Winter2014 PDF
Winter2014 PDF
Winter2014 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10064-014-0570-3
Abstract The physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow the mean of the responses received. Inevitably there was a
may be expressed through fragility functions that relate flow degree of scatter in the results, and the treatment of such
volume to damage probabilities. Fragility relationships are variation, or ‘experimental errors’, was crucial to under-
essential components of quantitative risk assessments as they standing the data and developing the fragility curves. Fra-
allow for the estimation of risk within a consequence-based gility curves are quantitative expressions of vulnerability.
framework. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the The method adopted is based upon qualitative, expert judg-
first time that fragility curves have been produced in order to ment of quantitative probabilities. In addition to an assess-
provide the conditional probability for a road to be in, or to ment of the probabilities of given damage states being
exceed, a certain damage state for a given debris flow volume. exceeded, respondents to the questionnaire were polled as to
Preliminary assessments were undertaken by means of a their level of experience and confidence in their ability to
detailed questionnaire. A total of 47 returns were received provide a valid and coherent set of answers to the questions
from experts in 17 countries: 32 % academia, 51 % the posed. The development of the fragility curves and their
commercial sector and 17 % governments. Fragility curves validation are described in the paper.
have been defined for three damage states (limited damage,
serious damage and destroyed) for each of low-speed and Keywords Landslide Debris flow Road Hazard
high-speed roads in order to cover the typical characteristics Vulnerability Risk
of roads vulnerable to debris flow. The probability of any
given damage state being reached or exceeded by a debris
flow of a given volume (10–100,000 m3) was derived from Introduction
M. G. Winter et al.
• Direct consequential such as the effects of delays and • Blockages and other types of damage to the drainage
detours. The costs to society of fatal and non-fatal system.
injuries would also be included in this category. • Damage to vehicle restraint systems.
• Indirect consequential such as reduced levels of • Damage to support structures including slopes and
business activity as access to an area is restricted. retaining walls downhill from the road.
When considering dispersed consequential economic The vulnerability to debris flow for impacted buildings has
impacts, the concept of vulnerability shadow (Winter and been expressed using fragility curves and/or probabilities
Bromhead 2012) becomes important for understanding the of exceedance of damage states (Haugen and Kaynia 2008;
consequences of an event. In such cases, an event that closes a Jakob et al. 2012; Quan Luna et al. 2011; Papathoma-
road at a critical location on the network has a relatively small Khöle et al. 2012). However, to the best of the authors’
footprint, but the vulnerabilities that result may be experi- knowledge, this is the first time that fragility curves have
enced across a much wider geographical area. This wider been developed for the effects of debris flow on roads.
geographical area is referred to as the vulnerability shadow. While several possible approaches were available for the
Extensive vulnerability shadows are particularly likely to development of fragility curves, including analytical
occur on rural networks, including routes in Scotland (some of approaches, it was decided that expert engineering judgement
which are used as examples later in this paper), and the range should be used due to the lack of a comprehensive empirical
of losses illustrates the need for a robust risk assessment, of dataset as well as the complex nature of the problem.
which the proper assessment of vulnerability forms an This paper describes the development of the question-
essential part. Fragility relationships are widely adopted in naire that was sent to experts globally in order to collect
seismic ‘expected loss’ and risk assessments, being a valuable data for the development of fragility curves. It then goes on
tool to explicitly assess the vulnerability of structures to to describe the analysis of the data collected, the inter-
earthquake hazard (Pitilakis et al. 2006). For the purposes of pretation of those data, and finally its validation using real-
this work, debris flow is defined as classified by Cruden and world examples. The paper forms part of a larger piece of
Varnes (1996), and broadly falls into the initial slurry flow and work undertaken as part of the SafeLand project (http://
viscous slurry flow, viscous granular flow categories defined
by Pierson and Costa (1987). The sediment–water flows are
defined as plastic, with movement occurring over a wide range
of potential velocities. These features are broadly character- Methodology
istic of the debris flow types experienced in, for example,
Scotland in recent years (Winter et al. 2005). Road characterisation
The estimation of the vulnerability of road infrastructure to
landslide, let alone specifically rainfall-induced debris flow, Many different classifications of roads could potentially be
seems to be relatively poorly served by the available litera- considered, covering numerous key factors, such as con-
ture. A generic approach is often applied to different vul- struction type, stiffness, and traffic speed. However, in
nerable elements’ typologies, and/or simple damage criteria order to reduce the questionnaire to a reasonable size, some
such as the percentage of affected road are considered simplification was needed.
