The Orion Lines Solving The Nazca Lines

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The Orion Lines

Solving The Nazca Lines & The Secrets To The Stars

By Rev. Ryushin Sean Malone

To my father, Kobutsu Malone.
Thank you for teaching me the way. True man, no rank. You were always there for me no matter what.
May the truth burn brighter and brighter each and every day. I love you my father, you were my best friend.
Where are you now?
To the woman who won my heart, Emma.
For my mother, Maggie, my brother, Ian, and stepfather, Bo.
A special thank you to Jeff for making this book possible.
A very special thank you to all of my supports.
This is for anyone willing to seek the truth as it is.



The truth is worth more than money, Ryushin

The Nazca Lines Map created by UNESCO World Heritage Center 1994 – 3 main points 5/28/2018 Ryushin
The Nazca Lines are hundreds of intelligently drawn lines in the middle of the Nazca Peru desert. They are allegedly over 2,000 years
old, if not older. They stretch across the desert for 132 miles. They are accompanied by geoglyphs or pictograms within the lines. It
is said that aborigines drew them. This map was created in 1994 by The World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
In March of 2018, I printed out the map and put them on my desk. The next day, I picked them up and circled the three main points
and instantly knew it was the star constellation Orion. Although I was wrong about the first configuration, I was correct with-it being
Orion. That day, I renamed them “The Orion Lines” because that’s what they truly were. It would take me 5 models, a year and a
week in order to get the correct configuration.

The Orion Lines Theory 6/7/2019 Ryushin Malone
The Orion Lines are a three-dimensional star map representing The Orion Group's territory markings. They are to ward off other
extraterrestrials as to who’s planet this is or was, Orion’s. We just happen to be right in the middle of their territory. The Orion
Group is allegedly a satanic force who takes over star system throughout The Galaxy, if not The Universe. You have to be looking
from the prospective of being behind the star constellation Orion, looking through Orion to our sun, Sol and then the three-star
constellation behind Sol, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo. What I did was take a picture of the star constellation Orion and flipped it
horizontal, then placed the Nazca Lines on top of The Orion star constellation. I completed this map on June 7 th, 2019.
Voyager Sol star pulsar map NASA – Connection 4/4/2019 Ryushin
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and what this told me was that they knew it was Orion this whole time. This is
where they got our sun’s pulsar map from and why they put it on the haul of the Voyager spacecraft. It also means that the middle
of The Orion Lines is definitely our sun Sol and is correct.

The Nazca Lines Pulsar map compard to The Voyager Golden Record Pulsar map

The Orion Correlation Theory by Robert Baural - Correct orientation of The Milkyway Galaxy 4/20/2019 Ryushin
If The Orion Lines are how the aliens view up and down, then there is a correct orientation to The Milkyway Galaxy.

The symbol for Earth actually comes from The Orion Group’s territory markings.

Connection Ryushin

Screen shot from

Connection 3/10/2019 Ryushin
I have solved The Star Compass in Kawaihae, Hawaii and renamed it the Rigel Star Compass. They are territory marking of the star
Rigel in the Orion constellation.

As above, So Below by Paul D. Burley – Adrenochrome Harvest Clock 8/21/2018 realized by Ryushin
I have solved Stonehenge. Stonehenge was actually an Adrenochrome Harvest clock used to do human sacrifice in reverence to
Orion. This is why there is something called ”the slaughter stone” at the site. What I believe what would happen is, when the sun
fell between the heel stone, Orion would show up to collect their offering that night. The people worshiping them were bringing
foreigners there to be sacrificed.
This is why Stonehenge was partially destroyed because The People found out what they were doing, worshiping “Gods” by offering
them Human Beings to eat. This is also why Stonehenge was rebuilt in 1901 out of respect for Orion.

The Orion Correlation Theory by Robert Baural
This is why the Egyptian pyramids align to Orion’s belt because the people from Orion built them to harvest The Nile River.
Considering that The Orion Group is in fact a reality, this means The Alpha Draconian are also real.

Hydronium Reactor Theory Ryushin 3/10/20 - Connection Ryushin - Realization Ryushin 
I have solved The Great Pyramids of Giza. On December 19 2018, a gigantic pyramid shaped craft appeared over The Pentagon in
Washington D.C. We have three different prospective of the craft on video. It was the very same craft that appeared over the
Kremlin in 2009. As soon as I knew they actually had this type of vehicle, I instantly thought of the movie Stargate. When I looked
up the blueprints to the great pyramid, I immediately knew it was a water well and that they were water harvesting the Neil river.
They were processing H2O and ionizing it creating H3O also known as hydronium to fuel their craft.
It is also reasonable to assume that this is The All-Seeing-Eye. Either they are Orion or Draco, we have a need to know.

Water Ionization, H3O also known as hydronium.

Realization Ryushin
I have also figured out that Thuban is The Alpha Draconian home star. This is why one of the shafts aligns to Thuban in The Draco

Image Google Maps - Discovery 10/29/2018 Ryushin 
I found Orion carved into the Earth on The Big Island of Hawaii. Alakaha, Hawaii.

2015 Neo Grand Canyon Formation Theory Orion Alignment Lee Bracker
Is the Grand Canyon in Arizona in the shape of Orion? It’s possible.

