Ibrary: Choice Astrological Aphorisms
Ibrary: Choice Astrological Aphorisms
Ibrary: Choice Astrological Aphorisms
This copy is for personal study only, it may be printed once and may
not be distributed in any way or for any reason, or published in any
form without the permission of The Tradition Library.
Written during a prolonged illness, William Lilly passes on his great understanding
and knowledge of the art in order that the astrology he had recovered some thirty
years before should survive him. Written towards the end of his life, this teaching
becomes the more important and should be closely studied.
These aphorisms constitute, in modern terminology, a master class; they are Lilly’s
own teachings. He provides a list of steps to be taken in the judgement of world
events – Mundane astrology – interspersed with his teachings regarding the more
esoteric or occult facet of the art. Comments regarding essential dignities, fixed
stars, eclipses, comets, angels and revelations are to be found here and nowhere
else. It is a remarkable piece of instruction for us who suffer from the loss of oral
transmission of astrological knowledge.
Sue Ward
Choice Astrological Aphorisms not hitherto published by any person, wherein is briefly
comprehended the whole Mystery of Annual Judgments of Mundane Affairs, now freely
communicated to all grateful and industrious Sons of Art,
by the Author William Lilly.
2. He must also have a certain Epoche or Radix from whence to derive, first his
greater Judgment, secondly his lesser Judgment, when he intends a serious
3. The Artist must know how to vary the Planets significations according to the
year wherein he writes, having still a regard to the grand Epoche of superior
Conjunctions or Comets preceding.
4. He should (if possible) attain the true time or positive Ascendant of the King or
Prince, in whose Dominions he shall write, and the Ascendant of that Kingdom
or Principality, as also the Ascendants (if they may be obtained) of most of the
great Cities and Towns Corporate therein, and the Nativities of those Officers
who are in most Authority, or regulate the then present Affairs under their
Prince, as also the Nativities of most Christian Kings, or of all Europe, with the
Direction each King hath operating every year, &c.
5. Of Epoche’s or Radices the Astrologer ought seriously to consider the first great
Conjunction of the superior Planets, Saturn and Jupiter, when they leave one
Trigon, and enter another, and curiously observe the main design of that
Conjunction, and how it agreeth with that present time, or what material
change is in any Nation, or what new Dominion, &c.
6. Every succeeding Conjunction, from the first to the last, or unto that time the
Astrologer writes, and more especially that Conjunction which last preceded
the time of his writing, ought to be warily considered, and also how it differs
essentially from the first Conjunction either in unity or discordancy.
7. The several Conjunctions of Saturn and Mars, and Jupiter and Mars succeeding
the last Conjunction of the Superiors, and either lately preceding, or presently
succeeding the time of the Artists writing, must be carefully observed in
Judgments; for the great Conjunctions may aptly be compared to a Tree, and the
lesser Conjunctions to the Branches.
8. The true place, viz. sign and degree in the Zodiack of any New Star, Comet, Stella
Crinita, or Miraculous Apparition, ought to be had (if possibly it may be obtained.)
If the degree cannot be procured, yet the sign wherein any such Phænomena
appears, must assuredly be known, and as near the degree thereof as may be. For
though Philosophy and Philosophers teach us, that Comets have a matter or Ethereal
substance, of which they are created, yet those Learned men wanting Angelical
conversation, are deceived. For how should it come to pass, that a rude Matter
from which they say Comets are derived or created, should put the Comet into
such or such a form, and cause it to be either Direct or Retrograde, or the Tail thereof
to be of one colour in some Comet, and different in others, of such a magnitude,
form, or length, and to vary in motion to the several quarters of the Heavens,
where the effects do ever most certainly succeed either for good or ill? Therefore
the secret Learning of which few of the Ancients had any knowledge is most to
be adhered unto, but rarely to be communicated to Mankind; but this is obiter.
10. Consideration ought to be had (in judging of general Accidents of the World)
what fixed Stars of the first or second Magnitude are near the place of any
greater or lesser Conjunction or Comet, Stella Crinita, or unusual Apparition, and
whether their Destination or Latitude be North or South, as also the colour is to
be observed, and what little fixed Stars are near them, with the Constellation or
Constellations these Apparitions possess: In these things great circumspection
and care ought to be taken.
11. Nor are the Secundian Intelligences, viz. what Angel then governs, to be omitted
in consideration, for the judging of future Events, as to search when he began
his Dominion, and how many years since his Government; for there is a very
great Mystery in this; Tritemius his mensuration of time in those matters, doth
excel all that I have seen, and it doth concur with the Opinion of the most
Learned Rabbins; but they were too much superstitious in their application.
