Inspection: Surface Preparation Consists of Three Steps
Inspection: Surface Preparation Consists of Three Steps
Inspection: Surface Preparation Consists of Three Steps
The galvanizing process consists of three basic steps: surface preparation, galvanizing
and inspection.
The true “galvanizing” phase of the process consists of completely immersing the steel
in a minimum 98% pure zinc bath. The bath temperature is maintained at 815 F
(435 C) or higher. The steel is lowered at an angle by crane hoist. This allows air to
escape from tubular shapes or pockets that may be within the design of a fabricated
piece and of course permits the molten zinc to displace the air.
While immersed in the kettle, the zinc reacts with iron in the steel to form a series of
zinc-iron intermetallic alloy layers. Once the fabricated item reaches bath temperature
the coating growth is complete, and the articles are withdrawn slowly from the
galvanizing bath. Excess zinc is removed by draining, vibrating, and/or centrifuging. The
metallurgical reaction will continue after withdrawal from the bath, as long as the article
remains near bath temperature. Articles are cooled either by immersion in a passivation
solution or water or by being left in open air.
The last phase of the process, inspection, is simple and quick. The two properties of
the hot-dip galvanized coating closely scrutinized are coating thickness and coating
appearance. A very accurate determination as to the quality of the galvanized coating
can be accomplished through a visual inspection of the material, because as stated
earlier zinc will not react with unclean steel. A variety of simple physical and laboratory
tests may also be performed to determine thickness, uniformity, adherence, and
appearance to ensure the coating is in compliance with specification
requirements. Products are galvanized according to long established, accepted, and
approved standards of ASTM.