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FCA, ACS, Grad.C. W.A.
Chartered Accountant
(Based on Palm Leaf Sources)

It has been a well-known fact that astrology was called the eye of
the Vedas, for it threw light on matters relating to timing events.
The conduct of Vedic rituals had to be timed at a specific period,
hence astrology was put to this use.
In the modem context, this divine science is used to interpret birth
charts to have an overview of an individual's personal and
professional future in terms of success and prosperity. The book
deals with this analysis at great length and enlightens a lay reader
about the subject.
V. Raghuraman is a chartered accountant by profession. He
specialises in the Nadi system of astrology purely as a hobby on a
~-commercial basis. He is also an author of a book on central

Preface to the Second Edition Vll

Preface to the First Edition VIII

1. Introduction 1
2. Interpreting Charts 8
3. Analysing Business/Profession Prospects 13
4. Linking Vedas and Astrology 37
5. Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 44
6. Transit Results 125

I am extremely happy to place the second edition of this book

in the hands of the readers. The response to the first edition
has been overwhelming and has encouraged me to attempt
this second edition.
In doing this edition, I am glad to inform the readers that
some of the predictions made in the first edition have already
turned out to be true. In chart 18, the prediction regarding
promotion materialised to be true. In chart 19, the prediction
regarding marriage proved true. In chart 20, as predicted the
person got married and settled down in a job. This does not
mean that the method used is the ultimate or there is no other
method of prediction. As stated by me in my first edition, we
need a holistic approach to interpret charts which has been
I thank Sterling Publishers for their efforts.
I request the readers to kindly go through this book and
give me the benefit of their interpretation to help me further
in this venture.
!_65; 18-B Main Road, 6th Block V. Raghuraman
~~an gala,
Tel.: 5530214

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be writing about a

unique experience. This experience is nothing but the great
science of astrology - if you can call it one. Many people
are used to debating whether astrology is a science or not.
What little we know of science, it would indeed be a great
insult to astrology if we were to call it a science. Be that as it
may, there are many astrologers who have also contributed
to this state of affairs. There are two ways of coming in the
limelight - one is to conduct research and come to certain
conclusions. This option is a painstaking exercise and often
is a long-drawn process. The other way of getting attention is
to write against people already in the limelight. This ensures
that you get quick attention and come to the limelight early.
This approach also ensures that the study gets undermined
by unscrupluous people indulging in unwanted debates. It is
my humble opinion that an effort must be made to try and
conduct original research and test the results of the same. It
may prove to be true that your research does not point to any
concrete result at all; but that would not rob you of the effort
put in, and invariably you would be able to observe some
new principles emanating from the research you have
I remain a humble student of this vast subject. In my own
very limited experience, I have found that there are many
approaches to this subject. There is the housewise analysis
Preface to the First Edition ix

which is widely understood by most of us. The best book, in

my opinion, and the most scientific, would be How to Judge
a Horoscope by Dr B.V. Raman. One or two readings of this
book is a must to understand the basics of a horoscope. There
is another less-known system of interpreting horoscopes
which is to understand the horoscope from the point of view
ofkarakatwas of the planets, irrespective of the houses
involved. The books written by Shri R.G. Rao are very useful
in this regard. This is mainly behind the nadis available in
South India though explicitly you will not find any nadi
referring to the karakatwas but only to the houses. The actual
meaning of nadi is however really different, in that, it means
l/150thpart of a sign. Nadi in Tamil also means "to search"
and it is felt by some that they are called nadi jyotisha
because people go in search of astrologers having palm
leaves. This book has attempted to digest the principles
found in Saptharishi Nadi, Nandi Nadi and Bhrigu Nadi.

In this book, I would endeavour to focus on a subject

which is so dear to all of us - that is, profession. Our active
life is always spent doing some activity. This activity is
called profession or business or employment. In astrology,
the term used is "karma" though this word has a wider
meaning in Hindu philosophy. You can delineate a chart by
referring to the tenth house or the house of karma.
Alternatively, the position of the planet Saturn and its
interaction with other planets will also be able to give you a
fair idea ofthe profession. There are yet some others who
have demonstrated that the lagna and its lord has much to do
with the type of profession. I have, in my limited study,
found these principles working very well. Ifthe principles
are amalgamated properly, one would be able to get a good
Ytew ofthe subject as regards profession. However, since
much has been written about the housewise analysis, I would
X Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

be concentrating on trying to analyse profession from the

point of view of the planet Saturn. I would like to state here,
that merely because one analyses things from the point of
view of Saturn, it cannot be said that the Parasari principles
are not valid. In fact, the basis of this approach is also
intimately connected with the Parasari principles of
astrology as would be evident to the readers as they peruse
through the contents of this book.
I have in this book, tried to also introduce a new concept
which links Vedic purusharthas to astrology. This I believe is
the first time that this has been done. I confess that this
thought came to me as a flash after reading the works of
Paramacharya ofKanchi. Apart from this, in writing this
book, I do not claim any originality of thought. I have drawn
heavily from existing literature available in this regard and
have tried to apply the same to the horoscopes that I have
taken up for study. Given the limitation of my knowledge as
compared to the vastness of the subject, it is quite likely that
the discerning readers would be able to add more matter to
this book or would be able to explain the chart better. For
such readers, this book would best serve the purposes of
being a tool in their study. I have purposely chosen mostly
those charts that are of people who are living today and are in
some profession or the other. This is only to show to the
readers that the ancient subject of astrology is very much
useful today. Some other charts have been chosen from
articles written by other authors to illustrate our approach.
I have myself witnessed some stunning nadi readings
which have made me deeply interested in this subject. Since
knowledge is not any one man's birthright, I have thought it
my duty to bring forth what I understand of this subject as
regards profession.
Preface to the First Edition XI

I have assumed that the readers of this book have little or

no knowledge ofhoroscopes. Therefore, I will be giving an
introduction to the signs of the zodiac and the karakatwas of
planets, so that the subsequent study of the subject becomes
easier following the basic principles. I do not claim that my
analysis is unique or the only way to interpret horoscopes.
I request the readers to go through this publication
carefully. I thank the publishers for their support in bringing
the book out in the form in which the readers are seeing it. I
thank Shatavadani R.Ganesh for designing the cover page. I
also thank the printers.
I thank my parents and my brothers who have always
encouraged me to do my studies. I thank my Guru, Sri
Hariharan, who has been teaching me the Vedas very
I thank God for making this effort possible.
V. Raghuraman

The Zodiac
The zodiac is divided into twelve signs. There are newspaper
reports that a 13th sign has been found which we shall ignore
since the same has not been tested. Moreover, the author
feels that sticking to the well-established principles outlined
by our sages would give you accurate results. Modern
science today seems to be spending billions of dollars in

Meena Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna

(Pisces) (Aries) (Taurus) (Gemini)

Kumbha Karkata
(Aquarius) (Cancer)

Makara Simha
(Capricorn) (Leo)

Dhanur Vrischika Thula Kanya

(Sagitarius) (Scorpio) (Libra) (Virgo)
Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

research to reach the same conclusions that our sages have

already written about but scientists do not openly admit it.
Be that as it may, the twelve signs of the zodiac are as under:
a) Aries e) Leo g) Sagittarius
b) Taurus 0 Virgo h) Capricorn
c) Gemini g) Libra i) Aquarius
d) Cancer h) Scorpio J) Pisces
These twelve signs have their own characteristics. We
will have to be acquainted with the natural characteristics of
these twelve signs. It must be noted that our study is based on
the Hindu system of astrology and not on the Western
Characteristics of Signs
Sign Direction Characteristics
Aries East Movable sign. Relates to
kings having blood-red
complexion. Predominates in
rajoguna. Denotes great
activity. Fiery sign.
Taurus South Fixed sign. Represents
finance/businessmen. An
earthy sign having fair
Gemini West Airy sign. Denotes intellec-
tual /commercial activity.
Common sign.
Cancer North Movable sign. Represents
Brahmins and is sattvic.
Watery sign. Colour is pale

Leo East Fixed sign. A royal sign with

fair complexion. Sattvic in
nature and denotes
governmental activity.
Virgo South Common sign. Relates to
business community and
tamasic in nature. Earthy sign.
Libra West Airy sign predominant with
raj~guna representing sudras.
It is dark in complexion and is
Scorpio North Fixed sign. Denotes brahmins
having reddish-brown colour.
A secretive sign ofthe zodiac
and is watery in nature.
Sagittarius East Common sign. Sattvic m
nature and a royal sign giving
a fighting tendency. Fiery
Capricorn South Movable sign. Tamasic in
nature. Earthy sign.
Aquarius West Airy sign. Denotes mystique
and research orientation.
Fixed sign. Tamasic in nature.
Pisces North Common sign. Denotes
brahmins and religion.
Watery sign with sattvic guna.
The above table is a summary of the direction and the
basic characteristics of the signs. Their importance in
predicting professions will be realised as we go through the
charts. Sattva, rajas and tarnas are the basic characteristics of
4 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

any human being, i.e., tamas denotes a constant desire for

base things and satisfaction of basic instincts, rajoguna
denotes great worldly activity for desires at a higher plane
than tamoguna and sattvic guna denotes a stage when man is
able to control worldly desires for spiritual I moral
Ownership of Signs
Planet Signs
l. Mars Aries and Scorpio
2. Venus Taurus and Libra
3. Mercury Gemini and Virgo
4. Moon Cancer
5. Sun Leo
6. Jupiter Sagitarrius and Pisces
7. Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius.
Apart from the seven planets listed above, there are two
shadowy planets known as Rahu and Ketu. These are said to
be mathematical points, but the author's own experience has
been that predictive astrology would not have been complete
without these two points. Their results in predictive
astrology really shows the mastery over mathematics that
our sages had and how they used this to predict the future.
Possibly the next generation of scientists may be able to do
some more research into this, but you can be sure that the
results they reach will be the same as that reached by our
sages. The purpose behind this statement is not to deride
science and scientists, but to bring to light the fact that in the
garb of doing research, people are spending huge sums of
money and reaching the same conclusion reached by our
sages. Would it not be simpler to work on the same
Introduction 5

conclusions and try to build upon the theory left behind by

our sages? But this would mean that we are more capable
than our sages which in the present age seems to be a
laughable proposition.
Planetary Karakatwas
Planets Characteristics
1. Sun Represents the soul of the native. Also
represents God/government/father/king/sons.
He is capable of giving power to the native if
2. Moon Represents mother or mother in law (for a
female). Also represents artistic features,
watery places, quick movement, cheating,
and most important, the mind ofthe native.
The reason why Hindu astrology is more
accurate than other systems is that emphasis
is laid on the mind governing planet and it is
by now well understood that the mind is the
cause of action or inaction.
3. Mars Represents ego, fire, weapons, police,
arrogance and brother. Also represents
husband in a female chart and stands for
marriage in all charts.
4. Mercury Represents intellectual capacity, speech,
education, lands, friends, maternal uncle,
accounts, law.
5. Jupiter Represents judge, teacher, wisdom (as
opposed to education), learning, prestige,
status, religion.
6. Saturn Profession and karma.
Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

7. Venus Wife, treasure, money, wealth, immovable

property, voice, sisters.
8. Rahu Grandfather, Muslims, deviant behaviour,
quest for uniqueness and independence,
shady but mammoth transactions, masking
9. Ketu Law, lawyers, religion, renunciation,
Christianity, thread, obstructions, clandestine
The above is an illustrative list of the karakatwas and
these are generally enough to predict about one's profession.
Friendship and Enmity
In our analysis, we have found that the following represents
the friendship and enmity between planets:
Planet Friendship Enmity
Sun Mars, Moon, Mercury Saturn, Venus,
Jupiter Nodes.
Moon Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury. Saturn, Venus
and Nodes.
Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu Saturn, Mercury,
Venus. Rahu.
Mercury Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus. Jupiter, Moon,
Ketu, Mars.
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury.
Rahu and Ketu.
Venus Saturn, Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter, Sun,
Mars Moon, Ketu
Saturn Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Moon,
Rahu Mars, Ketu
/mroduction 7

The peculiarity that you will find in the above

arrangement is that Moon in traditional texts is said not to
have any enemies but we have incorporated 4 enemies. We
wish to clarify that our experience shows, that Moon is not
comfortably placed with the four planets outlined above.
Likewise, Venus and Mars have been shown as friends. This
is because they work very well in combination albeit to the
detriment of the individual. For example, their combination
in one zodiac will portend an excessive desire for sex. Both
the planets denote this and work well in combination to
satisfy this need but the individual's health gets affected.
Conventionally this is seen as giving bad results, but the
planets are seen to be cooperating with each other.
Therefore, from the angle ofthe native they are enemies but
from the angle of the planets per se, they are friends. Though
we have indicated that Mercury is a friend of Moon, we often
see this combination giving affairs outside the regular
system of marriage, and also the native is exceptionally
intelligent. Therefore, friendship or enmity by itself is no
sure guide to judge the worth of the individual. You will also
note that we are not departing from the Parasari principles
but looking at the chart from a different angle which
occasions this realignment.

This note will give the readers the approach being used in
this book and every chart may be read in this manner to
delineate the results of whatever subject we wish to enquire.
a) First of all, the basic characteristics of the chart must
be analysed. The lagna and lagnadhipathi must be seen
for the strength or otherwise of the chart. The
combination of planets must be carefully studied. The
results of Saturn combining with Mars are
significantly different from Saturn combining with
b) See the interaction between the karakatwa you want to
study and other planets that are posited in relation to it.
For example, while studying education, study how
Mercury is placed in the chart and the various
interactions it has with other planets.
c) The results ofthe basic characteristics as arrived at in
the above steps will be felt during the transit of Saturn
and Jupiter, two ofthe important planets and the two
shadowy slow-moving planets, Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter
represents the self and Saturn represents the karma.
Therefore, Jupiter will give your personal results
Interpreting Charts 9

according to the sign he transits and the aspects he

receives. It will be as if you are yourself walking
through the zodiac sign. On the other hand, Saturn will
represent karma and will denote the activity you will
be involved in. His transit in the sign will bring about
effects as regards your karma according to the basic
characteristics of your chart. The age of the person
would also have to be kept in mind.
d) Aspects of planets must be considered. ln conventional
astrology, Jupiter has 5th and 9th aspects besides the
7th aspect. Similarly, Saturn has 3rd and lOth aspect
besides the 7th aspect, and Mars has 4th and 8th aspect
besides the 7th aspect. All other planets have only the
7th aspect.
e) In our analysis, we utilise the following additional
i) Planets located in the same direction results in one
combination. This is derived from the Parasari
princi pie of dividing the zodiac signs into
directions as detailed in Chapter I. For example,
planets located in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will
form one combination. Planets located in
Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will form another
combination. Planets located in Libra, Aquarius
and Gemini will form one combination and planets
located in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will form yet
another combination. This is because these four sets
form four different directions.
If we want to study education, we will have to take
the planet Mercury. Mercury is placed in a fiery
sign Leo. In the other signs denoting the eastern
direction are Saturn and Rahu which are friends of
10 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


Moon Rahu Mars Jupiter

Lagna Sun



Saturn® Ketu Venus

Mercury. Moreover, Leo is a royal sign. This will

form one combination and will have to be kept in
mind as we proceed with our analysis.
ii) Planets in the 12th house will push the planet under
consideration and will also indicate comfort levels
for the planet under consideration and planets in the
2nd house will cooperate or obstruct the planet
under consideration. In our example chart, Mercury
has in the 12th house the royal and friendly planet
Sun. In the 2nd sign, is located Mercury's friend
Venus. Mercury has no aspect from any planet in
the 7th house from it.
iii) See the planets located in the opposite direction
also. In our example, Mercury is located in the East
Interpreting Charts 11

and we find Jupiter located in the West. That

means, Jupiter and Mercury are facing each other.
Taking our example chart, the cumulative effect of
this is that Mercury is in a fiery sign aspected by
Rahu and Saturn denoting hard work. Fiery signs
give engineering or factory-related learning. Since
the 12th and 2nd houses have friendly planets to
Mercury, no obstructions are seen for the native in
getting educated. Moreover, Jupiter in the West is
always there to help out the native's education. The
royal planet Sun located in the 12th house pushes
Mercury forward towards Venus. This means, the
education is going to lead to wealth. In fact, the
native was pushed by his father (Sun) to go for
studies since no other person was educated in the
family. These studies helped him get ajob in a
factory through which he earned a decent sum of
iv) Retrograde planets will have to be studied taking
the previous sign also into account. ln our example
chart above, Saturn is retrograde and we will have
to judge the results by considering the fact that
Saturn is located in Scorpio also since he is going
back to that sign from Sagittarius.
v) Exalted and debilitated planets will certainly give
differing results. This is also taken from Parasari
principles only and there is nothing unique in this
Other Interesting Features ofthe Example Chart
a) Jupiter represents the self and Sun represents the
father. Since Jupiter is just behind Sun with no planets
in between, the native will have good relationship with
his father.
12 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

b) Since Saturn is aspected by Jupiter, the person will be

wedded to his work and will gain respect. However,
since Jupiter is in tum aspected by Saturn, he will have
to work hard in this life.
c) Since Moon has the enemy planet Rahu in the second
who will be moving anticlockwise, his relationship
with his mother will not be satisfactory.
d) Since Mars comes into contact with Jupiter first, he
will have a happy married life.
e) Since Jupiter and Ketu are located in one direction, the
native (Jupiter) will be religious minded but a man of
few words.
f) Since Jupiter is between Mars and Sun, the person will
possess a bad temper. Sun and Mars give egoistic
In this manner, we can easily delineate the chart from its
basic characteristics without going into detailed housewise
analysis. This is not meant to deprecate housewise analysis
but is only a presentation of an alternative way of analysing.
For example, if you want to study in the example chart the
position of the sons/daughters of the native, a housewise
analysis will give you an excellent picture. Jupiter's location
in the 5th house gives children who are better placed than the
native. The 5th house from lagna and Moon are occupied by
male planets - in fact, the native had no daughters but only
sons. Therefore, we must try to judge the horoscope from
various angles before coming to conclusions, and a holistic
approach to do the same would be better.

