Protocol For Developing Sediment TMDLs
Protocol For Developing Sediment TMDLs
Protocol For Developing Sediment TMDLs
First Edition
The Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs was prepared under the direction of Donald Brady and Chris Zabawa
of EPA’s Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, and Mimi
Dannel, Office of Science and Technology, Standards and Applied Science Division. The document was developed
under EPA Contract 68-C7-0018. Th Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs was written by EPA’s Sediment
Protocol TMDL Team, led by David W. Smith of EPA Region 9, with assistance from John Craig of Tetra Tech, Inc.,
in Fairfax, Virginia. The authors gratefully acknowledge the many comments of reviewers from within EPA and stat
environmental agencies, as well as the detailed reviews conducted by Lee MacDonald of Colorado State University and
Thomas Lisle of USDA Forest Service, Redwood Sciences Laboratory.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999. Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs. EPA 841-B-99-004.
Office of Water (4503F), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 132 pp.
To obtain a copy of the Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs/EPA 841-B-99-004 (1999) free of charge,
Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs
First Edition: October 1999
Watershed Branch
Assessment and Watershed Protection Division
Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
Office of Water
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
Although many pollution sources have implemented the required levels of pollution control technology, there are still
waters in the nation that do not meet the Clean Water Act goal of “fishable, swimmable.” Section 303(d) of the act
addresses these waters that are not “fishable, swimmable” by requiring states, territories, and authorized tribes to
identify and list impaired waters every two years and to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for pollutants in
these waters, with oversight from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TMDLs establish the allowable pollutant
loadings, thereby providing the basis for states to establish water quality-based controls.
Historically, wasteload allocations have been developed for particular point sources discharging to a particular
waterbody to set effluent limitations in the point source’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
discharge permit. This approach has produced significant improvements in water quality by establishing point sourc
controls for many chemical pollutants. But water quality impairments continue to exist in the nation’s waters. Some
point sources need more controls, and many nonpoint source impacts (from agriculture, forestry, development activities,
urban runoff, and so forth) are causing or contributing to impairments in water quality. To address the combined,
cumulative impacts of both point and nonpoint sources, EPA has adopted a watershed approach, of which TMDLs ar
a part. This approach provides a means to integrate governmental programs and improve decision making by both
government and private parties. It enables a broad view of water resources that reflects the interrelationship of surfac
water, groundwater, chemical pollutants and nonchemical stressors, water quantity, and land management.
The Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs is a technical guidance document prepared to help state, interstate,
territorial, tribal, local, and federal agency staff involved in TMDL development, as well as watershed stakeholders and
private consultants. Comments and suggestions from readers are encouraged and will be used to help improve th
available guidance as EPA continues to build experience and understanding of TMDLs and watershed management.
This document provides guidance to states, territories, and authorized tribes exercising their responsibility under section
303(d) of the Clean Water Act for the development of sediment TMDLs. The protocol is designed as programmatic
and technical support guidance to those involved in TMDL development. The protocol does not, however, substitut
for section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act or EPA’s regulations; nor is it a regulation itself. It cannot impose legally
binding requirements on EPA, states, territories, authorized tribes, or the regulated community, and it might not apply
to a particular situation based on the circumstances. EPA and state, territorial, and tribal decision makers retain th
discretion to adopt approaches on a case-by-case basis that differ from this protocol where appropriate. EPA may
change this protocol in the future.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References-1
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acronyms-1
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary-1
2-1 Utility of watershed assessment frameworks and methods for sediment TMDL analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
3-1 Examples of sediment impacts on designated or existing use categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-2 Advantages and disadvantages of different TMDL watershed analysis scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3-3 Approaches for incorporating margins of safety into sediment TMDLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
4-1 Examples of multiple indicators for TMDL targets and similar studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-2 Examples of appropriate single-indicator sediment TMDLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-3 Advantages and disadvantages of water column sediment indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4-4 Advantages and disadvantages of streambed sediment indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4-5 Advantages and disadvantages of other channel condition indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-6 Advantages and disadvantages of biological assessment indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4-7 Examples of in-stream and hillslope targets, allocations, and implementation measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-8 Advantages and disadvantages of riparian and hillslope indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-9 Considerations in selecting indicator(s) for large watersheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4-10 Sensitivity of indicators to designated uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4-11 Sensitivity of indicators to sediment sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
4-12 Comparison of sediment-related indicators for TMDL development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4-13 Utility of sediment-related indicators for different environmental settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
4-14 Methods for expressing numeric targets for TMDLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
4-15 Methods for comparing existing and target conditions for numeric targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24
5-1 Advantages and disadvantages of sediment source grouping methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-2 Advantages and disadvantages of source sensitivity estimation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-3 Erosion process model comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-4 Advantages and disadvantages of hillslope source models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5-5 Advantages and disadvantages of hillslope and in-stream process models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
5-6 Advantages and disadvantages of direct measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5-7 Advantages and disadvantages of rating curves and statistical extrapolation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Objective:This Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) about the health of their watersheds, States have clearer
protocol was developed to provide EPA regions, states, direction and greater consistency as they identify
territories, and tribes with an organizational framework impaired waters and set priorities, and new tools are
for establishing TMDLs for sediment. The used to make sure that TMDL implementation occurs.
recommendations and methods proposed in this protocol The text box on page 1-2 summarizes these proposed
focus on sediment as the pollutant; this protocol does changes.
not address other contaminants that can be associated
with sediment. The process presented here will assist EPA’s regional offices are responsible for approving or
with development of rational, science-based assessments disapproving state, territorial, or tribal section 303(d)
and decisions and ideally will lead to the establishment lists and TMDLs, and for establishing lists and TMDLs
of an understandable and justifiable TMDL. in cases of disapproval. Public participation is to be
provided for by states and tribes (or EPA regional
Audience: The protocols are designed as tools for state offices, in the case of disapproval) when they establish
and tribal TMDL staff, EPA regional TMDL staff, lists or TMDLs.
watershed stakeholders, and other agencies and private
consultants involved in TMDL development. In accordance with the priority ranking, states,
territories, and authorized tribes are to establish TMDLs
29(59,(: that will meet water quality standards for each listed
water, considering seasonal variations and a margin of
Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act provides that safety that accounts for uncertainty. States, territories,
states, territories, and authorized tribes are to list waters and authorized tribes are to submit their lists and
for which technology-based limits alone do not ensure
attainment of water quality standards. Beginning in
1992, states, territories and authorized tribes were to $70'/LVWKHVXPRIWKHLQGLYLGXDOZDVWHORDGDOORFDWLRQVIRUSRLQW
in 1994, lists were due to EPA on April 1 of each even EDFNJURXQG&)5ZLWKDPDUJLQRIVDIHW\&:$6HFWLRQ
numbered year. States, territories, and authorized tribes
are to set priority rankings for the listed waters, taking
into account the severity of the pollution and the 70'/ /& 3:/$ 3/$026
intended uses of the waters.
EPA’s regulations for implementing section 303(d) are
codified in the Water Quality Planning and Management :/$ ZDVWHORDGDOORFDWLRQRUWKHSRUWLRQRIWKH
Regulations at 40 CFR Part 130, specifically at 70'/DOORFDWHGWRH[LVWLQJRUIXWXUHSRLQW
sections130.2, 130.7, and 130.10. The regulations VRXUFHV
define terms used in section 303(d) and otherwise /$ ORDGDOORFDWLRQRUWKHSRUWLRQRIWKH70'/
interpret and expand upon the statutory requirements.
The purpose of the Protocol for Developing Sediment 026 PDUJLQRIVDIHW\RUDQDFFRXQWLQJRI
TMDLs is to provide more detailed guidance on the XQFHUWDLQW\DERXWWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ
TMDL development process for waterbodies impaired SROOXWDQWORDGVDQGUHFHLYLQJZDWHUTXDOLW\
On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed changes
to the current TMDL rules at 40 CFR 130.2, 130.7, and D
130.10. These changes would significantly strengthen RWKHUDSSURSULDWHPHDVXUHV
the Nation’s ability to achieve clean water goals by
ensuring that the public has more and better information
A TMDL must be established for all waterbody and pollutant combinations on Part 1 of the list. TMDLs are not required for waterbodies on
Part 2, 3, or 4 of the list (§ 130.31(a)).
A TMDL must be established according to the priority rankings and schedules (§ 130.31(b)).
TMDLs must be established at a level necessary to attain and maintain water quality standards, as defined by 40 CFR 131.3(I), considering
reasonably foreseeable increases in pollutant loads (§ 130.33(b)(9)).
1. The name and geographic location, as required by §130.27(c), of the impaired or threatened waterbody for which the TMDL is being
established and the names and geographic locations of the waterbodies upstream of the impaired waterbody that contribute significant
amounts of the pollutant for which the TMDL is being established;
2. Identification of the pollutant for which the TMDL is being established and quantification of the pollutant load that may be present in the
waterbody and still ensure attainment and maintenance of water quality standards;
3. Identification of the amount or degree by which the current pollutant load in the waterbody deviates from the pollutant load needed to
attain or maintain water quality standards;
4. Identification of the source categories, source subcategories, or individual sources of the pollutant for which the wasteload allocations
and load allocations are being established consistent with §130.2(f) and §130.2(g);
5. Wasteload allocations to each industrial and municipal point source permitted under §402 of the Clean Water Act discharging the
pollutant for which the TMDL is being established ; wasteload allocations for storm water, combined sewer overflows, abandoned mines,
combined animal feeding operations, or any other discharges subject to a general permit may be allocated to categories of sources,
subcategories of sources or individual sources; pollutant loads that do not need to be allocated to attain or maintain water quality
standards may be included within a category of sources, subcategory of sources or considered as part of background loads; and
supporting technical analyses demonstrating that wasteload allocations when implemented, will attain and maintain water quality
6. Load allocations, ranging from reasonable accurate estimates to gross allotments, to nonpoint sources of a pollutant, including
atmospheric deposition or natural background sources; if possible, a separate load allocation must be allocated to each source of natural
background or atmospheric deposition; load allocations may be allocated to categories of sources, subcategories of sources or individual
sources; pollutant loads that do not need to be allocated may be included within a category of sources, subcategory of sources or
considered as part of background loads; and supporting technical analyses demonstrating that load allocations, when implemented, will
attain and maintain water quality standards;
7. A margin of safety expressed as unallocated assimilative capacity or conservative analytical assumptions used in establishing the
TMDL; e.g., derivation of numeric targets, modeling assumptions, or effectiveness of proposed management actions which ensures
attainment and maintenance of water quality standards for the allocated pollutant;
8. Consideration of seasonal variation such that water quality standards for the allocated pollutant will be met during all seasons of the
9. An allowance for future growth which accounts for reasonably foreseeable increases in pollutant loads; and
10. An implementation plan
As appropriate to the characteristics of the waterbody and pollutant, the maximum allowable pollutant load may be expressed as daily,
monthly, seasonal or annual averages in one or more of the following ways (40 CFR 130.34(b)):
C The pollutant load that can be present in the waterbody and ensure that it attains and maintains water quality standards;
C The reduction from current pollutant loads required to attain and maintain water quality standards;
C The pollutant load or reduction of pollutant load required to attain and maintain riparian, biological, channel or geomorphological
measures so that water quality standards are attained and maintained; or
C The pollutant load or reduction of pollutant load that results from modifying a characteristic of the waterbody, e.g., riparian, biological,
channel, geomorphological, or chemical characteristics, so that water quality standards are attained and maintained.
C A description of the control actions and/or management measures which will be implemented to achieve the wasteload allocations and
load allocations, and a demonstration that the control actions and/or management measures are expected to achieve the required
pollutant loads;
C A time line, including interim milestones, for implementing the control actions and/or management measures, including when source-
specific activities will be undertaken for categories and subcategories of individual sources and a schedule for revising NPDES permits;
C A discussion of your reasonable assurances, as defined at 40 CFR §130.2(p), that wasteload allocations and load allocations will be
C A description of the legal under which the control actions will be carried out;
C An estimate of the time required to attain and maintain water quality standards and discussion of the basis for that estimate;
C A monitoring and/or modeling plan designed to determine the effectiveness of the control actions and/or management measures and
whether allocations are being met;
C A description of measurable, incremental milestones for the pollutant for which the TMDL is being established for determining whether
the control actions and/or management measures are being implemented and whether water quality standards are being attained; and
C A description of your process for revising TMDLs if the milestones are not being met and projected progress toward attaining water
quality standards is not demonstrated.
TMDLs to EPA for approval and, once EPA approves C Linkage Between Water Quality Targets and
them, are to incorporate these items into their continuing Sources
planning processes. If EPA disapproves a state, C Allocations
territorial, or tribal list and/or TMDL, EPA must (within C Follow-up Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
30 days of disapproval and allowing for public C Assembling the TMDL
comment) establish the list and/or TMDL. The state,
territory, or tribe is then to incorporate EPA’s action Note that these components are not necessarily
into its continuing planning process. sequential steps, but are provided more as a guide and
framework for TMDL development. Although some of
A TMDL is a tool for implementing state water quality the submittal components (e.g., TMDL calculation and
standards. It is based on the relationship between allocations) are part of the legally required TMDL
sources of pollutants and in-stream water quality submittal and others are part of the administrative record
conditions. The TMDL establishes the allowable supporting the TMDL and providing the basis for
loadings for specific pollutants that a waterbody can TMDL review and approval, this protocol considers
receive without violating water quality standards, each component equally.
thereby providing the basis for states to establish water
quality-based pollution controls. 3UREOHP,GHQWLILFDWLRQ
For many chemical pollutants, guidance on developing The objective of problem identification is to identify for
TMDLs is readily available. For some pollutants, a listed waterbody the key factors and background
however, the development of TMDLs is complicated information that describe the nature of the impairment
because of the lack of adequate or proven tools or and the setting for the TMDL. Problem identification is
information on the fate, transport, or impact of each used to develop a plan for the remaining elements of the
pollutant within the natural system. EPA is developing TMDL process.
TMDL protocols to provide guidance on TMDL
development. The protocols represent a suggested ,GHQWLILFDWLRQRI:DWHU4XDOLW\,QGLFDWRUVDQG
approach, but not the only approach to TMDL 7DUJHW9DOXHV
development. EPA will continue to review all TMDLs
submitted by states pursuant to Section 303(d) of the
The purpose of this component is to identify numeric or
Clean Water Act and Title 40 of the CFR, section 130.7.
measurable indicators and pollutant values that can be
used to evaluate attainment of water quality standards in
The TMDL protocols focus on Step 3 (Development of
the listed waterbody. Often the numeric target value for
TMDLs) of the water quality-based approach, depicted
the TMDL pollutant will be the numeric water quality
in Figure 1-1 (USEPA, 1991a, 1999). This specific step
standard for the pollutant of concern. In some cases,
is divided into seven components common to all
however, TMDLs must be developed for pollutants that
TMDLs, and each component is designed to yield a
do not have numeric water quality standards. When
product that is an element of a TMDL analytical
numeric water quality criteria do not exist, impairment
is determined on the basis of narrative water quality
criteria or identifiable degradation of designated or
&20321(1762)70'/'(9(/230(17 existing uses (e.g., impaired fishery). The narrative
standard is then interpreted and used to develop
The following components of TMDL development may indicator(s) with quantifiable target(s) to measure
be completed concurrently or iteratively depending on attainment or maintenance of the water quality
the site-specific situation (Figure 1-2). standards.
C Problem Identification
C Identification of Water Quality Indicators and
Target Values
C Source Assessment
TMDL submittals often include a monitoring plan to (Note that the full list of references for this chapter is
determine whether the TMDL has resulted in attainment included at the end of the document.)
of water quality standards and to support any revisions
to the TMDL that might be required. Follow-up USEPA. 1991a. Guidance for water quality-based
monitoring is recommended for all TMDLs given the decisions: The TMDL process. EPA 440/4-91-001.
uncertainties inherent in TMDL development (USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
1991a, 1997a, 1999). Although the rigor of a monitoring DC. <>
plan can be based on the confidence in the TMDL
analysis, a more rigorous monitoring plan should be USEPA. 1995a. Watershed protection: A statewide
considered for TMDLs with high degree of uncertainty approach. EPA 841-R-95-001. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Objective: To develop a sediment TMDL, it is important to reductions in water clarity, and adversely affecting
to have a basic understanding of sediment processes in a aesthetics. Aquatic habitat impairment by sediments can
watershed and how excessive or insufficient sediment also interfere with fishing.
can affect water quality and designated uses of water.
This section provides background information on 6(',0(176285&(6$1'75$163257
sediment impacts on designated uses, sediment sources
and transport, and potential control strategies. Naiman Sediment is created by the weathering of host rock and
and Bilby (1998) and Waters (1995) offer general delivered to stream channels through various erosional
information discussing sediment water quality. processes, including sheetwash, gully and rill erosion,
wind, landslides, dry ravel, and human excavation. In
,03$&762)6(',0(17621'(6,*1$7('86(6 addition, sediments are often produced as a result of
stream channel and bank erosion and channel
Unlike many chemical pollutants, sediment is a vital disturbance. Movement of eroded sediments downslope
natural component of waterbodies and the uses they from their points of origin into stream channels and
support. However, sediments can impair designated through stream systems is influenced by multiple
uses in many ways, including those discussed here. interacting factors. Eroded sediments are often trapped
on hillslopes and stored in and alongside stream
$TXDWLFOLIHDQGILVKHULHV channels. Sediment analyses conducted for TMDLs
often account for the influence of these sediment storage
Excessive sediments deposited on stream and lake and transport mechanisms on the magnitude, timing, and
bottoms can choke spawning gravels (reducing survival location of sediment-related impairment of designated
and growth rates), impair fish food sources, fill in uses. For more information on sediment sources and
rearing pools (reducing cover from prey and thermal transport processes, see Reid and Dunne (1996).
refugia), and reduce habitat complexity in stream
channels. Excessive suspended sediments can make it In some settings, land management changes cause
more difficult for fish to find prey and at high levels can changes in runoff even if they do not result in increased
cause direct physical harm, such as clogged gills. In upslope erosion. Where this occurs, channel erosion or
some waters, hydrologic modifications (e.g., dams) can sediment deposition may increase. It might be
cause sediment deficits that result in stream channel appropriate to develop sediment TMDLs to address this
scour and destruction of habitat structure. For more type of situation.
information, see Waters (1995).
Because erosion is a natural process and some
'ULQNLQJZDWHUVXSSO\ sedimentation is needed to maintain healthy stream
systems, it is often necessary to evaluate the degree to
Sediments can cause taste and odor problems, block which sediment discharge in a particular watershed
water supply intakes, foul treatment systems, and fill exceeds natural rates or patterns. This analysis can be
reservoirs. Although most treatment systems can complicated because sedimentation processes in many
remove most turbidity, very high sediment levels systems are highly variable from year to year. This type
sometimes require that water supply intakes be shut of analysis is particularly important in settings that are
down until turbidity clears or system maintenance (e.g., vulnerable to high natural sediment production rates and
backflushing) is performed. are particularly sensitive to land disturbance (e.g., the
Pacific Northwest and many areas of the desert
5HFUHDWLRQDOXVH Southwest). Erosion rates under natural and disturbed
conditions can be compared through several approaches,
High levels of sediment can impair swimming and including comparative analysis with reference streams
boating by altering channel form, creating hazards due and literature values for similar settings.
margins of safety, which usually reduce source approaches, such as high temporal variability, are also
management costs. Detailed approaches might be present in the alternative approaches and the
necessary when the screening-level approaches have consequences of these limitations should be assessed and
been tried and have proven ineffective or when it is acknowledged. The alternative measures for sediment
especially important to “get it right the first time” (e.g., TMDLs can take several forms, including the following:
where protection of aquatic life habitat is a TMDL
issue). In addition, more detailed approaches might be C Expression of numeric targets in terms of substrate or
warranted when there is significant uncertainty channel condition, aquatic biological indicators, or
regarding whether sediment discharges are attributable hillslope indicators such as road stream crossings
to human or to natural sources and the anticipated cost with diversion potential or road culvert sizing. The
of controls is especially high. However, more detailed hillslope indicators and targets should complement
approaches are likely to cost more, require more data, in-stream indicators and targets.
and take more time to complete. C Expression of numeric targets and source allocations
in terms of time steps different from daily loadings
8VLQJ6HGLPHQW/RDGV9HUVXV$OWHUQDWLYH and as functions of other watershed processes such as
$SSURDFKHVIRU6HGLPHQW70'/V precipitation or runoff.
C Expression of allocations in terms other than loads or
The traditional approach to TMDL formulation is to load reductions (e.g., specific actions shown to be
identify the total capacity of a waterbody for loading of adequate to result in attainment of TMDL numeric
a specific pollutant while meeting water quality targets and water quality standards).
standards. This loading capacity is not to be exceeded
by the sum of pollutant loads allocated to individual This protocol discusses a range of pollutant load-based
point sources, nonpoint sources, and natural background. and alternative measures that can be used for sediment
Therefore, TMDLs have often been expressed in terms TMDLs. In general, the load-based approach to sediment
of maximum allowable mass load per unit of time. TMDL development is recommended. In cases where
However, alternative approaches to sediment TMDL this approach is used, numeric targets can be stated in
analysis might also be appropriate. In many cases, it is terms that express desired environmental conditions (e.g.,
difficult or impossible to relate sediment mass loading suspended sediment concentration or substrate size
levels todesignated or existinguse impacts or to source distribution) while the TMDL itself is expressed in mass-
contributions. These analytical connections can be based units. Where alternative approaches are used,
difficult to draw for several reasons, including the analysts should carefully document the basis for the
following: alternative method and explain why a conventional load-
based approach is not appropriate.
C Sediment yields vary radically at different spatial
and temporal scales, not only within a watershed, 6HGLPHQW70'/([DPSOHV7KDW,OOXVWUDWHWKH5DQJH
but across the country, making it difficult to derive RI$SSURSULDWH$SSURDFKHV
meaningful “average” sediment conditions.
C Sediments are a natural part of all waterbody Brief summaries of four approved and two hypothetical
environments, and it can be difficult to determine sediment TMDLs show that a range of viable methods
whether too much or too little mass loading is are appropriate for TMDL development and that
expected to occur in the future and how sediment individual TMDLs often combine relatively complex
loads compare to natural or background conditions. analysis for some elements with simple analysis for
C A significant level of uncertainty is associated with others. In addition, they illustrate several factors that can
sediment delivery, storage, and transport estimates. be important for effective TMDL development, including
(1) focusing on implementation of the TMDL, (2) using
Fortunately, it is acceptable for TMDLs to be expressed existing information and adaptive management, and (3)
through appropriate measures other than mass loads per using expert judgment. More detailed case studies are
time (40 CFR 130.2). It is important to note, however, provided in the Appendix.
that some of the limitations associated with mass load
Development of a sediment TMDL for Sycamore Creek
Sycamore Creek is designated for the support of warm began with an assessment of the existing sediment
water fish, other indigenous aquatic life, and wildlife; loadings to the stream. Rates of average annual sediment
total body contact recreation and navigation; and as an loading from nonpoint sources were examined. Primary
industrial and agricultural water supply (USEPA, nonpoint sources of sediment within the watershed
1992a). Elevated sediment loadings from agricultural included urban runoff, streambank erosion, agricultural
land practices caused significant impacts on aquatic life fields, and septic tank systems. Site-specific monitoring
and habitats in Sycamore Creek and contributed to low data, load estimation equations, and nonpoint source
dissolved oxygen levels. Modeling results indicated that loading models were used to estimate suspended solid
sediment oxygen demand was the most significant loads from the most significant sources—agricultural
oxygen sink during drought periods. Placement of areas, eroding banks, and urban areas (USEPA, 1992a).
Sycamore Creek on the state’s 303(d) list was supported Modeling efforts established the relationship between in-
by in-stream monitoring conducted by the Michigan stream DO levels and SOD. To determine the needed
Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) that revealed load reductions, it was necessary to link SOD to
multiple violations of water quality standards at seven of suspended solid loads. In the absence of models to
eight sampling stations. reliably predict the effects of reducing suspended solids
on habitat, aquatic life, or SOD, MDNR assumed a
MDNR used a quasi-steady-state dissolved oxygen (DO) proportional response by SOD rates to reductions in
model to predict DO concentrations in the creek during suspended solids loads. Based on this assumption,
critical low-flow drought conditions (USEPA, 1992a). loading analysis results indicated that a 52 percent
Modeling revealed that sediment oxygen demand (SOD) reduction in the overall suspended solids loading was
was the most significant DO sink during critical low- necessary to restore the designated uses of the stream
flow periods and that respiration by aquatic plants (USEPA, 1992a). MDNR has not yet finalized a load
significantly contributed to the oxygen deficit at some allocation scheme for achieving the suspended solids
locations in the creek (USEPA, 1992a). MDNR reduction goals. A proposed allocation plan includes
determined that nutrients bound to suspendedsediment reducing agricultural erosion by 56 percent, streambank
particles were a major source driving the growth of erosion in organic soils by 100 percent, and loading from
aquatic plants and the subsequent elevated respiration urban runoff by 30 percent (USEPA, 1992a).
rates in aquatic plants (USEPA, 1992a). Based on these
results, MDNR believed that reducing suspended solids To determine whether the TMDL will improve conditions
loadings to the creek would increase DO concentrations, to support designated uses and maintain water quality
improve aquatic habitats, and restore the designated uses standards, MDNR is monitoring throughout three
of the stream (USEPA, 1992a). agricultural subwatersheds that drain to Sycamore Creek.
Sycamore Creek
Data collected from this monitoring program will be (1) a 5-year mean of 27 percent depth fines by weight,
used to model storm runoff from agricultural fields, the with no single year over 29 percent; (2) a 5-year mean of
major land use in the watershed, using the Agricultural 32 percent cobble embeddedness, with no single year
Nonpoint Source Model (AGNPS). Future monitoring over 37 percent; or (3) acceptable improving trends in
data collected from these subwatersheds will be used to monitored water quality parameters that reestablish the
refine the AGNPS model (USEPA, 1992a). beneficial uses of the SFSR (USEPA, 1992b).
