Chester Theatre Group To Perform Urinetown: The Musical at Black River Playhouse
Chester Theatre Group To Perform Urinetown: The Musical at Black River Playhouse
Chester Theatre Group To Perform Urinetown: The Musical at Black River Playhouse
he Chester Theatre
Group at the Black
River Playhouse will
present the Tony Award win-
ning satirical musical come-
dy "Urinetown: The Musical'
by Mark Hollman (music
and lyrics) and Greg Kotis
(book and lyrics). The show
will be performed on Friday
and Saturday at 8 p.m. from
Feb 25 to Mar 19, and on
Sunday at 2 p.m. on Mar 13
and 20.
Don't let the title scare you
off. If you love musical the-
ater and off-beat humor, this
show will make you laugh
until you ... er, laugh your
head off! It is about a town
facing a water shortage in
which the government has
banned private toiletries and
the citizens must use pay-to-
pee toilets regulated by a
monopolistic company, the
Urine Good Company,
which charges exorbitant
prices. Do the citizens rebel?
You betcha! The play not half years with 965 perform- Ferentinos. Playhouse is located at the
only pokes fun at local gov- ances... and won two Tony's Tickets are $24 for adults corner of Maple and Grove
ernment, but also the (Best Musical Score and and $22 for seniors (over 65) in Chester, New Jersey.
Broadway musical itself as a Best Book). The director is and students (under 18). For More information can be
form of art. The show played Clifford Parrish, and the cho- reservations, please call 908- found at www.chesterthe-
on Broadway for two and a reographer is Megan 879-7304. The Black River
he Washington Township Historical Society is celebrat- rated April 29, 1961. The first meeting on record was held on
ing its 50th anniversary. The public is invited to attend August 6, 1960 in the Municipal Building with 19 people
a 50th Anniversary Open House in the WTHS Museum attending. A steering committee of eight people was appoint-
on March 5 and 6. Guests can stop by between 10 a.m. and 4 ed on September 24th to plan the procedure for organization
p.m. on either day to see gems from the WTHS collection, of
digital shows, and presentations (5-20 min each). Schedules the Society. On October 29, 1960, a motion was made by
of the shows are available on the WTHS website at www.wth- Harley Wilson that a historical society representing beginning February 19. The WTHS museum is locat- Washington Township be formally organized. It was second-
ed at 6 Fairview Avenue in the center of Long Valley. ed by Elizabeth Diehl and carried.
Additional parking is available nearby at Columbia Trail on Through the years, the Historical Society has stimulated an
Schooley's Mountain Rd. continued on page 6
The Washington Township Historical Society was incorpo-
Page 2 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
continued on page 8
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 3
Page 4 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
ew Jersey parents suffering with parent has only half an hour to end their
finding ways to pay for their chil- college funding problems, I would suggest
dren’s college education can final- the following:
ly get the solutions to their college funding 1. Make sure they do not over-value
problems. their home on the financial aid forms
2. Try not to save money in the child’s
Most families who earn $75,000 or
name as it weighs more heavily than the
more and own a home assume they are not
parent’s savings
eligible for financial aid. However, most 3. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with a
families with income over $100,000 are college for a better financial aid package.
actually eligible for some types of “need Newell offers New Jersey parents with
based” financial aid. They simply need to college funding problems a free booklet
know how to get their fair share. that explains the 9 most common college
According to Newell, there are several funding problems and solutions. Free
easy things parents can do to substantially copies will be distributed at the seminar
increase the amount of money they get listed below.
from colleges. For example, “There are Mr. Newell will be conducting a free
several schools that historically give better one-hour seminar for parents of college
bound high school sophomores and juniors
financial aid packages than others,” says
at the following location: The Washington
Newell. “If families do proper income and
Twp. Public Library on Wednesday, March
asset planning before filling out the forms, 23, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
they can increase eligibility by thousands Reservation only! Seating is limited.
of dollars.” Reserve your seat today by calling toll free
Newell offers a few simple tips to par- 1-800-928-8464.
ents with college funding problems. “If a
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 5
ashington Township Recreation Valley. Marcel and Lucky will be perform-
Department is celebrating the ing their unique show of singing and danc-
luck of the Irish by offering their ing for the participant’s entertainment
annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on enjoyment.
Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 11 AM. The The cost of this event is a non-refundable
festive event will be held at the Washington fee of $7.00 for residents and $8.00 for non-
clip & save Township Senior Center in Rock Spring residents. Please send your check made
Park, Long Valley. payable to Washington Township
10.00 OFF
Any Vacuum, Sewing Machine
The event will include a catered lunch-
eon of holiday favorites consisting of
corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, mixed veg-
Recreation to: WT Recreation, 50 Rock
Road, Long Valley, NJ 07853 before March
8, 2011.
Service or Central Vac WINTER etable, Uncle Sal’s famous salad and Irish For any questions, please call 908-876-
Plus Special Bonus... BLOWOUT soda bread. Dessert will be generously 5941.
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A Women’s Wellness Workshop
the finest technology and their unsur- his Thursday, February 17, 2011 at have put together an informative workshop
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Not valid on sale items or with other promotions. In fact, Miele has built its throughout your lifetime. In our class with
Long Valley, will present a workshop enti-
reputation on introducing radi-
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GUARANTEED real problems long before oth- Workshop. Wellness Center, you can expect to learn:
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Page 6 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
Historical Society...