In studying profession, we can look at the 1Oth house for our
analysis. However, it has to be remembered that while the
lOth house denotes profession/business/activity, the second
house has a say on the means of earnings. Moreover, the 11th
house has a say on the gains or profits. Also, the 7th house
(being the 1Oth from the lOth house) will also have a
tremendous say on the prospects ofbusiness. Therefore,
merely analysing the tenth house is not going to help one. ln
this chapter, we begin by first analysing the basic
characteristics ofthe signs involved. Next, we analyse the
effect of Saturn in various signs of the zodiac. Then, we shall
analyse the effect of the combinations of Saturn with other
Characteristics of the Signs

The sign Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is owned by
Mars. lt represents great activity as per our definition in
Chapter 1. This is a sign which creates dynamic and
energetic people. This is a warrior sign and, therefore, the
person is capable of fighting to the finish. Professions
14 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

requiring courage as well as involving presentations are

associated with this sign. Therefore, policemen, army men,
salesmen, surgeons (as opposed to physicians), machinery,
metals, are associated with this sign. The sign, being fiery, is
capable of endowing trade union leaders, politicians and
sportsmen with a fighting spirit.

This is the second sign of the zodiac representing wealth.

Therefore, this sign indicates bankers, financiers,
accountants, auditors, etc. Since Taurus is a sign known for
doggedness and patience, it also gives such qualities to the
people. Since the second sign ofthe zodiac also represents
the voice ofthe kalapurusha, a strong Taurus can give the
natives the ability to sing or speak sweetly. The ruler being
Venus, this sign is capable of giving artistic tendencies to the
native. This sign is a very practical sign (being an earthy

This is an airy and intellectual sign. The third sign ofthe

zodiac stands for communication. Therefore, activities that
involve communication, writing, reading, poetry, learning,
research, and analysis are associated with this sign. This is
consistent with the karakatwa of Mercury. It is also capable
of giving to accountants and auditors a bent for legal study,
especially in taxation matters. This mercurial sign represents
intellectual professions rather than business tendencies.

Cancer is a watery sign and noted for people who are capable
of housekeeping. Therefore, trades involving liquids, dairy,
agriculture, hotels, wines, are associated with this sign. Since
this is a sign in the northern direction, it points to religious
Analysing Profession/Business Prospects 15

people, preachers and teachers. Nursing as opposed to

doctoring is also seen in this sign.
This is a royal sign indicating authority and power. It also
indicates government and surgeons, especially heart
surgeons. Keeping the qualities of the Sun in mind, it can be
safely said that this sign denotes sternness. Therefore,
administrators and executives are associated with this sign.
Also, political people and government employees are
associated with this sign.

This is a commercial sign and is associated with

businessmen. The persons are very commercial and,
therefore, businessmen of all types such as traders,
shopkeepers, retailers, brokers, fall within this sign. This
sign ofMercury does not give the intelligence ofthe other
mercurial sign Gemini but gives practical business prudence.
Therefore, Virgo is more practical than Gemini and is
capable of making the native more worldly-wise.

This is known as the balancing sign and is, therefore,

associated with judiciary. Moreover, Saturn, the planet of
justice, exalts here. Since Libra is a more outwardly sign
than Taurus, it is capable of giving brilliant actors, directors,
models and other cine artistes. However, since it is not a
sattvic sign, the association of malefic planets can make the
person fall into what is considered as cheap professions such
as floor shows, gambling, etc.
16 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career


Being a mysterious and secretive sign, Scorpio portends well

for philantropists and astrologers. It can also give rise to
people interested in occult studies both for the good and the
bad. Being a Mars' sign, machinery and metals are also
associated with it though to a lesser extent than Aries. The
native is capable of getting secret knowledge if planets such
as Ketu are associated with this sign. Ketu is also known for
clandestine activity and that is why it exalts in this sign.

Being a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter, sportsmen and lawyers

come under this sign. Jupiter's positive quality gives
advisors. This sign is capable of giving tremendous
businesslike approach to any profession though the native
may not do any business.

This is a moveable sign ruled by Saturn. This sign is known

to produce hard-working people who are capable of moving
from place to place. Executive posts requiring patient work
which is of a repetitive nature come within this sign.
Businesses dealing with nature such as agriculture, geology,
etc. are also found in this sign.

This is an airy and intellectual sign and is associated

exclusively with researchers and advisors. This sign is
favourable to persons who are born to advise others. Persons
doing technical research into various subjects also fall within
this sign. Scientists come within this sign. Being another
mystic sign of the zodiac (besides Scorpio), it is capable of
giving to astrologers I philosophers deep research
Analysing Profession/Business Prospects 17

This is the last sign ruled over by Jupiter. Pisces gives

conventional professions. Doctors, lawyers, accountants,
religious leaders, teachers fall within this sign. This sign
gives a penchant to pursue old and ancient studies besides
the regular profession of the native. Being a north direction
sign, it gives rise to religious activity more in tune with
Jupiter's quality. Therefore, it may not lead people to the
negative sides of occultism by itself.
Location ofSaturn in Various Signs

In this sign, Saturn is debilitated. It will be noted that Saturn

transits this sign once in 30 years for two and a half years.
Does this mean that those born in those two and a half years
cannot do any worthwhile work? The answer is an obvious
no. Aries stands for machinery and metals and, therefore,
Saturn's location here normally means activity related to
factories, machinery, metals, etc. It is also observed that
engineers also possess Saturn in Aries. The nature of
profession would depend on the planets aspecting and
interacting with this planet.

Since this sign signifies treasury, Saturn's location here

points to vocations in finance-related matters. The person
may be employed in commercial concerns, doing
moneylending activity or banking or taking care of custodial

Since this sign signifies intellectual activity, Saturn's

location here gives activities related to communication,
18 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

accountancy and auditing. Saturn located here gives

cooperation from friends since Mercury also denotes
cooperation from friends.

Artistic professions and professions related to agriculture

besides religious professions are indicated by this sign.
Saturn's location here gives rise to professions involving
movement among people.
Saturn's location in this sign gives goverment employment
or work in authoritative positions such as administrative
services. Since Saturn is not happily placed in this sign, it
gives rise to considerable struggle in professional matters
unless Jupiter or Venus or Mercury aspect or combine with

Being a commercial sign, Saturn's location here makes the

native undertake commercial ventures. Trading, real estate
and brokerage are related to this sign. The person would be
very practical in his business approach and would be able to
achieve considerable success in business involving tact and
skill. This is a good posistion for worldly prosperity.

Saturn exalts here and this position is capable of giving

strong professions unless Saturn is dispossesed by enemy
planets such as Ketu and Mars. Lawyers and judges are
known to have Saturn located in Libra. However, lawyers
will have the combination of Saturn, Mercury, Venus and/or
Ketu while judges will have the combination of Saturn,
Mercury, Jupiter or Ketu. This is so because Jupiter's aspect
Analysing Profession/Business Prospects 19

is necessary in order to have powers to discriminate, which is

more essential for judges than lawyers (this does not mean
that lawyers have no discriminating powers). Apart from
this, we find even film actors and artistes having Saturn
located in this sign. If Jupiter or Venus or Mercury were to be
located alongwith or in the 2nd house or in a trine or in the
7th house to Saturn, the person will be capable of enjoying a
very comfortable profession with a regular flow of money.

Saturn's location here gives professions relating to machines

or land and occult sciences.

The native will enjoy an honourable profession which may

be related to law or forest-related activities. Persons
possessing argumentative skills are found in this sign. Being
Jupiter's sign, people are able to come up in the profession
rather easily.

Being its own sign, Saturn is well located here. It gives

professions involving considerable movement and activity.
Sales jobs and executive positions involving liaison work are
associated with this position of Saturn. Moreover, the
profession is practice oriented rather than theory.

Being a mystic sign, Saturn's qualities for doing indepth

study of subjects is best reflected in this sign. Research
scientists, intellectuals, astrologers with research orientation
and advisers are found here. The profession here is more
advisory and desk-based than field-based.
20 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


This position gives ancient studies such as law, medicine,

history, religion as the profession. Teachers are also found in
this sign. Being Jupiter's sign, this gives respect and
command for the native albeit the fact that the person may
not be fully in touch with worldly practicalities due to his
detached nature. If Jupiter is located alongside Saturn, it
gives considerable respect in professional circles and the
person is able to conduct his profession honestly.
Saturn's Combination with Other Planets
This section gives an overview of the combination of Saturn
with other planets, one at a time.

This combination is looked at in conventional astrology with

regret since the two planets are deadly enemies. This
combination while normally affecting parent-son
relationship is seen to give government employment. With
other favourable combinations, the person may also be able
to come to the limelight. For example, the aspect of Jupiter or
Venus or Mercury may mitigate the ill-effects of this

Professions involving travelling are indicated. On a stand-

alone basis, we cannot easily predict the profession except to
say that there will be an artistic bent in his profession. We
can see astrologers, accountants, religious heads with this
combination. Moon is capable of giving cheating tendencies
to the native.
Analysing Profession/Business Prospects 21


This combination gives considerable difficulty to come up in

profession. The person has to face obstacles in climbing up
the professional ladder. However, if Jupiter or Venus were to
aspect this combination, we can predict that the person
would not only earn money but also get lands and buildings
out ofhis professional earnings. Nevertheless, on a stand-
alone basis, this combination does not portend a smooth

This combination gives professions relating to trade, writing,

law, authorships and the person is able to do well in his
career, mainly due to his intellect and the ability to handle
situations tactfully.

This is a fortunate combination and even if the person were

to take to begging, he would be the king ofbeggars. This
combination normally gives one an independent career, self-
employment or any vocation where the native is asked to
head the organisation. The person would be able to get a lot
of respect in the society and his word carries weight.
Advisory functions come in this combination and the person
will always give honest and truthful advise. Saturn or
Jupiter's transit through this sign or its trines or seventh
therefrom ensures great prosperity to the native.
The horoscope shown on next page is that of a successful
Chartered Accountant. The combination of Saturn plus Guru
plus Venus and Rahu (being in the same direction) is
noteworthy. This has made him earn substantial earnings
comfortably, giving purely advisory services consistent with
Saturn and Guru combination.
22 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


Moon Mars

Ketu Sun

Rahu '

Saturn® Lagna


This is also a fortunate combination which invariably

ensures that the person leads a luxurious profession. The
person will have a profession relating to finance as bankers,
accountants, or businessmen with considerable amount of
money. He will gain housing property through his
professional earnings. Saturn or Jupiter's transit through this
sign or its trines or seventh therefrom will ensure that the
native gets a career change with a substantial rise in income,
housing property and prospects of getting married if
Analysing Profession/Business Prospects 23






Saturn Rahu Sun
Lagna Mercury

This is an extract of the horoscope of a living person who

is running his 37th year in 1995 (birth details withheld). He
has a good employment but does not draw a salary
commensurate with his experience. It was predicted in 1995
beginning, that when Guru transits over natal Saturn
position, this person would be able to get a promotion or a
change of job with high salary. In fact, this was done solely
on the basis of the fact that Saturn and Venus are in a trine
and in the same northern direction and Guru's transit as per
our principle should reflect the results of the sign that he
transits which is Saturn plus Venus = profession plus money.
In fact, in June 1995, the person got a change of job with
double the present salary.


This normally makes the native subordinate to another
person. However, if Jupiter or Venus were to be in the
second house or combine with Rahu in a trine, after
initial subordination, the person may be able to come out
in self employment. This combination is also capable of
giving masking abilities to the person and thereby the
acting profession is very much suitable to the person.

Saturn Venus Sun
Rahu Mercury


Moon Jupiter


This is a chart of a person in his 27th year. He has had a

lot of changes in his job position and he has been
working as a subordinate in various positions because
of the combination of Saturn with Rahu. It is predicted
that he will be able to get excellent prospects when
Saturn transits Aries sign since Venus and Jupiter
combination in Aries and Leo
will aspect Saturn and this may give the native a
significantly comfortable job, if not self-employment.
This combination comes in the way of professional
achievements since Ketu is inimical to Saturn. Moreover,
the person pursues his career detached from the fruits of
labour. However, we see that the combination of Saturn,
Jupiter/ Mercury and Ketu either together or in a trine
favor lawyers who are quite practical and are keen on
charging well. This is primarily because ofneutralising
effects on Ketu. You will also note that even in such
cases, the person at least talks of giving up practice for
altruistic things.
Saturn with Sun and Other Planets
This combination is capable of coming in the way of a
smooth career growth since both Sun and Moon are not
friendly to Saturn. However, the person with this
combination is capable of following his father's
employment. Moreover, the aspect of Saturn over Moon
gives him worries in the profession and Moon's aspect
gives the native constant travelling.


This combination gives frequent breaks in a career.

However, with the aspect of Jupiter or Venus, the native
be able to earn well but his prospects of promotion that
expects may not always materialise. This combination
results in getting employment in government, police
department or the army since Sun and Mars represents a
combination associated with stem action in employment
which is seen in the army and the police.


This combination gives a good profession through
governmental contacts after some initial hiccups. Saturn
second transit at the time of 30 years will bring in wealth
and property to the native. The native will have
governrment cooperation at this point of time.
This is a fortunate combination since it is capable of
giving not only prosperity but also fame. Saturn plus Sun
plus Jupiter represent profession plus authority plus
fame/wealth. Therefore, the native is able to get for
himself a very good name in the society and by this he is
able to accumulate wealth.
This is also a good combination for earning name and
fame not only through government sources but also for
earning through government contacts. Moreover, the
prospects of the native inheriting the property ofhis
father is very likely. The only worry for the native will be
begetting children since Sun is caught in the middle of
Saturn and Venus who are his enemies. Moreover, the
soul of the native cannot transcend beyond the world
realities, pomp and show.


This combination not only provides breaks in career but
also makes the person undergo subordination. The native
may engage in shady deals with the government wherein
he will not only earn but also lose.
The person while not being able to follow any profession
at the beginning, will probably settle to a practice as
government pleader or government counsel wherein his
growth in career may not be substantial. Independent
legal practice is unlikely with this combination.
Saturn with Moon and Other Planets
This combination not only results in a worried mind but
causes blames and hardships in profession. There will be
enemies who will be constantly harassing him. Saturn
plus Moon plus Mars represent profession plus
movement plus trading/machinery. Therefore, this may
be his nature of profession. He may profit from dealing
in lands.


This combination is capable of giving an intelligent
profession mostly relating to accountancy and law. This
combination represents profession plus art plus
intelligence which will enable the person to undertake
authorships in matters relating to profession. It will also
give the native an opportunity to be well read in matters
relating to his career. Moon and Mercury combination
gives precocious intelligence.