His Measure or Limitation of time was deduced from certain or assured
Revelations, other mens conceits are only conjectural, and have no true affinity
with verity or experience. Herein the true understanding of the Assignation of
the Planets and Signs to particular Kingdoms and Countries, or Communities of
Mankind, will much avail in giving Judgment.
12. Now in order it follows, that the Astrologian do also consider the Essential
Fortitudes of the Planets, the Superiors especially; for all those Planets that are
below the Sun, viz. Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, do not occasion any great
Mutation in the World, they do sometimes for a while put great Actions
forward, and at other times retard them, but always without violence.
13. In the Consideration of Essential Fortitudes in some matters, the House of a Planet
ought to be preferred before the Exaltation. For this is certain, that Matters,
Things, Governments erected when the principal Significator is in his House or
Mansion, do endure longer, and more firmly, than when the Significator at the
time shall be posited in his Exaltation; for then those matters, viz. new erecting
a Government, City, Family, &c. do continue but for a short time with much
pride and conceited estimation and Fame, &c. rather than sober reality.
14. As in taking the Fortitudes of the Planets, great care ought to be had, so their
Debilities must be observed with no less care and prudence; wherein I advise
you to beware of the Effects or Influence of a Planet when he is in his detriment,
rather than when he is in his Fall. For a Planet in his detriment is like a person
cast out of all his Estate without hopes of Recovery, whereas the Fall shews
but a present subjection unto a misfortune with hopes of Recovery; but these
things are only introductory.
15. Above all things, let the Artist rather judge by the strength of his reason, guided
by Art, upon the Configurations of the Planets, than by ill digested Aphorisms
laid down by some Authors, which if not judiciously applied in Judgments,
rarely hit the white, or speak the truth; and therefore ‘twas judiciously written
by Ptolomy, a te & Scientia.
16. Be conversant in precedent Histories, and therein observe either the great
happinesses or calamities that have befallen any Kingdom, Country, or People,
and in what year they manifested themselves; then also observe what Planet
in those times was most potent or essentially dignified, or the contrary, what
Comet or Blazing-star preceded, and the Sign it appeared in, what greater or
minor Conjunction was then in force, also what Eclipses, &c. and accordingly
frame a Judgment, &c.
17. It is observable, that Calamity or Misery never afflicts any people, but Saturn
hath a strong hand in it; peace and plenty proceed in a natural way from the
Influence of Jupiter, Commotions from Saturn, the Moon, and Mars, Wars from
Mars and the Sun.
18. The Lunations preceding the Change and Full-Moon concurring with the Figure
of the Change and Full-Moon near the time of any great and notable Transit, or
eminent Conjunction or Opposition of the superior Planets put Designs then on
foot into present Action, and with much secrecy, if it have signification in the
Change; but publickly and openly, if those Configurations happen at or near
the Full Moon, and the figure thereof correspond as aforesaid.
19. The Sings of the Zodiack are seriously to be observed; for Aries is violent,
Libra is moderate, Cancer is sudden, Capricorn is slow, Taurus is heavy, Gemini
is nimble, Leo is valiant, Virgo is barbarous, Scorpio is false, Sagittarius manly,
Aquarius sober, Pisces cowardly. Of all the Signs in the Zodiack, Cancer is the
most impetuous as to Commotions and shedding of Blood without mercy, for
in that Sign Hercules and the two Dog-stars are located.
20. Great Actions are usually presignified by the superior Planets 7, 6, 5 , and
[?], and petty matters by the three Inferiors 4, 3, and the 2. Saturn in Aries
denotes high matters transacted with fear and care; in Taurus with great labour
and to no effect; in Gemini with much speech to little purpose, &c. an ingenious
Artist will find out the rest.
21. There is in the Art of Astrology (which some ignorant persons are pleased to
vilifie) Arcanum quoddam equivalent to Prophecy; but so distributed to man by
the Almighty, that he cannot easily communicate his knowledge or conceptions
therein to another, and yet it is attainable by prayer and the assistance of the
Divine Genius.
22. When and at what time the Divine Genius invites or secretly prompts the
Understanding to curious Notions, observe that time, (viz. the Ascendant
of the Figure of Heaven for that moment) and how the Moon applies; for
whatever concerns those Notions must be farther agitated, written, or studied
when the Moon is in a Sextil, or rather a Trine Aspect to that Sign she was in
at that time, and if possible, with the Planet who was then Patron or proper
Significator of those conceptions, and this is something near attaining Prophecy,
if rightly understood. Above all things serve God: Astrology is attainable by prayer
and industry, especially by such a person that hath a natural propensity to the study
thereof. These Notions were write [writ] without any assistance or inspection of
a Book, and will bear or require a Commentary thereupon.