Mendelssohn Elijah Program Note
Mendelssohn Elijah Program Note
Mendelssohn Elijah Program Note
drawing mostly from the First Book of Kings, St. Paul. Some scholars have considered that
but he also sought advice from Schubring it denotes Mendelssohn’s re-establishment
(who, far from incidentally, had served as his of a connection to his Jewish heritage. What-
librettist for St. Paul). Mendelssohn wrote to ever autobiographical import we choose to
Schubring on November 2, 1838: read into it, the essential subject of the Elijah
story is faith. The biblical episodes that involve
I picture Elijah as a grand and mighty the prophet have to do with belief in God, and
prophet of a kind we would do well to have specifically in promoting belief in Jehovah
in our own day — powerful, zealous, but (the “real” God of Israel) as opposed to Baal (a
also harsh and angry and saturnine; a composite of various “heathen” gods). Elijah
striking contrast to the court sycophants supports the true God, in opposition to King
and the rabble; in antithesis, in fact, virtu- Ahab and his queen, Jezebel, who promote
ally to the whole world; yet borne on the Baal. The story provides all sorts of wonderful
wings of angels. effects that invited colorful musical treatment,
including the reviving of the dead son of a
Here was a resolutely Old Testament topic, a widow, an eruption of flames upon an altar,
balance to the New Testament evangelism of and a terrific storm that arrives to end a
No work of mine ever went so admirably at its first performance, nor was
received with such enthusiasm by both the musicians and the audience.
I was able to sway at will the enormous mass of orchestra and choir
and organ … No less than four choruses and four arias were encored.
The critic for the The London Times concurred, describing the work’s
thunderous reception: Felix Mendelssohn
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devastating drought. Although it’s not a con- devoted anglophile. The work’s first listeners
tinuous narrative, the libretto includes enough would not have overlooked the connection,
episodes to add up to a well-rounded portrait especially since Messiah was performed in
of the title character. the same installment of the Birmingham
If St. Paul, richly laden with chorales, Music Festival that was honored with the
reflected an infatuation with Bach, Elijah world premiere of Elijah.
seems more aligned to George Frideric
Handel, the other late-Baroque giant of the Instrumentation: two flutes, two oboes,
oratorio, whose music also captivated two clarinets, two bassoons, four horns, two
Mendelssohn. The subject has a strongly trumpets, three trombones, tuba, timpani,
Handelian caste, and so is Mendelssohn’s organ, and strings; mixed chorus plus four
musical approach. Listen to the aria “But principal vocal soloists portraying the Widow
Who May Abide” from Handel’s Messiah and (soprano), the Angel and Queen Jezebel
Elijah’s aria “Is Not His Word Like a Fire” and (mezzo-soprano or contralto), Obadiah and
one cannot miss how closely Mendelssohn King Ahab (tenor), and Elijah (bass-baritone);
mimics his model. Handel was particularly and incidental solo vocal parts for soprano,
adored in England, and Mendelssohn was a alto, and boy soprano.
Part I
Elijah: As God the Lord of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain
these years, but according to my word.
I Kings XVII: 1
The People: Help, Lord! Wilt Thou quite destroy us? The harvest now is over, the summer days
are gone, and yet no power cometh to help us! Will then the Lord be no more God in Zion?
Jeremiah VIII: 20
The People: The deeps afford no water; and the rivers are exhausted! The suckling’s
tongue now cleaveth for thirst to his mouth, the infant children ask for bread, and there is
no one breaketh it to feed them!
Lamentations IV: 4
Obadiah: Ye people, rend your hearts, and not your garments, for your transgressions, even
as Elijah hath sealed the heavens through the word of God. I therefore say to ye, forsake
your idols, return to God; for He is slow to anger, and merciful, and kind, and gracious, and
repenteth Him of the evil.
Joel II: 12–13
Obadiah: “If with all your hearts ye truly seek me, ye shall ever surely find me.” Thus saith our
God. Oh, that I knew where I might find Him, that I might even come before His presence!