The BOISED model was used in combination with best significant source area for the sediment loadings was
professional judgment and experience in the area to determined by evaluating TSS and flow data for a 1-year
develop a sediment reduction scheme to meet the period at several sampling sites around the study area.
numeric criteria developed by the consensus group. Sediment load reduction targets were determined through
Based on these results, a TMDL was established to data evaluation and the best professional judgment of a
reduce sediment inputs from anthropogenic activities by multiagency team. A detailed set of range management
25 percent (USEPA, 1992b). Because of the phased BMPs and bank stabilization actions was identified in
approach of the TMDL, an implementation and concert with landowners, the USFS, and the NRCS. The
monitoring plan was developed to establish reasonable numeric target and source analysis methods were
assurances that designated uses would be restored. By adequate to guide the development and implementation
2001, if monitoring determines that salmon spawning of a specific set of BMPs and restoration practices, and
has increased to acceptable levels, no change in the follow-up monitoring of total sediment loading (using
program will be needed. If, however, monitoring automatic samplers) and annual redd count changes was
indicates that designated uses are not being restored, planned.
additional recovery projects and methods for designated
use attainment will be considered. 8SSHU%LUFK&UHHN$ODVND
Ninemile Creek
regression analysis. As a result, it was possible to of creative approaches to TMDL interpretation and
establish numeric targets and TMDL allocations in analysis where watersheds are dominated by infrequent,
terms of allowable sediment loading per day. high-magnitude runoff events and where sediment
impacts, sources, and control needs are difficult to
A careful analysis of critical flow and loading conditions characterize. Chris Creek is a steep forested watershed in
was conducted. After determining the total assimilative which hillslopes are unstable and erosion-prone. Chris
capacity, existing nonpoint source contributions were Creek provides spawning and rearing habitat for several
estimated based on comparisons of mined areas with threatened salmonid species, but habitat quality is
unmined areas. An explicit 10 percent MOS was also degraded due to excessive sedimentation of spawning
provided. It was determined that Upper Birch Creek gravels and rearing pools. Historical land use activities
could meet the turbidity standard in the absence of point and periodic extreme storms and associated sediment
source discharges; therefore, needed load reductions erosion effects are responsible for much of the current in-
would be obtained by curbing discharges from active stream sedimentation problem. Silviculture and livestock
mines. Wasteload allocations were established in the grazing are the predominant land uses in the watershed
form of maximum pounds of suspended solids per day and are believed to be contributing additional sediment to
per mine. the stream. The TMDL is being developed concurrently
with development of fish habitat protection and
Although the TMDL is focused primarily on attainment watershed-scale timber production plans by fisheries and
of the turbidity standard, channel condition and land management agencies. In addition, the TMDL is
associated spawning habitat are expected to improve addressing temperature-related habitat impairment.
dramatically as well. The follow-up monitoring plan
focuses on stream channel sediment parameters as well Extensive data are not available for Chris Creek, but
as suspended sediment indicators. In addition, the limited sampling of substrate sediment composition and
TMDL plan includes a discussion of controlactions and fish counts has been completed. More extensive land use
schedules, which assists in assessing implementation of and management information is available (e.g., road
controls. inventories, timber harvest records and plans, and
landslide mapping). Extensive analysis of fish habitat
&KULV&UHHNK\SRWKHWLFDO conditions, sediment sources, and sediment management
actions has been conducted in neighboring watersheds.
The “Chris Creek” example is a hypothetical TMDL In addition, extensive research on salmonid habitat
based on three TMDLs currently under development in requirements has been published. The analysts decided
northern California. This example illustrates a variety that multiple environmental indicators and associated
targets would be needed for Chris Creek because no Field verification was conducted to assess whether these
single indicator was believed to provide a reliable basis simple “remote” estimates were reasonable and to ensure
for measuring stream response to changes in accounting of all major sediment sources. Particular
management activity and restoration actions (Reiser and attention was paid to evaluating erosion potential
Bradley, 1992; Young et al., 1991). Numeric targets for associated with road-related erosion because roads were
Chris Creek include both “core” and “secondary” believed to be one of the main erosion sources. Field
indicators. The core indicators are to provide the evaluations of road erosion hazards and estimates of
primary indicators for measuring TMDL effectiveness; erosion potential were made for a subset of roads in the
the secondary indicators are intended to complement the watersheds. The results were extrapolated for the entire
core indicators and provide additional information for watershed based on the distribution of road types
reevaluating the TMDL in the future. The core determined through air photo analysis. The erosion
indicators and associated targets were selected based on estimates from roads and other sources were summed.
how closely they fit the sediment-habitat issues of Finally, it was assumed that all eroded sediment would
concern for Chris Creek and how well they are reach the stream. This conservative assumption was
supported by research literature and local “on the adopted for three reasons:
ground” experience.
C Lack of site-specific information on sediment
Both in-stream and hillslope indicators were selected. delivery.
In-stream indicators were determined to be necessary to C Because roads are a major source and literature
be able to establish relationships between stream sediment delivery values are typically very high.
sediment levels and habitat functions. Hillslope C To include an implicit margin of safety in the source
indicators were selected to provide a means of directly loading estimate.
measuring reductions in hillslope erosion, which in-
stream indicators might not be able to identify TMDL allocations were developed in two steps. First,
effectively. The core in-stream indicators included sediment reduction needs were estimated by comparing
residual pool volume occupied by fine sediments (V*), existing values for core indicators with target values
median sediment size (D50), and invertebrate counts established by the team. Based on this comparison, the
(Lisle and Hilton, 1992; Peterson et al., 1992; Reiser and team established an overall percentage reduction target.
Bjorn, 1979). Core hillslope indicators include miles of Based largely on the team’s best professional judgment,
unimproved roads per square mile and road-related allocations were established by source category. The
landslides. Target values for each indicator were allocations considered the relative sediment contributions
selected by consensus of an expert team based on data from each source, the proximity of these sources to the
from reference watersheds, and literature reviews. stream, and the feasibility and cost of reducing erosion
Secondary indicators included width-depth ratios, from different sources. The allocation
volume of large woody debris per stream mile, and section of the TMDL was complemented by the
salmonid counts. development of a detailed set of implementation
recommendations for consideration by involved
Because Chris Creek is fairly large (200 square miles), landowners and land management agencies. Finally, a
remote analysis methods supplemented by field detailed monitoring plan was developed to track each of
verification were used to develop rough absolute and the core and secondary indicators. An adaptive
relative estimates of sediment source contributions to management schedule for reviewing project results was
Chris Creek. A screening-level analysis of sequential air established, with reviews scheduled every 5 years. In the
photo coverages was used to identify erosion features second phase of the project, the developers will consider
and channel changes over time. An initial sediment whether more detailed geomorphic analysis and stream
source inventory was conducted by stratifying the restoration planning are needed. If fish habitat quality
watershed into areas of similar geology, slope, and begins to recover in response to continuing reductions in
vegetation cover. Simple erosion estimates were sediment inputs, more intensive analysis and restoration
developed for each major source category in each might not be needed.
stratified land area using literature-based relationships.
“Chris Creek”
would be discharged if these crossings failed during crossings that were vulnerable to failure). In addition,
high-magnitude storms. Because land use, landslide, the team recommended several streambank stabilization
and road networks were mapped for Wendell Creek projects in the areas most affected by bank erosion.
watershed, the analysts stratified the results of the TMDL allocations were expressed in terms of average
rangeland, landslide, and road erosion estimates by annual loads from each tributary and from bank erosion
watershed and used the results as an independent check in key reaches of the main stem of Wendell Creek (based
on the tributary-based sediment budgets developed on 5-year rolling averages). In addition, key loading
through the rating curve approach. The comparison sources needing attention in each tributary were
indicated that the source estimates by watershed were identified by location, although quantitative load
accurate within a factor of 2. The in-stream targets were allocations were not established for each source location.
linked with the source analysis in two ways. First, the In addition to identifying specific bank stabilization
analysis team estimated the degree of annual sediment projects needed, the implementation plan developed
reduction needed based on a comparison of annual tons concurrent with the TMDL identified general types of
of sediment yield per acre-foot of discharge for Wendell rangeland BMPs that should be considered and
Creek and Little Deer Creek. Second, existing established a process for BMP installation through
geomorphic indicator values for Wendell Creek were cooperative efforts of landowners, NRCS, and BLM.
compared with geomorphic conditions in Little Deer Finally, a monitoring program was established to ensure
Creek. that progress is being made to implement needed BMPs
and restoration projects.
Based on the professional judgment of the team, it was
determined that reduction of sediment loads to Wendell &RQFOXVLRQV
Creek to the levels present in Little Deer Creek was
infeasible and that such reductions would not be These six case study examples illustrate that a range of
adequate to restore aquatic life uses in Wendell Creek. viable methods are available for developing sediment
Therefore, the team devised plans that called for TMDLs. In addition, they illustrate several factors that
substantial sediment source reductions to be carried out can be important for effective TMDL development,
through implementation of rangeland BMPs, including focusing on implementation, using existing
stabilization of two key landslides near the channel, and information and adaptive management, and using expert
road network upgrades (principally upgrades of stream judgment.
“Wendell Creek”
Several frameworks and methods have been used by Dunne, T., and L.B. Leopold. 1978. Water in
agencies, landowners, and resource professionals to Environmental Planning. W.H. Freeman and Co., San
evaluate sediment processes and associated impacts on Francisco, CA.
designated uses. Commonly used examples include
Federal Watershed Analysis (Regional Ecosystem Waters, T.F. 1995. Sediment in streams—Sources,
Office, 1995), Washington State’s Timber, Fish and biological effects, and control. American Fisheries
Wildlife (TFW) process (Washington Forest Practices Society Monograph 7. American Fisheries Society,
Board, 1994) and BLM’s Proper Functioning Condition Bethesda, MD.
process (USDOI-BLM, 1993/1995). Many of these
Useful In
Source Analysis
Numeric Targets
Problem ID
Method (Source) Advantages Disadvantages
Objective: Identify background information and definitively state the relationship between the sediment
establish a strategy for specific 303(d) listed waters that sources and the impairment.
will guide the overall TMDL development process.
Summarize the sediment-related impairment(s), KH\4XHVWLRQVWR&RQVLGHUIRU/LQNDJHRI:DWHU4XDOLW\
geographic setting and scale, pollutant sources of 7DUJHWVDQG6RXUFHV
concern, and other information needed to guide the
preliminary assessment of the complexity of the TMDL :KDWLVWKHJHRJUDSKLFVHWWLQJRIWKH70'/"
(what approaches are justified and where resources :KDWWHPSRUDOFRQVLGHUDWLRQVDIIHFWWKH70'/"
Procedure: Inventory and collect data and information :KDWPDUJLQRIVDIHW\DQGXQFHUWDLQW\LVVXHVPXVWEH
needed to develop the TMDL. Information collected :KDWDUHSRWHQWLDOFRQWURORSWLRQV"
should include an identification of the degree and type :KDWLVWKHSUREOHP"
of water quality standards impairment and preliminary :KDWFKDQJHVGRHVWKHSURSRVHGUXOHVSHDNWR"
identification of sources, numeric targets, proposed
analytical methods, data needs, resources required, and
possible management and control techniques. Interview
watershed stakeholders and local, state, tribal, and The following key questions should be addressed during
federal agency staff to identify information relevant to this initial strategy-forming stage. Answering these
the waterbody and its watershed. Establish plans for questions results in defining the approach for developing
incorporating public involvement into the development the TMDL. A problem statement based on this problem
of the TMDL. Revise the problem definition as new identification analysis is an important part of the TMDL
information is obtained during TMDL development. document because it relates the TMDL to the 303(d)
listing and describes the context of the TMDL, thereby
29(59,(: making the TMDL more understandable and useful for
implementation planning.
To develop a TMDL, it is necessary to formulate a
strategy that addresses the causes and potential sources K(<48(67,21672&216,'(5)25352%/(0
of the water quality impairment and available ,'(17,),&$7,21
management options. The characterization of the causes
and sources should be an extension of the process :KDWDUHWKHGHVLJQDWHGXVHVDQGDVVRFLDWHG
originally used to place the waterbody on the 303(d) list. LPSDLUPHQWV"
Typically, the impairment that caused the listing is
related to water quality standards that are being The goal of developing and implementing a TMDL is to
violated—either pollutant concentrations that exceed attain and maintain state water quality standards. With
numeric criteria or waterbody conditions that do not that in mind, analysts should stay focused on addressing
match those specified by narrative criteria or do not the sediment-related problem interfering with the
support the designated use. Most sediment-related designated uses. Some examples of how sediment
303(d) listings are based on exceedances of narrative impairs designated or existing uses are listed in
water quality standards that state that waters should be Table 3-1. Identification of the designated uses being
free from suspended or deposited sediments at levels impaired should include answers to the following:
detrimental to designated uses, including aquatic life,
water supply, and recreation. In many cases, the C Are water quality standards for sediment expressed
problem itself will be self-evident and its identification as narrative or numeric criteria?
will be relatively straightforward. In other cases, the
complexity of the system might make it more difficult to
• What water quality standards violation caused the monitoring data, watershed analyses, best professional
listing? What data or qualitative analyses were used judgment, information from the public, and any previous
to support this decision? studies of the waterbody (e.g., state and federal agency
C Where in the waterbody are designated uses reports, university-sponsored studies, environmental
supported and where are they impaired? organizations). Ideally, these data will provide insight
C What are the critical conditions, in terms of flow into the nature of the impairment, potential sediment
and season of the year, during which designated sources, and the pathways by which sediments enter the
uses are not supported? waterbody. Compilation of data necessary for TMDL
C How do sediments affect the designated uses of development should begin during the problem
concern? (For example, do bottom sediments clog identification stage. These data are likely to include the
spawning gravels? Does cloudy water create a following:
swimming hazard?)
C How are quantifiable targets determined to interpret C Water quality measurements (e.g., TSS, turbidity,
narrative water quality criteria? bedload composition).
C Waterbody size and shape information (e.g.,
:KDWGDWDDUHUHDGLO\DYDLODEOH" volume, depth, area, length, channel structure,
stream type).
To the greatest extent possible, the problem C Biological information (e.g., fish, invertebrate, and
identification should be prepared based on currently riparian vegetation information).
available information, including water quality
C Waterbody flow and runoff information, including Information on related assessment and planning efforts
irrigation return flows. in the study area should also be collected. Coordinating
C Watershed land uses, land use issues, and history. TMDL development with similar efforts often reduces
C Processes of concern (e.g., surface erosion and TMDL analysis costs, increases stakeholder
runoff, bank erosion, landslide features). participation and support, and improves the outlook for
C Temperature and precipitation data. timely implementation of needed sediment control or
C Soil surveys and geologic information. restoration actions. Examples of related efforts that
C Topographic information. should be identified include the following:
C Information on local contacts.
C Past studies/surveys. C State, local, or landowner-developed watershed
management plans.
Maps of the watershed will also be invaluable. Maps C NRCS conservation plans, EQUIP projects, and
can be hard copies, such as USGS quad maps, or (if Public Law 83-566 small watershed plans.
available) electronic files for geographic information C Land management agency assessment or land use
systems (GIS). If possible, point sources, known plans (e.g., Federal Ecosystem Management Team
nonpoint sources, land uses, areas of geologic [FEMAT] watershed analyses or BLM proper
instability, and road networks should be identified on functioning condition assessments).
these maps to provide an overview of the watershed and C Nonpoint source management projects developed
to identify priority areas for sediment loading caused by with Clean Water Act (CWA) section 319 grants.
human activities. C Clean Lakes program projects developed with CWA
section 314 grants.
Photographs, both aerial and landscape, are also very C Storm water management plans and permits.
useful for evaluating sediment sources, sediment C Habitat conservation plans developed under the
deposition, and changes in geomorphic/channel features Endangered Species Act.
over time. If possible, analysts should obtain multiple C Comprehensive monitoring efforts (e.g., National
air photography sets for the watershed as far back as Water Quality Assessment [NAWQA] and
photo records are available to facilitate time-series Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
comparisons. Photographs from the ground, although [EMAP] projects).
less useful, can sometimes provide a qualitative
assessment of channel changes over time.
Where relatively large watersheds are selected for Where impairments occur throughout a watershed, it is
TMDL analysis, sediment transport and in-channel recommended that the analysis be conducted for smaller,
storage may become more important to the analysis as more homogenous analytical units (subwatersheds). For
compared to smaller watersheds where sediment sources example, specific impaired river reaches might require
and in-stream areas of impact are closer together. detailed TMDLs to address individual sources. If this
Analysis of sediment fate and transport is often needed subwatershed approach is chosen, care should be taken
to determine what happens to sediments once delivered to apply consistent methodologies within a basin from
to streams and rivers. For example, fate and transport one subwatershed to the next so that an additive
analysis helps to determine how quickly sediments move approach can eventually be applied to the larger basin.
through the system, how much sediment remains behind,
and under what hydrological conditions sediments are
deposited at channel locations of concern. By
:KDWPDUJLQRIVDIHW\DQGXQFHUWDLQW\LVVXHV well as the value of the resource and the anticipated cost
PXVWEHFRQVLGHUHG":KDWOHYHORIDFFXUDF\ of controls. In general, a greater MOS should be
LVQHHGHG" included when there is greater uncertainty in the
information used to develop the TMDL or when the
Considerable uncertainty is usually inherent in TMDL is for a high-value water. It might prove feasible
estimating sediment loading from nonpoint sources, as to include an MOS in more than one TMDL analytical
well as predicting stream channel and designated or step. For example, relatively conservative numeric
existing use responses. The effectiveness of targets and source estimates could be developed that, in
management measures (e.g., agricultural BMPs) in combination, create an overall MOS adequate to account
reducing loading varies depending on the location, the for uncertainty in the analysis.
severity of the problem being addressed, and other
practices being implemented. These uncertainties, Analysts should consider the level of precision needed
however, should not delay development of the TMDL in the analysis. As a practical matter, analysts might
and implementation of control measures. EPA need to make trade-offs between (1) investing in more
regulations (40 CFR 130.2(g)) state that load allocations precise analysis (presumably at higher cost) of different
for nonpoint sources are “best estimates of the loading TMDL elements and providing a smaller MOS (usually
which may range from reasonably accurate estimates to providing greater management flexibility) and
gross allotments, depending on the availability of data (2) performing less precise analysis (presumably at
and appropriate techniques for predicting the loading.” lower cost) and providing a larger MOS (presumably
USEPA (1991a, 1999) advocated the use of a phased constraining land management flexibility).
approach to TMDL development as a means of
addressing these uncertainties. Under the phased Many sediment TMDLs can be developed based on
approach, load allocations and wasteload allocations are existing, readily available data and information. Where
calculated using the best available data and information, sufficient data are not available, TMDLs may be
recognizing the need for additional monitoring data to developed based on modeling analysis or on simple
determine if the load reductions required by the TMDL “screening-level” analysis in many cases. Where little
lead to attainment of water quality standards. The information about sediment causes and effects is
approach provides for the implementation of the TMDL available, it is appropriate to account for the significant
while additional data are collected to reduce uncertainty.
TMDLs also address uncertainty issues by incorporating VHGLPHQW70'/V
a margin of safety (MOS) into the analysis. The MOS is 7\SHRI
a required component of a TMDL and accounts for the 026 $YDLODEOH$SSURDFKHV
uncertainty about the relationship between pollutant ([SOLFLW 6HWQXPHULFWDUJHWVDWPRUHFRQVHUYDWLYHOHYHOV
loads and the quality of the receiving waterbody (CWA WKDQDQDO\WLFDOUHVXOWVLQGLFDWHFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR
section 303(d)(1)(c)). The MOS is either implicitly VRPHTXDQWLILDEOH026HJEHORZ
accounted for by choosing conservative assumptions UHFRPPHQGHGFULWHULD
about loading and/or water quality response or explicitly GHOLYHU\HVWLPDWHVDQGH[SHFWHGVHGLPHQW
accounted for during the allocation of loads. Table 3-3 UHGXFWLRQVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRVRPHTXDQWLILDEOH
lists several approaches available for incorporating an 026
During the problem identification process, the analyst ,PSOLFLW 8VHFRQVHUYDWLYHDVVXPSWLRQVLQGHULYDWLRQRI
should decide at what point in the analysis the MOS will QXPHULFWDUJHWV
be introduced. Often this decision can be made only by
using best professional judgment. The degree of VHGLPHQWGHOLYHU\WRZDWHUERGLHVDQGVHGLPHQW
uncertainty associated with the selection and WUDQVSRUWUDWHV
measurement of indicators, source estimates, and water 8VHFRQVHUYDWLYHDVVXPSWLRQVLQDQDO\VLVRI
quality response should be factored into this decision, as SURVSHFWLYHIHDVLELOLW\RIVHGLPHQWPDQDJHPHQW
uncertainty associated with TMDL analysis by designated use problems or TMDL indicators and
providing adequate margins of safety. In some cases, targets with sediment sources, TMDLs can include
providing larger margins of safety might result in hillslope targets to supplement (but not supplant) in-
allocations that are not readily achievable. Several stream targets. Hillslope targets provide a TMDL
approaches are available to address this problem. First, goal that might be easier to associate with sediment
more sophisticated analysis might be appropriate. source management.
Where additional data or information is needed to use
more complex or data-intensive methods, it might be C Use dynamic indicators and allocation approaches.
more cost-effective to gather the information and use the Sediment inputs tend to be quite variable across
more complex methods than it would be to implement time and space, and TMDL numeric targets and
more stringent allocations based on simpler analysis. allocations can be expressed in ways that recognize
Where this is the case, a first-phase TMDL can often be and incorporate the dynamics of watershed
developed to provide a basis for further analysis while processes (e.g., sediment loading targets expressed
initiating critical source control or restoration actions. as a function of flow).
Because erosion and other key physical processes that C Focus load allocations on load reductions related to
affect sediment impacts on designated or existing uses control actions. Where load allocations by source
are usually highly variable and difficult to characterize, are difficult to set but actions needed to reduce loads
a significant degree of uncertainty is likely to emerge in are well understood, TMDL implementation plans
sediment TMDL development. Several strategies are can incorporate more detail on actions to be taken
available to help address these uncertainties: that are believed adequate to attain in-stream targets
and meet overall load reduction needs.
C Use a phased approach. Clarify that initial TMDLs
are based on limited information and that TMDLs :KDWDUHSRWHQWLDOFRQWURORSWLRQV"
and implementation plans will be reviewed and
revised in the future based on monitoring results. The problem identification should begin to identify
This approach clearly acknowledges uncertainty and potential management alternatives. It is helpful to begin
creates a framework for reviewing initial TMDL thinking about key sources and the prospective
hypotheses. This strategy is also a good means of feasibility of controlling erosion from these sources.
identifying information needs. Improvements already occurring should also be
considered when identifying possible control options. In
C Use multiple numeric targets and a “weight of addition, analysts should begin to consider what options
evidence” approach. Single-indicator TMDLs are will be adequate to address sediment-related
often difficult to relate to designated or existing uses impairments. If no obvious level of sediment control
of concern or sediment sources. Multiple indicators will achieve the designated use of the waterbody, the
that, as a set, are believed to provide a richer basis appropriateness of the applicable water quality standards
for interpreting water quality goals and linking goals should be evaluated.
to source controls can be used in the TMDL. A
“weight of evidence” approach would be used to If sediment source controls and/or restoration will be
interpret them; that is, evaluations would look at the able to address the impairment, the problem statement
indicators as a group and would not consider should identify and stress the opportunity to take
exceedance of one target as proof that a TMDL is advantage of other watershed protection efforts.
not working. If the weight of evidence approach is Opportunities include coordinating with various local,
taken, analysts are advised to clarify at the outset state, tribal, territorial, and federal agencies along with
how the responsible agency intends to evaluate private landowners and stakeholder groups to avoid
TMDL effectiveness as measured by multiple duplicative or contradictory efforts. Other stakeholders
indicators. should also be encouraged to become involved with
development of the TMDL to contribute to the process
C Use hillslope targets to supplement in-stream and to ensure that their concerns are addressed.
targets. Because it is difficult to associate
:KDWFKDQJHVGRHVWKHSURSRVHGUXOHVSHDNWR" (Note that the full list of references for this chapter is
included at the end of the document.)
On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed rules that
specify that approvable TMDLs must include at a USEPA. TMDL Case Study Series.
minimum ten elements. Within the problem <>. U.S.
identification step, an approvable TMDL will need to Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
include the name and geographic location of the
impaired or threatened waterbody for which the TMDL USEPA. 1991a. Guidance for water quality-based
is being established. The TMDL will also need to list decisions: The TMDL process. EPA 440/4-91-001.
the names and geographic locations of the waterbodies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
upstream of the impaired waterbody that contribute DC. <>
significant amounts of the pollutant for which the
TMDL is being established. USEPA. 1995a. Watershed protection: A statewide
approach. EPA 841-R-95-001. U.S. Environmental
5(&200(1'$7,216)25352%/(0 Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
USEPA. 1995b. Watershed protection: A project focus.
• Identify events leading to the 303(d) listing and the EPA 841-R-95-003. U.S. Environmental Protection
data to support the listing. Include any data or Agency, Washington, DC.
anecdotal information that supports qualitative
approaches to develop the TMDL. USEPA. 1996. TMDL development cost estimates: Case
• Identify the specific role sediment plays in affecting studies of 14 TMDLs. EPA-R-96-001. U.S.
designated or existing uses, usually through Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
qualitative judgment and consultation with experts.
• Contact agency staff responsible for the waterbody USEPA 1999. Draft guidance for water quality-based
listing and collect any information they have decisions: The TMDL process (second edition). EPA
available. 841-D-99-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
• Prepare a flowchart or schematic detailing the Washington, DC.
processes that might affect impairment of the <>
• Conduct an inventory of available information on Waters, T.F. 1995. Sediment in streams—Sources,
point or nonpoint sources using information biological effects, and control. American Fisheries
available from state or local agencies or databases. Society Monograph 7. American Fisheries Society,
• Identify the geographic scale of impairments. Bethesda, MD.
