Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
Environmental Pollution
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envpol
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: To date, there is not sufficient knowledge to fully understand the occurrence, transport and fate of re-
Received 24 June 2018 sidual uranium (U) from uranium mill tailings (UMT). Herein this study investigated different U release
Received in revised form behaviors from natural UMT (without grinding) under four simulated acid rain (pH ¼ 2.0e5.0) compared
24 September 2018
with controlled scenario (pH ¼ 6.0) for 25 weeks. The results showed that the most notable U release was
Accepted 3 October 2018
observed from UMTpH2.0, followed by UMTpH3.0 whereas a nonlinear relationship between pH and U
Available online 9 October 2018
release was observed from UMTpH4.0e6.0. The divergence of U release behaviors was attributed to the
presence of minerals such as calcite and clinochlore. Autunite, a secondary mineral formed after leaching,
might regulate U release in UMTpH3.0e6.0. Fick theory model revealed the shift of U release mechanism
Uranium mill tailings from surface dissolution to diffusion transport for UMTpH2.0, UMTpH3.0 and UMTpH5.0 at varied stage,
Leaching test whereas UMTpH4.0 and UMTpH6.0 displayed univocal dissolution and diffusion mechanism, respectively.
Acid rain This study highlights the necessity of performing long-term leaching tests to detect the “shift event” of
leaching kinetics and to better understand the mechanism of U release influenced by mineralogy of the
natural UMT under simulated acid rain conditions, which is conducive to developing UMT management
strategies to minimize the risk of U release and exposure.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0269-7491/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Yin et al. / Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181 175
2018). Uranium mill tailings (UMT) are the crushed ore residues known deposit of U in China (Luo et al., 2017). Previous studies
from the extraction of U from ores such as pitchblende (Landa, have revealed that the granite hosted U ore deposits provide ~30%
2004). Uranium mining and processing have been concomitant of the U production in China during the past three decades (Hu
with the generation of huge amount of UMT. According to a pre- et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017b).
vious estimate from Steinhausler and Zaitseva (2007), the total The determined U concentration in the fine ore was
amount of UMT due to U mining worldwide is about 2352 million 10957 ± 13 mg/kg, and the reported grade (% U) of the granite
tones. These UMT often contain surprisingly high concentrations of hosted U ore deposit in China is 0.1e1 (Dahlkamp, 2009), which
residual U, thorium and other toxic metals (Robinson, 2004; Zhang shares the same order of magnitude. The natural UMT (without
et al., 2015), and usually have a much higher porosity and perme- grinding) used in this study were collected from an un-
ability than the ores from which they are derived (Ferry et al., rehabilitated tailings dam where huge amount of UMT were
2002). In the past decades, it is not rare that UMT has been piled near a large U hydrometallurgy plant in Guangdong Prov-
stacked on the land surface after simple treatment of lime ince, South China. The freshly disposed UMT with slightly wet
neutralization. Some of the UMT are further treated with landfill surface were sampled using a wooden shovel, stored in a large
cover with a variety of plants, vegetation or trees to enhance the plastic box, and were then air dried prior to semi-dynamic
conservation (Waugh et al., 2008). leaching tests. The grain size of the UMT selected for this study
However, the chemical and radioactive elements in UMT could were between 6 and 10 mm, which is the dominant size fraction of
be mobilized during long-term redox and weathering processes. the UMT. The U concentration in this fraction of the UMT was
The mobilization would be even more significant under acid con- 997.9 ± 52.6 mg/kg. The concentrations of some other closely
dition as acidity is one of the most important factors influencing the related elements were shown as follows: P (0.07%), K (3.3%), Mg
release of toxic elements from solid wastes (Fo €rstner, 1987). The (0.6%), Na (1.7%), Fe (2.0%), Al (6.9%) and Ca (0.7%).