Deuteronomy IV: 29 / Job XXIII: 3
The People: Yet doth the Lord see it not; He mocketh at us! His curse hath fallen down upon
us. His wrath will pursue us till He destroy us! For He, the Lord our God, He is a jealous God,
and He visiteth all the fathers’ sins on the children to the third and the fourth generation of
them that hate Him. His mercies on thousands fall, fall on all them that love Him and keep
His commandments.
Exodus XX: 5–6
An Angel: Elijah! Get thee hence, Elijah! Depart and turn thee eastward: thither hide thee by
Cherith’s brook. There shalt thou drink its waters; and the Lord thy God hath commanded
the ravens to feed thee there. So do according unto His word.
I Kings XVII: 3–4
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Double Quartet
Angels: For He shall give His angels charge over thee, that they shall protect thee in all
the ways thou goest; that their hands shall uphold and guide thee, lest thou dash thy foot
against a stone.
Psalms XCI: 11–12
An Angel: Now Cherith’s brook is dried up, Elijah. Arise and depart, and get thee to
Zarephath. Thither abide; for the Lord hath commanded a widow woman there to sustain
thee. And the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day
that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.
I Kings XVII: 7, 9, 14
Elijah: Give me thy son! Turn unto her, O Lord, my God; in mercy help this widow’s son. For
Thou art gracious, and full of compassion, and plenteous in mercy and truth. Lord, my God,
let the spirit of this child return that he again may live!
The Widow: Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? There is no breath in him.
Elijah: Lord, my God, let the spirit of this child return, that he again may live!
Elijah: Lord, my God, O let the spirit of this child return, that he again may live!
The Widow: The Lord hath heard thy prayer, the soul of my son reviveth!
The Widow: Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that His word in thy
mouth is the truth. What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me?
Elijah: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, love Him with all thine heart, and…
Elijah and Widow: …with all thy/my soul and with all thy/my might. O blessed are they
who fear Him!
I Kings XVII: 17–18, 21–24 / Job X: 15 / Psalms XXXVIII: 6; VI: 7; X: 14;
Blessed are the men who fear Him, they ever walk in the ways of peace. Through darkness
riseth light to the upright. He is gracious, compassionate; He is righteous.
Psalms CXXVIII: 1; CXII: 1, 4
Elijah: I never troubled Israel’s peace. It is thou, Ahab, and all thy father’s house. Ye have
forsaken God’s commands, and thou hast followed Baalim! Now send and gather to me
the whole of Israel unto Mount Carmel. There summon the prophets of Baal, and also the
prophets of the groves, who are feasted at Jezebel’s table. Then, then we shall see whose
God is God the Lord.
Chorus: And then we shall see whose God is God the Lord.
Elijah: Rise then, ye priests of Baal; select and slay a bullock, and put no fire under it; uplift
your voices and call the god ye worship; and I then will call on the Lord Jehovah. And the
god who by fire shall answer, let him be God.
Chorus: Yea, and the god who by fire shall answer, let him be God.
Elijah: Call first upon your god, your numbers are many. I, even I only remain one prophet
of the Lord. Invoke your forest gods, and mountain deities.
I Kings XVIII: 1, 15, 17–19, 23–25
Priests of Baal: Baal, we cry to thee, hear and answer us! Heed the sacrifice we offer!
Hear us, Baal, hear, mighty god! Baal, O answer us! Baal, let thy flames fall and extirpate
the foe! Baal, O hear us!
I Kings XVIII: 26
Priests of Baal: Hear our cry, O Baal! Now arise! Wherefore slumber?
I Kings XVIII: 26–27
Priests of Baal: Baal! Hear and answer, Baal! Mark how the scorner derideth us! Hear
and answer!
Elijah: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, this day let it be known that Thou art God
and I am Thy servant! Lord God of Abraham! O shew to all this people that I have done these
things according to Thy word. O hear me, Lord, and answer me! Lord God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Israel, O hear me and answer me; and shew this people that Thou art Lord God,
and let their hearts again be turned!
I Kings XVIII: 36–37
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Angels: Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He never will suffer the
righteous to fall; He is at thy right hand. Thy mercy, Lord, is great, and far above the heavens.
Let none be made ashamed, that wait upon Thee!
Psalms LV: 22; XVI: 8; CVIII: 5; XXV: 3
The People: The fire descends from heaven! The flames consume his offering! Before
Him upon your faces fall! The Lord is God. O Israel hear! Our God is one Lord, and we will
have no other gods before the Lord.
