RLV Terminal Area Energy
RLV Terminal Area Energy
RLV Terminal Area Energy
Abstract— A new longitudinal trajectory tracking law for the equation of RLV in TAEM phase is to be calculated out. For
Terminal Area Energy Management (TAEM) phase of the acquiring feedback control, performance index is also
Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) is presented in this paper. The computed. Finally the feedback matrix is obtained by
conventional PID method controls the height and the velocity by resolving the Riccati equation. Input of the system is the
the angle of attack and the angle of airbrake respectively, and feedback of the state.
no coupling is considered. To improve the tracking precision,
the new tracking law is designed based on the linear quadratic II. TRAJECTORY TRACKING METHODS
regulator (LQR) theory where the coupling is taken into account.
Finally, the trajectory tracking law based on the LQR is Assuming that the earth is a flat surface and the RLV is a
simulated and compared with the conventional method. particle, the motion equation of RLV is as follows [5]:
Simulation results indicate the effectiveness and the robustness
of the new tracking law.
mv = - D - mg sin γ
I. INTRODUCTION ° mvγ = L cos φ − mg cos γ
Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) is a type of reusable L sin φ (1)
® ψ =
aircrafts that can make a round trip between the earth and the °
outer space [1]. It is forecasted that RLV is the trend of space mv cos γ
technology in the following years [2]. The reentry flight of °¯ h = v sin γ
RLV is consisted of three phases: initial entry phase, Terminal
Area Energy Management (TAEM) phase and landing phase where m and v represents the mass and velocity of RLV; L and
[3]. The TAEM phase starts from the point with a height of D represents the lift force and resistance force acting on RLV;
30km and a velocity of 2.5Ma, and ends at the point with a , , represents flight-path angle, velocity azimuth angle
height of 4km and a velocity of 0.5Ma. In the TAEM phase, and bank angle of RLV respectively. Assuming that bank
the task is to dissipate surplus energy and adjust the heading angle equals to zero, we can obtain the simplified motion
direction towards the runway, so the RLV will land safely with equation of RLV is as follows:
a suitable velocity and height [4], which makes this phase a
vital phase of the reentry flight. However, a large variation mv = − D − mg sin γ
range of dynamic pressure and velocity, significant changes of °
aerodynamic characteristics along with the uncertain states of ® mvγ = − L − mg cos γ (2)
the RLV after initial entry phase also make the task of the ¯ h = v sin γ
TAEM phase a highly difficult work.
In order that RLV can land safely with a suitable velocity
The general method of energy management in the TAEM and height onto the runway, the standard trajectory and
phase is to divide the motion into the longitudinal motion and corresponding reference guidance commands are calculated in
the lateral motion, then design the standard trajectory and advance. In flight procedure, deviations of actual height and
corresponding reference guidance commands. In actual flight, velocity from reference values are obtained, and then angle of
guidance commands are adjusted to track the standard attack and angle of airbrake are adjusted from reference values
trajectory. As for longitudinal motion, two variables are to be to eliminate these deviations [6]. In a common method, angle
controlled: height and velocity. Assuming these two variables of attack is adjusted according to the deviation of height while
are independent of each other, angle of attack is used to angle of airbrake is adjusted according to the deviation of
control the height and angle of airbrake is used to control the velocity. The following equations use PID methods as an
velocity of the RLV respectively. But actually, height and example[6]:
velocity are coupled and the separate design causes
inaccuracies in the process of tracing the reference trajectory. d Δh
Δα = k1* Δh + k 2 * + k 3* ³ Δh * dt (3)
This paper aimes to improve the accuracy of height and dt
velocity together by means of trajectory tracking law based on
the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) theory. Firstly, the state d Δv
Δδ b = k 4 * Δv + k 5* + k 6 * ³ Δv * dt (4)
* Research supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of
China (No.91116002, No.91216034, No.61333011 and No.61121003). where represents the difference between actual angle of
B. Zheng, Z, Liang, Q. Li, Z. Ren are with the Science and Technology on
Aircraft Control Laboratory, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191 China
attack and reference value; b represents the difference
(phone: 86-010-82314573-11; fax: 86-010-82313265; e-mail: between actual angle of airbrake and reference value; h
changfeng@asee.buaa.edu.cn; muziqingdong@126.com) represents the deviation of height; v represents the deviation
978-1-4799-4699-0/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE
of velocity; k1, k2, k3 represent proportional gain, derivative 1 ∞ T
2 ³0
gain, integral gain of deviation of height; k4, k5, k6 represent J= ( x Qx + U T RU )dt (10)
proportional gain, derivative gain, integral gain of deviation of
velocity. Airbrake cannot be used when the velocity is too where X=[ h v ]T, U=[ b]T, Q and R are
high to avoid damage to it. In most cases, airbrake is open weighting matrix of deviation of state variables and input
when Mach number is under 0.8, so b equals to zero when variables. According to ‘Bryson’s rule’ they are constant
velocity is higher than 0.8Ma. symmetric positive definite matrix, defining as follows:
Remaining range: 100.66km
angle of attack
Terminal height: 4000m
angle of airbrake
Terminal velocity: 157m/s 20
30 5
reference trajectory
actual trajectory
25 0
20 -5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
B. Dispersed cases
Figure 1. Reference and actual height trajectories without dispersion
When dispersions are considered in the TAEM phase,
effects of PID method and trajectory tracking law based on
LQR are compared. To display this issue clearly, the
reference trajectory dispersion is sorted into two categories: initial condition
actual trajectory
dispersion and aerodynamic parameter dispersion. Adding
fluctuation on each item and the results of the two methods are
Initial condition dispersion includes initial error of height,
velocity and flight-path angle. Aerodynamic parameter
dispersion includes error of atmosphere density, lift
400 coefficient and drag coefficient.
8 Range -20%
LQR method
3 Lift coefficient +20% 0
Figs.4-6 illustrate that the accuracy of height and velocity
under dispersion of initial condition are sufficient with means
of trajectory tracking law based on LQR. The accuracy is
promoted compared with PID method which does not consider
the copula between height and velocity.
The theoretical derivation and simulation results above
5 illustrate that the copula between height and velocity shall be
taken into consideration to improve the accuracy of
0 longitudinal trajectory tracking. Means of trajectory tracking
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Range(km) law based on LQR is authenticated to be an effective method
to fufill this target, especially under dispersion of
Figure 4. Height trajectories for LQR in dispersed cases aerodynamic parameter.
[8] Greg A. Dukeman, “Profile-following entry guidance using linear
quadratic regulator theory,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Conference and Exhibit, vol. AIAA 2002-4457, pp.1-10, Aug. 2002