Josephine Scarf
Josephine Scarf
Josephine Scarf
865 yd 4/worsted-weight
Row 2. Ch 3; turn. 2 dc in
first dc, ch 1, 3 dc first ch-3
sp, ch 1, *3 dc in next ch-3
sp, ch 1; rep from * across.
(3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in ch-6 sp.
17 dc and 5 ch sp.
Row 6. Ch 6; turn. Skip first 3 dc, sc in first ch-1 sp, ch 6, *skip next 3
dc, sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 6; rep from * across. Skip last 2 dc, sc in top of
t-ch. 9 sc and 9 ch sp.
Scarf, cont.
Row 8. Ch 3; turn. Skip first dc and ch-sp, Rows 15-20. Rep rows 6-11. 113 dc and
3 dc in first sc, *ch 1, dc in next ch-1 sp, dc 37 ch sp.
in next dc, dc in next ch-sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next
sc; rep from * across. 1 dc in ch-4 sp. 52 Rows 21-26. Rep rows 9-11, twice. 119 dc
dc. and 39 ch sp.
Row 9. Ch 6; turn. Skip first 4 dc, sc in first Rows 27-32. Rep rows 6-11. 239 dc and
ch-1 sp, *ch 6; skip next 3 dc, sc in next ch-1 79 ch sp.
sp; rep from * across. Ch 6, sc in top of t-ch.
17 ch sp. Rows 33-35. Rep rows 9-11. 242 dc and
80 ch sp.
Row 10. Ch 6; turn. 1 sc in first ch-6 space,
ch 3, *1 sc in next ch-6 sp, ch 3; rep from * Rows 36 & 37. Rep rows 9 & 10. 82 ch sp.
across. Dc in bottom of t-ch. 18 ch sp.
Row 38. Ch 3; turn. Skip first dc, 2 dc in
Row 11. Ch 3; turn. Skip first dc, 2 dc in first ch-3 sp, ch 1, *3 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch
first ch-3 sp, ch 1, *3 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1; rep from * 18 times. Place stitch marker
1; rep from * across. 3 dc in ch-6 sp. 53 dc in ch-1 sp for Tassel Chain. *3 dc in next ch-
and 17 ch sp. 3 sp, ch 1; rep from * 44 times. Place second
stitch marker in ch-1 sp for Tassel Chain. *3
Rows 12-14. Rep rows 9-11. 56 dc and 18 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1; rep from * across. 3
ch sp. dc in ch-6 sp. Do not finish off; 245 dc and
81 ch sp.
Row 39. Ch 6; turn. Skip first 3 dc, sc in Row 41. Ch 3; turn. Skip first sc, 2 dc in
first ch-1 sp, (ch 6, sc in next ch-1 sp) 5 first ch-3 sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp) 3
times; leave rem st unworked. 6 ch-6 sp. times, ch 1, 2 dc in last ch-3 sp, dc in last sc.
14 dc and 4 ch-1 sp.
Row 40. Ch 6; turn. Sc in first ch-6 sp, *ch
3, sc in next ch-6 sp; rep from * across. 5 Row 42. Ch 6; turn. Sc in first ch-1 sp, ch
ch-3 sp and 6 sc. 6, *sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 6; rep from *
across. Sc in last dc. 5 ch-6 sp.
Row 47. Ch 3; turn. 2 dc in first ch-3 sp, ch Row 53. Ch 3; turn. Dc in ch-3 sp, dc in
1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, 2 dc in last ch-3 last sc. 2 dc.
sp, dc in last sc. 8 dc and 2 ch-1 sp.
Row 54. Ch 6; turn. Skip first dc, sc in last
Row 48. Rep row 42. 3 ch-6 sp. dc. Finish off. 1 ch-6 sp.
Join yarn with sl st in first dc of row 38 of Scarf; ch 6.
Row 39. Sc in first ch-1 sp, (ch 6, sc in next Rows 40-54. Work as for rows 40-54 of
ch-1 sp) 5 times; leave rem st unworked. 6 First Tie.
ch-6 sp.
Finish off.
Join yarn with sl st in first ch-1 sp marked with st marker in row 38 of Scarf. Ch 6, *sc in next ch-
1 sp, ch 6; rep from * across to ch-1 sp marked with second st marker. Sc in ch-1 sp with second
st marker. Finish off. 45 ch-6 sp.
Tassel Maker: 1. Cut 25 10-inch lengths of yarn
and 25 6-inch lengths of yarn.
2. Cut Tassel Maker (left) out of
sturdy scrap cardboard. Cut slits at
dotted lines.
3. Place a 10-inch length of yarn
across the top of the Tassel Maker,
using slits to hold it in place.
4. Wrap yarn vertically around
Tassel Maker 24 times.
5. Tie a 6-inch length of yarn tightly
around the winded yarn in the slot of
the Tassel Maker.
6. Remove the 10-inch length of
yarn from the slits and tie it tightly
around the top of the winded yarn.
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Josephine Scarf
7. Cut winded yarn across bottom
of Tassel Maker with sharp scissors.
Slide tassel off card.
8. Thread one end of 10-inch yarn
up through 3 beads (or number of
desired beads), through first ch-6 sp
of Tassel Chain, and back down
through beads. Tie off and weave
both ends of 10-inch yarn into
9. Trim ends of tassel evenly.
Repeat steps 1-9 with each tassel, attaching one tassel to every other ch-6 sp of Tassel Chain, and
one tassel to the ch-6 sp in row 54 of each Tie.
Join yarn with sl st in ch-6 sp of row 54 of First Tie. Sc evenly across top edge of Scarf to ch-6 sp
of row 54 of Second Tie. Finish off. Weave in all ends.