Bestttttt Consultany
Bestttttt Consultany
Bestttttt Consultany
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................... - 5 -
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................... - 7 -
1.1. Background Information ............................................................... - 7 -
1.2. Objectives of the Study ................................................................. - 9 -
1.2.1. General Objective..................................................................... - 9 -
1.2.2. Specific Objectives ................................................................... - 9 -
1.3. Methodology of the Study.............................................................. - 9 -
1.5. Methods of Analysis .................................................................... - 11 -
1.6. Scope and Limitations of the Study ............................................. - 12 -
2.1. Introduction ............................................................................... - 13 -
2.2. Product description and applications .......................................... - 14 -
2.3. Purpose of the project ................................................................. - 15 -
2.4. Business Legal Status................................................................. - 15 -
CHAPTER THREE: MARKET STUDY ..................................................... - 16 -
3.1. Overview of Ethiopian foot wear and accessory market................ - 16 -
3.2. Factors affecting demand and supply of the local market ............ - 16 -
3.3. Market Prospects ........................................................................ - 17 -
3.4. Demand projection ..................................................................... - 18 -
3.5. Price Determination .................................................................... - 19 -
3.6. Marketing Strategy, segmentation and distribution ..................... - 20 -
CHAPTER FOUR: TECHNICAL STUDY .................................................. - 22 -
4.1. Introduction ............................................................................... - 22 -
4.2. Project location and site .............................................................. - 22 -
4.3. Technology, production process and Engineering ........................ - 23 -
4.4. Source of Technology .................................................................. - 27 -
4.5. Plant capacity and production program ........................................... 28
4.6. Project layout .................................................................................. 28
4.7. Machinery and equipment’s ............................................................. 30
4.8. Material Supplies and inputs ........................................................... 35
4.9. Office furniture and equipment ........................................................ 36
4.10. Vehicle .......................................................................................... 37
4.11. Utilities ......................................................................................... 38
5.1. Organization and Management ........................................................ 39
5.2. Manpower Requirement ................................................................... 40
5.3. Training requirement and Employee Remuneration and Benefits ..... 40
CHAPTER SIX: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ...................................................... 42
6.1. Investment Requirement .................................................................... 42
6.2. Expected Financial Results .............................................................. 42
6.2.1. Profit/Loss Forecast.................................................................... 43
6.2.2. Cash Flow Forecast..................................................................... 43
6.2.3. Balance Sheet Projection............................................................. 44
6.3. Measures of project worth ................................................................ 44
6.3.1. Net present value ........................................................................ 44
6.3.2. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ....................................................... 44
6.4. Sensitivity Analysis .......................................................................... 45
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 1
7.1. Environmental Analysis ..................................................................... 1
7.2. Social Analysis .................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER EIGHT SUCCESS AND RISK FACTORS ....................................... 3
8.1. Key Success Factors .......................................................................... 3
8.1.1. Macro Level Success factors .......................................................... 3
8.1.2. Sector Level Success factors ......................................................... 3
8.2. Risk Factors ...................................................................................... 4
8.2.1. General Risk ................................................................................. 4
8.2.2. Sector Level Risk Factors .............................................................. 6
8.3. Risk Mitigating Measures ................................................................... 8
9.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 12
9.2. Recommendations ........................................................................... 13
References ................................................................................................ 14
Annexes .................................................................................................... 16
Annex....................................................................................................... 18
Concerning the market aspect of the project, the feasibility study reveals the
existence of a wide demand gap for the products. It is expected that the
country’s economy, especially the construction sector, grows at a faster rate,
which simultaneously boosts the demand for these products.
The financial analysis reveals the project will generate a net profit of Birr 11
and Birr 18 million during its first and tenth year of operation respectively.
The cash flow projection shows positive growth in the cumulative cash
balance, it will grow from Birr 10.2 of the first year to Birr 83.9 million in its
tenth year of operation. These imply that the project will not face liquidity
constraints to meet its operational cost and debt obligation. The project is
financially viable with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 41% and a net present
value (NPV) of Birr 66.5 million, discounted at 12%.