Touch Tunnel... Seat Check continued fromfront page
hester’s Seat Check Inspection Station will be open interest in the community and its many historical sites. The
continued from page 2 society was instrumental in having Long Valley center desig-
Saturday, Feb 19th from 8 am to 2 pm. Parents and
February 18 at 9:00 am. It is open during the Center’s nor- caregivers are encouraged to stop in to make sure nated on both the State and National Registers of Historical
mal operating hours. For the winter/spring season, these are their child’s car seat is properly installed and fits the child Districts. They discovered, told, and documented the history
Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; Saturday- Sunday, using it. The station is located at 100 North Road in Chester. of Washington Township. On October 4, 1981, the society
9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Mondays except holidays. See Follow the First Aid Squad signs to the back of the lot, look opened its Museum in the historic stone schoolhouse built in for details. for the big garage doors. The station is staffed by certified 1830. They continue to operate and maintain the museum. It
3. What does it cost? is open on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment.
child passenger safety technicians and instructors. No
The Touch Tunnel is free with paid admission or member- New members are welcome. For additional information,
charge; $10 donations to SafeKids Northern New Jersey are
ship. (See restrictions, item 5.) please send an e-mail to or call 908-876-
4. How does it work? 9696.
Guests crawl into a black entrance and must find their way
through the maze to the exit. Many people solve the maze
within 10 minutes. A few might need hints from Center staff
monitoring their progress.
5. Who can experience it?
The Touch Tunnel is for guests ages 7 and over. Younger
children are not permitted in the experience unless accom-
panied by an adult. Guests who are pregnant, have back
pain or cannot crawl for at least 10 minutes should not
attempt the Touch Tunnel.
6. Where will the Touch Tunnel be located?
Guests will find the all-new Touch Tunnel in the Changing
Experiences Gallery, formerly the Traveling Exhibition
Gallery, on the west side of the 4th Floor.
7. What else will be in that gallery?
Guests waiting in line will enjoy a range of experiences
including specially composed ambient soundscape music
and colorful graphic panels about humans’ five senses and
the sometimes surprising extra senses found in the animal
kingdom. Upon exiting they can try activities related to
senses such as optical illusions, hands-on learning experi-
ences, and more, including adding to a project to collect and
display memories and thoughts about the old and new
Touch Tunnels.
8. Where was the original Touch Tunnel?
The first Touch Tunnel was located on the former Health
Floor from 1993 to 2005 when it was removed to accommo-
date new exhibitions added to the Center during the most
recent renovation and expansion.
9. Why was it taken out in 2005?
The original Touch Tunnel was quite worn and was
removed to make way for new experiences added through-
out the building as part of the comprehensive expansion and
renovation completed in 2007.
10. Why is it being brought back now?
After receiving a steady stream of guest requests, the
Science Center decided to restore the Touch Tunnel in a
new version, further enhancing the institution’s award-win-
ning mix of hands-on exhibitions, programs and other sci-
ence-rich learning opportunities. Because traveling exhibi-
tions are booked some three years before they are shown at
museums, this is also the first time the Center has had
gallery space large enough to accommodate the new Touch
11. What happens if someone panics in the Touch Tunnel
or the fire alarm sounds?
The Touch Tunnel features a number of safety systems
designed to keep it safe and fun for all guests. First,
infrared cameras and microphones allow Science Center
staff to monitor progress of those in the maze. Being able to
see and hear guests at all times allows staff to give verbal
encouragement when necessary, allowing everyone to com-
plete the challenge. Second, panels located all along the
Touch Tunnel can be popped open if necessary, giving LSC
staff immediate access to guests inside. The panels pop
open automatically if the fire alarm sounds.
12. How do infrared cameras work?
Infrared shows heat on the surface of an object, giving a dis-
tinctive exterior outline of guests crawling in the Touch
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 7
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 9
nce again the Leprechauns will be invading and outstanding accomplish- West Morris Mendham High April 15th.
two scholarships to
Chester, New Jersey. Yes… the Knights of students residing in Chester, ments in activities that Schools before March 1st. The Chester Lioness Club
Columbus, Council 5410 and St. Lawrence the Mendham, or Washington demonstrate leadership and The completed form must be is a service club that takes an
Martyr Church will hold their annual St Patrick’s Dinner Township in Morris County, service. Financial need is returned to The College active interest in the civic,
Dance. Traditional Irish Dinner and Refreshments …..and NJ. Each scholarship award- also considered. These Resource Center at the cultural and social welfare of
Music by the Peter McKiernan’s Irish American Band. The ed may be up to $1,000. scholarships are available school by April 1st. the community. Individuals
event will take place at The St. Lawrence Parish Hall on Criteria for selection of can- not only to public high Students may also request an interested in receiving infor-
Saturday March 12, 2011, and will start at 6PM to didates for these scholar- school students, but those application by telephoning mation regarding the Chester
11:30PM. Come and enjoy the festivities, great Irish food ships include: academic attending private schools as Anne MacMillan, Lioness Lioness Club may contact
and real Irish music! Cost is $36.00 per person, For Ticket record, classroom and well. Club Scholarship Holly Simmenroth, Publicity
Information Call Virginia Wallace at 973 584 3405 extracurricular activities, Applications may be Chairperson at 908-879- Chairperson at 908-879-
obtained in the College 7621. Completed applica- 5932.
ashington Township currently has the bus has openings for the weekly grocery
openings for riders on Mondays shopping trip to the Chester Shop Rite. For
and Wednesdays. On Mondays, more information on the WT Senior Citizen
local Seniors can be transported to partici- Transportation services or if you are a
pate in the Morris County Nutrition Senior and wish to reserve a seat on the bus,
Program offered at the Mt. Olive Senior please call Donna Daly at 908-876-5941,
Center from 11am – 1pm. On Wednesdays, extension 27.