acid condition could be achieved in UMT if sulfuric acid was used to
dissolve the U from the ores. Except for ores having a high car- 2.2. Semi-dynamic leaching test
bonate content, the commercial extraction of U from ores generally
involves leaching with sulfuric acid (Landa, 2003). For most of U To investigate the long-term fate of U in UMT during the inter-
industries in China, sulfuric acid was also mainly adopted (Wang mittent leaching and weathering process, five sets of semi-dynamic
et al., 2012a). The acid condition could also be achieved due to leaching tests with simulated acid rain and normal rain were car-
oxidation of sulfidic minerals in the tailings; the extent of acid ried out. Before the leaching test, UMT was washed with deionized
generation is dependent on the concentration of sulfide, which water three times to remove the surface-adhered salts. The five
ranges from a few to tens of wt% in UMT (Abdelouas, 2006). The low leaching tests with pH ranging from 2.0 to 6.0 with a total duration
pH condition could accelerate the release of radioactive and haz- of 25 weeks, were then conducted as follows. Leaching experiments
ardous elements from UMT. Consequently, the residual U and other were carried out in five brinell funnels (20 cm in diameter) each
metals in the UMT can release into ambient environment, and thus loaded with 1 kg of UMT. In each leaching cycle, the five UMT
UMT may become a substantial source of surface and groundwater loaded brinell funnels were sprayed slowly with a plastic watering
contamination (Liu et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016). pot, which resembled the rainfall precipitation process. 800 mL of
The release would be greatly enhanced if suffered from the local the simulated rain was used in each brinell funnel, which could just
acid rain. Many studies have demonstrated the significant effect of inundate the UMT's surface. Deionized water acidified by sulfuric
pH on U release from various materials (Mason et al., 1997; Xu et al., acid (trace metal grade) to pH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 were used as
2004; Zhang and Wang, 2017). Nevertheless, few studies have simulated acid rain, whereas deionized water (pH ~6.0) was used as
examined the behaviors and mechanisms of U mobilization from simulated normal rain for comparison. The deionized water was
natural UMT (without grinding). Although general leaching char- produced by Milli-Q System (Millipore, Bedford, USA), and no
acteristics can be identified in leaching studies using U tailings additional treatment was used. After soaking for 1 h, the leachate
ground before leaching, identifying and quantifying the natural was recovered for physico-chemical analysis, and the UMT in the
processes of exposure of U-containing minerals to long-term brinell funnels was exposed to the air for the rest of the week until
weathering and corrosion remains a substantial challenge. To next leaching cycle commenced. The leachants were renewed in
date, the knowledge about natural UMT hazards in the light of long- each cycle. The semi-dynamic leaching events were carried out
term leaching studies is limited, which however is essential for the once every 7 days and lasted for 25 weeks. The experiments were
development of sound UMT management strategies. performed in open system to ensure good simulations of the nat-
Semi-dynamic leaching tests are usually employed to elucidate ural weathering conditions for the UMT. The five sets of semi-
the dominant leaching mechanism from a solid waste in which the dynamic leaching tests were performed simultaneously, and were
leaching agent is renewed periodically (Kosson, 2002). Using this referred to hereafter as UMTpH2.0, UMTpH3.0, UMTpH4.0, UMTpH5.0
method, the present study investigated the release of U from the and UMTpH6.0, respectively.
most common natural UMT. The leaching experiments were per- After each leaching cycle, the leachate was drained into
formed under simulated acid rain with pH ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 1000 mL beaker. After settlement for 2 min, the supernatants
and a simulated normal rain for comparison. The objectives of this were filtered to 0.45 mm using nylon syringe filters. The pH, redox
study were (i) to quantify the long-term U leaching characteristics potential (ORP) and conductivity (EC) of the filtered leachate were
from natural UMT influenced by acid rain, (ii) to unravel the measured immediately after collection. The rest of the filtered
mobilization mechanism based on mineralogy and kinetics evi- leachate was acidified to 1% HNO3 (trace metal grade), and stored
dences, and (iii) to inform the prospects for remediating U at 4 C until analysis for solution composition. UMT before and
contamination from UMT. after 25 week leaching were collected and used for mineralogical
and morphological characterizations by X-ray diffraction (XRD),
2. Materials and methods scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer
(SEM-EDS), transmission electron microscope and energy
2.1. UMT sampling dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) in scanning TEM (TEM/
STEM-EDS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and
The U metallogenic province in South China is the largest sequential extraction.
176 M. Yin et al. / Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
2.3. Analytical methods for the leachate 2.8) extraction targeting exchangeable and acid-extractable U, (ii) a
16 h hydroxylamine-hydrochloride (NH2OH$HCl, 0.5 M, pH 1.5)
pH and redox potential of the leachate were measured simul- extraction targeting reducible U, and (iii) a 16 h hydrogen peroxide/
taneously using a calibrated redox potential-acidity meter (PB-10, ammonium oxalate (8.8 M H2O2/1.0 M NH3OAc, pH 2.0) extraction
Sartorius, Inc., Germany), and EC was measured using a calibrated targeting oxidizable U. Extractions were conducted with a dry mass
conductivity meter (ECTestr11þ, Eutech Instruments, Inc., USA). of 0.5 g and an extractant volume of 20 mL (25 mL for NH3OAc), at
Dissolved U concentration in the leachate was determined by room temperature in constantly agitated polyethylene centrifuge
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Elan 6100 tubes. At the end of each extraction step, suspensions were
DRC-e, PerkinElmer, Inc., USA). Each sample was run three times centrifuged. The supernatants were then filtered to 0.2 mm and
and averaged. Accuracy was verified against known quality con- analyzed by ICP-MS as described above, and solids were treated
trols. The standard deviations of three runs were less than 5%. with the next extractant. The residual fraction after extractions was
Dissolved concentrations of other elements were determined by digested with HNO3-HF-HClO4 (trace metal grade) and analyzed
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP- accordingly.
