Rehabilitation of The Tunku Canselor Hall, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Zuraini M. A.

Department of Building Surveying, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


KEY WORDS: Conservation; Documentation; Rehabilitation works, University of Malaya


Built in 1965, Dewan Tunku Canselor (DTC) is a landmark for University Malaya. It is here that the convocation ceremonies for
graduation have been held annually since August 1966 and to the hosting of numerous functions of the university including semester
examinations, special studio class, theatres performances, seminars and conferences. DTC was designed with a strong influence of
Brutalism Architecture and Modernism Movement. The two and half storey building was constructed mainly with off-form concrete
structure using egg-crate reinforced concrete ceiling and ‘beton brut’ images. On June 29th, 2001, a pre-dawn fire gutted the
building and almost ninety percent of the building was destroyed. The Faculty of Built Environment, University Malaya
participated in the effort of reconstructing the building to its original condition. This project reveals the background and
significance of this building; the conservation approach and main stages of involvement in reinstating the building including
preparation of appraisal report; preparing a condition survey of the building after the fire; identifying existing defects on site as well
as documentation work of the entire building before and after the reconstruction works. As a whole, this effort is to ensure that
Dewan Tunku Canselor was restored to its original state before the fire according to the concept of conservation work while at the
same time upgrading the building services and facilities.

1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Dewan Tunku Canselor Historical & Architectural

1.1 University of Malaya Background
Being the first and the primer university in Malaysia, Tunku
UNIVERSITI MALAYA, the first University of the country, is Canselor Hall (DTC) at University of Malaya is considered as
situated on a 750-acre (309-hectare) campus in the southwest of an important landmark in the historical development of
Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. The University of education in Malaysia. It was built in 1965-66. The
Malaya grew out of a tradition of service to the society. Its Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, Al Marhum Tunku Abdul
predecessors, the King Edward VII College of Medicine Rahman Al-Haj officiated the opening on 25th June 1966. DTC
established in 1905 and Raffles College in 1929 has been was designed and constructed by Dato’ Kington Loo of BEP
established to meet urgent demands, one in medicine and the Architect. It was designed with a strong influence of Brutalism
other in education. When the two came together to form the Architecture and Modernism Movement. The building was
University of Malaya in October 1949, this was so that they constructed mainly with bare concrete structure using egg-crate
might perform an even greater service - to help lay the reinforced concrete and ‘beton brut ‘ images.
foundations of a new nation by producing a generation of
skilled and educated men. Hence the University of Malaya was
established on 8 October 1949 as a national institution to serve
the higher education needs of the Federation of Malaya and
The growth of the University was very rapid during the first
decade of its establishment and this resulted in the setting up of
two autonomous Divisions in 1959, one located in Singapore
and the other in Kuala Lumpur. In 1960, the government of the
two territories indicated their desire to change the status of the
Divisions into that of a national university. Legislation was
passed in 1961 founding the University of Malaya on 1st
January 1962.
The University motto, "Ilmu Punca Kemajuan" (Knowledge is
the Key to Success) reflects the philosophy of the University in
its constant endeavour to seek knowledge in all fields to
produce successful graduates and a successful nation.
Figure 1: The Front View of Tunku Canselor Hall.

