Current and Electromagnetic Field Associated With Lightning-Return Strokes To Tall Towers
Current and Electromagnetic Field Associated With Lightning-Return Strokes To Tall Towers
Current and Electromagnetic Field Associated With Lightning-Return Strokes To Tall Towers
3, AUGUST 2001
dipole of infinitesimal length along the axis and at a reflected at the top of the object (and part of it is transmitted to
height [19] are given by the lightning channel). This multiple-reflection process along
the elevated strike object, assumed lossless, continues until the
energy of the pulse dissipates in the ground and in the light-
ning channel [see (3)]. Concerning the current distribution in the
lightning channel above the strike object, we assume that it can
be described by the MTL return stroke current model, in that the
current pulse propagates upward in the channel with expo-
nentially decreasing amplitude. This attenuation is not viewed
as due to losses in the channel but is rather to take account of the
(1) effect of the distribution of charge stored in the corona sheath of
the leader and subsequently discharged during the return stroke
phase [25]. Clearly, the expression of the spatial-temporal dis-
(2) tribution of the current along the channel has also to account for
the portions of the pulses refracted into the channel following
the multiple reflections at the ground and at the object top [see
in which are the cylindrical coordinates of the observa-
tion point, is the distance between the dipole and the observa-
The expressions for the current distribution along the elevated
tion point, , is the dipole current,
strike object and the lightning return stroke channel, as derived
is the speed of light, and, is the permittivity of free space.
in [9], [11], are given by
The first term in (1) is the electrostatic field, the second the elec-
tric induction or intermediate field, and the third the electric ra-
diation field. In (2), the first term is the magnetic induction and
the second the radiation field.
Fig. 2. Vertical electric field at 2 km from the lightning channel. Return stroke Fig. 3. Azimuthal magnetic field at 2 km from the lightning channel. Return
initiated at ground level. (a) First return stroke. (b) Subsequent return stroke. stroke initiated at ground level. (a) First return stroke. (b) Subsequent return
the fact that subsequent strokes are characterized by faster re- for a more accurate representation of the tower, three or four
turn stroke speeds and higher front steepnesses of the current transmission-line sections in cascade are to be considered [10],
waveform. [33]. The reflection coefficients at the bottom and at the top
It is worth mentioning that the contribution of the various of the tower are assumed to be 0.48 and 0.50, respectively.
components of the electric and magnetic fields depends strongly These values have been derived analyzing the fine structure of
on the distance to the observation point. At closer observation the lightning return stroke current measured at 474 m above
points (less than a few hundred meters), the radiation-term con- ground level [10].
tribution to the field magnitude is small compared to contribu- Current and Current Derivative Along the Tower: Fig. 4
tions from the static and induction terms. However, at distances shows the waveforms of current and current derivative eval-
beyond some tens of kilometers, the contribution of the radia- uated at the top (553 m), the middle (276.5 m), and the base
tion term will become predominant and the static and induction of the tower (0 m), starting from the typical first return stroke
terms will have a negligible effect [31]. current7 presented in Fig. 1, as the “noncontaminated current”
at the top of the object and taking into account reflections at its
B. Lightning Return Stroke to a Tall Tower two extremities.
Elevated Strike Object: Consider an elevated strike object It can be seen that moving toward the ground, the current
characterized by a height of 553 m above ground, corresponding experiences a higher peak value and a shorter time to its peak
to the actual height of the CN Tower [32]. In this paper, the tower due to the contribution of the reflected wave at the ground level.
is modeled as a single, uniform and lossless transmission line (as 7Note that in the case of lightning strikes to a tall tower, the adopted first and
described in Section II-B). Such an assumption does not alter subsequent stroke-current waveshapes represent, respectively, slow-front and
the conclusions of our analysis, although it has been shown that fast-front strokes.
Fig. 4. (a) Current; and (b) current derivative along the strike object for a Fig. 5. (a) Current; and (b) current derivative along the strike object for a
typical first return stroke. typical subsequent return stroke.