Connection Unknown 
The actual foundation or footprint of The World Trade Center is in the shape of Orion’s belt. You will soon discover that The Elite of
The World have been not only worshiping Orion for thousands of years, but actually work for them. This is why Orion is in almost
every aspect of our culture.

Connection 11/7/2019 Ryushin
I have discovered that The Nazi Death Marches, the pathway leading to the death camps are in the shape of Orion. Why? Because
they were trading with Orion, Human Beings as a food and drug source, Adrenochrome for technology since the 1930s. This is how
the Nazis got their hands on the UFO technology. It’s in the shape of Orion as an homage to Orion. I believe this was payback for
Moses taking the Jewish people from Egypt 5,000 years prior under Orion’s rule.
I have also discovered that The US Government used tax-payers money to build the identical railway system in the heart of America
in secret underground. Why? Because, The USA did not win World War 2. They lost in Antarctica when Admiral Byrd took the
entire Pacific fleet there to flush out the remaining Nazi forces called Operation High Jump in 1947. When they got down there, they
were attacked by Nazi UFOs and ET UFOs and lost.

Image United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Orion Realization Ryushin 

The Secret Underground Railroads in America

The Movie “Missing 411” map aligned to The Secret Underground Railroads in America

2020 Earthquakes and The Secret Underground Railroads in America
What happened? They had to bring “them,” the Human eating aliens here in order to attack them using The Looking Glass quantum time viewing device.

From Stan Romanek’s Orion alien abductions, they gave him their address. We now know what their solar system looks like.

Connection Ryushin
Nazca Lines over the planetary map.

Images and
In the Summer of 2017, Gaia TV released The Nazca Alien Mummies to the world. At first, I was in disbelief considering all of the
fakes out there but as soon as I saw the x-rays, I knew they were real. They found two different species, three 2-foot-tall small
creatures and one 5-foot-tall creature.
Yes, they all have been DNA tested and the results are that they are 32% Human DNA. A fruit fly is 98% Human DNA. This means
they are not from here.

Images - King Akhenaten connection to Nazca Alien Mummies & King Akhenaten connection to Mayan Tablet - Connection 7/25/2017 Ryushin
A week after their release, on July 25th, 2017, I was watching a documentary on Egypt called The Empowered Human when I saw a
picture of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti sitting with the same species of alien beings. It was just more evidence that they are
in fact real, and I believe they are “Aten.” The one true God, the sun God. Are they God? I am not sure, but the evidence is leaning
in this direction. Why are they called the sun God? I believe because their vehicles look like little sun, balls of energy.
I also discovered a tablet depicting the same image of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti in the Mayan culture. Were King
Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti in South America with these alien beings? It’s quite possible.

Screen shot Netflix - Realization Ryushin 
This picture was taken at the moment of realization for confirmation. They are the same species.


- King Akhenaten & “Dead alien found in Russia” connection to Nazca Alien Mummies - Connection Ryushin
I discovered that not only were they here thousands of years ago, but video evidence called “Alien found dead in the snow, Russia,”
are the same 2-foot-tall species of aliens, meaning they are still here today. Yes, they are grey.

Images - Sumerian Cylinder Seals connection to Nazca Alien Mummies & “Dead alien found in Russia” - Connection Ryushin

I also discovered them depicted all throughout history. This is from the Sumerian culture. These beings or Gods were not giants.
They were persecuting the little grey aliens that NASA calls ”Tiny Super Intelligent Alien Beings.” This other group of alien beings
brought them to heel taking over Earth.

Images - Babylonian cylinder seal connection to Nazca Alien Mummies- Connection Ryushin
This is an image of Moloch in Babylon. The image is called “Child Sacrifice,” but they are not children.

Sumerian connection to Nazca Alien Mummies - Connection Ryushin
There have obviously been many extraterrestrial wars here on Earth, over Earth and the entire Human race.

Connection Ryushin
These tiny super intelligent alien beings are a part of almost every past culture throughout all known history. The truth is, we’ve
been lied to about alien beings but why? We are simply a slave race. Slavery never ended. We are their slaves and we are also their
food and drug source, Adrenochrome living obliviously on their planet.
I believe it is possible that these tiny super intelligent alien beings hail from Sirius B. I say this because the Dogon tribe from Africa
knew that they come from Sirius B and they wear the little beings on their headpieces.

Hittites connection to The Buddha & Nazca Alien Mummies- Connection Ryushin
I have also discovered The Buddha sitting with the “Gods” in The Hittites culture 1600BC. Obviously, they were aware of The
Buddha. I believe that the man and woman are hold one of the tiny super intelligent alien beings to show the people.

Sumerian to Egypt, Egypt to Mayan connection - Connection 2/11/2019 Ryushin
This is The Sumerian to Egyptian and then Egyptian to Mayan connection. Simply these cultures are all connected in one way or

Egypt to Mayan connection - Connection 1/6/2019 Ryushin
It’s clear to me that these tiny super intelligent alien beings were also eating Human Beings from the depiction below of the taller
alien beings Adrenochrome Harvesting their own kind. Were they cannibals as well? The evidence is undeniable.
Images - Connection Ryushin
The middle image is one of The Nazca Alien Mummies they called Maria. I connected her to an image found on the internet while
collecting evidence. They are the same species based on appearance. I have also discovered the same species from the video
entitled “EBE 1992 Eiger.” They can be viewed at

Images and - Connection Ryushin

Images - Connection Ryushin
From Phil Schneider's encounter with aliens while building a military underground base in Dulce, NM, he said that one of the aliens
rubbed it chest and a blue beam came out and stuck him. He said the force was electrical. From the implants that these aliens have,
it is reasonable to assume, that they are energy weapons. It‘s also direct evidence that Phil was telling The People the truth.

