AdhAm 2 PDF
AdhAm 2 PDF
AdhAm 2 PDF
Your Online payment is complet e. To pick up t he money Adham Abdelaziz will have to
bring a government -issued photo ID and t racking number (MT CN) 0673287204 to any
West ern Union locat ion in t he expect ed payout area. If you require more informat ion,
please email: wu@villat or call us at +960 3332777.
Payment Details
Dat e 09/11/2019 10:30:06
Payment reference (required)**: MV001052
Payment ID BLAZ108960395518
Amount (USD) 507.70
Tot al 507.70 US D
Exchange rat e 2 USD =
1.00 US D
1 S e rvic e and funds m ay be de laye d or unavailable de pe nding on c e rtain fac tors inc luding the S e rvic e
se le c te d, the se le c tion of de laye d de live ry options, am ount se nt, de stination c ountry, c urre nc y availability,
re gulatory issue s, c onsum e r prote c tion issue s, ide ntific ation re quire m e nts, de live ry re stric tions, age nt
loc ation hours, and diffe re nc e s in tim e zone s (c olle c tive ly, “ Re stric tions”). Additional re stric tions m ay apply.
S e e online te rm s and c onditions for de tails.
2 We ste rn Union also m ake s m oney from c urre nc y e xc hange . Whe n c hoosing a m oney transm itte r, c are fully
c om pare both transfe r fe e s and e xc hange rate s. Fe e s and fore ign e xc hange rate s m ay vary by brand,
c hanne l and loc ation base d on a num be r of fac tors. Fe e s and rate s subje c t to c hange without notic e .
S ubje c t to applic able taxe s (if any).
6 Your Re c e ive r c an pic k up your m oney transfe r at any of our Age nt Loc ations in Egypt
7 Ple ase type e xac t re c e ive r’s nam e as it appe ars on his/he r ID. They will ne e d to pre se nt this ID to pic k up
the funds.
9 The transac tion will be re le ase d only if the paym e nt is re c e ive d be twe e n 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM (BOM/S BI
ac c ount) during bank working days; Any transfe rs whic h are done the re afte r or using othe r bank will be only
re le ase d on the ne xt working day.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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