Qatari Businessmen Delegation - Japan: /qatar - Chamber /qatarchamber
Qatari Businessmen Delegation - Japan: /qatar - Chamber /qatarchamber
Qatari Businessmen Delegation - Japan: /qatar - Chamber /qatarchamber
It is with a great honour and pleasure to co-organise the Qatar-Japan Business Forum which provides a brilliant
opportunity for Qatari and Japanese private sectors to explore investment and business coopera�on for the
advantage of our friendly countries.
On behalf of the Qatari private sector, I seize this opportunity to extend my deepest gra�tude and apprecia�on to
our Japanese counterparts, hoping this forum will serve as a pla�orm to establish long-term partnerships and help
find new areas of coopera�on in all economic and trade sectors.
Qatar and Japan enjoy profound and dis�nct rela�ons. They exert strenuous efforts to upgrade these rela�ons in
the areas of trade , investment, educa�on and cultural exchanges.
I therefore welcome you all to the Qatar-Japan Business Forum and hope it will add new impetus to our
discussions and prepare the ground for concrete ac�on and frui�ul results.
A visionary entrepreneur and forward-thinking strategist, focused on firmly imprin�ng Doha on the global business
map, His Excellency Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasser bin Khaled Al Thani is one of the most influen�al business leaders in
Qatar and the Middle East.
An extended member of Qatar’s ruling family, Sheikh Nawaf is currently the Chairman of Nasser Bin Khaled (NBK)
Holding, Al Wa'ab City, Doha Insurance Company and Nasser Bin Nawaf & Partners Holdings.
His business insights combined to his approach towards enhancing the business community in Qatar, Sheikh Nawaf
expanded his family empire, NBK, to firmly establish it as a pioneering business conglomerate in Qatar se�ng
performance standards and benchmarks across diverse industry pla�orms including automo�ve, construc�on &
real estate, industrial services, agriculture, travel, lifestyle & fashion and IT services amongst others.
Having established an indelible mark in Qatar’s socio-economic growth story, NBK Holding has expanded its
business por�olio in tune with the growth of the country led by the farsighted business acumen of HE Sheikh
Nawaf Al Thani.
With an ongoing personal pursuit towards excellence, Sheikh Nawaf is a graduate in Business Administra�on from
the United Kingdom and has been the driving force of NBK and associated companies since joining the organiza�on
in 1983.
Al-Jaber Group of Companies offers the local market a diverse yet complementary range of products and services,
linked by technical abili�es, in partnership with the interna�onal leading companies from various established
sectors across the globe.
The Group’s client base is as diverse as the Group’s scope of ac�vi�es, services and products. Al-Jaber Group
maintains strong rela�onships with peers in various industries and with clients in various countries in both the
private and public sectors.
Al-Jaber Group of Companies invests in improvising life methods through integra�ng technology with human
brains by collabora�ng with world’s leading brands from various sectors.
Established in 1986, Al Sulaiman Holdings has con�nued its rise in ranks to become a remarkable leading business
group in Qatar. Opera�ng a host of diversified business units across different spectrum of various sectors.
Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Co., was established in 1990 with 20% : 80% government and private equity
interests respec�vely. QIMC’s ini�al authorized capital was set at QR 200 Million (US $ 55 Million) and fully paid by
2002. In 2014, capital was increased by 20% to 475.2 Million.
QIMC become within a short period of �me one of the pioneering companies in the field of medium and large
scale industries in Qatar. Far from being confirmed to the State of Qatar, QIMC’s ac�vi�es extended to other GCC
Currently, QIMC has equity interest in 18 projects in various industries sector including chemicals, petrochemicals,
construc�on materials and food processing :
QIMC’s investment strategy is essen�ally driven by the fundamental principle of inves�ng in economically viable
industrial projects that u�lize locally/regionally available natural resources/intermediate products. QIMC also
views its investment ac�vity in the wider economic development context, and for that reason, it strives to
maximize the macroeconomic benefits resul�ng from its investment ac�vity to the na�onal economy in terms of
employment opportuni�es for the na�onal labor force, transfer of modern technology and contribu�on to the
country’s balance of trade.