Images – Realization Ryushin
The reason why their hands were removed from their bodies was to render their weapons inoperable. Maybe a possible Human
rebellion? Maybe an extraterrestrial war? I believe that The Nazca Alien Mummies were stranded and sought shelter then died in
the cave they were found in.

Images & New York Post article
In November of 2018, after a year of every major news reporter, scientist, ufologist and ancient astronaut theorist ignoring my
claims, I decided to start attacking them with the thousands of images and videos of alien beings I had collected. I sent out 200,000
tweets in 8 months. Two weeks after the initial attack, NASA responded with news articles, December 4 th, 2018, “Tiny Super
Intelligent Alien Beings may have visited Earth and Humans simply didn’t notice them.” Unfortunately, they did not include a picture
or a reference as to WHICH tiny super intelligent alien beings they were referring to. I, however, did because I was attacking them
with the images of The Nazca Alien Mummies weeks before this claim was made.

Images and - Ryushin Malone’s deleted twitter account 2018

Images and - Ryushin Malone’s deleted twitter account 2018

New York Post article 12/4/2018 – NASA to ryushin email 1/16/2020

They were referring to The Nazca Alien Mummies and NASA seems to have no idea what I'm talking about. Not too many intelligent
people working at NASA, which is no surprise considering the whole program is actually a coverup operation.

I wrote every ancient astronaut theorist, news reporter, ufologist regarding all of my discoveries with no reply. Why?

Connection Unknown 
This is The Sumerian Gods placing the pineal gland into the tree of life. It means that we were made and that the pineal gland
results in intelligent thought, spiritual connectivity and the alien knew this information.

Connection Unknown 

Sumerian Realization Ryushin
The branches they are carrying are branches of the tree of life. I believe it was actually a part of their species being incorporated
into the Human Being.
Aztec to Sumerian Seed Connection Ryushin
I have solved what was in the bags. They were seeds. I figured that out from the Aztec drawing of man dressed like a god pouring
seeds into the ground. It is reasonable to suggest that they are seeds due to the pineal gland being placed into the tree of life and
this is how they were creating life on Earth. They seeded The Earth with life, Humans, animals and plants.
Seed Realization Ryushin

Realization Ryushin
I believe that the weapons this God is using are dorjes. The most powerful weapon in the universe, the weapon of mind.

Sumerian Trantaloid Realization Ryushin
This is a Trantaloid, an insect like being obviously under arrest. I believe it was under arrest for DNA harvesting or Adrenochrome

Sumerian Realization Ryushin
I believe this is a communicator device to talk with different species of alien beings.
Realization Unknown
The atom bomb is alien technology.
Connection Unknown

Mayan Adrenochrome Harvest Realization Ryushin
This is a carving of aliens Adrenochrome Harvesting a Human Being. Yes, they have been eating Human Beings for thousands of
years. They are the true source of Human sacrifice and why Human sacrifice was being performed.

Realization Ryushin
1561 celestial "phenomenon" over Nuremberg, Germany.  #TheAdrenochromeWar I call it. The cigar shaped craft are The
Adrenochrome Harvesting ships and The Energy Ball vehicles are The Positive beings fighting over Earth and Humanity. I know their
harvesting ships are cigar shaped from the movie Fire In The Sky. They changed Travis Walton’s story to show Humanity how
they’ve been Adrenochrome Harvesting Human Beings for real.
Realization Ryushin
I believe it is possible that the reason why these beings were depicted as animals wasn’t because that’s what they looked like, but
because it was the species of origin.

Realization Ryushin
What really happened.

Image Google maps - Discovery Ryushin
This is one of my first discoveries, The 12 Pedaled Flower which I renamed The Emma Watson Flower.
I believe it is the 12 constellations coming together and creating Human Beings, hence why The White House is in the middle of the
flower. I think it maybe The Flower of Life but not sure. Obviously, The Free Mason’s would know.

Image Google maps - Possible Connection Ryushin

I believe that the symbol maybe the same as the Samarian Gods wristband.

Image Poor Richard's Almanac, 1733 - Connection Ryushin
The image on the right came from Ben Franklin’s book 1733 Poor Richards Almanac. I believe they had knowledge as to which parts
of the Human Beings came from where in the 12 constellations.
Realization Ryushin 
I also believe that Humanity was gifted electricity to Ben Franklin by extraterrestrials. On the night of his experiment, he is always
depicted with someone helping him.

Realization Ryushin
Electricity was a gift to Humanity.

Realization Ryushin 
The Free Mason’s were gifted their tools by extraterrestrials. This is why they worship their tools.

Realization Ryushin 

Connection Ryushin
They built The Philadelphia Museum of Art in the shape of The Tree of Life. There is something buried where the “mystery” is under
the steps. Anything could be buried there but I believe it maybe one of the tiny super intelligent alien beings. Let’s find out!

