Kuliah 6 - Biaxial Figures

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Optical Mineralogy

Interference Figures
2. Biaxial Figures
Optical Indicatrix and Interference Figures:

Uniaxial minerals
Interference figures
Optic sign
Pleochroic scheme

Biaxial minerals
Interference figures
Optic sign
Pleochroic scheme
Optical Indicatrix and Interference Figures:

1. Optical Indicatrix

2. Uniaxial Interference Figures

3. Biaxial Interference Figures

Optical Indicatrix

constructed as a sphere or ellipsoid with radii parallel to the principal

vibration directions and lengths of axes proportional to refractive index

in 2D: nmin = nmax (slow)
nmin isotropic nmin nmin < nmax
(fast) ellipse:

in 3D:
indicatrix for isotropic mineral is a sphere (of no further interest)
indicatrix for anisotropic mineral is an ellipsoid
2 cases: uniaxial and biaxial
Optical Indicatrix
in 3D: indicatrix for anisotropic mineral is an ellipsoid

Z random
sections section

wave normal: ray paths:

X<Y<Z propagation direction tangent to indicatrix
(nfast < nint < nslow) (incident PPL)
Nesse, 2000; Fig. 7.22
Case 2: Biaxial minerals (orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic
systems: a < b < c)
indicatrix is ellipsoid with axes X < Y < Z
na // X, nb // Y, ng // Z

2V only 2 circular
sections possible

2 optic axes (OA)
Y normal to the
circular sections
acute angle
between OA = 2V
Case 2: Biaxial indicatrix
ellipsoid with axes X < Y < Z
na // X, nb // Y, ng // Z

2 optic axes (OA) normal to

the 2 circular sections:
2V acute angle between OA = 2V
line bisecting 2V = Bxa
“acute bisectrix”

where Bxa // Z: +ve

where Bxa // X: -ve
+ve -ve
Nesse, 2004; Fig. 7.1
random section:
Case 2: Biaxial indicatrix oblique to both X-Z
ellipsoid with axes X < Y < Z and circular sections:
intermediate d
na // X, nb // Y, ng // Z

X-Z plane // plane of section

plane of section contains Nesse, 2004; Fig. 7.6, 7.7, & 7.8
both na and ng : circular section // plane of section
maximum d plane of section I one OA:
minimum d (extinct!)
Optic Sign: Summary
Case 1: Uniaxial minerals:
Case 2: Biaxial minerals:
Z = optic axis (c-axis = slow)
ne > nw +ve + ve where Bxa // Z

X = optic axis (c-axis = fast) -ve where Bxa // X

ne < nw -ve
c = OA = Z

c = OA = X
X +ve Bxa -ve X
a +ve
a -ve

determined from OA figure determined from Bxa or OA figure
Optic Sign
how do we figure this out???

conoscopic light (condenser lens in place)
interference figures (viewed with Bertrand lens)
use of STP to determine fast and slow directions

Nesse, Ch. 7, p. 53 -75 (uniaxial)

p. 76 - 109 (biaxial)
Optical Indicatrix and Symmetry

isometric system: a1 = a2 = a3; all angles = 90o

indicatrix is a sphere; minerals extinct in XN

hexagonal, trigonal, tetragonal systems: a1 = a2 (= a3) = c

all angles either 90o or 120o
uniaxial: indicatrix is ellipsoid; X < Y < Z
c-axis = optic axis = e (either X or Z)
parallel extinction

orthorhombic system: a = b = c; all angles = 90o

biaxial: indicatrix is ellipsoid; X < Y < Z
X, Y, Z // crystallographic axes
2 circular sections I 2 optic axes
parallel extinction
Optical Indicatrix and Symmetry
orthorhombic system: a = b = c; all angles = 90o
biaxial: indicatrix is ellipsoid; X < Y < Z
X, Y, Z  crystallographic axes
2 circular sections I 2 optic axes
parallel extinction
monoclinic system: a = b = c; a = g = 90o; b = 90o
biaxial: indicatrix is ellipsoid; X < Y < Z
one of X, Y, Z  one crystallographic axis
inclined extinction
triclinic system: a = b = c; a = b = g = 90o
biaxial: indicatrix is ellipsoid; X < Y < Z
no correspondence X, Y, Z  cryst. axes
inclined extinction
3. Biaxial Interference Figures
(Nesse Ch. 7 p. 76-109)