QIMC welcome the par�cipa�on of all investors and technology know-how holders in joint venture in viable
small/medium sized projects.
The HBK Holding Company started with the establishment of HBK Contrac�ng Company W.L.L.
HBK Contrac�ng Company W.L.L. was established by Sh. Hamad Bin Khalid Al-Ahmed Al-Thani in the year 1970 to
undertake civil construc�on projects in the State of Qatar, thus making his contribu�on to the economic progress
of the Country and the Government sector.
HBK Holding is widely experienced in the construc�on Industry for Railways / Metro Projects, Ports, Commercial
and Residen�al buildings, High Rise Towers, Infrastructure works, Bridge works, Water Sewerage Networks,
Hospital & University complexes, Electro-mechanical works, Aluminium glazing works, Readymix Concrete, Precast
Construc�on, Drilling and blas�ng works, Industrial Coa�ng & Insula�on works during the past 48 years.
Over the years, the Group has executed many of the pres�gious projects in the State of Qatar, for various Public
and Private Clients, most par�cularly the Public Works Authority (Ashghal), Qatar Rail, Supreme Commi�ee, New
Port Project, Msherieb Proper�es, Ministry of Interior, Kahramaa, Qatar Olympic Commi�ee, Qatar Petroleum,
HMC, QAFCO, Al Jazeera Satellite Channel, Al Aqaria, Aayan Real Estate, QIIB, Qatar Entertainment City, Lusail Real
Estate Development Co., etc.
The Group has a well organised and well disciplined work force of over 15000 men and owns one of the largest
fleet of Construc�on Plant, Machinery and Vehicles, and is willing to undertake and enter into any profitable and
feasible venture.
HBK Holding has undertaken various challenging projects in many aspects of the construc�on sector requirement.
The Group has the in house capacity to handle and execute en�re requirements of the Railways, Ports, Stadiums,
Buildings, Pipeline networks and Sub Contract works are given for few specialised fields such as waterproofing,
steel works or other speciality work requirement. A large percentage of HBK's workforce has been associated with
the Company for long period of �me and hence the know-how, experience remains as a healthy management
backup exper�se.
HBK Holding emphasizes on Quality than Quan�ty as the main objec�ve for all its endeavours and gained
confidence in full trust in the Construc�on Industry for its commitment, achievement with high degree of
professional approach with quality requirements. The Quality Management Systems of HBK Group of Companies
are cer�fied to ISO 9001:2015 standards and its Environmental, Health and Safety Systems are cer�fied to ISO
14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007
AL JABOR TRADING is an essen�al pillar of Al Jabor Group Holding. Founded in 1967 by Sheikh Jabor Bin Mohamad
Al-Thani (Chairman of Al Jabor group Holdings).
Al Jabor Trading has over five decades of con�nuous growth that has become of the most pres�gious trading
organiza�on in Qatar. It is now the sole agent in Qatar of some of the world’s most renowned brands which serves
almost every aspect of commercial business ac�vi�es.
The company compasses f different divisions that provide a quality if product and excellent services: (Al Jabor
Trading for Sanitarywares Tiles and Building Materials, Swimming pools for Engineering Construc�on &
maintenance, Dewatering Pumps for diesel driven dewatering & Electrical Submersible, CIKO Middle East for
Construc�on Chemicals)
Ibrahim A. Al Muftah
Founder and
Company NameChairman of “Al Group
Almu�ah Faisal Holding Company”
Founder and Chairman
Title of “Aamal
Managing Company Q.P.S.C.”
Chairman of the “Qatari
Email Businessmen Associa�on”
Founder and Chairman
Website of “Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum”
Founder and Chairman of “Al Faisal Without Borders Founda�on”
Founder and Chairman of
“Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani Center for Entrepreneurship in the Middle East”
Company Activity Engineering and Construc�on, Industrial Equipment and Components; Basic Materials and U�li�es,
Automo�ve and Transport, Personal Products and Accessories, Home and Contract Furnishings and
Accessories. Business Electronics, Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances, Restaurants and
Catering, Travel, Leisure, and Recrea�on, Educa�on, Cable Television, Wellness and Fitness, Graphic
Design and Publicity, Real Estate
Almu�ah Group started its opera�ons in 1963 at a providen�al �me when the oil- and gas-rich na�on of Qatar first
began exploring the advantages of establishing a diversified economic base.
