Cased Crossing Procedure
Cased Crossing Procedure
Cased Crossing Procedure
Job Procedure
The scope of work covers the installation of pipeline by boring across the crossings,
viz., Roads, Railway Tracks and minor watercourses, etc.
1. IOCL spec IOCL –ML–PC-SPEC for Standard specification for pipe line crossings.
3. Route maps, alignment sheets &crossing drawings.
HSE Officers
Shall reports to Resident Construction Manager/Project Manager administratively
and to HO for technical matters and shall be responsible for
Implementation of all safety requirements during survey operations
The work to be carried out for road and railway crossing shall meet the minimum
requirements of API RP-1102 latest edition. Prior approval from the statutory
authorities shall be obtained to lay the pipeline across the Highway/ road/ railway
AMPS shall submit the following documents to IOCL for perusal and approval, prior
to commencement of the works.
Part - A
Before starting the boring activities, necessary approvals from the concerned
statuary authorities to be obtained by IOCL. After recording the levels in the ROW,
bottom of the trench or pits at the launching and receiving end shall be graded for
12 mtrs. and back filled with clean sand and compacted in 15 Cms. layers to 95 %
proctor density to an elevation that will provide sufficient and continuous support to
the pipeline string, so that the pipe line remains correctly aligned at the casing ends
during and after backfilling. If the excavated soil is not suitable for compaction, the
same shall be replaced or mixed as appropriate with imported soil backfilled, for
ensuring sufficient compaction. The Boring line shall be marked as per Alignment
Sheet. The Boring Pit and Receiving Pit shall be prepared and trenching of the same
shall be done as per required depth and width. AMPS shall ensure that, pit does not
collapse. A Temporary fencing with warning sign board shall be provided.
The outer surface of the casing pipe shall be painted with two coats of ant
bitumastic paint over a coat of suitable primer. It shall be insured that the paint is
dry before insertion of the pipe in to component epoxy coating for internal coating.
All steel surfaces shall be cleaned by sand blasting before application of primer.
Prior to final preparation of the surface by sand blasting, the steel surface shall be
cleaned of dust and grease and the heavier layers of rust and weld splatter shall be
removed by chipping with sharp edges. Any additional thickness of capping in weld
joint shall be chipped and ground to ensure an even surface for painting.
The sand-blasted surface shall have a shining and near white metal appearance and
the surface roughness shall be 60 - 75 microns in accordance with ISO 4287-1.
Minimum total thickness (dry film thickness-DFT) of finished coating shall be 800
microns as specified. This coating thickness should be obtained preferably with
single coat of the coating system or as per paint manufacturer recommendation.
This coating thickness requirement shall be met over the weld seam also (in case of
pipe joints). Coating thickness shall be uniform all along the surface.
Before starting of the boring activity, AMPS shall execute a soil investigation survey
and determine the ground water table. Based on these investigations AMPS shall
prepare a construction drawing and submit to IOCL for approval including time
schedule and soil investigation report.
After leveling, the boring machine shall be lowered in the pit and alignment shall be
done. The machine shall be traversed on the rails to and fro several times and
alignment to be checked and rectified, if necessary.
Visual checks of the casing pipe will be made in order to check out of roundness, so
that no dents are present. If such dents are present and couldn’t be removed before
joining pipes, then the defective section shall be cut.
Insertion of casing pipe and Augur Boring shall be carried out simultaneously.
Boring shall be carried out at low speed initially and after inspecting the soil that is
cut by Augur, accordingly the speed shall be increased or decreased. Levels shall be
checked at both ends of the casing pipe to confirm the slopes as per approved
drawing. The diameter of the hole bored shall be as close as practicable to the
outer dia. of the casing pipe.
During the execution of the boring and ground water table over the length of boring
shall be lowered up to at least 0.5 meters below bottom of pipeline. This water table
is to be regularly inspected and maintained and reported to IOCL. To safeguard the
stability of bore pit, AMPS shall use a closed sheet piling, which shall be extended at
least up to 50% of the depth in undisturbed soil. If the boring pit is less than 7 Mtr.
deep, use of trench boxes or shoring as well as sheet piling may be done.