Elijah: Take all the prophets of Baal, and let not one of them escape you. Bring them down
to Kishon’s brook, and there let them be slain.
The People: Take all the prophets of Baal, and let not one of them escape us. Bring all,
and slay them!
I Kings XVIII: 38–40
Elijah: Is not His word like a fire, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock into pieces?
For God is angry with the wicked every day. And if the wicked turn not, the Lord will whet
His sword; and He hath bent His bow, and made it ready!
Jeremiah XXIII: 29 / Psalms VII: 11–12
Alto: Woe unto them who forsake Him! Destruction shall fall upon them, for they have
transgressed against Him. Though they are by Him redeemed, yet they have spoken falsely
against Him. Though they are by Him redeemed, from Him have they fled.
Hosea VII: 13
Elijah: O Lord, Thou hast overthrown Thine enemies and destroyed them. Look down on us
from heaven, O Lord; regard the distress of Thy people! Open the heavens and send us relief;
help Thy servant now, O God!
The People: Open the heavens and send us relief; help Thy servant now, O God!
Elijah: Go up now, child, and look toward the sea. Hath my prayer been heard by the Lord?
The Boy: There is nothing. The heavens are as brass above me.
Elijah: When the heavens are closed up because they have sinned against Thee, yet, if
they pray and confess Thy name, and turn from their sin when Thou dost afflict them, then
hear from heaven and forgive the sin. Help, send Thy servant help, O God!
The People: Then hear from heaven and forgive the sin! Help, send Thy servant help, O God!
Elijah: Hearest thou no sound of rain? Seest thou nothing arise from the deep?
Elijah: Have respect to the prayer of Thy servant, O Lord my God! Unto Thee will I cry, Lord
my rock. Be not silent to me; and Thy great mercies remember, Lord.
The Boy: Behold, a little cloud ariseth now from the waters: it is like a man’s hand! The
heavens are black with clouds and wind; the storm rusheth louder and louder!
Elijah: Thanks be to God, for He is gracious, and His mercy endureth forevermore!
Jeremiah XIV: 22 / II Chronicles VI: 19, 26–27 / Deuteronomy XXVIII: 23 /
Psalms XXVIII: 1 / I Kings XVIII: 43–45
Thanks be to God, He laveth the thirsty land. The waters gather, they rush along! They are
lifting their voices! The stormy billows are high; their fury is mighty. But the Lord is above
them, and Almighty.
Psalms XCIII: 3–4
Part II
Soprano: Hear ye, Israel; hear what the Lord speaketh: “Oh, hadst thou heeded my com-
mandments!” Who hath believed our report? To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Thus
saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him oppressed by tyrants, thus
saith the Lord: “I am He that comforteth; be not afraid, for I am thy God, I will strengthen
thee. Say, who art thou, that thou art afraid of a man that shall die, and forgettest the Lord
thy maker, who hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the earth’s foundations? Be not
afraid, for I, thy God, will strengthen thee.”
Isaiah: XLVIII: 1, 18; LIII: 1; XLIX: 7; XLI: 10; LI: 12–13
“Be not afraid,” saith God the Lord, “Be not afraid, thy help is near.” God, the Lord thy God,
sayeth unto thee, “Be not afraid!” Though thousands languish and fall beside thee, and tens
of thousands around thee perish, yet still it shall not come nigh thee.
Isaiah XLI: 10 / Psalms XCI: 7
The Queen: Have ye not heard he hath prophesied against all Israel?
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The Queen: Hath he not prophesied also against the king of Israel?
The Queen: And why hath he spoken in the name of the Lord? Doth Ahab govern the
kingdom of Israel, while Elijah’s power is greater than the king’s? The gods do so to me and
more, if by tomorrow about this time, I make not his life as the life of one of them whom he
hath sacrificed at the brook of Kishon!
The Queen: So go ye forth, and seize Elijah, for he is worthy to die. Slaughter him! Do unto
him as he hath done!
Woe to him! He shall perish, for he closed the heavens. And why hath he spoken in the
name of the Lord? Let the guilty prophet perish! He hath spoken falsely against our land
and us, as we have heard with our ears. So go ye forth, seize on him! He shall die!