he Chester First Aid Squad had an as a Car Seat Safety Station at the popular
eventful and busy 2010. Its dedicat- Car Seat Check events held every first
ed team of volunteer EMTs, on call Tuesday and every third Thursday of the
24x7, responded to 801 calls within Chester month. And in partnership with the
Borough and Chester Township, plus 21 Emergency Services Coalition (ESC),
mutual aid calls in surrounding towns. which includes the Chester Fire Company,
CFAS serviced not only local residents, but Chester Township Police Department,
also local businesses and eldercare facili- Chester Borough Police Department, and
ties. Of the 801 calls, 533 required immedi- Ladies Auxiliary, CFAS helped organize
ate transportation to one of six area hospi- and run a one-week camp for children at the
tals. CFAS EMTs responded to diverse end of June, Emergency Services Week, the
emergencies, including trauma emergencies Soft Ball Tourney, and blood drives
such as a sports accident or fall, motor vehi- throughout the year.
cle accident-related calls, medical emergen- Improvements in 2010 included the
cies such as cardiac arrest and respiratory installation of Toughbook computers on
difficulties, childbirth, and fire-related each ambulance to implement electronic
emergencies servicing both patients and patient care reporting; the purchase of a
emergency fire personnel. For some emer- Stryker motorized stretcher; and implemen-
gency calls, CFAS partnered with advanced tation of the 'I Am Responding" system, a
life support units, as well as AirOne, an tool that helps manage the response of its
Atlantic Health System helicopter, plus members.
NorthSTAR operated by NJ State Police. In 2011, CFAS has many exciting plans
Both are used to transport critically injured in the works which will benefit the commu-
patients to a local trauma or burn center nity, including the purchase of a new ambu- Chester First Aid Squad Announces 2011 Officers.
hospital. lance (funded by the Township and
In addition to handling individual emer- Borough), an 'EMTs on Bikes' program and EMT/Driver, or Associate Member whose To learn more about the Chester First
gency calls, CFAS ensured an on-site pres- the launch of a new website. Look for more main role is providing administrative sup- Aid Squad, inquire about becoming a mem-
ence at 24 local Chester events, such as the information in future articles. port to the squad. Training is provided by ber, or make a donation, visit:
4-H Fair, the Chester Craft Fairs, and vari- Captain David Fretwell commented: the squad and it’s a great opportunity to be or call the CFAS
ous other festivals and sports events held “We are always looking for local residents a part of a professional team while giving Office at : (908) 879-5560. All donations
locally. CFAS' North Road facility served who can volunteer their time either as an back to the community.” continued on page 11
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 11
Chester First Aid Squad... Meet Phoenix from Eleventh Hour Rescue.
Phoenix has risen up from a very bad life that he
continued from page 11 approximately 50 members, many of which had previously in Georgia. Kept outside all
are tax deductible and are greatly appreciat- are certified Emergency Medical day, crated, in the hot sun with limited food and
ed. Technicians (EMTs). On average CFAS water, this underweight and dehydrated, 1 ?
About Chester First Aid Squad runs over 800 emergency calls a year. year old, German Sheppard mix has come a
The Chester First Aid Squad (CFAS) CFAS works closely with the Chester Vol. long way. Now in a foster home here in NJ
located in Chester, NJ is a volunteer, non- Fire Company, and Chester Borough and awaiting adoption, Phoenix lives with several
profit, organization that provides emer- Chester Township Police Depts. In addition small dogs and he’s a frequent visitor to the
gency medical services to sick and injured to these local organizations, CFAS works
local dog park. His new foster family reports
residents of Chester and surrounding towns. with other mutual aid squads in the area,
hospital-based paramedics, and state and that his favorite game is “Hide and Seek” with
CFAS was established in 1945 and became their shoes, but this playful behavior makes him
independent from the Fire Company in private Aeromedical helicopters. For more
information about the Chester First Aid even more adorable at home. To read more
1987. CFAS currently operates three
ambulances and has a support unit of Squad, visit: about Phoenix, to see all of our adoptable dogs,
to see our upcoming events, or to make a dona-
tion, please visit our website:
grass and two trees in each of the islands. He repaired and fully attained after participating in and completing a week- he Long Valley Woman's Club will be sponsoring the
replaced several Belgian blocks in the curb borders of the long Ordeal, which tested his scouting skills individually 25th Annual "Antiques in Long Valley." The event
islands that were broken or missing. Stepping stones were and his ability to work in a team on a service project. As a will be held on Saturday, February 26th at the Long
arranged in the islands to prevent the grass from being Life Scout, he received one of his most personally satisfy- Valley Middle School on Route 513 (51 West Mill Road) in
killed from foot traffic. The project required several steps ing recognitions as he was chosen by his peers to be Crew Long Valley. The show runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
and time-specific coordination with outside vendors. A Chief for their high adventure trip to the Philmont Scout Admission is $6 for adults and is free for children under12
total of 324 man hours were put into the total project over a Ranch. He was responsible for all organizational, logistics (no strollers permitted). Food may be purchased during the
month’s span. He will continue to tend to the grass and tree and tactical decisions while he and eight fellow scouts and day. More information may be found at www.lvwoman-
plantings in the spring to ensure their permanent establish- 3 adult leaders trekked 70 miles through New Mexico’s
ment. high country.
Christopher began his scouting career in 1999 as a Cub Throughout his scouting career, Christopher has proven
Scout in Pack 236 of Long Valley, New Jersey where he himself to be a dependable and caring leader, eager to help Get Your Business Noticed with the
learned the basic tenants of scouting, earning activity younger scouts with rank advancement and the troop as a AREA’S MOST READ PAPER...
