Rehabilitation of The Tunku Canselor Hall, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Rehabilitation of The Tunku Canselor Hall, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Rehabilitation of The Tunku Canselor Hall, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Zuraini M. A.
Built in 1965, Dewan Tunku Canselor (DTC) is a landmark for University Malaya. It is here that the convocation ceremonies for
graduation have been held annually since August 1966 and to the hosting of numerous functions of the university including semester
examinations, special studio class, theatres performances, seminars and conferences. DTC was designed with a strong influence of
Brutalism Architecture and Modernism Movement. The two and half storey building was constructed mainly with off-form concrete
structure using egg-crate reinforced concrete ceiling and ‘beton brut’ images. On June 29th, 2001, a pre-dawn fire gutted the
building and almost ninety percent of the building was destroyed. The Faculty of Built Environment, University Malaya
participated in the effort of reconstructing the building to its original condition. This project reveals the background and
significance of this building; the conservation approach and main stages of involvement in reinstating the building including
preparation of appraisal report; preparing a condition survey of the building after the fire; identifying existing defects on site as well
as documentation work of the entire building before and after the reconstruction works. As a whole, this effort is to ensure that
Dewan Tunku Canselor was restored to its original state before the fire according to the concept of conservation work while at the
same time upgrading the building services and facilities.
The initial work of the building reinstatement started in August, Figure 7: Applying layers of bonding agent Nittobond EP’
2001 when the building teams were appointed. The entire
project took almost a year (initial concept to hand over) and the Ninety percent of the existing concrete elements surfaces were
construction period was 4 months and 3 weeks (handing over in covered with soot mark and they required to be cleaned.
August 2002). The entire project cost was estimated of about Appropriate methods of cleaning were used. At the beginning,
Ringgit Malaysia 13.8 million. The building was officially water jetting system was used to the entire surfaces (See Figure
launched for its second time on 20th August 2002 by the 8). It was found that the soot mark were embedded into the
Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad surfaces and difficult to remove especially at certain elements
Badawi. and remote area such as concrete fins, slab soffits, staircases
and foyer areas. The second part of cleaning was applied, using
scrappers, sponge and a metal hard brush, by scrubbing it
manually. Very little Liquid Organic Cleaner (LOC) was used
to enhance the process (See Figure 9).
The entire pitched roof over the great hall was replaced with Figure 12: Replacing the broken granite floors.
new steel frame and water-proof roof membrane). The design
basically reflected the original design with several
improvements in terms of acoustic, structural strength and
quality (Refer to Figure 10 & Figure 11).