West Bengal State University: CBCS, Sem-Ii Examination, 2020 Regular Candidate
West Bengal State University: CBCS, Sem-Ii Examination, 2020 Regular Candidate
West Bengal State University: CBCS, Sem-Ii Examination, 2020 Regular Candidate
ROLL : 2201121
NO. : 29629
Sl. Date Of Session Th/Prc Paper Type Subject
Th. Exam
1. 15/12/2020 2ND Theory CC3 ENGLISH
2. 16/12/2020 2ND Theory CC4 ENGLISH
3. 24/12/2020 2ND Theory GE2 GEOGRAPHY
4. 30/12/2020 2ND Theory AECC ENGLISH
1. This Admit Card is valid subject to fulfillment of Rules & Regulations as per WBSU Act regarding Examinations.
2. For Emergency Reason if Examination Schedules are changed, that will be notified on the websites:
www.wbsuexams.net / www.wbsubregistration.org
3. No writing, signing or tampering with the admit card is admissible.
For correction, please mail to coe.wbsu@gmail.com within 03:00 P.M. , 13/12/2020
4. Before download, a student must satisfy himself/ herself with all the data of the admit card and the photograph.
In this regard, entire responsiblity will be with the student because during the Pandemic, attestation by the
respective College Principal will not be possible.
5. Students not satisfied with the mode of Examination may appear in offline mode, to be arranged by the
University, as and when the Pandemic situation improves.
University Engineer
In-charge of the office of the Controller of Examinations
West Bengal State University