badges, and began his journey of learning what it means to whole by serving as a Patrol leader, an Assistant Senior
live by the Scout Oath. In 2003 he became a first year Patrol leader, and as the Senior Patrol Leader at various
Webelo and began making the transition to Boy Scouts by stages of his journey. He has also gained what he believes Call 973-252-9889 for information
earning his Arrow of Light. In 2004, he joined Troop 36, will be a life-long love of outdoor activities such as hiking
Offered at $424,000
Offered at $ 700,000
r. Michael S. Topeka, C.Ped, some that help burn fat! Mike will present
owner operator of the business, programs to community groups which
"Foot Solutions" in the Shop Rite would include such topics as "Taking Care
Mall, 159 Route 206, Chester, NJ 07930 of Your Feet is Taking Care of Whole
presented a brief description of his business YOU!", "Balanced Walking to Feel Fit and
to the Chester Lioness Club at their Younger", and "Specific Foot Problems eg:
Board/Business Meeting on January Bunions, Plantar Fasciitis, etc.". He would
20,2011. like to extend his charitable efforts and
Mike explained that he was participating donate $250 or one percent of his monthly
in a "Win-Win" charitable contribution sales, whichever is higher, to a different
effort! He will generously donated $250 or local charity each month. In return, Mike
1 percent of his sales, whichever is greater, asks the groups to tell their friends and sup-
for the month of March to the Lioness Club porters about the "Foot Solutions" store.
to help support their worthy causes in return For further information about this charitable
for the Club's support by sharing his expla- program and Foot Solutions, visit our web-
nation of the "Foot Solutions" business and site at
how it may assist many community resi- The Chester Lionesses extend our sin-
dents in alleviating their foot problems. Not cere thanks to Mike Topeka for his generous
only does Mike carry an extensive collec- offer. He will also be presenting a program
tion of shoes specialized for almost any foot regarding various "Foot Problem Solutions"
problem, but he carries shoes that can actu- to the club in September.
Attention Schools,
Organizations, Churches, etc.
Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming
events and we’ll publish them in our next issue.
Email us at
Page 14 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
The Things You May Not Know Mt. Olive Child Care
That Affect Your Finances! & Learning Center Sponsoring
t seems that many people today, are painful depending on how you use them.
more concerned than ever before about They can be an alternative if you pay them A Free Parent Education Program
off right away, avoiding high interest
their finances. t. Olive Child Care & Learning provide: child care by trained, professional
Are you making the best choices for your charges. But, they can also drain your wal- Center (located at 150 Wolfe staff; dinner for parents and children; men-
financial future? Are you sure? let and your opportunity to invest in your Road in Budd Lake) is sponsoring toring; and transportation (as available).
If you feel you are right on track and future. a free parent education program (S.T.E.P.). Our next 12 week session starts on February
comfortable with having accomplished your We found a way to help a client pay off This program will assist parents in coping 24th, 2011.
financial goals, good for you. However, if all his credit card debt and set up a lifetime with the behavior of toddlers, preschool, Please call Daniela for registration and
you feel you may have missed something income that increased his savings by school-age, and teenage children. We will further details!
read on.... $8,000.00 his very first year.
There are many ways you can control Worried about having enough money to
your financial future. But having the right retire?
tools and great advice is essential for you to We can set you up in a retirement savings
move forward in a profitable direction. plan that will increase your savings up to
Most people however, do not know where 10% the first year and show you how to
to go or what to do. grow your money with up to a guaranteed
Here are a few examples of what to look 7% interest rate that compounds annually
for: through an LIBR. We recently had a client
Insurance policies that was going to experience a $40,000 loss
Do you read the fine print in all your to his retirement nest egg. We reversed that
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insurance policies? Policies can be difficult loss and turned it into a $51,000.00 profit. Oil &
to read and understand, very often resulting Lifetime Income Filter Change Service/Flush Radiator Flush & Buy 4 Oil Changes
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in a state of confusion. We examined a pol-
icy for one of our clients and found over
Are you concerned that you might out-
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Attention Schools,
Organizations, Churches, etc.
Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming
events and we’ll publish them in our next issue.
Email us at
Page 16 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 17
Page 18 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
Anti-Aging: Part 2
by Deborah Waddell, Dipl. Ac., C.A. instances reversing chronic diseases. There is a movie (vege’s and fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and legumes)
ast month’s article focused on anti-aging utilizing coming out in March called, “Forks over Knives” that will you won’t have to wait long for results: receptors on your
facial acupuncture; however, the main focus of the go into more detail than I have room for in this article. For tongue register within seconds that you’ve eaten something
article was on the outside of our bodies. This month, those of you reading this that have a computer, go to “you nutritious. In three weeks, your taste buds change and
I would like to talk about how to get healthy on the inside. tube” and watch the trailer for the movie. I also strongly healthier foods becomes even tastier and you begin to crave
Our health is reflected on our skin, hair and face. Lifestyle recommend to all my patient’s to read the book, “The China it. Almost immediately, your cellular machinery kicks into
choices such as diet play a significant role in slowing – or Study, “by Dr. Colin Campbell and Quantum Wellness: A action to make the best of it.
accelerating – you’re aging clock. But before I delve into Practical Guide to Health and Happiness by Kathy Freston. Your genes take direction from every meal you eat. Dr.
how to get healthy, I thought you would like to know the The more informed you become, the healthier your diet will Dean Ornish, who is a famous cardiologist, found that
following disheartening facts: become. Your supermarket and health food store will changing to a plant based diet and making lifestyle changes
1. More than two thirds of the people in this country become your pharmacy! for only 3 months caused changes in over 500 genes –
are currently overweight or obese, many of these are chil- Health is your inalienable right, and it is your first free- “turning on” disease-preventing genes and “turning off”
dren. dom. Health allows you to go where you want, when you genes that promote many chronic diseases, including onco-
2. Did you know that for optimal well-being, it is want and do what you like. For many who suffer from genes that promote breast, colon and prostate cancer. I
recommended that you eat 7 – 10 servings a day of fruits chronic disease, this freedom is taken away and even more know that many big changes take a bit longer to become
and vegetables? Now I know that sounds like a lot, but a sadly, many people actually believe that at a certain age visible, but within a week or two of eating, moving and
serving size is only ? cup. Less than 28% of the US popu- they are suppose to have arthritis, diabetes and heart disease sleeping more sensibly, you will feel like an entirely differ-
lation eat anywhere near 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. etc. I hear this from my patients all the time! I am here to ent person and have a different outlook on life.