This combination represents profession plus art plus
respect, Therefore, the person will get professional
respect in such jobs which represent Jupiter and Moon's
Therefore, teaching, astrology, law, medicine are some of
the avocations indicated by this combination. IfKetu
were to join this combination either in the same sign or
in a trine, the person would be able to practise astrology
and will be a
guide to others. The chart of Dr. B.V. Raman is a classic
example of Saturn, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu combined
influence which is extracted as under:




Jupiter Ketu

Saturn and Moon are located in the South direction sign

Taurus is aspected by Ketu from Virgo, another South
direction sign. Jupiter casts his direct 7th aspect from a
North direction sign. This combination has made him an
expert in astrology and also given him the ability to teach
astrology through publications.
This combination represents a luxurious career dealing
with art or trading. The person will have both accounted
and unaccounted wealth. If Jupiter joins this
combination, the prospect of the native teaching
technical subjects is very
high. This combination can also give employment in
financial concerns.
This combination gives blame to the person on account
of his professional dealings which tend to be shady. The
person will be able to mask his emotions as this
combination relates to profession plus art plus mask.
Therefore, such persons are capable of becoming experts
in acting or in photography. The mind (Moon) being in
between Saturn and Rahu can make the native go into
bad professions such as smuggling and deceit.
This combination results in the mind getting renounced
and, therefore, the profession would relate to religious
activities. It is quite possible that the person may trade in
thread if the signs ofVirgo or Capricorn or Taurus are
involved. This combination also gives the native an
ability to do business in a clandestine manner. However,
this planetary combination is not capable of sustaining
growth in profession unless Jupiter or Venus throw their
Saturn with Mars and Other Planets


The profession indicated by this combination is trading,
brokerage and real estate dealing besides machinery
related work. However, since Mars and Mercury are
deadly enemies, his profession would be hindered by
constant quarrelling.


This combination, while making the native work very
hard will give him fame and name. The person may
become a merchant banker or may have his own business
related to the engineering field. Fiery signs involved may
make the person a surgeon.
This combination will give professions relating to
dealing or manufacturing articles of luxury or trading in
money market. While the native may encounter breaks in
profession on account of Mars, things will be set right
since Venus also joins in this combination.
This combination is sure to give frequent upsets in
professional life due to association with shady people.
The native will have breaks in profession and will
encounter subordination. It is quite possible that he may
enter into large and clandestine deals to make money.
This combination may also give the native work in a
factory environment which will be exacting.
While Rahu may help Saturn, this combination ofKetu
and Mars with Saturn is sure to displace the person from
his career by giving legal disputes. The native's prospect
of marriage is so remote that in his professional field he
would adopt a renounced attitude. The study of occult
subjects interest such natives but they may not be in a
position to put it to good use. Wordly achievement in life
is difficult.




Sun Moon Mars


This is a sample chart of a native who has been

in his profession. Saturn with Sun in a trine gave him
government employment in an administrative capacity.
the aspect of Mars and Ketu in the second to Saturn has
his life miserable with constant disputes in profession
quarrels with his superiors. The native was forced to
his job due to this fact.
Saturn with Mercury and Other Planets
This is a fortunate combination spelling profession plus
intelligence plus preceptor. The person leads his career
intelligence and thereby earns name and fame. He is a
counsellor who is capable of solving others' problems
through sound advice. Therefore, advisors, teachers.

chartered accountants and lawyers come within this

combination. He will also attain knowledge of scriptures
which he will preach to others, though at times he may
himself not practice it since Mercury is a fickle-minded


This represents a profession which involves intelligence
leading to money. Therefore, finance, commerce,
taxation and business involving help from friends is
indicated. The person would gain land (Mercury) and
buildings (Venus) and wealth (Venus) through his
profession (Saturn). Since Saturn is friendly with Venus
and Mercury, independant profession or business is
likely, especially after the age of 30, when Saturn enters
his natal sign. Gum's transit of this sign or its trines sees
the person reaping in unusual profits.


This combination indicates mammoth trading or business
dealings by the person. Rahu is associated with enormity
of deals. This also ensures business tie-ups with people
of other castes. However, the business dealings of the
person may not be straightforward since he is likely to be
deceitful or devious in business.
This combination gives lawyers or dealers in thread or
clothings. The former is possible in intellectual signs like
Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. If Moon were to join this
combination, the person would have exceptional
intelligence and devotional knowledge.

Example 7





Rahu Venus Saturn Sun
Lagna Mercury

This is a chart of a successful lawyer practising

constitutional law. Saturn is exalted in Libra along with
the planet of intelligence Mercury. In a trine therefrom in
the same Western direction is located Ketu in Gemini.
This combination in intellectual signs has made the
person take up law as a profession. Ketu in Gemini has
given the native ability to analyse things incisively.
Saturn with Jupiter and Other Planets


This combination gives professional respect as well as
copious money. The person would be an advisor or one
learned in legal profession which brings him name and
in the society as well as substantial earnings. This is also
capable of giving banking profession.


This makes the native a master of any subject that he
chooses to specialize since Jupiter plus Rahu indicate a
master. The person will be capable of analyzing things in
depth. In spite of some initial difficulties to set up
business, the person will prosper after his 24th year.


This indicates a spiritual person following astrology or
occult sciences as his profession. Even priests come
within this combination. The person would adopt a
detached outlook towards life in general and profession
in particular after getting respect in his field of
profession. Even monks and philanthropists come within
this combination.
Saturn with Venus and Other Planets
This combination gives the native the ability to do
business in the financial sector such as money markets.
The native will have abundant fortunes and will be able
to acquire huge houses represented by Venus (house) and
Rahu (enormity). Rahu's aspect also gives the native
black money and money outside the country. The person
may start business related to luxury such as hotels and
The following pages show an example of such a
This combination made the native take up a profession in
hosteliering at the time when Jupiter transited Scorpio.
The venture is with persons outside the native's caste. It
is to be noted that Moon's aspect from the 12th house
Libra which is a sign of luxury has in no small measure
contributed to the native starting a hotel which is
supposed to be modem.

• Venus



Saturn Moon Mercury



This combination produces a person having great skill
over his profession albeit the fact that he may face some
breaks in it due to disputes. Pilots and airborne persons
are seen to have this combination.
There are many other combinations which are
possible and have not been detailed by the author. For
example, the Saturn plus Moon plus Mercury
combination has been given, but the Saturn plus Mercury
plus Moon combination has not been given. Though the
professional aspects may be similar, the former
combination will produce a worried but intelligent mind
and the person will gather intellect after
travelling (Moon coming before Mercury), in the latter
36 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

combination, the person will possess intelligence first and

then undertake travels to spread the intelligence to other
people. The latter combination is more effective since it
establishes the native's ability outside the place of his
residence. In this way, taking the basic karakatwas of
planets, various combinations may be worked out. Whatever
approach is followed by the person, it is crystal-clear that
judgement is very important and this comes only by constant
study and research. Moreover, it is always easy to find
reasons in retrospect but often the astrologer is asked to talk
prospectively. This places an onerous responsibility on the
astrologer, and his judgement and intuition are often his only

It is a well-known fact that Astrology is a limb of the Vedas.
Therefore, it may seem rather surprising that we are trying to
link the two. It was well known that astrology was called the
eye of the Vedas because the same used to throw light on
matters relating to timing events. The conduct of Vedic
rituals had to be done at particular times and astrology was
used as a guide to this. Moreover, astronomy was used in
construction of temples in olden days. This is amply evident
from the brilliant architecture of those days wherein sunlight
was put to use to light up the temple.
I have always been wondering whether the zodiac is
intimately connected with any unique concept in the Vedas.
As I was reading the works of Paramacharya of Kanchi,
suddenly it occurred to me that a particular concept that he
had enlightened as the basis of religion was the link which
should be used to interpret charts to find out on an overall
basis the thrust of the individual. I must say that my
preliminary research in this is being used in each of the
Paramacharya writes that dharma, artha, kama and moksha
are the four concepts that cover all facets of our life. It
38 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

follows that this should also be reflected in astrology. I have,

therefore, divided the zodiac as per the above dictum which
is illustrated as under:

Moksha Dharma Artha Kama

Kama Moksha


Artha Dharma

Dharma Moksha Kama Artha

Our division can be summarised thus:

a) Aries and its trines, Leo and Sagittarius stand for
b) Taurus and its trines, Capricorn and Virgo stand for
c) Gemini and its tri ncs. Libra and Aquarius stand for
d) Cancer and its trines, Scorpio and Pisces stand for
Dhanna stands for righteous conduct. Artha stands for
having a life which will help acquire things such as family,
money, status, etc. Kama indicates desires -the desire to do
Linking Vedas and Astrology 39

things like profession, sex, etc. Likewise moksha indicates

the state of mind wherein the person is trying to be in
oneness with God. It is said in the Vedas that the person in
pursuing artha and kama should be bound by the tenets of
dharma. That is why we have the dharmashastras. For
example, getting married and living a householder's life and
following a profession is not against dharma. But cheating a
person in the course of doing business or profession would
constitute acquiring artha against the tenets of dharma.
Justification for the Division
Any theory must be first illustrated and then proved. We
have said that the East direction signs of Aries, Leo and
Sagittarius stand for dharma. How can this be? These signs
are fiery signs and as an example, Aries indicates a rajasic
sign. However, Leo and Sagittarius are sattvic in nature.
Aries also indicates a warrior-like sign. In astrology,
especially in our Vedas, we are told that if we want to pray to
our favourite God, we must medidate on Him placing Him in
the centre of the Sun. Sun is supposed to be the
representative ofGod. Ifyou note, Sun exalts in Aries and,
therefore, this sign stands for dhannic activity. The trines
therefrom are also dharmic signs since they are in the same
East direction. The question arises as to why the signs of
Northern direction signifying moksha should not be
indicative ofGod? This is a good question but the answer
that I propose to give is that God stands not for moksha but
for dharma. This is explained in the Bhagavad Gita where
the Lord says that He will be born whenever there is a decline
in dharma, to re-establish dharma. Also, praying to God
gives moksha but it must be coupled with dharrnic activities.
It will be noted that fifth and ninth signs of the zodiac signify
religion. Also note that Aries is the first sign, Leo is the fifth
sign and Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the natural zodiac
signifying dharma.
40 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Let us take the signs ofTaurus and its trines. We have

classified it as artha. Taurus stands for wealth as it is the
second sign of the zodiac. Virgo is the 6th sign in the natural
zodiac which stands for service/enemy. Capricorn is the
natural lOth sign which stands for karma. The signs stand for
acquiring wealth through service and occupation. Mercury
exalts in Virgo since the sign stands for commerce - a
worldy activity which brings in wealth. Mars exalts in
Capricorn since this indicates tremendous worldy activity.
Moreover, Mars stands for marriage which is a legitimate
artha. Moon exalts in Taurus next to Sun in Aries which
shows that with dharma and artha strong, the person would
be able to scale heights. Sun and Moon are the luminaries
and their exaltation gives strength to the chart. The
Paramacharya says that dharma and artha should go hand in
hand. Therefore, these signs signify artha.
Let us come to the next set of trines, Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius. These are airy and intellectual signs. How can airy
and intellectual signs give rise to kama - a word that means
desires? Should not intelligence normally lead to dharma and
moksha? This is a very good question. In the natural zodiac,
Libra is the 7th sign and as you are all aware 7th house
signifies sex, relationship, business, etc. The 11th house
represents second marriage besides representing gains and
acquisitions. The third house signifies courage, brothers, etc.
Desiring for brothers, sisters and living with them is a
legitimate desire. Likewise desiring for sex and marriage is a
legitimate desire. Also, desiring for money, gains is a
legitimate desire. This is why these three signs ofthe zodiac
stand for desires. Only Saturn exalts in Libra which denotes
desires. The desire to do something is karma - whose chief
indicator is Saturn. That is why he exalts in a sign signifying
desire. Moreover, these are West direction signs which point
to desires coupled with action.
Linking Vedas and Astrology 41

Coming to the last division of moksha, these are North

direction signs. Cancer is where Jupiter exalts. Jupiter stands
for nobility, religion, teacher, preacher, praying, etc. Jupiter
is the deva gum and is the life-breath of every individual. His
location in the zodiac will go to determine the bent of the
individual. In Scorpio, Ketu exalts and he is the
mokshakaraka. Venus the artistic and talented planet exalts
in Pisces, the last sign ofthe zodiac. Pisces is an intuitional
sign. While we are clear about the roles of Jupiter and Ketu,
how can we say that a planet like Venus signifies moksha?
Would this not sound strange? It must be noted that Venus
stands exalted in Pisces because of two reasons - one, that it
represents the feet of the kalapurusha (Lord Vishnu).
Goddess Lakshmi, his consort, is always at the feet ofthe
Lord and, therefore, she is most powerful there. Besides,
Pisces is capable of producing teachers, poets, lawyers, etc.,
which are noble professions requiring much versatility to
deal with various subjects and a tremendous imaginative
power. Versatility and imaginative powers are found in
abundance in the planet Venus. Moreover, the 12th sign of
the natural zodiac stands for not only moksha, but also
comforts of all kinds which only Venus is capable of giving.
It must be clearly understood that moksha does not mean that
the person would spend his time thinking only about God. It
is quite possible that the person may be involved in worldly
work but may be content with it or may be adopting a
detached outlook towards the fruits of profession while
being in the profession. Therefore, the term moksha should
be understood in that context.
There is one more doubt that arises as to why we are
considering exaltation positions rather than the signs owned
by the planets. For example, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and
Pisces. Should his role not be analysed on this basis rather
42 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

than exaltation power? Sagittarius stands for dharma and

Pisces for moksha. This combination is very much suitable
for Jupiter since he stands for dharmic activity as well as for
moksha. Venus owns Taurus and Libra which signify
treasury and sex relations. This also describes his role very
well. Mercury stands for desires and service besides enemies
by virtue of owning the 3rd house and 6th house of the
natural zodiac, Gemini and Virgo. He also gives
communicative skills (3rd house). Mars is the owner of Aries
and Scorpio which are dharmic and moksha signs. However,
Mars is a planet signifying much activity. Therefore, his
exaltation sign works much better than these two signs.
Likewise Saturn owns the house of Capricorn (artha) and
Aquarius (Kama) which means work with a eye towards
satisfying desires. Sun exalting in Aries but owning Leo,
both dharmic signs gives no contradictory role for him.
However, Moon owns Cancer but exalts in Taurus. Just like
Mars, his role in Taurus is better explained than in Cancer
since Moon by itself gives better results in the former sign.
Therefore, we see that apart from Moon and Mars, the role of
the planets can also be described having regard to the
ownership signs. For the sake of uniformity of approach we
have gone by what our sages have said - the planet is most
powerful in his exaltation sign. Therefore, we have
considered the exaltation signs only.
Analysing Charts Using This Principle
In analysing charts using this principle, we can adopt the
following procedure:
a) Locate the signs which contain the maximum number
of planets. Look at what kind of sign they are and
thereby come to a broad conclusion as to what the
thrust of the individual is going to be.
Linking Vedas andAstrology 43

b) Look at the position of Jupiter, the life force, and

determine in a similar manner the thrust of the
individual. Jupiter in a West direction sign points to
the person having desires.
c) Look at the position of Saturn to determine the work to
be done which will ultimately determine his karma.
d) Look at lagna, lagnadipathi and the Moon for the
strength of the chart and the basic characteristic of the
These principles are illustrated in the charts given in the
subsequent chapters. However, you would have noted that
we have to take into consideration various factors before
coming to a conclusion which requires practice and intuition
on the part of the astrologer.