• Identify temporal/seasonal issues affecting things
such as discharge rates, receiving water flows, and
designated or existing use impacts. Temporal
Objective: Identify numeric or measurable indicators This chapter provides background on water quality
and target values that can be used to evaluate the TMDL standards, lists a variety of factors that should be
and the restoration of water quality in the listed addressed in choosing a TMDL indicator, provides
waterbody. recommendations for setting target values under
different circumstances, and explains how to compare
Procedure: Select one or more indicators that are existing and target conditions for each indicator. In
appropriate to the waterbody and local conditions. Key addition, this chapter identifies target values for the
factors to consider include both scientific and technical indicator(s) that can be used to track progress toward the
validity, as well as practical issues such as cost and restoration of designated uses. Figure 4-1 outlines an
available data. Identify target values for the indicator(s) approach for linking a water’s impairment (e.g.,
that represent achievement of water quality standards nonattainment of designated use) to a TMDL.
and are linked (through acceptable technical analysis) to
the reason for waterbody listing. K(<48(67,21672&216,'(5)25
29(59,(: $1'7$5*(79$/8(6
To develop a TMDL, it is necessary to establish :KDWZDWHUTXDOLW\VWDQGDUGVDSSO\WRWKH
quantitative measures that can be used to establish the ZDWHUERG\"
relationship between pollutant sources and their impact
on water quality. Such quantitative measures are called
Section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33
indicators in this document. Examples of indicators for
U.S.C. 1314(a)(1), requires EPA to publish and
a sediment TMDL include maximum turbidity or
periodically update ambient water quality criteria. These
suspended sediment concentrations, geometric mean
criteria are to “. . . accurately reflect the latest scientific
size of substrate particles, percentage of pool volume
knowledge . . . on the kind and extent of all identifiable
occupied by fine sediments (Lisle and Hilton, 1992),
effects on health and welfare including, but not limited
numbers of spawning fish, and percentage of eroding
to, plankton, fish, shellfish, wildlife, plant life . . . which
streambanks. Once an indicator has been selected, a
may be expected from the presence of pollutants in any
target value for that indicator that distinguishes between
body of water . . . .” Water quality criteria developed
the impaired and unimpaired state of the waterbody
under section 304(a) are based solely on data and
(e.g., no more than 15 percent fine sediment < 0.85 mm,
scientific judgments on the relationship between
no more than 1000 tons/year sediment yield on average)
pollutant concentrations and environmental and human
must be established. Although such discrete impaired or
health effects. These recommended criteria provide
unimpaired cutoffs do not exist in natural systems,
guidance for states and tribes in adopting water quality
quantifiable goals are a necessary component of
standards under section 303(c) of the CWA. States and
authorized tribes are responsible for setting water
quality standards to protect the physical, biological, and
4XDOLW\,QGLFDWRUVDQG7DUJHW9DOXHV chemical integrity of their waters. The three components
of water quality standards include
:KDWIDFWRUVDIIHFWLQGLFDWRUVHOHFWLRQ" C Designated uses (such as drinking water supply,
:KDWZDWHUTXDOLW\PHDVXUHVFRXOGEHXVHGDVLQGLFDWRUV" aquatic life protection, public recreation).
C Narrative and numeric criteria designed to protect
C An antidegradation policy.
For some waters, the indicators and target values needed are waterbody-specific interpretations of standards. For
for TMDL development are already specified as numeric example, a TMDL that addresses a narrative standard
standards in state water quality standards. An example prohibiting bottom deposits at levels that impair cold
would be a state standard that specifies that turbidity in water fish reproduction might include numeric channel
a river designated for warm water aquatic life support bottom indicators such as median particle size.
must not exceed 50 nephelometric turbidity units
(NTU). However, water quality standards vary :KDWIDFWRUVDIIHFWLQGLFDWRUVHOHFWLRQ"
considerably from state to state and tribe to tribe and
often only narrative standards exist for sediment. In A variety of factors will affect the selection of
these situations, development of the TMDL will require appropriate TMDL indicators. These factors include
the identification of one or more appropriate indicators scientific and technical validity, as well as those
and associated target levels. associated with practical management considerations.
The importance of these factors will vary for each
Where numeric targets are established for indicators waterbody, depending, for instance, on the time and
representative of narrative standards, the targets resources available to develop the TMDL, the
themselves are not water quality standards; rather, they
availability of existing data, and the designated or The choice of an indicator that is understandable to the
existing uses of the waterbody. Final selection of the public is also desirable. Finally, the indicator should be
indicator is based on site-specific requirements. useful for addressing other pollutants of concern in the
analysis. For TMDLs that address pollutants in addition
6FLHQWLILFRUWHFKQLFDOYDOLGLW\FRQVLGHUDWLRQV to sediments, some indicators discriminate impacts from
the other pollutants as well as from sediment (e.g.,
Indicators should be logically related to applicable water biological indicators).
quality standards and sensitive to the applicable
designated uses. Indicators will vary depending on 1XPEHURILQGLFDWRUVQHHGHGIRUVHGLPHQW70'/V
waterbody type. Indicators should also be sensitive to
geographic and temporal issues; they should be placed The watershed processes that cause adverse sediment
or located where impacts occur. The indicators should impacts are rarely simple. These processes often vary
also be sensitive to when impacts occur. For example, if substantially over time and space, affect designated uses
water quality is impaired during certain times of the year in more than one way (e.g., fish spawning and rearing
(e.g., drinking water intake fouling during snowmelt life stages), and are frequently difficult to relate to
runoff), the indicator should be chosen accordingly (e.g., specific sediment sources. It is often appropriate to
turbidity during high flows). Indicators should be view sediment TMDLs as an iterative approach in which
sensitive to the temporal variability of sediment assessment tools, planning decisions, and sediment
processes and other driving processes active in the management actions are each evaluated over time to
watershed. The inherent temporal variability associated ensure that they are reasonably accurate and successful
with sediment impacts promotes indicators such as in addressing sediment concerns. In many watersheds,
macroinvertebrates or channel conditions, which more than one indicator and associated numeric target
integrate over longer periods of time. might be appropriate to account for process complexity
and the potential lack of certainty regarding the
An indicator should also be helpful in linking pollutant effectiveness of an individual indicator. Table 4-1 lists
sources to indicator response (e.g., suspended sediment examples of sediment TMDLs or similar projects that
data used as an indicator and as a component of used multiple indicators.
sediment budget development for source analysis). It
should also be technically robust; that is, the indicator A single indicator might be appropriate in some settings.
should be measurable and quantifiable, and For example, where drinking water source degradation
measurements of the indicator should be reproducible. is the problem, it might be appropriate to establish a
single turbidity or suspended solids threshold above
3UDFWLFDOFRQVLGHUDWLRQV which a water treatment plant must shut down or change
treatment strategies. It might be possible to link the
Data collection should be as economical as possible turbidity or suspended sediment indicator to source
while still meeting monitoring objectives. analysis and allocation elements that would establish
Indicators that can be suitably monitored using cost- straightforward BMP expectations. With adequate
effective means should be considered. Indicators should monitoring and review over time, this simple approach
also be feasible to measure, given the capabilities of could prove effective in protecting drinking water
monitoring personnel and the accessibility of the quality. Where the key concern is excessive filling of a
monitoring site at the times when monitoring needs to be reservoir, it might be appropriate to establish an annual
done. Monitoring should introduce as little stress as average mass loading target above which reservoir life
possible on the designated uses of concern. Since span would be shortened more than stakeholders could
comparability with previously collected information is accept. Table 4-2 lists several sediment TMDLs that
important, it is helpful to select an indicator that is used single indicators.
consistent with already-available data and for which
information concerning reference and natural
background conditions is available.
Two direct indicators and one indirect indicator of C :KHUHWRWDOVHGLPHQWORDGLQJLVDSULQFLSDOFRQFHUQHJ
sediment load in waterbodies have been used effectively UHVHUYRLURUHVWXDU\VLWXDWLRQVRUZKHUHVHGLPHQWHVWLPDWLRQ
suspended sediment, bedload sediment, and turbidity.
load suspended in the water column. Bedload sediment HJDVVXUURJDWHIRUFRQFHUQRYHUILQHVHGLPHQWLQVWUHDP
refers to the portion of sediment load transported VXEVWUDWH
downstream by sliding, rolling, or bounding along the C 7RKHOSGLVWLQJXLVKWKHUHODWLYHLPSRUWDQFHRIVHGLPHQW
channel bottom. In most cases, sediment particles
smaller than 0.1 mm in diameter are transported as C :KHUHDQLQGLFDWRURIVHGLPHQWZDWHUTXDOLW\XSVWUHDPDQG
suspended load and sediment particles larger than 1 mm GRZQVWUHDPRIDSURMHFWDUHDHJDFRQVWUXFWLRQDUHDLV
are transported as bedload. Particles between 0.1 and 1 QHHGHG
mm can be transported either as suspended load or as C :KHQIORZGDWDDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHVLQFHVHGLPHQWLQGLFDWRUV
bedload, depending on hydraulic conditions.
A variation on the use of suspended sediment Recommendations: Water column sediment indicators
concentrations as a direct TMDL indicator is the use of will be appropriate in many TMDL settings, especially
dynamic functions relating suspended sediment loads or when a numeric water quality standard for TSS or
concentrations to waterbody flow. This approach was turbidity has been established, or where sediment data
used in the Deep Creek, Montana, TMDL, in which a will be used as part of the source evaluation method.
target was set based on the slope of the regression curve These indicators should be useful in settings where
identified by plotting flow against total suspended drinking water, other consumptive uses, and/or
sediment load. This approach acknowledges the fact recreation are the key designated use issues. In addition,
that sediment loading often varies substantially as a TSS and turbidity might be appropriate indicators in
function of flow (or other driving factors) and better warm water river and reservoir settings encountered in
reflects system dynamics than static indicators. much of the Midwest and South. Where cold water
However, two sediment curves with the same slope aquatic habitat concerns prevail, these indicators might
could have significantly different intercepts or curve be useful as secondary indicators to complement
forms. Where such functional relationships are used in streambed and geomorphic indicators, to monitor short-
TMDLs, they should be derived based on site-specific or term sediment impacts associated with specific areas,
comparable reference data. and to estimate sediment yields. Bedload estimates
would be most useful as components of total sediment
Suspended and bedload sedimentation are often yield estimation methods, and in settings where stream
evaluated as a component of sediment mass loading channel changes are associated with bedload sediment
studies (e.g., Rosgen, 1996; USDOI-BLM, 1993/1995). processes.
Source analysis methods based on suspended and
bedload sediment estimation are discussed in Chapter 5. Where TMDLs are developed for lakes or reservoirs,
Although bedload analysis is important to sediment water clarity measures are recommended. Because state
mass load studies, bedload sediment has some water quality standards generally do not set numeric
disadvantages as a TMDL indicator. Bedload transport standards for clarity indicators, analysts will need to set
rates are difficult to measure, are highly variable in targets for clarity as measured by Secchi disks based on
space and time, and might not clearly relate to historical information or comparison to appropriate
designated use impacts in particular settings reference sites.
(MacDonald et al., 1991). Also, bedload as a proportion
of total sediment load varies substantially in different If a water column sediment indicator is needed, analysts
settings (Rosgen, 1996). Significant experience has should consider evaluating the relationship between TSS
been gained over the past few years, both in monitoring and turbidity with the hope that a close correlation exists
bedload and in evaluating the accuracy of bedload and that turbidity can be used as a cheaper surrogate
transport equations (see Reid and Dunne, 1996). Table indicator for TSS. It is usually best to base an analysis
4-3 summarizes advantages and disadvantages of of TSS-turbidity correlation on multiyear data since
various water column sediment indicators. substantial year-to-year variation can occur.
Streambed sediment quality indicators are based on the Recommendations: Substrate indicators are only a
theory that excessive or insufficient levels of fine subset of available geomorphic indicators and are not
sediments or unnatural substrate size composition fully indicative of geomorphic conditions of streams. In
directly and indirectly impair aquatic habitat in many many cases it will be appropriate to use substrate
ways and during many key indicators in association with other stream channel
life stages. These condition/process indicators and hillslope indicators to
indicators are used most 70'/V8VLQJ6WUHDPEHG ensure that the indicators are sensitive to the entire
commonly in settings 6HGLPHQW,QGLFDWRUV range of processes affecting sediment impairment.
where cold water fisheries,
anadromous fisheries, and 6RXWK)RUN6DOPRQ5LYHU,'
Geology has a strong influence on substrate size
associated habitats are of *DUFLD5LYHU&$ distribution. For example, granitic watersheds often
concern. For example, 6RXWK)RUN7ULQLW\5LYHU&$ exhibit a natural bimodal size distribution. Therefore,
excessive sediment 1HZSRUW%D\&$ analysts should consider the link between watershed
deposition can directly 6LPSVRQ7LPEHUODQGV geology and streambed particle size classes.
impair spawning success,
egg survival to emergence,
rearing habitat, and fish
escapement from streams, and it can indirectly
temperature increases. The following is a partial list of HJJHPHUJHQFH
disadvantages of which are summarized in Table 4-4: LQYHUWHEUDWHDQGILVKUHDULQJKDELWDW
C Streambed particle size distribution indicators (e.g., VHFRQGDU\SURFHVV
percentage of fine sediments less than a certain C %HFDXVHRIDFFHVVRUKLJKIORZSUREOHPVRQO\OLPLWHGVDPSOLQJ
critical size, geometric mean or median particle size, LVSRVVLEOH
and the Fredle Index, another measure of central C 3UHYLRXVO\FROOHFWHGGDWDDUHDYDLODEOH
tendency of particle size distribution).
C Streambed coverage measures (e.g., embeddedness,
percent sandy or gravel bottom). Generally, substrate indicators are recommended for
C Streambed armoring or transport capacity measures TMDLs focusing on protection of gravel bed aquatic
(e.g., comparison of surface versus subsurface habitat. Specific indicators should be selected based on
particle size; Dietrich et al., 1989). a thorough understanding of the designated or existing
C Sediment supply measures (e.g., V*, percent of pool use impacts of primary concern (e.g., use pool indicators
volume occupied by fine sediment). where pool quality is a key issue). Because many riffle
sediment indicators are closely related statistical dominated streams (MacDonald et al., 1991). Finally,
measures that can be evaluated without additional embeddedness is not a primary tool in most sediment
sampling, it is recommended that multiple statistical studies, in part because of its high spatial variability.
indicators of desirable particle size distribution be used
(e.g., percent fines less than 0.85 mm, less than 2 mm, Pool indicators (e.g., V*) are useful in many settings
less than 6.4 mm, and/or geometric mean particle size). both as direct measures of problems associated with
Selection of multiple particle sizes for analysis is pool habitat degradation and possibly as more general
particularly warranted in watersheds where the size indicators of excessive sediment loading in streams
distribution of sediments expected to erode as a result of (Lisle and Hilton, 1992). Several methods are
future land management activities is not known promising for TMDL development, although caution is
(Peterson et al., 1992). When monitoring and evaluating advised in applying general “rule of thumb” values in
results based on analysis of these indicators, it is setting pool indicator targets. (For example, setting a
important to track and report raw data to facilitate V* target of 50 percent for all locations might be
different statistical methods for substrate analysis. inappropriate.) Although it has not been widely used
until recently, the V* method holds substantial promise
Embeddedness indicators have been applied in Idaho as a TMDL indicator because it is not flow-dependent
and Montana, particularly in watersheds dominated by and it facilitates comparison between streams of
sedimentation associated with decomposed granitic soils different sizes (Lisle and Hilton, 1992).
and where overwintering habitat quality is a primary
concern. Embeddedness indicators should be used with Although there are few TMDL examples where stream
caution in other areas, and care should be taken to use bottom sediment indicators were used, their extensive
quantitative measures of embeddedness to avoid errors use in fishery protection projects suggests they will be
associated with qualitative embeddedness measurement appropriate in many settings. Whatever method is
techniques (MacDonald et al., 1991). For example, selected, the same sampling techniques should be used if
embeddedness may be an inappropriate indicator in results are to be compared over time and space.
steep or very low gradient streams, or in silt- or clay-
of Fish and Game, 1994), assessment of proper might make them preferable to fish indicators. They are
functioning condition (USDOI-BLM, 1993/1995), and relatively abundant in many settings, are good
assessment of channel stability (Ohlander, 1991). Other representatives of overall aquatic habitat condition, and
methods of this type are reviewed in Dissmeyer (1994). are relatively sensitive to changes in sedimentation. The
Table 4-6 summarizes advantages and disadvantages of chief disadvantages of invertebrates include the
biological indicators for TMDL development. relatively high level of expertise needed to analyze
samples, the difficulty in collecting reliable samples, the
Recommendations: Biological indicators should be need to measure them at the same time of year as the
considered for inclusion in sediment TMDL projects in flow, and the difficulty of setting target conditions. In
many settings. For example, fish indicators often
complement other TMDL indicators. However, because 6HWWLQJV:KHUH%LRORJLFDO,QGLFDWRUV$UH$SSURSULDWHIRU
numbers of fish are often influenced by factors beyond 70'/'HYHORSPHQW
sediment-related impacts, analysts should use caution in
selecting a fish-related indicator as the sole TMDL C $TXDWLFKDELWDWXVHVDUHNH\FRQFHUQV
indicator. In many settings, it is possible to design fish- KDELWDW
related indicators to help control for confounding C 4XDQWLWDWLYHPHWKRGVKDYHEHHQORFDOO\WHVWHGDQGYDOLGDWHG
indicator of trout redd counts per stream mile was IROORZXSPRQLWRULQJ
establishing target levels based on conditions in a
neighboring, good-quality stream.
addition, the temporal and spatial variability of
Invertebrate indicators have several characteristics that invertebrate populations can be very high. In temperate
areas there is a strong seasonal variation in benthic
macroinvertebrate biomass, diversity, and composition,
70'/V:KHUH7RR/LWWOH6HGLPHQW,V3UHVHQW and this variation must be considered when evaluating
the use of invertebrates as indicators (Rosenberg and
DOWHUHGK\GURORJLFUHJLPHVGXHWRPDLQVWHPGDPFRQVWUXFWLRQ,Q populations are often very sensitive to changes in
WKLVW\SHRIVHWWLQJVHGLPHQWVXSSO\VKRUWDJHVPLJKWUHVXOWLQ substrate or other habitat characteristics, and this can
FKDQQHOERWWRPVFRXUDQGHURVLRQRIVSDZQLQJJUDYHOV)RU70'/V make it very hard to compare samples from different
streams or waterbodies. Local validation of invertebrate
DQGSURVSHFWLYHVROXWLRQVHJPDQDJHPHQWRIGDPUHOHDVHVDQG monitoring methods is necessary to develop meaningful
JUDYHOUHSOHQLVKPHQW target conditions over time or to compare conditions in
reference streams and the study area. Analysts should
not assume that invertebrate indicators are always good designated or existing use protection; however, they
indicators of salmonid habitat conditions. Although should be used to complement in-stream indicators and
evaluations of invertebrate and fish measurements in not as substitutes for in-stream indicators. Riparian and
eastern streams have found good correlations, some hillslope indicators would not suffice as lone TMDL
researchers in the Pacific Northwest have expressed numeric targets because
concern that invertebrate measurements provide poor they do not provide a 70'/V8VLQJ5LSDULDQ
indicators of western salmonid habitat quality. direct interpretation of +LOOVORSH,QGLFDWRUV
water quality standards,
Qualitative and quasi-quantitative indicators (e.g., which focus on in-stream 5HGZRRG&UHHN&$
Ohlander, 1991; USDOI-BLM, 1993/1995) can greatly uses. See the Redwood 6RXWK)RUN7ULQLW\5LYHU&$
assist in defining sediment problems and near-stream Creek TMDL case study 6DQ'LHJR&UHHN&$
sources. However, they might not prove viable as for an example
TMDL indicators because results are often imprecise, application of both in-
difficult to replicate, difficult to compare with target stream and hillslope indicators.
levels, and not fully validated as designated use
assessment methods. Analysts should use caution in Riparian or upslope indicators represent a wide range of
applying such methods to derive TMDL numeric targets influences on stream sediment quality:
for these reasons.
C Riparian buffer width sizes and riparian vegetation
C Amount of large woody debris present (e.g., number
Not all TMDL indicators must focus on the waterbody. or volume of wood pieces per mile).
In many cases, it is difficult to analyze the relationship C Disturbance indices such as Equivalent Roaded
between upslope sources of sediment and in-stream Acreage (USDA Forest Service, 1988).
impacts of sediment discharges. The hillslope-in-stream C Erosion hazard indices.
connection is particularly difficult to evaluate in many C Percent impervious land within zone adjacent to a
western coastal watersheds. Often these are highly waterbody.
erosive, steep watersheds that are subject to extreme C Landslide area.
variations in sediment-producing runoff events and in
which anadromous fisheries are the principal concern. Depending on the context in which they are included in
a TMDL, riparian and hillslope indicators suitable for
Riparian and hillslope indicators provide additional TMDL numeric targets might not include actions,
indicators of environmental conditions associated with BMPs, land management policies, or projects to be
026 70'/DQDO\VLV
Several states have adopted numeric criteria for
suspended sediment concentrations or turbidity that can One method for establishing target values is comparison
be used as targets if the indicators are relevant to the to reference sites—waterbodies that are representative
TMDL. Usually, these standards are set as either of the characteristics of the region and subject to
absolute thresholds minimal human disturbance. Where narrative standards
(e.g., turbidity no ,QIRUPDWLRQ6RXUFHVIRU are involved, assessing environmental conditions in
greater than 25 NTU) 'HWHUPLQLQJ,QGLFDWRU receiving waters often depends on comparing observed
or relative targets 7DUJHW9DOXHV conditions to expected conditions. This comparison is
(e.g., no turbidity typically done by comparing data collected from
Water quality standards
increases greater than Reference sites impaired sites to similar data from the same sites
10 percent or 5 NTU Literature values collected before impairment and/or from one or more
above background User surveys appropriate reference sites where designated uses are in
Functional equivalents
conditions). These Best professional judgment
good condition. Conditions at the reference site (e.g.,
standards are not suspended sediment concentrations) can then be
always easy to apply interpreted as approximate targets for the indicators at
given the spatial and temporal variability of suspended the impaired site. A disadvantage to this approach is
sediment and turbidity, but they are related to designated that it might not aid in determining an impairment
use concerns and often provide a ready basis for making threshold. Reference sites may represent the completely
the required TMDL linkage to attainment of water unaffected state, a relatively unaffected state, or
quality standards. increasing degrees of existing impact.
6XVSHQGHG 0/ +0 *) *) *)
7XUELGLW\ +0 0 *) * *)
(PEHGGHGQHVV + / * ) *)
+ / ) ) )3
:LGWK'HSWK5DWLR 0 /0 ) )3 *)
&URVV6HFWLRQV 0 /0 *) ) *3
%DQN6WDELOLW\ 0/ 0 ) * )3
3RRO0HDVXUHV +0 /0 * *) )
:22'<'(%5,6 0/ 0 ) * )
)LVK 0 0+ *) *) )
0 0+ *) * )
K(< + +LJK
/ /RZ
* *RRG
) )DLU
3 3RRU
Selection of an appropriate reference site should reflect for the TMDL because of its usefulness in developing
a clear understanding of the overall system. The sediment budgets and the availability of data. Using
reference sites may be within the study watershed or in available turbidity and suspended sediment data for
nearby or even distant watersheds, and they should be Silver Creek, the relationship between turbidity and
selected based on careful comparison of key watershed suspended sediments was evaluated through regression
characteristics and processes (e.g., geology, soils, analysis. Because a close linear relationship was
topography, land use). In general, though, the most observed, the TMDL target for suspended sediment was
useful reference sites are located within the watershed, determined as a watershed-specific function of the
relatively near the point where impact is expected. turbidity.
Reference sites may be difficult to find.
It is sometimes infeasible to develop numeric targets
Several states have used user surveys to determine based on the methods described above because adequate
indicator target values, especially in lakes and information is not available or relationships between
reservoirs. This approach is especially useful when the designated uses and selected indicators are not well
designated use of the waterbody is recreational. understood. In this case, it may be feasible to develop
Waterbody users can be questioned concerning their target values based on the best professional judgment of
perceptions of water quality conditions and the quality resource professionals involved in TMDL development.
of the recreational experience. Survey results can be To ensure that these targets are defensible, analysts are
correlated with simultaneous water quality advised to
measurements to establish target values at the border
between acceptable and unacceptable conditions. For C Consult with multiple experts with local experience
example, if 50 percent of those surveyed agree that their rather than relying on a single opinion.
aesthetic enjoyment of a lake is impaired when water C Thoroughly document the thinking underlying the
clarity diminishes to less than 40 feet (measured with a target, including assumptions, related experience, or
Secchi disk), this value could represent a possible clarity other factors considered in identifying the targets.
(Secchi disk) target value. The survey approach C Remember that targets must be set at levels that are
recognizes that such an assessment of the overall water believed to result in full support of the impaired
quality of a waterbody is highly subjective and can vary designated uses (i.e., water quality “improvements”
considerably by region. might be inadequate).
C Design the TMDL as a phased TMDL that includes
/LWHUDWXUH9DOXHV a monitoring plan to assess whether the numeric
targets are appropriate for the particular situation.
Several TMDLs have included numeric targets based on
information from research studies of the relationship 0HWKRGVIRUH[SUHVVLQJQXPHULFWDUJHWV
between the selected sediment indicator(s) and the
beneficial use of concern. For example, the Garcia The dynamic interactions between the multiple
River, California, TMDL included numeric targets for watershed processes that affect sediment delivery and
fine sediments based on reviews of several research impacts in many streams may make it difficult to
publications that evaluated the fine sediment levels at establish individual target conditions. In general,
which salmonid survival began to diminish. sedimentation problem solving is more likely to succeed
if it strives to mimic the natural ranges of watershed
,QGLFDWRUUHODWLRQVKLSV process behaviors, including extreme events, which
cause adverse sediment impacts on designated uses
In some cases, information is available to identify target (Bisson et al., 1997). In many watersheds it is
conditions for indicators that are functionally related to reasonable to expect substantial spatial and temporal
the indicators selected for TMDL analysis. For variability in sediment indicators. Where this is the
example, in the Silver Creek, Arizona, demonstration case, it might be appropriate to express target conditions
TMDL, suspended sediment was the indicator of choice for the watershed to account for expected variability in
key watershed processes yet still provide measurable achieve this objective while ensuring that the TMDL
goals for restoration and protection of designated or approach is based on sound scientific principles.
existing uses over time.