Fig. 5 presents similar results, using the typical subsequent Electromagnetic Fields: Figs. 6 and 7 present the waveforms
return-stroke current. It can be seen that in case of subsequent of the first and subsequent return stroke vertical electric field
strokes, both the current and the current time-derivative are more and azimuthal magnetic field at 2 km from the tower. In the
significantly affected by the presence of the tower. Furthermore, same figures, the contributions of various electromagnetic field
since the time to current peak is shorter than the wave traveling components (static, induction and radiation) are also illustrated.
time along the tower, the current reflections can be clearly dis- Note that current reflections along the tower can be identified,
tinguished on the waveforms. especially on the radiation term of the subsequent stroke field.
The main parameters of the current waveform at various ob- A comparison between Figs. 2, 3 and Figs. 6, 7 shows that,
servation points along the tower are summarized in Table II. It for both first and subsequent return strokes, the presence of the
can be seen that the current peak value and maximum steepness tower results in a significant increase of the electromagnetic
at the bottom of the tower are 30% to 50% larger than those field peak, and also in the appearance of subsidiary peaks.
associated with the injected current. Furthermore, for the first For the subsequent return stroke, however, the effect of the
stroke, the time to current peak decreases as the observation tower is much more pronounced [compare Figs. 2(b), 3(b) with
point moves toward the ground while for the subsequent stroke, Figs. 6(b), 7(b)]. For the considered case, the peak field associ-
it remains constant and equal to the time to peak of the injected ated with tower strokes is about 2 times (for the first stroke) to 3
current. This result can be explained considering that for the first times (for the subsequent stroke) as large as that corresponding
stroke, the propagation time along the tower is smaller than the to return strokes initiated at ground level. Furthermore, it can
risetime of the injected current. The situation is reversed for the be seen that the radiation term of both electric and magnetic
subsequent stroke where the propagation time along the tower fields, responsible for the initial peak, is the one most affected
is larger than the risetime of the injected current. by the presence of the tower.
Fig. 6. Vertical electric field at 2 km from the 553-m high tower. (a) First return
stroke. (b) Subsequent return stroke. Fig. 7. Azimuthal magnetic field at 2 km from the 553-m high tower. (a) First
return stroke. (b) Subsequent return stroke.
Table III-A and -B summarizes the main parameters of the the tower affects also the values for the maximum steepness.
electric and magnetic field waveforms for both lightning strike Note further that, in accordance with the results of Table II, the
to ground and to the tower. It can be seen that the presence of time to peak of subsequent stroke fields is not affected by the
Fig. 9. Lightning current derivative (top left), lightning current (top right), vertical electric field at 2 km (bottom left), azimuthal magnetic field at 2 km (bottom
right). First return stroke of a CN Tower lightning flash recorded on August 8, 1996.
ported in Table IV. Although the comparison between com- well with the value 1.67 which is obtained from measured
puted results in Section III and experimental data in [30], [35] fields and currents.
should be considered as only qualitative, it can be seen, how- Similar observations, showing that the subsequent-stroke
ever, that the computed value of the ratio of the field peaks field peak might be greater than the first-stroke peak, have
to current peaks , agrees reasonably been made on natural lightning in Florida [36]. In [36], electric
derivatives. This increase is mainly caused by the presence of [11] S. Guerrieri, C. A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, and M. Rubinstein, “On the in-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Electromagn. Compat., vol. 40, pp. 403–426, Nov. 1998.
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The authors wish to thank the Swiss Defense Agency for pro- radiation from a finite antenna,” Amer. J. Phys., vol. 43, pp. 33–38, 1975.
viding them with electromagnetic-field measuring equipment, [20] G. Diendorfer, “Effect of an elevated strike object on the lightning elec-
Dr. V. Shostak for his helpful contributions to the manuscript, tromagnetic fields,” in Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Electromagnetic Compati-
bility, Zurich, Switzerland, Mar. 1991, pp. 235–238.
and Prof. V. Rakov for his valuable comments. [21] F. Rachidi, M. Ianoz, C. A. Nucci, and C. Mazzetti, “Modified Trans-
mission Line Model for LEMP calculations. Effect of the return stroke
velocity decreasing and elevated strike objects on close fields,” in Proc.