DTC is a two and a half (2 ½) storey building consisting of a

great hall and a foyer area, connected to an Experimental
Theatre. A stage is located inside the great hall at the ground Phase III: Advising the preparation of documentation work of
level. The foyer area serves as an entrance to the great hall. the entire building before and after the rehabilitation works
The mezzanine floor is actually a viewing gallery that forms a including scaled photographs and compiling the detail
‘U’ shape. Three projector rooms were originally located at the information of the entire process.
first floor, partly storing the graduating robes and accessories.
The roof of the great hall consists of steel trussed structures and 2.1 Building Condition Survey
a reinforced concrete slab with up-stand beam forming the
perimeter roofing system. Access to the different floor levels is The building condition survey is based on progressive visual
provided by two spiral concrete staircases located within oval inspection to ascertain the extent of fire to the building. The
shaped shear walls. dilapidation report was done after the first cleaning by
identifying the defects and damages that need to be rectified.
The University Malaya convocation ceremony for graduation In order to report the condition of the building, a systematic
of students has been held yearly at the main hall of DTC since approach was used. The building was divided into sectors. For
August 1966. In addition, it hosts numerous functions of the further detailed inspection, the sectors were divided into
university including semester examinations, studio classes, elements and inspection was carried out from bottom to top.
theatre performances, seminars and conferences. The drawing was done by architects and a team of building
surveyors had inspected the defects after the fire and after the
1.2 Building Condition After Fire first cleaning. Coding and references were used for easy
On Friday, June 29th, 2001, a pre-dawn fire gutted the building.
Since then DTC had restricted entrance to the public. Almost Based on the inspection and findings, the followings are
90% of the entire internal building was destroyed by fire and recommended:
fire fighting efforts (See to Figure 2 & Figure 3). 1. The fishes in the pond to be relocated before any
cleaning work commences.
2. The burnt elements such as timber frame for doors
and window panels, curtain railings, parquet flooring,
to be totally removed from the building before the
second cleaning work commences.
3. Furniture such as tables and chairs to be removed and
placed off-site from the building. This is to ensure
that the furniture will not be further damaged during
the second cleaning work.
4. The debris from the fire such as timber panels for
acoustics, speaker brackets and nails should be taken
down and removed from the wall surfaces.
5. The soot marks to be cleaned by using high-pressure
water jet and not chemical base detergent. This is to
ensure that the bare concrete surface is not damage
Figure 2: Collapsed roof trusses into the Great Hall due to chemical reaction.
6. The water from the cleaning to be drained out from
the building as soon as the cleaning work finishes.
7. All growth plants and debris from roof to be cleaned
from all the rain water outlets.
8. A new and appropriate design for fire fighting
equipment; passive and active, to be implemented to
avoid and further damaged in the future to the
9. The rainwater down pipes and outlets to be
redesigned in to the perimeter drain to avoid any
overflow or clogging.

Last but not least, a more scheduled maintenance programme

should be implemented to avoid future damage to the building
as a whole.

Figure 3: View from the main foyer. 2.2 Conservation Approach

2. BUILDING CONSERVATION WORKS Before the commencement of any conservation work, a

building survey and appraisal report after fire was prepared in
The Faculty of Built Environment was given the task to involve order to diagnosis the building defects. Structural Analyses
in three main stages as follows: especially for the defective structure was carried out by the
Phase I: Preparing report and carrying out a condition survey of structural engineers and reported for further action in structural
building after fire and existing defect on site. repair. In order to retain the authenticity of the building original
Phase II: Giving professional advice in the rehabilitation work design, the principles of conservation were applied and
to ensure the building original structure and elements, cleaning recommended to be carried out to:
work, interior design and services installation.
i) provide temporary protection on the site to ensure 2.4 Construction Stages
that the existing building elements and spontaneous a) First Stage – Structural Repair, Crack Repair & New
plants were not further damaged during construction. Roof Design
(See Figure 4 & 5)
The damaged structural elements such as column and beams
were repaired to their original state. The structural repair for all
the concrete elements was done carefully in order to retain the
authenticity of the original design. The methods used were not
only to regain the structural strength as designed and verified
by the structure engineers, but also to regain the original
appearance of the elements.

After hacking and repairing the steel reinforcement bar of the

concrete and beams (refer to Figure 6), a few layers of bonding
agent called ‘Nittobond EP’ were placed to cover the exposed
structure (refer to Figure 7). Then the formwork was prepared
from layers of timbers line up to produce a textured surface as
to its original design. The ‘Renderoc LA Concrete’ was filled
up and hardened until the required strength about 60KN was
achieved. Once concrete hardening, formworks were removed
and surfaces were refined.
Figure 4: Temporary protection for the spiral staircase

Figure 6: Hacking of the damaged concrete surfaces.

