Bladesong Champion Fighter Substitution
Bladesong Champion Fighter Substitution
Bladesong Champion Fighter Substitution
Dedicated elf warriors take their craft seriously enough to have created a uniquely elven fighting
style. Unlike the martial arts of other races, the elven fighting style, also known as the bladesong,
emphasizes beauty and economy of movement over sheer destructive power. However, the elven
bladesong is deceptively dangerous, for all its seeming gentleness and apparent grace.
Hit Die: d10.
To take a Bladesong Champion substitution level, a character must be an elf or half-elf and about
to take his or her 1st, 3rd, or 4th level of fighter. In addition, a bladesong champion may never
share or teach a non-elf this fighting- style, including Drow (they have fighting styles of their own).
Elves make no exception to this rule, even for those who have proven themselves eternal friends
to the elves or even those who have married into the elven life.
Class Skills
A Bladesong Champion has the same selection of class skills as a standard fighter does, plus Bluff
and Perform (any).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All the following are features of the Bladesong Champion substitution levels.
Elven Weapon Finesse (Ex): A bladesong champion gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at
1st level even if he or she does not qualify for the feat. In addition, a bladesong champion may
apply the feat’s benefits when wielding longswords.
This substitution feature replaces the Fighter’s standard proficiency with heavy and medium
armor, and all shields.
Reflexive Grace (Ex): A bladesong champion uses the good base save bonus progression for
Reflex saves and poor base save bonus progression for Fortitude saves. This change applies to
every fighter level the elf takes thereafter. (In effect, switch the Fortitude Save and Reflex Save
bonuses listed at any and all fighter levels the character takes).
Armored Comfort (Ex): A 3rd-level bladesong champion has gained enough experience that
they can fasten their armor in such a way that fits more comfortably on them, allowing a greater
range of movement and flexibility. When wearing light armor, they reduce the armor check
penalty by -2 and reduce arcane spell failure by 10%. A bladesong champion only gains this
benefit if they are not wearing medium or heavy armor and not using a shield.
Precise Strike (Ex): A 4th-level bladesong champion makes even greater use of their naturally
heightened Dexterity. They apply their Dexterity bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in
addition to any Strength bonus they may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other one-
handed weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat, such as a rapier or whip. Targets
immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the bladesong champion’s precise strike. A
bladesong champion only gains this benefit if they are not wearing medium or heavy armor and
not using a shield.
This substitution feature replaces the Fighter’s standard bonus fighter feat they receive at 4th