Jeremiah XXVI: 9, 11 / I Kings XIX: 2; XXI: 7 / Ecclesiasticus XLVIII: 2–3
Obadiah: Man of God, now let my words be precious in thy sight! Thus saith Jezebel,
“Elijah is worthy to die.” So the mighty gather against thee, and they have prepared a net
for thy steps, that they may seize thee. Arise then, and hasten for thy life; to the wilderness
journey. The Lord, thy God, doth go with thee. He will not fail thee, He will not forsake thee.
Now begone, and bless me also.
Elijah: Though stricken, they have not grieved. Tarry here, my servant; the Lord be with
thee. I journey hence to the wilderness.
II Kings I: 13 / Jeremiah V: 3; XXVI: 11 / Psalms LIX: 3 / I Kings XIX: 4 /
Deuteronomy XXXI: 6 / Exodus XII: 32 / I Samuel XVII: 37
Elijah: It is enough! O Lord, now take away my life, for I am not better than my fathers. I
desire to live no longer. Now let me die, for my days are but vanity. I have been very jealous
for the Lord God of Hosts, for the children of Israel have broken Thy covenant, and thrown
down Thine altars, and slain all Thy prophets, slain them with the sword. And I, even I only
am left, and they seek my life to take it away!
Job VII: 16 / I Kings XIX: 10
Tenor: See now, he sleepeth beneath a juniper tree in the wilderness, and there the angel
of the Lord encampeth round about all them that fear him.
I Kings XIX: 5 / Psalms XXXIV: 7
Angels: Lift thine eyes, O lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence cometh help. Thy help
cometh from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He hath said, thy foot shall not be
moved. Thy keeper will never slumber.
Psalms CXXI: 1, 3
Angels: He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps. Shouldst thou, walking in grief,
languish, He will quicken thee.
Psalms CXXI: 4; CXXXVIII: 7
The Angel: Arise, Elijah, for thou hast a long journey before thee. Forty days and forty
nights shalt thou go, to Horeb, the mount of God.
Elijah: O Lord, I have labored in vain; yea, I have spent my strength for naught, and in vain!
O that Thou wouldst rend the heavens, that Thou would come down! That the mountains
would flow down at Thy presence, to make Thy name known to Thine adversaries, through
the wonders of Thy works! O Lord, why hast Thou made us to err from Thy ways? and hard-
ened our hearts, that they do not fear thee? O that I now might die!
I Kings XIX: 8 / Isaiah XLIX: 4; LXIV: 1–2
The Angel: O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, and He shall give thee thy heart’s de-
sires. Commit thy way unto Him, and trust in Him, and fret not thy self because of evil doers.
Psalms XXXVII: 1, 7
He that shall endure to the end shall be saved.
Matthew XXIV: 13
Elijah: Night falleth round me, O Lord! Be Thou not far from me! Hide not Thy face, O Lord,
from me; my soul is thirsting for Thee, as a thirsty land.
The Angel: Arise now, get thee without, stand on the mount before the Lord; for there His
glory will appear and shine on thee! Thy face must be veiled, for He draweth near.
Psalms CXLIII: 6–7 / I Kings XIX: 11
Behold, God the Lord passed by! And a mighty wind rent the mountains around, brake in
pieces the rocks, brake them before the Lord. But yet the Lord was not in the tempest.
Behold, God the Lord passed by! And the sea was upheaved, and the earth was shaken.
But yet the Lord was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake there came a fire. But yet the Lord was not in the fire.
And after the fire there came a still, small voice: And in that still voice onward came the Lord.
I Kings XIX: 11–12
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Contralto: Above him stood the seraphim: and one cried to another:
O come, every one that thirsteth, O come to the waters, O come unto him. O hear, and your
souls shall live forever.
Isaiah LV: 1, 3
Final Chorus
And then, then shall your light break forth as the light of morning breaketh, and your health shall
speedily spring forth then. And the glory of the Lord ever shall reward you. Lord, our Creator,
how excellent Thy name is in all the nations, Thou fillest heaven with Thy glory. Amen!
Isaiah LVIII: 8 / Psalms VIII: 1