2 optic axes; 2 circular sections

na // X, nb // Y, ng // Z

X = fast; Y = intermediate; Z = slow

Polarisation in the petrographic microscope

upper polarising filter (analyser) what happens

sensitive tint plate here???
what happens mineral sample (thin section)
conoscopic light what happens here???
condenser lens
plane polarised light (PPL)
lower polarising filter (polariser)

unpolarised light

light source
Biaxial Interference Figures
conoscopic light: melatopes

condenser lens in
rays focused through
centre of sample
viewed with Bertrand lens
in biaxial minerals,
interference symmetrical
around 2 optic axes
2 melatopes
2 sets of isogyres
isochromes look distorted
2 different types of figures:
1. Bxa normal to plane of section
2. optic axis (OA) normal
to plane of section Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.12
optic plane //
Biaxial Interference Figures cross-hairs

1. Bxa figure:

Bxa normal to plane of section

both optic axes intersect section

figure changes as stage rotated:

isogyres come together as a cross
then separate into arcs

melatopes (M) and isochromes stay

in same relative position
but rotate around centre

optic plane 45o

to cross-hairs
Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.11
Biaxial Interference Figures
2. Optic axis (OA) figure: 1 optic axis normal to plane of section
second optic axis and Bxa both oblique to section
large 2V:
small 2V: one melatope
both melatopes visible
visible M

OA Bxa


1 melatope remains centred as stage rotated

isochromes rotate; isogyre(s) rotate (and separate)
Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.17 & 7.18
Biaxial Interference Figures

What do Bxa and OA figures actually look like?

muscovite (OM-11)

M = melatope isochromes

Bxa figure: OA figure:

observed in grains with observed in grains extinct
with low-intermediate apparent d for 360o stage rotation
Biaxial Interference Figures
Effect of stage rotation on Bxa figure (muscovite)
isogyres 0°
M separate

Biaxial Interference Figures
Effect of stage rotation on Bxa figure (muscovite)
isogyres 0°
M separate 45°

M isogyres

Biaxial Interference Figures
Effect of stage rotation on Bxa figure (muscovite)
isogyres 0°
M separate 45°

M isogyres


every 90°, isogyres change orientation

in between, isogyres meet
which is the best orientation for separate
determining optic sign?
find Bxa figure!!
Biaxial Interference Figures (low-intermediate apparent d)
Determining Optic Sign Nesse Fig. 7.48
1. Bxa Figure
+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X


X +ve -ve Z


+ve Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.23 -ve

Z = slow X = fast
textbook: orient figure with isogyres
in all biaxial minerals in NE-SW quadrants; look at region
between isogyres
find Bxa figure!!
Biaxial Interference Figures (low-intermediate apparent d)
Determining Optic Sign Nesse Fig. 7.48

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X


X +ve -ve Z
X = Bxa Z = Bxa

Bxa Z X

-ve +ve
Z = slow X = fast
recommended: orient figure with isogyres
in all biaxial minerals in NW-SE quadrants; look at region
“behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?
where did you look
tint plate in
to see colour change
in uniaxial figures?

no tint plate

tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?
SE quadrant,
tint plate in
"behind" (inside)

no tint plate

 here
tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?
Yellow (Yay!)? tint plate in
or Blue (Boo!)?

no tint plate

 here
tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?
Blue (Boo!) tint plate in
muscovite is
biaxial -ve

no tint plate

 here
tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?

tint plate in

note that both orientations

give the same answer,
no tint plate but observing the isogyre
in the SE quadrant is
more obvious (less confusing)
because of similarity with
uniaxial case

tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures
which is the best orientation for determining optic sign?
why does this work? tint plate in


no tint plate

tint plate in
no tint plate
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X
M = OA
Bxa: X or Z?