3. Roughly 30% of the population in this country tell you that you are wrong if that is what you believe! Take How do you get started? First, run to the book store or
exercises regularly, while only 10 % exercise daily. control of your health and really reverse the hands of time. download onto your E-reader, the books I suggested in the
4. Just 40 years ago the rate of autism in children was I know it is so easy to buy packaged food with ingredi- previous paragraph, then look at the trailer for “Forks over
1 in 10,000. Today, especially in New Jersey, the rate is 1 ents a mile long and most of which you can’t even pro- Knives” on You Tube, watch the movie coming out in
in 150. Not only are our children experiencing chronic dis- nounce. But did you know you can have a healthy whole March. Next, get over you love affair with fast foods and
ease, taking more prescription drugs than ever before, they foods dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less? I also sedentary living, learn to cook, and finally connect with a
now will have shorter life spans than their parents for the know you and the kids love french fries, donuts, chips and health professional at Skyland’s Acupuncture and Wellness
first time in history. The percentage of U.S. children and sugar coated everything and what makes matters worse is Center who knows how to SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH,
teens with chronic illnesses has quadrupled in the past 40 that all the unhealthy, toxic food that you are ingesting and not just treat your disease. I have found that the old 80/20
years, from 1.8 % in 1960 to 7% in 2004. Is this really what feeding your children is cheap and easy to find. Getting to rule helps many of my patient’s get started. If that sounds
we want for our children? a health food in most rural areas require longer car trips and too terrifying, try the 60/40 rule which is eating a plant
5. Did you know that one out of every two adults in possibly going to more than one store. But, here in Long based diet 60% of the time and a healthier no process foods
this country suffers from at least one chronic illness? Valley and Chester we are lucky to have a health food store diet 40% of the time. My hope is that you’ll choose the
Hence, more than half the adult population in this country and most of our area food stores carry a great line of organ- 80% or even better take the full plunge! The healthier you
are on at least one prescription drug and many are on mul- ic produce. I always hear that healthy food costs too much get, the better you’ll feel, and the more automatic healthy
tiple drugs. and in many cases that is true, however, if you stop buying choices you will make. If you plan on keeping meat in your
6. One out of every two men will be diagnosed with food that is processed, junk food and soda and begin eating diet on the 60/40 or 80/20 plan then make it the best you
cancer at some point in their lifetime, while one out of food in its whole form (hence whole foods), then you may can afford. We are blessed to live in an area abundant with
every 3 woman will succumb to the same fate. be pleasantly surprised that you actually save money. Just farms. There are several farms in our area that now offered
7. At the rate we are going, in less than 20 years, think what it costs you to buy a bag of potatoes verses a box grass fed beef, pork and chicken and they are raised with-
more than 85% of our population in the US will be over- of scalloped potatoes for which you will only get one meal out the use of pesticides and the animals are never injected
weight or obese! from. How many meals will you get from an organic 5 with hormones or antibiotics. The one that I know is Mini
Now, the good news! All of the aforementioned statis- pound bag of potatoes that contains no chemicals, no high Mac Farms in Long Valley on Pleasant Grove Rd, but there
tics can be reversed or greatly improved! More and more fructose corn syrup, and no artificial ingredients? are others so check them out on the internet.
articles are appearing on the news, in the newspapers and Become an active participant in yours’ and your family’s One of the first things you can do, even before you run
magazines, etc., that eating more of a plant-based diet can health. Once you ease off the processed food, fast food, and to the bookstore, is to go to your kitchen cabinets and
and does reverse not only the aging process, but in many sugar to name a few and start loading up on the good stuff pantry and clear out anything in a bag or box that contains
hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup (look at your
children’s cereal boxes and read the ingredients in your
whole grain bread – many so called whole grain breads con-
tain corn syrup), artificial flavors or colorings, and any
ingredients you can’t pronounce. Engage the whole family
in this process and you’ll soon find your children reading
labels and not wanting to eat the crappy food. Say “bye,
bye” to energy drinks, soda, diet soda, and flavored chemi-
Treating: Mental and Emotional Issues cal waters. Say sayonara to all refined sugars and artificial
• Musculo-skeletal and Neurological • Upper Respiratory Tract sweeteners. Next, let’s move on to the white stuff – these
Deborah Waddell,
• Gastrointestinal Disorders • Reproductive System include: white flour, pasta, rice and of course white bread.
Lastly, dear I say, get rid of the dairy! Yes, you heard me,
Dipl. Ac., C.A. SPECIALIZING IN INFERTILITY IN FEMALES & MALES toss the dairy. You’ll learn all about the harm of eating
dairy in the books I’ve recommended, there isn’t enough
Valley Professional Center, 59 East Mill Road (Rt. 24), space in this article. Dairy is the one item that once you
eliminate it you will feel a difference within days. I prom-
Suite 2-201-A, Long Valley, New Jersey, 07853 • (908) 876-3643 continued on page 20
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 19
hen we think of Thomas Edison we think about 4th largest US cement producers of the 1920’s. Although standing in places such as Union NJ. The public can still
the light bulb and all his electrical inventions. they were successful in the production of high quality see Edison’s cement garage and gardener’s cottage when
However, Edison had cemented dreams of the cement, their home construction business was flailing. they tour the Glenmont estate which is also part of the
home construction market. After a failed iron-ore refining Edison never achieved his vision of mass home production Thomas Edison museum.