Analysts developing targets for TMDLs for large
There may be resistance to developing “hard” targets if watershed areas should consider the potential need for
it is perceived that they will limit land management different targets for different areas or time frames. To
flexibility without having an adequately robust develop targets that address large study areas, several
analytical basis. Careful design of targets will help approaches are available:
ensure that the results are not perceived as arbitrary;
however, significant uncertainty regarding the precision C Different target values can be established for
of the targets may exist in the best of circumstances. In multiple measurement points (e.g., key habitat areas,
such circumstances, it might be appropriate to frame the mouths of several tributaries, or areas where land
numeric indicators and associated target conditions as uses change).
testable hypotheses that will be reviewed and revised as C A different target may be set at a key watershed
necessary over time. The TMDL process provides for outlet, critically vulnerable or sensitive area, or
the inclusion of adequate margins of safety to account other representative waterbody area.
for such uncertainties. If management flexibility is C A range of values can be applied in the study area.
reduced through the application of numeric targets, there
may be some incentives to conduct follow-up +RZGRWKHH[LVWLQJYDOXHVFRPSDUHWRWKH
monitoring and review to determine if targets are WDUJHWYDOXHV"
appropriate or if they should be revised based on new
information. The last step in establishing numeric targets is to
compare existing and target conditions for indicators
In addition, it might make sense to establish both interim selected for the TMDL. This key step should not be
and final numeric targets for the TMDL. The interim overlooked because it provides critical information that
targets may represent target levels believed to be can be used to evaluate whether watershed management
reasonably attainable in relatively short periods of time. and restoration actions are likely to be effective in
The final targets are set at levels at which designated attaining water quality standards. Although the
uses are protected and the actual desired condition for comparison might appear easy to make, in practice some
the resource is represented. Under no circumstances do indicators are not as amenable to comparison as others.
interim targets replace final targets set at levels The best approach to making comparisons is influenced
necessary to attain water quality standards. Using both by the types of indicators selected, the approach to
interim and final targets is particularly well suited to articulating the target condition(s) for each indicator, the
situations in which spatial and temporal scales selected for the TMDL, and
the methods used to link numeric targets to other TMDL
C It might take many years to attain final targets and elements. This section briefly reviews factors to
water quality standards because of the slow response consider in making condition comparisons and discusses
of waterbodies to land use changes. some methods for making reasonable comparisons.
C Analysts and stakeholders want clearer short-term
measures to guide near-term implementation and KH\IDFWRUVWRFRQVLGHULQFRPSDULQJQXPHULF
evaluate TMDL effectiveness (i.e., are we on the WDUJHWVZLWKH[LVWLQJFRQGLWLRQV
right track?).
C The analytical basis for final target levels is weak. 9DULDELOLW\LQFRQGLWLRQVZLWKLQVWXG\DUHD
Table 4-14 summarizes several possible approaches to If existing conditions for the selected indicators vary
establishing numeric target levels for TMDLs. In substantially within the study area or at different times
general, the objective in establishing target conditions is of the year, the comparison method should be able to
to articulate the condition(s) for the TMDL indicators account for spatial or temporal differences.
that represents fully supported designated or existing
uses. Analysts should be creative in establishing ways to
Direct comparison of data for existing and target levels On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed rules that
for indicators selected for the TMDL provides the most specify that approvable TMDLs must include at a
straightforward method for estimating sediment minimum ten elements. Within the water quality
reductions needed to attain water quality standards. indicators and target values step, an approvable TMDL
However, the analyst should be careful in making such will need to include the following information:
comparisons, particularly if there is a strong analytical
basis for assuming a nonlinear pattern of change over 1. Identification of the pollutant for which the
time in the indicators. Statistical analysis tools TMDL is being established and quantification of
(especially regression analysis) are particularly useful the maximum pollutant load that may be present
for comparing existing and target conditions in many in the waterbody and still ensure attainment and
settings. (See USEPA, 1997b, for additional information maintenance of water quality standards; and
on regression analysis for nonpoint source assessment.)
2. Identification of the amount or degree by which Ecoregion. EPA 910/9-87-162. U.S. Environmental
the current pollutant load in the waterbody Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
deviates from the pollutant load needed to attain
or maintain water quality standards. MacDonald, L., A.W. Smart, and R.C. Wissmar. 1991.
Monitoring guidelines to evaluate effects of forestry
5(&200(1'$7,216)25,'(17,),&$7,212) activities on streams in the Pacific Northwest and
:$7(548$/,7<,1',&$7256$1'7$5*(7 Alaska. EPA 910/9-91-001. U.S. Environmental
9$/8(6 Protection Agency, Region 10, Nonpoint Source
Section, Seattle, WA.
C If available, the numeric standard established in
water quality standards should be used as the TMDL Peterson, N.P., A. Henry, and T.P. Quinn. 1992.
indicator and target value. Assessment of cumulative effects on salmonid habitat:
C Where no applicable numeric standard exists, Some suggested parameters and target condition.
establish a target value through a combination of Prepared for the Washington Department of Natural
literature values, reference waterbodies, additional Resources and The Coordinated Monitoring, Evaluation
monitoring, stakeholder input, and the narrative and Research Committee, Timber Fish and Wildlife
water quality standard. Document all assumptions Agreement. March 2.
made in establishing the target.
C The chosen indicator should be sensitive to
geographic and temporal influences.
C Consider how many indicators are needed; single
indicators are appropriate for some situations (e.g.,
turbidity threshold for drinking water source), but
some watersheds might require the use of multiple
indicators to account for complex processes or a
lack of certainty regarding individual indicator
Objective: Characterize the types, magnitudes, and This chapter describes different types of sources,
locations of sources of sediment loading to the identifies procedures for characterizing loadings, and
waterbody. introduces a process for tool selection for TMDL
development. The source assessment process endorsed
Procedure: Compile an inventory of all sources of in this protocol relies on many of the principles
sediment to the waterbody. Sources may be identified associated with development of sediment budgets, as
through assessment of maps, data, and reports and/or described in Reid and Dunne (1996).
field surveys. It is likely that a combination of
techniques will be needed depending on the complexity A sediment budget is an “accounting of the sources and
of the source loading and watershed delivery processes. disposition of sediment as it travels from its point of
After an inventory has been compiled, monitoring, origin to its eventual exit from a drainage basin” (Reid
statistical analysis, modeling, or a combination of and Dunne, 1996). Sediment budget analyses are useful
methods should be used to determine the relative both for the conceptualization of sediment problems and
magnitude of source loadings, focusing on the primary as a tool for estimating sediment loadings. Full-scale
and controllable sources of sediment. sediment budgeting provides an inventory of the sources
of sediment in a watershed and estimates sediment
29(59,(: production and delivery rates from each source.
Component processes are identified, and process rates
The source assessment is needed to evaluate the type, are usually evaluated independently of one another. All
magnitude, timing, and location of loading of sediment of the relevant processes are quantified, including
to a waterbody. A number of factors can be considered hillslope delivery processes (creep, mass movement),
in conducting the source assessment. These factors channel sources (e.g., bank collapse), in-channel storage,
include identifying the various types of sources (e.g., bedload and suspended sediment transport capacity, and
point, nonpoint, background), the relative location and net sediment yield from the basin (Figure 5-1). If the
magnitude of loads from the sources, the transport effects of particular land use activities on each process
mechanisms of concern (e.g., runoff vs. mass wasting), are known, the overall influence of a suite of existing or
the routing of the sediment through the waterbody, and planned land use activities can be estimated. Sediment
the time scale of loading to the waterbody (i.e., duration
and frequency of sediment loading to receiving waters). KH\4XHVWLRQVWR&RQVLGHUIRU6RXUFH$VVHVVPHQW
Of particular concern is what loading processes cause
the impairment of the waterbody of concern. The :KDWVRXUFHVFRQWULEXWHWRWKHSUREOHP"
evaluation of loading is typically performed using a +RZVKRXOGVHGLPHQWVRXUFHVEHJURXSHG"
variety of tools, including existing monitoring :KDWWHFKQLFDODQGSUDFWLFDOIDFWRUVDIIHFWVHOHFWLRQRI
information, aerial photography analysis, simple :KDWLVWKHDSSURSULDWHVRXUFHDVVHVVPHQWPHWKRG"
calculations, spreadsheet analysis using empirical +RZGRHVWLPDWHGVRXUFHFRQWULEXWLRQVFRPSDUHZLWKQDWXUDO
methods, and a range of computer models. The RUEDFNJURXQGOHYHOV"
selection of the appropriate method for determining +RZFDQWKHVRXUFHDVVHVVPHQWEHGHVFULEHGIRU70'/
loads is based on the complexity of the problem, the VXEPLWWDO"
availability of resources, time constraints, the
availability of monitoring data, and the management
objectives under consideration. It is usually budgeting is particularly effective for evaluating
advantageous to select the simplest method that nonequilibrium situations, where channel loads do not
addresses the questions at hand, uses existing necessarily represent hillslope erosion rates. The time
monitoring information, and is consistent with the and resources needed to develop a full sediment budget
available resources and time constraints for completing will vary depending on the geographic scale and
the TMDL. required degree of accuracy, but it should be possible to
and Dunne, 1996).
S u rfa ce G u lly M a s s E r o s io n B a n k E r o s io n
Analysts are encouraged to E r o s io n E r o s io n
evaluating how changes in stream N e t W a te r s h e d S e d im e n t Y ie ld
In watersheds dominated by very infrequent but extreme number and spatial distribution of timber harvest entries
runoff and sedimentation events, erosion is substantially and reentries planned in a watershed.
more difficult to predict. In these cases, it might be
preferable to select methods that estimate erosion %DFNJURXQGORDGLQJ
potential but do not attempt to directly estimate erosion
associated with specific future high-magnitude events Some erosion occurs in all watersheds, even those which
(see, for example, Weaver and Hagens, 1996). are completely undisturbed. Some watershed types are
Alternately, the TMDL could specify longer time steps extremely prone to periodic major sedimentation events.
for averaging sediment inputs (e.g., as rolling averages Designated uses located in such settings have often
over a 5- to 15-year period) to account for interannual adapted to naturally high sediment conditions.
variability in erosion rates.
TMDLs need to distinguish sedimentation rates
/DQGPDQDJHPHQW associated with human activities in the study watershed
from those associated with naturally occurring (and
Sedimentation rates associated with some land uses presumably uncontrollable) sediment sources. Human
(e.g., timber harvesting, construction, and some land management activities can change the magnitude,
cultivation practices) typically decline over time after locations, and timing of land erosion or runoff events as
the land disturbance occurs and the land has a chance to well as the key physical characteristics of receiving
recover. To account for potential attenuation in waters. Methods sensitive to changes in the driving
sedimentation rates in these cases, a sediment source forces that influence sedimentation (e.g., models like
assessment might need to incorporate an attenuation RUSLE, HSPF, and WRENSS) will be useful in
factor to avoid overestimating future erosion. Recovery comparing natural and anthropogenic sources if data
rates should be based on analogous local or reference about key processes are available for the TMDL study
watershed experience whenever possible. Where area and reference watersheds.
recovery rates used to estimate erosion attenuation are
based on general sources, a substantial margin of safety Methods that estimate sediment loading or yields as a
might be needed to ensure that future sediment loads are function of sediment concentration and streamflow (e.g.,
not underestimated. (See Reid, 1996; McGurk and rating curves) are less useful in evaluating how existing
Fong, 1995; and Berg et al., 1996 for further information sedimentation rates differ from natural sedimentation
and examples.) Sedimentation rates from farmland in rates. Where rating curve methods are used, careful
crop rotation can vary depending on the stage of crop comparison to reference watersheds (and the underlying
rotation. differences in land use or land characteristics) can assist
in comparing natural and human-caused sedimentation.
The likelihood and timing of future land disturbances
should be considered. Although a watershed can Direct erosion prediction methods might be able to
sometimes recover from one-time or widely disbursed assess the degree to which erosion likelihood has, as a
disturbances, the cumulative effect of multiple result of human activity, been increased (e.g., due to
disturbances may be that sedimentation rates remain road construction in a vulnerable area) or decreased
above levels of concern for decades or longer (see Berg (e.g., due to stabilization of an existing landslide
et al., 1996). feature).
Practical considerations include the following: and plan needed responses are available and are
potentially more cost-effective than full-scale sediment
C Carefully consider data and resource demands budgets. In watersheds where past sediment budgeting
associated with all methods. Methods that require has been done, analysts should clarify the scope of the
unavailable technical expertise, data, or time should work performed and take care not to assume that a
not be selected. particular type of analysis was performed.
C Assume that existing data will be adequate to
develop a reasonable first-phase source assessment. 6RXUFHDVVHVVPHQWPHWKRGV
(Plan according to the data in hand.) Relatively
crude estimates of sediment input sources might Source assessment methods vary widely with respect to
provide adequate results for many TMDLs. their applicability, ease of use, and acceptability.
C Complex source assessment tools might be most Recognizing that many source assessment methods
appropriate only where costs of controlling or exist, summaries of the methods were developed for
restoring sources are expected to be very high and several categories. In some cases, the categories contain
where refinement of source estimates might a range of models that could arguably be placed into
substantially change allocations. multiple categories. The following categories are based
C Source assessment methods should be on expected uses of these methods in estimating soil
understandable (e.g., models perceived as “black erosion, storage, and delivery in the context of TMDL
boxes” are often difficult to explain), sensitive to or development:
capable of building upon previous local source
assessment work, and logically linked to other 1. Indices (do not provide load estimates but do
TMDL elements. provide a guide for the TMDL)
- Vulnerability
PHWKRG" 2. Erosion models
- Source loading
This section provides information on a range of - Source loading and delivery processes
potentially useful sediment source assessment methods 3. Direct estimations
that have been developed to - Sediment budget
- Rating curves
C Estimate actual or potential loading from hillslopes - Statistical extrapolation
and banks to receiving waters.
C Evaluate in-stream storage and transport of The following summaries present the key attributes of
sediment. the methods, review key advantages and disadvantages,
C Estimate the net sediment discharge (or yield) from and make general recommendations concerning the use
drainage basins. of the model type for TMDL analysis.
Equivalent Roaded Acreage [McGurk and Fong, 1995]), management actions. Because sediment generation is
although these associations are poorly documented in usually a major impact of forestry operations, these
most parts of the country. It is possible to derive methods can provide useful information in these
methods that can provide such associations as both a settings. For example, the Equivalent Roaded Area
component of source assessment and a numeric target to (ERA) approach indexes potential impacts expected
complement in-stream targets (see Chapter 4). from each activity to that expected from roads (USDA
Forest Service, 1988). A land use history is developed
Most of these methods have been developed to address for the watershed, sensitive sites are identified, and
watersheds in which timberland management and fishery ERAs are calculated for each activity with respect to the
issues are primary concerns, although some habitat mechanism thought to be of greatest concern. Values
condition inventory methods have similar are summed and normalized by area to calculate a total
characteristics. This section briefly discusses examples ERA percentage, which is compared to an allowable
of methods that focus on sources that are often threshold identified for the watershed. If the calculated
important sediment causes. ERA value is higher than the threshold, the watershed
may be singled out for further evaluation by other
Watershed analysis techniques have been developed to means. Similar approaches have been used in other
evaluate watershed resource values, land use activity parts of the country, including Equivalent Clearcut Area
impacts on those values, and opportunities to protect and (see Berg et al., 1996). In addition, specific disturbance
restore resource values through land use management measures have been used to help characterize relative
and restoration planning (e.g., Regional Ecosystem erosion vulnerability in different subbasins within a
Office, 1995; Washington Forest Practices Board, watershed study area (e.g., Black Butte River,
1994.) Washington’s Timber, Fish and Wildlife (TFW) California, Watershed Analysis).
1994 approach entails assessments of watershed
condition according to key watershed processes with a A simple forestland erosion hazard rating system
focus on fishery resource protection. Process developed by the California Department of Forestry
assessments are converted into numeric ranking factors. (1990) evaluates the relative sensitivity of different land
Multiple ranking factors are then synthesized to yield areas to erosion as a function of soil characteristics,
relative vulnerability rankings for different parts of the geology, slope, vegetation, and rainfall ranges. This
study area, which then assist resource managers in approach produces maps of erosive hazard to guide
developing specific management and restoration planning and field assessments in forestlands.
approaches or prescriptions. Landslides and other mass wasting features are critical
sources of erosion in many parts of the country. One
The federal agency watershed analysis approach focuses mass wasting assessment model used in the Pacific
on a broader range of watershed and resource Northwest estimates sensitivity of land areas to shallow
management issues than fisheries and timberlands, and it landslides as a function of precipitation, soil
provides a general framework for quantification and characteristics, and topography (Dietrich et al., 1992,
synthesis of watershed process assessment evaluations. 1993; Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994). Based on
Unlike the TFW approach, the federal process is not a analysis of aerial photographs, geologic and landslide
decision-making process intended to lead directly to maps, and digital elevation data, needed model inputs
land management planning decisions. Both the TFW and can be developed. The model is capable of landslide
federal watershed analysis approaches provide sensitivity rating maps and measures of slide areas, and
opportunities to gather and evaluate information associated GIS coverages. This method has been used
concerning the relative significance of sedimentation in several watershed analysis projects in the Pacific
and sediment sources in a watershed, but they do not Northwest and California. Table 5-2 summarizes
necessarily yield quantitative estimates of past or future advantages and disadvantages of this category of
sediment production. methods.
Erosion vulnerability methods do not produce erosion or Assessing future erosion requires identifying key
sediment yield estimations, but instead index the erosion features based on aerial photography analysis or
potential effects, including cumulative impacts of another screening method, then making field-based
measurements of erosion potential of the largest future stratification and preliminary screening analysis (Reid
sediment sources while evaluating the prospects for and Dunne, 1996).
restoration or mitigation actions. Most of the settings in
which this approach has been applied are Pacific (URVLRQSURFHVVPHWKRGV
Northwest forest settings dominated by erosion
associated with logging roads and associated mass Erosion process methods generally estimate
wasting features (e.g., Redwood National Park, sedimentation through the application of sedimentation
California). It has not been extensively applied outside prediction algorithms or erosion hazard ratings for
this general setting, but it has the potential to address different land parcels. Most of these methods apply
watershed settings where other source concerns models that estimate erosion as a function of several key
predominate. Generally, these methods do not directly factors, potentially including soil characteristics,
predict when the erosion activity will occur; instead, topography, vegetation characteristics, and precipitation.
they target the assessment of key erosion features and Many available methods are based on the Revised
evaluate the feasibility of avoiding or mitigating the Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) or one of its
future erosion effect (Weaver and Hagans, 1996). The many variants as applied by many agencies for erosion
theory underlying this approach is that it is more estimation over the past decade (e.g., AGNPS,
efficient to target future erosion sources for remedial SWRRBQ). Other methods commonly apply particle
action than to evaluate past erosion locations, which are detachment and washoff equations to estimate erosion
probably not amenable to productive treatment. In (e.g., HSPF, CREAMS, ANSWERS). Erosion process
addition, the method probably works best in settings models vary substantially in the sophistication and
where a relatively small group of potential sediment technical expertise necessary to ensure proper
sources will be responsible for most future erosion (e.g., application. Table 5-3 presents a summary of the basic
road failures and mass wasting features), in contrast to differences in method sophistication.
watersheds where erosion contributions are spread
evenly across the landscape (e.g., sheet and rill erosion This discussion distinguishes between models that focus
from cultivated land). only on hillslope erosion (source loading models) and
models that account for both erosion and transport of
Recommendations: Where these methods have been sediment out of the watershed (source loading and in-
used extensively, analysts should consider exploring stream process models).
ways to use the results in TMDL development or
assessment priority setting. Creative application of 6RXUFHORDGLQJPRGHOV
these results could fit well with one or more TMDL
elements and could significantly assist in source Several commonly used methods provide estimates of
assessment. It is unlikely that any of these methods erosion from multiple sources, hillslope storage, and
provides a substitute for source measurement or sediment delivery to streams. Methods that have been
estimation through one or more of the other methods applied successfully include, but are not limited to, the
discussed in this section. Future erosion estimation has following:
not been widely applied to date, but it offers great
promise for TMDL development in many settings. The • USLE/RUSLE
method is particularly appropriate in settings where • AGNPS
catastrophic sedimentation events are likely in key • WATSED
disturbed areas in association with catastrophic events • BOISED
(e.g., major storms and rain-on-snow events). The • Critical Sites Erosion Study (CSES)
method is less likely to be cost-effective in very large • WEPP
watersheds (due to the prohibitive costs of field work) or • SWAT
where highly disbursed erosion sources triggered by
commonplace driving forces predominate. However, it
might be feasible to use the approach in larger
watersheds if field work is targeted based on watershed
Many models based on methods similar to the RUSLE SWAT) simulate sediment loadings using hourly or
(Renard et al., 1997) have been used effectively to daily time steps for longer time periods. Analysts
evaluate erosion from cultivated areas in the East, should be sensitive to the different time steps used by
Southeast, and Midwest. Extensive discussion of these models and should consider how the results of single-
methods is provided in USEPA (1997c) and is not event simulations will be integrated across time,
repeated here. ensuring loadings are consistent with TMDL allocations.
Similar models such as BOISED, WATSED, R1/R4, and
Source estimation models vary substantially in analysis WRENSS have focused primarily on forested watershed
time steps. Some models (e.g., AGNPS and sediment analysis. These models segment watersheds
ANSWERS) evaluate runoff associated with single into land types and land system inventories. Each land
precipitation events, whereas others (e.g., HSPF and parcel in the watershed is allocated erosion hazard
potential and sediment delivery ratio values that allow Table 5-4 summarizes advantages and disadvantages of
generation of erosion curves for each disturbance source hillslope source models for TMDL source assessment.
on the watershed. Estimates for this information are
ideally based on field information collected for the Recommendations: Erosion process models that focus
specific purposes of the model. Absent such field data, on upland areas can yield reasonable results for TMDL
potential sources of information include erosion plot analysis. They are appealing in many cases because
studies, special-purpose studies (e.g., road and trail they can be applied without having to do extensive field
erosion assessments), soil maps, erosion hazard potential work. These models are probably most effective for
maps, Watershed Improvement Needs surveys source analyses where the models have been applied and
identifying disturbance types and sources, and fish calibrated in the past, where sediment fate and transport
habitat surveys. As part of their routine operations, land after delivery is a less critical issue, and where
management agencies typically generate these types of sedimentation is associated primarily with sheet and rill
data sets. erosion from relatively low-sloped lands. For example,
these methods typically work well in settings where
A variation on these approaches is the Critical Sites cropland erosion drains directly to reservoirs or lakes.
Erosion Study, a method that estimates the probability The broad, successful use of such models suggests that
that a site will yield more than a given sediment load if they can be made to work within many project settings.
the land is disturbed by timber harvest or road
construction (Lewis and Rice, 1989). This method was Such models should be used with caution in cases where
used in a recent large-scale watershed assessment by extreme watershed conditions predominate (e.g., very
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation to evaluate potential steep topography, landslide-dominated erosion, radically
impacts of future timberland management plans variable precipitation regimes). Other methods (e.g.,
(Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 1996). This method R1/R4, WATSED) might be preferable in many
recognizes that erosion in many settings is not even and mountainous regions, the Pacific Northwest, and very
that the majority of measured erosion in such settings arid terrains (e.g., RUSLE). Where hillslope source
comes from a relatively small number of critical sites. In models are used, it is crucial either to calibrate and
such settings, this type of method potentially enables the subsequently validate the models to ensure reasonable
analyst to focus on the watershed land areas most likely accuracy or to conduct follow-up monitoring to check
to become major erosion sources and to obtain more the reliability of the earlier results.
accurate estimates of potential sediment discharge.
At a smaller scale, many methods are available for comparisons between source monitoring done in
directly estimating erosion from sources such as: different areas), or to validate estimates derived using
other methods (particularly sediment budgeting
• Bank erosion. methods). In general, these methods should not be
• Slope erosion from timber harvest, construction or uniformly assumed to provide reliable future erosion
other activities. estimates given the potential future variability of key
• Headcut or gully erosion. watershed processes.
• Landslides.
• Road erosion and road-related mass wasting. 5DWLQJFXUYHVDQGRWKHUVWDWLVWLFDOH[WUDSRODWLRQ
• In-stream sources, including channel scour. PHWKRGV
These methods usually entail the measurement of eroded Rating curve methods generally estimate total sediment
areas, placement of sediment traps to catch sediment loading past a measurement point as a function of three
moving downhill, and/or pins or scour chains to detect variables—streamflow, suspended sediment
the removal of sediment from stream channels over concentration, and bedload transport. Separate
time. In many cases, hillslope sediment volumes can be suspended load and bedload rating curves are developed
directly measured or inferred by measuring void spaces in many cases, and bedload rating curves are often not
or erosion around datable vegetation. Advantages and developed because of bedload sampling difficulties.
disadvantages of these methods are summarized in Functional relationships among these variables are
Table 5-6. usually estimated through regression analysis and used
to estimate average annual or seasonal sediment loading.
Recommendations: This group of methods can be very For example, in a situation where a modest number of
useful to build an overall estimate of sediment loading data points are available relating flow, TSS, and
rates (e.g., reservoir studies), to evaluate erosion sometimes bedload, it is often feasible to develop
patterns associated with specific sources (based on bank statistically reliable regression functions. Then, the
or upslope erosion estimates) or areas (based on overall sediment load can be estimated by applying
these functions to a continuous (or more frequently agencies and groups. This method is less appropriate in
monitored) flow record based on the frequency systems where sediment discharge is dominated by
distribution of flows of different magnitudes. For infrequent, large-magnitude events (e.g., mass wasting
example, a sediment budget was developed for the and flood events triggered by extreme precipitation
Trinity River, California, based on the rating curve events because the flow-TSS relationship observed at
method (USDOI-BLM, 1995). Refer to USDA lower flows might not account for these processes.