Project Summary
I. Project Investment
Description Amount Percentage
Total Fixed Investment Costs 30,264,103 78%
Working Capital 8,571,052 22%
Total 38,835,155 100%
II. Source of fund
Description Amount D/E Ratio
Debt - Bank Loan 29,719,490 77%
Equity 9,115,665 23%
Total Investment Cost 38,835,155 100%
III. Expected Financial results
Description Year-1 Year-10
Sales Revenue 69,250,771 103,876,157
Profit (Loss) 11,070,773 18,180,227
Cumulative Cash Balance 10,260,574 94,742,535
NPV after Tax 66,565,278
IRR before Tax = 56%
IRR after Tax = 41%
IV. Sensitivity Analysis
Description IRR After Tax
When Revenue decreased By 10% 27%
When Operating Costs increased By 10% 31%
When Investment Costs increased By 10% 37%
Ethiopia annually produces 2.7 million hides, 8.1 million sheepskins and 7.5
million goatskins. This comparative advantage is further underlined by the
fact that the costs of raw hides and skins constitute on average 55-60% of the
production of semi processed leather. The gross value of production of leather
and leather products industry in 2018/19was around 9 billion birr out of
these firms owned by the private produce 8 billion birr and the government
firms produce 1 billion birr. The value added of the industry in 2018/19 was
2.2 billon birr.
The growth rate of both industry and service shows increments while
agricultural growth decline. The growth rate and the share to GDP of
industrial sector in Ethiopian economy is still low.
There is, however, a very big move by the government of Ethiopia to boost the
contribution of the sector to overall economic development of the country. To
that end, the government issued Industrial Development Strategy, about ten
years ago, and recently; the sector has been given more attention by the Five
Year Growth and Transformational Plan (GTP).The Industrial Development
Strategy of Ethiopia proclaims to promote industries that heavily use
agricultural inputs, labor intensive, and use less capital and technology. Food
industry is among the industries that have such attributes. In recent years,
the industry is growing decently though it is not meeting the foreign currency
earning set by the government.
Ethiopia has one of the largest livestock sector in the world and the formal
LLP sector has existed for almost a century (LIDI 2017). The government
under the Emperor Haile Selassie started to regulate the sector and
established the Livestock and Meat Marketing Board in 1964 (Abebe/Schaefer
2015). The Derg-regime expelled foreign investors and established the
National Leather and Shoe Corporation to manage eight tanneries and six
large shoe factories (ibid.). With the end of the Derg-regime came a
reorientation towards market-oriented economic reforms and privatization
processes. This, in combination with an industrial policy focus implemented
since the early 2000s allowed for the expansion of and upgrading in the
Ethiopian LLP sector, leading to increasing FDI-inflows and local investments
since the mid-to-late 2000s and early 2010s.
A key shift in the development of the Ethiopian LLP sector was initiated by
the introduction of an export tax on different types of semi-processed leather
since the late 2000s. A major challenge of the Ethiopian LLP sector used to
be the high share of raw hides and skins as well as semi-processed leather
exports. The value of finished leather is much higher than that of raw hides
and skins or semi-finished leather. This is even truer with respect to the value
of manufactured products, which is a main motivation for promoting
processing industries in Ethiopia. Since the introduction of the export tax,
Ethiopia has successfully increased finished leather and leather product
exports while exports of semi-processed skins and hides started to disappear.
Nonetheless, the increase of export earnings after the introduction of the
export taxes stayed well below the expectations of the government (Oqubay
2015), in part because the increase of higher value exports was accompanied
by lower volumes (UN Comtrade 2018).
The main objective of the study is to prepare a Feasibility Study for the
establishment of foot wear and other leather accessories producing plant in
Somali regional state, and provide a comprehensive report consists of market,
technical, environmental, social and financial analyses components on the
envisaged project to help investors in the region make informed investment
1.2.2.Specific Objectives
“One step forward….. Creating the future”
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Jijiga, Ethiopia
Mobile: 0915737262