Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology Sawabi, Topi

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ME-362 CEP Final report

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Sawabi, Topi

Bat knocking machine

Group members:
Muhammad nasir 2017300
Wajid ali khan 2017498
Ubaid ullah 2017480
Zabid ullah 2017504
Saddam Hussain 2017400
Hashim khan 2015143

ME-362 CEP Final report

Introduction: ................................................................................................................................... 4
Proposed concept: .......................................................................................................................... 5
Concept evaluation: ........................................................................................................................ 7
AHP matrix for selection of concept: .......................................................................................... 9
Product Design Specification version-2..................................................................................... 12
Embodiment Design:..................................................................................................................... 12
Product Architecture: ................................................................................................................ 13
Modularity: ................................................................................................................................ 13
DFA Approaches: ....................................................................................................................... 15
Product Design Specification (PDS version 2): .......................................................................... 16
Material Selection ......................................................................................................................... 17
Selection of Manufacturing Process: ............................................................................................ 20
Assembly drawings with tolerances: ............................................................................................ 24
Assembly drawings and orthogonal projections: ......................................................................... 28
Bill of materials (BOM): ................................................................................................................. 36
Detailed Cost Estimates ................................................................................................................ 37
Design Checklist: ........................................................................................................................... 40
1. Overall Requirements: .......................................................................................................... 40
2. Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................... 41
3. Environmental requirements:............................................................................................ 41
4. Manufacturing Requirements:........................................................................................... 41
5. Operational Requirements: ............................................................................................... 42
6. Reliability requirements:.................................................................................................... 42
7. Cost Requirements:............................................................................................................ 43
8. Other requirements: .......................................................................................................... 43
Product Design Specification version-4 ........................................................................................ 44
Product Identification: .................................................................................................................. 44
 Product name..................................................................................................................... 44

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 Product basic function ....................................................................................................... 44

 Product Special features .................................................................................................... 44
 Product Key performance target ....................................................................................... 44
 Service environment: ......................................................................................................... 44
 Training required ............................................................................................................... 44
 Material .............................................................................................................................. 45
Key project deadlines:................................................................................................................... 45
 Project completion time .................................................................................................... 45
 Fixed project deadlines ...................................................................................................... 45
Physical Description: ..................................................................................................................... 45
1. Design variable values known to conceptual design: ........................................................ 45
2. Constraints to determine known boundaries: ................................................................... 45
Financial requirements: ................................................................................................................ 45
1. Cost .................................................................................................................................... 45
2. Warranty ............................................................................................................................ 45
3. Rate of return on investment ............................................................................................ 45
4. Rate of capital cost............................................................................................................. 45
5. Pay mode terms ................................................................................................................. 45
Market Identification: ................................................................................................................... 45
6. Target market .................................................................................................................... 45
7. Target size .......................................................................................................................... 45
8. Competing product ............................................................................................................ 45
 Brand: ................................................................................................................................. 46
 Machine grade: .................................................................................................................. 46
 Item code: .......................................................................................................................... 46
Manufacturing Specifications: ...................................................................................................... 46

ME-362 CEP Final report

Cricket bat are usually very soft when it is made first from the wood. The hardness
of the bat is improved through different techniques like drying the bat and applying
pressure on the bat during manufacturing stage. Cricket bats are usually wearing
out with the passage of time when the hard cricket ball hitting the bat. Because of
this cyclic hitting, surface cracks occur on the surface of the bat. So, to avoid this
surface cracking phenomenon and some other problems, it is required that the bat
should be knock before using it.
Bat knocking can be done by two ways, either by hand (manually) or by machine.
There are some advantages and disadvantages associated with both methods.
Manual knocking is much cost effective like there is no electricity cost, no
maintenance cost etc. However, there are problems associated with manual
knocking like uniformity is the big issue. The problems with machine knocking are,
they are very expensive, their operation and maintenance cost are high also some
of the cannot be installed at home and small sport centers.
So, to address all these issues, our team is going to design a bat knocking machine
that will have minimal of the above problems and will operate at low cost. This
robust design will be environmentally friendly, can be operated at homes and small
sport centers, and will be reliable, lightweight, simple, and cheap.

