Eyeoep Program Sheduled
Eyeoep Program Sheduled
Eyeoep Program Sheduled
EyeOEP 2020
Optometry Education Program
Education meets excellence
Session 3: Clinical Exmiantion of the Visual System (Module coordinator: Ms Shailaja P Reddy)
7.00-7.35am Credit for everything the patient read on the chart - LogMAR Shailaja P Reddy
7.36-8.20am Did you find difficulty in neutralization - learn from master Deepak K Bagga
8.21-9.00am Art of placing the sharp image on the retina - end point of refraction PremNandhini Satgunam
5.00-5.35pm Limits of visual resolution - optical and neural limits Vijay K Yelagondula
7.00-7.45pm Retinal image size - axial and refractive ammetropia/anisometropia Rohit Dhakal
7.00-7.35am Why did humans evolve binocular vision and how do we fuse the two monocular images? Bhagyalakshmi Marella
7.36-8.20am I need clear and single vision - how do I achieve this? PremNandhini Satgunam
8.21-9.00am Experience of aesthenopia - a primer to non-strabismic binocular vision disorders Bidisha Bhattacharya
5.36-6.20pm Clinical pearls of soft and soft toric Contact Lens fitting Arnav Ghosh
6.21-7.00pm Masking irregular corneal astigmatism with RGP lens? Preetam Kumar
7.00-7.45pm Contact Lens complications & management - Case examples Ruby Kala Prakasam
8.21-9.00am Low vision management: Case examples Shivalika Sehgal & Soumya Panda
9.00-9.30am Conventional and advanced assistive technology Asa Narasaiah & Aishwarya
5.00-5.30pm Bird's view on the ground relaity and expectations Srikanth Maseedupalli
6.41-7.20pm Design is not what it looks like and feels like, desgin is how it works - Steve Jobs DSV Ram
Shrikant R Bharadwaj /
8.15-8.30pm Closing remarks
Vijay K Yelagondula