Hydraulic Machinery For Improvement of The Global Enviromental System
Hydraulic Machinery For Improvement of The Global Enviromental System
Hydraulic Machinery For Improvement of The Global Enviromental System
The paper gives a brief description on the influence from the environmental
requirements on the design and research work in the field of waterpower machinery.
It seems to be a normal practice that small hydro projects will be accepted in the
majority of cases even in developed countries while large projects are accepted only
in developing countries.
As a result of this the market on small hydro is growing rapidly in the western
countries and the marked for large turbines is concentrated on Asia, Africa and South
America where the need for increased electricity supply without air pollution often is
overruling the negative environmental impact on the rivers.
The paper gives a discussion on the design of small hydro machinery and the
problems linked to turbines built by small manufacturers with little experience in
turbine design.
The paper also describes the latest advanced development in the design of large
hydraulic machinery used for power production in combination with flood control with
large variation in head and flow.
The global technical feasible hydropower production is approximately 14000
TWh/year and 9000 TWh/year is economical feasible of which 2600 TWh/year has
been developed in 1998. (1)
If the remaining economic feasible hydropower had been utilised the present global
electricity production of 13300 TWh/year (2) could be increased by 48 % with a
negligible contribution to the green house effect compared with 3-6 Billion
tonnes/year CO2 from thermal electricity production based on gas, oil or coal.
A simplified description of the development of hydraulic machinery for power
production and the environmental policy world-wide may briefly be described as
1 Developing small hydro and run of the river projects with reliable high efficiency
turbines and simple reliable control systems for both developed- and developing
2 Developing large turbines and runners with high efficiency for turbines specially
developed for operation with large variation in head and flow
3 Developing improved control systems for optimal production with improved
flexibility and governing stability.
Fig1 : Possibilities for increased hydropower production with minor influence on the
environmental system in developed countries.
The requirement for operation of control systems can be divided in two parts.
¤ Frequency control on isolated load
¤ Load control on the main grid included water level control for run of the river
For small hydropower projects the turbine governing system will represent a major
part of the total turbine contract if governor is included. Because of this on off power
production of units connected to the existing main grid should be used for micro
turbines in developed countries.
In developing countries simplified mechanical speed governors for operation on
isolated grid should be used. This is because maintenance work can then be made
by local workshops. Then also a learning process of control system theory may be
started. A guidance book with simplified formulas for small hydro projects will help
avoiding some of the problems of pressure transients and control problems including
pressure rise caused by runaway speed of low specific speed Francis turbines and
pumps in reversed operation for micro turbine operation.
As an example a simplified formula for the pressure rise after a linear closing of a
gate yields:
1. Lay out of the geometry of crown, band and blades controlled by classical
analytical equations based on the energy equations, the equation of continuity
and the Euler turbine equation.
2. Fine-tuning of the blade geometry by CFD analysis combined with knowledge
about the influence on the flow regime from the different geometric parameters.
3. Model testing with final tuning of geometry of the blade outlets and inlets.
The input data is governed by the flow (Q, m3/s) and head (H, m). Then the speed (n,
rpm) must be chosen depending on the available net positive suction head (NPSHa)
that is calculated from the given suction head (hs), the barometric pressure (ha) and
the vapour pressure (hva) i.e. the water temperature at the site. (Ref. IEC/TC4 Norm
During the preliminary design of a runner the basic design parameters must be
chosen to meet the available value of NPSHa at the site.
( )
σ = NPSH / H = u2 a tan 2 (π − β 2 ) + b / (2 gH ) (2)
Where 1.05 <a<1.15 and 0.05< b<0.1 and b= f(ns) and β 2 = blade outlet angle and
u2 = blade outlet speed at the band.
The pressure gradient from crown to band along orthogonal sections to the
streamlines is the most important parameter to create a pressure-balanced runner
blade and avoid cavitation. A simplified formula valid for an infinite number of blades
(i.e. potential flow) is very useful for the first step in the design of a new runner.
The governing equation for calculation of the pressure gradient by such prosedure is
based on Newton`s second law and yields:
Ignorance of theoretical analysis used in the production of micro turbines has led to a
low efficiency and many not reliable turbines that may destroy the market.
On the other hand big money is put in the design and research work for large
turbines by the big manufacturers. An example is shown of the newly designed X-
blade runner developed by KVAERNER in collaboration with the author. Other
examples of Kaplan-, Francis- and Pelton-turbines from other manufacturers might
also be used to show that know-how to build high efficiency reliable runners is
If this know-how should be used for small hydro the big manufacturers must establish
production lines for small hydro includes micro turbines in a similar way as the
production lines for pumps.
Another possibility for micro turbines is to use standard pumps operation in reverse
as turbines or give education to small manufacturers in basic turbine theory in order
to avoid the worst cases of bad design.
The possibility to utilise the large global potential of small hydro should not be lost,
but then a collaboration between big manufacturers, research organisations and
universities should be established and supported by governments and owners of
small hydro-projects.
The author thanks Dr: Jan Tore Billdal from KVAERNER for the collaboration in the
development of X blade runners with the CFD analysis of the runners.
1. Hydropower & Dams, World Atlas 1997
2. Survey of Energy Resources, World Energy Council Report 1998