business, he was left with a large inventory of heavy equip- since concrete housing took much more effort to develop The Thomas Edison Museum. Open Wednesday through
ment. Edison’s inventive mind found a way to put this idle than Edison was willing to invest. Edison was still left with Sunday. Hours are 9:00am - 5:00pm Fee is $7.00 - 211
equipment back into production when he formed the Edison the bitter taste of failure from his iron-ore refining business Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052 Visit website for
Portland Cement Company in 1899. Edison envisioned to take on new investment risks. Instead of making rows more details
many uses for his cement such as low cost homes, furniture, and rows of low cost new homes he was only able to make
refrigerators, and even his phonographs. One can say his it to a famous home plate. His Edison Portland Cement
mind was heavy on cement. Although. Concrete-cement erected the wall of the main entrance of the first New York
Chester Garden Club
was rarely used in the early 20th century; Edison went full Yankee stadium. to Sponsor Trip to
speed in launching the cement industry as the ideal chief Edison never provided builders with complete plans for
substance in home construction. By 1908 Edison’s team these concrete homes which resulted in a lack of interest by
Philadelphia Flower Show
had perfected their Edison-Portland cement formula for the home constructors to build these structures. Although, he hester Garden Club will sponsor a trip to the
home construction business. But, Edison did not only focus boasted that he would not take a profit but would give away Philadelphia Flower Show entitled "Springtime in
his efforts on cement. He executed the design of massive the patented information to qualified builders. Edison had Paris." The event will be held on Tuesday, March 8,
reusable steel molds to cast the walls of these cement hous- trouble making the molds for the houses, let alone architec- 2011. The bus will leave from St. Lawrence Church, Main
es. In 1910 Edison used his own estate to cast 2 experimen- tural decorative fixture pieces. An upscale home could call Street, Chester at 8:30 a.m. and return at 6 p.m. The cost of
tal buildings from his cement and molds. They were a gar- for molds composed of 2300 pieces. It was no wonder the $50 includes the bus fare, entrance fee for the Flower Show
dener’s cottage and a garage at his Glenmont estate. cement home building was destined to sink. It was estimat- and a gratuity for the driver. For more information and to
The Edison Portland Cement Company works was located ed back then that a home builder would have to invest in an register, please call Joan at 908-879-4093 by February 28.
in Stewartsville, New Jersey. In 1905 the company was pro- estimated $175,000 worth of home cast pieces. By the
ducing 3,000 barrels of cement per day. They expanded this 1930’s with depression economics, the cast cement home Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.
business in 1908, with a cross-licensing agreement with the building projects had become an extinct market. Send us your photos, press releases and upcom-
North American Portland Cement Company. This gave The Yankee stadium entrance that Edison built has been ing events and we’ll publish them in our next
both firms reciprocal use of key cement patents. This also demolished but its rubble has been saved as souvenirs. A issue. Email us at
Page 20 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
eta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Acupuncture in Mont-clair, NJ. She received
South Main, Morristown. excellent sources of polyphenols which are
Society is hosting a regional Earth Day Science her Acupuncture Certifi-cation from the New
$24-$40. 3 and 6 pm. 973- strong antioxidants. Green tea is higher in
Fair for grades K-8 at Centenary College on Jersey Board of of Medical Examiners (C.A.)
539-8008. Climb on board antioxidants and is cardio-protective. Red
April 30, 2011. All elementary and middle school stu- and from the National Commission for the
with Thomas & Friends wine (one glass only) is packed with
dents in Long Valley/Wash Twp., Great Meadows, Certification of Acupuncturists (Dipl. Ac.).
for the most spectacular flavonoids which may offset age-related
Hackettstown and Mount Olive are invited to register. Deborah also has a degree in Biology and
live show of the year as mental decline and minimize inflammation.
Registration is available online at www.earthday- Chemistry with summa cum laude Honors
they take the whole fami- Non-alkalizing cocoa (raw powder) is one from Felician College.
continued on page 21 of the highest concentrations of antioxi-
dants you can ingest!
2900 $
12900 $
BUDD LAKE • 336 RT. 46 • 973-347-6200
EAST HANOVER • 181 RT. 10 • 973-240-7847
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 21
Calendar of Events...
continued from page 21
ly on a fun-filled adventure, teaching life lessons of
discovery, friendship and cooperation.
Washington Twp Budget Committee Meeting —
Senior Center, Rock Spring Park, Long Valley. 7 pm.
Open to public. (908) 876-3315. Regular meeting.
Tue, Feb 22
Workshop: Children Storytelling Art (Feb 22, Mar 1)
— Community Children s Museum, 77 East Blackwell
St., Dover. $7. 10-11 am. Pre-School ages 3 - 5. 973-366-
9060 or
Children will make simple props and costumes based
on the telling of the story.
Wed, Feb 23
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Meeting
(last Wednesday of month) — Morristown Unitarian
Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown.
Free but donation is requested. 7:45 pm. Open to pub-
lic. (973) 994-1143.
Workshop: College Funding Seminar — Chester
Public Library, 250 West Main Street, Chester. Free,
registration. 7 pm. Open to public. (908) 879-7612. Al
Newell of Solutions for College Funding will present
a seminar to help parents of college-bound students
understand the financial aid process.
Thu, Feb 24
Comedy: Brad Zimmerman — Community Theatre,
100 South Main, Morristown. $25. 8 pm. (973) 539-
8008. Comedian Brad Zimmerman weaves a bitter-
sweet tale of one man s struggle to make it as an actor
in New York.
FREE Blood Pressure Screening (4th Thursday of
month) — Long Valley Pharmacy, 67 East Mill, Long
Valley. Free. 12:30 to 2:30. Open to public. Sponsored
by the Washington Twp. Health Dept.. (908) 876-3650.
Fri, Feb 25
Blues at the Crossroads: The Robert Johnson
Centennial Concerts with Big Head Todd & The
Monsters. Princeton. McCarter Theatre Center, 91
University Place. $. 8 pm. (609) 258-2787. A tribute to
blues legend Robert Johnson, the man who started it
all and inspired countless musicians. Lineup includes
BHTM, Rory Block, Hubert Sumlin, Cedric Burnside
and Lightnin Malcolm.
