User'S Guide: Remote Comfort Control
User'S Guide: Remote Comfort Control
User'S Guide: Remote Comfort Control
1. This is useful in the event the remote batteries are low or the remote is misplaced.
2. System Override - Cooling Operation
(w/door open) Operation Mode
a. Push the “Cool” button on the receiver.
Display Window
b. System goes to the cooling mode with a set point of 74 °F.
3. System Override - Heating Operation (if connected to furnace)
a. Push the “Heat” button on the receiver. Timer ON/OFF
Low Battery REMOTE
Display Room Temperature
b. System goes to the “heat” mode with a set point of 68 oF.
Note: If an electric heat strip is present, the control system will automatically choose this
option even if a furnace is present. If the system does not have a heat strip then the Clock Display
Green LED
Unit On SET
Orange LED Timer Reset Button I Feel
Heat 2. Setting The Timer to “ON”
Red LED Furnace
a. Press the “timer” button and the timer “ON” clock will appear and blink.
b. Set timer by pushing and holding the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” buttons.
c. Point hand held remote at the receiver and press the “SET” button.
d. Receiver should beep and the Orange LED illuminate (if unit is off).
Note: When timer “ON” mode is activated the unit will turn “ON” in the last selected mode 10
1. The cool, heat, furnace or auto change mode must be selected.
2. Set the temperature at the desired level, and push the “I Feel” button. The “I FEEL”
of operation. See TIMER OPERATION.
3. Setting The Timer to “OFF”
a. Press the “timer” button twice and the timer “OFF” clock will appear and blink.
symbol will appear on the display and a beep will sound indicating that the unit is in “I b. Set timer by pushing and holding the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” buttons.
FEEL” mode. c. Point hand held remote at the receiver and press the “SET” button.
d. Receiver should beep and the Orange LED illuminate (if unit is on). +
Note: When timer “Off” mode is activated the unit will turn “OFF” when the clock & timer -
3. The hand held remote becomes the temperature sensor and must be positioned to
4. Setting The Timer to “ON” &“OFF”
send updated signals to the receiver every four minutes.
a. Press the “timer” button three times and the timer “ON” clock will blink and “OFF”
4. The temperature can be adjusted to the desired level from the remote for its specific MOD
b. Set “ON” timer by pushing and holding the “UP” or “DOWN” buttons, then push
Note: If the remote is placed in a location where the receiver cannot locate a signal for 16
the timer button again and the “OFF” will blink. Press and hold “UP (+)” or
minutes, the system will ignore the hand held remote and retain the last set-point.
“DOWN (-)” to set “OFF” time.
Note: The remote should not be placed in an area that is warmer or colder than the rest of
the living space (direct sunlight or air conditioner discharge drafts). 20:00
1. Locate the F°/C° Button under the door of the hand held remote. Push the button to c. Point hand held remote at the receiver and press the “SET” button.
display Fahrenheit (F°) temperature reading or press again to display Celsius (C°) d. Receiver should beep and the Orange LED illuminate (if unit is on).
Note: The Orange LED will light indicating the timer schedule is active. The unit will cycle
REMOTE RESET on and off in the last mode selected. See TIMER OPERATION.
1. The “Reset Button” is located on the hand held remote under the door below the
“Set Button”. Depress this button to delete all setting programmed into the control. CONFIGURATION OF REMOTE
Note: Every time the clock or timer button is pressed, the display will blink for 15
seconds giving the operator enough time to change settings. If no changes are made in the
The Hand Held Remote when shipped from Dometic is always programmed as a cool/
furnace model. The dip switches are located in the hand held remote battery compartment.
If the control is to be used with the electric heat strip or without the furnace its configuration
must be changed as follows:
15 second time period the timer display will disappear. 1. Cool/furnace operation: Dip switches 1,2,& 3 "ON" - dip switch 4 "OFF".
Note: Any mode that uses the clock/timer function of the hand held remote will be disabled 2. Cool Only-no heat operation: Dip switch 1 & 3 "ON" - dip switches 2 & 4 "OFF".
if the line of sight communication between the remote and receiver are non existent 3. Cool/Heat operation: Dip switches 1,2,3, & 4 "ON" -no dip switches "OFF".
(putting the remote in a drawer). Note: After the remote switches are changed press the reset button and
1. Setting The Clock reenter clock and timer settings.
a. When new batteries are installed, the clock will display 0:00. BATTERY COMPARTMENT
Dip Switches "OFF"
b. Clock shows only military time.