Now we come to the most important part of our analysis and
that is to see how we interpret the professional/business
prospects of any native. ln our preceding chapters, we have
given some general combinations which are capable of
producing certain results. We will have to see as to how these
combinations work in practice though we have already
shown the reader some illustrations. Moreover, the timing of
the results is often crucial. Dasa and bhukthi system is the
most widely used system. Transits are used only as a
subsidiary tool to the dasa and bhukthi system. But it is quite
possible that by observing the transit of Saturn and Jupiter
we will be able to come to stunning conclusions that may not
be possible by looking at merely the dasa and bhukthi since
the latter may extend to more than a year.
Let us take an example before we analyse charts in depth
to show the readers how transits can be used independently.
The native wanted to know the results of 1995. He is
currently running Saturn bhukthi in Jupiter dasa. Saturn is
transiting Aquarius and Jupiter is transiting Scorpio.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 45


Sun Lagna

Mars Rahu



Thrust of the Individual

a) Venus, Sun and Rahu are located in North direction
signs, signifying moksha.
b) Mars, Mercury and Jupiter (life force) arc located in
West, signifying desires.
c) Saturn, Ketu and Moon are located in South direction,
denoting artha.
d) Majority of planets being in artha and kama signs
means the person would be actively engaged in a
profession to satisfy his desires. Watch the position of
Saturn, Moon and Jupiter being in artha and kama
signs. Moreover, Mars the lagnadipathi, is in the signs
of desires.
46 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Results of Conventional Analysis

a) Saturn is in the 1 01h house and, therefore, the bhukthi
will give him professional results.
b) Jupiter is in the II th house and, therefore, there will be
c) Since Jupiter is transiting the 3rd house from Moon,
results will be evil but the same will be checked since
Saturn is in the 6th house from Moon.
d) The major lord being well placed, professional
earnings are indicated though not as much as the
previous year when Jupiter was transiting the 2nd
house from Moon.
Now let us see our approach to transit results:
a) Jupiter is transiting Scorpio. ln the same direction is
located Sun, Venus and Rahu. This would mean that
the native has chances of acquiring considerable
wealth from government sources as seen by the Sun,
Venus and Rahu combination. Moreover, he will get a
huge piece of landed property as seen by the Venus
and Rahu combination. Rahu will make the native
work extremely hard.
b) Saturn is transiting over the sign where Jupiter, Mars
and Mercury are located. This will give the native a
tremendous boost to the professional prospect since
Jupiter's aspect will fall on Saturn. However, the
combination of Mars and Mercury may make the
native face some professional difficulties such as
differences of opinion with friends which will be
sorted out because ofJupiter's aspect.
c) The native would be able to build upon his assets but
hard money may not be available since Moon is
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 47

aspecting the combination of Sun and Venus. Moon's

aspect over Venus is seen to rob the person of money
in some form or the other.
You will note that the latter analysis is more pinpointed
and is able to give more details by just looking at the Rasi
chart. Moreover, conclusion (d) reached in the conventional
analysis does not prove valid in the instant case. While it
may be argued that a look at the Dasama chart may provide
more accurate analysis, the author is only trying to prove that
an indepth analysis ofthe Rasi chart alone would be able to
give the person adequate information even without going
into dasa and bhukthi results as well as divisional charts.
Some ofthe Nadi shastras available here like Saptharishi
Vakya, Nandi Nadi etc. highlight this principle.
Aspects to be Considered
a) Look at the sign in which Saturn in posited. See the
planets that are located alongwith him.
b) Look at the signs in the same direction as the sign in
which Saturn is located and see if any planets are
located there.
c) As a result of 'a' and 'b' , you will get a combination
which will the basis of your prediction.
d) The second house from Saturn stands for the earnings
and progress in profession. Location of Venus and
Jupiter is a vouchsafe for good earnings. Location of
Mars or Ketu is an indication of hurdles in profession.
e) Look at the 7th house from Saturn. The planet/s in the
7th house is/are capable of giving the strongest aspect
on Saturn even more than the 2nd, or 5th or 9th signs.
f) The 12th house from Saturn also shows the comfort
levels in the profession and should also be considered.
48 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

g) Look at the transit of Saturn and Jupiter to predict

professional and personal changes. After all, man is
one indivisible entity and his personal life will have a
definite bearing on his professional life and vice versa.
All the above aspects are to be considered from the Rasi
chart alone. As a measure of contrast, we will also be
analysing the 1Oth house and the lagna and lagnadipathi to
show you the different approaches that are available.
However, our concentration would be basically on our
approach detailed above.



Rahu '

Moon Saturn Lagna


The native was born on 29.1.54. and had 2 years and 6

months of Saturn dasa at birth.
The arrangement of planets starting from Lagna is
Saturn, Mars, Moon, Rahu, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter
and Kctu.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 49

a) Saturn is exalted in Libra and very powerful. There are
no planets in Aquarius or Gemini, so Saturn is alone.
b) Saturn is aspected by retrogade Jupiter in Taurus. We
have to take into account the fact that a retrogade
planet will be looking at Aries and therefore the 7th
aspect falls. This is the most powerful aspect.
c) Saturn in Libra gives a luxurious profession and
aspected by Jupiter gives good respect and earnings.
This is capable of giving independent profession.
d) The 2nd house from Saturn is occupied by Moon and
Mars which are enemies of Saturn. Moreover, Ketu is
located in Cancer in the same direction of this
combination. This combination is a pointer to doing
trading in agricultural-related products. Since Scorpio
is a watery sign, trading across seas is possible. There
is a definite probability of stoppage in business due to
this combination.
e) Lagna is Virgo, a natural trading-cum-business sign.
Moreover, there is an interchange between Saturn and
Venus. Therefore, it is as if Saturn comes to Capricorn
to join Sun, Mercury and Rahu.
0 The I Oth lord Mercury is located in an earthy sign
Capricorn pointing to an active business life.
g) As many as five planets are in signs of artha while
Saturn is in the house of desires. The other planets are
in the moksha direction. Majority shows worldy
activity for attainment of desires. The location of
Moon and Ketu in one direction in a moksha sign has
given religious tendencies to the native.
50 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

h) Since all the major factors point to business, we can

say that the person would be trading in commodities.
The person is actually engaged in export business of
various commodities.
Career Prospects
a) Saturn gets interchanged with Venus and thereby loses
his power to be exalted since he goes to his own sign
Capricorn. Moreover, as per 'd' above, we have
pointed out to problems in profession.
b) The person was doing very well in the business and
continues to do so mainly due to Jupiter's aspect on
Saturn even after the exchange. Moreover, after the
exchange, Saturn is with Mercury and Rahu besides
Sun. This has ensured good business prospects.
c) Because ofthe Moon, Mars and Ketu combination in
the 2nd house to Saturn, serious problem was caused
resulting in financial crisis. Moon, being debilitated,
shows a business relation which will cheat the native,
and this is exactly what happened. However, due to
Jupiter's aspect, the business was put in place again.
This person (Example 11) was born on 29.3 .65 with
Mars dasa balance of 3 years and one month.
a) Saturn is located in Aquarius alongwith Moon. There
are no planets in Gemini or Libra.
b) Saturn is aspected by Mars from the 7th sign.
c) Mercury located in the East forms a combination with
Mars in the East.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 51


Sun Mercury Jupiter Lagna

Venus Rahu




d) This combination is one of Saturn with Moon, Mars

and Mercury giving trading abilities. The person will
have considerable acumen due to the Moon and
Mercury combination.
e) Lagna is Gemini with Lagnadipathi in Aries, a fiery
sign. This gives the native intellect and the ability to
pursue an active profession.
0 The I Oth house is Pisces with Sun and Venus exalted
having interchange with Jupiter who is blemished with
the presence of Rahu. Venus is a planet of finance. The
IOth lord is also located in Taurus which is a sign of
treasury and money.
52 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

g) Three planets-Sun, Venus and Ketu are located in the

North direction sign (moksha). Jupiter and Rahu are in
the South direction (artha). Moon and Saturn are in the
West (desires). Mars and Mercury in the East are
dharmic signs. Lagna is a West direction sign Gemini
and the positions of Moon and Jupiter being in desires
and worldy activities point to a life ofworldly activity
for attainment for desires.
h) The various combinations point out to a person who is
an intellectual doing trading business.
i) In actuality, the person is a chartered accountant
trading in shares and stocks.
j) The combination of Moon and Saturn opposed by
Mars is very ominous as it is sure to create problems in
one's profession. In fact, when Saturn was transiting
Aquarius in 1994, he was receiving the aspect of Mars
from Leo, with Moon also located in Aquarius. The
person was a victim of cheating represented by this
Moon. He lost heavily but the presence of Jupiter
transiting in Libra at that time in the same direction of
Saturn was the sole saving factor and he could barely
tide over the crisis. The year 1995 would have been a
troublesome year for the native since Jupiter transits
over Ketu with Sun and Venus located in a trine.
Though Jupiter aspects this combination, Ketu and
Venus combination can cause quarrels with wife.
Moreover, the Mercury and Mars combination
normally causes hardships in married life since the two
are deadly enemies.
k) Because ofthe basic chart showing Mars' aspect over
Saturn, and Saturn's combination with Moon it is quite
advisable for the native not to do independent business
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 53

even though Venus is located in the 2nd sign to Saturn.

However, because of Venus' presence and also the fact
that Jupiter comes to Pisces by interchanging with
Venus, the person will be able to head organisations.

Moon Sun Saturn Mars

Venus Mercury





The person was born on 20.4.44 with balance of Saturn

dasa of 13 years and 3 months.
a) Saturn is located in Taurus, a sign signifying wealth
and treasury.
b) In the same direction of Saturn is located Ketu in
Capricorn indicating struggles in profession.
c) The owner of Saturn's sign Venus is exalted and
located with Moon in Pisces. It is fortified by Jupiter's
54 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

aspect from Cancer and, moreover, Jupiter and

Moon's exchange indicate a combination of Jupiter
and Venus.
d) Lagnadipathi is Mars located in Gemini, an
intellectual sign having an interchange with Mercury
located in Aries.
e) Four planets-Jupiter, Rahu, Moon and Venus-are
located in North direction signs signifying moksha.
However, Saturn is in the sign of artha alongwith Ketu
in the same direction. Mars is in the house of desires.
Sun and Mercury are in the house of dharma. The
cumulative analysis leads one to think that the person
would be dealing in money and be an intellectual but
would have lost interest in his profession.
f) This person is a chartered accountant engaged in
worldly activities (Saturn in Taurus, an artha sign) but
is adopting a detached outlook towards life (four
planets in moksha sign).
g) The question that arises is whether this person can
have independent practice. Because of the location of
Saturn with Ketu, the person cannot have an
independent practice as a chartered accountant.
Moreover, Mars is located in the 2nd sign to Saturn
indicating no promotions in his professional career.
The person is employed in a company as an
h) Will the person do any other business? The exchange
of Mercury and Mars means that Mercury will come to
Gemini and Mars will go to Aries. This combination
means both the planets will become very powerful.
Since Saturn will have Mercury in the 2nd house to
him as a result of this exchange, the ability to do
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 55

business and trade is indicated. The native is engaged

in trading business.
i) The Sun and Mars combination in the 12th house to
Saturn means that there is no peace in the career life of
the native though he has an independent trading
j) One important Parasari principle is that when the
lagnadipathi is located in the 8th house, the person
may be learned but his life will be miserable. This is
well reflected in this chart.
k) The exaltations of three planets-Sun, Venus and
Jupiter-have stood the native in good stead as regards
money for which he has no problem. In spite of the
three exalting planets, why has this native not become
a very big figure? The reason is that Saturn combines
with Ketu which does not allow the native to have
progress in his career. Moreover, Mars has Rahu in the
next house which comes in the way of his leading a
normal married life. Mars stands for marital bond and
Rahu is his deadly enemy. Even when Mars gets
exchanged with Mercury, he has to contend with
Saturn in the 2nd house. These combinations ensure no
peace whether in personal or professional life.
However, the exaltations ensure that he has no want of
One would be, therefore, able to see that while
examining charts for profession, we must also look at the
other factors which though may be personal will still come in
the way ofthe person trying to be successful in his career.
Since this chart belongs to a living person, we have not
elaborated on certain other details which would go to
buttress the fact that the exchange between Jupiter and Moon
56 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

has not helped the native in his personal life. The readers
may ponder over this.

Moon Rahu Jupiter

Lagna Mercwy


Ketu Mars Venus

The person was born on 19-8-65 with the balance of

Sukra dasa of around 4 years. He is running Rahu dasa and
Saturn bhukthi.
a) Saturn is in his own sign but retrogade. Saturn here
also happens to be lagnadipathi.
b) In the same direction of Saturn is located Jupiter and
Mars. While Mars is sure to trouble the native,
Jupiter's aspect will always save the native in his
c) Saturn is opposed by his deadly enemy, Sun.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 57

d) Since Saturn is retrogade, he comes to Capricorn

where he is aspected by Mercury in the 7th and has
Venus and Rahu in the same direction in Taurus and
e) The signs being intellectual, the person will certainly
have an intellectual bent of mind and will be research-
oriented. While Sun and Mars have given the person a
basic training in science, Saturn's retrogression made
him change his place wherein the aspect of Venus,
Rahu and Mercury are found. This has made him a
chartered accountant also. Note that Saturn and Jupiter
are basically in West direction signs signifying
desires. Moon and Sun are in dharmic signs. However,
Rahu and Venus are in the South direction signifying
artha. Mercury and Ketu are in the moksha signs.
Majority planetary positions show worldly activity
with emphasis on satisfaction of desires.
f) While he had initial hiccups in finding himself a
career, Jupiter's aspect ensured that he was employed
in a commercial concern .. He has now changed his job
to consulting, keeping in line with the fact that airy and
intellectual signs are involved in his career
g) This case also illustrates the inherent conflict between
intellectual avocation and practical avocation. If
Saturn were not in retrogression, the person would
have followed only an intellectual and research-
oriented profession, probably in subjects related to
science. However, because Saturn goes retrogade,
Mercury (from the 7th sign)and Venus and Rahu
aspect this combination from earthy signs which are
very practical, this has made him choose a career in
commercial concerns.
58 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

h) Note the presence of Ketu in the 1 Oh house which has

in no small measure contributed to his initial
instability in his career.
NOTE: Kindly study Charts 14 and 15 closely since the
persons were born within a gap of7 days and their charts are
very similar but see the substantial difference in the careers.
This example will show you why you should use Parasari
principles as well as take the importance of lagnadipathi into
account besides considering the principles behind Nadi





Rahu Venus Satum Sun
Mars Mercury

The person (Example 14) was bom on 6.10.54 with the

balance of Sun dasa of2 years and 7 months.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 59

a) Saturn is exalted in Libra and located alongwith
Mercury. In the same direction is located Ketu. The
signs involved are airy and intellectual signs.
b) Lagnadipathi is Jupiter who is exalted with Venus
located in the same Northern direction. Jupiter gets the
aspect of Moon.
c) Lagna is a fiery sign with Rahu and Mars located there.
d) The combination is one of intellectual as well as fiery
argumentative work represented by lagna and Mars
located there. Jupiter and Venus are in moksha signs
(North direction}, Mars, Rahu in dharmic signs (East),
Sun and Moon in artha (South), Saturn, Mercury and
Ketu in kama signs (West). Majority in South and
West give the person worldly activity for satisfying
e) This combination of Saturn, Mercury and Ketu has
made the person a lawyer.
Career Prospects
0 The location of Venus in the 2nd house from Saturn
with Jupiter also aspecting the 2nd house from Saturn
has ensured that the person would earn substantial
income. However, Ketu's location in a trine from
Saturn has been the cause of a rather late start in the
g) Sun located in the 12th house from Saturn has ensured
government contacts. Sun being very powerful in the
I Oth house has also made Saturn (profession) struggle
a bit before taking off.
60 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

h) Saturn's transit into Pisces from where the combined

influences of Jupiter, Venus and Sun would be
available will make the native come into the limelight
and he will be able to earn even more substantially.
This can take place only after 1996 since in that year
Jupiter will transit natal Rahu and Mars position which
would give the native some health problems.