ME-362 CEP Final report

Proposed concept:
Concept 1: Smart Technologies:
Features of smart knock cricket bat knocking machine
 Fully Automatic Bat Feeding Mechanism to eliminate operator thrust.
 Automatic Knock counter with functionality to set up desired input knocks.
 Buzzer Alarm on completion of Knocking.
 Fully functional on auto and Manual mode.
 Robust, Heavy Duty and Beautiful Structure of Machine.
 Adjustable Pressure Setting to adjust the Knocking hammer
 Desired portion can also be knocked in auto or manual mode as required.
 Flexibility of using season ball, nylon hammer & wooden mallet for knocking with
very easy changeover mechanism.
 First of its kind in world a true “fully automatic knocking in machine”.
 Low power consumption with advanced electronic features.
 Backed with design and development team of highly qualified personals.


The basic features of this bat knocking machines are as follows,
 Bat feeding mechanism with the help of lead screw, servo motor and PLCs.
 Counter sensor to register the number of knocks.

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 Buzzer alarm to intimate the completion of the knocking process.

 Robust and heavy duty.
 Programmable pressure setting of end weight.
 Flexibility to change the end weights (nylon ball, wooden mallet)

Concept 3:
The 3rd concept that can be used for the bat knocking is to use mechanical linkages.
This machine will use crank slider mechanism for knocking bat. Instead of crank
slider, quick return mechanism or crank and connecting rod can be used for
knocking bat. However, the former two are complex and costly. So crank slider will
be selected for knocking. Because due to the rotation of Crank in Anti clockwise
direction the piston (Hammer) move upward and downward performing oscillation
and hit the bat, that slide below on the slider in horizontal direction. This machine
will run purely on mechanical linkages and there is no such usage of electronics and
PLCs (Programmable logic controller) to control the operations. Hence, this
knocking machine serves to knock bats with minimal operational cost. This simple
and robust design ensures competence and thus can be used even at homes or
small scaled sports center. Simply the overall machine will be simple, cheap,
lightweight, and at the same time reliable.

ME-362 CEP Final report

Concept evaluation:
We were the following customer requirement for the bat-knocking machine. Now
based on these requirements we will select our concept.

Step 1:
Developing a heirarchy: developing a heirarchial structure with a goal at the
top level, the attributes/criteria at the second level and the alternatives at the 3rd

ME-362 CEP Final report

Not buying bat knocking machine

Cost Automatic feeding

Knocking edges
Maintenance Should be Low
ee made in electricity
Size Pakistan consumption

Machine_1 Machine_2 Machine_3

Each criteria will have three alternatives and each alternative have their own value
of criteria associated with them e.g each machine have their own cost associated
with them.

Step 2:
Pair wise comparison matrix:
Now pair wise comparison matrix will be used for comparison of each criteria and
to show relative rating (weight factors) of each criterion.
1 equal importance

3 Moderate importance

5 strong importance
7 very strong importance

ME-362 CEP Final report

9 extreme importance
2,4,6,8 intermediate values
1/3,1/5,1/7,1/9 values for inverse comparison

AHP matrix for selection of concept:

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Based on AHP, concept 3 is the best alternatives to select.

Product Design Specification version-2

Product Identification:
 Product name: Bat knocking machine.
 Basic Function: Knocking.
 Special features: Knocking, automatic Feeding, knocking edges.
 Key performance target: 12 knocks per second.
 Service environment: Indoor usage.
 Training required: One- or two-pages user manual.

Market Identification:
 The target market for this product will be professional hardball cricketers,
local hardball cricketers, sports centers.
 Competing product: smart technology

Physical Description:
 Design variable values:
 Distance between bat and crank slider
 Knocking per second
 Sliding velocity of the frame
 Constraints: cost and automatic feeding.
Manufacturing Specifications:
 Most of the parts like crank slider and sliding frame will be manufactured
through conventional machining.
 Others are readymade available.