Agricultural Research Service (1975) for additional
information on using rating curves to estimate sediment Rating curve construction should be preceded by careful
yield. suspended sediment sampling covering a representative
range of storm or runoff events, if possible. Bedload
Variations on the traditional rating curve approach sampling (or an appropriate substitute method of
include the following: estimating the bedload portion of the total load) should
also be considered (see Reid and Dunne, 1996; Rosgen,
• Annual rating curves, which may facilitate analysis 1996). Analysts should validate and refine rating curves
of changes in sediment yield associated with land over time to account for changes and improvements
management changes or temporal variability made possible by additional monitoring. Finally, it
(Ketcheson, 1986). might be appropriate to complement rating curve
• Time-integrated rating curves, which ignore analysis with more detailed source assessment in the
streamflow fluctuations and integrate sediment highest-priority sediment source tributaries identified by
transport rates over time (Ketcheson, 1986). the rating curve analysis, as a later phase of the TMDL
• A sediment supply-based model that uses a project.
suspended sediment rating curve and supply
depletion function to account for load declines &RPSDULVRQVRIVRXUFHHVWLPDWLRQPHWKRGV
during individual storms or runoff seasons (Van
Sickle and Beschta, 1983). Source assessment method selection requires careful
consideration of the unique mix of issues, opportunities,
Similar methods might be available to extrapolate and characteristics present in each watershed, and it is
localized sediment loading information. For example, a inappropriate to select methods based solely on the
sedimentation load or rate estimated for one tributary cursory evaluations provided in this document. Analysts
area of a larger watershed could be used to estimate an are encouraged to use this information as a starting point
overall load or rate for the rest of the watershed if key and to consult key references and local experts for
characteristics of the smaller study unit and larger assistance in the final selection of methods.
watershed are comparable and flow data are available
for the larger watershed. Care should be taken in +RZGRHVWLPDWHGVRXUFHFRQWULEXWLRQV
extrapolating results derived for a small area to a larger FRPSDUHZLWKQDWXUDORUEDFNJURXQGOHYHOV"
watershed area, or from a short time period to a longer
time frame, to account for differences in operation of Where feasible, the source assessment should also
key watershed processes (e.g., hydrology and compare projected sediment loadings with natural or
precipitation) at larger spatial scales or within longer background levels of sediment loading. This type of
time frames. Table 5-7 summarizes advantages and comparison greatly facilitates the linkage of sediment
disadvantages of rating curves and other statistical source assessment with numeric targets. (See Chapter 6
extrapolation methods. for details on linkages.) A sediment loading comparison
provides an additional basis for determining the degree
Recommendations: Used with care, rating curves and to which sediment loadings differ from levels needed to
other extrapolation methods can provide a cost-effective support designated uses, thereby assisting in identifying
approach to source assessment, particularly in large- the needed levels of sediment reduction. In many
scale TMDL studies where tributary-by-tributary source settings it is possible to estimate natural or background
analyses are adequate. Rating curve approaches are sediment production in the study area. Such estimates
particularly appealing in areas where they have been can be developed by assessing sedimentation rates
used in the past or are commonly used by stakeholder measured in relatively undisturbed areas of the
watershed or in comparable reference watersheds, or evaluations of in-stream sediment fate and transport
estimated based on reviews of appropriate literature and/or net sediment yield from the watershed, the
sources. (See Reid and Dunne [1996] for additional TMDL should describe these results. Ideally, the source
information.) These comparisons might not be assessment results include estimates of sediment loading
absolutely necessary for all TMDLs, particularly where in total and by source, taking into account temporal
other methods are available for clearly determining the variations in sediment delivery. Finally, if the source
degree to which existing and projected sedimentation assessment includes comparisons of projected and
conditions depart from target levels. natural or background sediment loadings, these results
should also be presented in the TMDL document.
The source assessment should yield estimates of
sediment loading from different sources within the study On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed rules that
area. These results can be expressed in terms of specify that approvable TMDLs must include at a
expected sediment loadings per unit of time. If the minimum ten elements. Within the source assessment
source assessment results are expressed in terms other step, an approvable TMDL will need to include an
than mass loads per unit of time, the TMDL should identification of the source categories, source
describe why the alternative approach is used. In subcategories, or individual sources of the pollutant for
addition, if the source assessment also includes
which the wasteload allocations and load allocations are • Reid, L.M., and T. Dunne. 1996. Rapid evaluation
being established. of sediment budgets. Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen,
• USEPA. 1997. Compendium of tools for watershed
• Using all available information, develop a assessment and TMDL development. EPA 841-B-
comprehensive list of the potential and actual 97-006. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
sediment sources to the waterbody. Develop a plan Washington, DC.
for identifying and accounting for the load <>
originating from the identified sources in the
watershed. • Washington Forest Practices Board. 1994. Standard
• Use GIS or maps to document the location of methodology for conducting watershed analysis
sources and the processes important for delivery to under chapter 222-22 WAC. Version 2.1,
the waterbody. November 1994. Washington Forest Practices
• Identify all government agencies and non- Board, Olympia, WA.
government organizations active in the watershed
and conduct interviews and collect information.
• Group sources into some appropriate and
manageable unit (e.g., by delivery mechanism,
location, rate) for evaluation using the available
resources and analytical tools.
• Ideally, monitoring data should be used to estimate
the magnitude of loads from various sources. In the
absence of such data, some combination of literature
values, best professional judgment, and appropriate
empirical techniques or models will be necessary.
In general, the simplest approach that provides
meaningful predictions should be used.
• Sediment source assessment methods should be
selected based on a clear understanding of the
dominant processes in the watershed.
Objective: Define a linkage between the selected water This section provides recommendations regarding
quality targets and the identified sources to determine appropriate techniques for establishing the source-
total assimilative capacity for sediment loading or total indicator link. As with the prediction of sources, the
load reduction needed. analysis can be conducted using methods ranging from
simple to complex.
Procedure: Determine the cause-and-effect relationship
between the water quality target and the identified K(<48(67,21672&216,'(5)25/,1.$*(
sources through data analysis, best professional %(7:((1:$7(548$/,7<7$5*(76$1'
judgment, models, or previously documented 6285&(6
relationships. Use the linkage to determine what
sediment loads or conditions are acceptable to achieve :KDWLVDQDSSURSULDWHOHYHORIDQDO\VLV"
the desired level of water quality. Develop approaches
for determining an appropriate margin of safety.
Choice of an analytical tool to link the sediment loads to
the TMDL indicator(s) depends on the interaction of a
29(59,(: number of technical and practical factors. Suggestions
on how to address these factors were included in the
One of the essential components of developing a TMDL numeric targets and source analysis chapters and are not
is to establish a relationship (linkage) between the repeated here. Key factors to consider in determining
indicators and numeric targets and the estimated the appropriate level of analysis for TMDL linkages
loadings. This linkage makes it possible to determine include the following:
the capacity of the waterbody to assimilate sediment
load and still support its designated uses. Based on this C The types of indicators and source analysis tools
analysis, allowable loads or needed load reductions can used in the sediment analysis, and other watershed
be allocated among key sources. The link between in- processes that influence sedimentation dynamics in
stream uses, as evaluated through numeric targets, and the study area.
sources, as evaluated through the source analysis, can be C Physical and hydraulic characteristics of the
established by using one or more analytical tools. waterbody (e.g., lake versus stream).
Ideally, the link will be based on long-term monitoring C Geomorphic characteristics of the waterbody and
data that indicate the waterbody’s response to flow and degree to which waterbody structure is stable.
loading conditions. More often, however, the link must C Temporal representation needs. (Are seasonal
be established by using a combination of monitoring averages sufficient, or must dynamic events on a
data, statistical and analytical tools (including shorter time scale or key time periods [e.g., fish life
simulation models), and best professional judgment. It stages] be evaluated?)
is difficult to draw accurate linkages between hillslope C Spatial representation needs. (Are there significant
processes and in-stream conditions, and it will be spatial variations in the indicator and does spatial
necessary at times to base linkages on qualitative variability in the waterbody [e.g., key spawning
analysis relying on professional judgment. areas] need to be represented?)
C User requirements (including availability of
KH\4XHVWLRQVWR&RQVLGHUIRU/LQNDJHRI:DWHU4XDOLW\ resources, time constraints, and staff familiarity
7DUJHWVDQG6RXUFHV with specific analysis techniques).
C Stakeholder interests and outreach needs.
FDSDFLW\RUQHHGHGORDGUHGXFWLRQ" Different TMDLs will need varying degrees of accuracy
in establishing linkages between sediment sources and
in-stream targets, depending on the precision in each of
the methods used in individual TMDL elements and the expert and literature citations, and provisions for follow-
needs of the stakeholder community. It is difficult to up monitoring.
characterize the degree of accuracy associated with
different linkage methods; however, this guidance :KDWLVDQDSSURSULDWHPHWKRGIRUOLQNDJH"
provides a rough sense of the relative accuracy each
method provides. Many approaches to linking or synthesizing the
elements of a TMDL are available. Some of these
6HWWLQJVZKHUHOLQNDJHDFFXUDF\LVPRUHLPSRUWDQW approaches were reviewed in the discussion of source
analysis approaches. This section briefly reviews a
Where relatively accurate methods are used throughout range of possible approaches and discusses examples.
the TMDL, they might lend themselves to, and assist in, For more detailed discussions of linkage principles and
establishing clear linkages. Clear linkages may be methods, see Washington Forest Practices Board (1994),
particularly important for a TMDL where finality and Regional Ecosystem Office (1995), Reid (1996), and
certainty are sought—where the TMDL is supposed to Dissmeyer (1994).
be “right” on the first try. In addition, where sediment 3RWHQWLDO/LQNDJH0HWKRGV
problems are very serious, watershed issues are 0DWKHPDWLFDOOLQNDJHV
contentious, or stakeholders disagree about sediment- 0DWKHPDWLFDO/LQNDJHV
related issues and potential solutions, more precise Linkages between 3URFHVV0RGHO/LQNDJHV
linkages between TMDL elements might be needed for numeric targets and /LQNDJHE\,QIHUHQFH
several reasons. In many cases, TMDLs become source loadings can often ,QGH[/LQNDJHV
contentious because the financial stakes for involved be determined through
stakeholders are high. Clearer linkages can assist quantitative analysis of
stakeholders in understanding why particular sediment the TMDL elements and underlying data used to
sources and impacts need to be addressed, make the develop these elements. A variety of straightforward
TMDL more defensible if challenged, and provide a arithmetic and statistical analyses are available. Where
more rigorous basis for future monitoring design. these approaches are used, it is recommended that
analysts identify a theoretical basis for the relationship
6HWWLQJVZKHUHOLQNDJHDFFXUDF\LVOHVVLPSRUWDQW between indicators and the sources of concern. In
addition, where these relationships are not well
If each TMDL element is relatively crude, it might be understood, it might be appropriate to frame the linkages
enough to explain the theoretical linkage between as testable hypotheses to be further evaluated through
elements and not expect direct quantitative linkages. follow-up monitoring and evaluation. In most cases,
This approach could be particularly appropriate in mathematical linkages provide moderately accurate
settings where the TMDL is to be done in phases and a results.
strong commitment to adaptive management over time
exists. Moreover, stakeholder expectations are an Direct arithmetic linkages can be drawn between
important consideration here. Where watershed issues numeric target and source analysis elements in some
are not highly controversial and the stakeholder cases. For example, a linear association can be
community seems ready to take effective action, specific established between in-stream and upslope analysis (see
linkages might not need to be established in advance Silver Creek, Arizona, example in inset box). Analysts
with a high degree of precision. In this type of situation, should take care to examine the theoretical basis for
adequate linkages should be made to inform the design assuming particular functional relationships between in-
and implementation of follow-up “hypothesis-based” stream conditions and upslope sediment production
monitoring and adaptive management. Finally, precise measures. In some cases it is reasonable to assume
linkages might be less important in watersheds where linear functional relationships, whereas data
the problem is not very serious and where modest action transformations might be needed in other cases to
would be adequate. Where qualitative approaches to establish meaningful functions. (See USEPA [1997b]
linkage are used, the TMDL should document all for more information on evaluation of functional
assumptions, theories that provide the basis for linkage, relationships through regression analysis.)
needed. Significant uncertainty is likely to exist in each 1989), the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Index of Biotic
component of the empirical linkages and will vary Integrity (McMahon, 1983), and various habitat typing
depending on the quality of data sets. methods (e.g., California Department of Fish and Game,
1994). In some cases, these methods provide guidance
Another empirical linkage approach is to use thresholds on determining whether existing conditions are “good
of concern for upland or in-stream indicators and an enough” or whether habitat is impaired (e.g., McMahon,
adaptive management approach to land management in 1983).
the future that links exceedance of one or more
thresholds with a management decision. For example, a These methods are most useful in linking disparate
TMDL could reference a management approach by numeric indicators to create composite rankings of
stating that if a disturbance index or substrate habitat quality. The methods also have potential for
composition indicator threshold were exceeded, specific establishing target conditions for multiple indicator
actions would be taken (e.g., cease the activity or use projects where aquatic habitat is impaired by sediments
more protective management practices) at specific times. (and potentially other stressors). These methods do not
If the case can be made that the adaptive response to directly lend themselves to estimation of total
exceeding a threshold is significantly more protective assimilative capacity, but could conceivably be used to
than the initial land use activity causing sedimentation, infer estimates of sediment reductions needed.
this approach could provide an adequately robust
framework for TMDL linkage and eventual success /LQNLQJPXOWLSOHLQGLFDWRUVRUPXOWLSOHVRXUFH
(e.g., Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 1996). DVVHVVPHQWPHWKRGV
procedures). These methods hold substantial promise as ,QGLFDWRU 7DUJHW5HIHUHQFH ([LVWLQJ
integrating mechanisms where they are being /HYHO
implemented, although linkages between aquatic
resource impacts and land management patterns that ILQHVHGLPHQWPP
contribute to those impacts have rarely been established 0HGLDQSDUWLFOHVL]H PP PP
through rigorous methods.
The linkage analysis should show how numeric targets 7DUJHWVDQG6RXUFHV
and source analysis results relate to each other and how
they combine to yield estimates of sediment assimilative C Use all available and relevant data; ideally, the
capacity or needed sediment load reductions. An linkage will be supported by monitoring data,
example linkage analysis is provided below. The allowing the analyst to associate waterbody
example illustrates how professional judgment responses with flow and loading conditions.
combined with simple arithmetic comparisons of C Selection of an appropriate technique must be made
existing and target conditions can be used to link on a site-specific basis and should consider the
numeric targets and source analysis results to estimate nature of the indicator to be evaluated, hydraulic
assimilative capacity. This estimate provides the basis characteristics of the waterbody, user requirements,
for the allocation of loads or load reduction plans to be relevant temporal and spatial representation needs,
devised in the next TMDL step. and stakeholder interests.
C When selecting a technique to establish a
In this example, the target values are based on relationship between sources and water quality
conditions at a reference site. The indicators chosen are response, usually, the simplest technique that
percent fines, geometric median particle size, and adequately addresses all relevant factors should be
average pool depth; the target values for the indicators used.
are established at the values of the reference site.
A sediment budget for the impaired watershed shows
that the estimated annual sediment loading is (Note that the full list of references for this chapter is
80 tons/mi2. To determine a rough estimate of the included at the end of the document.)
needed load reductions, the existing conditions can be
compared to the target conditions. The percentage of Dissmeyer, G.E. 1994. Evaluating the effectiveness of
fine sediment is 60 percent greater, the median particle forestry best management practices in meeting water
size is 30 percent smaller, and the average pool depth is quality goals or standards. USFS Miscellaneous
30 percent shallower. The average departure of existing Publication 1520. U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S.
conditions from target conditions is therefore 40 percent Forest Service, Washington, DC.
((60% + 30% + 30%)/3). Based on expert interpretation
and assuming that linear comparisons are valid, one Regional Ecosystem Office. 1995. Ecosystem analysis at
approach to load reduction needs would be to specify the watershed scale. Version 2.2. U.S. Government
that existing loads should be reduced by an equivalent Printing Office: 1995-689-120/21215 Regional
percentage, or that loads should be reduced by 40 Ecosystem Office, Portland, OR.
percent to approximately 48 tons/mi2.
USEPA. 1997c. Compendium of tools for watershed
assessment and TMDL development. EPA 841-B-97-
006. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, DC.
Objective: Using total assimilative capacity developed C Make efficient use of assessment and planning
in the linkage component, develop recommendations for resources and the time of participants.
the allocation of loads among the various point and C Increase the likelihood that actions needed to
nonpoint sources, while accounting for uncertainties in implement the TMDL will actually be carried out.
the analyses (MOS) and, in some cases, a reserve for C Improve the analytical basis for concluding that
future sources. allocations will be effective in meeting TMDL
Procedure: Determine the allocations based on
identification of the acceptable loading (loading
capacity), the margin of safety, and the estimated loads
from significant sources. The available load is then :KDWNH\IDFWRUVDIIHFWVHOHFWLRQRIDOORFDWLRQPHWKRGV"
allocated among the various sources. :KDWLVDQDSSURSULDWHDOORFDWLRQPHWKRG"
approach in the allocation step usually eases the task of equitable control burdens are available. Refer to
demonstrating that the sum of allocated reductions or USEPA (1991a, 1991b, 1999) for additional guidance on
management actions offers reasonable assurance of allocation development.
success, defined in this case as eventual attainment of
numeric targets. It might not be necessary to devise 9DULDELOLW\LQORDGVDQGLPSDFWV
allocations for each source category, tributary, or land
area if action taken to address a subset of sources shows Allocations should be developed with an understanding
clear likelihood of success. of spatial and temporal variability in sediment loading
and designated use impacts. The allocations should be
Analysts should also consider how sediment sources are established at levels that ensure that designated uses are
expected to be controlled and tailor allocations protected at critical time periods and in key locations
accordingly. For example, in a case where erosion from (e.g., allowance of zero anthropogenic sediment
roads is the key source of concern, an allocation could discharge to stream reaches containing spawning
be expressed in different ways depending on how such grounds during spawning periods).
erosion is to be controlled. If the focus is on prevention
of road-related erosion through replacement of failing 0DUJLQRIVDIHW\LVVXHV
culverts, the allocation could be done in terms of total
tons of avoided sediment loading to be realized through As discussed in the introduction, the margin of safety
culvert management. Alternatively, if road-related (MOS) required in each TMDL can be addressed
erosion is to be controlled by reducing the miles of implicitly through inclusion of conservative analytical
active roads per square mile, the allocation could be assumptions or methods or explicitly through
expressed in terms of percent reductions in sediment reservation of a portion of the available loading to
loading by tributary watersheds. account for uncertainty. The explicit MOS approach is
usually addressed during the allocation phase. In cases
In another example, sediment runoff from fields under where the TMDL provides the required MOS through
multiple-stage crop rotation varies depending on which implicit analysis assumptions, the allocation section
crop is planted at any one time. TMDL allocations should indicate that this approach makes the need for an
should therefore be designed to ensure that sediment explicit reservation of loading capacity as an MOS
production associated with the maximum sediment unnecessary. Tha allocation section should also identify
production stage of the rotation does not exceed the conservative assumptions used in the analysis and
acceptable levels (Davenport, 1983). explain how they adequately account for uncertainties.
Where an explicit allocation is reserved as an MOS, the
(TXLW\LVVXHV analysis should discuss why this reservation is adequate
to account for uncertainty present in the TMDL.
Allocations entail distribution of sediment control needs
or expectations among different point and nonpoint )XWXUH*URZWK
sources. Because costs of controlling different sources
can vary substantially, the allocation analysis should Recognizing that in some watersheds there will be
consider whether the allocations create reasonably fair growth that results in increased loadings, some TMDLs
distributions of control costs. Analysts might want to may allocate a portion of the loading capacity for this
develop cost/benefit analyses of potential control actions growth. In this situation, the State will make the
to assist in fairly distributing control costs. specific allocation to a facility in the future when the
loading increases occur. Current guidance clarifies that
Typically, responsible parties are more likely to carry any reserved allocation for future growth cannot also be
out actions needed to implement TMDLs if they feel used as a margin of safety.
their share of the sediment control burden is fair.
Therefore, analysts are advised to consult with affected On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed rules that,
stakeholders during the development of allocations. when finalized, will require that an approvable TMDL
Many methods for developing allocations that result in must include an allowance for future growth which
accounts for reasonably foreseeable increases in that allocations are feasible and that associated actions
pollutant loads, or otherwise state that there is no will be implemented, the more likely it will be that
capacity for growth. States, Territories, and authorized specific quantitative allocations linking sediment
Tribes will need to include future growth in their loading caps, reductions, or other source control targets
allocation strategy and carefully document their need to be associated with specific management actions.
decision-making process. The TMDL documentation In some projects, reasonable assurance that the load
should clearly explain the implications of the growth reduction will be achieved might be related to
allocation decision on new and existing point and stakeholders agreeing on the watershed’s problems and
nonpoint sources of a pollutant. It should also explain the implementation of appropriate solutions.
what other local planning processes may be affected.
Many methods can be used to document the basis for
1HHGVIRUVWDNHKROGHULQYROYHPHQWDQGSXEOLF allocations and to assess their expected feasibility.
RXWUHDFK Documentation will be most effective if it explains
(1) why the allocations, when attained, will result in
Since the reason for establishing sediment TMDLs is to sediment loads that do not exceed waterbody
set the stage for productive action, TMDL allocations assimilative capacity as identified in the linkage element
that clearly define needed load reductions are more and (2) how the allocations will be implemented.
likely to be understood and supported by stakeholders.
Documentation may be based on modeling results or
If allocations are vague and the roles of agencies, other rigorous quantitative analysis showing why a
landowners, and other stakeholders are not clear, certain allocation meshes with total allowable loads or
misunderstandings might arise later and project needed sediment reductions. However, less
effectiveness could suffer. The best ways to ensure sophisticated approaches might also work in some
stakeholders’ support for allocations are to involve them settings. For example, in a case where a sediment
in allocation development early, to fully document the loading percentage reduction target needs to be met
basis for each allocation, and to show how the through BMP implementation, the analyst could show
allocations “add up” to provide an effective overall plan. literature values regarding effectiveness found in BMP
guidance documents. Good sources of information about
,PSOHPHQWDWLRQDQGUHDVRQDEOHDVVXUDQFHLVVXHV sediment BMPs and their effectiveness include EPA’s
management measures guidance (USEPA, 1993), USDA
Feasible allocations should be supported by information Forest Service conservation handbooks (e.g., USDA
or analysis providing reasonable assurance that their Forest Service, 1988), NRCS Field Office technical
implementation will occur and that TMDL targets will guides, and state BMP handbooks (e.g., Platts, 1990). In
be met. Where point source discharges are concerned, it addition, reference could be made to results from similar
might be enough to cite the regulatory basis for point projects. If a similar project was effective, analysts
source permitting and to explain that a permit will be might have a sound basis for suggesting that the same
required. With nonpoint sources, it is sometimes control or restoration approaches would work. Where a
difficult to demonstrate that a set of management strong adaptive management component is planned for
measures or restoration projects can be developed to the project, less rigorous documentation of the expected
achieve the projected load reductions (EPA 1991a). effectiveness of the allocations could be adequate.
(EPA’s August 1997 policy memorandum [USEPA,
1997a] discusses implementation issues for waters In cases where implementation of actions associated
impaired solely or primarily by nonpoint sources.) The with allocations is expected to occur under the auspices
relationship between land management activities and of a regulatory mechanism (e.g., timber harvest plans,
sediment processes is complex and not easy to quantify grazing allotments, construction permit, or storm water
through simple measures. Therefore, creativity and permit), it might be helpful to describe how the actions
flexibility might be needed to build a record supporting are factored into the regulatory framework. Such a
the feasibility and adequacy of proposed allocations. In description would help bolster the analysis supporting
general, the greater the demand for specific assurances the allocations.
allocations when implemented, will attain and and/or management measures required to
maintain water quality standards; implement the allocations contained in the
TMDL, along with a a description of the
2. Load allocations to nonpoint sources of a effectiveness of these actions and/or measures in
pollutant, including atmospheric deposition or achieving the required pollutant loads or
natural background sources. If possible, a reductions.
separate load allocation must be allocated to
each source of natural background or C Time line: a description of when activities
atmospheric deposition; load allocations may be necessary to implement the TMDL will occur. It
allocated to categories of sources, subcategories must include a schedule for revising NPDES
of sources or individual sources. Pollutant loads permits to be consistent with the TMDL. The
that do not need to be allocated may be included schedule must also include when best
within a category of sources, subcategory of management practices and/or controls will be
sources or considered as part of the background implemented for source categories,
load. Supporting technical analyses must subcategories and individual sources. Interim
demonstrate that load allocations, when milestones to judge progress are also required.
implemented, will attain and maintain water
quality standards; C Reasonable assurances: reasonable assurance
that the implementation activities will occur.
3. A margin of safety expressed as unallocated Reasonable assurance means a high degree of
assimilative capacity or conservative analytical confidence that wasteload allocations and /or
assumptions used in establishing the TMDL; load allocations in TMDLs will be implemented
e.g., derivation of numeric targets, modeling by Federal, State or local authorities and /or
assumptions, or effectiveness of proposed voluntary action. For point sources, reasonable
management actions which ensures attainment assurance means that NPDES permits (including
and maintenance of water quality standards for coverage under applicable general NPDES
the allocated pollutant; permits) will be consistent with any applicable
wasteload allocation contained in the TMDL.
4. Consideration of seasonal variation and high For nonpoint sources, reasonable assurance
and low flow conditions such that water quality means that nonpoint source controls are specific
standards for the allocated pollutant will be met to the pollutant of concern, implemented
during all design environmental conditions; according to an expeditious schedule and
supported by reliable delivery mechanisms and
5. An allowance for future growth which accounts adequate funding.
for reasonably foreseeable increases in pollutant
loads; and C Legal or regulatory controls: a description of
the legal authorities under which
6. An implementation plan, which may be implementation will occur (as defined in 40
developed for one or a group of TMDLs. CFR 130.2(p)). These authorities include, for
example, NPDES, Section 401 certification,
Minimum Elements of an Approvable Implementation Federal Land Policy and Management programs,
Plan legal requirements associated with financial
assistance agreements under the Farm Bills
Whether an implementation plan is for one TMDL or a enacted by Congress and a broad variety of
group of TMDLs, it must include at a minimum the enforceable State, Territorial, and authorized
following eight elements: Tribal laws to control nonpoint source pollution.
Objective: Define the monitoring and evaluation plan to Many types of monitoring activities should be
validate TMDL elements, assess the adequacy of control considered when developing the monitoring plan
actions to implement the TMDL, and provide a basis for (MacDonald et al., 1991). The types of monitoring
reviewing and revising TMDL elements or control programs and their definitions as used in this document
actions in the future. are from monitoring guidelines developed by
MacDonald et al. (1991). They include
Procedure: Identify the key questions that a monitoring
plan needs to address and evaluate monitoring options C Baseline monitoring
and the feasibility of implementing a monitoring C Implementation monitoring
program. Describe the specific monitoring plan, C Effectiveness monitoring
including timing and location of monitoring activities, C Trend monitoring
parties responsible for conducting monitoring, and C Validation monitoring
quality assurance/quality control procedures. Describe
the schedule for reviewing monitoring results to Baseline monitoring characterizes existing conditions
consider the need for TMDL or action plan revisions, and provides a basis for future comparisons. Baseline
and discuss the adaptive management approach to be monitoring should also include information on source
taken. The monitoring component of a TMDL results in controls in place in the watershed, including the types of
a description of monitoring and adaptive management controls present, where they are located, and general
plan objectives, methods, schedules, and responsible information on their past effectiveness in controlling
parties. erosion. This type of monitoring is not always
necessary for the monitoring plan. Usually, some
29(59,(: baseline data that were considered during TMDL
development already exist.