Lagna Moon Ketu




Rahu Venus Saturn Sun


The person (Example 15) was born on 13.10.54 with the

balance ofKetu mahadasa of3 months and 22 days.
a) Saturn is exalted in Libra with Mercury and Ketu in the
same direction. The combination is the same as in the
previous chart.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 61

b) Moon casts its strong aspect on Saturn from Aries.

c) Lagna is Pisces, a conventional sign, and Jupiter is
exalted with Venus in the same direction. Mars who is
exalted aspects Jupiter.
d) The overwhelming aspect of Moon as well as the lagna
being Pisces has given the native thinking abilities.
e) Consequent to this combination, the person is capable
of being an advisor (Jupiter) in practical subjects
(Mars) related to business or trade (Mercury).
f) The person is an advisor to many companies in
strategic business planning. Jupiter's aspect makes the
person give advice in education-oriented subjects.
Note that the position ofmost planets in South and
West direction signs gives the person worldly activity.
g) The difference between Charts 14 and 15 is that the
lagna has changed and Mars has become more
powerful by being exalted in Capricorn. This has given
a career other than law.
Career Prospects
h) Just as in Chart 14, the location ofVenus in the 2nd
house to Saturn with Jupiter aspecting Venus has
given the person no problem regarding earnings.
i) However, Ketu's aspect over Saturn has given the
person many a change in career.
j) The aspect of exalted Mars over Jupiter (unlike in
Chart 14) has made the person egoistic leading to
frequent quarrels with others. This has come in the
way of him having a regular set of clients.
62 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Cam


Sun Lagna

Mars Rahu



The person was born on 22.3.62 with Moon dasa balance

of 5 years and 4 months.
a) Saturn is located in Capricorn, an earthy sign showing
practical avocation. Located alongwith is Ketu
indicating struggles. Moon is located in a trine in
Virgo, a practical and business-oriented sign.
b) Lagna is Aries, a fiery sign, and the lagnadipathi Mars
is located with Mercury and Jupiter showing
intellectual avocation.
c) This combination shows that the person would have an
avocation related to movement (Saturn with Moon in
earthy signs) which requires intellectual knowledge
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 63

(Mercury and Jupiter). Mercury and Jupiter represent

accounting and banking besides law. Note the
presence of most planets in artha and kama signs
signifying worldly activity. The position of Moon and
Jupiter as well as Saturn in such signs also shows the
thrust of the individual.
d) The person is a merchant banker who is a qualified
chartered accountant and cost accountant.
Career Prospects
e) With Saturn located with Ketu and Moon, difficulties
in professional field are definitely indicated. However,
we see that Jupiter is located in the 2nd house to Saturn
capable of giving the person respect and money in
0 At the time when Saturn transited Aquarius in I 993-
94, the person decided to go on his own. At this time,
Saturn was transiting natal Jupiter position, meaning
the native was going to get promotion, respect and
money in profession. This is exactly what happened.
Moreover, in such a transit, exalted Venus is located in
the 2nd to Saturn. This assures smooth earnings.
g) Ifyou analyse the typical dasa system, the person was
changing from Rahu to Jupiter dasa and, therefore, one
would be able to clearly conclude that there would be
very good changes in fortune consequent to the
position ofJupiter in the chart.
The person (Example 17) was born on 5.11.57 with the
balance ofMercury dasa of2 years and 3 months.
a) Saturn is located in Scorpio aspected by Moon from
Pisces in the same direction. Jupiter aspects this Moon.
64 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career


Moon Ketu Lagna



Venus Saturn Mercury Jupiter

b) Lagnadipathi is Mercury who is located alongwith

Sun, Mars and Rahu.
c) While Scorpio by itself would give work related to
machinery, metals, land, etc., one should not forget the
aspect of Moon from Pisces and Jupiter located in
South direction sign Virgo. Pisces is a spiritual sign
and is capable of also producing lawyers, medical
men, etc. as per our analysis in the preceding chapter.
According to Dr B.V. Raman, the combination of Sun
and Rahu can give medical men. We see this
combination with Mars in the 12th house to Saturn.
d) While the person can have so many professions, we
see that Saturn is located in the 6th house which relates
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 65

to debts, diseases etc. Keeping these factors in mind,

the probability is that the person is likely to have a
medical profession.
e) The person is a doctor. Since Sun is not powerful, the
prospects of the person becoming a surgeon is not
possible. Therefore, the person is a physician.
f) Note the fact that most ofthe planets are located in
West direction (4 planets). Jupiter is in South (artha).
Moon and Saturn are in the North direction but lagna is
in a West-oriented sign. This gives worldly activity.
Career Prospects
g) Venus located in the 2nd sign to Saturn assures the
person of money but Ketu is also located in the same
direction as Venus. Therefore, in the future, the person
has to ensure that his earnings are not frittered away
for worthless causes.
h) The person has struggled in profession since Saturn
has his deadly enemies Sun and Mars in the 12th sign.
However, the presence of Rahu and Mercury has
helped in subduing this combination.
i) Jupiter's location in the lith house to Saturn is an
additional factor for earnings, more so since it aspects
Moon which forms a combination with Saturn (being
in the same Northern direction).
j) Readers may also note that this chart has benefic
planets in the 4th, 7th and lOth houses - Jupiter,
Venus and increasing Moon (Moon moving away
from Sun). This has in no small measure contributed to
the strength of the chart. lt would be interesting to note
that in this case, the person had to go through lots of
trials and tribulations in his Sun dasa but the beginning
66 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

ofMoon dasa saw his career strengthen considerably.

Jupiter's transit over Saturn in 1994-95 saw the person
get a change in place with his income more than
doubling. This is one more instance how we can use
the transit principles alongwith or exclusive of the dasa
bhukthi system as the readers may desire.

Sun Venus Mars



Saturn Jupiter Lagna Rahu


The person was born on 28.3.59 with the balance of

Saturn dasa of about 16 years.
a) Saturn is located in a fiery but benefic sign ofJupiter.
Venus is in a trine to this in Aries. However, Venus is
having an exchange with Mars. Fiery signs involved
show a career in law or engineering.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 67

b) Moon and Jupiter are located in the 12th house to

Saturn. Jupiter's aspect shows a comfortable start to
c) Lagna is Libra and the owner Venus is in a fiery sign
Aries in exchange with the fiery planet Mars.
d) Mars throws his aspect on Saturn.
e) The preponderance of Mars and fiery signs point to
engineering or factory-related work. Jupiter in the 12th
house points to a lot of intellectual input being put into
the job. Note the fact that though most ofthe planets
are in the North direction signs, the person is engaged
in worldly activity not related to religion because of
the interchange between Venus and Mars and their
aspect over Saturn. Moreover, lagna is a sign of
desires. However, the person conducts his career with
utmost honesty as seen by the preponderance of
moksha signs.
f) The person was qualified as an engineer-cum-MBA.
He is an expert in software engineering.
Career Prospects
g) The aspect of Venus in a trine to Saturn with Jupiter in
the 12th house to Saturn has assured the person of
steady earnings beginning from his 24th year.
However, the exchange of Mars and Venus means that
Mars will come to Aries which being located in the
same direction of Saturn will put hurdles to his
professional growth.
h) Because of this exchange, the person, while being able
to earn very well and enjoy promotions, has not been
entirely happy with his career growth.
68 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

i) With Saturn transiting Aries sometime after another 3

years, the person would be able to get favourable job
positions. Moreover, Jupiter's transit over Saturn in
1996 is sure to provide the person with a firm footing
in career prospects and give him a promotion.
(The prediction relating to promotion proved to be

Moon Mars Lagna

Mercury Sun Rahu Jupiter




The person was born on 20.4.66 with the balance

Mercury dasa of 2 years and 5 months.
a) Saturn 1s located in Pisces, a conventional s1gn
pointing to medicine, law or accountancy besides
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 69

b) Saturn is located alongwith Mercury and Moon with

Ketu in the same Northern direction sign. Mercury
signifies accounts and Ketu signifies law.
c) Jupiter is in exchange with Mercury from Gemini.
Therefore, the combination can be read as Saturn plus
Jupiter plus Moon and Ketu.
d) Lagna is Taurus with Rahu located there. Venus is the
lagnadipathi located in Saturn's sign. Taurus and
Venus signify finance. Note that most ofthe planets
are located in moksha signs. However, Jupiter is in
West direction sign with Venus in the same direction
and Rahu and lagna in artha signs. This gives the
person worldly activity. But the presence of the North
direction signs and the fact that Jupiter and Mercury
are interchanged would ensure that during the second
transit of Saturn over Pisces and the opening of his Sun
dasa would take the person away from profession and
towards more religious practices (after interchange,
Jupiter comes to Pisces, a spiritual sign, and Sun is
located in the 12th house of the chart).
e) The preponderance of factors show a career in
accounts or law. The person is a chartered accountant
having legal practice.
Career Prospects
f) Saturn is located alongwith Jupiter and Moon (Jupiter
comes to Pisces after exchange with Mercury). This
points to an independent profession. Moreover, Venus
is located in the 12th house to Saturn showing a
comfortable profession. Additionally, Rahu in lagna
always causes the person to seek for independence.
70 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

g) The above factors have contributed to the person

having an independent practice. However, Ketu's
aspect over Saturn is making the native possess a
detached outlook towards his profession. This
combination is certainly not favourable but is
countered by Jupiter/Mercury's presence.
h) The exchange of 2nd and II th lords as per Sage
Parasara gives dhana yoga after marriage. This is set to
operate in his Sun dasa commencing in 1996. At this
time Saturn will transit Pisces capable of giving him
many a professional change due to the confluence of
four planets located in the same Northern direction.
Whether the readers would take the Parasari system of
dasas or the transit system of Saturn is best left to their
judgement but both apply equally well.
(The prediction proved true-the person was married
in May 1996.)
i) This chart shows Jupiter in the 2nd house outside the
Rahu and Ketu circuit. This is called apoorna
kalasarpa yoga. The person would always be under
pressure to choose between profession and ethereal
things. Keeping in mind the fact that Jupiter during
transit would come first to Cancer wherefrom Ketu is
located in the same direction in the 5th house, the
person's ambition in life would be mokshasadhana.
The person (Example 20) was born on 8.7.59 with the
balance of 3 years Saturn dasa.
a) Saturn is located in a fiery sign of Sagittarius. lt is
opposed by Sun__, his dire enemy, from Gemini, an
intellectual sign.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 71


Ketu Sun



Saturn Jupiter® Rahu

b) In Leo is located Mars, his enemy, and Venus, his

friend. This is in the same East direction as Saturn.
Jupiter is retrogade in Libra which is a Western sign.
c) The lagna is Gemini with Mercury in Cancer with
Moon and Ketu in a trine. This gives a very sharp
d) The career is likely to be in some engineering field or
in the field of show business as seen by Venus in Leo
and Jupiter (lord of Saturn's sign) in Libra.
c) The lOth house is Pisces with Ketu in it. Jupiter, its
lord is located in Libra which points to luxury or show
business. It would be interesting to note that the
planets are distributed mainly between dharmic signs
and moksha signs. However, Jupiter and Sun are
72 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

located in signs signifying desires while Rahu is in a

sign of artha. This has resulted in the person's starting
of religious activities but turning to worldly career
(note that lagna is also a West direction sign signifying
0 The person is having a career in marketing . See how
we have to weigh the pros and cons from each angle
before we come to a conclusion.
Career Prospects
g) The presence of Sun in the 7th sign to Saturn and Mars
in the same direction as Saturn will mar career
prospects. The only saving grace is the presence of
Venus in the same direction as Saturn.
h) This has resulted in the native facing innumerable
hurdles in his career though he has not been
desperately short of money. Note also the fact that
there are no natural benefics in any kendra sthana from
i) Jupiter is retrogade and going towards Rahu located in
Virgo. This has given him commercial instincts but
since Rahu also indicates a demon, the person has
deliberately landed himself into difficult positions.
j) Jupiter's transit over Saturn in 1996 will see him get
married and his profession would also be able to take
(The prediction proved to be true -the person was
married in February 1996 and thereafter he got a job.)
The person (Example 21) was born on 12.8.30 with the
balance of Jupiter dasa at birth being 4 years.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 73


Moon Rahu Mars Jupiter

Lagna Sun



Saturn® Ketu Venus

a) Saturn is located in a fiery sign in the Eastern direction.
Saturn happens to be the lagnadipathi. In the same
direction are located Mercury and Rahu. Mercury
stands for intelligence and Rahu, hard work. Fiery
signs can give law or factory work.
b) Mars, a fiery planet, aspects Saturn from Taurus and
Jupiter aspects from Gemini.
c) Since Saturn is retrogade, he will go into Scorpio
which is a sign known for machinery and metals. From
there he gets the 7th aspect ofMars.
d) The predominance of Mars and fiery signs points to a
work relating to machinery and factory. Note the fact
74 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

that lagna is a sign of desires with Jupiter in the sign of

desires alongwith Ketu in the same direction. Three
other planets are in dharmic signs (East direction).
Moon and Sun are in moksha signs (North direction).
Mars is in the artha (South direction). This shows a
man doing his work according to dharma but still
engaged in worldly activities.
e) The person was working as an automobile engineer in
a factory.
Career Prospects
f) Aspect of Jupiter over Saturn assures success.
However, Saturn's aspect over Jupiter means
considerable hard work. The person had a successful
career over a span of30 years.
g) Aspect of Mars over Saturn did not allow the person to
rise to very high levels in the organisation. He rose to
the position of a manager but could not go any further.
h) Jupiter and Saturn in mutual opposition normally
indicate a person wedded to work and makes the
person straightforward in his working environment.
The person cannot enter into clandestine arrangements
to make money. This is so with the present case also.
The person (Example 22) was born on 11.7.63 with the
balance of Saturn dasa of 16 years, 8 months and 13 days.
a) Saturn is located in Virgo which is a sign known for
business and trading. ln the same direction are located
Rahu, Jupiter and Venus.
b) Lagna is Taurus with lagnadipathi being Venus, also
located there, signifying treasury.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 75


Lagna Sun
Jupiter Mars



c) The person is likely to have a trading concern and is

likely to have good profits due to the aspect of Jupiter
and Venus. Rahu's aspect may give some factory-
related work. Self-employment is likely since Jupiter
and Venus aspect Saturn. See the fact that lagna is an
artha sign with Venus, Saturn , Rahu and Jupiter
occupying artha signs. This denotes worldly activity.
d) The person is doing business by having a concern
which manufactures chemicals (Rahu) and is also
engaged in trading.
Career Prospects
a) Business success is ensured with the aspect of friendly
planets over Saturn. Jupiter, Venus and Rahu aspect
over Saturn ensuring copious wealth which will flow
in almost uninterrupted.
76 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

b) The lord of the sign in which Saturn is located is

Mercury who is alongwith Moon and Ketu giving the
native a very sharp mind. Since signs in the North will
directly face signs in the South, Saturn will be directly
aspected by this combination giving some frustrations
in business environment though there is regular flow
of trading profits.
c) One more point to be considered is that the 2nd house
from Saturn is Libra which is aspected by Sun and
Mars from Gemini (being in the same direction). This
makes the person work very hard for money.
d) The combination of Mars and location of Mercury,
Moon and Ketu would show domestic unrest coming
in the way of business prospects.