This pioneering spirit, so palpable in the country during that new era of progress, also fueled the passion and
imagina�on of Almu�ah Group's founder and chairman, Abdulrehman Mu�ah Almu�ah, and a small team of
innova�ve individuals who went on to establish the company.
From its humble beginnings as a dealer of tyres in the 1960s, Almu�ah Group has evolved to become one of
Qatar's most esteemed business groups, a diversified enterprise which today offers a mul�plicity of world-class
products and services to its customers.
Founder and
Company NameChairman of “AlHOLDING
ABUISSA Faisal Holding Company”
Founder and Chairman
Title of “Aamal Company Q.P.S.C.”
Chairman of the “Qatari
Email Businessmen Associa�on”
Founder and Chairman
Website of “Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum”
Founder and
Company Chairman
Activity of “Al
Retail, Faisal Without
Distribu�on, Borders Founda�on”
Telecommunica�ons, I.T, Energy &
Founder and Chairman of Construc�on Support Services, Investment,
“Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani
Real Estate CenterMarke�ng
and other for Entrepreneurship
Opera�ons in the Middle East”
Abuissa Holding is one of the leading Business Groups in the Middle East based in Doha, Qatar.
AIH houses over 70 dis�nguished businesses across 3 con�nents and 11 sectors. Each of our businesses, whether
developed as our own concept, or as a partnership, is dis�nguished by the quality of products and services,
integrated with local exper�se and detailed industry knowledge that has facilitated our global network.
At Abuissa Holding.
Ajaj Group established in 1974 and is one of the grown and leading private companies in Qatar.
The Company focuses on different economic sectors, including Stocks, Financial Services, Real Estate,
Construc�on, Educa�on and the Hospitality Services.
Ajaj Group was able to keep pace with the prosperity and growth of Qatar to develop and nourish its business
The founder H.E Mohammed Bin Ajaj Al Kubaisi, a well-known visionary entrepreneur in the region that has
achieved success in building a diverse business por�olio that is known on the local, regional and interna�onal
level. Ajaj Group has many divisions opera�ng under its umbrella; Property, Hospitality, Construc�on, Trading,
Transport, Educa�on, Service Industry and Financial Services.
Recently Ajaj Group has focused on further developing its Hospitality sector and hospitality related services. One
of key milestones was InterCon�nental Doha The City. Ajaj Group will con�nue to grow in all sectors with special
focus on the hospitality and leisure sectors locally and interna�onally, supported by strong business ac�vi�es.
Mul�disciplinary company Established in Qatar on 2008, specialized in FMCG business and marke�ng with more
than 12 years of experience in this field, beside that we are the owner of American Franchise brand – Fat Burger
North America.
We are an exclusive agent for many trademarks of food and non-food products in addi�on to other func�ons the
company managing
Al A�ya Group, one of Qatar’s leading family business groups, emerged from the uncompromising efforts and
vision of its founder, the late Mohammed Bin Abdallah Al A�ya, to build a future for Qatar and his family through
the development of local businesses commi�ed to integrity, social responsibility, and superior customer service.
Mr Al founded some of the first industrial enterprises in Qatar over 40 years ago that are s�ll running today; and
he laid the founda�on for today’s diverse widespread Group. And we are proud that the Al A�ya Group is s�ll
today well known for its sound business prac�ces and outstanding customer sa�sfac�on.
The Al-A�ya Group of companies is one of the largest privately-owned businesses in Qatar, having the exclusive
distribu�ng rights to some of the world’s leading brands as well as its own unique Qatari brand names. It
comprises some of the most innova�ve and forward thinking of local companies with the best of imported
technology and cost-effec�ve products.
Our founder held that successful growth would be achieved, not only with the provision superior customer service
and the offering of high quality products and services, but also and especially by placing the needs and wants of
Qatar and Qataris in the highest posi�on of importance. Business strategies were created to put the local
customer at the centre of the business opera�ons.