Embodiment Design:
As the concepts are now evaluated, we are going to convert these rough sketches
and concepts into physical shape. This is called embodiment design.

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Product Architecture:
The product architecture figure below shows that the electrical energy from the
power supply is transmitted to the motor. These motors in turn move their
respective mechanism, one of which bat knocking mechanism and the other one is
bat sliding mechanism to move the bat back and forth.
Bat knocking mechanism uses this energy to hit the bat at some speed. The mallet
has a spring that is used to control the force applied on the bat.

Five modules can be made out of this product architecture:
 Power supply and Motors module
 Bat knocking module
 Mallet module
 Bat motion module
 Bat, mechanisms and motors support module
The first module gives kinetic energy to the mechanisms. The bat knocking module
gives the mallet linear motion. Mallet in turn hits the bat for knocking. The bat
motion module moves the bat support so that parts of the bat are uniformly
knocked. Support module keeps the bat in a fixed position.
Motors, mechanisms and bat will have contact interfaces with the support. The
mallet will be in contact interface with the bat knocking mechanism.
Energy flow between the modules is shown in figure of product architecture. There
is no informational flow and no material flow. The geometric layout is shown

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Figure: Product Architecture

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Figure: Geometric layout

DFA Approaches:
Certain DFA approaches are implemented in this product.
Mistake-proof the design:
The two assemblies in the above figure to support the motors are designed in such
a way so that the assembler does not make a mistake in assembling it in the reverse
direction or any other orientation because of asymmetric geometry.
Minimizing assembly directions:

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The most appropriate way to design the products is that they can be assembled in
one direction. In this product almost all of the parts can be assembled in top down
manner similar to stacking on the z-axis.

Product Design Specification (PDS version 3):

Product Identification:
 Product name: Bat knocking machine.
 Basic Function: Knocking.
 Special features: Knocking, automatic Feeding, knocking edges.
 Key performance target: 12 knocks per second.
 Service environment: Indoor usage.
 Training required: two pages user manual.

Market Identification:
 The target market for this product will be professional hardball cricketers,
local hardball cricketers, sports centers.
 Competing product: smart technology

Physical Description:
 Bat knocking mechanism(crank, slider, coupler, mallet)
 Bat sliding mechanism(crank, slider, coupler, mallet)
 Support for motors, mechanisms and bat
 DFA approach is used
 Product is divided into modules
 Geometric layout is presented

Constraints: cost and automatic feeding.

Manufacturing Specifications:
 Most of the parts like crank slider and sliding frame will be manufactured
through conventional machining.
 Others are readymade available.
 Material is mild steel

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Material Selection
A few materials were selected tentatively, defending on the type of leading and
stresses that could be applied. Operating conditions were also considered. So,
based on possible failure mechanisms , that can occur during the operations ,
 Fatigue loading
 Impact loading
 Cyclic loading
 Creep
 Corrosion fatigue
 Brittle fracture.
Operating Temperatures may include Low Temperature and Room Temperature.
Material selection was coupled with component design, the two process were
parallelized and Typical mechanical properties were taken. Our tentative choices
include mild steel , stainless steel, and galvanized iron. On Ashby chart these
materials fall in the high density and high modulus of Electricity range.
By comparing them with one another based on weighted property index method

SS properties
Yield strength 405mpa
Density 7.84g/cc
Fatigue 190 mpa
Hardness 135
Cost 75 Rs/kg
Modulus of resilience 103 j/m^3

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Yield strength 360
Density 7.80
Fatigue 205
Hardness 145
Cost 28
Modulus of resilience 110
Galvanized Iron

Yield strength 300

Density 7.85
Fatigue 185
Hardness 100
Cost 45
Modulus of Resilience 95

Combining Yield strength density fatigue hardness s cost Modulus of reliance

1/1.2 1. 0
2/1.3. 0 1
3/1.4. 0 1
4/1.5. 1. 0
5/1.6. 0. 1
6/2.3. 0. 1
7/2.4. 0. 1
8/2.5. 1 0