Figure 5: The spontaneous plants on the building facade

ii) use appropriate construction methods and material

that will retain the authenticity of the building in
terms of design, materials, workmanship and setting.
Replacements should be as close as possible to the
original materials.
iii) consider the conservation principal of minimum
intervention, even though it is hardly appropriate for
a re-building project. In order to upgrade the
facilities, it was necessary to comply with the latest
services and law requirement such as fire fighting
equipment, accessibility and facilities for disabled
people, mechanical and electrical system, sewerage
and piping facilities, stage facilities etc.

2.3 Construction Period

The initial work of the building reinstatement started in August, Figure 7: Applying layers of bonding agent Nittobond EP’
2001 when the building teams were appointed. The entire
project took almost a year (initial concept to hand over) and the Ninety percent of the existing concrete elements surfaces were
construction period was 4 months and 3 weeks (handing over in covered with soot mark and they required to be cleaned.
August 2002). The entire project cost was estimated of about Appropriate methods of cleaning were used. At the beginning,
Ringgit Malaysia 13.8 million. The building was officially water jetting system was used to the entire surfaces (See Figure
launched for its second time on 20th August 2002 by the 8). It was found that the soot mark were embedded into the
Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad surfaces and difficult to remove especially at certain elements
Badawi. and remote area such as concrete fins, slab soffits, staircases
and foyer areas. The second part of cleaning was applied, using
scrappers, sponge and a metal hard brush, by scrubbing it
manually. Very little Liquid Organic Cleaner (LOC) was used
to enhance the process (See Figure 9).

Figure 11: Completed new roof finishes

b) Second Stage – Architectural, Interior Design & Services


The important architectural features in DTC were retained and

Figure 8: Water jetting the original design maintained. The main foyer area, the
granite flooring, facades and slab soffits, the services and
mezzanine level, spiral staircases and concrete handrails were
retained (See Figure 12 and Figure 13).

Figure 9: Manual cleaning of soot marks.

The entire pitched roof over the great hall was replaced with Figure 12: Replacing the broken granite floors.
new steel frame and water-proof roof membrane). The design
basically reflected the original design with several
improvements in terms of acoustic, structural strength and
quality (Refer to Figure 10 & Figure 11).

Figure 13: Refining the existing concrete handrails.

The Interior Design Work was based on the new requirements

for new services systems and facilities in order to ensure that
Figure 10: New roof trusses installation
DTC can cater for all functions required to be held in the 3. ISSUE AND PROBLEMS
building such as convocation ceremony, musical and stage
performances, conferences and seminars, as well as Conservation project is still a new phenomenon in the local
examinations hall. The design input from all consultants architectural scene. This project was successfully done as it
involved ensured that the new standard established for the hall achieved the client’s aim to hold the important ceremony of the
could be satisfied. This included the reconstruction of a bigger 2002 convocation ceremony on time. The approach on the
stage area with additional features such as extended and building reconstruction considerations objective was different
movable stage, new durable timber flooring system, timber from normal construction since it involved existing/old
windows with double glazing system, new design for toilets building. The project also had a very tight time constraint.
facilities, relocating the audio-visual room, and better facilities Some equipments and materials were unable to be delivered on
added to the hall such as the ramp, new changing areas, new time. Certain elements had to be replaced with products or
electrical and mechanical system, built-in-fitments and materials that were available at the time required to replace the
furniture (see figure 14). actual specifications.

Figure 14: View of the new stage

Figure 16: Assessment of ramp design during construction.
For the foyer area, the main features were retained with minor
intervention of the areas. Improving and repairing works were With close monitoring and constant guidance from all the
done including replacing damaged timber framed and broken project consultants, the project contractors and workers
glass windows and doors, new M&E system with fire developed a very good understanding of the work involved and
protection facilities (sprinklers), repairing the concrete wall improved the construction methods and procedures (See Figure
finishes and adding new features for exhibition proposes. At 16). The project was also required efficient site management
the exterior part of the building, upgrading the facilities for and close supervision during the entire work. The success of the
disabled and pavements layouts and a new landscaping was project was largely attributed to close supervision and high
designed to complement the building (See Figure 15). spirit of teamwork among the consultants, contractors,
University of Malaya top management and the internal
development and maintenance department (see figure 17 &
figure 18).

Figure 15: Additional accessible ramp for the disable.

