He is the one who discovered They are both Doctors He was a historian of the
"tabon caves" The fossil bones are Gran Cordillera Central
Dr. Robert Fox was a noted those of Homo and Prehispanic
American archaeologist sapiens Philippines.
Tabon Man- during the initial Fossils were found on He personally rejects the
excavations of the Tabon cave, June the west coast of description
and July 1962, the scattered fossil Palawan anthropologist as applying
bones of at least three individuals Fossil human bones to himself
were excavated, including a large were associated with Tabon Man – The earliest
fragment of a frontal bone with the Flake Assemblage III human skull remains
brows and portions of the nasal known in the Philippines
bones are the fossilized
Tabon Man shows that it is above fragments of a skullcap
average in skull dimensions when and jawbone of three
compared to the modern Filipino. individuals who are
only the flakes of this assemblage collectively called “Tabon
have been found to date in this Man”
area of the cave. The Tabon skullcap are
The area in which the fossil human agreed that it belonged to
bones were recovered had been modern man
disturbed by Megapode birds Tabon man was “pre-
There is no evidence that Tabon Mongoloid,”
Man was “…a less brainy individual Tabon man was not a
Read and analyze the two different Historical Records. By using Venn Diagram or the table below,
enumerates and presents the similarities and differences of the two.