Moon Lagna
Mars Ketu

Mercury Sun Saturn

Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 77

a) Saturn is located in Virgo, a commecial sign. In the
same direction are located Mars and Moon. lt can be
vouchsafed that the person's career would have faced
b) Ketu is located in the 12th house to Saturn. However,
in the same direction as Ketu are Venus and Mercury
showing a comfortable position as regards profession.
c) Since points 'a' and 'b' are contradictory, we will
examine the 2nd house from Saturn. The house is
Libra aspected by Guru and Rahu which are in the
same Western direction. It seems to point out to
respect and earnings which will go down generations.
The Gum and Rahu combination as per our principles
indicates a master. The person would also be able to
hide his emotions and will have masking capabilities.
This combination also results in thriving for
d) Lagnadipathi is Sun, located in Mars's house while
Mars is with Moon showing the person's bent of mind
towards luxurious things like hotels, catering, cinema,
e) The lOth lord is Venus in Jupiter's sign alongwith
Mercury. Jupiter, the lord ofVenus's sign, is with
Rahu, showing worldly avocations.
0 The sum and substance of this analysis show struggles
in profession but the person would be able to achieve
comfort levels after 31 years when Saturn reaches
Libra in his second round when he gets the aspect of
Jupiter and Rahu from Libra. The person will have a
78 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

luxurious profession where he can do something

independent and will be able to hide his emotions.
Masking abilities are related to cinema acting. Note
also that as many as five planets are located in West or
South direction signifying desires and worldly activity
(Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars and Moon). As per our
principles, work indicator Saturn, mind indicator
Moon and life-force Jupiter are all in worldly signs
showing worldly activity.
g) The person is a very successful cinema artiste after
being an ordinary bus conductor.
Career Prospects
h) The Jupiter and Rahu combination casting its aspect
over the 2nd house from Saturn gives tremendous
depths of wealth. However, the Mars and Moon
combination being in the same direction as Saturn is
capable of giving tremendous tension to the person and
attempts breaks and frustrations to his career.
i) The person would commence Saturn dasa after a
couple of years which can take him to dizzy heights of
power but the person should be ever ready for the fall
which Saturn is so likely to give. Nevertheless, this
person would be able to do substantial good to the
people at large, political or otherwise.
h) The transit of Saturn over Pisces wherein Sun will be
located in the same direction and Saturn will oppose
the transit, and the transit of Jupiter over natal Moon
and Mars position with Saturn in the same direction
will give substantial changes in the career of the
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 79

Saturn® Rahu Mars



Moon Ketu

The person was born on 28.7.66.

a) Saturn is located in Pisces, a conventional sign
representing law, accounts, banking, and medicine.
Sun, Mercury and Moon aspect from the North
direction signs.
b) Being retrogade, he goes to Aquarius wherein he gets
the aspect of Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Ketu indicating
treasury, wealth, respect but also some professional
obstacles due to Mars' and Ketu's presence.
c) Lagnadipathi is Moon located in Mars sign which is
debilitated. The lOth lord Mars is located with Jupiter
and Venus signifying banking and money.
80 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

d) A conventional profession dealing with money is

located. Rahu's presence in the 2nd house to Saturn
without the aspect ofJupiter or Venus show working
under an institution rather than an independent career.
Note the presence of Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Ketu in
the West direction signs (desires) with Saturn
retrogading to such a sign. This shows predominance
of desires that make the person work towards
satisfying worldly desires.
e) The person is employed in a bank as a commercial
executive earning a very good sum of money.
Career Prospects
f) When Saturn was transiting Aquarius in 1993-94, it
was predicted that the aspect of Ketu and Mars from
Gemini and Libra would give the person disputes with
his superiors and make him quit the job. However, the
aspect ofJupiter and Venus would ensure that in the
end he gets a better job and moves out of the present
g) The person could not continue in his employment and
went to another job on a salary double the earnings. It
would be pertinent to note that he was running Rahu
bhukthi in Venus dasa pointing out to a clear change in
career due to Rahu's presence in the lOthhouse.ln the
ashtakavarga cast for this individual, the profession
house gets more than 30 points thereby strenghthening
his prospects. This is by way of additional information
to the readers who would be able to see the picture
from a holistic point of view.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 81


Saturn Rahu Lagna




The person was born on 8.8.67 (this chart has been taken
from AM Vol.84 No.7).
a) Saturn is in Pisces, indicating conventional
professions like teaching, law, accountancy or
b) In the same Northern direction as Saturn are Sun,
Mercury and Jupiter showing intellectual profession
(shown by Jupiter and Mercury) and he will come to
light since Sun represents coming to fame.
c) Lagna is Gemini, an intellectual sign, with Mercury in
the 2nd house alongwith Jupiter and Sun. Our
observation in 'b' above holds good.
82 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

d) There is an exchange ofplanetary positions between

Moon and Sun which means that Moon, Mercury and
Jupiter will form an additional combination in Cancer.
e) The 2nd house from Saturn is aspected by the
combination of Rahu, Moon and Venus in the East
direction. Mars and Ketu aspect the 2nd house from
Saturn. Mars plus Ketu show ego, arguments and law.
Lagna, being a sign of desires, Moon in a dharmic sign
with Venus and Mercury, the planets of business in
North oriented sign, have given the man worldly
activity but the fact remains that he would be working
towards moksha given the congregation of 4 planets in
the North direction.
0 The indications are that the person is a lawyer which is
confirmed by the author ofthe article.
g) It may be of interest to note that the author in the article
has analysed the charts from the dasamsa point of view
and come to the same conclusions. Our approach may
be taken as an additional tool for analysis.
Please Note: Read the next two charts carefully since though
the Lagna has changed, the two persons have got similar
positions which can be explained only through directional
influences ofplanets.
a) Saturn is located in Gemini, an intellectual sign.
Saturn has no combination with any other planet in the
same direction.
b) We look at the lord of Saturn sign Mercury which
occupies Virgo in exaltation with Sun and Mars. Virgo
is a commercial sign and Sun and Mars represent
government concern. Ketu forms a trine with this
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 83



Ketu Moon

Lagna Mercury

combination indicating that Ketu joins this

combination being in the same direction.
c) Lagna is Scorpio with Mars as lagnadipathi occupying
Virgo alongwith Mercury and Sun. Our analysis in 'b'
holds good.
d) The 2nd house from Saturn has Guru and Rahu
signifying a master. The person will be able to reach a
very good position.
e) The preponderance of commercial and earthy signs
signifiying desires and worldly activity would make
this person work in a commercial concern in the
government (Sun and Mars). Jupiter and Rahu will
make him earn a good name and fame.
84 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

f) The person was a director in a public sector


Mars Saturn


Ketu Moon
Venus '

Lagna Sun

a) As in the previous chart, the combinations are
absolutely similar.
b) The two major differences are that Mars is in Taurus.
Since this is in the same direction as Sun, Mercury and
Ketu in earthy signs, the combination becomes the
same as the earlier chart. Therefore, the conclusions
reached will be the same. However, Mars is in the 12th
to Saturn showing struggles before reaching a position.
c) The other difference is lagna which is Libra. The
lagnadipathi Venus is with Moon in Leo, a sign
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 85

showing royalty and showing government

d) Though lagna has changed, because of the directional
influences of the planets, the person was also a director
of a public sector undertaking. This illustrates that our
approach to the subject is in the right direction.
e) Because of Mars in the 12th house to Saturn, this
person had to work his way up in the organisation.
Kindly note that the above two charts have been taken
from AM June 1995 and the actualities very clearly fit into
our analysis.
From the above two charts it will be crystal-clear that
though lagna changes and the lOth house changes, the
position of Saturn being the same and the other planets
interacting in a similar manner, the persons have got similar
employments. However, Mars having a relation to Saturn
(being in the 12th which as per our theory denotes the
comfort levels in employment) in the latter chart has shown
that the person has struggled to come up. This also denotes
hard work to the native.
Let us examine the career prospects of the native below.
This chart is also taken from AM June 95.
Career Prospects
a) We see Saturn located in Taurus, a sign of treasury and
banking. Sun and Mercury alongwith Ketu in the same
direction are located alongwith Saturn. This shows that
frustrations and disappointments may come to the
native since Ketu and Sun are inimical to Saturn.
b) Jupiter and Venus are located in the 2nd house to
Saturn aspected by Moon from the 7th therefrom. This
86 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


Mars Saturn Jupiter

Mercury Venus



Ketu Lagna


shows plenty of earnings and a high pos1t10n.

However, Moon's aspect over Venus deprives the
person of a higher monetary status which he could
have had.
c) Mars in the Northern direction sign alongwith Rahu
will see the opposite South direction sign where Saturn
is located. While Mars looking at Saturn causes
obstacles, Rahu is there to ensure that Mars is subdued.
d) Our analysis shows that the person would certainly
reach a good position in his career but would not be
able to get promotions in time due to Ketu's presence.
See the presence of most planets in West or South
direction pointing to a worldly career with an aim to
satisfy desires.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 87

e) The author writes that this person faced frustrations in

career due to lack of timely promotion but he is
occupying a high position.

Moon Saturn Lagna





Sun Mars
Mercury Venus

a) Saturn is in Aries, a sign of machines and machinery.
Jupiter is with Saturn. Rahu is in a trine therefrom,
denoting hard work and labour.
b) Mars and Venus aspect Saturn. Venus denotes money
while Mars denotes hard work and obstructions to
c) Moon is in the 12th house denoting less comfort since
he is not friendly with Saturn.
d) Lagna is Gemini with Mercury located alongwith Sun.
88 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

d) The preponderance of fiery signs show working in a

factory-related environment and Mercury with Sun
shows possible government connections. See the
division of the chart into West-oriented signs (3
planets and lagna) and dharmic signs (3 planets) as
also moksha signs (3 planets). This shows worldly
activity with a balance struck between satisfaction of
desires and self-contentment.
e) The aspects ofJupiter and Venus will certainly ensure
that the person would be able to command respect and
earn money. However, Mars will ensure that the
person sweats it out before he achieves success.
0 The author who has analysed this chart in AM June
1995 tells us that this person reached a high position in
a public sector organisation after starting off as a clerk.
Our analysis points to this conclusion.

Moon Mars

Ketu Sun


Saturn® Lagna
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 89

This native was born on 10.7.60 with the balance of

Satumdasa at birth of 16 years, 11 months and 21 days.
a) Saturn is in Sagittarius and is retrogade. Saturn in a
sign of Jupiter is conjunct with Jupiter with Venus and
Rahu in a trine therefrom in the same direction. This
indicates profession plus respect plus money plus hard
work. Jupiter's aspect makes smooth riding despite
some hard work. This sign of Jupiter indicates
business consultancy as well as law.
b) Mars aspects Saturn from Taurus, a finance-oriented
sign. Saturn being retrogade even if he were to come to
the previous sign, would receive Mars's aspect. He
would also form a trine with Sun, Moon and Mercury.
The Moon and Mercury combination gives good
intelligence and being involved in the North direction
signs can give conventional professions like law and
c) Lagna is a commercial sign Virgo and we have already
studied the position of Mercury.
d) The possible professions arising from the above are
law and accounts as well as consultancy. This is
exactly what the person is doing. The preponderance
of dharmic signs makes the person honest in his
profession. The lagna, Mars and Ketu are in the South
signs denoting artha. The person has been, therefore,
in a worldly profession. Note the presence of three
planets in the North direction which should point out
to the fact that the person is content in his profession.
The presence of Jupiter and Saturn in dharmic sign
point out to worldly activity rather than renunciation.
90 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Career Prospects
e) The aspect of Jupiter and Venus over Saturn shows
copious earnings and a position of comfort. However,
Mars' aspect is disturbing as it is responsible for
causing the native to come down two steps after going
up five steps.
0 The retrogression of Saturn gives aspects of Mars,
Sun, Moon and Mercury. This shows that the native
will look at things not entirely in line with his
profession of consultancy. Mars and Mercury have
given him interest in trading and real estate.




Jupiter Sun Venus Mars

Ketu Mercury

This is the horoscope ofPandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 91

a) Saturn is in Leo, a sign standing for government. From
the same direction, Jupiter and Ketu cast their glance
from Sagittarius. Advisory callings in government
circles seems to be a possibility with a high position as
represented by Jupiter. Ketu's presence is not
favourable since the chances of a smooth ride in career
is ruled out. Moon in the 12th house to Saturn does not
give peace to the person but being his own house, the
person would have a very strong mind.
b) Lagna is Cancer with Moon in it. No specific
profession can be judged but Sun in the same direction
as Moon is capable of giving political power.
c) Saturn has Mars next to him showing struggles in
profession but thereafter are located Venus and
Mercury which means earnings after much struggle.
Sun in Scorpio shows an ambitious and secretive soul.
d) The chart shows an advisor to the government
reaching a high position after constant struggles.
Respect (Jupiter) comes to work (Saturn) after
struggles (Ketu and Mars). See the presence of most
planets in dharmic signs and kama signs. This shows
struggle between honesty and worldly desires. With
Mars, Rahu, Venus and Mercury in the South and
West signs, the person would work towards
satisfaction of desires.
e) The person as you are well aware was the highest
advisor (Prime Minister).
A look at this chart would convince you that to have
knowledge ofhow far the person would go in his profession,
one may have to use additional tools like the strength of
92 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

planets and houses (griha balas and bhava balas) besides

considering the factors relating to lagna since this would
point out the basic character ofthe individual. The purpose
behind selecting this chart was to illustrate that our method
also needs to be studied deeper and a holistic approach has to
be adopted before coming to conclusions. No single method
can assure you cent per cent success unless you are a sage
and have that kind of a living which gives you intuitional




Ketu Jupiter

Sun Moon
Mercury Venus

This is the horoscope of a person born on 22.12.43 with

the balance ofRahu dasa of 14 years and 7 months.
a) Saturn is located in Taurus, a sign standing for finance
and money. Alongwith is Mars in the same sign and
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 93

Ketu in Capricorn in the same direction. This shows

struggles in profession and a possible engineering
career, as fiery planets aspect Saturn.
b) The lagna is Taurus with Venus, the planet of treasury
and finance, in Libra in its own house alongwith
Moon. This shows finance-related activities.
c) The 2nd house from Saturn is aspected by Sun and
Mercury from a fiery sign showing engineering-
related subjects. Venus and Moon also aspect this sign
being in the same direction. The majority of planets are
located in artha and kama signs besides dharmic signs
pointing to worldly activity. Dharmic signs involved
give the person honesty in career.
d) The factors point out to an engineer in a treasury-
related institution. Mars and Ketu would ensure that he
cannot have an independent profession but will have to
work under somebody.
e) The person is an engineer working in a bank. He has
been working in jobs relating to civil contracts.
Career Prospects
f) It would be noted that this person has had to struggle in
life but he has come up by hard work and earned a
good name and a decent sum of money.
g) The location of lagnadipathi in its own house and
position of Jupiter in a kendrasthana are additional
factors showing the strength of the horoscope. The 2nd
house from Saturn being aspected by Venus from
Libra point out to earning a decent sum of money.
h) Whatever be the other aspects, the basic chart showing
Saturn and Mars with Ketu in the same direction show
94 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

that the person cannot reach a very high position in

life, more so when Jupiter or Venus have no aspect on

Jupiter Moon

Mars Lagna

Mercury Saturn

a) Saturn is located in Virgo, a commercial sign. Ketu in
the 12th house gives lack of comforts but in the same
direction as Ketu are Mercury, Venus and Sun which
will correct this situation. Mars in the same direction
exalted will ensure that the person does not reach
heights in his profession.
b) We see the combination of Jupiter and Rahu aspecting
the 2nd house from Saturn (note Libra the 2nd house
has in the same direction of Aquarius, Jupiter and
Rahu). This is sure to make the person a master ofhis
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 95

art, especially if it means the ability to mask his

emotions. See the presence of most planets in either
artha, kama or dharmic signs. Jupiter, however, is in a
sign of desires alongwith Rahu. Moon is in a moksha
sign. This gives the person worldly activity which he
combines with honesty but he cannot give up his
c) Since 'a' and 'b' show commercial ventures,
especially in the field of cinema, the person is a cine
If one were to compare Chart 23 with similar combinations
as this chart, one would see that both have become cine
actors. However, the nativity of Chart 23 is a very successful
hero while this chart belongs to a comedian-cum-hero. The
former chart has helped the person earn substantially more.
Not only that, the person in this chart did not have the
struggles that Chart 23 had. The reason for this is mainly due
to the fact that this chart has Moon in Cancer and not in
Capricorn, making the profession (Saturn) struggleless.
However, Sun is in Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius with Ketu in
the same direction and not in Scorpio. Sun has lost strength
due to this in the present chart. Note also that the
lagnadipathi in Chart 23 is in a kendra sthana giving
additional strength to the person. This has made the person of
Chart 23 scale greater heights. This will clearly convince the
readers the role of lagnadipathi in ensuring decency of life.
In fact, Dr B.V. Raman says that the decent position ofthe
lagnadipathi would considerably go to ensure that the person
has a smooth life.
Vedic NadiAstrology & Care(


Jupiter Rahu Mars




Saturn Mercury Sun

Ketu Venus

a) Saturn is in Scorpio with Ketu. This means a
profession involving secrets or renunciation. But in
terms of degree Saturn has passed Ketu which means
that struggles are behind his profession. Rahu the
planet of masks is aspecting this sign from a treasury
sign. Therefore, we have to examine this chart
b) In the 12th house to Saturn are Venus and Mercury
with Jupiter's aspect showing comforts in a profession
related to the sign Libra which may be in finance, show
business, acting, etc.
c) The 2nd house from Saturn is aspected by Mars and
Jupiter (being in the same direction). This shows
struggles but assures earnings.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 97

d) Renunciation as shown by Ketu is ruled out due to the

above factors.
e) Rahu's aspect with the aspect ofJupiter, Venus and
Mercury from the 12th, made this person a film-actor
earning international awards. Note also that Jupiter has
Rahu in the 2nd house giving the person masking
abilities and making him a master of his trade. (Rahu
has retrogade motion and will come into contact with
Jupiter first during its transit.) This chart shows Jupiter
in a dharmic sign, Moon in an artha sign, Saturn in a
sign of moksha and lagna in a sign of desires. The
person was involved in worldly activity due to the
presence of other planets in either signs of desires or
artha. However, he regarded his work as God (Saturn
in a moksha sign).
0 Unlike M.G. Ramachandran, the famous actor-turned-
politician, this person could not get political power due
to the fact that Sun, the planet of power, has Rahu and
Moon in a trine. Rahu's presence has eclipsed the Sun
being in the same direction. Also note the strong
presence of yogakaraka Venus giving the person
tremendous versatility in arts.
a) Saturn is located in Aries with Rahu showing a
penchant for masking abilities or factory-related
working. However, Jupiter and Ketu aspect from
Libra, a sign known for show business.
b) Mars and Saturn are in exchange which is
unfavourable but is counteracted by the presence of
Jupiter in Libra aspecting Saturn.
98 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


Venus Saturn
Moon Rahu



Jupiter Lagna

c) In the 12th house to Saturn are two planets of arts and

versatility, Moon and Venus showing artistic
professions relating to show business.
d) Jupiter and Venus are in exchange showing finances
since after the exchange, Venus aspects Saturn from
Libra. The lagna being Virgo shows commercial
e) The preponderance of show business has given the
person acting capabilities. See also the presence of
Rahu with Saturn giving in this case masking abilities
and not factory-related work due to the aspect of
planets from Libra and the presence of artistic planets
in the 12th to Saturn. This chart shows the importance
of the 12th house to Saturn. See how most planets
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 99

centre around artha and kama signs including the

lagna. This is sure to give worldly activities.