Sediment-related impacts on designated uses are often
difficult to characterize. For this reason, sediment Implementation monitoring ensures that identified
TMDLs are likely to have significant uncertainty management actions (such as specific BMPs or resource
associated with selection of numeric targets and restoration or enhancement projects) are undertaken.
estimates of source loadings and waterbody assimilative Implementation monitoring is often cited as the most
capacity. Recognizing the inherent uncertainty, EPA cost-effective of the monitoring types because it
has encouraged the development of TMDLs using provides information on whether BMPs are being
available information and data with the expectation that installed or implemented as intended. This type of
a monitoring plan will be developed and submitted with monitoring will not provide a link to in-stream water
the TMDL (USEPA, 1991a, 1999). This approach quality.
allows proceeding with source controls while additional
monitoring data are collected to provide a basis for Effectiveness monitoring is used to assess whether the
reviewing and revising the TMDL. This “adaptive source controls had the desired effect. Specific projects
management” approach enables stakeholders to move that potentially affect water quality conditions should be
forward with resource protection based on reasonably monitored to determine their immediate on-site effects.
rigorous planning and assessment.
Trend monitoring is used to assess changes in conditions
The monitoring and adaptive management plan is a over time relative to the baseline and identified target
central element of TMDLs and is highly advisable for values. Trend monitoring is critical, assuming the other
all sediment TMDLs. This chapter discusses key factors elements of the TMDL are appropriately developed. It
to be considered in developing the monitoring plan and addresses the changing conditions in the waterbody that
suggests additional sources of guidance on monitoring result from TMDL-specific activities, as well as other
plan development. land management activities over time. This is the most
critical component of the monitoring program since it
• Was the source assessment comprehensive or are • What stakeholder/volunteer groups are willing to
other sources suspected? Have sources been participate in monitoring efforts?
accurately estimated? • Where are likely locations for stakeholder/volunteer
• Was the linkage between sources and in-stream monitoring efforts?
impacts accurately characterized? Did the • What types of data are amenable to collection by
characterization rely heavily on screening-level stakeholders or volunteers?
analyses due to a lack of data? Would additional • How will data from stakeholders or volunteers be
data provide any significant improvements to the used in the TMDL revision?
• Were the erosion and hydrologic processes that +RZFDQH[LVWLQJPRQLWRULQJDFWLYLWLHVUHVRXUFHV
affect sediment production or impacts on designated DQGFDSDELOLWLHVEHIXOO\XWLOL]HG"
uses accurately characterized?
• Where reference sites were used to help determine Analysts should identify existing and planned
TMDL targets and load reduction needs, were monitoring activities in an effort to address TMDL
reference site conditions accurately characterized? monitoring needs in concert with other efforts,
Would the analysis benefit from comparison to particularly where a long-term monitoring program is
additional reference sites or from additional data envisioned, the study area is large, or water quality
collected from reference sites? agency monitoring resources are limited. Staff
capabilities and training should also be considered to
+RZFDQWUDFNLQJRILPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIVRXUFH ensure that monitoring plans are feasible. Factors to
It is often important to determine whether actions C What data collection efforts are ongoing in the
identified in the implementation plan were actually watershed? What kinds of data have been collected
carried out (implementation monitoring) and whether and what methods have been used?
these actions were effective in reaching the desired C What other types of programs or studies are ongoing
condition as outlined in the TMDL (effectiveness or planned in the watershed that were not identified
monitoring). in the original TMDL analysis? Will data collected
The plan should contain a section addressing the On August 23, 1999, EPA published proposed rules that
adaptive management component. This section should specify that approvable TMDLs must include at a
discuss when and how the TMDL will be reviewed. If minimum ten elements. Within the monitoring step, an
possible, the plan should describe criteria that will guide approvable TMDL will need to include a monitoring
TMDL review and revision. For example, the plan plan as part of the implementation plan. The monitoring
could identify expected levels of progress toward plan needs to determine the effectiveness of control
meeting TMDL numeric targets at the time of the initial actions and/or management measures being
review, stated in terms of interim numeric targets or implemented and whether the TMDL is working, as well
interim load reduction expectations. In addition, the as a procedure that will be followed if components of a
plan could identify “red flag” thresholds for key TMDL must be refined. The plan should clearly
indicators that would signal fundamental threats to indicate the monitoring goals and hypotheses, the
designated or existing uses and perhaps trigger a more parameters to be monitored, the locations and frequency
in-depth review of the TMDL and implementation plan of monitoring, the monitoring methods to be used, the
components. The adaptive management plan can also schedule for review and potential revision, and the
contain provisions for modifying the monitoring plan. parties responsible for implementing the plan. It must
contain incremental, measurable targets consistent with
The adaptive management component does not need to the specific implementation action and the time frames
schedule every conceivable TMDL review; it should be for implementing those actions. This information is
adequate to indicate the estimated frequency of review needed to adequately assess whether the specified
and identify a specific date for the initial review. It actions are sufficient to attain water quality standards.
would be difficult to reliably forecast how often TMDL
reviews will be needed, especially where problems The following are key factors to consider when
might take several decades (or longer) to remediate. developing a TMDL monitoring plan:
to TMDL analysis, should be considered in devising USEPA. 1992. Monitoring guidance for the national
monitoring plans. estuary program. EPA 842 B-92-004. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
• Existing monitoring activities, resources, and
capabilities. Analysts should identify existing and USEPA. 1996. Nonpoint source monitoring and
planned monitoring activities to address TMDL evaluation guide. Draft final, November 1996. U.S.
monitoring needs in concert with these efforts, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water,
particularly where a long-term monitoring program Washington, DC.
is envisioned, the study area is large, or water
quality agency monitoring resources are limited.
Staff capabilities and training should also be
considered to ensure that monitoring plans are
Objective: Clearly identify components of a TMDL 5HFRPPHQGHG0LQLPXP6XEPLWWDO,QIRUPDWLRQ
submittal to support adequate public participation and to
facilitate TMDL review and approval. The following list of elements provides a suggested
outline for TMDL submittals:
Procedure: Compile all pertinent information used to
develop the TMDL and prepare the final submittal. The 1. Submittal Letter
final submittal should be supported by documentation • Each TMDL submitted to EPA should be
for all major assumptions and analyses. accompanied by a submittal letter stating that
the submittal is a draft or final TMDL submitted
29(59,(: under section 303(d) of the CWA for EPA
review and approval.
It is important to clearly identify the “pieces” of the
TMDL submittal and to show how they fit together to 2. Problem Statement
provide a coherent planning tool that can lead to • Waterbody name and location.
attainment of water quality standards for sediment- • A map is especially useful if information
related water quality impairments. Where TMDLs are displayed indicates the area covered by the
derived from other analyses or reports, it is helpful to TMDL (e.g., watershed boundary or upper and
develop a separate document or chapter that ties lower bounds on the receiving stream segment)
together the TMDL components and shows where and the location of sources.
background information can be found. • Waterbody section 303(d) list status (including
pollutant of concern for the TMDL).
5(&200(1'$7,2165(*$5',1*&217(172) • Watershed description (e.g., the land cover/land
68%0,77$/6 use, geology/hydrology).
Section 303(d) of the CWA and EPA’s implementing 3. Applicable Water Quality Standards and Water
regulations specify that a TMDL consists of the sum of Quality Numeric Targets
wasteload allocations for future and existing point • Description of applicable water quality
sources and load allocations for future and existing standards including designated use(s) affected
nonpoint sources and natural background, considering by the pollutant of concern, numeric or narrative
seasonal variation and a margin of safety. These loads criteria, and the antidegradation policy.
are established at levels necessary to implement • If the TMDL is based on a target other than a
applicable water quality standards with seasonal and numeric water quality criteria, provide a
interannual variation and a margin of safety. Experience description of the process used to derive the
indicates, however, that information in addition to the target.
statutory and regulatory requirements is useful to ensure
adequate public participation and to facilitate EPA 4. Pollutant Assessment
review and approval. Since the state and EPA are • Source inventory with location of
partners in the TMDL development process, it is in their - Background
best interest to work together to determine how much - Point sources
supporting information is needed in the TMDL - Nonpoint sources
submittal. • Supporting documentation for the analysis of
pollutant loads from each of the sources.
3ROOXWDQW Temperature, Sediment
Deep Creek, a major tributary of the Missouri River
'HVLJQDWHG8VHV Recreation, Aquatic Life, located in Townsend, Montana, provides spawning and
Agriculture rearing habitat for rainbow trout and brown trout. Deep
Creek is classified by the state of Montana as “B-1,”
6L]HRI:DWHUERG\ Main stem length: 24 miles
which is “suitable for drinking, culinary and food
6L]HRI:DWHUVKHG 87.7 square miles processing purposes, after conventional treatment;
bathing, swimming and recreation; growth and
:DWHU4XDOLW\6WDQGDUGV Narrative propagation of salmonid fishes and associated aquatic
,QGLFDWRUV Sediment load, erosive life, waterfowl and furbearers; and agricultural and
banks, channel length, industrial water supply.”
substrate fines, spawning
trout, water temperature, EPA Region 8 approved a sediment TMDL for Deep
minimum flow Creek in 1996. This TMDL illustrates a number of
important points. First, it demonstrates how the phased
$QDO\WLFDO$SSURDFK Slope of discharge vs. TSS TMDL process can be used to initiate mitigation
regression activities even when there is incomplete knowledge of
sediment sources and loading rates. Second, it provides
an example of an approved TMDL in which quantitative
estimates of assimilative capacity and specific numeric
TMDL Submittal Elements load allocations to individual sediment sources are
Loading Capacity: Set as a measurable goal of satisfied through the specification of performance
several TMDL targets, including targets, such as percent reduction of length of erosive
suspended sediment load, streambanks, which relate implicitly to load reductions.
amount of erosive banks, The TMDL is therefore a dynamic plan of action, not
substrate fines and fish counts. just a static allocation of loads. Finally, this sediment
Load Allocation: 50 percent reduction in percent TMDL might be more properly thought of as a plan for
of reach consisting of erosive addressing degraded stream geomorphology, of which
banks, reestablishment of lost sediment is only one aspect. By focusing on
channel length, reduction in fine geomorphological aspects, the TMDL is able to
sediments, increase the number simultaneously address a variety of interrelated
of female rainbow trout captured stressors, including excess sediment loading, elevated
at weir, decrease the number of
temperatures, and degradation of physical habitat.
days where maximum
temperatures exceed 73 degrees
F, target low flows in each 3UREOHP,GHQWLILFDWLRQ
A cover memo should describe the waterbody as it is
Wasteload Allocation: Zero; no point sources
identified on the state’s section 303(d) list, the pollutant
Seasonal Variation: Inherent in analysis of concern, and the priority ranking of the waterbody.
Margin of Safety: Implicit The TMDL submittal must include a description of the
point, nonpoint, and natural background sources of the
pollutant of concern, including the magnitude and
All information contained in this summary was obtained from Endicott and McMahon, 1996.
location of the sources. The TMDL submittal should physical, and biological data led to the formation of a set
also contain a description of any important assumptions, of interlinked hypotheses explaining the poor support of
such as (1) the assumed distribution of land use in the designated uses, summarized by Endicott and McMahon
watershed; (2) population characteristics, wildlife (1996) as follows:
resources, and other relevant characteristics affecting
pollutant characterization and allocation, as applicable; . . . aquatic life in Deep Creek is impaired by
(3) present and future growth trends, if this factor was several types of habitat degradation. Degraded
taken into consideration in preparing the TMDL; and instream habitat and water quality in Deep
(4) an explanation and analytical basis for expressing Creek is the result of degradation of riparian
the TMDL through surrogate measures, if applicable. vegetation communities and dewatering. Bank
stability is poor throughout the lower reaches
Deep Creek supports the valuable Missouri resulting in bank collapse, loss of meander
River/Canyon Ferry Reservoir cold-water trout fishery. bends, stream entrenchment and high suspended
The Canyon Ferry Reservoir is one of the most heavily and deposited fine sediment. Water
fished bodies of water in Montana, and the condition of temperatures become elevated due to limited
the fishery has long been a concern of the Montana riparian shading and dewatering. Dewatering
Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MDFWP). may also impair migration of juvenile salmonids
Detailed studies were undertaken in connection with to the Missouri River. The combined effects of
mitigation of impacts associated with the construction of degradation on Deep Creek results in impacts on
Toston Dam on the Missouri River. Construction of the aquatic life which can be seen in the low
dam had isolated a stretch of the Missouri River production of juvenile trout and alteration in
between the dam and Canyon Ferry Reservoir, leaving communities of benthic macroinvertebrates [in
Deep Creek as one of the few spawning streams in the downstream reaches]. . . .
isolated reach. A major physical barrier to spawning
trout was remedied in 1991 by routing Montana Ditch These various types and sources of degradation are
under Deep Creek with a siphon. Despite the Montana linked because all reflect modifications to the natural
Ditch routing effort, however, concerns over habitat form of the stream channel and the stream’s riparian
quality remained. area. Thus, the set of linked causes of nonsupport are
addressed through a TMDL for sediment and stream
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) geomorphology. It is noted that in addition to the
developed an inventory of watershed land use using TMDL for sediment, TMDLs (and target values) for
aerial photographs and analyzed the condition and lack of flow and for temperature2 have also been
stability of the channel by applying a Rosgen established for Deep Creek. Although each TMDL is
geomorphological analysis. Intensive monitoring of designed to address separate concerns, all three are
flows, temperature, suspended sediment, and chemical interrelated since the impacts of both reduced flow and
water quality was conducted between 1988 and 1994 at temperature are closely linked to the impacts addressed
a variety of locations within Deep Creek. Biological in the sediment TMDL.
data include trout counts at the Montana Ditch siphon
and redd counts taken by the MDFWP. Rapid 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH$SSOLFDEOH:DWHU4XDOLW\
Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) analyses of benthic 6WDQGDUGVDQG1XPHULF:DWHU4XDOLW\7DUJHW
macroinvertebrate communities have also been
performed in several reaches of Deep Creek. These data The TMDL submittal must include a description of the
provide the basis for development of the TMDL and are applicable state water quality standard, including the
summarized in Endicott and McMahon (1996). designated use(s) of the waterbody, the applicable
numeric or narrative water quality criterion, and the
Designated uses of Deep Creek include recreation,
support for aquatic life, and agricultural water supply,
but the major concern leading to the TMDL was support Montana has no absolute temperature standards, but has established
for the trout fishery. Analysis of the available chemical, standards that prevent certain excursions from natural ambient
temperature values.
antidegradation policy. This information is necessary is uncertainty in the exact linkage between sources and
for EPA to review the load and wasteload allocations uses.
required by the regulation. A numeric water quality
target for the TMDL (a quantitative value used to Five broad categories are applicable to sediment TMDL
measure whether the applicable water quality standard is indicators: (1) water column indicators, (2) streambed
attained) must be identified. If the TMDL is based on a sediment indicators, (3) biological indicators, (4)
target other than a numeric water quality criterion, a channel condition indicators such as channel form and
description of the process used to derive the target must stability, and (5) riparian and hillslope indicators. For
be included in the submittal. Deep Creek, four different indicators and associated
target values were proposed. The indicators and targets
As is the case with many sediment TMDLs, are listed below with the applicable TMDL indicator
management of Deep Creek is framed in terms of category in parentheses.
attainment of narrative standards and designated uses,
and no numeric water quality standards are relevant to 1. Suspended sediment load (a water column sediment
the problem. How then were target values of water indicator). Obtain a measurable reduction in
quality indicators established? The Deep Creek TMDL suspended sediment load by decreasing the slope
developers (Endicott and McMahon, 1996) state “while and intercept of the regression line between
the title ‘TMDL’ implies that . . . goals are expressed in discharge and total suspended solids (TSS) by half
terms of concentrations or levels of a given pollutant, a in 4 out of 5 years or by demonstrating no
TMDL can be phrased in terms of any quantifiable goal significant difference in daily TSS load between
related to the aquatic system. For example, a TMDL Deep Creek and an unimpaired reference stream
can be defined as established decreases in eroding bank during spring runoff in 4 out of 5 years. The utility
or measured increases in trout recruitment.” This broad of using the reference reach daily TSS load
interpretation is justified in light of EPA’s guidance for approach may not be as great as that of the discharge
phased TMDLs. EPA (1991) suggests use of a phased vs. TSS relationship approach because the daily TSS
approach for TMDLs for water quality-limited load approach is more limited in terms of
waterbodies where loading estimates are based on acknowledging the variability of the system.
limited information. Further, EPA regulations (40 CFR Because Deep Creek is a dynamic system that
130.2(g)) define load allocations for nonpoint sources as experiences significant loading during wet weather
“best estimates of the loading which may range from events, the discharge vs. TSS relationship may be
reasonably accurate estimates to gross allotments . . . .” more relevant.
The phased approach requires adaptive management
where initial load allocations or mitigation strategies are 2. Substrate fines (streambed sediment indicator).
established based on best estimates and are subsequently Reduce substrate fines (<6.35 mm) in spawning
refined as responses to these actions are observed. riffles from 50 percent to 30 percent over the next 5
For Deep Creek, water quality indicators were identified
and associated target values were developed based on 3. Spawning trout (biological indicator). Meet a target
problem identification using the available information of 3,000 spawning female wild trout per year
and professional judgment and with the expectation that entering Deep Creek from the Missouri River over
the targets would be revised through additional the next 10 years.
monitoring and adaptive management. The use of more
than one indicator was desirable for Deep Creek to 4. Water temperature. Reduce water temperature
account for system complexity, multiple stressors, and extremes so that temperatures do not exceed 73 EF
the lack of certainty regarding the effectiveness of each for more than 10 days per year along the length of
indicator and its numeric target values. Additionally, Deep Creek.
the use of multiple indicators allows tracking of both
source control and attainment of uses, even though there In addition to the four indicator targets noted above,
three other quantifiable goals associated with
achievement of the specified in-stream targets were banks represent the major source of stressor loading to
identified and set as the TMDL for Deep Creek. For Deep Creek and thus are the priority for the first phase
this type of TMDL, it is important to understand that the of a phased TMDL.
indicator target values are reasonable benchmarks for
measuring progress, rather than enforceable goals. /RDGLQJ&DSDFLW\/LQNLQJ:DWHU4XDOLW\DQG
As described in EPA guidance, a TMDL describes the
The geographic scope of the TMDL is the entire Deep loading capacity of a waterbody for a particular
Creek watershed. Within this general geographic area, pollutant. EPA regulations define loading capacity as
however, the TMDL focuses on specific critical areas the greatest amount of loading that a waterbody can
identified by a source assessment. The source receive without violating water quality standards (40
assessment for Deep Creek is based on a reach-by-reach CFR 130.2(f)). The TMDL submittal must describe the
analysis of channel condition and geomorphology. It rationale for the analytical method used to establish the
includes historical analysis of changes in stream length cause-and-effect relationship between the numeric target
and sinuosity based on the review of aerial photographs and the identified pollutant sources. In many
and the estimation of stability for each erosive bank circumstances, a critical condition must be described
based on streambank inventories of each reach of Deep and related to physical conditions in the waterbody (40
Creek. CFR 130.7(c)(1)). Supporting documentation for the
analysis must also be included, including the basis for
The analysis indicates that unstable banks are a key assumptions, strengths and weaknesses in the analytical
source of the sediment loading that results in impairment process, and results from water quality modeling, so that
of uses. A detailed, reach-by-reach analysis of channel EPA can properly review the elements of the TMDL that
morphology and bank stability identified critical areas are required by the statute and regulations.
for mitigation and established a basis for prioritizing
initial control efforts. Accordingly, the priorities The linkage analysis should establish the cause-and-
identified for remediation include the prevention of effect relationships between measurable water quality
additional loss of channel length and the stabilization of targets and identified sources. There are various ways
streambanks and riparian areas that are significant of drawing this linkage, including the use of a
sources of sediment in the most highly impacted cause/effect model to predict the result of applying
reaches. source control with respect to meeting targets,
monitoring data to associate waterbody responses to
The source assessment reflects the working hypotheses flow and loading conditions, statistical and analytical
of causes of use impairment in Deep Creek. tools, and best professional judgment. Another option is
Degradation of habitat condition in Deep Creek was to use a reference reach approach that takes conditions
originally caused by a combination of increased from a healthy stream and establishes them as targets for
watershed sediment loads, reduction in flow volume, the unhealthy stream. Using the reference reach
and some artificial channel straightening. These approach, conditions may have to be normalized or
stressors initiated a complex chain of geomorphological otherwise adjusted for the unhealthy stream, but the
events, which led to loss of meanders, shortening of the approach can be helpful in establishing sediment criteria
stream and incision into the floodplain, and erosion of as well as sediment TMDLs and in providing the linkage
streambanks. Increased bedload requires increased between source control and targets.
hydraulic energy for transport, resulting in straightening
of the stream; increasing gradient, width, and For Deep Creek, this established linkage consists
wavelength; and decreasing depth. Increasing gradient, primarily of analysis of observations (including
however, results in undermining of banks, generation of statistical analyses) and best professional judgment,
additional sediment load, and a cycle of continued although a reference reach approach was used to
degradation, which cannot be addressed through upland establish a linkage between suspended sediment load
watershed controls alone. In the short term, eroding and sediment sources. A qualitative analysis of
probable geomorphic response was determined to be the concerning the relationship between effluent limitations
most feasible and appropriate method for Deep Creek. and water quality (CWA § 303(d)(1)(C), 40 CFR
It is noted that a lack of a quantitative linkage is 130.7(c)(1)). EPA guidance explains that the MOS may
acceptable in the case of a phased TMDL that be implicit, i.e., incorporated into the TMDL through
emphasizes adaptive management, as is the case for the conservative assumptions in the analysis, or explicit, i.e.,
Deep Creek TMDL. expressed in the TMDL as loadings set aside for the
MOS. If the MOS is implicit, the conservative
$OORFDWLRQV assumptions in the analysis that account for the MOS
must be described. If the MOS is explicit, the loading
EPA regulations require that a TMDL include wasteload set aside for the MOS must be identified.
allocation (WLAs), which identify the portion of the
loading capacity allocated to existing and future point The statute and regulations require that a TMDL be
sources (40 CFR 130.2(g)). If no point sources are established with seasonal variations. The method
present or the TMDL recommends a zero WLA for point chosen for including seasonal variations in the TMDL
sources, the WLA must be listed as zero. The TMDL must be described (CWA § 303(d)(1)(C), 40 CFR
may recommend a zero WLA if the state determines, 130.7(c)(1)).
after considering all pollutant sources, that allocating
only to nonpoint sources will still result in attainment of For many TMDL, allocations consist of assigning
the applicable water quality standard. In preparing the specific, quantitative load allocations and wasteload
WLA, it is not necessary that every individual point allocations, expressed in terms of mass per time loading
source have a portion of the allocation of pollutant rates, to each source of a stressor. In some cases this
loading capacity. But it is necessary to allocate the will involve development of allocations for each
loading capacity among individual point sources as individual facility and landowner. Allocations,
necessary to meet the water quality standard. The however, are not necessarily equivalent to identifying
TMDL submittal should also discuss whether a WLA is “who is to blame.” Instead, the basic objective is to
based on an assumption that loads from a nonpoint develop recommendations for load reductions that are
source or sources will be reduced. In such cases, the distributed among the various sources while
state will need to demonstrate reasonable assurance that demonstrating that implementation of the allocations
the nonpoint source reductions will occur within a will achieve numeric targets.
reasonable time.
In the case of Deep Creek, the primary immediate
EPA regulations require that a TMDL include load threats are due to unstable banks and loss of meanders,
allocations (LAs), which identify the portion of the regardless of what processes initiated geomorphic
loading capacity allocated to existing and future disturbance in the stream. The allocation consists in
nonpoint sources and to natural background (40 CFR large part of determining which streambanks have the
130.2(h)). LAs may range from reasonably accurate greatest potential to contribute sediment loads and then
estimates to gross allotments (40 CFR 130.2(g)). Where planning stabilization for these high-priority banks.
it is possible to separate natural background from Therefore, the allocation is expressed in terms of
nonpoint sources, separate LAs should be made and relative threat rather than a known loading rate. Bank
described. If there are neither nonpoint sources nor stabilization activities for Deep Creek will consist of
natural background or the TMDL recommends a zero installing juniper revetments, planting vegetation, and
LA, an explanation must be provided. The TMDL may excluding cattle from riparian areas. One management
recommend a zero LA if the state determines, after practice implemented in 1992 that has eliminated a
considering all pollutant sources, that allocating only to major sediment source was the improvement of the
point sources will still result in attainment of the annual start-up and shut-down practices of the
applicable water quality standard. Broadwater-Missouri ditch (Endicott and McMahon,
1996). This best management practice (BMP) has
The statute and regulations require that a TMDL include significantly decreased sediment pulses from the ditch to
a margin of safety to account for any lack of knowledge
3. Minimum flow. Maintain minimum flows of not less A plan for continued monitoring is a key and required
than 9 cubic feet per second (cfs) in the lower and component of any phased TMDL. The Deep Creek
upper reaches of Deep Creek and not less than 3 cfs TMDL recognizes the importance of monitoring to
in the middle reaches. guide the adaptive management process and includes
detailed proposals for monitoring in accordance with the
Although the discrepancy between the four indicator general goals specified by Endicott and McMahon
target values and the three TMDL values may be (1996):
considered slight, the differentiation helps to clarify
which indicators are more indicative of suitable fish . . . the proposed monitoring tools cover aspects
habitat and a healthy trout population (i.e., four target of water quality, channel morphology, substrate
values) and which are more indicative of source control characteristics, and aquatic biota. Monitoring
(i.e., three TMDL values). The indicator target values protocols should be applied yearly for between 5
are linked to the designated uses of the waterbody and and 10 years . . . following treatment. While not
relevant narrative provisions in the state water quality all the proposed monitoring procedures . . . need
standards and, therefore, can be used to measure success to be implemented, it is important to design a
toward meeting those standards and attaining designated monitoring protocol for each of the TMDL
uses. The TMDL values represent the sediment load targets. In addition, because landowner
reductions needed to meet target values and achieve involvement is so important to the success of
water quality standards. this [TMDL], monitoring tools that can be
implemented by landowners should be
Within the phased TMDL process, the ability to achieve considered.
numeric targets is uncertain, although the proposed
remediation efforts represent a good faith attempt to Endicott and McMahon (1996) recommend the
achieve these targets. It is fully expected that following monitoring components and techniques for
management strategies and the specific allocations analyzing and tracking progress in Deep Creek:
implied by these management strategies are likely to
change as monitoring continues. C Annual completion by landowners along Deep
Creek of the riparian monitoring questionnaire
developed by the Montana Riparian Association.