(Wieczorek et al. 2004; Galli and Guzzetti 2007; Geertsema Primarily, it was decided that, for the purposes of this
et al. 2009; Mansour et al. 2011). Unsurprisingly, there is a exercise, all roads could be considered to be relatively stiff
greater focus upon human as opposed to infrastructural los- and brittle (the low strain stiffness of even an unbound
ses, and typically traffic volume—with or without other pavement, for example, may be typically up to around one
factors—is taken as a proxy for such vulnerabilities gigapascal) in comparison to most debris materials. In
(McMillan and Matheson 1997; Winter et al. 2009). order to further simplify the analysis, roads were divided
For the purposes of this work, the element at risk is a into low- and high-speed roads, characterized as follows:
road and the hazard is debris flow. Damage probabilities
• High-speed roads speed limit between 80 and 110 km/h
have been assigned for specific debris flow volumes. Fra-
and at least one running lane in each direction, very
gility curves have been produced that indicate the proba-
often in conjunction with a hard strip or hard shoulder.
bility of a debris flow of a given volume exceeding each of
• Local (or low-speed) roads speed limit typically
three damage states. Typically, damage to roads resulting
\50 km/h on a single-carriageway (one lane for each
from debris flow may include one or more of the following:
traffic direction) or single track. This category is
• Debris covering the carriageway, preventing vehicle intended to encompass both paved (bituminous, unre-
movements. inforced or reinforced concrete) and unpaved
• Damage to the carriageway surfacing materials. constructions.
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
Clearly there is a gap between the speed limits of the two combination of damage states (limited damage, serious
classes of road, reflecting the transition between local roads damage and destroyed) and landslide volumes (\10, 10, 100,
and high-speed roads, which is by no means geographically 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 m3). (Note that the codes A–G in
consistent. This reflects reality—in some countries and Table 2 were used to avoid confusion between the visually
regions certain road geometries are more closely aligned rather similar probabilities with which they correspond and
with the definition of local roads, and in others they are which were used to construct the fragility curves.) It was
more closely aligned with the definition of high-speed particularly noted in the questionnaire that the qualitative
roads. Speed limit is not, and should not be, the only descriptors ‘highly improbable’ and ‘extremely likely’
determinant of the category of road. In most instances, the should be used with caution, and only where an extensive,
category that a particular geometry and speed limit high-quality dataset supports the classification.
combination will belong to is relatively self-evident, but Respondents were asked to consider a segment of road
extending the speed limits between 50 and 80 km/h in the 500 m long. The questionnaire specifically noted that the
category descriptions could lead to uncertainty and volume ranges refer to volumes deposited at the level of the
potential incorrect categorisation. road. However, this could perhaps have been clearer as to
whether this implied the total volume remaining on the
Damage states road immediately post-event, or the volume that passes
through the level of the road. In the former instance, for
Representative damage states associated with the conse- volumes of 10,000 and 100,000 m3, it would be impossible
quences of a debris flow of a given volume intersecting a not to have reached the destroyed damage state, since the
road were defined. The damage states considered in the whole road would be covered. The fact that not all of the
questionnaire are defined in Table 1. The damage states questionnaire responses indicate a probability of unity for
range from ‘limited damage’, which is unlikely to signifi- these volumes does imply that this may not have been fully
cantly affect the passage of vehicles, through ‘serious understood by all respondents, and goes some way to
damage’ that completely blocks the carriageway, to explaining the lower probabilities for high volumes as
‘destroyed’, involving complete blockage and damage to discussed under ‘‘Interpretation’’.
the road itself that for, high-speed roads at least, will
almost certainly need to be repaired prior to reopening to Experience of the respondents
traffic without restrictions on speed.