Connection Ryushin
The secret societies knew it was Orion this whole time.

Realization Ryushin
I believe these balls maybe what the extraterrestrial spacecraft actually look like.

Chet Hanks, Tom Hanks’s son, exposes the entire illuminati telling us that They knew the “All Seeing Eye” comes from Orion.

Realization Ryushin
The Washington Monument aligns to the star constellation Draco for 12 minutes. At that same exact time, The US Air Force
Memorial aligns to Orion’s belt. This means that the entire Human societal structure is and has been under their control without us
knowing, until now.

Realization Ryushin

The US Air Force Memorial in the back of The Pentagon aligns to Orion. Why?

Realization Ryushin

After Nikola Tesla’s death in the 1940s, The FBI confiscated his research under the guilds of “national security” from his Manhattan
apartment. It was said that in 1899, when Tesla first turned on his invention, the radio, he could hear people talking. It was said
that he made contact with them. And at the end of his life, he claimed that he was in communication with extraterrestrials. Why
was Tesla drawing UFOs? Round shaped craft? I believe that they showed Tesla, not only the layout of their vehicles, but their
functionality as well. These images were finally released in December of 2018 and can be viewed on the FBI archive website. Why
hasn’t this been in the news? Because the news is owned by Lord Jacob Rothchild.

This was also in the FBI archive... Was Tesla from Venus? It’s probable.

Realization 7/27/2018 Ryushin
On June 28th, 2018, I realized that the World War 2 holocaust was actually an Adrenochrome harvest, trading Human Beings as food
and drug, Adrenochrome for technology with Orion. I believe it was for revenge on the Jews for leaving Egypt 5,000 years before.
Adrenochrome is a drug created when adrenalin meets oxygen. The aliens and the Elite drink it and it gets them higher than any
other drug in the galaxy. It’s possible that the drug can prolong aging as well.
It made sense considering, why just kill them, when you can kill them in trade for great technology? We have about an hours worth
of video evidence as well as documents of the Nazis having UFOs.
Realization Ryushin
True history revealed. These Elite have been worshiping and working for Orion this whole time. This is how they set up the deal
with Orion. World War 1 and 2 were nothing more than using Germany as a doorstop funded by The Elite to stop the spread of
communist Russia into Europe. This is how Germany stood up 20 years after the First World War because the Elite funded them and
played both sides as well as trading with Orion. It’s absolutely disgusting and absolutely true.

Realization Ryushin

This is the Orion Group‘s symbol. They are also known as The Black Suns. It is said that this symbol is all over ruins in Antarctica.
They knew it was Orion this whole time.

Nazi UFOS leaked

This is Admiral Byrd after Operation High Jump in 1947. I’ve never seen a more defeated man.

Realization Ryushin 

Image leaked
In 1954, Eisenhower made a deal called The Grenada Treaty signing a secret and illegal treaty with the alien beings from Orion
trading Human Beings and cattle for ”medical experiments” for technology. This is why the secret underground railroads in the
heart of America are in the shape of Orion. This is the death of the Elite and the reason why we don’t trade our own people, Human
Beings for a stick of gum. They made the same deal the Nazis made with Orion in World War 2.
This was never about America winning anything or VS The Nazis, or China, or Russia. It has always been about The Elite VS The
People and pitting the people against the people. We just woke up at the end of the fight.

- Orion Connection Ryushin
Image United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
This is why The US built the identical railroads in the shape of Orion as to The Nazi Death Marches. What have they been doing
down there this whole time? CHILD GENOCIDE. They have been Adrenochrome harvesting children in trade for great technology.
That’s exactly what they’ve been doing. Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory at Fort Hood Killeen, Texas.

Image United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Orion Realization Ryushin 

Image United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Connection Ryushin
Image Leaked
They’ve been digging underground in America since the 1970s. Where did 23 trillion dollars go? D.U.M.B.s Deep Underground
Military Bases in the shape of Orion. They built the identical railroads as to the Nazi Death Marches. What have they been doing
down there with our money and behind The Peoples backs? It’s unsettling to say the least. If you don’t feel betrayed, you should
because this is exactly what this is. It’s treason against The People of The World.

Realization Ryushin 
It is said that the “bad aliens” who are very tall, brown colored and smell really bad come from the Mintaka star in Orion’s belt. Is
this true? We should know.

Image NASA Logo - Realization Ryushin 
The real reason why NASA has Orion, Draco, and Pleiadian in their logo isn’t random star constellations. It’s who they are aligned
with. Who they secretly work with behind The Peoples backs.

Image NASA - Orion Connection Ryushin
This is why they named most of their spacecraft Orion. This is Project Orion an interstellar ark purposed in 1950s.

Image NASA - Orion Connection Ryushin
The further designs of Project Orion.

Image NASA - Orion Connection Ryushin
The Apollo Moon mission in the 1960s and 1970s. This is a picture of the Apollo 16 Orion LM 1972.

Image NASA - Orion Connection Ryushin
This is the new Orion spacecraft. It was created in 2014.

The Orion spacecraft on The White House lawn for “Made In America” week.

Screen shot AWE- Orion Connection Ryushin

This is the AWE Orion laser project in the UK.