M = OA
X +ve -ve Z


Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

Bxa: X or Z?

X +ve -ve Z


Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

plane containing OAs and Bxa Bxa: X or Z?

is X-Z plane
but is X or Z vertical (// Bxa)?
if X horizontal between isogyres
then Z vertical (// Bxa)
if Z horizontal between isogyres
then X vertical (// Bxa)
Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

plane containing OAs and Bxa Bxa: X or Z?

is X-Z plane
but is X or Z vertical (// Bxa)?
if Z horizontal behind isogyres
then Z vertical (// Bxa)
if X horizontal behind isogyres
then X vertical (// Bxa) note reversal
across isogyres!!
Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

plane containing OAs and Bxa Bxa: X or Z?

is X-Z plane
but is X or Z vertical (// Bxa)?
if Z horizontal behind isogyres
then Z vertical (// Bxa)
if X horizontal behind isogyres
insert tint plate
then X vertical (// Bxa)
observe colour change
Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X
if Z vertical (// Bxa): Bxa = Z
X horizontal between isogyres X
Z horizontal behind isogyres
colours down
(X // STP slow)
grey  yellow (Yay!)
+ve insert tint plate
observe colour change
Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure

+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X down

if X vertical (// Bxa): Bxa = X

Z horizontal between isogyres Z
X horizontal behind isogyres
colours up
(Z // STP slow) X
grey  blue (Boo!) up
-ve insert tint plate
observe colour change
Z = slow X = fast
isogyres in NW-SE quadrants
in all biaxial minerals
look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures orientation of vibration
Determining Optic Sign directions in Bxa figure


Bxa = X
no tint plate

colours up X
blue (boo) up
insert tint plate
observe colour change

tint plate in isogyres in NW-SE quadrants

look at region “behind” isogyres
Biaxial Interference Figures
2. Optic axis (OA) figure: 1 optic axis normal to plane of section
second optic axis and Bxa both oblique to section
large 2V:
small 2V: one melatope
both melatopes visible
visible M

OA Bxa


1 melatope remains centred as stage rotated

isochromes rotate; isogyre(s) rotate (and separate)
Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.17 & 7.18
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
2. Optic axis (OA) figure Bxa

OA (=M)

OA (=M)

optic plane
reversal across isogyre!!
OA figure = Bxa figure
rotated so that OA in centre orient figure with isogyre
bent into SE or NW quadrant
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(grain extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
muscovite OA figure
2. Optic axis (OA) figure

OA (=M)
Bxa isochromes

OA (=M)

low δ grain; extinct for 360°

OA figure = Bxa figure

rotated so that OA in centre OM-11
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

if X horizontal in Bxa quadrant

then Z vertical (// Bxa)
and Z horizontal behind isogyre

if Z horizontal in Bxa quadrant

then X vertical (// Bxa)
and X horizontal behind isogyre
optic plane
reversal across isogyre!!
Z = slow X = fast
in all biaxial minerals orient figure with isogyre
bent into SE or NW quadrant
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X

if X horizontal in Bxa quadrant

then Z vertical (// Bxa)
and Z horizontal behind isogyre

if Z horizontal in Bxa quadrant observe SE

then X vertical (// Bxa) quadrant
and X horizontal behind isogyre
insert tint
Z = slow X = fast
in all biaxial minerals orient figure with isogyre
bent into SE or NW quadrant
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
Bxa = Z
+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X up
if Z vertical (// Bxa):
Z horizontal between isogyres
X horizontal behind isogyres X
colours down down
(X // STP slow)
grey  yellow (Yay!)
+ve insert tint
Z = slow X = fast if colours go down “inside” isogyre
in all biaxial minerals (grey  yellow: YAY!!)
mineral is +ve
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
Bxa = X
+ ve where Bxa // Z
-ve where Bxa // X down
if X vertical (// Bxa):
Z horizontal between isogyres
X horizontal behind isogyres
colours up X up
(Z // STP slow)
grey  blue (Boo!)
-ve insert tint
Z = slow X = fast if colours go up “inside” isogyre
in all biaxial minerals (grey  blue: BOO!!)
mineral is -ve
Biaxial Interference Figures find OA figure!!
(extinct for 360o rotation)
Determining Optic Sign
Bxa = X
no tint plate