Hazard perception varies from person to person, and
Probability of exceedance clearly the experience of the respondents is a critical metric
Respondents to the survey were asked to use their expert Table 2 Description of probabilities
judgement to assess the probability of each damage state
Qualitative Description Code Values
(Table 1) being exceeded. This was achieved using the
descriptor for
qualitative descriptors and descriptions of the quantitative analysis
probabilities of damage state exceedance (Table 2) for a
range of volumes deposited at the level of the road for each Highly Damage state almost certainly not A 0.000001
improbable exceeded, but cannot be ruled
Table 1 Damage state definition
Improbable Damage state only exceeded in B 0.00001
Damage High-speed roads Local (low-speed) roads (remote) exceptional circumstances
state Very Damage state will only be C 0.0001
unlikely exceeded in very unusual
P1 (limited Encroachment limited to Partial blockage of
damage) verge/hard strip carriageway
Unlikely Damage state may be exceeded, D 0.001
P2 (serious Blockage of hard strip Complete blockage of
but would not be expected to
damage) and one running lane carriageway and/or
occur under normal
damage to ancillaries
P3 Complete blockage of Complete blockage of
Likely Damage state expected to be E 0.01
(destroyed) carriageway and/or carriageway and/or
exceeded under normal
repairable damage to damage to surfacing. For
surfacing unpaved roads the
surfacing may remain Very likely Damage state expected to be F 0.1
damaged but passable at exceeded
reduced speeds post Extremely Damage state is almost certainly G 1.0
clean-up likely exceeded
M. G. Winter et al.
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
Fig. 2 Probability of exceeding each damage state on each type of road plotted against the number of responses for each landslide volume: left
local roads, right high-speed roads, top limited damage state, middle serious damage state, bottom destroyed damage state
degree of extrapolation of the data to higher volumes/prob- This has been achieved by visually judging the appropriate
abilities. However, the over-application of such extrapolation value of probability at 1,000,000 m3 in order to maintain
tends to distort the curves at lower volumes by increasing the the broad trend of the curves (Fig. 4)—generally, in this
divergence of the curve from the data. Such a technique high-volume part of the curve, the probability is increasing
proved unsuitable for extending the curves by other than with increasing volume but at a decreasing rate. It is
small amounts of the volume considered (certainly consid- noticeable that, even when the volume is increased to
erably less than an order of magnitude). Other curve-fitting 1,000,000 m3 in this way, none of the fragility curves reach
methods could, of course, have been used, including two- unity. Only for limited damage of local roads is a value of
parameter cumulative log-normal distributions. around 0.95 achieved at the highest volume.
It is thus interesting to manually extrapolate the data pre- In order to incorporate the experience of the respondents as
sented in Fig. 3 by a further logarithmic cycle of volume. a measure of the reliability of the data, a weighting
M. G. Winter et al.
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
M. G. Winter et al.
Fig. 6 Fragility curves from Fig. 3 showing the mean and the mean plus and minus one standard deviation: left local roads, right high-speed
roads, top limited damage state, middle serious damage state, bottom destroyed damage state
that the number of respondents assigning a probability of combine these two actions, as illustrated in Fig. 7. The
unity increases markedly with landslide volume while curves illustrated therein conform to the ‘s’ shape generally
decreasing with increased damage state severity. Most perceived as being the correct form for fragility curves.
importantly, by the time high landslide volumes are con- Notwithstanding this, one would normally expect that the
sidered, the majority of respondents return a value of unity curves for different damage states would reach unity at
for the likelihood of a given damage state being reached or different landslide volumes; that they do not is a function
exceeded. This lends considerable justification to the of the type of analysis undertaken, and it seems reason-
approach of ‘forcing’ the curves to reach unity. able—as none of the curves reach unity—to force all to
As discussed, the preliminary fragility curves of Fig. 3 such a level at the highest volume considered.
can be forced to unity at the highest value of landslide Clearly it is possible to make alternative assumptions in
volume. As these have already been manually extrapolated relation to the presentation of the fragility curves; for exam-
to the next order of magnitude in terms of landslide volume ple, forcing the curve for limited damage to unity (at the
(i.e. 1,000,000 m3) (Fig. 4), the next logical step is to greatest landslide volume), allowing that for destroyed to
