Understanding Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Teaching Grammar in Efl Context
Understanding Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Teaching Grammar in Efl Context
Understanding Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Teaching Grammar in Efl Context
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1 author:
Hendrikus Male
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
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Hendrikus Male
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Giving instruction for a language class specifically a grammar class can be a problematic issue
of controversy in EFL context for non native speaker (NNS) teacher due to the lack of ap-
proach or strategies implementation and the language problem faced in the teaching and
learning process. The primary aim of this article is to provide some insight for teachers when
conducting or giving instruction to the teaching of English grammar. It also highlights that in
giving instruction, combining deductive and inductive approaches can be beneficial for teach-
ers or faculties who are teaching English grammar in the setting of EFL context. Hence, they
have to vary the strategies whether it should be extensive or intensive as suggested by Hinkel
(2006) in which it might be one of the technique that can be put into account and applied in
order to make the teaching of grammar more effective and efficient.
Memberikan instruksi dalam kelas bahasa khususnya kelas tata bahasa dapat menjadi masalah
yang kontroversi pada konteks English as a Foreign Language (EFL) untuk guru non native
speaker (NNS) karena kurangnya penerapan terhadap pendekatan/startegi dan masalah ba-
hasa yang dihadapi dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan utama dari artikel ini adalah untuk
memberikan beberapa masukan bagi guru ketika melakukan atau memberikan instruksi dalam
pengajaran tata bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, artikel ini juga menyoroti bahwa dalam memberikan
instruksi, menggabungkan strategi induktif dan deduktif dapat bermanfaat bagi guru atau in-
struktur bahasa yang mengajarkan tata bahasa Inggris dalam konteks EFL. Oleh karena itu,
dalam hal mengajar, mereka harus bervariasi dalam menerapkan strategi pembelajaran
apakah itu harus ekstensif atau intensif seperti yang disarankan oleh Hinkel (2006) di mana
hal tersebut mungkin menjadi salah satu teknik yang dapat dipertimbangkan dan diterapkan
untuk membuat pengajaran tata bahasa lebih efektif dan efisien.
Kata kunci: konteks EFL, guru non native speaker (NNS), strategi induktif dan deduktif
J D P, Volume 9, Nomor 1, April 2016: 19 - 24
to be used recently. Richards (2001) states that “Com- successful teaching might be at his/her hand for over-
municative Language Teaching (CLT) is a broad ap- coming difficult situation encountered. Such activity
proach to teaching that resulted from focusing on com- may also lead to effective teaching, in which Richards
munication as the organizing principle for teaching ra- (2001) showed that to become effective teaching,
ther than a focus on mastery of the grammatical sys- there might be a number of aspects involving in the
tem of the language” (p. 36). On the other hand, there teaching such as: 1) Institution - the organization cul-
might be a number of problems emerge when a ture of a school refers to the ethos and environment
teacher or language instructor gives the instruction or that exist within a school. 2) Teachers – those who
conducts his teaching such as the problems of the stu- create a context for good teaching and determine the
dents’ language proficiency and the techniques or success of a program. 3) The Teaching process - the
strategies used. Regarding the students’ language pro- teaching practices that occur within a program that
ficiency, the teacher or language instructor should un- contains teaching model principles, maintaining good
derstand whether his students are beginner – having teaching, and evaluating teaching. 4) The learning
very low language ability, intermediate – having the process – goal that teachers have to be considered in
knowledge of grammar better or advanced in which the planning and delivery process. It contains under-
the comprehension of the students are mostly at high standing of the course, views of learning, learning
level. In so doing, the instruction given can be then styles, motivation, and support.
successful. Concerning the techniques or strategies,
the teacher or language instructor is supposed to not STRATEGIES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING
only build the learners’ character but also to transfer APPROACH
the knowledge. However, when they teach English or
There has been a shift in terms of what ap-
give instruction to a subject, it may pose its own chal-
proach should be best utilized in conducting the lan-
lenge for those who are not native speakers of English
guage teaching specifically in grammar instruction. As
let alone for those who view English as a Foreign Lan-
Huang (2010, p. 29) points out that “grammar
guage (EFL). Hence, they should understand a lot of
instruction has moved from its central position in
techniques or strategies dealing with instructions when
traditional language teaching approaches to playing
teaching language skills although giving instruction
virtually no role in communicative approaches.” An-
may simultaneously occur with the teaching itself. In
other scholar (see Ellis, 2006) also argued against the
addition, in transferring the knowledge, they have to
teaching of grammar. She states that such teaching
vary the instruction or techniques such as repetition or
might not only be based on the traditional approach
drilling, role play, memorizing dialogues and etc in
but also focused on form approach. Despite the de-
their teaching in order that the material being con-
bate, Ellis (2006) has suggested a few forms of gram-
veyed can be varied that may lead to the students’
mar teaching are essential for a communicative lan-
comprehension to be more understandable. There-
guage teaching setting. Other scholars (see; Krashen,
fore, in order to succeed in his teaching, the teachers
1985; Hammon, 1988) also focused on form when
or language instructors must not only have the
grammar is taught. They implicitly proposed that the
knowledge but also possess the ability to instruct his
main aim of focus on form is concern with finding out
material (strategies) in such a way that the material be-
whether this kinds of instruction that helped the learn-
ing conveyed or taught can be comprehensively under-
ers to effectively acquired the structures they had been
stood by the learners. He or she should vary the tech-
taught. This in line with what Morelli (2003, as citied
niques or strategies during his teaching and give a clear
in Al-Mekhlafi & Nagaratnam, 2011, p. 72) states
instruction to it in any circumstance or situation the
that, “Grammar can be taught traditionally or
teacher may undergo. He should also make the teach-
contextually, but student perception should be
ing instruction to be more attractive and fun – thereby
considered by teachers in the decision-making
process.” Additionally, in the teaching of grammar, the
Male, Understanding Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Teaching Grammar in EFL Context
J D P, Volume 9, Nomor 1, April 2016: 19 - 24
giving examples and then followed by the presentation Although in teaching grammar both of the approaches
of the rules or structures. Prince and Felder (2006, p. are different, teachers preferred inductive teaching ap-
124) indicated that “Inductive teaching and learning is proach since the focus is more on students - student-
an umbrella term that encompasses a range of centered.
instructional methods, including inquiry learning, Apart from its controversy on what is the best
problem-based learning, project-based learning, case- approach be applied in the teaching of grammar. The
based teaching, discovery learning, and just-in-time following idea is precisely taken and presents the ad-
teaching.” Figure 1 simply illustrates such approach: vantages and disadvantages of deductive and inductive
approaches as clearly described by Adamson (2009):
Male, Understanding Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Teaching Grammar in EFL Context
J D P, Volume 9, Nomor 1, April 2016: 19 - 24
choice of learning style. It has been stated that it is perspective (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John
highly recommended to teach grammar by combining
of both deductive and inductive approach so that the Pazaver, A., & Wang, H. (2009). Asian students’
students would pay more attention when both directed perceptions of grammar teaching in the ESL
classroom. The International Journal of
to grammar rules and meaning were taught at the
Language Society and Culture, 27-35.
same time (Mac Whinney, 1997 cited in Larsen-Free-
man, 2003). Pica, T. (2000). Tradition and transistion in English
language teaching methodology. System, 1-