Jupiter Saturn


Venus Mars

Sun Lagna

a) Saturn is in Gemini, an intellectual and commercial
sign, aspected by Sun, the planet of politics and
government. However, the second from Saturn shows
Ketu showing struggles in career. This is saved by the
fact that Rahu, Mercury and Venus aspect the second
from Saturn showing tremendous financial potential
for the native. Moreover, Moon and Jupiter are in
Pisces, in the same direction as Cancer showing
respect in career.
100 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

b) Lagnadipathi is Mercury with Venus and Rahu

showing career in commercial concerns involving
show business.
c) The aspect ofVenus, Mercury and Rahu on the 2nd
house from Saturn as well as on the 12th house (being
Taurus which is in the same direction as Capricorn)
has given the person an acting career.
d) The presence of Ketu next to Saturn, and Mars next
therefrom did not allow him to continue in films but he
reached the heights ofhis career. Sun's strong aspect
gave the person political power. Three planets are in
the signs of artha, one in the sign of desires, three in
moksha and two in dharmic signs. The lagna is a
commercial sign (artha). Saturn is in the sign of desires
while Jupiter and Moon are in moksha signs. This
gives the person worldly activity but the person would
have strong religious inclinations.
e) This is the chart ofMGR who had an uninterrupted
success but had to struggle in his early days due to
Ketu's presence in the 2nd house to Saturn.
a) Saturn is in Capricorn with Rahu giving the native the
ability to mask. Sun and Venus are in the same
direction as Virgo. The signs are earthy signs. Mars
and Ketu aspect this combination ensuring that he
cannot reach heights in any profession.
b) Venus and Mercury have exchanged. This strengthens
each planet since each will come to his own house
c) The 2nd house from Saturn is aspected by Jupiter and
Mercury showing intellectual profession. Moon also
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 101



Rahu Lagna
Saturn Moon

Jupiter Sun
Mercury Venus

aspects this combination (Jupiter and Mercury are

located in the Western direction thereby aspecting
Aquarius which is also in the Western direction).
d) Lagna is Leo with Sun occupying a commercial sign.
c) The presence of exchange of planets in Libra and the
Saturn and Rahu combination gave the person acting
as a career. Prior to that he was a lawyer (Jupiter/
Mercury/Venus interaction in Libra). Now he is a
person who has been publishing a weekly and he is an
editor for the same.
Q The aspect of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury gives a good
intellectual profession after struggles (Mars and Ketu).
Reaching the heights of any profession in terms of
popularity is ruled out due to Mars and Ketu aspecting
102 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

Saturn. See the position of Saturn in artha sign, and

Jupiter in a sign of desires. Moreover, most planets
centre around signs of desires and artha giving worldly



Sun I

Rahu Jupiter Lagna


a) Saturn is in Aquarius with Moon, Mars and Ketu in the
same direction. This shows struggles in profession.
Aquarius shows an intellectual profession.
b) Jupiter aspects the 2nd house from Saturn which will
give the native money and respect.
c) Mercury and Sun aspect Saturn from the 12th house
pointing to a profession of intelligence in government
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 103

d) The lagna is Venus with Rahu in Sagittarius showing a

career in a business company. See the presence of
Saturn and Moon in signs of desires and as many as
five planets centred around signs denoting artha and
desires. The lagna is also in a sign of desires. This has
given the person worldly activity. However, Jupiter is
located in a moksha sign showing religion and
contentment in the job.
e) The person is a manager in an insurance company.
Career Prospects
f) The presence of Moon, Mars and Ketu has ensured that
the person does not reach great heights in his
profession. However, Jupiter's aspect on the 2nd
house from Saturn has given him respect.
g) The presence ofJupiter in the North direction sign of
Scorpio signifying moksha has given the person
powers to recite the Vedic mantras. However, the
presence of Rahu and Venus in the 2nd house from
Jupiter made the person follow a worldly profession
apart from the factors listed above.
h) I have observed that whenever Jupiter is the only
planet outside the Rahu and Ketu axis, and ifthis sign
becomes the 2nd house, the person is under a
tremendous pressure of choice between worldly
professions and one related to conventional callings.
Even if the person would follow a worldly profession,
he would continue to be guided by that planet which is
outside the circuit. In this case, since the axis is Ketu
and Rahu and not vice versa, the person could easily
strike a balance between the two opposing pressures
after around 30 years of age.
104 Vedic Nnd1 Astrology& Career


Jupiter Rahu
Moon Mars


Mercury Venus Lagna


a) Saturn is in Capricorn with Ketu. This combination is
aspected by Rahu and Mars from Cancer. This shows a
profession relating to engineering but the person
would have considerable struggles to come up due to
Mars and Ketu aspecting Saturn.
b) In the 2nd house from Saturn arc Jupiter and Moon
with Venus in a trine therefrom. This is sure to give
respect to the native with money. The presence of airy
signs give intellectual professions and Venus in his
own sign gives versatility in peotry, arts, etc. Note as
per our analysis the Jupiter, Moon and Venus
combination indicates art and teaching. Note the
presence of lagna in an artha sign. Saturn, Ketu 111
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 105

signs of artha, Venus, Jupiter and Moon in signs of

desires. However, 4 planets are in the direction of
moksha. This chart shows tremendous confusion of
choice between worldly activities and religious
c) This person is an Hon. Director in an institution of
learning and is a renowned teacher of Sanskrit. He is a
very pious man having a detached outlook to life
(Ketu). However, the combination of Jupiter, Venus
and Moon in the 2nd house to Saturn in a sign
signifying desires has given him respect and position
and made him follow a worldly profession. He is a
poet with extraordinary talents and has written several
original works. Venus in the 2nd house has given him
a very supenor voice which gives him singing
d) lflagna were also to be taken into account, it is Virgo,
a commercial sign but Mercury is placed in Scorpio
aspected by Mars and Rahu from Cancer. Mercury is
conjunct with Sun giving him engineering education.
However, the aspect ofKetu and Mars over Saturn has
not given him a profession relating to his education.
e) Overall, this is a chart of an extraordinary person with
tremendous artistic capabilities who will find it
difficult to balance worldly pursuits with religous
The person (Example 40) was born on 10.5.53.
a) Saturn is in Virgo, a commercial sign. It is aspected by
an exalted Venus and Moon from a conventional sign.
Finance-related jobs in commercial undertakings can
be inferred.
106 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


Moon Sun Jupiter Lagna

Venus Mercury Mars





b) Saturn is in the same direction as Rahu, Jupiter and

Mars. This shows struggles and working as a
subordinate but Jupiter's aspect gives a respectable
position and may also give employment in treasury
c) The lagna lord is Mercury who is with an exalted Sun
in a fiery sign. This points to a very good position in
life in jobs involving commerce, like merchant
banking, real estate, factories, etc.
d) The profession is likely to be one of dealing in finance
or money in a commercial institution like a finance
company or a bank or credit institution since more
factors point towards this. Note that most ofthe signs
involved are either signs of artha or desires - Saturn
Practical Application of our Theoretical A nalysis 107

and Jupiter in signs of artha alongwith Mars and Rahu.

However, three planets are in moksha signs giving the
person a religious outlook.
e) The person is employed in a foreign bank.
Career Prospects
a) lt was predicted that in 1993-94, the person would get
a promotion since Jupiter was transiting Libra, which
is a sign ofVenus who is posited in the lOth house.
Moreover, Jupiter was just crossing Saturn which
normally gives promotions. The person was not
confident of promotion since he had Saturn in the 12th
house to Moon and Jupiter in the 8th house from
Moon. Moreover, he was running Venus dasa, Saturn
bhukthi which is notorious for giving contradictory
results. However, the author admits that the prediction
was based solely on transits.
b) As predicted the person had a promotion, more so
since transiting Saturn had the aspect of transiting
Jupiter also. This shows the importance of considering
transits while predicting.
The person (Example 41) was born on 9.9.46.
a) Saturn is in Cancer which is capable of giving varied
professions such as religion, agriculture, etc. lt is in
exch:l'nge with Moon, thereby Saturn comes to an
earthy sign. This points out to commercial interests.
b) Ketu is in the same direction as Saturn showing
struggles and obstacles in profession. The person
cannot stick to one profession. Even after the exchange
between Saturn and Moon, Saturn in Capricorn will
la\ Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career




Moon Sun
Mercury '

Ketu Jupiter Mars


have to contend with Mars in Virgo. This means he

cannot get the desired profession.
c) Lagnadipathi is in his own house with Mercury which
points to the fact that he will be able to get himself a
decent life in future. Moreover, the combination of
Jupiter and Venus means that the person would be
seldom short of money. Jupiter stands for self and
Venus stands for wealth, i.e., a wealthy person by
d) The job may be commercial pursuits here and abroad
due to Saturn and Moon exchanges with interests in
agriculture and land-related activities. Sun's aspect on
the 2nd house from Saturn would give engineering
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 109

e) The person was occupying various posts in good

positions but had some breaks in career. He was also
employed abroad for quite some time before returning
to India. He was employed here as a production chief
(engineering skills) but left the same to do activities
relating to land/agriculture. Even that has not come out
to his satisfaction and he is considering going abroad.
0 Saturn's transit over Pisces where Mars opposes the
transit would mean struggles in finding a suitable
employment but the person would be able to come out
of it after 1997 when Jupiter transits natal Moon and
especially in 1998 when transit of Saturn over Aries is
opposed by the combination of natal Jupiter and
Venus. But steady employment in any one venture is
ruled out due to the basic characteristic of the chart.
g) Note the fact that Saturn comes to a sign of artha after
exchange with Moon. Moon itself is in the sign of
artha. Jupiter and Venus are in signs of desires. This
gives worldly activity.
The person (Example 42) was born on 29.7.54 with the
balance of Saturn dasa of 18 years and 9 months.
a) Saturn is located in Libra exalted. This shows business
relating to cinema, law, show business or other
pleasurable professions. However, in the same
direction as Saturn is Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury. This
gives an intellectual profession. However, Mars, Rahu
and Venus are located in the East direction facing
Saturn in the West pointing out to a fiery combination.
b) Lagna is Virgo, a business sign, and Mercury is
located with Ketu and Jupiter aspected by Mars and
110 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career





Mars Saturn Lagna


Rahu from Sagittarius. This fiery sign can give

business ventures in law and real estate. However,
Ketu, Mercury and Mars can produce dealers m
securities or real estate.
c) The majority of factors point out to dealing in
commercial ventures especially as agents either in
housing or in securities.
d) The person was a stockbroker who reached the heights
of his career before coming to a sudden crash. The
presence of Mercury and Ketu with Jupiter indicate
very intelligent personalities but the Mercury and Ketu
combination if not occurring in the North direction
signs is prone to endow people with a crooked
intention. This is exactly what happened. Moreover.
Practical Application ofour Theoretical Analysis Ill

Ketu in the same direction as Saturn will definetly

cause problems. Note the presence of 4 planets in the
signs of desire - Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu.
This gives a vigorous drive to the person to satisfY his
desires. The lagna being a commercial sign also
confirms the person's attitude.





Rahu Jupiter

The person was born on 5.7 .36 with the balance of Venus
dasa of 1 year and 9 months.
a) Saturn is in Aquarius, a research-oriented sign.
However, in the same direction is a great combination
of planets-Venus, Ketu, Sun, Mars and Mercury in
Gemini. Moon and Rahu aspect this combination.
112 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

b) This factor shows commercial enterprise (Gemini)

possible in the government sector (Sun and Mars).
c) Lagnadipathi is Sun located as above.
d) The person can get government employment dealing
in commercial aspects. See the great combination of
planets in signs of desires. Saturn, the profession
indicator, is also in a sign of desires. However, Moon
in a dharmic sign and Jupiter in a sign of moksha gives
honest approach to profession.
e) The person was employed in a government department
dealing in giving oflicenses.
0 One noteworthy feature of this chart is that this person
was known for his honesty and austere living during
his tenure in this office. This factor may be attributed
to Jupiter's strong presence in a kendra sthana. Also,
lagna being Leo shows struggles as per Dr B .V.
Raman. Moreover, because ofthis attitude, he could
attain the highest position in his office after
considerable duration of work. His juniors overtook
him in promotion. This can be attributed to Ketu, Mars
and Sun being in the same direction as Saturn.
However, Jupiter's aspect on the 2nd house to Saturn
finally got him the coveted position as head of the
Department albeit at a time when he had just a few
months to retire. After all, honesty pays ultimately.
The person (Example 44) was born on 20.5.1894.
a) Saturn is in a commercial sign with Ketu. This shows
that he may be commercially employed but would
have a renounced attitude. Venus and Rahu aspect this
combination from a very conventional sign.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 113


Rahu Mercury
Venus Jupiter




Moon Saturn

b) Sun, Mercury and Jupiter aspect Saturn showing

respect from the profession.
c) Lagna is Leo with Sun positioned as above. Sun in the
1 Oth house gives digbala but with Mercury and Jupiter
do not point to politics but to a highly intellectual
d) The 2nd house from Saturn is aspected by Mars from
Aquarius being in the same direction. Struggles in
earnings are indicated.
e) The combination shows austerity (Leo), struggles in
profession (Ketu and Mars ) before coming to light.
f) Pisces has Venus and Rahu but is a spiritual sign.
Moon is in the same direction as this combination. The
114 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Moon and Venus combination points out to earnings

and expenditure of equal proportion.
g) The presence of spiritual signs and the factors
considered in 11 e 11 above alongwith the combination of
Sun and Jupiter show a person close to God. (Sun
stands for God and Jupiter stands for individual.
Mercury means intelligence. The person uses his mind
and intelligence to reach God.) The presence of Saturn
with Ketu, three planets in signs of moksha, the lagna
being a dharmic sign with lagnadipathi with Jupiter
makes the person take up religious work. The presence
of Saturn in a trine to Jupiter and Sun shows him
coming to the top in the profession, whatever it may
h) This is the horoscope of Kanchi Paramacharya who
was the leading spiritual light ofthis century. In fact,
he had the loftiest profession ofheading a matha and
he set a personal example ofhow spiritual persons
should conduct their affairs in public.
Example 45
a) Saturn is located in Aquarius with Venus, and Moon
opposes this combination. This shows fine arts and
very good earnings since Venus is present with Saturn.
b) The disturbing factor is that Ketu in Gemini and Mars
in Libra are located in the same direction as Saturn.
This is definitely going to ensure that the person does
not get very far in career.
c) Jupiter and Rahu gives masking abilities.
d) Lagnadipathi is Venus signifying treasury aspected by
Saturn and Moon showing some artistic vocation.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 115


Lagna Ketu


Mercury Moon

Rahu Mars

Note the presence of four planets in the signs of

desires-Saturn, Ketu, Venus and Mars. Four planets
are in dharmic signs - Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Moon.
This gives a tremendous dedication to the profession.
c) Since arts is indicated, the person was a famous cine
artiste earning a very good name but due to "b" above,
her career was marred by frequent upsets and all her
money was lost in the last moments of her life.
Example 46
a) Saturn is in Cancer with Rahu. This can give masking
abilities but being a spiritual sign, this possiblity is
ruled out.
116 I 'edic Nadt Astrology & Career


Lagna Satum


Mercury Jupiter Moon

Sun Venus Mars

b) In the same direction as Satum is the Jupiter and Venus

combination in Scorpio. This shows a career
connected with arguments wherein respect and money
will be earned.
c) Since Satum is lagnadipathi, the same analysis would
hold good.
d) The above chart shows a person who is capable of
becoming a law officer or judge. The person was, in
fact, a lawyer of good repute. Keeping in view that
profession indicator is aspected by Jupiter and Venus
all in North direction signs, the person was honest and
straightforward. Also note that as many as four planets
including Saturn and Jupiter are in moksha signs.
However, lagna. Moon, Mars and Ketu are in worldly
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 117

signs of artha and kama. This gives a worldly

profession but honesty all the same.