The questionnaire is designed to assess the solely or primarily by nonpoint sources will in fact be
effects of land management on riparian stream achieved; a public participation process; and recognition
conditions and troubleshoot problems like of other relevant watershed management processes. In a
excessive soil erosion. water impaired by both point and nonpoint sources,
where a point source is given a less stringent wasteload
C Monitoring total suspended sediment and discharge allocation based on an assumption that nonpoint source
through spring runoff. This monitoring will support load reductions will occur, reasonable assurance must be
the relationship between discharge and TSS and the provided for the TMDL to be approvable. This
calculation of the yearly load of suspended information is necessary for EPA to review the load and
sediment. wasteload allocations required by the regulation.
Although implementation plans are not approved by
C Continued monitoring of water temperature to assess EPA, they help establish the basis for EPA’s approval of
progress toward temperature targets, including the TMDLs.
installation of recording thermographs in the 11
reaches of Deep Creek. In a water impaired solely by nonpoint sources,
reasonable assurances are not required for a TMDL to
C Measurement of substrate sedimentation by be approvable. For such nonpoint source-only waters,
methods, including substrate core sample analysis, states are encouraged to provide reasonable assurances
Wolman pebble counts, and photo series of substrate regarding achievement of load allocations in the
at specified locations. implementation plans described in section 7, above. As
described in the August 8, 1997, memorandum, such
C Measurement of channel morphology changes at reasonable assurances should be included in state
permanent transect locations. implementation plans and “may be non-regulatory,
regulatory, or incentive-based, consistent with
C Establishment of a photographic record of fluvial applicable laws and programs.” Endicott and McMahon
and habitat changes at permanent photo points. (1996) recommend a variety of stream restoration
activities along Deep Creek that would increase bank
C Continued counts of fish at the permanent weirs at stability, decrease erosion, and increase the health of the
the Montana Ditch siphon coupled with monitoring fishery by reducing sediment stresses and improving fish
of artificial redds and the completion of a basin fish habitat to meet water quality targets. Based on existing
and fish habitat survey. data, a number of reach specific recommendations for
remediation on Deep Creek are proposed. Restoration
C Continued application of the RBPs to assess changes implementation activities include the channel
in habitat conditions and benthic macroinvertebrate modifications, installation of juniper revetments,
communities. riparian BMPs, willow plantings, widening of riparian
zone width, increases in channel length, and fencing to
,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ3ODQV5HDVRQDEOH$VVXUDQFHV exclude livestock from the stream and riparian areas.
Waterbody Type: Stream park. Redwood Creek is designated for use as a cold
water fishery. The creek has historically supported large
Pollutant: Sediment
numbers of coho salmon, chinook salmon, steelhead
Designated Uses: Cold freshwater habitat; trout, and other fish species.
migration of aquatic organisms;
estuarine habitat; community, USEPA Region 9 approved the sediment TMDL for
military, or individual system Redwood Creek in December 1998. This summary is
use, including drinking water; based on information contained in Redwood Creek
maintenance of rare, threatened, Sediment Total Maximum Daily Load (USEPA, 1998).
or endangered plant or animal
species; spawning, reproduction,
and/or early development TMDL Submittal Elements
Size of Watershed: 285 square miles Load Allocation: 1,900 tons/square mile/year
Wasteload Allocation: Zero - No point sources
Water Quality Standards: Narrative
Seasonal Variation: Inherent annual and seasonal
Indicators: In-stream - percent fines, percent variation in the delivery of
riffles, pool depth, median sediment to streams
particle size diameter, large
woody debris Margin of Safety: Implicit through conservative
Hillslope - stream crossings,
road culvert sizing, land/road fill
stability, road surfacing/
drainage, road inspection, 3UREOHP,GHQWLILFDWLRQ
maintenance, decommissioning,
road location, and timber harvest A cover memo should describe the waterbody as it is
methods. identified on the state’s section 303(d) list, the pollutant
of concern, and the priority ranking of the waterbody.
Analytical Approach: Partial sediment budget; The TMDL submittal must include a description of the
reference reach comparison point, nonpoint, and natural background sources of the
pollutant of concern, including the magnitude and
location of the sources. The TMDL submittal should
also contain a description of any important assumptions,
such as (1) the assumed distribution of land use in the
Redwood Creek watershed is a 285-mi2 forested
watershed; (2) population characteristics, wildlife
watershed in Humboldt County in northwestern
resources, and other relevant characteristics affecting
California. Redwood Creek flows into the Pacific
pollutant characterization and allocation, as applicable;
Ocean near Orick, California. The watershed is narrow
(3) present and future growth trends, if this factor was
and elongated (65 miles in length and 4 to 7 miles wide)
taken into consideration in preparing the TMDL; and (4)
with mostly mountainous and forested terrain.
an explanation and analytical basis for expressing the
TMDL through surrogate measures, if applicable.
Elevations within the watershed range from sea level to
5,300 feet. Redwood National Park composes the lower
portion of the watershed, and timber and livestock
production are the primary land uses upstream of the
WQO that addresses settleable material and sediment is stream indicators and reflect the watershed erosional
as follows: conditions. They represent land management conditions
associated with erosional processes and erosion rates
• Water shall not contain substances that result in that are not excessively accelerated by human activities.
deposition of material that causes nuisance or The numeric targets were based on scientific literature,
adversely affect beneficial uses. available monitoring data for the basin, and best
professional judgment. The numeric targets interpret
• The suspended sediment load and suspended the narrative water quality standards to:
sediment discharge rate of surface water shall not be
altered in such a manner as to cause nuisance or • Describe the physical conditions of Redwood Creek
adversely affect beneficial uses. and the surrounding hillslopes that relate to the
designated use.
Because the applicable water quality standards are • Assist in estimating the creek’s capacity to receive
narrative, it was necessary to identify some measurable future sediment inputs and still support designated
parameters (indicators) to evaluate the relationship uses.
between pollutant sources and their impact on water • Compare existing and target conditions for
quality. The analysts then quantified numeric target sediment-related indicators.
values for the indicators that represent conditions that • Provide a framework for future data analysis and
meet water quality standards and support designated review of the TMDL or implementation plan.
uses. Various types of indicators are available for • Assist in evaluating the effectiveness of land
sediment, including water column, streambed/channel, management and restoration actions in adequately
biological, and hillslope indicators. reducing erosion and subsequent sediment loading
to the creek.
The numeric targets developed for the Redwood Creek
sediment TMDL inlcuded both streambed targets and 6RXUFH$VVHVVPHQW
hillslope targets (Tables 1 and 2). The in-stream
streambed numeric targets represent adequate aquatic Ten categories of sediment delivery were identified for
habitat conditions for salmonid reproductive success. the Redwood Creek watershed, eight of which were
Hillslope targets provide additional indicators of characterized as controllable, as follows:
environmental conditions associated with designated use
protection. The hillslope indicators complement in-
Indicator Numeric Target
Percent fines <0.85 mm in riffle crests of fish-bearing <14%
Percent fines <6.5 mm in riffle crests of fish-bearing streams <30%
Percent of stream length in riffles <25%-30% of stream reaches in riffles (reach gradient <2%)
Pool depth in main stem Redwood Creek reaches with pool- mean depth of pools at low flow >2 m
riffle morphology
Depths of pools in 3rd and 4th order tributaries with pool- mean depth of pools at low flow >1-1.5 m
riffle morphology
Median particle size diameter (d50) from riffle crest surfaces $37 mm (minimum for a reach)
$69 (mean for a reach)
Percent fines <2 mm at riffle crest surfaces in fish-bearing <10%-20%
Large woody debris in any watercourse capable of Improving trend toward increased large woody debris
transporting sediment to a higher-order watercourse
Indicator Numeric Target
Road stream crossings with diversion potential No crossings have diversion potential (i.e., all crossings are
reconfigured permanently to ensure that no diversion will occur).
Road culvert/crossing sizing All culverts and crossings are sized to pass the 50-year flood and
associated sediment and debris. In addition, crossings and
culverts in the snow zone are sized large enough to
accommodate flows and associated sediment and debris caused
by precipitation and snowmelt runoff.
Landing and road fill stability All landings and road fills (e.g., sidecasts) that are on slopes
>50% and could potentially deliver sediment to a watercourse are
pulled back and stabilized.
Road surfacing and drainage All roads have surfacing and drainage facilities or structures that
are appropriate to their patterns and intensity of use.
Road inspection, maintenance, and decommissioning All roads are inspected and maintained annually or
decommissioned. Decommissioned roads (roads which are
closed, abandoned, or obliterated) are hydrologically
Road location in inner gorge or unstable headwall areas Roads are not located in steep inner gorge or unstable headwall
areas except where alternative road locations are unavailable.
Use of clearcut and/or tractor yarding timber harvest Clearcut or tractor yarding harvest methods are not used in steep
methods inner gorge, unstable, or streamside areas unless a detailed
geological assessment is performed that shows there is no
potential for increased sediment delivery to watercourses as a
result of using these methods.
the applicable water quality standard. In preparing the Allocations for the Redwood Creek sediment TMDL are
WLA, it is not necessary that every individual point based on erosion processes, which are mostly associated
source have a portion of the allocation of pollutant with land use activities. The load allocations for erosion
loading capacity. But it is necessary to allocate the processes are expressed as long-term annual average
loading capacity among individual point sources as loads per square mile for the entire watershed. The
necessary to meet the water quality standard. The TMDL is expressed as a 10-year rolling annual average,
TMDL submittal should also discuss whether a WLA is allowing for the large interannual variability in sediment
based on an assumption that loads from a nonpoint loading. The TMDL of 1,900 tons/mi2/year is equal to
source or sources will be reduced. In such cases, the the loading capacity determined in the linkage analysis.
state will need to demonstrate reasonable assurance that The individual load allocations were based on EPA’s
the nonpoint source reductions will occur within a assessment of the controllability of loadings from
reasonable time. different source categories. The controllable fraction of
total loads from each source category was estimated, and
EPA regulations require that a TMDL include load the remaining loads were summed and compared to the
allocations (LAs), which identify the portion of the TMDL. (Controllable sources of sediment were defined
loading capacity allocated to existing and future as those which are associated with human activity and
nonpoint sources and to natural background (40 CFR will respond to mitigation, altered land management, or
130.2(h)). LAs may range from reasonably accurate restoration.) The analysis indicated that the application
estimates to gross allotments (40 CFR 130.2(g)). Where of reasonable practices plus reduction by the
it is possible to separate natural background from controllable load would result in a decrease that is
nonpoint sources, separate load allocations should be adequate to meet the TMDL. There are no known point
made and described. If there are neither nonpoint sources in the Redwood Creek watershed, so the
sources nor natural background or the TMDL wasteload allocation is zero.
recommends a zero LA, an explanation must be
provided. The TMDL may recommend a zero LA if the Estimates of controllable percentages of loads were
state determines, after considering all pollutant sources, derived from field work in the watershed and in nearby
that allocating only to point sources will still result in watersheds, documented results of sediment control
attainment of the applicable water quality standard. practices within the watershed, literature references, and
professional experience.
The statute and regulations require that a TMDL include
a margin of safety to account for any lack of knowledge The Redwood Creek TMDL uses a series of
concerning the relationship between effluent limitations conservative assumptions to fully account for the margin
and water quality (CWA § 303(d)(1)(C), 40 CFR of safety. These assumptions include selection of in-
130.7(c)(1)). EPA guidance explains that the MOS may stream numeric target levels, use of hillslope targets,
be implicit, i.e., incorporated into the TMDL through proportion of bedload in total sediment load, sediment
conservative assumptions in the analysis, or explicit, i.e., storage in the main stem of Redwood Creek, comparison
expressed in the TMDL as loadings set aside for the of sediment loading from reference streams with that
MOS. If the MOS is implicit, the conservative from Redwood Creek as a whole, association of
assumptions in the analysis that account for the MOS hillslope sources with human causes, and estimation of
must be described. If the MOS is explicit, the loading loading capacity.
set aside for the MOS must be identified.
Seasonal variation is inherent in the delivery of sediment
The statute and regulations require that a TMDL be to stream systems. For this reason, the allocations in the
established with seasonal variations. The method Redwood Creek TMDL are designed to apply to the
chosen for including seasonal variations in the TMDL sources of sediment, not to the movement of sediment
must be described (CWA § 303(d)(1)(C), 40 CFR across the landscape or the delivery of sediment directly
130.7(c)(1)). to the stream channel.
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Acute toxicity. A chemical stimulus severe enough to Aerobic. Environmental conditions characterized by the
rapidly induce an effect; in aquatic toxicity tests, an presence of dissolved oxygen; used to describe
effect observed within 96 hours or less is considered biological or chemical processes that occur in the
acute. When referring to aquatic toxicology or human presence of oxygen.
health, an acute effect is not always measured in terms
of lethality. Aggradation. The raising of the bed of a watercourse
by the deposition of sediment.
Adaptive management. Approach where source
controls are initiated while additional monitoring data Allocations. That portion of a receiving water’s loading
are collected to provide a basis for future review and capacity that is attributed to one of its existing or future
revision of the TMDL (as well as management pollution sources (nonpoint or point) or to natural
activities). background sources. (A wasteload allocation [WLA] is
that portion of the loading capacity allocated to an
Adsorption-desorption. Adsorption is the process by existing or future point source, and a load allocation
which nutrients such as inorganic phosphorous adhere to [LA] is that portion allocated to an existing or future
particles via a loose chemical bond with the surface of nonpoint source or to natural background source. Load
clay particles. Desorption is the process by which allocations are best estimates of the loading, which can
inorganic nutrients are released from the surface of range from reasonably accurate estimates to gross
particles back into solution. Adsorption differs from allotments, depending on the availability of data and
absorption in that absorption is the assimilation or appropriate techniques for predicting loading.)
incorporation of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance
into another substance. Alluvium. Sediment deposited by flowing water, such
as in a riverbed, floodplain, or delta.
Advanced secondary treatment. Biological or
chemical treatment processes added to a secondary Ambient water quality. Natural concentration of water
treatment plant including a conventional activated quality constituents prior to mixing of either point or
sludge to increase the removal of solids and BOD. nonpoint source load of contaminants. Reference
Typical removal rates for advanced secondary plants are ambient concentration is used to indicate the
on the order of 90 percent removal of solids and BOD. concentration of a chemical that will not cause adverse
impact to human health.
Advanced waste treatment (AWT). Wastewater
treatment process that includes combinations of physical Anadromous. Migrating up rivers from the sea to breed
and chemical operation units designed to remove in fresh water.
nutrients, toxic substances, or other pollutants.
Advanced, or tertiary, treatment processes treat effluent Anaerobic. Environmental condition characterized by
from secondary treatment facilities using processes such zero oxygen levels. Describes biological and chemical
as nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification), processes that occur in the absence of oxygen.
filtration, or carbon adsorption. Tertiary treatment plants
typically achieve about 95 percent removal of solids and Anoxic. Aquatic environmental conditions containing
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in addition to zero or little dissolved oxygen. See also anaerobic.
removal of nutrients or other materials.
Anthropogenic. Pertains to the [environmental]
Advection. Bulk transport of the mass of discrete influence of human activities.
chemical or biological constituents by fluid flow within
a receiving water. Advection describes the mass Anti-degradation Policies. Policies that are part of
transport due to the velocity, or flow, of the waterbody. each state*s water quality standards. These policies are
designed to protect water quality and provide a method
of assessing activities that may impact the integrity of Benthic. Refers to material, especially sediment, at the
waterbodies. bottom of an aquatic ecosystem. It can be used to
describe the organisms that live on, or in, the bottom of
Aquatic classification system. Assigns a classification a waterbody.
to a waterbody reflecting the water quality and the
biological health (integrity). Classification is Benthic organisms. Organisms living in, or on, bottom
determined through use of biological indices (see IBI). substrates in aquatic ecosystems.
Examples of classifications include oligosaprobic
(cleanest water quality) and polysaprobic (highly Best management practices (BMPs). Methods,
polluted water). measures, or practices that are determined to be
reasonable and cost-effective means for a land owner to
Aquatic ecosystem. Complex of biotic and abiotic meet certain, generally nonpoint source, pollution
components of natural waters. The aquatic ecosystem is control needs. BMPs include structural and
an ecological unit that includes the physical nonstructural controls and operation and maintenance
characteristics (such as flow or velocity and depth), the procedures.
biological community of the water column and benthos,
and the chemical characteristics such as dissolved Bioaccumulation. The process by which a compound
solids, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients. Both living and is taken up by an aquatic organism, both from water and
nonliving components of the aquatic ecosystem interact through food.
and influence the properties and status of each
component. Bioassessment. Biological assessment; the evaluation of
an ecosystem using integrated assessments of habitat
Assimilative capacity. The amount of contaminant and biological communities in comparison to
load that can be discharged to a specific waterbody empirically defined reference conditions.
without exceeding water quality standards or criteria.
Assimilative capacity is used to define the ability of a Bioavailability. A measure of the physicochemical
waterbody to naturally absorb and use a discharged access that a toxicant has to the biological processes of
substance without impairing water quality or harming an organism. The less the bioavailability of a toxicant,
aquatic life. the less its toxic effect on an organism.
Background levels. Levels representing the chemical, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The amount of
physical, and biological conditions that would result oxygen per unit volume of water required to bacterially
from natural geomorphological processes such as or chemically oxidize (stabilize) the oxidizable matter in
weathering or dissolution. water. Biochemical oxygen demand measurements are
usually conducted over specific time intervals (5, 10, 20,
BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating 30 days). The term BOD generally refers to a standard
Point and Nonpoint Sources). A computer-run tool 5-day BOD test.
that contains an assessment and planning component
that allows users to organize and display geographic Biological criteria. Also known as biocriteria,
information for selected watersheds. It also contains a biological criteria are narrative expressions or numeric
modeling component to examine impacts of pollutant values of the biological characteristics of aquatic
loadings from point and nonpoint sources and to communities based on appropriate reference conditions.
characterize the overall condition of specific watersheds. Biological criteria serve as an index of aquatic
community health.
Bedload sediment. Portion of sediment load
transported downstream by sliding, rolling, bouncing Biomass. The amount, or weight, of a species, or group
along the channel bottom. Generally consists of particles of biological organisms, within a specific volume or area
>1 mm. of an ecosystem.
Boundary conditions. Values or functions representing Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act
the state of a system at its boundary limits. Amendments of 1972), Public Law 92-500, as amended
by Public Law 96-483 and Public Law 97-117, 33
Calcareous. Pertaining to or containing calcium U.S.C. 1251 et seq. The Clean Water Act (CWA)
carbonate. contains a number of provisions to restore and maintain
the quality of the nation’s water resources. One of these
Calibration. The process of adjusting model provisions is section 303(d), which establishes the
parameters within physically defensible ranges until the TMDL program.
resulting predictions give a best possible good fit to
observed data. Coastal Zone. Lands and waters adjacent to the coast
that exert an influence on the uses of the sea and its
Carbonaceous. Pertaining to or containing carbon ecology, or whose uses and ecology are affected by the
derived from plant and animal residues sea.
Cation exchange capacity. The sum total of Colluvium. Soil and rock debris on a hillslope that has
exchangeable cations that a soil can adsorb. Expressed been transported from its original location.
in centimoles per kilogram of soil (or of other adsorbing
material such as clay.) Completely mixed condition. A condition in which no
measurable difference in the concentration of a pollutant
Channel. A natural stream that conveys water; a ditch exists across a transect of the waterbody (e.g., the
or channel excavated for the flow of water. concentration does not vary by 5 percent).
Channel improvement. The improvement of the flow Concentration. Amount of a substance or material in a
characteristics of a channel by clearing, excavation, given unit volume of solution; usually measured in
realignment, lining, or other means in order to increase milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm).
its capacity. Sometimes used to connote channel
stabilization. Concentration-based limit. A limit based on the
relative strength of a pollutant in a wastestream, usually
Channel stabilization. Erosion prevention and expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
stabilization of velocity distribution in a channel using
jetties, drops, revetments, vegetation, and other Conservative substance. A substance that does not
measures. undergo any chemical or biological transformation or
degradation in a given ecosystem.
Chloride. An atom of chlorine in solution; an ion
bearing a single negative charge. Contamination. The act of polluting or making impure;
any indication of chemical, sediment, or biological
Chronic toxicity. Toxicity impact that lingers or impurities.
continues for a relatively long period of time, often
one-tenth of the life span or longer. Chronic effects Continuous discharge. A discharge that occurs without
could include mortality, reduced growth, or reduced interruption throughout the operating hours of a facility,
reproduction. except for infrequent shutdowns for maintenance,
process changes, or other similar activities.
Clean sediment. Sediment that is not contaminated by
chemical substances. Pollution caused by clean sediment Conventional pollutants. As specified under the Clean
refers to the quantity of sediment, as opposed to the Water Act, conventional contaminants include
presence of pollutant-contaminated sediment. suspended solids, coliform bacteria, high biochemical
oxygen demand, pH, and oil and grease.
Clean Water Act (CWA). The Clean Water Act
(formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution
Cost-share program. A program that allocates project Diagenesis. Production of sediment fluxes as a result of
funds to pay a percentage of the cost of constructing or the flux of particulate organic carbon in the sediment
implementing a best management practice. The and its decomposition. The diagenesis reaction can be
remainder of the costs are paid by the producer. thought of as producing oxygen equivalents released by
various reduced species.
Cross-sectional area. Wet area of a waterbody normal
to the longitudinal component of the flow. Diel (“die´-el”). Involving a 24-hour period.
Critical condition. The critical condition can be Dilution. The addition of some quantity of less
thought of as the “worst case” scenario of environmental concentrated liquid (water) that results in a decrease in
conditions in the waterbody in which the loading the original concentration.
expressed in the TMDL for the pollutant of concern will
continue to meet water quality standards. Critical Direct runoff. Water that flows over the ground
conditions are the combination of environmental factors surface or through the ground directly into streams,
(e.g., flow, temperature, etc.) that results in attaining and rivers, and lakes.
maintaining the water quality criterion and has an
acceptably low frequency of occurrence. Discharge. Flow of surface water in a stream or canal
or the outflow of groundwater from a flowing artesian
Cryptosporidium. See protozoa. well, ditch, or spring. Can also apply to discharge of
liquid effluent from a facility or to chemical emissions
Decay. The gradual decrease in the amount of a given into the air through designated venting mechanisms.
substance in a given system due to various sink
processes including chemical and biological Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). Report of
transformation, dissipation to other environmental effluent characteristics submitted by a municipal or
media, or deposition into storage areas. industrial facility that has been granted an NPDES
discharge permit.
Decomposition. Metabolic breakdown of organic
materials; the formation of by-products of Discharge permits (NPDES). A permit issued by the
decomposition releases energy and simple organic and U.S. EPA or a State regulatory agency that sets specific
inorganic compounds. (See also, Respiration.) limits on the type and amount of pollutants that a
municipality or industry can discharge to a receiving
Design stream flow. The stream flow used to conduct water; it also includes a compliance schedule for
steady-state wasteload allocation modeling. achieving those limits. It is called the NPDES because
the permit process was established under the National
Designated uses. Those uses specified in water quality Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, under
standards for each waterbody or segment whether or not provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act.
they are being attained.
Dispersion. The spreading of chemical or biological
Deterministic model. A model that does not include constituents, including pollutants, in various directions
built-in variability: same input will always equal the from a point source, at varying velocities depending on
same output. the differential in-stream flow characteristics.
Detritus. Any loose material produced directly from Dissolved oxygen (DO). The amount of oxygen that is
disintegration processes. Organic detritus consists of dissolved in water. This term also refers to a measure of
material resulting from the decomposition of dead the amount of oxygen available for biochemical activity
organic remains. in a waterbody, and is an indicator of the quality of that
Dissolved oxygen sag. Longitudinal variation of Effluent limitation. Restrictions established by a state
dissolved oxygen representing the oxygen depletion and or EPA on quantities, rates, and concentrations in
recovery following a waste load discharge into a pollutant discharges.
receiving water.
Effluent plume. Delineates the extent of contamination
Diurnal. Actions or processes having a period or a in a given medium as a result of a distribution of
cycle of approximately one tidal-day or are completed effluent discharges (or spills). Usually shows the
within a 24-hour period and which recur every 24 hours. concentration gradient within the delineated areas or
plume of flow of contaminants.
Domestic wastewater. Also called sanitary wastewater,
consists of wastewater discharged from residences and Embeddedness. The degree to which fine sediments
from commercial, institutional, and similar facilities. fill the spaces (interstices) between rocks on the
Drainage basin. A part of a land area enclosed by a
topographic divide from which direct surface runoff Empirical model. Use of statistical techniques to
from precipitation normally drains by gravity into a discern patterns or relationships underlying observed or
receiving water. Also referred to as a watershed, river measured data for large sample sets. Does not account
basin, or hydrologic unit. for physical dynamics of waterbodies.
Dry ravel. Sloughing of sediment due to loss of Endpoint. An endpoint (or indicator/target)is a
cohesion in surface materials. characteristic of an ecosystem that may be affected by
exposure to a stressor. Assessment endpoints and
Dynamic model. A mathematical formulation measurement endpoints are two distinct types of
describing and simulating the physical behavior of a endpoints commonly used by resource managers. An
system or a process and its temporal variability. assessment endpoint is the formal expression of a valued
environmental characteristic and should have societal
Dynamic simulation. Modeling of the behavior of relevance (an indicator). A measurement endpoint is the
physical, chemical, and/or biological phenomena and expression of an observed or measured response to a
their variation over time. stress or disturbance. It is a measurable environmental
characteristic that is related to the valued environmental
Ecoregion. A physical region that is defined by its characteristic chosen as the assessment endpoint. The
ecology, which includes meteorological factors, numeric criteria that are part of traditional water quality
elevation, plant and animal speciation, landscape standards are good examples of measurement endpoints
position, and soils. (targets).
Ecosystem. An interactive system that includes the Enhancement. In the context of restoration ecology,
organisms of a natural community association together any improvement of a structural or functional attribute.
with their abiotic physical, chemical, and geochemical
environment. Enteric. Of or within the gastrointestinal tract.
Effluent. Municipal sewage or industrial liquid waste Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
(untreated, partially treated, or completely treated) that (EMAP). A USEPA program to monitor and assess the
flows out of a treatment plant, septic system, pipe, etc. ecological health of major ecosystems, including surface
waters, forests, near-coastal waters, wetlands,
Effluent guidelines. Technical EPA documents that set agricultural lands, arid lands, and the Great Lakes, in an
effluent limitations for given industries and pollutants. integrated, systematic manner. Although EMAP has
been curtailed somewhat during recent years, the
program is designed to operate at regional and national
scales, for decades, and to evaluate the extent and
condition of entire ecological resources by using a Forcing functions. External empirical formulation used
common sampling framework to sample approximately to provide input describing a number of processes.
