Ert-Hofstede: Scores
Ert-Hofstede: Scores
Ert-Hofstede: Scores
Determine the difference between the scores of the first four dimensions between your country and
three other countries of your choice. These countries should be preferably be in different continents.
What differences would you expect in workplace behaviour between your country and the other
countries you choose. Format should be as follows:
US 40 91 62 46
South 49 65 63 49
Country Power Distance Indiv/Collectivism Masculinity/Feminit Uncertainty Avoidance
Interpretation y
of scores
India India scores 77 In this dimension, In this dimension , In this dimension, India
in this dimesion India scores 48 the India scores 56. India scores 40, which is a
indicating a lowest from all the is considered to medium to low
network or a other countries. It have a very preference of uncertainty
chain structure is a country with masculine society in avoidance.
in organizations both traits. terms of visual
display of success
and power.
Sweden Sweden scores Sweden scores 71 In this dimension, Sweden scores 29 on this
31 in this in this dimension , Sweden scores 5, dimension and thus have
dimension as they are being a feminine a very low preference of
indicating their considered as an countries where it is uncertainty avoidance.
independent individualistic key to maintain a
behavior society. life/work balance.
US United States U.S scores 91 in In this dimension United States scores 46 in
scores 40 in this this dimension, United States scores this dimension and have a
dimension, this considered as an 56. This can be seen low preference of
dimension deals Individualist. In in the behavior of uncertainty avoidance
with the fact American the Americans and
that not all organizations combination of a
individuals are hierarchy is high masculinity
equal in the established for drive.
society convenience.
South South Africa In this dimension, In this dimension, In this dimension South
Africa scores 49 in this South Africa scores South Africa scores Africa scores 49 thus a
dimension, 65 which means 63 and thus is a low preference for
which indicates there is a high masculine society. avoiding uncertainty
centralization is preference of
popular in the individualistic
country. society
Country Power Distance Indiv/Collectivism Masculinity/Feminit Uncertainty Avoidance
Work culture y
India In India we see Individualist – The India is considered India is a patient
centralization Hindus believe in to have a very country , tolerance for
where the the cycle of birth masculine society. In unexpected is high. The
authorities are in and death and these countries, people in India are
the hands of top each rebirth focus is mainly settled comfortably and
level managers, depending on how based on the success do not seem to take
Employees the person had and achievements. initiatives and follow the
expect clear lived his/her The center of a routines without
directed a to the previous life person’s life is work question.
functions to be and these
performed by achievements define
them a person
Sweden In Sweden, Individualist – The Feminine – In Sweden is more relaxed
Power is people in Sweden Feminine societies and believe that more
exercised in the are expected to such as Sweden, rules should be added
form of take care of Thee Managers only if it required and
decentralization. themselves and strive for consensus necessary otherwise it
The people do their families. and people value should be abolished
not prefer Hiring is based on equality and quality
control and an merit only in their work life.
attitude, the The conflicts among
communication each other are
is direct. solved through
discussions and
perks such as free
time and flexible
work hours are
US A Hierarchy is Individualist – Masculinity – The The People of The United
established for American men find Americans believe in States are open to
convenience. difficulty in hard work and strive change and innovation ,
Managers and developing deep to be the best . It Is Americans tend to be
superiors rely on friendship, they are believed that tolerant and open to
their employees. habitual in doing conflicts bring out freedom of expreesion.
Communication business with the best in people
is informal and people unknown to and to make them
direct them. People are winner. However
expected to look this mentality only
after themselves erodes the American
and their families premise “Liberty and
and not rely on Justice”
South In South Africa Individualist – In Masculinity – In In South Africa people
Africa centralization is South Africa the South Africa people have a more relaxed
practiced in the people are live in order to work. attitude and are
organizations required to look They emphasize on tolerable. They feel no
and employees after themselves equity and rules should be added if
expect what to and their families. competition. they are not necessary
be told to do Hiring and Conflicts are
Promotion are resolved by fighting.
based on merit
You can choose the countries of your choice but ensure you chose one country from each part of the
France, Australia, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Africa , UAE , Netherlands, Germany