The World'S Most Popular Pc-Based Casting Simulation System: Solid Solid Solid
The World'S Most Popular Pc-Based Casting Simulation System: Solid Solid Solid
The World'S Most Popular Pc-Based Casting Simulation System: Solid Solid Solid
No other casting modeling program offers With SOLIDCast you can import 3D models from CAD, or
POWER, EASE OF USE and ACCURACY like build your own models without CAD.
The Full Simulation option is a full-featured CFD Flow Path Tracing in an Aluminum Sand Casting
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation of flow,
based on solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for Contact us for more details about this exciting new
fluid flow. With FLOWCast, you can view progressive technology.
temperature, fluid velocity and fluid pressure during the
fill, from any angle of view.
OPTICast™ is a software product that works in Now, for the first time, the technology of automated design is
conjunction with the SOLIDCast™ solidification brought to the foundry in the form of a practical and easy-to-
modeling system. OPTICast uses the HyperOpt® use design tool. OPTICast can help you to improve your yield
system from Altair Engineering, Inc., the leader in and your quality to an optimum point, while freeing design
the field of optimization software. engineers from the repetitive task of trial-and-error design.
Using OPTICast, the foundry engineer can start with EDS Technologies Pvt.Ltd.
an initial design and allow the computer to do the No 153, 2 Cross, Promenade Road,
work of modifying the design and running simulations Frazer Town, Bangalore - 05
to achieve an optimum result. Tel: +91-80-25514338 Fax: +91-80-25309104
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Hardware Requirements
No 153, 2nd Cross, Promenade Road,
Frazer Town, Bangalore - 05
Tel: +91-80-25514338
Fax: +91-80-25309104
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