Mars Venus

Jupiter Sun
Rahu Mercury



a) Saturn is located in Libra exalted but is aspected by a
very strong Mars. While commerce is indicated, the
person would have to struggle and be very active in his
b) The redeeming feature is that in the same direction as
Saturn are Jupiter and Rahu in Aquarius and Venus in
Libra. Therefore, the ill effects of Mars will only show
in the person requiring to do hard work and he may not
get timely promotions but he will be able to get money
and respect. Jupiter and Rahu would have given him
masking abilities but Mars' aspect from Aries, a fiery
sign, has put paid to such prospects.
118 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

c) Since commercial and luxury signs are involved, the

person would possibly get employment in banks or big
commercial concerns. Note the presence of Saturn and
Jupiter in signs of desires. This gives worldly
d) Lagnadipathi is Moon in her own house assuring the
person of a decent life.
e) The person was employed in a bank and later on in a
multinational company. He was dashing and had good
earnings but could not get promotions as desired.

Mercury Mars
Venus Ketu


Jupiter Lagna

Rahu Moon

a) Saturn is located in Pisces with friends Mercury and
Venus. However, Sun, his enemy, is located there with
Moon aspecting this combination.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 119

b) Pisces shows some conventional calling. Since Saturn

has Mars and Ketu in the next house, the person cannot
go very far in his profession. Mars and Ketu in the 2nd
house to Saturn limit his career to where he started.
Jupiter's aspect is absent.
c) The lagna is Leo with the lord in the 8th house - not a
good position.
d) These factors point out to a subordinate position in
employment in a bank or commercial organisation.
e) The person was employed as a clerk in a commercial
organisation. See the congregation ofplanets in signs
of moksha. However, Jupiter and Moon are in signs of
artha showing a practical attitude to life.

Lagna Venus

Ketu Sun


Moon Jupiter Saturn

120 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

a) Saturn is exalted in Libra showing a luxurious
profession. Jupiter is in the 2nd house getting the
aspect of Sun from Cancer (Jupiter and Sun are in the
same direction). This shows high government
b) Saturn has Venus in the same direction giving wealth
and enjoyment. However, Mars and Ketu are also in
the same direction pointing out to an untimely exit
from career and blames and obstacles.
c) The lagna is Taurus and Venus is located in Gemini
aspected by Moon from Sagittarius.
d) This points to an employment in a government service
in a high position but the person will have to lose his
position due to the Mars plus Ketu combination. Note
the position of most planets including Saturn in the
signs of desires. This gives a thrust for worldly
e) This is the chart ofZia-ul-Haq who was the former
President of Pakistan. The heights he reached was only
followed by a sudden exit. The Mars plus Ketu
combination robbed the otherwise good work that he
may have been capable of doing and in fact gave him
dictatorial tendencies and blameworthy practices.
The person (Example 50) was born on 6.11.59 but since
the time is not known the position oflagna is not shown.
a) Saturn is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. This denotes
lawyers, accountants, etc. as per our analysis. Jupiter
and Mercury are in the 12th house signifying a
tremendous learning to the person in his profession.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 121





Saturn Mercury Sun Venus

Jupiter Mars Rahu

However, Ketu in a trine to Jupiter and Mercury shows

the person to have expertise in law (Ketu stands also
for law).
b) Moon, Venus and Rahu aspect the 2nd house to
Saturn. Though three planets are in the signs of
moksha- Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu - we find that
the 5 planets are in signs of artha or desires. Therefore,
though the person is religious (Jupiter, the life-force, in
moksha sign with Ketu in the same direction), he
cannot come out ofhis worldly occupation. He can
preach (Jupiter and Mercury behind Saturn) but will
find it hard to practise.
c) The person is a chartered accountant having exclusive
and excellent practice in law and is known for his
122 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

thoroughness of subject matter. The position of Saturn

with Jupiter behind has given the person honesty in
profession. But the presence of Jupiter with Mercury
in Scorpio shows a person with secret desires. Ketu in
the same direction as Mercury in moksha signs gives
religious inclinations. The presence of artha and kama
signs have however countered his ability to excel in
religious activities.
The readers would note that even without the position of
lagna it would be possible to bring out the basic
characteristics of the individual.

Sun Rahu
Jupiter Moon


a) The first noteworthy feature of this chart is the great
congregation of planets in the artha sign of Capricorn.
Practical Application of our Theoretical Analysis 123

This is sure to give a commercial pursuit. Moreover,

lagna is Libra, a sign of desires, with Venus and Sun in
a sign of desires.
b) The position of Mercury and Jupiter next to Saturn in
terms of degrees gives intellectual profession related
to commerce. However, Mars and Ketu are also there
to put a block on Saturn's progress. Therefore, the
person would not be able to go very high in his
profession. But the presence of Venus in the 2nd house
to Saturn is a redeeming factor for earnings.
c) The person is an accountant in a multinational
company drawing a good salary but not very highly
placed in the organisation.



Venus Lagna

Mars Jupiter
Saturn Rahu
124 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

a) Saturn is located in Sagittarius, a sign for lawyers,
chartered accountants, etc. It is alongside Mars. In the
same direction are Ketu and Moon. All the signs are
b) Lagnadipathi is Sun with Mercury, an intellectual
c) The profession must be related to law as seen by the
Saturn and Ketu combination in the same direction
with Jupiter's aspect on Ketu. The sign involved is also
Sagittarius. Note the position of 1Oth lord Venus in the
6th house ruling disputes.
d) The position ofMars, Ketu and Moon in one direction
to Saturn cannot make the man come up in life as
expected. The saving grace is that Venus is located in
the 2nd house to Saturn ensuring enormity of earnings.
However, the means adopted may not always look fair.
The Rahu and Jupiter combination gives the person the
ability to hide things but at the same time makes the
person a master ofhis game.

This chapter is intended to give the readers a brief outline of
transit results that arise. You will note that transit results do
not mean either positions from lagna or positions from
Moon. The transit results given here are transit of slow-
moving planets-Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu-over the
natal planetary positions. Very often, we read that Jupiter in
the third position from Moon and Saturn in the 12th house
from Moon give very adverse results. However, these
general principles may not always apply to our charts and we
would like to know why there are deviations from these
general dicta. The explanations may be given by noting the
dasa and bhukthi but it must be remembered that some
bhukthis run for over a period of one year. Therefore, we will
have to delineate the exact results keeping in mind the transit
ofthe slow-moving planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
This is sought to be done in this chapter without specific
reference to a profession. This chapter is meant to hone the
astrologer's skills to interpret charts.
Transit of Saturn over Natal Positions

This transit is seen to give tensions to the person in his

professional field due to the fact that Sun is inimical to
126 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Saturn. Problems from the government are not ruled out.

However, if there is Rahu, Jupiter or Venus in the next house
to Sun the results will be quite favourable and the person
may be able to come to the limelight due to such transit. This
is because, Jupiter or Venus in the 2nd house to Saturn would
mean comfortable earnings to the native while Rahu in the
2nd house to the Sun would subdue the powers of Sun.

This transit is normally considered unfavourable by ancient

texts and we find no reason to differ. However, ifMercury,
Jupiter or Venus were to aspect Saturn either by being in the
same sign as the Moon or in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th or 12th
house therefrom the chances of fame, earnings and travel are
ensured. If Moon were to be alone, there is no doubt that the
person would be put to endless travels. The health ofthe
mother would need to be watched.

There is no doubt in the author's mind that unless Jupiter or

Venus happen to aspect this transit either being conjunct in
the natal chart or being 2nd, 7th, or in a trine to
Mars'position in the natal birth chart, the person is sure to
experience obstacles in his profession and may have breaks
in his career. This will happen irrespective of any time
period. lfRahu were in the second to Mars in the birth chart,
Mars will have very little power to trouble Saturn and in such
cases, the evil effects ofMars may not be felt.

This is a favourable transit since the two planets are friends.

This transit is likely to give the person lands, the
communicative ability or gains in trading ventures. The
person may start new ventures in trading.
Transit Results 127


This is an extremely favourable transit since the person is

sure to get promotions or get an increase in professional
status. This transit would not only increase money but also
increase the respect to the person. The person may also have
a change of job for the better.

This is an extremely favourable transit giving the person

assured wealth, immovable property, conveyances, and
marriage. The person's financial position in the profession
would strengthen as a result of the transit.

Moon Mars Lagna Jupiter

Mercury Sun Rahu



Ketu Transit

In the above chart, Saturn transited Aquarius where

Venus is located in the year 1993. Ifyou observe closely,
128 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career

Jupiter is in the same direction as Venus in the chart. As per

conventional transit principles, Jupiter in the 8th house to
Moon and Saturn in the 12th house to Moon are
unfavourable. However, during 1993-94 the person had
increased earnings in profession and could buy a car without
any loan. See the position of transit of Saturn over natal
Venus with aspect not only by natal Jupiter but also by
transit Jupiter. As Saturn transited natal Venus position to
the degree, the person acquired landed property. By way of
information, the person was running Venus dasa, Mercury

This occurs approximately once in 29 or 30 years. This is an

extremely important transit. During the first transit when the
person is around 29 to 30 years, it is most likely to give
changes in career. This transit is very strong and can give
shifts in career. The second transit of Saturn is significant
since it covers the active period of the person's life. The next
transit may see the person quit his profession.

This transit will give the native tremendous hard work in the
profession and may also give the native wealth through
secret means. It may make the person enter into mammoth
transactions in the professional field.

This is not at all a good transit and is likely to displace the

person from professional pursuits.lf Ketu or Mars were to be
in the 2nd house to Saturn, similar difficulties are likely to be
134 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


This transit may give obstacles to the native in his health

front but may also give divine knowledge to the native. This
transit on the whole is unfavourable from the point of view of
worldly pursuits.

Moon Mars Lagna Jupiter

Mercury Sun Rahu




Jupiter's transit over natal Ketu position who is posited

in the 7th house gave the person innumerable health
problems, though not of major proportions. However, being
in a North direction sign, it gave the person divine
knowledge. The combined effect of Saturn, Mercury, Moon
and Ketu in the same direction as Jupiter's transit, gave
increased professional standing, writing powers, travel to
various places and health problems to the native. The
exchange of Jupiter and Mercury has made the native
withstand all difficulties.
130 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career


This may give the native governmental contacts and he is

likely to come to the limelight. However, the person's health
may be affected due to anger or tension. lf Sun is exalted in
the chart or otherwise well placed, this is a good transit for
the individual. It may give him religious tendencies and a
thirst for knowledge.

This is considered an unfavourable transit in ancient texts

and we have no reason to dispute this. This gives
displacement, travels and tensions to the native.

This normally gives the person blood pressures and may

make the person subject to surgery. Mars' aspect on Jupiter
is also likely to give surgeries. The person may be given to
quick temper and hasty decision making during such transits.
If the native is unmarried, he is sure to get married.
This person (Example 55) is aged around 30 and was
running Rahu dasa Saturn bhukthi since 1993. At the time
when Jupiter was transiting Mars in the year 1994, the person
was married. It would be seen that Jupiter's aspect from
Gemini over Mars gave the native a marriage after observing
the regular rites. But the peculiarity is that Saturn and Sun
oppose each other across the 1 st and 7th houses and Venus
and Rahu are in the same direction. This combination gave
him a love marriage which was accepted by parents.

This transit is favourable for the native to gain lands and take
interest in educational matters as well as give the native
impetus in writing activities.
Transit Results 131


Moon Rahu Jupiter

Lagna Mercury


Ketu Mars Venus

In this example chart, Jupiter was transiting Mercury in

1995 and the person was able to get new teaching
assignments. He released booklets on various aspects ofhis
profession. The person also got a site.

This event occurs once in 12 years ofthe native and gives

him mental satisfaction, increased respect and gains in his
life. Depending on Saturn's transit, it may give professional
changes for the better or the person may start new ventures.
This transit is capable of giving interest for the person in
divine contemplation.
132 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career






Saturn Mercury Sun Venus

Jupiter Mars Rahu


This is a good transit showing increased wealth for the

native. This transit helps the native's wife also. The person
may get increased earnings from various sources and he may
be able to acquire houses. The combination ofVenus and
Rahu'occurring during Jupiter's transit may also give palaces
or unexpected secret earnings.

This is a fortunate transit and is sure to strengthen the

native's professional front. Changes of jobs for the better,
increased professional standing, increased earnings and
doing respectable things in the profession are seen in this
Transit Results 133


Moon Ketu Lagna


Venus Saturn Mercury Jupiter

ln this chart, the person is running Moon dasa since

1994. At the time when Jupiter was transiting natal Saturn
position in 1995 degree to degree, the person got a
tremendous jump in his profession and got a change of place.
This gave the native more than twice his present earnings.
Note the fact that Saturn is transiting Aquarius as that time
and had the aspect of Mars, Sun, Rahu and Mercury from
Libra (being in the same direction). This combination did not
come in the way due to the above Jupiter's transit.

This is sure to give the native unrest. The person would have
to work hard and suffer in his personal life. This may also
cloud the thinking of the native. However, Rahu well
positioned in the chart may actually give comforts to the
native in the form ofworldly pleasures.
134 Vedic NadiAstrology & Career


This transit may give obstacles to the native in his health

front but may also give divine knowledge to the native. This
transit on the whole is unfavourable from the point of view of
worldly pursuits.

Moon Mars Lagna Jupiter

Mercury Sun Rahu



* '


Jupiter's transit over natal Ketu position who is posited

in the 7th house gave the person innumerable health
problems, though not of major proportions. However, being
in a North direction sign, it gave the person divine
knowledge. The combined effect of Saturn, Mercury, Moon
and Ketu in the same direction as Jupiter's transit, gave
increased professional standing, writing powers, travel to
various places and health problems to the native. The
exchange of Jupiter and Mercury has made the native
withstand all difficulties.
Transit Results 135

Transit of Rahu over .'lnt:1J Positions


This transit normally brings problems to the father or the son

in terms of their health. Apart from this, it is quite possible
that the person's bodily health itself may suffer.

This leads to delusions, worries, tensions and health

problems for the mother.

This transit is sure to give accidents or injuries. In the case of

females, this transit would mean troubles to the husband.

While this transit may help mammoth trading transactions,

nevertheless the person may have to face ugly situations with
his friends or business partners.

This transit affects the individual in terms of his perception

to life. The person may become more materialistic and may
adopt devious tendencies hitherto not found in him.

The prospect of the native getting extraordinary wealth from

properties is very likely. Moreover, it may be time for the
native to himself build a massive house. However, this
transit brings health problems to the wife ofthe native.

The person would do shady things in his profession unless

this transit is aspected by Jupiter. The prospects of doing
ceremonies to dead people will also arise.
136 Vedic Nadi Astrology & Career

Transit of Ketu over Natal Positions


This transit would bring health problems to father or son.

Apart from this, either of them may take sudden or deeper
interest in religious matters.

The native's mind becomes attuned towards godly activities.

Where Moon is not strong enough, it may give the person
thoughts about hatching plots. This transit is not favourable
for the mother's health.

This transit will trigger off blood pressure problems and is

likely to give problems to the husband of the native (in a
female's chart).

The person may get into disputes with his friends or his
partners. This transit may also give educational attainments
in the field of law.

This transit is sure to give religious tendencies to the person.

The person may suffer some bodily injuries or sickness
during such transit.

This transit may lock the person's money in disputes or may

give problems to the health ofthe wife.

The person's profession would face impediments and he

may even think of giving it up for some other profession.
Transit Results 137

You will kindly note that these arc general transit results
and cannot be made absolute dicta since during such
unfavourable transits it may be quite possible that other
favourable transits may counteract and actually give results
that are favourable.

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