This approach led to the crea�on of some of the first companies in Qatar for: design and engineering (1967),
plas�cs manufacture (1977), electrical engineering contractor (1979), as well as a string of other businesses over
the years.
Omar Alfardan
Founder and
Company NameChairman of “AlGroup
Alfardan Faisal Holding Company”
Founder and Chairman
Title of “Aamal
President Company Q.P.S.C.”
Chairman of the “Qatari
Email Businessmen Associa�on”
Founder and Chairman
Website of “Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum”
Founder and
Company Chairman
Activity of “Al Faisal
Proper�es, WithoutAutomo�ve,
Hospitality, Borders Founda�on”
Investment, Jewelry,
Founder and Chairman of
“Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani Center for Entrepreneurship in the Middle East”
Alfardan Group has achieved extraordinary corporate success and set high benchmarks for Qatar’s business
community. Built around tradi�onal family values and an uncompromising commitment to integrity, premium
service and social responsibility, the Group is renowned for delivering luxury products and services while providing
the best possible experience for its customers across a wide range of industries.
Established in 1898 and passed down genera�ons of the Jaidah family with the aim of serving you, the customer,
and the state of Qatar at large, Jaidah Group has been a recognized force of trade for over 100 years.
Dealing ini�ally within the bare necessi�es like food, imported from exo�c des�na�ons such as Iran and India,
Jaidah Group has blossomed, expanded and conquered countless market sectors since.
Company Name:
Fikri Group: Real Estate & Rental
Hussein Fikri and Sons: T&B , Ceramic Tiles and Kitchen
Company Profile: Fikri Group
The company focus on regional and interna�onal investment on real estate development , and community rental.
Plains Trading and Luxehome are subsidiary companies of Fikri Group
Company Ac�vity: Hussein Fikri and Sons
Ceramic Tiles
Company Profile: Hussein Fikri and Sons
The company was established in 1951 as one of the pioneering supplier of building material products in Qatar.
Today our range of products include steel and shu�ering products, �les and sanitary ware products, electro
mechanical products, kitchen furniture products. The company is planning to add new range of products to its
inventory list.
Contact Details:
Fikri Group
Moutaz Alkhayyat
Founder and
Company NameChairman
Powerof “Al Faisal Holding
Interna�onal Company”
Holding Co. W.L.L
Founder and Chairman
Title Group “Aamal Company Q.P.S.C.”
of Chairman
Chairman of the “Qatari
Email Businessmen Associa�on”
Founder and Chairman
Website of “Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum”
Founder and
Company Chairman
Activity “Al Faisal
of and
Design Without
Construc�on, Bordersand
Industrial Founda�on”
Manufacturing, Agricultural and
Founder and Chairman of produc�on, Real Estate and Development, Lifestyle & Entertainment,
“Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-ThaniServices
and Hospitali�es Centerand
Entrepreneurship in the Middle East”
Power Interna�onal Holding consists of a diverse por�olio of businesses spanning 6 key sectors in Qatar.
To ensure the sustainability and success of each business within the various sectors, we are commi�ed to
providing every en�ty with the tools and resources to enable development and growth.
Simultaneously, we work to ensure that each business strives to achieve our organiza�on’s objec�ves and goals.
This is done through our organiza�on’s leaders who proac�vely work together in mul�-disciplinary groups to
achieve success for our business clients while ensuring that each business thrives and flourishes.
Fully integrated real estate sales center, a first of its kind in the region.
Situated in the heart of Doha, the spacious, luxurious loca�on is intricately designed to be appealing and
welcoming to clients and visitors, while detailed display models of each project in the real estate leader’s domes�c
and overseas por�olio allow guests to get a clearer perspec�ve of the opportuni�es available.
The addi�on of VIP lounges and mee�ng rooms further highlight the company’s determina�on to make guests
experience the outmost luxury that defines JRE’s brand persona.
Almana Group was established in Qatar in 1960 and during the past 55 years, the Group has been engaged in every
ac�vity that supports the na�onal economy and has become one of the largest business enterprises in State of
Qatar with diversified ac�vi�es and successful infrastructure development of the country.
