral High-Frequency Oscillation
device: - within the lungs produce high-
frequency sine wave oscillations that are
associated with an increased clearance of
CO2 are produced by an eccentric cam
piston superimposed on normal tidal
breathing. The low volume of
approximately 48ml and pressure
approximately 0.2cm – 2.0cm H2O with a
mean pressure of zero provides
supplement breathing to the patient
spontaneously. It applies to the
management of a patient with acute and
chronic respiratory failure.
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Currently provided treatment according to the protocol [1, 7]
o 14%-severe ill required oxygen therapy
o 5%-require ICU treatment
o Critically ill-due to severe viral pneumonia require mechanical ventilation.
● The situation arises in front of healthcare professionals, it is high time to update the
multidisciplinary approach for providing the treatment available to the able workforce and
equipment. So a large number of patients get good medical facilities and recovery
becomes speedy.
On the other hand, by providing adequate and available Physiotherapy techniques to
keep the airways open so that the medication will get ample time to act properly.
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● As a physiotherapist using various physical therapy interventions and devices which can
help in reducing the load on the use of mechanical ventilators because of its high
requirements & low availability.
● An increase in mucus production is a major issue seen in COVID 19
patients and the secretions can block airways
(narrowed air passages, difficult to breathe air, and hence reducing
respiratory rate ), the accumulated mucus also becomes the cause
of breeding growth in any other pathogens. So the counter treatment
in certain chest physiotherapy interventions and exercises can be
used to maintain pulmonary hygiene.
● For the patient, those who are unable to have any active methods
can be treated with intrapulmonary percussion, ventilator, PVPD,
● Musculoskeletal abnormalities, muscle dystrophies or other similar
disease requires stabilization of functions, optimizing ventilation in such
patient may require positive pressure ventilation during sleep or
continuously, externally applied pressure, within insufflator or the
cyclically inflated pneumatic belts can provide patient self-assistance
while doing work.[16]
● The manual or mechanical chest physiotherapy helps in enhancing
Many techniques have only a systematic review of the literature and are lacking in
practical applications.
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The data was collected based on similar symptoms which are identical to
respiratory distress caused by the COVID-19 virus.
There is no such evidence for iontophoresis & diaphragmatic pacing but if using
them with proper application method and ruling out contraindication then reviving
effective breathing rate can be done in mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19.
The facts one goes with new non-evidence based strategies but as a pre -
prevention point of view the future upcoming medical health sector loads can be
reduced & prevent further pandemic by using some of the above-mentioned
interventions or techniques.
● To maintain bronchial hygiene and airway clearance.
● To decrease phases of shortness of breath.
● To reduce the complication of a mechanical ventilator.
● To maintain active physiological movements in ventilated patients.
● To reduce the spread of infection.
● To maintain chest wall mobility.
● To reduce the dependency on a mechanical ventilator.
● Using other techniques & devices manually to restore muscular and
pulmonary function.
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● Using oxygen therapy before intubation and after extubation using a non-
invasive ventilator, High flow nasal cannula(HFNC)reduces the damage to
respiratory airways and improves peripheral oxygen supply(HFNC shows
more beneficial effects).[10]
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● Using chest PT techniques are beneficial in COVID 19 ICU patients with 24hr/day
sessions helps to control symptoms earlier along with medications and leads to a
low chance of developing hospital infection.
● After systemic review, the most often used techniques by the PT's in their
different hospital setting & ICU care management are – Vibro-compressor,
hyper-inflation, postural drainage, tracheal suction & motor mobilization. They
found all of them are most efficient bronchial hygiene maneuvers during clinical
practices but furthermore, nation-based literature reviews are required for
better confirmation
● Using HFNC over COT is more beneficial as it provides:- high oxygen rate of
flow, positive airway pressure, reduces dyspnoea, lowering the excessive
work while breathing, and ultimately gives comfort to respiratory patients.
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● Active movement of the upper and lower limb in patients during ICU on a
mechanical ventilator can reduce the complication and helps to keep
peripheral oxygen distribution along with inactive blood supply for better
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10.Fong man ka et al.2019.preoxygenation before intubation in adult patients with
acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a network meta-analysis of a randomized
11.Zhu, Youfeng et al. high flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy versus conventional
oxygen therapy in patients after planned extubation; a systematic review and
12. Velthuis, Aartjan. 2010 November 4, Zn inhibits coronavirus and
arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the
replication of these viruses in cell culture. the journey of PLOS PATHOGENS.
13. Early mobilization and recovery in mechanically ventilated patients in the
ICU: a bi-national, multi-centre, prospective cohort study. Crit Care 19, 81
14. Sharma Priya ET al.2018.’immediate effect of ACAPELLA on dynamic lung
compliance in a mechanically ventilated patient with acute respiratory distress
syndrome; A case series. National centre for biotechnology information.
15. positive pressure device and respiratory device .. Accessed 24.4.20
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