Acquisition of Land
Acquisition of Land
Acquisition of Land
In a broader constructuin public purpose would include a purpose,in which the general
interest of the community, as opposed to a particular interest of the individual, in generally
and vitally concerne In a generic sense the expression public purpose would include a
purpose in which where even a fraction of the community would be involved. despite the
fact that It is not possible to give an exact and all-embracing definition of public purpose ,
Section 4 of The Land Acquisition Act defines public purpose as the expression ;
4 (1) Land shall be deemed to be required for a public purpose where it is–
(a) for exclusive Government use, for general public use, for any Government scheme, for
the development of agricultural land or for the provision of sites for industrial, agricultural or
commercial development, social services or housing;
(b) for or in connection with sanitary improvement of any kind, including reclamations;
(c) for or in connection with the laying out of any new city, municipality, township or minor
settlement or the extension or improvement of any existing city, municipality, township or
minor settlement;
(d) for or in connection with the development of any airfield, port or harbour;
(e) for or in connection with mining for minerals or oil;
(f) for use by any person or group of persons who, in the opinion of the President, should be
granted such land for agricultural development.
(2) Where the President is satisfied that a corporation requires any land for the purposes of
construction of any work which in his opinion would be of public utility or in the public
interest or in the interest of the national economy, he may, with the approval, to be signified
by resolution, of the National Assembly and by order published in the Gazette, declare the
purpose for which such land is required to be a public purpose and upon such order being
made such purpose shall be deemed to be a public purpose for the purposes of this Act.
Land acquisition is the process governed by multiple legislations with diverse objectives
1. Public purposes as defined by Act No.47 of 1967 and in Land Act No.4 of 1999
2. Transfer of categories of land under section 4(7) & 5(7) of the Land Act, 1999
3. Hazardous land under section 7(8) of Act No. 4
4. Regularization scheme as per section60 (1)(f) & 60(3)(c) of Act No. 4 of 1999
5. The Wild life Act of 2008
The motives behind acquiring public can be randomly being picked up from the mentioned
legislations above as follows;
1. Which would preserve or promote public health, comfort or safety of the public, or a
section of it, weather or not the individual members of public may make use of the property
acquired ;
2. Which would serve the public, or a section of it, with some necessarily or convenience of
life, which may be required by the public as such, provided that the public may enjoy such
service as of right; or
3. expansion of existing facilities such as airdromes, widening roads, additional power or
water lines and protected areas
4. Which would enable individuals to carry on a business, in a manner in which it could not
be otherwise be done, if their success will indirectly enhance public welfare, even if the
acquisition is made by a private individual, and the public has no right to any service from
him, or to enjoy the property acquired; or
5. If the use to which the property would be put, is one of the widespread general public
benefit not involving any right on the part of the general public itself, to use the property or;
6. Which would result in an advantage to the public; it is not necessary that the property, or
the work upon it, should be available to the public as such; the acquisition may be in favour
of individuals, but, in furtherance of scheme of public utility, which would result in
enhancement of public welfare.
7. Which would promote public interest, or tend to develop the natural resources of the stat
8. Which would enable department of the government to carry on its governmental
The court also in Mulbadaw Village Council v NAFCO [1984 TLR 15] discussed the
mandatory requirements and procedures when acquiring land publicly.
The high court once in Salum Juma Mzeru v Omari Ubaya [1984 TLR 31 (HC)] declared
that the owner of the land must be compensated according to the market value of the land ,
the developed land includes land conservation.
The law of Land Acquisition jeopardizes private interest for public interest and hence it
denies an individual his right to property as provided by the Constitution of Tanzania. It
overrides the right of a person to own a property, so the law in general should be strictly
construed. The strict construction of the Law of Land Acquisition has been emphasized by
the court for the last 60 years as it does not hold the person whose property is being taken
and state at par.Exprience from the practice reveals that most of the time objections have
been directed to compensations and not to acquisitions. For instance the recent case of
Kipawa residents , their main objection focused on miscalculations of compensations, on
other hand the situations is different in areas around National parks and protected areas.
Pastoralists in or around National Parks like Nkomazi game Serengeti,Ngorongoro Crater
and Loliondo have always seen to resist the entire process of Land acquisition, the main
reasons behind their rejection is the lack any sort of Compersation.Government official most
of the time declared pastoralist grazing as no mans land.
By Onesmo Olengurumwa
Onesmo .P.Olengurumwa at 12:48 AM
AnonymousJuly 16, 2010 at 6:33 AM
william masiroryJune 18, 2014 at 6:29 AM
Good work
About Me
Onesmo .P.Olengurumwa
The Coordinator of Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition and Researcher With Legal and
Human Rights Centre.
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