English 102 Syllabus (Spring 2021)
English 102 Syllabus (Spring 2021)
English 102 Syllabus (Spring 2021)
Spring 2021
Instructor Information
Name: Fallon Forbes
Email: fforbes@chillicotheschools.org
Website: https://mrsforbeschs.weebly.com/
Faculty will respond to email/phone messages within 24 hours Monday-Friday. All email correspondence is
through Chillicotheschools.org student email.
Course Description
A continuation of EN 101, emphasizing longer and more impersonal and critical writing forms. Organizational
skills are developed through the outline and summary units; analytical reading and critical thinking are
stressed. A thorough use of library and online resources is required for the bibliography unit and the final
research paper. Written Communications credit. PREREQUISITE: EN 101
Prerequisites: English 1
Credit Hours: 3
Student Learning Outcomes (Demonstrate effective research and information literacy skills)
Student Learning Objective Assessment Method
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be Describe the assessment tool/s used to demonstrate each
able to: student learning outcome.
4. Synthesize information from a variety of English 102 Final Draft Scoring Guide
sources and apply the synthesis to complex
situations and problems.
5. Cite primary and secondary sources using English 102 Final Draft Scoring Guide
appropriate documentation style (MLA).
Instructional Methods & Techniques
Class time will consist of lecture, class discussion, individual work, Writer’s Workshop sessions, small group
work, presentations, in-class writing assessments, multiple choice assessments, and library work.
Course Requirements
This course requires a minimum of two hours of out-of-class work for every one hour of faculty instruction.
In order to succeed in this class, you must understand the nature of the course. In addition to several small
assignments related to summary/response writing, this course requires finding a topic, researching a topic,
writing an annotated bibliography, outline, rough draft, and final draft. You must use all the resources
provided for you via Google Classroom and apply all the instruction given in class. All the resources you need
to succeed in this course will be discussed in class, found on Classroom, in your textbook, and through the
NCMC library website. The biggest assignment in the course is an 8-10 page research paper. This paper must
be analytical in nature and must be argumentative in nature. The research paper must be the standard length
of at least 8 FULL pages, not including the Works Cited page, and must use 8-10 sources. You must use
MLA-style and follow the in-text citation method and appropriate documentation procedures as outlined by
the text and various handouts provided.
You MUST turn in a final draft of the argumentative research paper to pass this class. You must also submit
both a rough draft and a final draft that contain consistent citation/documentation. Failure to do so will result
in an automatic 0. I also will not read the draft. Finally, the citation you provide in your paper must match the
Works Cited you submit. Failure to do so could also result in a failing grade on the draft.
Please keep the following in mind as you write and submit work for this class:
● You may NOT recycle a paper from a previous/current course. If you do, you will receive a “0” on the
● Any papers requiring research must be completed in MLA format, NOT APA format. Failure to comply
will result in no points on all research components of the scoring guide.
● For papers that require documentation/citation, you must include parenthetical documentation as well
as a Works Cited page. Any pieces submitted without proper parenthetical documentation and a
Works Cited page will receive a “0.”
● A final draft that is submitted and is identical (or shows little evidence of revision) to the second draft
will result in a failing grade (50%).
● Each time you turn in your essay to Google Classroom, you will also need to submit it to
www.turnitin.com. Failure to submit a draft of an essay to turnitin.com will result in failure of the
All drafts of all essays must be typed and double-spaced. Please use the default margins, font, and size (1 inch
margins with 12 point Times New Roman font).
Grading Scale for CHS Grading Scale for NCMC
96-100 A 73-76 C 90-100 A
90-95 A- 70-72 C- 80-89 B
87-89 B+ 67-69 D+ 70-79 C
83-86 B 63-66 D 60-69 D
80-82 B- 60-62 D- 59-0 F
77-79 C+ 59-0 F
In order for your work to be accepted, please pay close attention to the day/time deadlines on Google
Classroom and turnitin.com. Also, type all work as work that is hand-written will not be accepted (unless
otherwise specified); a handwritten draft will result in a “0.” Late or hand-written drafts will not be read.
Students must be in class on classic/canonical assessment days and in-class writing assessment dates.
Students who are absent on these days will receive a “0.”
Academic Dishonesty
See common syllabus for official NCMC college-wide policy available in the Campus Resources area at
Additional Policies
For information about special accommodations, Title IX, Academic Alert, Communications, and Finals, please
see the common syllabus for official NCMC college wide policies available in the Campus Resources area at
NCMC’s goal is a safe and inclusive learning environment. If you have been approved for an accommodation,
have emergency medical information that would be helpful for the instructor to know, or if special
arrangements are needed in an evacuation, please make the instructor aware. Further information about
accessibility services is available in the common syllabus in the Campus Resources area at