Our Group today is an enterprise that comprises a wide array of services and business ac�vi�es divided into areas
of, Automobile Dealerships & Rentals, Projects Division, Industrial and Infrastructure development that include:
Manufacturing Ac�vi�es, Galvanizing, Cable Management Systems, Gra�ngs, NDT services, Welding
Consumables, MV / LV Switch Gear, Heat Exchanger & Valve Manufacturing.
In addi�on to being the distributor of the famous brand Coca Cola in Doha, Almana Coca Cola has recently
launched locally produced items like Shweppes C+ . Also, Almana Group introduced Pioneer Trading Company that
will be the sole distributor of unique FMCG brands in the state of Qatar.
The Trading arm of our Group caters for Material, Stocking & Sales of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Material for
all Industries in the country.
Our Mechanical, Electrical & Contrac�ng division execute Offshore, Onshore development, Industrial / Civil
Insula�on, Steel Structures Contractors in Qatar. Also within our Group’s Interior decora�on & furnishings division,
we have Showrooms for Residen�al furniture, Office furnishing and Kitchen equipment.
Our other services include, Money exchange, Travels, IT Services and Real Estate that deliver excep�onal
experience to our customers across the na�on.
Khalid Al Mannai
Founder and
Company NameChairman of “Al
Mannai Faisal Holding Company”
Founder and Chairman
Title Vice of “Aamal Company
Chairman – Execu�veQ.P.S.C.”
Chairman of the “Qatari
Email Businessmen Associa�on”
Founder and Chairman
Website of “Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum”
Founder and
Company Chairman
Activity of “Al
Trading Faisal Without
& Contrac�ng Borders Founda�on”
& Representa�on
Founder and Chairman of
“Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani Center for Entrepreneurship in the Middle East”
Mannai Corpora�on Q.S.C. is a public company headquartered in Qatar with over 6,200 plus employees. It’s
diverse range of businesses include automo�ve and heavy equipment distribu�on and service, informa�on and
communica�on technology, engineering services to the oil and gas sector, home appliances & electronics, medical
equipment, travel services, logis�cs, geotechnical and geological services, facili�es management, trading and
commercial representa�on.
In addi�on to Qatar, Mannai has presence in Dubai - UAE, India, Omanand Turkey. Mannai wholly owns Damas
Interna�onal Limited - a leading and largest chain of Jewellery brand which has presence throughout GCC. It also
holds a minority stake in Axiom Telecom - a largest and authorized retailer for the leading brands of mobile phones
in the GCC region.
Salam Interna�onal Investment Limited (SIIL) is a leading conglomerate pursuing a highly focused strategy of
establishing, incorpora�ng, acquiring, and owning enterprises. As an inheritor to a rich, over 65-year heritage, SIIL
has enjoyed a track record of consistent entrepreneurship, innova�on, performance, reliability and total customer
sa�sfac�on. Underpinning SIIL’s success is its many ac�vi�es which are horizontally, ver�cally, and geographically
SIIL owns and manages a number of business units in five sectors opera�ng across Qatar, the United Arab Emirates,
Pales�ne, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan and Lebanon. SIIL is currently focusing on expanding in the
pan-Arab region. SIIL prides itself in being an organiza�on that possesses a regional exper�se enhanced by local
knowledge. It does so by building on the region’s strength and growth dynamics while aligning its business strategy
and management disciplines with interna�onal best prac�ce satndards.
SIIL’s investment por�olio is two-fold: direct and indirect. The direct por�olio represents the strategic investments
that Salam regularly makes by way of equity stakes in some promising companies in the region, thereby enabling
it to have an influen�al role in the management of such companies through par�cipa�on of SIIL’s top execu�ves in
their Board of Directors. The indirect por�olio consists of the broad-based equity shares held by Salam in local,
regional, and interna�onal equity markets.
Investments in real estate provide a solid asset base where SIIL has adopted a conserva�ve financial and
investment policy in sta�ng the Company’s property investments and fixed assets at cost value without
revalua�on, which strengthens the Company in mi�ga�ng nega�ve effects of the turmoil surrounding the real
estate market.
SIIL con�nuously seeks and nurtures alliances with reputable companies and individual investors with a view to
become “one of the most successful diversified public-shareholding companies in the Middle East and an inspiring
example for regional family businesses.”