The Book “Behold A Pale Horse” by William Copper
In William Copper’s book, “Behold A Pale Horse,” he was talking about a CIA Operation called "Orion." Schoolyard shootings to
inflame the antigun lobby. Qanon talks about this as well. I believe it may be possible that part of the agreement was to build the
aliens from Orion an invasion force with taxpayers’ money and Operation Orion was designed to disarm Humanity to make it easier
for Orion to invade. Dr. Greer calls it a “fake alien invasion force.” It doesn’t appear fake from this prospective.

Orion Connection Ryushin
They named everything Orion because that’s who the Elite have been worshipping and working for this whole time behind The
Peoples backs.

TR6 “TELOS” We have video of this flying at night.

Images United State Paton Office
TR-3B ARV Alien Reproduction Vehicle.
Information The Great John Lear
White Horse Mountain, Nevada where the TR-3Bs fly out of.

Connection Ryushin
I’ve typed 11 different species of alien beings from the internet. Yes, they are all real. This means we’ve been lied to. It also means
that there are as many different species of alien beings as there are stars in the sky. It's true.
Connection Ryushin

Connection Ryushin

The Book “Communion” by Whitley Strieber connection to Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek - Connection Ryushin

Connection Ryushin
A common theme in the alien abduction experience, the chest monitor. These are images of peoples alleged encounters with alien

Connection Ryushin
I have connected markings or symbols from a crashed craft in 1953 that matched the C.A.R.E.T. project. They are practically
identical. Not only did I find their written language, but through careful examination of video evidence of alien beings exactly how
they speak. They make bird-like calls. We have 4 different species making bird-like calls on video. They sound like birds.

Connection 5/20/2018 Ryushin
I am the first ufologist to match a UFO picture with another. This is my first and they are practically identical in appearance.

Connection Ryushin

Connection Ryushin
This is how crop circles are made. Orbs bend the wheat using possible antigravity waves. It takes them a matter of moments to
complete an entire crop circle. We have the video evidence.

Connection Ryushin
The craft on the right scanned a group of people in Japan and then disappeared. Cloaking technology. The craft on the left
appeared in Mexico a week later identical to the Japanese siting.

Connection Ryushin

Connection Ryushin

Connection 7/21/2018 Ryushin
Captain Hollanda witness their craft firsthand in 1977, Brazil. In 1997, he came forward to give his account. A few months later
Captain Hollanda was assassinated. His encounter is identical to the Raleigh, NC 2011 UFO captured on video 40 feet away.
It’s the closest video of a UFO The Public has ever seen.

Connection Ryushin
I believe the triangle shaped craft maybe what our future craft actually look like. The image on the left is also known as The
Liquorish Drop, (TLD). It is also said that it is an “alien” spacecraft, not extraterrestrial. This is because the people from the future
look like E.T.s. The craft in the middle images are from Star Trek Voyager the tv series. The military has been secretly putting real
information out to the public in order to prepare us for the truth. The craft on the right was seen in Rendlesham Forest, England in
1980. It made contact with two guards at a US Air Force base who were given information regarding the advancement of Humanity.
The message is as follows, “EXPLORATION OF HUMANITY 666 8100
52.0942532N 13.131269W (Hy Brasil)
26.763177N 89.117768W (Caracal, Belize)
34.800272N 111.843567W (Sedona, Arizona)
29.977836N 31.131649E (Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt)
14.701505S 75.167043W (Nazca Lines in Peru)
36.256845N 117.100632E (Tai Shan Qu, China)
37.110195N 25.372281E (Portal at Temple of Apollo in Naxos, Greece)
ORIGIN 52.0942532N 13.131269W (Hy Brasil)

Realization Ryushin 
These are some of the movies we are actually in.

I believe the video game "Destiny 2" is actually a real-life simulator. The Ringmakers of Saturn is a book stating that there is an
abandoned spacecraft in the rings of Saturn. The game also has mining lines on every planet and moon just like our solar system.

Realization & Connection Ryushin 

Some of them have been eating Human Beings this whole time. They used to do it publicly until we started rebelling.
Adrenochrome Harvesting.

Adrenochrome Harvesting Realization & Connection Ryushin 
The true origin of human sacrifice was done to worship aliens and drink the blood to get high. They were taught Adrenochrome
Harvesting by the aliens. I realized that the reason why they changed Travis Walton’s story in Fire in The Sky was to show The
People of The World how these alien beings have been Adrenochrome Harvesting Human Beings for real.
Also, I noticed that the inside of the ship was a cylinder, which leads me to believe that their harvesting ships are the cigar shaped
The reason why they wear grey suits is to render them invisible and look like a different alien species. Orion, the hunter.

Realization Ryushin
In Egyptian times, I believe that each of these organs would go to a specific species for them to eat.

Article Unknown

This is why there are mass grave sites all over the world. This is in Mexico.
Screen shot from
This is in Peru.

Screen shot from the
The Adrenochrome Harvest Clock, Stonehenge in England.

Article IFLS

Article Edward Morgan
High level whistleblowers have been coming forward about the Adrenochrome trade. This was posted by Space Force. This is why
we need Space Force. The US Senators have all been briefed about the aliens coming here and Adrenochrome Harvesting Human
Beings in March of 2019, a few months after I attacked all of them with the three bodies they call “Human Mutilations” which I have
discovered are actually Adrenochrome Harvesting. Senator Blumenthal says during The Space Force hearing in March of 2019, "Our
advisories know what "they" are doing, we know what "they" are doing, "They" know that we know what "they" are doing, but The
American People have no idea." Well that wasn't entirely true. After attacking them for months with the adrenochrome harvested
bodies, every single senator, the military finally briefed them and now you know.