J1 J2 J3 J4
c. Push the clock button , the clock display should blink. Dip Switches OFF
d. Press and hold the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” button to set the clock. "ON" REVISION
e. Press the “SET” button on hand held remote. Form No. 3308571.011 4/15/04
Note: When the set button is depressed be careful not to push the reset button at the (Replaces 3308571.003)
same time. All previous setting will be lost and need to be reenterred. (French 3308572.019)
©2004 Dometic Corporation
LaGrange, IN 46761
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FURNACE OPERATION (if equipped) OPTION FEATURE (electric heat strip - if equipped)
1. The remote uses 2 “AAA” batteries. It is recommended that a spare set of batteries 1. Push the “MODE” button until the furnace symbol is displayed. 1. Push the “MODE” button until the heat symbol is displayed.
be available.
2. All communications between the remote and receiver are validated when you hear a
tone or beep.
3. The orange button turns the unit “ON” and “OFF”.
2. Set the desired temperature by pushing the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” button. 2. Set the desired temperature by pushing the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” button.
3. The receiver will beep when each change is completed. The RED LED will light. 3. The receiver will beep when each change is completed. The GREEN LED will
4. All changes require the hand held remote to be pointed at the receiver. light.
5. When settings are changed, you must hear the tone or beep to indicate the new DRY - AIR OPERATION
settings are updated. 1. Push the “MODE” button until the dry - air symbol is displayed. FAN ONLY OPERATION
6. One of the LED’s (GREEN, ORANGE or RED) will be illuminated on the receiver de- 1. Push the “MODE” button until the fan symbol is displayed.
pending on the mode selected.
7. The receiver’s Green LED will blink to alert the operator to the following:
One blink with one second interval, frost control active.
Two blinks with one second interval, DC voltage high (18VDC and over). 2. Set the desired temperature by pushing the “UP(+)” or “DOWN(-)” button.
Three blinks with one second interval, DC voltage low (9.75 VDC or lower). 3. The receiver will beep when each change is completed. The GREEN LED will 2. Select fan speed by pushing the “FAN” button until the desired fan speed is dis-
Blink ON for 1/2 second, OFF 1/2 second - See step 8 Delay Timer, Paragraph a. light. See TIMER OPERATION. played.
8. Delay Timer (Present in all Modes) Note: In this mode the receiver monitors the room temperature in relationship with the set a. High Speed (continuous fan operation)
a. The short-cycle delay is activated every time the compressor turns “OFF”. The point. If the temperature is 1 °F above the set point the compressor and low fan will cycle
timer will delay the compressor from restart until the 150 second time has “ON” for 15 minutes and “OFF” for 3 minutes. If the room temperature drops below the
elapsed. set point the compressor and low fan will cycle “ON” for 6 minutes and “OFF” for 15
b. Delay on start cycle is activated when ever the fan is tuned “ON”. A 15 second minutes until the set point is reached.
delay is started before the compressor or heat is turned “ON”.
c. Delay-on-off cycle is present when the compressor or heat is turned “OFF”. REMOTE CONTROL
The fan will continue to operate for 15 seconds. b. Low Speed (continuous fan operation)
(w/door closed)
9. Low Battery
a. The low battery symbol will appear in the display window.
Operation Mode Low Battery
Display Window
b. When the low battery condition exists, and the remote sends a signal to the Military Time
3. The receiver will beep when each change is completed. The GREEN LED will
receiver, it may be possible for the control system to go to the default setting
Temperature 10:00 Room Temperature light.
(Cool Mode with 74° F set point). If this condition occurs replace the batteries.
1. Push the “MODE” button until the cool symbol is displayed.
Fan Mode
1. Press the “ROOM” button to display the temperature at the remote location.
ON/OFF Button 2. The Room symbol will appear beside the temperature display.
2. Select fan speed by pushing the “FAN” button until the desired fan speed is dis-
Up (+) Fan
- Mode
Down (-)
1. The cool, heat or furnace mode must be selected.
a. High Speed (continuous fan, compressor cycles with thermostat )
2. Set the temperature at the desired level, and push the sleep button. The sleep symbol
will appear on the display and a beep will sound indicating that the unit is in sleep
3. Set the desired temperature by pushing the “UP(+)” or “DOWN (-)” button.
4. The receiver will beep when each change is completed. The GREEN LED will