Socio Project Women
Socio Project Women
Socio Project Women
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Project work –Sociology 2014
Project work –Sociology 2014
Feminist theorists have started to question the differences between women, including how
race, class, ethnicity, and age intersect with gender. Feminist theory is most concerned with
giving a voice to women and highlighting the various ways women have contributed to
An Indian Working woman performs many roles throughout her life like any other women of
any nationality. Issues and conflicts crop up because in her conquest to justify every role in
her life she fails to restore her identity.
Even in the 21st Century , there are power struggles in women to be considered equal to men ,
at the work place and in general in the Indian Patriarchal Society .
The Indian society is multitudinous society with caste, religion, ethnicity and gender as some
of the important dimensions influencing politics and the development of the society. Sen
argues that gender has been a key issue in the history of the nation since the beginning of
British colonial rule over India. (Sen, 2002) Gender, and the term “women” has been used to
both front and confront issues of equality in the society. The colonial rulers used gender, and
what they considered as brutal and barbaric patriarchal practices towards women, as a
justification for the rule forced on India. The gender issue has been the basis of women’s
movements in India mobilizing against violence and discrimination, and for improved living
conditions and their human rights, amongst others.
The early seeds for raising the issue of gender in India came with the colonial rule where the
British rule embarked on a “civilizing mission” on a society viewed as barbaric in its
treatment of women. Women’s status was considered especially low whist men was
considered as exceptionally violent towards women. (Sen 2002: 465). Through English
education Indian men from the upper casts was exposed to a “modern” view on women’s
rights. From this educated elite the Social Reform Movement emerged to address the
wrongdoings of the patriarchal order. The movement achieved changing some of the easily
observable atrocities practiced against women like abolishing sati[1] and providing widows
the right to remarry, but the focus was more on changing the negative elements of the old
traditions rather than introducing rights equal to that of men.
Project work –Sociology 2014
Statement of Problem :
To study the role conflicts in the life of modern Indian Women , and also trace the history of
various Women’s Movement in the Indian Society and their impact .
Objectives :
To understand the Role conflicts in the lives of modern Indian women
To critically appreciate the impact of various Women’s Movements and the challenges that
lie ahead .
Further , we also aim to understand the threats and challenges faced by Women in India .
Hypothesis :
It has been assumed that the working women in India have to suffer from Role conflicts due
to the multiplicity of the roles being performed by them . Shift in position of women .
Women still continue to face threats and challenges ,
Method of Study :
The methodology adopted is of a descriptive and review method. The data has been collected
from primary and secondary sources, which include Internet sources, publications of reputed
journals, bulletins, Books of authors of international repute, research publications and data
collected from certain case studies. Whole of the collected data critically reviewed and
analyzed to draw conclusions.
Project work –Sociology 2014
Review of Literature :
Crossman Ashley (2013) , in her article “ Overview of the Feminist Theory”
Rustagi Preet (2014) Joint director of Institute for Human Development in Delhi,
Verick Sher (2014) , a senior specialist at the International Labour Organization in his article
“India’s Urban Work Boom”
While India’s progress in this front has been brave, there are quite a few corners that it needs
to cut before it can be called as being truly revolutionary in its quest for understanding what
is women empowerment .
India as a country is still recovering from years of abuse in the time of the Raj and more years
of economic suffering at the hands of the License Raj. It is only now that globalisation,
liberalisation and other socio-economic forces have given some respite to a large proportion
of the population. However, there are still quite a few areas where women empowerment in
India is largely lacking.
We have a long way to go, but we will get there someday. We shall overcome.
Project work –Sociology 2014