OES, Optima 7000 DV, PerkinElmer, Inc., Waltham, USA).
2.4.6. Fick theory model
2.4. Analytical methods for UMT The mechanism of U release can be depicted by the slope of the
linear regression of the logarithmic of cumulative flux against
2.4.1. XRD leaching time (Torras et al., 2011). When the slope is > 0.65, the
XRD was used to assess UMT bulk mineralogy. To conduct XRD release of U is dominated by mineral dissolution; when the slope is
analysis, the air dried UMT samples were ground to powder with an between 0.35 and 0.65 (including 0.65), the release of U is domi-
average particle diameter smaller than 5 mm using an agate mortar- nated by diffusion transport; and when the slope is 0.35, the
and-pestle set, and then mounted on a titanium aluminide-alloy release of U is dominated by surface wash-off. The cumulative flux
test block. XRD patterns were collected using a PANalytical X'Pert (Bac i) was calculated based on previously published procedures
Pro diffractometer (The Netherlands). The diffractometer used Cu (Wang et al., 2012b).
Ka radiation (l ¼ 1.5406 Å) and scanned over 2q range from 5 to
80 , with a step size of 0.02 and a counting time of 150 s per step. 3. Results and discussion
The identification search match of the various minerals were ob-
tained using MDI Jade 5.0 equipped with the JCPDS PDF-2 database. 3.1. The nonlinear effects of leaching pH
625, respectively (Fig. 3). Leaching with simulated strong acid rain during leaching. Usually, the lower the pH of leachant, the higher
(pH ¼ 2.0) resulted in the direct dissolution of U-bearing minerals the cumulative U release is expected. However, there was not a
and also the dissolution of some other minerals that suppress U simple correlation between the leaching pH and the U release
adsorption by enhancing ionic strength and changing sorption capability, highlighting the intricacy in mineral-solution
surfaces (Szecsody et al., 2013). In fact, under such strong acid geochemistry of UMT with relatively moderate pH leachants.
condition, U exists in the predominant form of uranyl cation with
strong solubility (Szecsody et al., 2013) and cannot be adsorbed 3.2. Complex leaching behavior controlled by different minerals
(Zachara et al., 2007). UMTpH3.0, UMTpH4.0, UMTpH5.0 and UMTpH6.0
showed a relatively low U concentration in the leachate, which The XRD patterns of UMT before and after leaching were
could be in part attributed to a decrease of U solubility under measured and compared, which is crucial for the interpretation of
leachate pH ranging from 3.18 to 7.29. Moreover, the subsequent U release. The predominant mineral in UMT is quartz (SiO2), fol-
precipitation of non-U minerals, e.g., strengite, dolomite, diaspore lowed by clinochlore (Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8), lepidolite (KMg3Al-
and ferrihydrite would be feasible, which could coat the mineral Si3O10OHF), and albite (NaAlSi3O8). It is worth noting that
surfaces and retard U mobilization (Szecsody et al., 2013). clinochlore existed in considerable amounts in both pre- and post-
Notably, the UMT displayed sustained U release in the leaching leaching UMT, while the comparatively high amount of calcite was
test. The cumulative amount (qt) of extractable U versus leaching only observed in pre-leaching UMT. Calcite was expected to play a
time increased rapidly in UMTpH2.0 and UMTpH3.0 while that in vital role in the migration of U from UMT (Kipp et al., 2009), since
UMTpH4.0 and UMTpH6.0 increased slowly, as shown in Fig. 3. the dissolution of calcite due to acidification might lead to libera-
UMTpH5.0 basically showed the same trend as UMTpH4.0 except for tion of soluble uranyl ion, owing to the formation of solution
the 14th and 15th weeks, during which an abrupt U release phe- complexes between uranyl ion and anions such as carbonate,
nomenon was observed. The abrupt U release might be attributed phosphate and sulfate under acidic conditions. The absence of
to the stronger heterogeneity of natural UMT compared to ground calcite in post-leaching UMT was corroborated from XRD patterns,
tailings and the unsystematic exposure of U-containing minerals which might have contributed to the release of carbonates-bound U
178 M. Yin et al. / Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of pre- and post-leaching UMT. B(104) denotes calcite, which was
Fig. 4. FT-IR spectra of pre- and post-leaching UMT. Individual spectra are vertically
only observed in pre-leaching UMT. D(001) and D(102) are attributed to meta-autunite,
offset for clarity.
a secondary mineral, which were not observed in pre-leaching UMT and negligible in
Table 1
The content (average ± standard deviation) in mg kg1 and portion (%) of U in specific geochemical fraction in the pre-leaching uranium mill tailings (UMT).