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9/2.6. 1. 0
10/3.4. 1 0
11/3.5. 1. 0
12/3.6. 1. 0
13/4.5 1 0
14/4.6. 1. 0
15/5.6. 1. 0
Decision. 2. 2. 5. 4. 1. 1
Factor. .2 .2 .333 .267 .067 .067

The weighted property index was calculated

Material availability corrosion resistance Yield strength density fatigue hardness cost resilience

Beta. Beta. Beta. Beta. Beta beta

Ss s. U. 100. 99 92.68. 93.10. 37. 93.63

Ms. S. S. 88.88. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100

GI. S. S. 74.07. 99. 90.24. 68.96. 62.22 65

Gama for ss= 81.001

Gama for MS= 97.65
Gama for GI = 85.967
So, as we noted, Game values for Mild steel is large, so we selected mild steel.

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Selection of Manufacturing Process:

Choosing an appropriate and satisfactory manufacturing process is one of the most
important parts of designing a system because if the wrong process is selected, it
will lead to catastrophic failure in terms of lives and property:
The factors that influence it are as follow.
 Quantity of parts required
 Size of components
 Features
 Complexity—shape, size
 Weight
 Flexibility
 Material used
 Quality of part
 Cost to manufacture
 Availability
 Lead time
 Delivery schedule

Fabrication Process
The fabrication process involves various joining processes, primarily welding,
fastening, bolting etc. to bring about a rigid structure.

1. Frame
The frame is the first fabricated component as shown in fig. Mild steel was used to
form the structure. Two shapes of the mild steel were primarily used, a Circular
channel (for the leg of the frame) and an LSection channel (for the body of the
frame). The channels were cut to the required height and welded together. Two
bearing housings were provided on the frame and ball bearings were later tight

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fitted into the housings. The L- Section channels were laid upside down and welded
to resemble as guide ways. A circular pipe was cut and welded across the main
column to act as a support for the piston. A platform for holding the gear box was
also provided with bolting holes.

Frame of the Machine

2. Mallet
The piston was made of a hollow steel pipe that has mounting at one end and
opening at the other end. The piston moves inside a cylinder that was welded to
the frame with the help of steel plates. The end weight was made from a single
wooden piece. The wooden piece was cut to the desired size and was turned and
phased using a wood working lathe. The end mass can travel up and down but does
not completely fall from it.

Piston and wooden end Mallet

3. Sliding Plate

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Sliding Plate Made up of mild steel is installed over frame and over it a slider is
installed for the purpose to move back and forth accordingly.

Worm Gear Box

4. Motor
Two Single phase AC motor with reference to the Fig. is the prime mover of the
machine. It was mounted safely over the provision plate provided along the main
column of the frame with the help of bolt and nuts. The output of the motor was
connected directly to the crank and onward to mallet after powering the crank
web. The spindle of the motor was connected to the crank.


5. Sliding Stand
Sliding stand is used for the stability and helps I slider shaping.

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Sliding Stand

6. Crank and Connecting rod

It was dimensionally suitable for the machine. The ends of web were connected to
the spindles of motor.

Crank and Connecting Rod

7. Slider
The slider was made by laying and welding it with a metal plate to hold its position
as shown in Fig. The slider must be fabricated in such a way that it coincides with
the mechanism


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Assembly drawings with tolerances:

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Assembly drawings and orthogonal projections:

Isometric view

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Exploded view (disassembled state)

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Orthogonal and isometric views by parts:

Stand for 2nd motor

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Sliding stand

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Sliding plate

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Stand for first motor with supporting base stand

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bars for cranks and rockers of two 4 bar mechanisms