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Carlo Alberto Nucci was born in Bologna, Italy, in Behzad Kordi was born in Tehran, Iran in 1969. He
1956. He received the degree with honors, and the received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. (with distinction)
Ph.D. degree, both in in electrical engineering, from degrees in electrical engineering from Amirkabir
the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1981 University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic),
and 1986, respectively. Tehran, Iran, in 1992, 1995, and 2000, respectively.
In 1982, he joined the Power Electrical En- He joint the Lightning Studies Group of the Uni-
gineering Institute, University of Bologna, as a versity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada in 1998 where
Researcher, and becam an Associate Professor in he was awarded a Graduate Research Grant from the
1992, and a full Professor in Power Systems, in 2000. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
He is author or co-author of more than 100 scientific Dr. Kordi has recently joined Shahed University,
papers published on reviewed journals or presented Tehran, Iran as an Assistant Professor and is also
at international conferences. He has been responsible for several International collaborating with the Electromagnetics Lab of Amirkabir University. His
projects supported from the Italian side by the National Research Council (the research interest focuses on numerical methods in electromagnetics and various
Italian National Science Foundation) and involving foreign universities, such electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) topics, especially lightning and EMP.
as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, (Power Dr. Kordi was the recipient of the Amirkabir University of Technology Stu-
network laboratory), the University of Florida, Gainesville, the University of dent of the Year Award in 1995.
Illinois, Urbana Champaign, and the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
His research interests concern power systems transients and dynamics, with
particular reference to lightning and nuclear EMP impact on power lines and to
voltage collapse, power station simulators and the study of power components
including medium voltage capacitors and traction batteries. Jen-Shih Chang (M’90–SM’96) received B. Eng.
He is member of the IEEE Working Group “Lightning” performance of Dis- and M. Eng. degrees in electrical engineering
tribution lines, of the CIGRE Working group 33.01 “Lightning” (of which he is from the Musashi Institute of Technology, Tokyo,
also secretary) and has been member of some technical committees of the Italian Japan, and the Ph.D. degree in Experimental Space
Electrical Commission in charge of producing technical standards. Sciences from York University, Toronto, Canada.
During 1973–1974, he was a Researcher at the
Centre de Recherches en Physique de l’Environ-
nement (CNRS), France. From 1975 to 1979, he
Silvia Guerrieri was born in Modena, Italy, in 1968. was a project Scientist/Assistant Professor with the
She received a degree with honors in electrical engi- Department of Physics and Center for Research
neering and the Ph.D. degree from the University of in Experimental Space Sciences, York University,
Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1993 and 1997, respec- York, U.K.. From 1979 to 1986, he was an Assistant/Associate Professor with
tively. the Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
Her doctoral work includes research at the Power Candada. During 1985 to 1996, he was a visiting professor with the Musashi
Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Tech- Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo,
nology, Lausanne, Switzerland, and participation Japan; Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan; University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain;
in the 1995 Triggered Lightning Campaign, Camp Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France; University of Poitiers, Poitiers,
Blanding, FL, coordinated by the University of France; Oita University, Oita, Japan; and Tokyo University of Agriculture and
Florida, Gainesville. From April 1997, she is with Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Since 1987, he has been a Professor at Mc Master
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. Her main scientific University, and is involved in research on applied electrostatics, lightning, air
interest concerns lightning and nuclear electromagnetic pulse effects on power pollution control, solid and liquid waste destruction plasma technologies.
systems. She is author or co-author of about 20 scientific papers published on Dr. Chang is currently the chair of IEEE DEIS Electrohydrodynamics Tech-
reviewed journals or presented at international conferences. nical Committee.