U content (portion) 617.2 ± 3.1 (60.46%) 152.35 ± 3.5 (14.92%) 221.62 ± 4.2 (21.71%) 29.68 ± 1.9 (2.91%)
M. Yin et al. / Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181 179
Fig. 5. TEM image and SAED pattern of a representative particle in post-leaching UMTpH6.0, a) TEM image. b) SAED pattern of the [4 08] zone axis of autunite (Ca(UO2)2(-
PO4)2$11H2O) obtained from the red rectangle of a). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
TEM/STEM-EDS characterization was additionally conducted to slope of the linear regression of the logarithm of cumulative flux
identify the U-retaining phases in the example of UMTpH6.0., shown (Bac i) versus time in logarithmic scale (Moon and Dermatas, 2006;
in Fig. S2 and Fig. 5. Clearly, U was concentrated on a particle Torras et al., 2011). As shown in Fig. 6, the leaching patterns for
(prolate spheroid shape) while P and Ca were densely distributed UMTpH2.0, UMTpH3.0 and UMTpH5.0 were dominated by mineral
on the same particle (Fig. S2). A selected-area electron diffraction dissolution in the beginning but turned to diffusion in the latter
(SAED) on the edge of this particle was conducted to unravel the period. In other words, “shift event” of leaching mechanism
phases that host U. The diffraction spots in the SAED pattern were occurred. In contrast, UMTpH4.0 and UMTpH6.0, both of which
obtained by the cast of [4 08] zone axis of autunite (Ca(UO2)2(- showed relatively low and weekly steady release of U, were gov-
PO4)2$11H2O), with d-spacing of ~10.36 Å and ~2.41 Å (Fig. 5b). erned by the same leaching mechanism during the whole leaching
Consistently, meta-autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2$3H2O), the product of period. The mechanism was identified to be dissolution and diffu-
autunite dehydration which emerged rapidly in semi-dynamic sion in UMTpH4.0 and UMTpH6.0, respectively.
leaching condition (Sowder et al., 2000), was also identified by Dissolved U concentrations in leachate from UMTpH2.0, UMTpH3.0
XRD in post-leaching UMT. The morphology and size of autunite
particle were illustrated in the TEM image (Fig. 5a). The autunite
particle was similar to a prolate spheroid with a length of ~1 mm, in
which case U migration may be retarded by the effect of capillary
barriers (Um et al., 2010). A previous spectroscopic study on the
mechanism responsible for U release from sediments found that
micrometer-sized metatorbernite (Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2$8H2O) and
more soluble uranophane (Ca[UO2]2[SiO3(OH)]2$5H2O) were the U
minerals that predominantly controlled U release during the in-
teractions between waste discharge and sediments (Arai et al.,
2007). Furthermore, the rapid precipitation of meta-ankoleite
(K(UO2) (PO4)$3H2O) was previously identified when sediments
reacted with acidic U-bearing wastewater, and meta-ankoleite
could easily be entrapped in sediments (Wang et al., 2017a). Like-
wise, autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2$11H2O) found in UMT in the pre-
sent study could be a result of the long-term interaction between
UMT and simulated acid rain, the formation of which is of signifi-
cant importance for U immobilization.
Fig. 6. Plot of log Bac i versus time to uncover U release mechanism from UMTpH2.0,
The data from the performed semi-dynamic leaching test could UMTpH3.0, UMTpH4.0, UMTpH5.0 and UMTpH6.0. The identification of release mechanism
be well described by the Fick theory model, which allows the was showed by linear fit of log Bac i versus time, where solid line represents surface
identification of the dominant leaching mechanism based on the dissolution and dash line represents diffusion transport.
180 M. Yin et al. / Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 174e181
and UMTpH5.0 were overall significantly higher than those from Appendix A. Supplementary data
UMTpH4.0 and UMTpH6.0. The quick dissolution process triggered
fast U release in the beginning stage of the leaching experiment, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
and lead to the formation of lots of microcrack on the UMT surfaces, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.018.
as evidenced by the SEM images (Fig. S1). Therefore, it is possible
that the rest of U reached saturation in porewaters inside the 5. Notes
microcrack, thereafter U release would be dominated by a diffusion
process. In addition, the diffusion of U from the inner porewaters The authors declare no competing financial interest.
was slower than the mineral dissolution at the leachant-UMT
interface (Elkamash et al., 2006), which explains the slower U
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