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Bill of materials (BOM): part Part description Quantity Price per unit
1 stand Supporting base 1 7000
2 Crank 1 Special design 1 1000
prismatic bar
with hole at each
3 Coupler 1 Special design 1 1200
prismatic bar
with hole at each
4 Crank 2 Special design 1 1000
prismatic bar
with hole at each
5 Coupler 2 Special design 1 1200
prismatic bar
with hole at each
6 mallet Hollow 1 1000
Cylindrical type
part with
7 DC motor Low rpm motor 1 3000
(wiper motor)
8 DC motor High rpm motor 1 6000
9 Sliding plate Bat sliding plate 1 1500
10 Sliding bar Plate on which 1 1000
bat sliding plate
11 Stand 1 Supporting 1 2000
stand for motor

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12 Stand 2 Supporting 1 2000

stand for motor
14 paint 1 1000
15 pin To connect parts 4 200 = 200x4
like crank, =800
rocker, and
mallet etc
Total =

Detailed Cost Estimates

1. Cost analysis of Frame

Cost of Mild Steel = 255 Rs. per Kg
Mild steel of one stand = 8 Kg = 2040 Rs
Mild steel of 2nd stand = 16 kg = 4080 Rs
Welding all the parts together = 500 Rs
Drilling operation = 200 Rs
Total Price of Frame = 2040 + 4080 + 500 + 200 = 6820 Rs
Cost of Frame = 6820 Rs

2. Cost end/Mallet
Cost of end weight made up of wood = 1000 Rs
Milling work on wood = 100 Rs
Total coat = 1000 + 100 = 1100 Rs
Cost of Mallet= 1100 Rs

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3. Cost of Sliding Plate

Cost of Mild Steel = 255 Rs. per Kg
Mass used = 6 kg
So 4kg steel used = 1500 Rs
Fastener for mounting on frame = 200 Rs
Total Cost = 1700 Rs
Cost of Sliding Plate = 1700 Rs

4. Cost of Motor
One Quantity used = 6000 Rs
2nd motors used = 3000
Bolts, nuts, and screws used for mounting= 1000 Rs
Total cost = 10000 Rs
Cost of Motor = 10000 Rs

Cost of Sliding stand

Cost of Mild steel = 255 Rs per kg
5 kg of steel used = 1275 Rs
Welding parts together = 120 Rs
Fasteners used = 25 Rs
Total cost = 1275 + 120 + 25 = 1420 Rs

Cost of Sliding stand = 1420 Rs

5. Cost of Crank
Cost of crank one piece along with rocker = 2000 Rs
Two are used so 2x2000 = 4000
pins = 500 Rs
Cost of Crank and connecting rods = 4500 Rs

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6. Cost of Paint
One piece = 850 Rs
Number of Pieces used = 3
Total Price of 3 pieces = 2550 Rs

Cost of Paint = 2550 Rs

Cost of stand for motors:

Material cost = 2000
Manufacturing cost = 500
Two stands = 5000 Rs

Cost of stands for motors = 5000 Rs

Cost Estimation Table

S. No: Component Name Total Price (Rs)

Cost analysis of Frame

1 6820

Cost of Mallet
2 1100

Cost of Sliding Plate

3 1700

Cost of Motor
4 10000

Cost of Sliding stand

5 1420
Cost of Crank and
connecting rods
6 4500

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Cost of stands for motors

7 5000

Cost of Paint
8 2550

Net Total = 33090 R.s

Design Checklist:
1. Overall Requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1. Less Size yes
2. Economic feasibility yes Low cost
3. Knocking edges yes
4. Changing end mass No
5. Automatic bat feeding yes
6. No damage of bat yes
7. Low Electricity yes
8. Maintenance yes Low maintenance
9. Made in Pakistan yes
10.Less noisy yes Environmentally friendly
11.Weather resistant No
12.Less maintenance yes
13.Low weight yes
2 PRODUCT DESIGN yes Ver1,ver2 and final PDS
3 APPLICABLE INDUSTRY yes High industry application

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2. Functional Requirements
# Requirements Response Comments
1. Mechanical load yes low
2. Electrical load yes low
3. Thermal load yes low
2 Size and weight yes Minimum size and weight
3 Mechanical strength yes
4 Projected life yes Projected life is high

