Chapter I TPW
Chapter I TPW
Chapter I TPW
In education, there are some supported components that can lead students to
successful and reach their dreams. Those are teachers, students, curriculum, facilities and
infrastructure, and society. Teacher is a one of the important component of it. Pullias,
Young, and Weinstein (as cited in Daud, 2006) argued that a teacher has some roles,
those are as a teacher, as an educator, as adviser and supervisor, and also as a student
model. Teacher’s responsibilities are not to teach the students, but also educate,
supervise, facilitate, and become a someone who loved by their student. Moreover, it is
explained by Syaodih (as cited in Mudri, 2010) that teacher has important roles in
planning and implementing of teaching and learning process. The most important of
teacher in education is that the teacher must have a good quality and capability.
The act of Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 year 2003 about National
Education System, Verse 42 (2003: 28) is an effort to improve the quality of teachers as
well as to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This Act explained about
become Indonesian teachers, they should have good qualification and certifications, and
be stable physically and mentally to fulfill Indonesia’s educational purposes. There are
many methods that can be done to create a good and professional teacher, for example
environmental class. Student teacher will try to be a teacher from the preparation,
learning process and evaluation. The goal of this chance is to prepare, develop and
improve the quality of graduate student teachers who meet the standards of professional
competence. Knight (as cited in Hasibuan and Moedjiono, 2010) argued that trough
Microteaching students will be trained in some basic skills, which are: Skill in the
opening and closing lessons, asking skills, delivering material, skills in using a variety of
learning, giving feedback, managing class, discuss development and skills in using the
media. While the practicum is applied learning to give students practical experience in
teaching and practicing interact with teachers in the school. Implementation of the
program aims to build courage practicum student teacher in teaching and applying the
education students in university, which includes, teaching and improving our skills of
student who has a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior patterns necessary for
the profession as well as proficient and appropriate use in the provision of education and
teaching. So, when you want to become a professional teacher, it needs enough
has advantages not also for English Language Education students. But, it is for institution,
implemented for student teacher so they can develop their skills as a teacher and get an
opportunity to implement their knowledge. Later on, the institution also gets benefit from
this practice, improving their academic quality and gives a new innovation for the
evaluating are needed to find out effectiveness of the program. So, can help the English
Language Education students become professional teachers. Thus, this research aims to
help English Language Education Department in every university to monitoring the result
and evaluation the role, quality and effectiveness of the teaching practice program. This
for sixth semester students. The students do the teaching practice program senior high
schools in Malang which is selected by the institution. It is usually held for two months
and their teaching practices based on predetermined schedule by school. Yet, this
pandemic of Coronavirus force student teacher make other plan to do this Teaching
Practice Prorgram. This program will conduct in Online, which is the student teacher
gives a material, explanation and teach in virtual learning. So, this is why researcher
conduct a research about the effectiveness of Teaching Practice Program on Virtual
This paper will focus on several issues; the first is how Teaching Practice Program
can support teaching skills of English Language Education students batch 2017, and the
support teaching skills of English Language Education. The purpose of the study in this
case is to know about how Teaching Practice Program during Virtual Learning can
support teaching skills of English Language Education students batch 2017 and also
Through this research I will get some types of questions which related with
2. How can the Teaching Practice Program on Virtual learning support their teaching
The results of this research will give an understanding to me and the others
English Language Education student about the role and benefits of the implementation of
Teaching Practice Program, participants can offer their opinion about all that they get
during the activity.
In this research, the researcher wants to clarify by giving definitions to some terms of the
research title to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity among readers. The definition of
understanding about opinion or believe about technology that is used to improve their
b. Teaching Practice Program is the period of time when you as a student teacher get
and/or the internet both outside and inside the facilities of the educational organization.