Circus: CiRCA-46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes (Feb 25-
26) — The Theatre at Raritan Valley Community
College, 118 Lamington Road, Branchburg. $25. Fri &
Sat at 7 pm. (908) 725-3420. From Brisbane, Australia
comes a bold new vision of contemporary circus.
Marvel at the astounding ways intrepid acrobats
bend, fly, juggle and balance while they battle the
Music: The Fab Four. Morristown. Community
Theatre, 100 South Main. $37-$57. 8 pm. 973-539-8008.
Back by audience demand! The Fab Four returns to
keep the spirit and the sounds of The Beatles alive for
fans old and young.
Theater: Urinetown The Musical (Feb 25 to Mar 20) —
Black River Playhouse, corner of Maple and Grove,
Chester. $24 adults, $22 seniors and students. Fri & Sat
at 8 pm, Sun at 2 pm. 908-879-7304.
Sat, Feb 26
24th Annual Antiques Show in Long Valley — Long
Valley Middle School, Route 513, Long Valley. $6
continued on page 23
Page 22 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
“ e hold these truths to be self- Israel lives by the rule of law under a dem- hat does it mean "Go Green?" in order to power them?
evident, that all men are cre- ocratically elected government which exists Does "going green" mean that if For those of you who disagree with me,
ated equal, that they are by the consent of the governed. The Arab I purchase certain pre-approved keep in mind you are reading this article in
endowed by their creator with certain and Persian people in the Middle East have products that are deemed "safe to the envi- the comfort of your home in February.
unalienable rights, that among these are scant history with democracy, of respect for ronment" i.e. Compact Florescent Light Taken for granted, running in the back-
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” the rule of law. The sad reality is that for bulbs 'CFLs, I am individually doing my ground is some sort of a heating system in
Truer words were never spoken. Our many decades these people have known part to some how prevent the deterioration your home. Whether it's wood, gas oil etc.
unalienable, individual rights lay at the only the rule of despots. and destruction of the planet? you're polluting the atmosphere with CO2.
heart of how our American society operates. In Egypt as elsewhere in the Middle Is "going green" also an opportunity for If you really believed that you were con-
Our democratic form of government exists East, the society is replete with ideological big government liberals to use the environ- tributing to global warming by emitting
by the consent of the governed and operates fanatics who seek to replace the current mental movement, taking advantage of green house gases such as CO2, as a true
to protect our rights while it is also con- rulers, but democracy is not what they have mass hysteria, to move their high tax and believer, shouldn't you shut your furnace in
strained by them. Only democracy has in mind. Replacing one set of repressive spend redistribution of wealth agenda for- order to save the planet?
those attributes. We’ve learned over the rulers with another set of repressive rulers ward, i.e. Cap and Trade? Steve Forbes Compact florescent light bulbs contain
past 200 years or so, though, that making won’t help the Egyptians or us. With once said referring to a broad redistribution the heavy metal mercury, which you proba-
democratic government work right is not almost one third of the adults in Egypt illit- of wealth scheme, "If you can't go Red, go bly already know is poisonous and danger-
easy. Our rights, our liberties, our pursuits erate, and even more poorly educated, mak- Green!" ous to the environment. If you were to break
of happiness are under constant assault. ing the transition to a true representative Recently, I had the opportunity to use use a "curly" bulb, the mercury in one bulb is
It isn’t just certain foreigners who wish and functioning democracy, one not domi- a CFL (Compact "curly" florescent light serious enough to cause this warning from
us harm. Some of our worst enemies live nated by ideological or religious fanatics bulb). I was very impressed with the fact the EPA. " You must take extreme measures
amongst us. From those who denied the even more hostile to western ideas, will not that the bulb didn't get hot after it was on for to clean up a CFL break in your home.
rights of women and people of color, to the be easy. Remember, Algeria’s stab at a while. My work brings me into many Never use a vacuum cleaner to collect the
robber barons and monopolists of the 19th democracy some years ago didn’t go so beautifully furnished homes, forgetting remains of a broken CFL bulb. It’s recom-
and 20th Centuries, to the myriad corrupt well. When it became clear that the voters about a lit drop light, even a few minutes, mended that you throw away any clothing
politicians and political organizations that (equally as illiterate and ill educated as could burn a carpet and ruin a perfectly or bedding that comes into contact with the
unfairly usurp power and privilege, to the those in Egypt) were voting for the reli- good business relationship with a customer. broken CFL." Moreover, curly bulbs must
ability of extremely wealthy individuals gious fanatics, the elections were scrubbed. So, I decided I was going to buy my first be recycled in order to prevent the mercury
and private groups to distort and corrupt our Let’s be clear. The current rulers of "curly" bulb. But, before I did that, I decid- in them from being released into the envi-
elections, making our country work for the these countries are fanatical in their own ed to do a little research about "curly" bulbs, ronment. Ikea, Home Depot, Walmart, Ace
benefit of all has been a struggle. Even rights. They are not “friends” of ours. here's what I found. and True Value Hardware stores accept
today, the rights of too many Americans are They do not share our values. To call some The price of "curly" light bulbs on aver- curly bulbs for recycling at no extra charge.