3. Environmental requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1 Temperature extremes Moderate
2 Humidity extremes Moderate
3 Vibration extremes Minimum
4 shock Less
5 Foreign material contamination No
6 Corrosion _ Minimum
7 Outdoor exposure extremes

1. Rain yes
2. Hail yes
3. Uv Radiation yes Low effect
4. wind yes effect
5. sand yes Effect the knocking

4. Manufacturing Requirements:

# Requirements Response Comments

1 Use of standard components and yes
2 Tolerances consistent with yes
processes and equipment

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3 Materials well defined and yes

consistent with performance
4 Materials minimize material yes
5 Have critical control parameters yes
been identified?
6 Manufacturing processes use yes
existing equipment

5. Operational Requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1 Is it easy to install in the field? yes
2 Are items requiring frequent yes
maintenance easily accessible?
3 Has serviceperson safety been yes
4 Have human factors been yes
adequately considered in
5 Are servicing instructions clear yes
6 Are they derived from FMEA or - FTA

6. Reliability requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1 Have hazards been adequately yes
2 Have failure modes been yes
investigated and documented?
3 Has a thorough safety analysis yes
been conducted?
4 Have life integrity tests been yes
completed successfully?

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5 Has derating been employed in yes

critical components?

7. Cost Requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1 Does the product meet the cost yes
2 Have cost comparisons been yes
made with competitive
3 Have service warranty costs yes
been quantified and minimized?
4 Has value engineering analysis yes
been made for possible cost

8. Other requirements:
# Requirements Response Comments
1 Have critical components been yes
optimized for robustness?
2 Has a search been conducted to yes
avoid patent infringement?
3 Has prompt action been taken to yes
apply for possible patent
4 Does the product appearance yes
represent the technical quality
and cost of the product?
5 Has the product development yes
process been adequately
documented for defense in
possible product liability action?

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6 Does the product comply with yes

applicable laws and agency

Product Design Specification version-4

Product Identification:
 Product name: Bat knocking machine.
 Product basic function: Knocking the edges and surface of the bat
 Product Special features:
1. Knocking,
2. Automatic Feeding that eliminate operator thrust
3. Knocking edges.
4. Buzzer alarm.
5. No. of strokes customized.
6. Automatic knocking counter
7. Robust
8. Heavy duty and beautiful structure of machine
9. Lower Power consumption
 Product Key performance target:
1. Power output: 12 knock per second.
2. Efficiency : maximum
3. Accuracy: high Accuracy in knocking the edges

 Service environment:
1. Condition: Moderate environment
2. Storage : indoor storage
3. Transportation: Easily transportable
4. Uses: Knocking the bat
 Training required: Instructor manual
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 Material: steel

Key project deadlines:

 Project completion time: 4 months.
 Fixed project deadlines: 6 July, 2020.

Physical Description:

1. Design variable values known to conceptual design:

1. Center distance b/w bat and crank slider: 355mm
2. Knocking speed: 12 knock per second
3. Sliding velocity: 0.57m/sec
4. DFA approach

2. Constraints to determine known boundaries:

1. Cost
2. Automating feeding
3. Weight
4. size

Financial requirements:
1. Cost: The present study Cricket Bat Knocking Machines are in reasonable
2. Warranty: 3 years
3. Rate of return on investment: 0 %
4. Rate of capital cost: 5%
5. Pay mode terms: L/C (Letter of Credit),T/T (Bank Transfer)

Market Identification:
6. Target market: Hardball, sports center
7. Target size: Minimum space maintenance target
8. Competing product:
1. The present study Bat knocking machine can knock edges,
competitive to others and less expensive than previous.

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2. Smart technology
 Brand: smart knock
 Machine grade: Automatic
 Item code: Smart-Knock

Manufacturing Specifications:
 Sliding frame and crank slider through conventional machining.
 Some are readymade available

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