Separate boring heads shall be used for cutting in rocky terrain. The casing pipe and
boring shall be extended to a minimum of 0.6 m on either side of crossings.
Soil cut by the Boring Head shall be inspected from time to time and the entire
length of Boring Augurs shall be retrieved, in case the soil strata changes. Then the
boring head shall be replaced with a suitable one.
Care shall be taken in such a way that, the leading Augur remains in the front, which
facilitates easy insertion of casing pipe.
The Casing pipes shall be welded in the pit itself after insertion of the first pipe.
During welding and fit-up, any high low shall be evenly distributed around the joint
and kept at minimum to enable in unhindered passage of pipe string, so as not to
damage insulators on carrier pipe. After completion of the job, the boring augurs
will be retrieved and the casing pipe will be cleaned from inside by swabbing and
capped at both the ends. Before night cap weld check elevation both end after that
weld drain and vent as per elevation and standard drawing number 9200-99900-
401-563-01 Given tender specification. Underground vent pipe portion shall be
coated in line with external coating of casing pipe.
After the finish of the casing pipe, vent and drainpipes shall be welded at both the
ends. Vent & drain pipes shall be painted with coal tar based epoxy paint
(underground part)/epoxy paint (exposed part). Nightcaps/ casing end seals shall be
provided to the casing so as to restrict the ingress of water and any other foreign
The casing Pipe and boring shall be extended to a minimum of 0.6 meters on either
side of the crossing.
Part – B
Insertion of Carrier Pipes
The string of carrier pipe shall be prepared as per conventional norms and kept
ready for insertion. 3LPE coated pipes shall be used for carrier pipe string for all the
cased crossings. 100% radiography inspection of weld joints of the carrier pipe shall
also to be carried out.
Before insertion of the carrier pipe, the complete casing shall be carefully inspected
and internal cleaning shall be done to remove the foreign material. The string of
carrier pipe required for crossing shall be made ready and shall be pretested as per
approved procedure prior to joint coating. The test pressure producing Hoop stress
between 90-95% of SMYS of pipe material prior to installation shall be retained in
the pipeline for a minimum period of 4 hours and all the weld joints shall be
inspected for any water leakage. After completion of Pre-testing, all the welded
joints in the string shall be blast cleaned prior to Joint Coating.
Before fixing the insulator on the carrier pipe, the whole crossing section shall be
holiday tested. After completion of pretesting and holiday detection, the insulators
shall be installed by means of rings & fasteners, Insulators, as approved by the IOCL,
shall be securely fastened to the pipe with interlocking system and fixtures firmly
tightened. The number of insulators and spacing shall be as shown in the approved
for construction drawings or at 1.0 meters c/c (whichever is more stringent). At the
end of both sides of the casing, a double set of insulators shall be installed.
The carrier pipe string is then lifted by side booms & excavators and aligned to
center of the casing pipe and insertion shall be done smoothly without causing any
damage to the carrier pipe, its coating or the insulators, etc. Care must be taken in
pushing or pulling carrier pipe along with HDPE Conduit & OFC into the casing.
AMPS will use two type insulators Railways crossing -2 Inc. and others crossing -1
Inch height.
compacted & does not undergo any differential settlement with respect to the
pipeline section lying within the casing pipe. A suitable RCC support for supporting
the carrier pipe shall be provided at 2 m from the end of casing pipe on either side
of cased crossing. The height of support shall be decided as per site requirements.
Sand bags / other cushioning material like neoprene rubber sheet shall be placed
between pipe and top of RCC support so that there is no damage to pipe/ coating
and the carrier pipe shall firmly rest on the same.
The Carrier pipe shall be brought to the desired level for crossing by providing
natural gradient in trench excavation from sufficient distance. Field bends, for
meeting the mainline trench gradient on either side, shall be avoided so as to keep
provision for any future widening of Highway / Railway.
ITP : ITP-21