Realization Unknown

Tweet Tom Delonge
Tom Delonge of To The Stars Academy has been briefed to our situation. Not only does he know about the Adrenochrome
Harvesting but he also knows about what really happened in World War 2. The Adrenochrome Holocaust.

Adrenochrome Harvesting Realization Ryushin
Yes, they have been eating Human Beings. These are what the ufologists call “Human Mutilations,” which they are anything but
mutilations. In reality, they are Adrenochrome Harvesting. They are identical to the cattle mutilations. If you would like to see how
it's done, watch the Fire In The Sky movie alien sense. They restrain the person or animal, then they put a cable down the persons
esophagus and into the stomach. A needle will be placed into the pineal gland and while the cable is whipping up the persons
intestinal track, the needle is collecting pure adrenalin before entering the bloodstream.
When adrenalin comes into contact with oxygen, it creates Adrenochrome. But they also harvest the blood, organs, glands and nods
as food. The process last for 45 minutes to an hour until death. The body is then returned to the place of pick up. NATO and The US
Gov have been covering this up for decades because they have been secretly trading with them. The man on the top left was found
in Brazil 1988 and the girl and boy were found together also in Brazil in 2007.
There have been many reports of Human mutilation spanning for decades, even thousands of years. This is the true origin of Human
sacrifice. As a result, I am running for President to protect our people, The Human Race from this type of abuse. This is simple
Missing 411. Where are millions of people disappearing from the Nation Forests in The USA going?

Realization Ryushin
Images from the World War 2 Holocaust I call “The Adrenochrome Holocaust.”

Realization Ryushin
The Dyatlov pass incident was an Adrenochrome Harvest.

These are not black operations done by the US Military. You were told this so you wouldn't panic, and we could make nice with the
good aliens out there. Yes, there are good and bad aliens out there. Dr. Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe are both lying to
The People. Dr. Greer says that human and cattle mutilations are “black operations” to scare people. Linda says human mutilations
are “agent orange.” There is a reason why they are lying... They are getting paid very well.

Dr. Greer and Luis Elizondo have both stated that The Nazi Bell was never able to be stabilized. Considering that we have the video
evidence of it actually achieving stabilization is to the contrary. It means they are being fed the same lines to give to The People.
Both are lying. The gravity amplifier takes 10 milliseconds to recycle.

The 1988 case found in Brazil.

Her name was Lisandra Hartz Benedict, 17 years old. Found with a young man, 18 years old also Brazil.

Her name was Lisandra Hartz Benedict

Her name was Lisandra Hartz Benedict.

The boy Lisandra was found with.

Connection Ryushin

The movie “Fire In The Sky” - Fire In The Sky Adrenochrome Harvesting Connection Ryushin
The aliens from the movie Fire in the Sky have the same body structure as the real alien on the right.

Cattle “mutilations” which are really Adrenochrome Harvesting.

Adrenochrome Harvesting Realization Ryushin 

Screen shots from UFO Hunters
Has the US Military secretly been harboring aliens who have been Adrenochrome Harvesting living beings including Human Beings in trade for
Two Mutilated Horses found on the fence line perimeter of Dugway Proving Ground US Military Base, Utah suggests, yes, yes they are.

Space Force Hearing April 9th, 2019
The US Senators have all been brifed to our perdicament in March 2019 after I attacked every senator with the Adrenochrome
harvested bodies on twitter in 2018-2019 a few months before they were brifed.

Tweet Space Force
Adrenochrome is being sold on the street mostly among The Elite because of the price.

Jurassic Adrenochrome Harvest Theory Ryushin
I believe it’s possible that the dinosaurs may have been Adrenochrome Harvested.

Connection Ryushin
Why was Pizzagate ”fake news?” Because Lord Jacob Rothchild also known as The Pinder or Pinnacle of the Draco or Penis of the
dragon, his nephew is James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in Washington D.C. Jacob owns the 6 major news
corporation and at the same time pizzagate came out through wikileaks, fake news came out.
At Comet Ping Pong, there is a mural of an alien playing ping pong with a Human Being. This told me that they were secretly at war
with a positive group of aliens trying to help humanity while these pedovors, child eaters, control our world and trade
Adrenochrome for technology with Orion.

Image Wikileaks Hillary Clinton’s emails

Image Wikileaks Hillary Clinton’s emails

Image Wikileaks Hillary Clinton’s emails

Google Trends Compare
Google comparison between “Pizzagate” and “fake news.” Isn’t technology wonderful?

“Pizza“ parties at the White House. Jimmy Comet is James Rothchild, owner of Comet Ping Pong, Washington D.C.

Marina Abramoovic, The Artist
Almost all of her art surrounds cannibalism also known as “Spirit Cooking.”

Lord Jacob Rothchild and Marina Abramovic guilty by association
This led me to Katy Grove and Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory a child snuff ring at Fort Hood Killeen, Texas.

Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory revealed by Katy Groves – Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory location Fort Hood Killeen, Texas 10/20/2018 Ryushin
In October of 2018, I came across a woman by the name of Katy Groves. She said that she was a part of a child snuff ring located at a
military base in Killeen, Texas where the Elite were calling it “Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory” as an inside joke. She said she was brought
there as a child and was raped all the way up until the age of 17 years old. She said she lived in Austin and recalled the drives being
about 45 minutes to get to this underground military base.
When I google searched Austin, Texas, there was only one military base in the area, Fort Hood Killeen, Texas. She said that she
witnessed CHILD GENOCIDE there and not only where they raping, torturing and murdering children but they were ordering children
off of menus to have them cooked to be served and eaten as food! Her testimony was incredibly disturbing. I could feel her heart
and could tell she wasn’t lying. Is it true? The evidence is overwhelming and the great connect between the Elite and the aliens.
Further information about this is at under “Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory.”

Discovery Ryushin 
Is it true? Why would they build the secret underground railroads in the shape of Orion, in the heart of America with taxpayers’
money, IDENTICAL to the Nazi death marches in Nazi Germany? It just doesn’t feel right. Especially with The Elite being exposed
with Pizzagate, Epstein's Island and ORION.

Article - Discovery Ryushin 

The Pajama Factory connected to James Alefantis

Bohemian Grove California

Bohemian Grove California

Bohemian Grove California
Hunter S. Thompson said it best when he said, "If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people /including
me/ would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context
of professional journalism." Now we know what he meant by this... These people have been raping, murdering and eating children
on film to sell it on the black web. Child Snuff films. #UncleSamsSnuffFactory

You wonder why The Catholic Curch is full of Pedophiles?

Leaked from US Navy
This is a leaked image of the solar flare in September 2018. Don’t remember that one? Well that’s because they didn’t tell anyone
to not cause panic. This was leaked from a Navy server. The event lasted a more than a week. The FBI closed down all of the solar
observatories because of it.

And they took every web cam video of the sun offline.

New York Times Tweet
Including the Hubble telescope.

Realization Ryushin 
Then the hurricanes came for a direct hit over every major continent. It was then that I knew they could make hurricanes using
direct energy weapons. Star Wars, lasers. The hurricanes were created with laser weapons to block the solar flare.

Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.)

When I found out about the solar flare they didn’t warn anyone about, I went down to the Air National Guard demanding answers
and they arrested me and put me into a metal hospital for 18 days where I sat mediation the whole time.

Image NASA - Realization 9/2017 Ryushin 
Saturn’s moon, Titan looks like an Earth like planet. Clouds, water, land mass, even hurricanes.

Article Fox News
This is why you get your work publish ASAP.

Image NASA - Realization Ryushin 
There are lines all over Venus. One stretches from poll to poll. There are lines all over Earth’s Ocean floor, The Moon, Mars and
probably every other solar body in the solar system. I believe they are a result of mining.

Question asked by Ryushin
They are lying about Venus. Thanks to John Lear, I asked the question... How did the parachute survive entry into Venus’s 864F
degree atmosphere when polyester and nylon melt around 500F degrees?

We can breathe on the surface of The Moon... Oh, they didn’t tell you? It’s true.

Image Unknown
Is this a real image? I believe it maybe. The hole in Antarctica.

Article The Washington Post
The truth is, NASA got away with attempted murder on the ISS.

Image NASA - Aqusation Ryushin
I even figured out which one did it. This is not politics... This is attempted murder, and someone must be held responsible. Just
because it’s NASA does not exempt them from attempted murder.

We never needed NASA. NASA employs 20,000 works. We never in our history needed rockets because good aliens showed Tesla
everything long before World War 2. NASA is a coverup operation to hide the alien presence.

Realization Ryushin 
When this leaked out on 12/7/2018, I was very interested. Lizard people? Reptilians? Being housed at Area 51? I had no proof that
this really happened until 12 days after. I took this image and attacked Space Force's twitter account with it and got an unexpected
response. "Recent rumors about "lizard people" escaping Area 51 have no merit. Also, they're called "reptilians". #SpaceForce" I’m
sure they are, and this is treason.
Connection Ryushin
A gigantic pyramid shaped craft appeared over the Pentagon on December 19 th, 2018. We have three different prospective of the
vehicle on video. This told me that they were indeed harboring aliens at Area 51 and had them removed. This told me that the
aliens were probably not happy and risked being exposed to find out what these idiots at the Pentagon were doing removing their
The same craft was seen over the Kremlin in 2009. We also have multiple videos of this event as well. Interestingly enough, this
allowed me to solve the Great Pyramids of Giza from realizing that they actually had these types of vehicles. I also believe that this is
the All-Seeing-Eye that is all over our money. Who are they? Orion? The Alpha Draconian? Someone knows and we demand
This very event led me to solve The Great Pyramids of Giza. They were water harvesting The Nile River to ionize the water to be
used as fuel.

Article The Warzone
On March 29th, 2019, Russia was allowed to fly over Area 51 for the first time ever. They were probably making sure the aliens were
out. Someone knows and because we don’t is a big problem.

Drudge Report News
I am The All-Seeing-Eye now. The All Seeing Eye comes from ORION. This information came from Chet Hanks tattoos of Orion and
the ‘all seeing eye.’ This also told us that the elite all knew about Orion.

They thought Agenda 21 was still happening. This tells us they are unaware of The Double Cross by The US Military.