12,500 locations in the conterminous United States. Typical forcing functions include parameters such as
temperature, point and tributary sources, solar radiation,
Epiphyte. A plant growing on another plant; more and waste loads and flow.
generally, any organism growing attached on a plant.
Fry. Young, newly hatched fish.
Estuary. Brackish-water areas influenced by the tides
where the mouth of a river meets the sea. Geochemical. Referring to chemical reactions
involving earth materials such as soil, rocks, and water.
Estuarine number. A nondimensional parameter
accounting for decay, tidal dispersion, and advection Geomorphology. The study of the evolution and
velocity; used for classification of tidal rivers and configuration of landforms.
estuarine systems.
Gradient. The rate of change of the value of one
Existing use. Use actually attained in the waterbody on quantity with respect to another; for example, the rate of
or after November 28, 1975, whether or not it is decrease of temperature with depth in a lake.
included in the water quality standards (40 CFR 131.3).
Ground water. The supply of fresh water found
Fate of pollutants. Physical, chemical, and biological beneath the earth*s surface, usually in aquifers, which
transformation in the nature and changes of the amount supply wells and springs. Because ground water is a
of a pollutant in an environmental system. major source of drinking water, there is growing concern
Transformation processes are pollutant-specific. over contamination from leaching agricultural or
Because they have comparable kinetics, different industrial pollutants and leaking underground storage
formulations for each pollutant are not required. tanks.
Feedlot. A confined area for the controlled feeding of Gully erosion. The erosion process whereby water
animals. Tends to concentrate large amounts of animal accumulates in narrow channels and, over short periods,
waste that cannot be absorbed by the soil and, hence, removes the soil form this narrow area to considerable
may be carried to nearby streams or lakes by rainfall depths, ranging from 1-2 feet to as much as 75-100 feet.
Half-saturation constant. Nutrient concentration at
First-order kinetics. The type of relationship which the growth rate of a population of a species or
describing a dynamic reaction in which the rate of group of species is half the maximum rate.
transformation of a pollutant is proportional to the Half-saturation constants define the nutrient uptake
amount of that pollutant in the environmental system. characteristics of different phytoplankton species. Low
half-saturation constants indicate the ability of the algal
Flocculation. The process by which suspended group to thrive under nutrient-depleted conditions.
colloidal or very fine particles are assembled into larger
masses or floccules that eventually settle out of Heterotroph. An organism that uses organic carbon for
suspension. the formation of its cell tissue, e.g., is unable to
synthesize organic compounds from inorganic substrates
Fluvial geomorphology. The effect of rainfall and for food and must consume organisms or their products.
runoff on the form and pattern of riverbeds and river Bacteria are examples of heterotrophs;
channels. photosynthesizing organisms are not.
Flux. Movement and transport of mass of any water Hillslope Targets. Quantitative measure that links the
quality constituent over a given period of time. Units of upslope sources of sediment and instream impacts of
mass flux are mass per unit time. sediment discharge.
Hydrodynamic model. Mathematical formulation used Infiltration capacity. The capacity of a soil to allow
in describing fluid flow circulation, transport, and water to infiltrate into or through it during a storm.
deposition processes in receiving water.
Initial mixing zone. The region immediately
Hydrograph. A graph showing variation of in stage downstream of an outfall where effluent dilution
(depth) or discharge of water in a stream over a period processes occur. Because of the combined effects of the
of time. effluent buoyancy, ambient stratification, and current,
the prediction of initial dilution can be complex.
Hydrologic cycle. The circuit of water movement from
the atmosphere to the earth and its return to the In situ. In place; in situ measurements consist of
atmosphere through various stages or processes, such as measurements of components of processes in a full-scale
precipitation, interception, runoff, infiltration, storage, system or a field, rather than in a laboratory.
evaporation, and transpiration.
Interstitial water. Water contained in the interstices,
Hydrology. The study of the distribution, properties, which are the pore spaces or voids in soils and rocks,
and effects of water on the earth’s surface, in the soil i.e., ground water.
and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.0
Irrigation. Applying water or wastewater to land areas
Hydrolysis. A chemical reaction that occurs between a to supply the water and nutrient needs of plants.
substance and water resulting in the cleaving of a
molecular bond and the formation of new bonds with Irrigation return flow. Surface and subsurface water
components of the decomposed water molecule; a that leaves a field after the application of irrigation
reaction of water with a salt to create an acid or a base. water.
Hyetograph. Graph of rainfall rate during a storm Karst geology. Solution cavities and closely-spaced
event. sinkholes formed as a result of dissolution of carbonate
Hypolimnetic oxygen depletion rate. The
hypolimnetic oxygen depletion rate describes changing Kinetic processes. Description of the rates and modes
dissolved oxygen concentrations in the hypolimnion of changes in the transformation or degradation of a
(lowest stratum) of lakes and reservoirs. Dissolved substance in an ecosystem.
oxygen concentrations in the hypolimnion are especially
significant because of their effect on fish. Land application. Discharge of wastewater onto the
ground for treatment or reuse. (See: irrigation)
Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). The IBI uses
measurements of the distribution and abundance or Leachate. Water that collects contaminants as it
absence of several fish species types in each waterbody trickles through wastes, pesticides, or fertilizers.
for comparison. A portion of a waterbody is compared Leaching can occur in farming areas, feedlots, and
to a similar, unimpacted waterbody in the same landfills, and can result in hazardous substances entering
ecoregion. surface water, groundwater, or soil.
Indicator. A measurable quantity that can be used to Leachate collection system. A system that gathers
evaluate the relationship between pollutant sources and leachate and pumps it to the surface for treatment.
their impact on water quality.
Light saturation. The optimal light level for algae and
Indirect discharge. A nondomestic discharge macrophyte growth and photosynthesis.
introducing pollutants to a publicly owned treatment
works. Loading, Load, Loading rate. The total amount of
material (pollutants) entering the system from one or
multiple sources; measured as a rate in weight per unit Mass loading. The quantity of a pollutant transported to
time. a waterbody.
Load allocation (LA). The portion of a receiving Mass wasting. Downslope transport of soil and rocks
water*s loading capacity that is attributed either to one due to gravitational stress.
of its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution or
to natural background sources. Load allocations are best Mathematical model. A system of mathematical
estimates of the loading, which can range from expressions that describe the spatial and temporal
reasonably accurate estimates to gross allotments, distribution of water quality constituents resulting from
depending on the availability of data and appropriate fluid transport and the one, or more, individual
techniques for predicting the loading. Wherever processes and interactions within some prototype
possible, natural and nonpoint source loads should be aquatic ecosystem. A mathematical water quality model
distinguished. (40 CFR 130.2(g)) is used as the basis for waste load allocation evaluations.
Loading capacity (LC). The greatest amount of Maximum depth. The greatest depth of a waterbody.
loading that a water can receive without violating water
quality standards. Mean depth. Volume of a waterbody divided by its
surface area.
Longitudinal dispersion. The spreading of chemical or
biological constituents, including pollutants, Mineralization. The transformation of organic matter
downstream from a point source at varying velocities into a mineral or an inorganic compound.
due to the differential in-stream flow characteristics.
Mitigation. Actions taken to avoid, reduce, or
Low-flow (7Q10). Low-flow (7Q10) is the 7-day compensate for the effects of environmental damage.
average low flow occurring once in 10 years; this Among the broad spectrum of possible actions are those
probability-based statistic is used in determining stream which restore, enhance, create, or replace damaged
design flow conditions and for evaluating the water ecosystems.
quality impact of effluent discharge limits.
Monitoring. Periodic or continuous surveillance or
Margin of Safety (MOS). A required component of the testing to determine the level of compliance with
TMDL that accounts for the uncertainty about the statutory requirements and/or pollutant levels in various
relationship between the pollutant loads and the quality media or in humans, plants, and animals.
of the receiving waterbody (CWA section
303(d)(1)(C)). The MOS is normally incorporated into Monte Carlo simulation. A stochastic modeling
the conservative assumptions used to develop TMDLs technique that involves the random selection of sets of
(generally within the calculations or models) and input data for use in repetitive model runs. Probability
approved by EPA either individually or in state/EPA distributions of receiving water quality concentrations
agreements. If the MOS needs to be larger than that are generated as the output of a Monte Carlo simulation.
which is allowed through the conservative assumptions,
additional MOS can be added as a separate component Narrative criteria. Nonquantitative guidelines that
of the TMDL (in this case, quantitatively, a TMDL = describe the desired water quality goals.
LC = WLA + LA + MOS).
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Mass balance. An equation that accounts for the flux of (NPDES). The national program for issuing, modifying,
mass going into a defined area and the flux of mass revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and
leaving the defined area. The flux in must equal the flux enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing
out. pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 402,
318, and 405 of the Clean Water Act.
Natural waters. Flowing water within a physical Oxygen demand. Measure of the dissolved oxygen
system that has developed without human intervention, used by a system (microorganisms) in the oxidation of
in which natural processes continue to take place. organic matter. (See also Biochemical oxygen
Nonpoint source. Pollution that is not released through
pipes but rather originates from multiple sources over a Oxygen depletion. A deficit of dissolved oxygen in a
relatively large area. Nonpoint sources can be divided water system due to oxidation of organic matter.
into source activities related to either land or water use
including failing septic tanks, improper animal-keeping Oxygen saturation. The natural or artificial reaeration
practices, forest practices, and urban and rural runoff. or oxygenation of a water system (water sample) to
bring the level of dissolved oxygen to maximum
Numeric target. A measurable value determined for capacity. Oxygen saturation is greatly influenced by
the pollutant of concern which, if achieved, is expected temperature and other water characteristics.
to result in the attainment of water quality standards in
the listed waterbody. Partition coefficient. A constant symbolizing the ratio
of the concentration of a solute in the upper of two
Numerical model. Model that approximates a solution phases in equilibrium to its concentration in the lower
of governing partial differential equations which phase. Chemicals in solution are partitioned into
describe a natural process. The approximation uses a dissolved and particulate adsorbed phase based on their
numerical discretization of the space and time corresponding sediment-to-water partitioning
components of the system or process. coefficient.
Phased approach. Under the phased approach to oxygen released (oxygen method) or the amount of
TMDL development, LAs and WLAs are calculated carbon assimilated by the plant (carbon method).
using the best available data and information
recognizing the need for additional monitoring data to Primary treatment. A basic wastewater treatment
accurately characterize sources and loadings. The method that uses settling, skimming, and (usually)
phased approach is typically employed when nonpoint chlorination to remove solids, floating materials, and
sources dominate. It provides for the implementation of pathogens from wastewater. Primary treatment typically
load reduction strategies while collecting additional removes about 35 percent of biochemical oxygen
data. demand (BOD) and less than half of the metals and toxic
organic substances.
Point source. Pollutant loads discharged at a specific
location from pipes, outfalls, and conveyance channels Privately owned treatment works. Any device or
from either municipal wastewater treatment plants or system that is (a) used to treat wastes from any facility
industrial waste treatment facilities. Point sources can whose operator is not the operator of the treatment
also include pollutant loads contributed by tributaries to works and (b) not a POTW.
the main receiving water stream or river.
Protozoa. A phylum or subkingdom including all
Pollutant. Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator single-celled animals with membrane- bound organelles;
residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, they may be aquatic or parasitic, with or without a test,
chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive solitary or colonial, sessile or free-swimming, moving
materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, by cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia.
sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and
agricultural waste discharged into water. (CWA Section Public comment period. The time allowed for the
502(6)). public to express its views and concerns regarding
action by EPA or states (e.g., a Federal Register notice
Pollution. Generally, the presence of matter or energy of a proposed rule-making, a public notice of a draft
whose nature, location, or quantity produces undesired permit, or a Notice of Intent to Deny).
environmental effects. Under the Clean Water Act, for
example, the term is defined as the man-made or man- Publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Any
induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical, device or system used in the treatment (including
and radiological integrity of water. recycling and reclamation) of municipal sewage or
industrial wastes of a liquid nature that is owned by a
Pool. Portion of a stream with reduced current velocity, state or municipality. This definition includes sewers,
often with deeper water than surrounding areas ans with pipes, or other conveyances only if they convey
a smooth surface. wastewater to a POTW providing treatment.
Postaudit. A subsequent examination and verification Raw sewage. Untreated municipal sewage.
of model predictive performance following
implementation of an environmental control program. Reaction rate coefficient. A constant describing the
rate of transformation of a substance in an
Pretreatment. The treatment of wastewater to remove environmental medium characterized by a set of
or reduce contaminants prior to discharge into another physical, chemical, and biological conditions such as
treatment system or a receiving water. temperature and dissolved oxygen level.
Primary productivity. A measure of the rate at which Reaeration. The net flux of oxygen occurring from the
new organic matter is formed and accumulated through atmosphere to a body of water with a free surface.
photosynthesis and chemosynthesis activity of producer
organisms (chiefly, green plants). The rate of primary Receiving waters. Creeks, streams, rivers, lakes,
production is estimated by measuring the amount of estuaries, ground-water formations, or other bodies of
water into which surface water and/or treated or timing less predictable, in a riparian zone than in a river
untreated waste are discharged, either naturally or in floodplain.
man-made systems.
Roughness coefficient. A factor in velocity and
Redd. Nest made in gravel, consisting of a depression discharge formulas representing the effects of channel
hydraulically dug by a fish for egg deposition (and then roughness on energy losses in flowing water. Manning’s
filled) and the associated gravel mounds. "n" is a commonly used roughness coefficient.
Reference sites. Waterbodies that are representative of Rotating biological contactor (RBC). A wastewater
the characteristics of the region and subject to minimal treatment process consisting of a series of closely
human disturbance. spaced rotating circular disks of polystyrene or
polyvinyl chloride. Attached biological growth is
Reserve capacity. Pollutant loading rate set aside in promoted on the surface of the disks. The rotation of
determining stream waste load allocation accounting for the disks allows contact with the wastewater and the
uncertainty and future growth. atmosphere to enhance oxygenation.
Residence time. Length of time that a pollutant remains Runoff. That part of precipitation, snow melt, or
within a section of a stream or river. The residence time irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or
is determined by the streamflow and the volume of the other surface water. It can carry pollutants from the air
river reach or the average stream velocity and the length and land into receiving waters.
of the river reach.
Scoping modeling. A method of approximation that
Restoration. Return of an ecosystem to a close involves simple, steady-state analytical solutions for a
approximation of its presumed condition prior to rough analysis of a problem.
Scour. To abrade and wear away. Used to describe the
Riffle. A rocky shoal or sand bar located just below the weathering away of a terrace or diversion channel or
surface of the water. streambed. The clearing and digging action of flowing
water, especially the downward erosion by stream water
Rill erosion. An erosion process in which numerous in sweeping away mud and silt on the outside of a
small channels of only several centimeters in depth are meander or during flood events.
formed; occurs mainly on recently cultivated soils.
Secondary treatment. The second step in most
Riparian areas. Areas bordering streams, lakes, rivers, publicly owned waste treatment systems, in which
and other watercourses. These areas have high water bacteria consume the organic parts of the waste. It is
tables and support plants that require saturated soils accomplished by bringing together waste, bacteria, and
during all or part of the year. Riparian areas include oxygen in trickling filters or in the activated sludge
both wetland and upland zones. process. This treatment removes floating and settleable
solids and about 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding
Riparian vegetation. Hydrophytic vegetation growing substances and suspended solids. Disinfection is the
in the immediate vicinity of a lake or river closely final stage of secondary treatment. (See Primary
enough so that its annual evapotranspiration constitutes treatment, Tertiary treatment.)
a factor in the lake or river regime.
Sediment. Particulate organic and inorganic matter that
Riparian zone. The border or banks of a stream. accumulates in a loose, unconsolidated form on the
Although this term is sometimes used interchangeably bottom of natural waters.
with floodplain, the riparian zone is generally regarded
as relatively narrow compared to a floodplain. The Sediment delivery. Contribution of transported
duration of flooding is generally much shorter, and the sediment to a particular location or part of a landscape.
Sediment oxygen demand (SOD). The solids Sheetwash. Also Sheet erosion. Erosion of the ground
discharged to a receiving water are partly organics, and surface by unconcentrated (i.e. not in rills) overland
upon settling to the bottom, they decompose flow.
anaerobically as well as aerobically, depending on
conditions. The oxygen consumed in aerobic Simulation. The use of mathematical models to
decomposition represents another dissolved oxygen sink approximate the observed behavior of a natural water
for the waterbody. system in response to a specific known set of input and
forcing conditions. Models that have been validated, or
Sediment production. Delivery of colluvium or verified, are then used to predict the response of a
bedrock from hillslope to stream channel. The natural water system to changes in the input or forcing
production rate is evaluated as the sum of the rates of conditions.
colluvial bank erosion and sediment transport across
channel banks. Sinuosity. The degree to which a river or stream bends.
Sediment yield. Amount of sediment passing a Slope. The degree of inclination to the horizontal.
particular point (e.g., discharge point of the basin) in a Usually expressed as a ratio, such as 1:25 or 1 on 25,
watershed per unit of time. indicating one unit vertical rise in 25 units of horizontal
distance, or in a decimal fraction (0.04); degrees (2
Sedimentation. Process of deposition of waterborne or degrees 18 minutes), or percent (4 percent).
windborne sediment or other material; also refers to the
infilling of bottom substrate in a waterbody by sediment Sorption. The adherence of ions or molecules in a gas
(siltation). or liquid to the surface of a solid particle with which
they are in contact.
Septic system. An on-site system designed to treat and
dispose of domestic sewage. A typical septic system Spatial segmentation. A numerical discretization of
consists of a tank that receives waste from a residence or the spatial component of a system into one or more
business and a system of tile lines or a pit for disposal of dimensions; forms the basis for application of numerical
the liquid effluent (sludge) that remains after simulation models.
decomposition of the solids by bacteria in the tank; must
be pumped out periodically. Stabilization pond. Large earthen basin used for the
treatment of wastewater by natural processes involving
Sewage fungus. Proliferations of bacteria and/or fungi the use of both algae and bacteria.
that may form feathery, cotton-wool-like growths in
streams and rivers that have high concentrations of Steady-state model. Mathematical model of fate and
dissolved organic compounds. transport that uses constant values of input variables to
predict constant values of receiving water quality
Sewer. A channel or conduit that carries wastewater concentrations.
and stormwater runoff from the source to a treatment
plant or receiving stream. “Sanitary” sewers carry Stoichiometric ratio. Mass-balance-based ratio for
household, industrial, and commercial waste. “Storm” nutrients, organic carbon and algae (e.g.,
sewers carry runoff from rain or snow. “Combined” nitrogen-to-carbon ratio).
sewers handle both.
STORET. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Sheet erosion. Also Sheetwash. Erosion of the ground (EPA) national water quality database for STORage and
surface by unconcentrated (i.e. not in rills) overland RETrieval (STORET). Mainframe water quality
flow. database that includes physical, chemical, and biological
data measured in waterbodies throughout the United
Storm runoff. Storm water runoff, snowmelt runoff, Suspended solids or load. Organic and inorganic
and surface runoff and drainage; rainfall that does not particles (sediment) suspended in and carried by a fluid
evaporate or infiltrate the ground because of impervious (water). The suspension is governed by the upward
land surfaces or a soil infiltration rate lower than rainfall components of turbulence, currents, or colloidal
intensity, but instead flows onto adjacent land or suspension. Suspended sediment usually consists of
waterbodies or is routed into a drain or sewer system. particles <0.1 mm, although size may vary according to
current hydrological conditions. Particles between 0.1
Stratification (of waterbody). Formation of water mm and 1 mm may move as suspended or be deposited
layers each with specific physical, chemical, and (bedload).
biological characteristics. As the density of water
decreases due to surface heating, a stable situation Technology-based limitations. Industry-specified
develops with lighter water overlaying heavier and effluent limitations applied to a discharge when it will
denser water. not cause a violation of water quality standards at low
stream flows. Usually applied to discharges into large
Streamflow. Discharge that occurs in a natural channel. rivers.
Although the term “discharge” can be applied to the
flow of a canal, the word "streamflow" uniquely Technology-based standards. Effluent limitations
describes the discharge in a surface stream course. The applicable to direct and indirect sources that are
term streamflow is more general than "runoff" as developed on a category-by-category basis using
streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not statutory factors, not including water quality effects.
it is affected by diversion or regulation.
Temperature coefficient. Rate of increase in an
Stream restoration. Various techniques used to activity or process over a 10 degree Celsius increase in
replicate the hydrological, morphological, and temperature. Also referred to as the Q10.
ecological features that have been lost in a stream due to
urbanization, farming, or other disturbance. Tertiary treatment. Advanced cleaning of wastewater
that goes beyond the secondary or biological stage,
Stressor. Any physical, chemical, or biological entity removing nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and
that can induce an adverse response. most biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended
Substrate. Refers to bottom sediment material in a
natural water system. Thalweg. Deepest part of a stream channel.
Surface area. The area of the surface of a waterbody; Three-dimensional model (3-D). Mathematical model
best measured by planimetry or the use of a geographic defined along three spatial coordinates where the water
information system. quality constituents are considered to vary over all three
spatial coordinates of length, width, and depth.
Surface runoff. Precipitation, snowmelt, or irrigation
water in excess of what can infiltrate the soil surface and Topography. The physical features of a geographic
be stored in small surface depressions; a major surface area including relative elevations and the
transporter of nonpoint source pollutants. positions of natural and man-made features.
Surface water. All water naturally open to the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). The sum of the
atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, individual wasteload allocations (WLAs) for point
impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc.) and all springs, sources, load allocations (LAs) for nonpoint sources and
wells, or other collectors directly influenced by surface natural background, plus a margin of safety (MOS).
water. TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time,
toxicity, or other appropriate measures that relate to a
state’s water quality standard.
Transit time. In nutrient cycles, the average time that a Unstratified. Indicates a vertically uniform or
substance remains in a particular form; ratio of biomass well-mixed condition in a waterbody. See also stratified.
to productivity.
Use Attainability Analysis (UAA). A structured
Transport of pollutants (in water). Transport of scientific assessment of the factors affecting the
pollutants in water involves two main processes: (1) attainment of the use which may include physical,
advection, resulting from the flow of water, and (2) chemical, and economic factors as described in section
diffusion, or transport due to turbulence in the water. 131.10(g). (40 CFR 131.3)
Tributary. A lower order stream compared to a Validation (of a model). Process of determining how
receiving waterbody. "Tributary to" indicates the largest well the mathematical model’s computer representation
stream into which the reported stream or tributary flows. describes the actual behavior of the physical process
under investigation.
Turbidity. A measure of opacity of a substance; the
degree to which light is scattered or absorbed by a fluid. Verification (of a model). Testing the accuracy and
predictive capabilities of the calibrated model on a data
Turbulent flow. A flow characterized by agitated and set independent of the data set used for calibration.
irregular, random-velocity fluctuations.
Virus. Submicroscopic pathogen consisting of a nucleic
Turbulence. A type of flow in which any particle may acid core surrounded by a protein coat. Requires a host
move in any direction with respect to any other particle in which to replicate (reproduce).
and not in a smooth or fixed path. Turbulent water is
agitated by cross current and eddies. Turbulent velocity Volatilization. Process by which chemical compounds
is that velocity above which turbulent flow will always are vaporized (evaporated) at given temperature and
exist and below which the flow may be either turbulent pressure conditions by gas transfer reactions. Volatile
or laminar. compounds have a tendency to partition into the gas
Two-dimensional model (2-D). A mathematical model
defined along two spatial coordinates where the water Wasteload allocation (WLA). The portion of a
quality constituents are considered averaged over the receiving water*s loading capacity that is allocated to
third remaining spatial coordinate. Examples of 2-D one of its existing or future point sources of pollution.
models include descriptions of the variability of water WLAs constitute a type of water quality-based effluent
quality properties along: (a) the length and width of a limitation (40 CFR 130.2(h)).
river that incorporates vertical averaging of depth, or (b)
length and depth of a river that incorporates lateral Wastewater. Usually refers to effluent from a sewage
averaging across the width of the waterbody. treatment plant. See also domestic wastewater.
Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (UBOD or Wastewater treatment. Chemical, biological, and
BODU). Long-term oxygen demand required to mechanical procedures applied to an industrial or
completely stabilize organic carbon in wastewater or municipal discharge or to any other sources of
natural waters. contaminated water in order to remove, reduce, or
neutralize contaminants.
Uncertainty factors. Factors used in the adjustment of
toxicity data to account for unknown variations. Where Water quality. The biological, chemical, and physical
toxicity is measured on only one test species, other conditions of a waterbody. It is a measure of a
species may exhibit more sensitivity to that effluent. An waterbody’s ability to support beneficial uses.
uncertainty factor would adjust measured toxicity
upward and downward to cover the sensitivity range of Water quality-based effluent limitations. Effluent
other, potentially more or less sensitive species. limitations applied to dischargers when mere
technology-based limitations would cause violations of may receive compensation. The total pollution
water quality standards. Usually WQBELs are applied reduction, however, must be the same or greater than
to discharges into small streams. what would be achieved if no trade occurred.
Water quality-based permit. A permit with an Watershed protection approach (WPA). The
effluent limit more stringent than one based on USEPA*s comprehensive approach to managing water
technology performance. Such limits may be necessary resource areas, such as river basins, watersheds, and
to protect the designated use of receiving waters (e.g., aquifers. WPA has four major features—targeting
recreation, irrigation, industry or water supply). priority problems, stakeholder involvement, integrated
solutions, and measuring success.
Water quality criteria. Levels of water quality
expected to render a body of water suitable for its Watershed-scale approach. A consideration of the
designated use, composed of numeric and narrative entire watershed, including the land mass that drains
criteria. Numeric criteria are scientifically derived into the aquatic ecosystem.
ambient concentrations developed by EPA or states for
various pollutants of concern to protect human health Watershed. A drainage area or basin in which all land
and aquatic life. Narrative criteria are statements that and water areas drain or flow toward a central collector
describe the desired water quality goal. Criteria are such as a stream, river, or lake at a lower elevation.
based on specific levels of pollutants that would make
the water harmful if used for drinking, swimming, Wetland. An area that is saturated by surface water or
farming, fish production, or industrial processes. ground water with vegetation adapted for life under
those soil conditions, as in swamps, bogs, fens, marshes,
Water quality-limited segments. Those water and estuaries.
segments which do not or are not expected to meet
applicable water quality standards even after the
application of technology-based effluent limitations
required by sections 301(b) and 306 of the Clean Water
Act (40 CFR 130.29(j)). Technology-based controls
include, but are not limited to, best practicable control
technology currently available (BPT) and secondary