People vs. Campuhan, G.R. No. 129433, March 30, 2000
People vs. Campuhan, G.R. No. 129433, March 30, 2000
People vs. Campuhan, G.R. No. 129433, March 30, 2000
While preparing drinks for her daughters, Ma. Corazon Pamintuan heard one of her daughters shout
“Ayo’ko, ayo’ko!” which prompted her to rush to the second floor where she saw Primo Campuhan inside
her children's room kneeling before Crysthel whose pajamas or "jogging pants" and panty were already
removed, while his short pants were down to his knees and his hands holding his penis with his right hand.
Thereafter, Primo run away but was apprehended by Corazon’s brother, uncle, and cousin. They called
the barangay officials who detained Primo.
After a physical examination of Corazon’s daughter, the medico legal reported that it yielded negative
results as Crysthel ‘s hymen was intact. In his defense, Primo alleged that Crysthel was in a playing mood
and wanted to ride on his back when she suddenly pulled him down causing both of them to fall down on
the floor.
The RTC found Primo Campuhan guilty of statutory rape, sentenced him to the extreme penalty of death.
No. Under Art. 6, in relation to Art. 335, of the Revised Penal Code, rape is attempted when the offender
commences the commission of rape directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution
which should produce the crime of rape by reason of some cause or accident other than his own
spontaneous desistance.
Here, A review of the records clearly discloses that the prosecution utterly failed to discharge its onus of
proving that Primo's penis was able to penetrate Crysthel's vagina however slight. Even if the SC
grant arguendo that Corazon witnessed Primo in the act of sexually molesting her daughter, there is
serious doubt in the veracity of her claim that she saw the inter-genital contact between Primo and
Crysthel. When asked what she saw upon entering her children's room Corazon plunged into saying that
she saw Primo poking his penis on the vagina of Crysthel without explaining her relative position to them
as to enable her to see clearly and sufficiently, in automotive lingo, the contact point.
The Supreme Court ruled that all the elements of attempted rape — and only of attempted rape — are
present in the instant case, hence, the accused should be punished only for it.