Renduring by Open Minds Productions
The truth is The US Government has time travel and quantum time viewing devices. Having time travel actually changes the nature
of reality itself allowing us as people to no longer be restricted to this moment-to-moment experience, but allows us to be in this
moment, in any moment. This technology changes the nature of reality itself. Time travel is a ‘black ball’ technology. It is extremely
dangerous to the user and everything/everyone else. If one thing is changed in the past, it will affect the present moment and thus
our future. Once I realized that they did in fact have this technology, I wrote The Timeline Accordance Declaration outlawing time
travel for personal use.

Renduring by Open Minds Productions
This is project looking glass or the looking glass device. It allows the viewer to see past, present and or future events by warping
spacetime. It can also open a wormhole also known as a stargate.

Renduring by Open Minds Productions
The Orion Cube, also known as The Yellow Book, is also a quantum time viewing device. It is an 8 inch by 8 inch yellow box cube that
was a ‘gift’ from the Ebens. It is said to be in the hands of The Free Masons.

This is the Timeline Accordance Declaration. This is a guild for the advancement of Humanity to create time laws in order to protect Humanities future from destruction and
personal advantage.

Screen Shot from Project Camelot John Lear Tells All
AIDS/HIV was created as a population control by a Navy surgeon by the name of R.N. Donner. It was released in Africa intentionally
as well as the Black, Mexican and gay population.
The cure to AIDS is Cucumber Trichosanthes Kirilowii. It is a cucumber that grows in China.
Lyme is also a population control created by a Nazi doctor in the 1950s at The Plum Island Laboratory on Plum Island, Long Island.
This Nazi doctor was very interested in ticks and a part of Operation Paperclip, which was taking Nazis and repurposing them in
America. Plum Island is 8 miles off the coast of Lyme Connecticut.
If this is all true, which the evidence is too strong to ignore or deny, what about STDs? What about The Flu? What about Ebola?
What about the fluoride in our toothpaste and drinking water? It's making and keeping people dumb.

Lyme was also created as a population control by The “Nazi Scientist” on Plum Island, Long Island 8 miles off the coast of Old Lyme,

They have been intentionally keeping people sick because the aliens from Draco and Orion have been going after the Human Beings
Pineal Gland. Adrenocrhome Harvesting.

Wuhan? You mean the same place coronavirus came out of? That’s funny….

Realization Ryushin 
I believe the reason why 9/11 happened was to cover up the paper trail leading to The Secret Space Force.
On 9/10 Rumsfeld exposed The Pentagon for missing 2.3 trillion resulting in 9/11 the very next day.
I believe the pentagon and world trade center 7 were the real targets to destroy the paper trail leading to the aliens and The Secret
Space Force.
Why was The WTC built aligning to Orion's belt? If you haven’t figured it out by now, the aliens come from Orion and The Elite have
been worshiping them and working for them to keep us slaves.
Are you Awake?

Connection Ryushin
There is a reason why Space Force does not have Orion in it.
After solving The Nazca Lines, exposing the aliens who come from Orion, I discovered that The Elite were using other countries
militaries as a middleman to Adrenochrome harvest Human Beings in trade for technology since the 1930s. Since this realization, it
has forced The US Military to end The Grenada Treaty thus resulting in the creation of Space Force and the new logo without Orion.
I just happened be paying attention and watching the flock, my monastery, my Zendo, The Earth, my people, home.

Image US Patent Office

Time Square NYC July 4th, 2019 Adrenochrome Harvesting

Time Square NYC July 4th, 2019 Nazca Alien Mummies Protest

New York Times Protest “Human Mutilations” Adrenochrome Harvest July 4 th, 2019

World Trade Center NYC Protest October 5th, 2019

Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory Protest December 17th, 2019 You’ve been eating children?

Protest December 17th, 2019

The White House December 18th, 2019

The White House December 18th, 2019

The White House December 18th, 2019

Lincoln Memorial December 18th, 2019

The Pentagon Pizzagate Lord Jacob Rothchild’s cover up

“Human Mutilations” Adrenochrome Harvesting cover up

The identical railways in the shape of Orion.

Comet Ping Pong

NASA protest
NASA protest 2/4/2020 over WHICH Tiny Super Intelligent Alien Beings they were referring to 12/4/2018.
They were referring to The Nazca Alien Mummies. -

A theory of the creation of our Universe.
Imagine emptiness... Now imagine a wormhole aperture appearing, then spilling out light and energy forming a large ball big
enough to fit every star in the Universe in. I call it, 'The Whitehole.' Then when it has become too dense, it explodes, known as The
Big Bang. I believe our Universe was born by a blackhole from a prior Universe in a Multiverse.

All I can do is examine the evidence and deliver it for you in order for you to ask yourself, is this true?
Be still and don't forget to breath.

I knew they had time travel. Saint John was shown a possible future which did not happen. Saint John was from the 1500 hundreds.
This alignment only occures every 7000 years. How did Saint John know this alignment was going to happen? Time Travel. They
took him and showed him a possible outcome.

Long Live Humanity

Ryushin Sean Malone Author and Solver of The Nazca Lines

“Who are you going to believe? Me with all of this evidence, or them, who have been lying to us?
My greatest teaching to The Human race is, we are Human first.”
Long Live Humanity


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