Sikadur - 52: Low Viscosity Injection Resin
Sikadur - 52: Low Viscosity Injection Resin
Sikadur - 52: Low Viscosity Injection Resin
Edition 01/01/2015
Identification no:
02 03 02 06 002 0 000001
Low viscosity injection resin
Product ®
Sikadur -52 is two part, solvent-free, low viscosity injection-liquid, based on high
Description strength epoxy resin.
Uses As an injection resin with good adhesion to dry concrete, mortar, stone, steel and
wood.Sikadur -52 is used to fill and seal voids and cracks in structures such as
bridges and other civil engineering buildings, industrial and residential buildings,
e.g. columns, beams, foundations, walls, floors and water retaining structures.
Characteristics / Solvent-free
Advantages Suitable for dry conditions
Usable at low temperatures
Shrinkage free hardening
High mechanical and adhesive strengths
Hard but not brittle
Low viscosity
Injectable with single component pumps
Product Data
Colours Part A: colourless
Part B: brownish yellow
Part A+B mixed: yellowish-brownish
Packaging 0.9 kg (A+B) Pre-batched unit.
Part A: 0.8 kg plastic container
Part B: 0.1 kg metal container
Storage Conditions/ 12 months from date of production if stored properly in unopened, undamaged and
Shelf-Life sealed original packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5°C and
Technical Data
Chemical Base Epoxy resin.
Mixed Density 1.14 kg/l (at +27°C)
Viscosity ~ 250 mPaּ
◌s at +30°C
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Mechanical / Physical
Compressive Strength (According to ASTM C-579)
Curing time +30°C
1 day ≥40 N/mm
7 days ≥55 N/mm
14 days ≥55 N/mm
Tensile Strength ≥35 N/mm (after 7 days at +30°C) (According to ISO 527)
Bond Strength To concrete: (According to ASTM C 882)
> 10 N/mm (failure in concrete) (after14 days at +30°C)
Application Details
Consumption / Yield 1.14 kg of Sikadur -52 is ~ equal to 1 l injection resin.
Substrate Preparation Requirements:
Sound, clean, free from oil and grease and surface treatments etc.
Pre-treatment for good bond:
Concrete, mortar, stone should be thoroughly prepared by high pressure water
jetting or mechanical means such as grinding, chiselling etc. Cracks must be
cleaned to remove dust with compressed air.
Conditions /
Substrate Temperature +10°C min. / +40°C max.
Substrate Moisture Dry condition
Mixing Part A : Part B = 8 : 1 (by weight)
Mixing Time Pre batched packaging:
Add all of part B to part A. Mix with an electric mixer at slow speed (max. 250 rpm)
for at least 3 minutes. Avoid entraining air.
Bulk packaging:
Add both parts in the correct proportion into a suitable clean, dry container and mix
in the same way as for the pre batched units.
Application Method / Successful application depends on very careful preparation. The surface to be
Tools treated must be structurally sound, free from standing water, oil, grease, surface
contaminants. Dirt, dust and other foreign materials must be removed. Concrete
which is fully contaminated with oil / grease must be removed to the depth of sound
& uncontaminated concrete.
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ports using injection pump, such as Aliva AL-1200, AL-1250 or the Sika® Hand
Pump. As soon as injection resin oozes out of the next injection port, the first one is
sealed and injection process is continued from next port.
For horizontal crack, injection should start from any of the ends and to be continued
and completed till the last port is used. For vertical crack, injection should start from
the lowest port and continued upwards.
After completion of the injection process, the injection ports as well as the sealing
materials between the ports are removed.
Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika Colma-Cleaner immediately
after use. Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.
Potlife 100 g mass (According to FIP 5.1)
Temperature Time
+30°C ~30 min
For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical
Health and Safety products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing
physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application
Legal Notes and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties
of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders
are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
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