Figure 17: Consultants’ site visit

Figure 19: The perspective view of DTC

A.B. Abqhari Enterprise (2002) Pendokumentasian (Proses

Kerja) Peringkat Pertama Dewan Tunku Canselor, Universiti
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (unpublished report)
Chen, F.V.(1988) The Encyclopedia of Malaysia Architecture,
Archipelago Press, Kuala Lumpur
DPI Konsult Sdn. Bhd (2001)Structural Assessment of Dewan
Tunku Canselor, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Damaged
by Fire (unpublished report)
Hamilton, Zuraini M.A. & Rodiah Z. (2002) Building
Appraisal After Fire Report on Dewan Tunku Canselor,
University of Malaya (unpublished report)
University of Malaya (1965), The 16th Annual Report (1964-
University of Malaya (1967), The 18th Annual Report (1966-
Figure 18: The top management’s site visit University of Malaya (1969), The Twentieth Annual Report
Conducting weekly technical meetings and biweekly University of Malaya (1999), The 50th Annual Report (1999)
consultants and contractors meetings on-site throughout the
project were very important in order to keep track of the work
schedules and to solve technical problems on site. Record and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
documentation approach was implemented in this project to
monitor the work in progress. Documentation was properly 1. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Hashim Yaakob, Current Vice Chancellor of
done before, during and after it was completed in order to University of Malaya
record the entire construction process for future references. 2. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Anuar Zaini Md. Zain, Former Vice
Chancellor of University of Malaya & Prof. Madya Dr.
4. CONCLUSION Hamzah Abdul Rahman, Former Deputy Vice Chancellor of
JPPHB, University of Malaya
The conservation and rehabilitation work of the Dewan Tunku 3. Mr. Abdul Hadi Ahmad, Head Engineer of JPPHB, Mr.
Canselor has posed a great challenge to many, particular to Mohd Sabri Tajuddin, Head Engineer of M&E and all the
those directly involved in the conservation of University of JPPHB staff involved especially Mr. Azehar Bahari and Mr.
Malaya alma-meter. It has exemplified positive efforts by the Muzammil.
top management of University of Malaya in conserving a 4. Mr. Mohd Rosmadi Hassan, Mr. Zamri Mohd Ramli, Mr..
notable and heritage buildings for future posterity and historical Mohd Jefri Zaini, Major Zainal & Mr. Azri Hisham– Mas
development. The successful rehabilitation of the Dewan Othman Associates (Architects)
Tunku Canselor project has breathed new life and hope for 5. Mr. Shafaizi Hj. Fae & Mr. Zubaidi – Q-Tech (QS
future buildings such as this to retain their authenticity. A Consultants)
proposal to have a gallery and exhibition areas in the building 6. Ir. Lee Eng Choy & Mr. Amiroel Reza – DPi Konsult Sdn.
to encourage more educational and research activities, and to Bhd. (Structural Engineers Consultant)
hold further functions is being actively pursued. It is envisaged 7. Datin Wan Salwa Dato’ Wan Mansor & Mrs. Aloya –
that the rehabilitation of DTC would rally more interest and eModus Sdn. Bhd. (Interior Consultant)
support for conservation within University of Malaya and the 8. Mr. Eddie Ng & Mr. Yin – Juru & Teras Bersekutu Sdn.
nation. Bhd. (Acoustic Consultant)
9. Mr. Burhanuddin Sairi, Mr. Mohd Yazi Jein & Mr. Azizan
Ahmad Marzuki – A.B. Abqhari Enterprise (1st Contractor)
10. Mr. Tayap Samsuri, En. Richard Tan, Mr. Onn Hashim –
Sunissa Sdn. Bhd. (2nd Contractor)
11. Prof. Ezrin Arbi, Mrs. Rodiah Zawawi, Mr. Rahmat
Bayudi, Asso. Prof. Saari Omar & Miss Naziaty Mohd.
Yaacob, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya.
(Conservation and Accessibility Consultants)
12. Prof. William N. Hamilton, Building Surveyor, University
Technology of MARA (Building Appraisal after Fire
13. Students Department of Building Surveying, Faculty of
Built Environment, University of Malaya.

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