repressed by other Americans. But we of these rulers, President Mubarak of age are sixteen times more than the price of Next on my list for "going green" is
know that only democracy can allow us the Egypt, Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi incandescent light bulbs. We are told that Solar Energy. If photovoltaic solar cells,
chance to live free. That’s true for us Arabia, even King Hussein of Jordan, allies "curly" light bulbs are worth the extra which effectively turn the sun's rays into
Americans as it is for all people, every- of the United States is to stretch the mean- money because we will save money on our electricity have been available since 1950s,
where. ing of that word as thin as it will go. We electric bill. But, these savings are quickly why are solar panels not readily made
So as we watch the people of Egypt, and accommodate each other. Nothing more. eroded if curly bulbs cannot reach maxi- affordable to the general public today, 60
some other Middle Eastern countries, So if the people of Egypt succeed, I believe mum efficiency by being kept on for years later? Why do you need to trade ener-
demonstrating and demanding an end to life the world will be a better place. However, extended periods of time. If you shut curly gy credits ( Cap and Trade) once a solar sys-
under the rule of repressive dictators and that’s one big if. light bulbs on and off frequently, you dimin- tem comes on line? Did you know that the
autocrats, “kings” such as they are, we The good news for us, I think, is that ish their longevity, thereby cutting down on utility company controls the operation of
innately understand and encourage them. once again we see our western, American their life expectancy. Where's the savings? your solar panel system? In a power outage
We are also, though, very concerned about values reaffirmed. We see here, as we wit- Furthermore, I don't buy into the left's your solar panel system is shut down by the
what may lay ahead. Surely we Americans nessed in Eastern Europe, even in China, hysterical argument that using curly light utility company.
agree that the people of Egypt, Tunisia, the basic yearning of people to live free, bulbs will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) When video tape machines first became
Jordan, indeed all the people in the region, where their unalienable rights to life, liber- and stop global warming. Think about this; available for public consumption in the
are equally endowed with the same unalien- ty and the pursuit of happiness are protect- if the U.S. government was serious about 1970's, a Beta Max machine was $1500.
able rights as are we Americans. These ed by their government. We see that for controlling CO2 emissions, they would stop That's the equivalent today of $8,000.
people deserve the same chance to enjoy people anywhere whose freedoms are burning coal to heat the capital building. Which is just about right when you consid-
their individual rights as we have here. denied them, they will, at some point or Not to mention the fact that nuclear energy er that a 50 inch flat screen TV first cost
They have as much right to live under a another, fight and die to attain them. So produces 0 percent CO2 emissions. $10,000.00. My point is this; If the price of
democratic form of government as we. good luck to the people of Egypt. Nuclear energy is truly "green energy," but VCR's, DVD players and flat screen TV's
But it isn’t that simple. The people of But the struggle to live free is ongoing. to liberals, enviro-mental-ists, nuclear ener- have dropped so dramatically in price that
Egypt, as those in neighboring Middle Once recognized and attained, we must still gy is a bugaboo. Do you really believe that anyone at any income level can afford to
Eastern countries, have a long and precari- fight to protect our rights. We have in using curly light bulbs will reduce green- buy one, why hasn't that happened with
ous road ahead of them. Israel is the only continued on page 30 house gases and stop global warming, while continued on page 30
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 23
Calendar of Events...
continued from page 21 experiment with various art activities,
adults, free for children under 12 (no including paper making, print making,
strollers). 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Open to clay work and painting.
public. Wed, Mar 2
NJ Blood Drive — Mendham Karate CCM Dance Theater Showcase (Mar 2-
Academy, King s Mall, Mendham. 12 5) — Dragonetti Auditorium of CCM,
noon to 5:30 p.m. 800-933-2566. County College of Morris, 214 Center
Theater: Rapunzel - A Brush with Fate! Grove, Randolph. $10-$15. 7:30 pm, Sat.
(Feb 26-Mar 12) — Pax Amicus Castle matinee at 2 pm. Open to public. (973)
Theatre, 23 Lake Shore Drive, Budd 328-5076. Enjoy works choreographed
Lake. Tickets $12. Sat. 11 and 1. by faculty, students and special guest
Children ages 4-13. (973) 691-2100. artists varying in styles from ballet, to
Sun, Feb 27 hip-hop, to modern and jazz.
Comedy: Marty Allen with Karon Kate Microsoft Excel I — Chester Public
Blackwell — Mattar s Bistro, 1115 Route Library, 250 West Main, Chester. Free,
517, Allamuchy. $. 7 pm. (908) 852-2300. registration. 7 pm to 9 pm. Open to pub-
Legendary performer Marty Allen and lic. (908) 879-7612. Learn the basic func-
his wife will perform a variety show tions and features of Excel 2007.
with comedy, singing and dancing. Thu, Mar 3
Music: Hanover Wind Symphony My Chester Garden Club Meeting (1st
Hero Concert. Whippany. Memorial Thursday of month) — Chester Library,
Junior School, 61 Highland Ave. Free. 3 250 West Main, Chester. 10 a.m.. Open
pm. Open to public. to public. Call 908-879-0232.
Mon, Feb 28 Comedy: Evening with Colin Mochrie
Workshop: Children Art Exploration & Brad Sherwood — Community
(Feb 28, Mar 7) — Community Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown.
Children s Museum, 77 East Blackwell $47-$77. 8 pm. 973-539-8008. Enjoy
St., Dover. $12. 4-5 pm. Ages K to 2nd hilarious improvisation comedy based
grade. 973-366-9060 or www.communi- on audience suggestions and participa- Children will tion.
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Page 26 • February 2011 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
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home. Ever notice how people always foods that warm the body and the soul. And
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making dinner or spending time with fami-
that’s the very definition of comfort food.
Here are some of my favorite ways to bring
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Test Kitchen Project Manager for the Nestlé • A make-ahead casserole – I like to put
Test Kitchens, you can bet I love to stir together a hearty one-dish meal that makes
things up. This column lets me pass along to enough for leftovers on another night.
you some of my best recipes, tips and bak- • Homemade hot cocoa mix – Keeping a
ing secrets. container of homemade mix ready lets me
Just before the start of spring, there are continued on page 27
Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 27
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Tell Them You Saw It In Black River News • February 2011 • Page 29