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
M. G. Winter et al.
Fig. 8 Self-assessed confidence ratings relative to given event volumes: top left \10 m3, middle left 10 m3, bottom left 100 m3, top right
1,000 m3, middle right 10,000 m3, bottom right 100,000 m3
Note that the conditional probability of the destroyed culverts and other drainage features, and necessitated a full
damage state is always equal to the probability of that state repair to the road pavement, safety barriers and parapets
being exceeded. Vulnerability assessment using fragility (Winter et al. 2005, 2006). Some 20 vehicles were trapped
curves is, of course, probabilistic in nature and the models by the events and 57 people were airlifted to safety; one
used in their construction—in this case a model based vehicle was swept away in the latter stages of the event
purely upon expert judgment—have inherent uncertainties. (Winter et al. 2005). The smaller southerly and larger
In this context, the validation examples are not expected to northerly events were estimated to have deposited around
precisely predict the observed damages. 3,200 and 8,500 m3 in their respective debris lobes, having
been triggered by smaller translational slides of around 285
A85 Glen Ogle, Scotland and 280 m3 (Milne et al. 2009). The depositional figures
are believed not to include material deposited on the road,
In August 2004, two debris flow events occurred at Glen and it seems reasonable therefore to round these figures up
Ogle (Fig. 10). These blocked the A85 strategic road, to around 5,000 and 10,000 m3. This perhaps also
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
illustrates the uncertainty when dealing with debris flow A83 Rest and be Thankful, Scotland
volumes between the amount that is mobilised and the
amount that is deposited at around road level. Events at the Rest and be Thankful on the A83 strategic
Figure 11 shows how these event volumes plot on the road (Winter et al. 2009, 2010) are frequent and have
fragility curves originally derived in Fig. 7. For the smaller certainly occurred on at least an annual basis over the
(5,000 m3) event, the conditional probabilities for no preceding 20–25 years. The event magnitude is, however,
damage, limited, serious and destroyed damage states are rather small, generally ranging between 200 and 1,000 m3.
0.4, 0.2 (0.6), 0.1 (0.4) and 0.3 (0.3) (the probabilities of Following an event in October 2007, the volume of
the damage states being met or exceeded are given in material deposited at road level was estimated by the road
M. G. Winter et al.
For the Seoul to Chuncheon National Road 46, landslide Fig. 13 Detailed view of the October 2007 event at the A83 Rest and
deposits were up to 5,000 m3 (Lee and Winter 2010) be Thankful
Determining physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
Fig. 15 Debris flow site from July 2009 above tunnel portals on the
Seoul to Chuncheon National Highway in the Republic of Korea: top
source area, and bottom view from the source area looking out over
the tunnel portals
Fig. 14 Source area for a debris flow site from July 2009 at the Seoul
to Chuncheon National Road 46 in the Republic of Korea
and destroyed are 0.7, 0.1 (0.3), 0.18 (0.2), and 0.02 (0.02)
(Fig. 11; Table 3).
(Fig. 14). For an event of this volume, the conditional Only very minor damage was incurred at the Seoul to
probabilities for no damage, limited, serious and destroyed Chuncheon National Highway tunnel portals, and this
damage states are 0.4, 0.2 (0.6), 0.1 (0.4) and 0.3 (0.3) reflects the small volumes; the probability of either limited
(Fig. 11; Table 3). damage or no damage (the combined conditional proba-
The damage state corresponded to the destroyed cate- bilities) is 0.8 (Fig. 15). The road was not open at the time
gory, and this is reflected in the probability of such an of the event, and there is every possibility of both further
occurrence of 0.3 (an approximately one in three chance). and larger events that have the potential to meet or exceed
It should also be noted that the damage that occurred was higher damage states.
most likely exacerbated by the highly constrained nature of
both the natural topography and by the channelling effect Seoul to Gangnung Highway at Pyeong-chang Services,
of concrete drainage channels on the lower slopes close to Republic of Korea
the road (Lee and Winter 2010).
For the Seoul to Gangnung Highway at Pyeong-chang
Seoul to Chuncheon National Highway tunnel portals, Services, landslide volumes were up to 10,000 m3
Republic of Korea (Fig. 16). For an event of this volume, the conditional
probabilities of no damage and the damage states limited,
For the Chuncheon National Highway tunnel portals serious, and destroyed being met are 0.3, 0.15 (0.7), 0.15
(Fig. 15), landslide deposits were 500–1,000 m3. For an (0.55), and 0.4 (0.4), respectively (Fig. 11; Table 3).
event of this volume (1,000 m3), the conditional proba- Less detail is available for the event at Seoul to Gang-
bilities of the damage states no damage, limited, serious, nung Highway at Pyeong-chang Services, but the damage
M. G. Winter et al.
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