muscovite up
OA figure X
-ve insert tint
if colours go up “inside” isogyre
with tint plate (grey  blue: BOO!!)
mineral is -ve
flash figure:
Interference Figures: field of view
Other Biaxial Figures light  dark
very quickly
as stage
1. Flash Figures: rotated
very similar to uniaxial flash figures
both X and Z in plane of section
(maximum d)
useless for determining optic sign

2. Bxo (obtuse bisectrix figures)

90o from Bxa figures
similar to Bxa in many respects but
less useful because isogyre separation
is greater (harder to tell where you are)

Nesse, 2004 Fig. 7.20

Biaxial Interference Figures
Estimating 2V
Bxa figure OA figure
separation of isogyres curvature of isogyre

15o 30o 15o


increasing separation with increasing 2V decreasing curvature

90 with increasing 2V
45o 60o

Nesse Fig. 7.51 Nesse Fig. 7.52

Biaxial Interference Figures
Estimating 2V aragonite muscovite
2V = 18° 2V = 40°
Bxa figure
separation of isogyres

15o 30o

increasing separation with increasing 2V

45o 60o

2V = 75°
Nesse Fig. 7.51
Biaxial Interference Figures
Estimating 2V
OA figure
curvature of isogyre
OA figure
2V = 40°

decreasing curvature
90 with increasing 2V

Nesse Fig. 7.52

Biaxial Minerals: Pleochroic Scheme

Nesse, 2000; Fig. 7.30

1. In PPL, find grain with maximum colour change as stage rotated

(grain will contain both X and Z directions)
2. In XN, check fast (X) and slow (Z) directions with ST plate; link to colour
(same procedure as sign of elongation)
3. In PPL, repeat on different grain to check intermediate colour
(X, Z are known; Y is remaining colour)
Biaxial Minerals: Pleochroic Scheme

1. In PPL, find grain with maximum colour change as stage rotated

(grain will contain both X and Z directions)
2. In XN, check fast (X) and slow (Z) directions with ST plate; link to colour
(same procedure as sign of elongation)
3. In PPL, repeat on different grain to check intermediate colour
(X, Z are known; Y is remaining colour)
Biaxial Minerals: Pleochroic Scheme

XN no tint XN with tint tint slow

1. In PPL, find grain with maximum colour change as stage rotated
(grain will contain both X and Z directions)
2. In XN, check fast (X) and slow (Z) directions with ST plate; link to colour
(same procedure as sign of elongation)
3. In PPL, repeat on different grain to check intermediate colour
(X, Z are known; Y is remaining colour)
Biaxial Minerals: Pleochroic Scheme
PPL Z = green-blue X = yellow PPL
slow fast

XN no tint XN with tint tint slow

1. In PPL, find grain with maximum colour change as stage rotated
(grain will contain both X and Z directions)
2. In XN, check fast (X) and slow (Z) directions with ST plate; link to colour
(same procedure as sign of elongation)
3. In PPL, repeat on different grain to check intermediate colour
(X, Z are known; Y is remaining colour)
Optic Sign: Summary
Case 1: Uniaxial minerals:
Case 2: Biaxial minerals:
Z = optic axis (c-axis = slow)
ne > nw +ve + ve where Bxa // Z

X = optic axis (c-axis = fast) -ve where Bxa // X

ne < nw -ve
c = OA = Z

c = OA = X
X +ve Bxa -ve X
a +ve
a -ve

determined from OA figure determined from Bxa or OA figure

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